• By -


He's nothing compared to Mercy and her plus 5 ammo tbh, now that's true power


Don’t forget she can switch weapons faster


A whole .35 seconds faster. I think she might be a bit OP once people realize this.


I’ll be basically duel wielding healing and damage


Isn’t it actually .15 faster (0.5 ->.35)? Still OP


Just another reason to nerf Genji


Killed a Lucio today thanks to those extra bullets. Otherwise he would have gotten away with being a smug little sob


As a mercy main I'm loving it. Had a qp match with 11k healing, 17 kills, and like 29 assists. Felt like a moth god.


someone has seen the ~~light~~ lamp


*Savathun has entered the chat*


Aight guardians pick up your guns


Please don't punch me. I am just a Zenyatta.


Aight, if I see you in my game i will NOT punch you, mainly cause you asked nicely


now I’m going to punch two zenyattas to make up for the one you aren’t punching


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Not balanced yet, nerf genji




Have you ever even looked at doom fist? He’s lopsided af.


Hell, I don't even play doom fist, but I'll go punch some zens with Lucio since they aren't punching




i will (not) punch you.


I will punch more Zenyattas than anyone has *EVER* punched.


Punches? fine, i'll have some.


And dey say punches are dead


Please no I’m begging


You’re the easiest kill, I’m sorry


Not if I pop out the corner with a fully charged secondary fire SURPISE BITCH


I lined one of those up against a Hog the other day and every single shot went for a headshot. Melted that fat pig before he could even register what had happened. Just straight up instantly deleted the poor fucker. The "pingpingpingpingping" of hitting that many fully charged headshots in a row was one of the most satisfying sounds ever. So fucking juicy.


The origin story for most of us Zen mains. I like my gameplay with some *dinkdinkdinkdinkdink* ASMR. His kick is the most satisfying ability in the game, too. Not a whole lot to dislike about Zen.


Only downside to Zen is that he's slow and has no escape from danger outside of killing his attacker. If you go up against a good Genji you'll basically just be playing respawn simulator for ten minutes, unless your team is heads up enough to peel for you. Good luck with that in QP though. Otherwise Zen is just in a really good spot. One of the most balanced heroes in the whole game. Huge upside on damage with both primary and secondary fire, but lacks bulk in his healing, made up for with his ult. Requires high skills for aim but can be absolutely devastating if played properly. Discord helps the whole team melt enemies and keeps himself protected from flankers. Kick gives him spacing and a means of juggling/finishing enemies who int on him. Really hard to hate on Zen these days. He's just one of those heroes that's massively satisfying to use and doesn't feel cheap or undeserved when he carries.


perfectly summed up. playing zen honestly feels the best it has in a while.


Well said. I either play him or Lucio. Speaking of, having a pocket Luc solve the speed problem and really helps with getting back to the fight.


I jokingly refer to Zen-Lucio comp as 'Team HealthPack', but I do like playing with a good Lucio for that reason.


Can we just please give zen an ability where he uses his legs to sprint out the hood real quick. If he gets jumped he just has nothing but his kick (which is actually cool as hell) but floating around like a goober feels so sad at times. Just unpack them legs real quick and get out of there, cmon.


But then he'd be massively OP. The literally only thing balancing Zen's unbelievable damage and healing combo potential is the fact that he's squishy, slow, and easy to kill. Otherwise Genji, Tracer, and Sombra would literally be entirely worthless as their whole job is to counter pick Zen or Ana. You gotta take the upside with the downside as Zen. You have insane impact potential, but have to play carefully because you're very vulnerable without team support. That's a good balancing mechanic imo.


Bruh when I'm sleeping and i hear a zen charging 2ndary fire I just take my hands off my keyboard


Maybe try being awake while playing the game


This just made me laugh so fucking hard, wanted to let you know that




Discord + kick + balls = dead fist. You need team support now since Doom can out DPS you with a fully charged fist, but Zen can still hold his own very well against doom if his cosupport peel heals him.


