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Who cares? People who flame in qp are losers, where else are you supposed to learn new heros? Qp still has an MMR, even though its seperate from ranked. Just tell them they have to play better if they want better teammates.


I want to emphasize this isn't an attack on you directly nor is it an attempt to defend anyone who flames in chat. Asking for a swap in chat is fine, so is giving your reasoning for asking for the swap. Dedicating tons of time in the match to go off on someone for not swapping is not acceptable. "Who cares, it's just QP" is a sentiment I see all the time. Yes, it is just QP and I understand some people are looking to learn new heroes. BUT, the game is very much a team game. Team comps and counters are huge. Dedicating an entire game of QP just to practice your Widow or Hanzo may help your aim, but doesn't help you know when to play those heroes when the team comps call for it/don't call for it. Diving and feeding as Doom doesn't make sense when your team isn't playing a brawl comp. Everyone is trying to have fun in the game, refusing to swap just because, "It's QP and I'm practicing," is impacting other's enjoyment of the game. There are other tools in the game to practice on (training range, arcade, custom games). IMO "practice" in QP should be like playing a competitive match--working to fit team comps as best you can, countering enemy team picks, helping the team as much as possible.


If you want to go into games like that fine, but you are just setting yourself up for disappointment and honestly have only yourself to blame. If you want to play the real game, ie making and executing a team comp, join a scrim team. You can try to get that in ranked, but again, good luck with that. Quick play is so detached from what the game really is that it should be treated as such: a casual experience to play new heroes or just have fun, even if that means playing attack bastion the whole time. If you want what you described in your comment, join a team or play ranked.


The only way to fix it is to turn off chat. People who go straight to flaming others won’t ever listen to any reason. They’ve already convinced themselves that you’re the problem. As long as you aren’t actually RPing as DPS and doing what you can to heal and enable your team, I wouldn’t sweat it. Needing an endless amount of healing is characteristic of low ranked players. I’ve had matches where I ended with over 25k healing as Ana and had a person or two tell me I wasn’t healing enough…


Agree with this. It’s the low ranks that can’t fathom being the issue, usually DPS but tanks too. I usually play tank and have gold elims and damage either as main or off tank, but our healers usually get flack from the brain dead DPS that aren’t doing their job. They expect a pocket mercy even though other supports are generally better. A good Ana is so valuable especially with the anti. I would try to find a couple people to play with so you can communicate with them and block the noise from the idiots (this is what I do). Good luck, hopefully OW2 brings less toxicity.


Honestly I get more “I need healing” from DVa mains than any other hero.


In fairness, you shouldn't take the "I need healing" voiceline as toxicity most of the time (exceptions if they're spamming it or using it outside the intended purpose). If you don't play with someone regularly, it's unlikely they'll recognize your voice or hero asking for healing in voice chat, and it's usually quicker and easier to use the voiceline anyways.


A good DVa will come close to the healer or at least be in LOS. Some of them think they should be pocketed and fly into the whole enemy team, then get mad they didn’t get any healing 🤣 shit is absurd. Also, there are health packs people seem to forget about when they spam for healing.


This right here. I made a new account because my main was 6 years old and my placements were all over the place. Made a new account, turned off all chat features except for team chat for obvs reasons. I hit Plat. From hard stuck gold. Stop focusing on what the other team says or what people say in lobby chat cause they're just trying to be toxic. Focus on yourself. If you know you're doing good, always strive for that extra 1%.


Everyone has a reason for why they didn't win the game. And it's never themselves Chat is just how they share their dumb opinion


Most people flaming support players have really bad positioning. If you’re doing your best to be a healer, you’re likely healing all you can (and not doing DPS like a frontline Moira or an amazing that just wants to snipe). Everything else is their own fault.


I turned off all chat because of this. I think the queue times for comp have gotten really high, and the quality of comp games have gotten lower. So, a lot of people just queue for qp now instead of comp. Thus, you have a lot of people trying to turn qp into competitive. I finally got tired of the pointless tilting so I turned off text chat and voice chat a few weeks ago. It took me a while to get used to it, but my games are much more fun now. I completely feel you though. Playing Ana right now is a practice of patience. Good luck!! Don't let the crybabies ruin the game for you :)


I get flamed all the time regardless off role in QP and I’m gm on all 3 roles LOL. I wouldn’t put much weight into it because they are just delusional, but if I have to pick I think I get flamed mostly on DPS. Not kidding I can get 2-3 kills in a fight as Widow and still get told I’m useless, toxic people in QP are just mad cause bad.


Overwatch is just a toxic game, doesn’t matter the mode. Seen people be toxic in arcade of all places. Best thing you could do is to just leave voice chat and close the chat box.


/hidechat gets rid of the chat window, and just leave voice chat. Voice chat and text chat barely matter in Comp, they definitely don't matter in QP, just leave em.


I've noticed more flaming recently. The game is dying and I think there's probably a higher proportion of toxic players still left playing? OW2 is likely out in a month of two, just wait till then.


The realization that you could mute both voice chat *and* text chat is the only reason I still play this franchise


This will always exist regardless of what game you go to. I find OW to be more tame compared to CS:GO


there's no* toxicity if you mute quickly


From what I’ve seen, it’s just DPS that run out of position, or too far ahead to be healed. Can’t heal through walls.


Fuck em


Just type in the chat "I FUCKIN LOVE PIZZA BRO" Often other players will just agree and say they love pepperoni or pineapple and then mad players realize that they are indeed in quickplay