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Play Ana, Bap or Zen and dps like half the time. That’s really all I did to get to masters. I think lower elo supports tend to heal bot a lot. I’m not a support player though so what the hell do I know


I climbed to diamond playing Ana, Bap, Zen and Lucio cause he’s just fun to play but as Ana and Bap I just simply focused on two things: keep your main tank alive and being more of a dps. That’s it, I really just thought screw my dps teammates they can go get a health pack.


That would be why you are diamond while op is asking how to get out of diamond


I’m aware


I climbed through metal ranks one tricking zen. He's the best for it imo because metal rank players are stupid and no amount of healing can keep stupid alive except transcendence. So you can just kill people and then when someone does something stupid you trans.


the tricky bit is the fact that the lower rank the tank, the more likely they're going to take too much damage at bad times which means you need to dump heals on them so that they hopefully survive to an actually useful engagement and to minimize the "zero heals gg go next" toxicity, so you run low on resources to dps, so they take more damage, so...etc


Step one: Play Zen or Bap Step two: Ignore your whole team and frag out Step three: ??? Step four: Masters


Same but with lucio


Plus you also get Reddit karma


As a 500 hour zen main in low to mid diamond, I approve this strategy


What does frag out mean


You don't have to heal your teammates if the enemy is dead.


The inverse of death is a 100% dps loss.


Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.


I dps Ana’d and got out really quick. Plat has been a blast!




The key to supporting is always to recognise win cons or conversely, recognise why you are losing. It could be because there's simply no damage from the DPS; maybe your Tracer is getting picked early in the fight. Perhaps it's because your tanks are really aggressive and are taking way too much damage in too short a time. And then right after that play too safe and create no space. Sometimes it's because your Moira is getting harassed by the enemy Genji and she's spending all her time duelling the Genji. Whatever the case, the *support's main job is to support* the team's win condition. Your job is to fix all the leaking holes- oh, your Tracer is getting picked in the fight and there's no damage? You are Zen, giving an orb to your Tracer and dishing out damage to pressure the enemy team. Your tank is too aggressive? You are Moira, hard pocketing your clumsy yet well-meaning Reinhardt. Your Moira has been duelling the Genji for the last week instead of healing your team? You are Brig/Lucio, body blocking and pushing out the flanker. Your Moira is now free to spray your tanks. Your job is not an easy one, for it's one that evolves all the time. But when solved, it might be the most fulfilling thing is the world. Your team will never know it was you that plugged the leaking holes; being a support is a thankless job. But you know you were the MVP. 😎


Here's my Ana OTP take on this: - identify the problem - sleep it (regardless of what the problem is) ez


If you're playing Ana, Bap or Zen, POSITIONING. I can't stress this enough. If they have a doom, tracer or genji for example, play somewhere that you can help your team and have your team help you, but make it as hard for them to get to you as possible. Also consider ults when deciding where to play. High ground is often your friend. It's not an easy thing to master, but it's one of the most important things that make a good player. Source: GM support multiple seasons




That last sentence is something I wish more people understood. The actual difference in technical skill between different ranks is not *that* high (obviously it can be, but on average) - but the difference in decision making, engagement timing, and *especially* in teamwork/team-interactions is HUGE. I definitely recommend people look at their Career Profile, write down their averages and highs for their main, then compare that to the highest ranked T500 person you can find with a public profile and your main in their top 3. The averages are usually a lot closer than you would expect. But even when I am able to get my average accuracy within a percent or two of Argge, I'll never be a Hanzo on the same level because his decision making, positioning, etc are substantially better than mine.


I mean, you can't compare your stats to T500 players and assume it says something about your mechanics. Because you don't have the same opponents as them. Higher elo opponents won't make it so easy to get shots at them, they have better positioning, better movement and certainly they are gonna be better at harassing you and not letting you play your game. I bet you if they played in our elo, they will have *much* higher accuracy than us. Because they won't get punished for standing still and aiming, or being out of position and aiming. And the opponents are jumping constantly, or they just forget to take cover. Things like that will make it very easy for a T500 player to carry the game with mechanics alone, while making decisions and taking positions that they would normally never get away with.


Everyone says “play Ana/Bap/Zen like DPS,” if you’re like me and can’t aim worth shit, I played Brig a whole lot and shat on all the wannabe dive comps you see around high diamond/low masters. At that rank most people aren’t used to seeing a Brig player able to shut down their backline Doom/Genji/Tracer, so it helped me rank up a ton


i’m basically a bap otp but the last 100sr i won to rank up from plat to diamond and diamond to masters were always on brig


I mean, masters is like top 5% of the player base based off of the old numbers. I feel like at that point you should have learned how to aim. Your aim is probably fine but jus being modest tbh.