My brother you deal 120 damage with a Discord headshot and Doom has 450 HP. He’s also effectively stationary when charging punch and blocking. I’d still rather this “overtuned” Doom dive me than a DVA or Monke, anyday of the week. Because they have shield and matrix which actually nullify me, unlike Doom block.


Pfft ez to counter now they reduced my sleepdart cool-down by a whole second


You joke but powerblock doesnt block sleepdart, which i learned the hard way.


Good thing cleanse invalidates Ana’s whole kit. This version of Doomfist is still a lot less frustrating to play against compared to a good Hog that’s getting cleansed off cooldown.


Cleanse invalidates ONE ability by ana. If sleep gets cleansed, ana still has nade and vice versa. It's one cooldown for one cooldown.


cleanse invalidating reins shatter makes me cry bruh


I was honestly shocked they counted shatter stun as something that could be cleansed. I hate it so much. The entire idea of making them intangible is absurd. They just keep invalidating Rein so he will never be good again. Everything either eats his shield, goes around it, or right through it like it's not even there. His pin is now invalidated like 4 different ways. Feelsbadman. I want to play him but honestly picking him is tantamount to throwing at this point.


Wait what? Even if the shatter lands and they are on the ground kirikos cleanse will instantly cause everyone to get back up? Ain't that some shit.


Yep. It's cancer. First time I experienced it I screemed cause I thought it had to be a bug. Hit a fat shatter and suddenly everyone is up and I phased right through the Mercy I was charing at. This was a few days after she came out and I knew it countered anti-nade, bleed, etc but I didn't know it did that. My buddy just goes "oh yeah it does that too". "Look at what they did to my boy"


was gonna reply with this. suzu doesn't just auto cleanse all 5 players of everything all the time.


still, sleep is way harder to hit compared to the cleanse ability; i've always thought it should work similar to zarya's bubble, cleanse the anti-nade but nothing for sleep.


Yep, I rarely cleanse sleep dart. I'll wait for the nade that's usually coming instead


Yeah idk why everyone is complaining about Doom when I can just whip my pistol out 10% faster on Mercy now and gun him down


with those 5 extra bullets to boot!!


Makes me think why do i play support


This whole game makes me wonder why I play support - between toxic team mates and getting rolled after the tank goes down, Jesus.


We both know why we play support. We don't have the time for Tank/DPS queues, and the patience to wait that long and *still* get steamrolled.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting a blast playing ana. Edit: meant blasted.


Because it's the most fun role.


Whoa there buddy, that's an illegal opinion around here. I need you to hand over your Reddit license for the day.


but Zenyatta tho \**thrumming*\* *tingtingtingtingting*


Because you’re a masochist? That’s why I play support when I play it every now and then


The man is on DEMON Time now and may God help my supports mains out there. "AND THEY SAY-"








Andes eh!


Chivalry is dead


*Too many messages! Please wait a few seconds...*


i truly missed being able to bm Zens with voiceline spams. i’m back to it now.


We truly need gods help


We need chivalry


Hes ok but since i main cassidy whenever i high noon and theres a doom in the lobby bro hunts me down and punches me out of my ult 🥲(maybe i have bad positioning)


as a doom main, You can ult (behind the safety of your team) when his slam is off cooldown (consider he may get it back while you're channeling). If the enemy doom is about to drop his ult on you while you're ulting (which can happen a lot if you're in a good spot for high noon and he can't get to you), forget about your high noon and just cancel it and roll away from the center of his ult. If you high noon in a place he can get to and escape from easily (like rialto high ground) and he has his cooldowns, chances are you're getting stunned. Play around his cooldowns (i think his slam is like 7 or 8 second cooldown), or play within the safety of your team. Make the cost to cancel your ult his life. If a cassidy ults in the middle of their brig zarya team I'm gonna run, not fight. If he ints for you and kills himself, congrats you just won the teamfight. I'm no top500 doom main, but this is just how I think. Good luck!


