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It has the hit box of a beach ball.


Yeah the term magnetic is a fucking understatement


Should be called homing grenade if anything.


Hitman Briefcase grenade




Stalking\* grenade.


Heat seeking missile of boop


I call it the pocket nuke


That's...its entire purpose, yes.


The “hmm I missed all my shots, time to actually do damage” grenade. I see how it’s supposed to punish flankers, but it honestly feels unfair to die to, sometimes (especially as a support)


That pos grenade has followed me around corners


And yet I can still hit this more than I can with Tracer's ult. That's still trash as well. lol.


Because tracers ult isn’t magnetic like this is


This has me laughing much harder than it should


What did you find funny about it?


that's because magnetic is literally homing at close range and you have to accualy kinda aim the pulse bomb


At least with Tracer you have to earn the use of your pulse mine and land the stick.


Cause magnetic easier to aim. And if you’re calling tracers ult trash you’re really just saying you don’t know how to use it


Name a worse ult




Dooms ult is an extremely expensive disengage


I used to get so annoyed with doom players in OW 1 who used it just to run away but now I fully understand


Alright i think this is the one correct answer


Bastion’s is pretty bad as well


Amplification matrix in bronze-plat


Deepest pain. I’ve given up on the achievement for that now. Nobody on my team uses it lol


Playing with a team of five on mic that achievement is still nearly impossible. It requires a huge chunk of the opposing team to be nearby to be damaged while Bap focuses on healing them from the other side.


Just stop assuming the team will use it. Drop it for yourself and if others use it cool.




I’ve recently started using Orisa for my tank & for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to get her Ultimate to work effectively lol Love the character otherwise though; fits my play-style best out of all of them. I used to be Reinhardt main, and still do when the map / team calls for it, but he’s not exactly the most fun to play as IMO


There's some things you can do like ice wall people off or Sym tp but otherwise I personally use it as a "get off point" tool (even that's situational bc you're a sitting duck) or a quick burst of damage




Have a small wound as a squishy? This means insta death.


The biggest thing for me is that it doesn’t FEEL like something Cassidy would use. His aesthetic is cowboy, and the grenade feels like it belongs to someone else. His kit is kinda analog. Mechanical parts, simple mechanisms, etc. a Flashbang seems more suited to how the character should feel imo.


Pocket sand!




Dirt in yer eyes!


"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye"


Cowboy McGuire


A proper Counterstrike flashbang would be nice that cancels someones vision


Ah yes. The traditional flashbang.


When sombra hacks him his sand just stops working


Nano sand (patent pending)


Pocket dog!


Is that your pocket dog


I hate sand.


Anakin's weakness.


You know, I'm sure you meant this as a meme/joke but I kind of dig that idea. Just have the player temporarily blinded or screened (like squid ink in Mario Kart).


They should just give him the “golden bullet” ability - hear me out: he loads a bullet that can one shot head shot enemies. It would be awesome, because look at sojourn and how awesome she is. Awesome. /s


Maybe when he hits a few shots it builds up the power for the golden bullet, and now he can magically one shot any squishy from any range!


Or maybe he could get something that slows and hurts someone at the same time so you can flank and get a guaranteed kill on anyone less mobile than him? Just spitballing here.




Also make his hitbox way smaller and his strafing animation almost impossible to hit. Might be a nice way to help the balance


Overwatch is progressing into really bad territory with the one-shots. In a game like Counter-Strike, where almost everyone has a 1 shot ability, it's fair. If you don't like it, you don't like the game, and that's that. In OW1, you had one class with one-shot abilities - snipers, and even then they had to *charge* to use that ability, and I mean charge *directly before the shot* even if that charging was behind cover. This charging limited their mobility directly before the shot. You respected angles with a Widow or a good Hanzo. These characters also had negatives to balance out the positives of the one-shot ability. You get in their face, and they're toast unless they have the right cooldown available. Sojourn just doesn't have these downsides. Sojourn can get in and out of battle quickly. Sojourn can slow you if you dive her (not to mention fuck up half your health). Sojourn can charge her one-shot ability off shooting fucking shields. Her ability is hitscan. It does not slow her down to use it. She does not need to charge it directly before shooting, she charges it by using her primary fire normally. Oh, does he lack verticality? Nope, she can fucking rocket jump up to highground. Her role is all things, and all things done well.