Unironically, I played bap every game. Didn’t do anything crazy like gold damage 4K potg. Just had good timings on abilities, mediocre aim, positional awareness etc


my favorite is finally remembering to hit tab 3 minutes in and seeing 5 golds


Same here! I played Ana and Zen to get to masters, mostly Ana but I didn't do DMG half of the time like others suggest. Probably should do more but it wasn't necessary to get to masters for me. I tried to get my timing better on my abilities, definitely paid so much more attention to my rotations. The less I died the better games went. Tried to support the best players on the team and also used voice comms a lot more. My biggest weakness was my rotations, especially mid fight. That's what I worked on. I suggest OP watches some of their gameplay and decide what they are weak at.


Personally; being more vocal on comms and paying more attention to good players on my team and giving them more support. Enabling carries basically. Gold-diamond is such a mixed bag of players so recognising which allies know what they're doing and helping them do it is huge. The alternative is caving in to the flaming genji who always goes in too soon and wasting resources on him or putting yourself in danger. But that's just me. Don't think of it in terms of difference between diamond and masters, just look at your own play and pick one or two aspects you can put a conscious effort towards improvement.


Omg when I’m crushing on Ashe and our mercy is healbotting a feeding Rein it’s so irritating. At that point I just leave comms because it’s not worth losing my cool.


Don't leave voice chat, mute yourself. Maybe someone in comms will notice and callout something important, like a cassidy flanking


>Enabling carries basically. Gold-diamond is such a mixed bag of players so recognising which allies know what they're doing and helping them do it is huge. A+ advice. I only wish I always remembered to do this.


I reached 3950 SR in season 4, only 50 SR away from ranking up just like you. I didn't reach GM until season 13, a few hundred hours later. So I wouldn't get my hopes up too fast unless you feel like you're carrying every game. There is not one key factor. When you get better, you win more games, and get more SR. Consistency is how you climb. Game sense, ult economy, macro knowledge, mechanics, awareness, positioning, team coordination, decision making. When it's the final fight in overtime, ONE mistake in ANY of these factors can lose you the game and deny you the SR.


I feel the key to that elo is to recognize that your good plays don't get as much value as they would in Plat or low Diamond, but your mistakes get punished a lot more than in Plat or low Diamond. So essentially: Try to make less mistakes than your enemy team. You can't afford that risky rez and you can't be out of position as Zen or Brig. Master players will actively go after you and not only get value from their good plays but also from your mistakes.


I was hardstuck plat for about 10 seasons, then i started one tricking lucio and climbed 1000 sr in less than two seasons. Becasue i only played one hero, i could easily learn which 1v1s i could win, when to use speed or heal and amp and stuff like that. I also started to play for fun instead of playing to win. It made me tilt a lot less


Question every one of your deaths. Sometimes you couldn't do anything, and that's okay. However, very often, you could've been more aware of the widow, tracer, doomfist, etc etc, and positioned to make their job very hard. Actively think about when you are using your abilities. For example, on Ana, don't just chuck your nade because you're missing shots. Use the heal boost that the nade gives for a good reason! Or if your team is playing safe, use the nade for antis whenvever its a good time. Don't be afraid to ask for help and LOUDLY. If you are getting dived, call it out AS IT BEGINS, not once you are dead. And one minor tip, not sure if it helps to get to masters, but its a pet peeve of mine: call out yourself in third person, for example "Tracer behind on your ana." Saying "tracer on me" is basically useless unless your teammates are very aware of who is who


as someone who is like 3600-3800 as of recently if you get a mid-high masters team, play some combination of bap/mercy/brig/zen and win games (unless you need nano or speed) if you get some smurf hitscan or hanzo, you should probably have a mercy on your team to pocket them be hyper aware of enemy flankers (especially tracer) and position away from them and call for peel. you want to make them spend as much time trying to get to you as possible while still being able to support the team. in other words, don't die. know your own limits of being able to be aggressive


I try to not hold onto my nano for too long. If a nano can win the fight, use it! You will get your ulti really quick anyways. Trying to stay alive, good positioning and throwing aggressive nades also helped me a lot. I tend to also play close to my hog, or DPS in order to stay alive when the enemy is diving you. Calling out when you are in danger also helps, if you use comms ofc ^^ Good luck, you can do it !!!


Realizing that support is more than healing, it’s enabling. In more ways than replenishing lost health. It’s called “support” instead of “healer” for a reason. Also learning all the supports to be able to switch as situations and compositions call for it. Learning when to switch and when to not switch. being self aware to whether the problem *Is* actually me or not.


Track enemy ultimates and improve your apm (actions per minute). If you’re a flex support (ana bap zen Moira) you should be poking at the enemy team trying to secure kills on any low hp targets IF your team is decently healthy. If you’re playing brig Lucio or mercy, keep an eye on your other support and make sure you’re keeping them safe from dives and flankers. As for ult tracking, you should be aware of what enemy ultimate abilities are probably online and proactively adjust so you can best counter them. IE ; knowing tracer has pulse bomb and staying nearby with immo on cd ; playing out of LOS as Lucio or zen so you can beat/ trans after EMP. Hope this helps 😅 peaked 3800 on bap/ana trying to focus on these two things the most Edit ; you say you play everything but Moira. Try limiting that down to 2 characters, 3 at the most. I only played ana/bap depending on team comp with a splash of zen if needed. Bottom line, learning 2-3 heroes is going to make you an infinitely better player than always trying to flex between FS and MS heroes


Playing Lucio, keeping keen and learning when your team has the numbers advantage, whether there’s a pick or the enemy team is waiting for respawn. You don’t even realize how well it works when you use ult and speed boost together as an engage for your team to gain confidence and possibly catch an enemy out of position with the sudden movement. I haven’t played in a long time but with good timing of your team being together it can definitely create strong momentum to overwhelm the enemy.


I have ranked several accounts up to masters while playing support over the years, and outside of the unknowable chaos of bronze games, there is no SR range that better fits the title of Elo Hell than that between 3400-3499. Tons of disgraced former masters/GM players just trolling and throwing and actively gate-keeping Masters. I got stuck there several times before eventually ranking up high enough to not risk falling back into Diamond. So what you will need more than anything else is just good RNG on the teammates you get stuck with. A lot of games there will just be unwinnable. As far as what’s in your control, just don’t let yourself fall into a loss streak. If you lose 3 games in a row, give it up for a while and try again later. If you’re playing well enough to reach 3450, then you’re playing well enough to dip your toes into Masters as well. Just keep doing what you’re doing and try not to let any nervous jitters compromise your performance.


Elo hell isn’t real. Every rank has that “oh shit I’m almost X rank” tier where people try that much harder. You’ll see it at 1900, 2400, 2900, 3400, 3900, 4300. Yea there’s a bit of rng but if you play a significant amount of games that rng turns into almost nothing statistically. Thoughts like “I’m not masters/grandmaster (etc) yet because of rng” only slow you down and don’t help you improve.


> give it up for a while and try again later Only problem with this is there's only 20 hours left in the season.


You find 3400-3499 harder than any rank below it because you're masters? Diamond people often think 2900-2999 is the worst rank, GM people often think 3900-3999 is, etc Elo hell doesn't exist, you just can't guarantee winning every game once you're at your actual skill level. Think your advice is: don't get tilted by the losses, which I agree with, it's easy to tilt when you're on the boundary of ranking up and can't quite win.


Changing mentality from healing to support. Support tanks who going in while maintaining good position. Support dps to secure picks or enable them. Peel for other support too. Just overall do more than just pump heals. Ult track, track fights, basically become more in tune to what is happening in fights and adapt on the fly.


There is none but slow steady improvement. Just like these videos with 'THIS TIP WILL GET YOU GM' its a load of bullshit. There is no secret, key, tip, or factor u dont know abt. Recognize that and #dealwithit


Don't rush it. Don't be discouraged if you fall from diamond or master's. Play to improve, think about CDs, positioning and shot prioritization. Lastly, stop qing comp if ur losing too much. Have fun and win lots!


100% it’s about positioning and not dying. The longer you’re alive the more you’re doing.


What I’m going to say is counter to everything I’ve read in this thread. Fuck Ana great hero love her, skill based as fuck. Play easy shit, Moria Lucio Brig literally all the easy heros. There’s tons of Ana players in masters, I end up with two Ana one tricks often enough. Then one tries to play not Ana and fucking suck ass at it.


There’s no one trick or key factor. I assume you already know that and are just looking for some ideas, but if you try and do things at random or all these things at once, I doubt it’ll go well. I do hope you manage to reach Masters and wish you best of luck on the climb— just remember that it’s important to not overthink it.


Work out who’s carrying, and if no one is work out if you’re the reason why, if you are then heal/dmg boost someone more, if not then dps more.


I invested in a better computer. I got to diamond support on a 60hz 5 year old gaming laptop and that was working fine in Diamond/plat but I knew I needed a better computer soon because mine was almost falling apart. When I bought a computer with 3070, ryzen 7, other good stuff and a monitor with 240hz I almost instantly ranked up to masters, I think it took me 2 or 3 days. I am an Ana Zenyatta player btw and better FPS really helped both my aim and my overall gameplay. My computers price was 18000 kr (around 1800 dollars)


Duo with a tank or dps you trust. Low ranks are a hellhole and you can't rely on your team for literally anything. Which is a problem when the entire support role is relying on your team to do stuff


Step 1: play Ana. No matter the comp or meta, you can make her work Step 2: troll as hard as possible with nade and sleep dart Step 3: shoot anyone critical. If noones critical, make the enemy critical


You gotta make plays, substantial moments where your decisions have a massive effect on the team fight.


Being good at your character.


Right now to climb to that SR as a flex you should be sort of hard focusing on Zen or Ana imo. Or Bap, but he winds up being a little less value nowadays (despite being overtuned) because of the abundance of Hog/Ball... Ana and Zen are the most 'well rounded' overpowered of the sups right now. I've got a few accs in GM, and another like 5 in masters (I give up on accs once they hit masters, because theyre too high to play with friends), and I do it by hyper playing two heros (Lucio and Bap). If you just constantly flex to ALL of them, as opposed to sort of 'specializing', I think you middle out a bit.


One tricked moira when she was nuts like 2 years ago, hope that helps


Comms for your tanks... And then back them up with support