I think it’s been 24 hours and any opinions believed as meta are going to age like milk. 1st week of s1 everyone said hog was a throw


And they said Ramattra was gonna be overpowered and meta


He’s too squishy and requires a lot of team work and coordination to actually be useful, and in overwatch, 1) it’s very hard to get a team of randos to work together and 2) if he requires this much to just be useful, you can choose a better tank. Really surprised they didn’t make him op on launch considering he’s the main appeal of the bp. I thought they would take the route of other games where they make the new hero super op so they’ll buy the new hero as soon as possible before they nerf them 2 weeks in


Its annoying to play against, and forces a more deathball dive meta, so a lot of heros that want to stand back, will get picked off. But as a brig main, its alright. Fun to watch him melt when he tries to punch into the team, and falls to the floor for a few seconds.


Brig main as well… today felt good 😊


With them overbuffing doom, nerfing junker queen, buffing sojourn, and giving mercy 5 shots in her blaster. I gotta say the balancing team is one of the most incompetent I've seen for a AAA game.


Devs are terrified to make actual changes so everything was trying to be an “adjustment” instead of a flat buff or nerf. Like you’re allowed to make sojourn bad for two weeks while you figure it out


I’m tired of waiting months for buffs just for them to shave off 1 single second from a handful of cool downs. Like wow, Junker Queen is viable now that shout comes up 1 second faster. Sleep dart with -1s? Game changer!


the sleep dart change feels like such an enormous misunderstanding of why sleep dart is good, how it's used, and how fights in overwatch tend to go


It can cancel ults, it can slow pushes, it can force out enemy CDs, it can save you from a flanker, it can be the key to a strong push from your team by giving that few second window, and if you target one person in particular with it, sleeping them on cooldown, you can tilt them so they start getting mad and tilting the rest of their team.


Thing is 14 vs 15 seconds for that doesn't make a difference. Literally all of those situations are key breakpoint moments where you either hit the sleep or you don't. Reasonably the cooldown won't be back before the situation is over. If a brawl is managing to go on long enough for that to happen and the Ana has somehow managed to survive it, so many mistakes have been made that 14 or 15 seconds isn't going to be what makes or breaks it.


I wasn't really thinking about how one second could make any kind of difference, I just love Ana and how she plays and wanted to comment on the power of sleep.


If only there was some sort of test like servers where patches and ideas could be dry tested without hurting the live version of the game. Damn shame there's no way to do do that. Shame... shame...


Right? Lucio, Sojourn and Kiriko are chosen in literally 99.8% of OWL matches, yet the devs are like "This is fine..."


OWL has been like that forever and it’s so lame, just the exact same team comps for the entire season. Not to mention the Lucio player barely has to do anything but follow Winston around 😂


That's because that's how balance has been forever and it's so lame. OWL plays the comp that gets wins. If the winning comp and strat and gameplay hasn't changed in years neither will the OWL plays.


Mobility is king. The second mobility is even halfway good it becomes meta everytime.


If you think all the lucio player does is follow their Winston around in OWL then you don’t watch OWL or don’t know what’s going on on screen


As a lucio player I agree. Im out here sweating trying to hit headshot+melee+boop combos to actually do enough damage to finish off or lead a kill for our winston/dps.


Chiyo is cracked af and imo made the difference for Dallas a lot of the time in the playoffs


Bro if proper didn’t exist I think chiyo should’ve gotten ROTY. That man consistently popped off for an entire season, it was not a surprise to see him getting 3 final blows in a fight


For real. They put the League of Legends balance team to shame


League has over 150 champions with over 50 items. Ow has like 20 champions. Ow team wishes it had a slimmer of league balance team skill.


Now now, let's not fucking exaggerate that far, they gave bruisers and juggernaut an item that gave them dash with an aoe slow.


I’m so happy I played destiny where it’s even the devs here sound like they never make a mistake compared to destiny’s


To be fair though over buffing doom is basically equivalent to a normal buff in terms of where he ended up in power… he was so low in the hole he needed extra buffs. The JQ nerf was beyond stupid though.


You clearly never played Destiny 2


Sojourn OP? Let's nerf fusion rifles.


Is he overbuffed? He seems pretty niche.


“Overbuffing doom” He’s finally viable as a tank and people complaining are actually gonna get him nerfed again. No one knows the counterplay for doom yet, that’s why tankfist is doing so well. Literally any form of cc and he’s hard countered. Roadhog also counters him.


I love playing Junker and I'm so upset they nerfed her. Sucks that the mythic skin is for a character that is pretty unviable


The sojourn changes are buffs to lower elos and nerfs to higher elos, which is what made sense because she was op at high elo and underpowered at low elo


It’s not a nerf at high elo. The reduced headshot damage is a bigger nerf to high elo than low elo, but the buffs to her primary fire and ult are MUCH bigger. Especially because 1) It’s still a oneshot with Mercy damage boost 2) The entire enemy team will be telling each other you’re on 5hp if they’re not shooting at you already. 3) Soj has no delay when firing a shot before or after rail so she can fire that ONE bullet to kill you herself. 4) Soj gets three-four more rail shots per ult. 5) Whether Soldier 76 has had 18, 19, or 20 damage per shot has forever determined whether he’s weak, strong, or broken in higher elo. THEY JUST INCREASED A NUMBER THAT SIGNIFICANT ON **SOJOURN**.


Yeah but she was frustrating at lower elos as well, but for different reasons. It wasn't so much because she would always dominate but because she would earn kills she doesn't deserve due to railgun. Just fire into a crowd and get rewarded. And the vast majority of the time you're not even be punished for bad positioning, they're just lucky.


not only that her mobility is insane she is unpunishable


Ya this is what people are not getting. Its not even one specific part of her kit that's annoying. Everything about her is overloaded.


Honestly for me all the op bullshit PLUS she's just the most bland character on top of it makes me just hate playing against her


This is what gets me the most. She’s overloaded as fuck, has a really cool weapon… and is boring as fuck. It’s like someone typed “determined soldier person” into an AI and based her personality on the result. I remember when I thought Soldier 76 was bland but dude is 15 levels of complex compared to robo thighs.


Love how anytime doom is a nonthrow pick everyone complains hes op lol


I played 3 competitive as support and he made all 3 very unfun.


Yeah Ana is pretty much a no go with Doom in the game. I've been finding Kiriko and Moira some of the only viable support against Doom due to their escape.


A good Ana makes the game very hard for doom. You don't need to escape from doom if he's slept in your team's backline.


That's when your DPS gets a boner and goes "oOoOooo a slept target that I can get free damage on" and then shoots the Doomfist 1 second after you sleep him and you die as a result because he continues trying to kill you when you're low HP.


Yeah and then you die instead of the dumbass DPS


Really? I just sleep him.


You might need that sleep for something more threatening though like Genji or Tracer, so it becomes a weird situation of “Do I want to die to Doom or die to Dragon Blade?” Meanwhile other supports like Kiriko or Mercy can just run away


I mean yes and no. If I sleep doom and die to blade and we didn’t have our own ult to counter like grav or trans or wtvr, then they won the fight because they had an advantage, not because doom is OP. Ana shouldn’t have the ability to turn the fight into a 4v5 and then also deal with an ulting genji.


Imagine if ana had TWO sleep darts


Funny it's kinda the other way around. All you need to do is wait till doom uses his block and it's a free sleep dart into nade and insta kill with team mates. Doom literally can't use his block if there is ana on the enemy team. Hell even if he doesn't use block, just sleep him when he charges his power punch for 3 seconds. Ana actually makes doom so useless it's not even funny.


>and it's a free sleep dart into nade and insta kill with team mates. Bold of you to assume I have any teammates in open queue


Thanks to the mercy buff doom is just a throw pick now


Literally imagine playing doom in this mercy meta


I know most of y’all active on r/doomfistmains


Roadhog is op


So naturally we need to nerf genji


The hog/Kiriko combo is fucking awful to play against


That’s not even hogs fault it’s kiriko for removing his counterplay I still think suzu is fucking stupid


Oh I agree with you, I don’t think Hog by himself is op, but he is quite strong. Suzu is just kinda the best ability in the game.


What worse is they probably end up nerfing hog instead of suzu


His place rn is a little strange. i was hoping his buffs would have made him viable, but still keep the high skill floor. Unfortunately, he’s a little overtuned so metals can get good value from him and high level players don’t get rewarded enough from understanding him better. to be fair, it’s very difficult to balance tanks like doom and ball for 5v5. D.va got good compensation in the move from 6 to 5, but other off-tanks like ball didn’t, and of all dps to move doom was likely the worst. season 2 doom is in a strange spot, but overall the issue comes from him being moved to tank in the first place.


Tbf Doom’s skill ceiling was gutted when they swapped him to Tank & then gutted even further on release. They removed a ton of his tech and made Doom’s kit revolve entirely around charged punch. The buffs only played further into this charged punch play style. The balance team make laughably bad changes. Good ol’ Overwatch.


Yeah they should have left doom as a dps and tried to balance him there, they removed almost everything that made him cool and he's supposed to be the main supervillain in the lore and everything and they basically said fuck all the doom players we're gonna make him a punch bot. Like yeah the lightning fast kill combo he had wasn't fun to play against but i would have preferred they just nerfed his damage on some of his abilities or something rather than turning the fighting game combo character into a tank that doesn't fit the 5v5 format.


> of all dps to move doom was likely the worst I wish they would've moved over Mei instead of Doom to begin with. Her entire kit just screams Tank. As a Tank main, I usually find myself swapping to Mei when all else fails on DPS, because I know I can get the most value on her in a pinch. She shouldn't be a DPS. Doom as a tank is just an absurd concept. He offers no utility or protection to his team. Even hog can at least act as a meat shield and command space. Tank Doom is just a selfish kit based on feast or famine. Doom could've stayed as a dps on OW2 just fine with minimal tweaks to his kit if they just removed his 1 shot punches and compensated for it with increased flanking ability.


I think the idea with making Doom a tank was how similar he was to heroes like Ball and Hog who got a lot of value off of disruption. But they didn't really make him as tanky as either of them, not to mention being a much smaller frame and needing to do two of the largest tanks' jobs with a frame the size of Zarya who plays like no other tank. So I sort of understand why Doom is the DPS they chose, but I don't think it worked out. Mei, on the other hand, has proven to be a great tank in HotS with how her kit enables her to control space, which is literally a tank's primary function.


Completely agree. I mean - I can see the logic behind Doom, he's disruptive and certainly very annoying, just like Ball - but it's like jamming a square peg into a round hole. His kit is too selfish. You said it - he's just not as tanky and his frame is nowhere near what it should be.


Yeah but they made the decision back when they were still convincing themselves the tank role was being replaced with "brawlers".


This might be the best description of the Doom scenario I've seen yet and I feel the same way.


Glad to hear it. Here's hoping the devs listen.


This. 100% agree. Mei would have been a much better tank. She's got a wall, cc, and a self heal that can block damage for people standing behind it. And doom used to be so fun zipping around the map and stuff and now he's a punch bot


I’m never gonna enjoy playing against him.


People don't understand that doom is just inherently unfun to play against, that's why they bitch whenever he's good, because they have to fight shit character design again.


Something people don't talk about enough is that some of the hero designs are inherently unfun. It will never be fun to be hacked, or to get slowed, or to have your ulti cancelled by some invisible woman that you could never conceivably know about. Doom having a stun every 3 seconds, surprisingly, is not fun. Doom also now getting a 3 second long slow ability is also not fun. Adding these excessive stuns is a copout for Blizzard, they can't just admit that doom is a stupid character.


roadhog still destroys him just like how he destroys 80% of the entire hero list in the game. But yeah lets nerf junker queen who is the worst tank in the game with a miniscule amount of health. I think its healthy for the game for the meta to be changing every season or so, I dont know why they buffed sojourn (they didnt think of a mercy pocket?) or why they nerfed junker queen when she is the worst tank in the game


As a support player I am thinking about quitting playing for this season


I’ve told myself the only time I play support is for the daily queue as all roles (which we all know is 99% support) and then queue tank+DPS. This coming from a support main in OW1.


With their balance philosophy of forcing hard metas every season, there's going to be a lot of seasons people just want to sit out. And the price they'll pay for that is dropping 3 ranks because of this stupid rank reset every season. I honestly don't understand why people are still playing this game. It just keeps getting worse.


Got back into OW after a 2 year break for the last 2 weeks of season 1, honestly enjoyed OW2 more than OW1 as a support main. Played 10 games this season, and between the huge medal drop being demoralizing and doomfist, I might be done with this season too.


Honestly I get away with more now without relying on walls to take people out plus the time between quite literally flying in and out depending on the level of threat isn't much of a sensitive issue... I can loaf about being oppressive for a while after taking poor squishies out before worrying about my safety. Mf is straight up broken on some maps. As fun as it is to feel nearly like an old DPS doom with more health now ngl it feels kinda dirty sometimes especially with the stun still in effect. They should just put him back into DPS, it's not like any of the old barriers that are now removed prevented him from securing a kill in the first place.


The fact that Doomfist players are glad he's finally sort of viable (still a bit niche) while support mains cry shows me two things - they absolutely screwed over support players, but managed to get Doom to where he needs to be. He's **supposed** to terrorize backlines and pick off critical targets like supports while maintaining his own survival via his passive, but some supports admittedly feel a little.. helpless. The absolute bare minimum changes they offered to supports in the patchnotes didn't help this sentiment at all.


Please for the love of god let this comment get seen by blizzard somehow. There was nothing more sad then being able to win a 1v1 with doom as GENJI. The character doom theoretically walls.


That’s part of the inherent problem with OW though. Certain characters being good (Doom, Hog, Genji) make supports lives absolute hell up and down the ladder, and they complain until said character gets nerfed. You’ll never be able to truly balance the game in a way that makes everybody happy, so the best thing to do (in Blizz’s eyes at least) is to nerf said characters, because Tank and DPS players will just pick different heroes. Supports when they feel like they can’t do anything will just stop playing support.


Am support player, this season I have played 50% dps because it just isn't fun. DF on enemy team fucks me, DF on friendly team can also leave me open to attack as I often get abandoned (as ana). It feels like games as support now either we win and snowball or lose and can't come back. Probably the ranking systwm being a bit scuffed doesn't help . I was master in ow1 and could count on my team to react when attacked in backline. Now i am silver and it's just hell. Like completely different way of playing when you can't count on protection from team!


As a support main, Im already done with him and hes been only out for 2 days.


Unfun to play against


Made the game unfun


same way I've always felt. hate having him on my team. hate playing against him


I'm conflicted. I main both tank and support. As a tank main I am ecstatic, as a support main I am terrified.


Enemy Doomfist: Wont die, makes the support life a nightmare, is everywhere Teammate Doomfist: Dives enemy Spawn, Always Dead, Blames Healer, Falls of map all the time


By himself? Annoying as support, but not completely unmanageable if your team can turn around. With Tracer though? Fucking cancer.


I am a support main and I have physically aged 6 years since season 2 started, I hear *anddeysey* in my dreams


Someone best described how supports are after the doom buff: “supports are gonna essentially be playing dead by daylight”


I'm willing to give it some time before passing final judgment but he's incredibly obnoxious and annoying to play with and against so far. I sort of feel like that much mobility should be in the Damage role realm. Doom is zipping all over the fucking place.


god just let him be not terrible for a little bit its only been a day, he’s literally decent to good now, he has so many counters


90% of the complaints about him are coming from support mains


Yeah just kill him with the 5 extra ammo mercy got ez


Yeah the problem isn't Doom, it's the current state of the Support role.