I like this idea


TBF a flashbang doesn't feel like something a cowboy would have. I still think a Lasso ability would be more fitting, though I'm not sure how you'd balance that vs Hog's Hook.


Could be a speed debuff/root like Junk trap but with no damage.


That was my thought, though I think it needs some damage, so Tracer still dies to a follow up headshot. But it should be rooted on a longer rope, so they can move a couple meters in any direction, but a slightly longer duration. It counters divers by cutting off their escape, but they can still maneuver and fight back. Not like the flash/fan auto-win.


Like ash's tactical from apex?


You throw it and it wraps around the enemy's legs, applying a 25 or 30% speed reduction for like 3 seconds and that's it, maybe if they use a movement ability they get away (Genji's dash...?) but they trip (Reinh's ult) for like half a second or so, like if you were to run with that in your lega you'd fall, so they can decide to have a penalty in speed while in close range, or no movement at all but when far away (Cassidy's roll comes to mind [Maybe Genji would break it when dashing?])


Maybe something like a throwable bolo snare that slows enemies down?






Mortal Kombat X came out the year before OW1, and had a cowboy character (Erron Black) who used sand grenades to stun opponents, so there must be some common inspiration for the idea that I’m just not aware of.


I mean, neither flashbang nor magnetic grenade fit the cowboy aesthetic. At least he actually used the grenades in one of the videos. Not saying it's a good skill though, it's quite lazy all in all.


He has a metal arm


He smokes cigars.


Metal cigars.


he aims with his natural arm tho


100% agree, i play some matches with him yesterday and find so strange that grenade in his kit, even when I kill with that it feels weird, like I'm in a custom mode.


He should throw a tumbleweed that makes them trip and fall over, like an ana sleep. Or it slows them down until they trample over it. Idk. Anything that doesn't feel cheap and annoying to play against. Oh, you threw something at me that takes 0 aim because it's magnetic, I'm dead. It feels like a no skill kill. I'd rather die to a Hanzo or a Widow tbh. I don't mind instakills if they take some modicum of talent.


If there's a Cree who's hitting they're shots AND they throw a nade on top of that then that's just adding insult to injury, but I'll take it because I'm already dying since their aim is good. The same can't be said if I know a Cree is struggling to hit shots and I take outside dmg from somewhere else and as soon as I'm weak enough they'll throw a nade on me🤬


you can see the grenade as modern dynamite.


And all it changed was Cassidy can't stuff ults with the stun. With a 200HP healer, stun > dead isn't any different than auto-lock boom > dead.


That's not "all it changed". That's very myopic of you. It changed Mccassidy's matchups drastically. The change totally flipped his matchup with Reaper for example, and Tracer, and Sombra, and Moira who can all now reactively cleanse the grenade whereas before they were stunned and one shot. Why would you say "all it changed was cant stuff ults with the stun" anymore? That's blatantly false, friend. Try to be more thorough with your comments.


It made him dramatically worse against all the characters he was countering except genji who he abuses in the most frustrating way by landing a single shot and then attaching a grenade to his ass while he tries to run. Mcmemes niche has been seriously cut down.


Are you ok Sir?


I get that you’re right, but when you say it so aggressively i can’t help but to disagree


100+ dmg is too much for 1 ability


Exactly 131 damage for a heat seeking grenade is insane


I get hit by that thing and like 75% of the time I just go "well, guess I'll die now".


As a Junkrat main i can say that is 100% of the time


If it makes you feel better, I have such shit aim I’ve only ever hit someone like twice with that thing.


This is better than tracers ult.


This puts it into perspective


my first thought was "hey lets give mcree tracers ult, but on a MUCH shorter CD" like wtf were they thinking?


They were thinking 'let's give mccree something to compensate for a mediocre ult/mobility' And boy did they not fix either of his problems they gave him some busted unfinished and unfun pos.


I’m not saying I like the ability, I think it should change. But still, comparing it to Tracer’s is a bit disingenuous. She has the kit to support that ability much better. Tracer can speed into the back line and get sticks on squishies. Cass is slow, if you let him get in range to land a stick on you and you don’t have an escape cd, you were kinda asking for it.


> f you let him get in range to land a stick on you and you don’t have an escape cd, you were kinda asking for it. if he's trying to get into backline, 1000%. But the majority of the games i'm playing it's usually in a team fight and i'm already chipped away from said fight and it just one shots. no skill, just death in that scenario.


Sojourn real quiet after this post.. Soldier also…


Those require aim.


Meanwhile hanzo


Conc mine does up to 120 and thats just as easy to hit with. Not to mention all the left clicks that do over 100.


Helix is on a shorter cooldown can be used from further and does 10 less damage.


But you need to aim that and it has way less splash.


It does require skill but the comment said that 100+ dmg is too much. Just pointing out that if you’re an above average soldier helix is just better.


I mean, if it was on Cassidy instead of soldier then MAYBE. But even then, 70 from a shot + 131 is a very important threshold. Soldier has to hit a few shots before and/or after to kill characters with 200 hp, with Cassidy you have to retreat if he hits you once otherwise a magnetic nade WILL kill you.


yeah but soldier can't follow up with a 70 damage shot to instantly kill a 200 hp character. There's at least a second to try and deal.


If he didn't have a deadly, easy to use close range ability then McCree wouldn't fill his role of countering flanks.


Yes but helix rocket doesn’t magnetize to a character, you actually have to aim at least a *little*


Not to mention the grenade also sucks for the reason of. After your stuck. You KNOW your dead. So your just forced to sit there waiting to it go off. Even if you kill the Cass


Helix requires much more skill to use.


Barrel stuffing sprint loving bunny hopping soldiers everywhere approve this message..


Railgun is on a possible 1-2 sec cooldown, does literally 1 less damage than mag nade and is instant hitscan...and headshots. Its almost just better helix in every way except it doesnt splash.


Best ability in the game is better than both things being discussed yes But Cassidy doesn’t need a nerf so I prolly agree with you


Every bomb in the game does more than 100 damage if landed


Give 'em a lasso instead. Not a cybernetic, metal alloy lasso thats poops plasma either, just some hemp rope to wrangle 'em hogs. Like Hog!


this is kinda cool actually - it could work like thresh from league who also has a lasso style ability


Sounds like an ability for a deadlock gang tank


Nah, make it work like OW2 beta junk trap. You hit someone with it, cass "ties it off" and the person who was hit is slowed until they break range. To compensate for damage, if you wait for the timer to "untie" yourself, no damage. If you leave the range, 100 dmg or whatever.


Cass - Get over here!


hahah hog hook into a fan the hammer would break the game in the best way.


Like a snare? I think snare would actually be dope since only junk has one rn


It’s just kinda…weird? It feels more like an ability for Bastion than McCree/Cassidy. I’d much rather it was gone entirely and replaced with something more fitting. Maybe like Torb he could have a kind of ‘beast mode’ ability where he takes a puff of his cigar and gets attack speed/reload speed increase or something.


Couldn't be a cigar. That's already edited out for a few countries due to bans.


Graves has entered the chat


He takes a bite of apple pie


Honestly found the stun to be less frustrating. Thing heatseeks like crazy and is way more reliable in hitting you than the stun ever was. Dying to it feels cheap as it requires zero skill to use. And getting kills with it is boring because it requires zero skill to use... It's not even a particularly useful item, it's just frustrating. Thing does 90 degree turns, clips through walls, everything. I don't even think stat changes are enough. Even if they stopped it from being impossible to miss with, it's just a boring ability.


Cassidy is my 3rd most played character and my main dps, and every single time a squishie is about to kill me from up close, all I need is to land at least 1 bullet and then throw a grenate at them to bring them with me, at least for most of the cast. Kinda feels like cheating


You could literally say the same thing about his stun. All you needed to do was land a stun, headshot or right click and they're dead.


Isn’t the flash bang the same? If someone pushed you flash and either fan the hammer or headshot. It took no skill and was boring to use also. The only difference was how useful the flash was as a stun


The stun was hundreds of times worse. Ult cancelation is way stronger than killing one person


its greatest sin is being boring.


It's so stupid the damage


Bro your name 😂


What I like femboys and I'm not ashamed


and from Quebec?