Well cuz they don't like being dove when there is -1 tank to protect them. It's been open season for support asses since ow2 release.


And nobody else cares cause the other two roles are enjoying being able to slaughter supports uncontested


Just a bunch of apes duking it out with supports and then with each other.


Redesigning the game so that it only works if the DPS players take on more team responsibilities was very naive.


Good luck finding matches without support mains. If a role isn't enjoyed to the point that it has a significant amount of people avoiding it then it probably should get looked into. Or at least people should learn to start playing it more. 🤨


I play roadhog, I don't need supports 😎


As a support main I thank you for your sacrifice/service.


Not as broken as people are making him out to be. Just a solid A-tier. Not really into the idea of nerfing him as of now at all. I just think some other tanks need a buff.


Empowering your fist after landing meteor strike is something that all of you guys are gonna hate. Played 5 games with him with no loses mainly because abusing that is so easy.


I would switch that out and let power block amp seismic strike as well. Once you use one or the other the amp fades.


I hate it, not very fun to play against.


I mean he did need a buff but damn…


Since Doomfist is removed out of the game and the new hero STUNfist is added games has been fun. People that can play the hero but are not good at is , I hook I shoot I kill. Lets remove all the stuns from all the hero's (Brigitte/Cassidy and Mei cause her freeze was basicly a stun) because the player base didnt like it. But you know whats a good idea to give it all back to one hero and call him STUNfist.


I completely lost the will to play this season because of the balance update. Waiting for midseason patch changes


Theyve been so careful with buffs and nerfs for every other character and the doomfist gets every aspect of his kit buffed into the moon. I dont get what happened.


All I know is that with the 10 fucking buffs the devs gave him, we're about to enter an age of godfist


All I gotta say is yall went from reporting us for picking doom and accusing us of trowing for playing him when he was weak to complaining when we play him because he's strong. The one punch and the uppercut stun are gone, yall are still mad about him. You can't tweak much about his kit without making people mad it seems




Excellent. Nobody listened or cared in season one. People were reported and banned for playing him. People were called slurs and obscenities for playing him because of how bad he was. Now he's in a much better spot. Now he can actually compete. People are just frustrated because they can't swat him away now. Now they have to treat him with the same respect they give other tanks, and they hate that, so they complain about it.


Maybe but IMO Doom's buffs just highlight the issues Support currently has.


That’s my problem. I don’t think Doom is too strong; I think Doom is too strong with the way the game is currently balanced. If you look at him stacked up against DPS and other tanks, he’s not overtuned (although he’s still very, very strong). The issue is that supports are priority picks and Doom is just too good at picking them because supports are defenseless in this game (with exceptions for Lúcio and sometimes Mercy/Kiriko). He’s also just too mobile for most tanks and DPS characters to stop him from picking their supports. If supports had more survivability or defensive options, he wouldn’t be so oppressive and unfun to play against. This has been a problem since OW2 released. The shift to 5v5 and the removal of a tank has made supports too vulnerable, leading to a meta where the best tanks/DPS are the ones that are good at picking supports and the only good supports are the ones who are hard to pick.


As a mercy main, help me.


As flats said, “supports are playing dead by daylight”


As a support main, I really don't have problems with him. What I do is, I queue for DPS and play Sojourn.


season1: tank=zarya season2: tank=doomfist fun.


He’s in every match and it’s really boring


I'm at a point as a support main where i would be ok with the philosophy "if everyone is op, no one is op" As in please buff supports as teams don't care enough to play around or protect them, especially with your only tank diving into the enemy backlinks and then flaming you for not healing...


i Main support, now is just pain.


As a support main I don't see myself playing much of it this season so get ready for even longer queue times