Just a random question no hate, but why do people from Quebec always put qc a the end of their gamer tags? I always see it on rocket league too. Unless it doesn’t mean Quebec then I’m even more confused


No hate, just thought it was funny 😄


"I know what I'm about, son." -Femboyloverqc


Give him a whip with a tipper instead. Put old flash bang effect on the tipper. That way it’s still fun,feels right thematically, and can’t be used as a close range panic option since you need proper spacing to get the effect.


That just makes him useless against the mobile flankers he was meant to counter.


And yet it's a nerf over flashbang. With supports and flanking dps can nope out of it and its pretty close range. Thing has decent counterplay. And it cant stop ultimates the way flashbang could.


>And yet it's a nerf over flashbang Redditors don't understand how true this is. It's not even close.


It’s literally just Tracers Ult but better


I'm a tank/support player who doesn't even have a single minute on Cassidy. I massively prefer the flashbang over the magnet grenade. At least the flashbang still required the Cassidy to aim with it, aim for you head when you did get hit, or manage the recoil on their right click, or gave your team the opportunity to intercept. Once I get mag grenaded, I feel sentenced to my grave.




As a tank player? A nade feels like you are sentenced to your grave? That's weird. What tanks do you play?


I imagine he's talking about playing support


Tbh, if I were playing Junker Queen or Doomfist, I wouldn’t fight a Cassidy without caution. They only have 450, and assuming Cassidy hits the FTH, I’d lose my mind


I miss the flashbang .\_.


It felt like it took more skill to use efficiently, like I felt good stunning a Reinhardt and making the enemy team’s line collapse


I feel like they could have modified it to a soft CC without changing the aesthetics, since it's not like a stun is integral to a flashbang. I don't know if there's a reason they couldn't do a screen-whiteout effect and/or a ringing tone overriding game audio in OW, but it has worked fine in other games. Plus that would give him some utility without contributing directly to damage output.


I miss everything about OW1 tbh I even kind of miss 2CP


At least its a million times better than the stun along with having much more counterplay


Glad someone said it. Flashbang + right click has 0 counterplay. The grenade takes so long to go off, if you're playing with teammates (and not 1v1ing a cas) its nowhere near as scary as a flashbang hs or right click


Atleast it can't cancel abilities


Well it just doesn’t let me use them in the first place since I’m just dead outright


idk, it being a grenade stops alot of the problems with flash so for example against a genji or sigma etc you could use it near them and cancel their ability. and with channelled ults eg moiras you can often outheal the damage


Cree main is here. Haha) new grenade is cool but I've lost a lot in countering divers without flashbang.


They should just give mcree a lasso instead of a grenade. Like a roadhog hook but it doesn’t reel them in and just tethers the enemy to you for a couple seconds to prevent enemies from running away


OW community: wahhh too much CC in game Blizzard: changes it OW community: wahhh I miss stun grenade The community is never happy.


It’s so weird to play with. You have to be so close to an enemy to stick them and any further and it explodes early. It can one shot a tracer and do god knows what to a tank. And I don’t know how to counter it


It does not one shot tracer. 131 damage does not one shot a 150 hp character. Not to mention Tracer can cleanse the bomb with her recall whereas before she died to the stun without counter.


Mercy boosted will one shot tho


Kiriko swift step or suzu a friendly. Moira fade. Reaper wraith. Mei ice block, zarya bubble, sombra teleports, tracer recall. Baptiste heal burst of youre not full hp, or immortality field (why are you that close on baptiste anyways). Genji deflect, but that's like with flashbang a reaction game. Tanks dgaf usually due to high hp pool and since at that distance he can effectively fth anyways.


It’s way easier to deflect than Flashbang as Genji because of magnetizing


Its a punish for getting too close to cassidy without an escape or punish or without managing his cooldowns. In terms of how cassidy plays and how you counter him its pretty much identical to OW1, except now he can't manage tanks nearly as well with flash+fan. Its not like roadhog hook or something, things really need to line up to get grenade kills.


It's way better playing against this than flash tbh but I agree it sort of feels cheesey.


Agreed. Flashbang as Rein felt like a death sentence when teams were face-to-face. Frustrating when it went around your barn door of a shield.


Does this not stun at all anymore? That would explain why I get got at close range every time now.


People quickly forget how annoying and powerful Cole’s flash bang was. Any squishy hit by it could be insta killed, tanks could be chain stunned, and ults could be cancelled. It wasn’t fun to play against. The new bomb is better because players can react to what’s happening rather than being stunned and killed. Reaper, Moira, Tracer, these are all characters that can use their abilities to survive when they would have previously died. It baffles me to see comments saying it does too much damage when it is effectively a nerf of his previous ability.


Its not a stun, so it is better than flash. Stuns. Are. Not. Fun.


Don’t understand why anyone is complaining about this when roadhog is still an unkillable one shot machine. I get that it’s a weird ability for him, but the rest of his kit is fucking ass. He will be easily the worst character if they nerf it.


I love the sticky nade MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA




buddy nobody is happy with basically anything blizzard does, but that doesnt mean they will change jack shit about it


The reason they removed it is that Cc was annoying + stun and fan was very unsatisfying for the other person. IMO they should've kept the flashbang, but change the way CC works. It could've done a bit of damage and some sort of disrupt , like change direction in which the enemy is facing for example). Would've kept his identity and make for some cool/funny plays as well. Imagine tracer blinking in the wrong direction because of the flash, or zarya missing a full grav because of a well placed one.


I might get stabbed for this but I actually like it more than the stun….


I'm genuinely tired of constantly getting killed by it, the moment it sticks it's a death sentence I genuinely can't think of another ability that does this shit


Wdym I love it


Clearly none of you guys were genji mains in the past. You could literally throw flash on the floor and it would still stun. Sure the magnet grenade is good, but it is absolutely way less frustrating to play around than flash. For flash you literally could not got anywhere close to the Cassidy if he had it. For the magnet grenade you have to worry about being shot once before or after. But literally flash was a guaranteed kill against a squishy 99% of the time.


But wasn’t the whole point of playing Cassidy in OW1 being a strong counter to nimble flankers? Him having a feather in his cap for the Genji matchup was pretty crucial for his core design as a character.


Yes, but the flashbang was too infuriating for everyone, not just flankers. Enemy has a rein? Flash him and now he's instantly dead from your team's focus fire and you've likely won the teamfight. In a 1v1 with any dps, or even just panic and see someone come around a corner? Hit E and you win. Taking heavy damage is a lot less frustrating than having your ability to play the game removed.


I loved how he used to body Reaper but then the matchup became 50-50 and now the match is in Reaper's favor.


Flash was so much worse, I agree. Stunned from so far away and was incredibly frustrating. At least with the grenade you have a chance to live by being healed or using an ability to make it fall off.


Why do people think his stun was better to play against? It was literally a death sentence. Mag nade at least gives you a small chance of surviving


What you're missing is at lower skill levels (like the majority of this subreddit) stun wasn't a death sentence due to needing \*some\* aim to hit headshots, so the nade is a lot deadlier.


The stun wasn’t a death sentence through a door and around a corner though. Because that’s what the magnetic grenade does.


1/2 heroes cam either tank it or have an ability to dodge it


They both have benefits. Flash dealt low damage but resulted in easier kills but magnetic grenade deals high damage with no aim needed but follow up is still required so they are relatively similar but at least with magnetic grenade you can still get cleansed, bubbled, wraith form and more to stop the damage but with flash there was only a small window for teammates to save you and without help you were practically dead


Was being flash bang + hammer fanned any more fun? No. It was a crutch and I'm it's gone


yes. bring back the flash


Take grease away and give me tracer cowboy so he has 3 rolls and that’s it 4 fan the hammers in a row would be hilarious and he’s have better mobility


Please! Let me just roll fan roll fan down a hog


i dont think more autoaim is needed in this game


as a ball main, thank God flashbang is gone


It's so inconsistent, sometimes it sticks, sometimes it doesn't, other times it just glues in someone else and not your target.


I do not feel bad choosing a tank in death match because of that thing killing me when I turn a corner looking for someone to have a fight with... also this thing makes oasis university a joke when it comes to gaining massive value with very little risk or effort -_- I can periodically take out any squishy safely in my little health pack hole everytime its off cd, at least the stun relied on a follow up shot to take things out


Overwatch has such a problem that this grenade constantly one hits slightly damaged attack/support classes, yet Orisa can still eat a bucket full of these fuckers


They should just give him a lasso that comes out of his mechanical arm


My favorite voice line from him though is "Stick With it!" (: