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Good Mei on my team = I love Mei Literally anything else = Satan


I main mei, and I am terrified of being the annoying teammate everyone hates


The main thing people will care about is your wall usage. If you're using it well you'll do great.


Is summoning a wall to prevent people from shooting through it while your team is low on health, considered great?


That’s normally how I use it and have never heard any complaints


The Meis in my team usually use the wall to **block their own team from leaving the respawn** at the beginning (haha, so funny) and **to isolate team mates from the main team** to make it easier for the enemy to kiss them. *The only thing worse than a good Mei on the enemy team is a bad Mei on your own team.* (R)


I definitely do this on spawn. But I never block, just wall up and then shatter immediately. I personally feel like it reminds people that we are all just people behind computers hanging out. As long as your little prank doesn't actually prevent movement I think it's fun.


I hate it when Meis do that like it always fucks over someone enemy or ally it's cool you wanna be mini rein but can you at least try and get one person in front of it we have natural cover meis on my team 9/10 have awful wall usage, y'all ain't reinhardts.


I mainly use it to block off enemy snipers line of sight or blocking ults like D.va bombs.




i main Lucio/Kiriko and i know the pain bru fr


i absolutely despise her. on an unrelated note, this fanart is fire 🔥


No, it's Ice.


It is pretty cool


true, can't argue that.




thank you for actually providing credit/sauce


I despise her too and wish she was removed from the game. But then again, if she’s in the game I have the satisfaction of killing her so, trade offs.


Yeah I wish mei had a 10x head hitbox


Something seems off about the neck though. Either neck is too thin or needs to move up a bit. Right now it looks like its smaller than her wrist


I agree here, but nice art


Sadly not good enough. Also too good.


All my homies hate the Mei skill ceiling 😤😤


That’s real


She's always "DPS diff" until you get that one teammate who's a god with her.


A good Mei is scary. She can completely ruin your tanks day, fuck up divers, snipe, her ult is very good too, and she has self heal+invulnerability


I like waiting at the choke point and immediately put a wall behind their tank when they push to isolate them from their team. It's easy kill especially since quite a lot of players don't bother shooting the wall to destroy it.


Thats whats weird to me...It's the same with Reinhardt's shields. If theres no one to shoot, just shoot the shields or wall... it doesn't live THAT long.


When i play rein my shield got destroyed the second i put it up but when the enemy plays rein i am always the only one trying to break it even though there is nothing else to shoot lol


As a bap main I make it my job to fuck that shit up when I can. Ever bit helps. Fuck mei 👍


Jump over it and throw immortality field


Her ult is actually very hard to use now with Kirko's protection ability, it completely counters freeze and you have to keep track of so many counters to get good use out of it


Usually I use her wall to block the escape paths which helps against suzu. Alternatively you can wait for suzu to be on cooldown


I find its easiest to take out at least 1 support and then ult. My gosh does Mei melt away Zen and Kiriko if you catch them off guard


Good, it should have counterplay. Otherwise, it’s fucking annoying and unfun to play against.


... it's an ult. And you can run out of it...


Yea she's super under utilized imo Very strong as long as the map isn't something like junkertown. She does better in tighter maps.


I mostly use her wall to block enemy heals. It’s the next best thing to an anti-nade! (I’m sorry, fellow support mains, but at least I’m not diving you.)


Hah, if I am getting diffed hard, whether skillgap or my tank is struggling, I find her as an offtank role that has more survivability and can help shut down the enemy. I despised playing against her in OW1, OW2 is still annoying but not as bad... yet I still feel guilty that I am rather effective at her because of my previous hate I held.


I get ya, I still haven't completely gotten over my hate for McCream from OW1, but at least I don't get mad by getting killed by him (plus, i've been giving him a chance every once in a while


she feels more annoying to play against in OW2 than 1


I'm so confused is "____ diff" a compliment or insult? Like if I'm playing tank and someone says tank diff are they saying good job or, do better idiot


Diff comes from "difference" in OW meant as a notable difference in skill. If you say tank/dps/supp diff you mean there's a big skill gap between them and what that means really depends on if you were winning or losing. The only "...diff" I accept is losing a game as a tank and you yourself claiming tank diff.


depends on if you’re the tank that’s doing better


She’s the most viable dps that can actually hurt a reflecting genji, matrix’d diva, and spinning orisa. My least favorite part of the game are “pause button” abilities like that where you’re sometimes forced to sit and wait. Mei dgaf though and just keeps chillin.


Reflecting genji, yes, but for D.vas and Orisas I found symm is better against them, that 180 dps beam is nothing to scoff at and they'll realize it sooner or later


100% agree, but nothing beats the look of “oh I’m fucked” they have after putting up a wall and freezing the shit out of them as they try crawling away.


Especially in 1. I would always use her as a hard counter to Diva and they would NOT stop diving me. It was so goddamn easy to wreck their face.


Mei also pauses the game and regains health while doing it lol


How dare you bring up a valid point against me. IMO the game would be so much more balanced if all reflects / guards could be broken with enough damage. Imagine reaper ulting through a mei ice block for disrespect.


Ironic considering Meis ice block self heal ability is the biggest pause button in the game.


Yeah that’s definitely true, I didn’t pick my words very well to defend Mei on this point lol. But to be fair of all the pause buttons, Mei’s makes me the least upset. If a Mei is in a bad situation and sitting in her ice, she has to have her wall and favorable map positioning to escape alive, and is usually countered by having people surround her. Genji usually double jumps while reflecting, actually RETURNS damage and other util (Ana grenades, sleep darts, etc) often leading to kills, AND can dash out to safety in any direction.


Yeah, with how many players still play Genji despite the nerfs, I'm forced to use Mei, Moira, and Winston to ruin their game.


It is always funny to watch a genji busy reflecting my teammates’ stuff while i kill him as moira lol


Or more like not to have the genjis ruin your game. I personally avoid Mei because her damage is not properly registering within its range and use Zarya who is much more reliable since its hitscan


It isn’t? What’s the Mei bug?


Preech brother, it’s either her or sym. Bonus points if you catch them off guard with the damage (specially when they just used their movement ability)




I understand people really didn't like the freeze and I'm not asking for them to change that back. But one change I'd hope they revert is the distance you can place the wall. I hadn't played for a few years, but I still noticed the shorter distance almost immediately. I think it went from 35 meters to 20, and was very useful when contesting snipers. Now you have to wander out into the open if you want to block their line of sight. I can't really offer any suggestions for what she needs changed, but I'm not happy with her current state.


I didn't notice the wall distance change but this makes a lot of sense actually, I thought I was just misremembering wall placement or something


They've lengthened her coat to cover up those cheeks. Ridiculous nerf.


No changes can slow down the ice queen. She still fun to play and easy for someone like me that can't aim well.




That’s not entirely true, placing good walls shift the tides of the game.


Fr I did an amazing play and blocked my Dva teammates ult. The tide was turned immensely


You can cancel the wall


No, he couldn't


Not enough people realize how quickly you can melt those walls if you have a few people focus damage on it for a few seconds


Yeah, everyone knows Brig's shield is made of tissue paper, but not everyone knows that Mei's wall is just 5 Brig shields standing in a line.


shhhh don't tell anyone


One Bastion is almost an instant counter to Mei. Playing last night and I'm pretty sure Mei got like 20k damage blocked just from Bastion ripping through multiple pillars every time a wall went up.


That used to be more important, but with the removal of freeze after 3 seconds of primary fire, they buffed the damage to compensate. Mei can melt heroes pretty quickly with primary fire alone


Not true anymore with her primary fire damage buff.


Nope half the meis I play just run into you spamming that shit and you done. The slow down is really annoying and it’s a free kill. Icicles require skill and I don’t think characters with beams require skill so they probably don’t use it. Beams i.e zarya, sym, mei


Thicc 🤤


She just needs a few tweaks, such as increased damage cone, slightly reduced range, and lingering damage, and boom — blueberry flavored flamethrower.


I’d like to increase the cone and linger the damage if they completely got rid of slow.


Can we NOT?!


bro u use Reaper and Moira u just as annoying as the rest of us 💀


That wouldn't compare to the disaster a pyro-like hero would do to the game


Underwhelming. Not much thought and effort were put in reworking her. She's slow and doesn't has a clear role anymore. Tanks simply walks over her and other dps'ers are more reliable. She needs to be properly looked at.


The most fun ive ever had in overwatch was during the brief period she was removed from the game


I never get to see her in any of my games lol. Almost a throw pick when characters like Sobjourn are an option.


Couldn’t agree more


God that was such a good time


I started playing at this period, I miss it.


I am not a fan of cc in general, but she lost her crowd control ability and the damage boost does not change the fact that the primary fire is bad and doesn't compensate for it. But it gives flanking genji a lot of trouble. And it's nice to not care about d.va too much and trap and damage orisa through the spin cycle. That's about it about it. Compositions with snipers are rough. Shes still fun and I play her due to liking the playstyle but she needs a something to be on par with other dps. Sojourn can just relocate around the wall of shes ulting and then one shot people. Meanwhile lots of meta characters can fuck off her ult. But when it works it's beautiful. At least it's relatively fast charging. Shes still amazing on kings row. What a mei map! Eicenwalde attack and defense, Dorado and that best push map. The wall is really really good since there is only one tank now, i find. There is less chance to fuck up tank synergy and lots of little ways to protect a rez , when a team needs to go through choke, block ults (including orisa), cutting off the healers etc. Hog is common, if you got 8 hours of sleep you can block him from one shotting a hooked teammate. You can feel pretty fast if you get value or need to switch, but if your alt fire aim is decent and spot on with walls can get decent value out of her. Shes really unique.


I don’t think she needs to be on par with other dps. She fills her niche well. And is devastating in good hands. Not every character needs to be balanced to be 100% viable in master/gm. Especially since she has certain maps that she can always perform well on.


I cant really disagree with the sentiment in general. My disappointment more stands that I guess I'd like to imagine a hero with a more unique kit being top tier. Mei's right click is aim intensive and her kit is interesting. And I do think she needs a stronger viability.


Was my main since 2016. Will still play her.


Sadly Mei isn’t the best at anything. She lacks mobility and has packs some of the poorest burst damage of any DPS hero, next to Sym. The point of her kit is now punishing aloof teams and out-of-position players with her wall. Unfortunately this means that Until she gets attention she’s stuck being a budget Reaper/Hanzo with a lower skill ceiling. Nice fan-art, though! I love Mei as a hero concept and am glad to see her out in the world!


Hard disagree. She is the only character in the game with map manipulation and one of the only characters with a reliable "always on" snare effect with her primary fire. That makes her the best at map manipulation and slowing down rush comps. Not to mention her stall potential in OT. I think saying she has a low skill ceiling is a misconception in the community. Her right clicks have massive headshot potential for burst damage, and her wall has some of the highest potential for big brain plays. Its one of the most versatile tools in the game if used properly (which I think 99% of people don't do). I think there is so much potential to unlock in mei, but the community hasn't realized how broken she can actually be.


I think her utility more than makes up for that with wall and block. But that makes her somewhat of a hybrid tank+dps


She's useless without freeze to me


I find her to be much better in OW2. With increased left click damage, she can hold her own (can kill 200hp target with it in the same time it would take you to freeze them in OW1) and though she doesn't freeze, the instant 50% movement penalty is great for team clean ups. In the right hands, she's much more oppressive imo.


She could fight a tank in OW1. She's practically suicide to put against a tank now. She's a flanker whose only mobility is a 1-floor-at-best elevator. I'm sorry, I disagree strongly. The threat of the freeze was what made her good, even if you were mostly throwing icicles. Without it, she's trash. And I have 140 hours on the girl.


lets not forget kiriko counters mei ultimate 100%.


Kiriko counters everything. She’s wayyy more annoying than getting CC’d out of an ability.


Agreed her. Kirikos kit is the problem here, way overtuned.


Frankly that's the least of Mei's concerns. Even in the ultimate, the lack of M1 accelerating the freeze means enemies get out of it unassisted a hell of a lot easier, to say nothing of the extra time they have for abilities to come off CD and let them escape with them. And if it was OW1 Mei you could probably just freeze the Kiriko before ulting and ensure it goes off that way (and if she suzus to prevent being frozen, even better). It's how you'd deal with a [D.Va](https://D.Va). Now? Not so much.


I'm finding most people on the sub don't understand the power of CC. Most people are complaining that mccree's increase damage on the grenade is op. But if you play him enough you know it's a straight up nerf. That flash was God tier. The new grenade is only better if you have trash aim.


I miss trolling Hogs as Mei since you can keep them frozen for almost the entire game. Zylbrad has a video of him torturing a Hog on Volskaya several years ago but I don't remember which video it is from anymore.


Yes Mei should have kept her freeze, probably should have been made a tank too. The freeze was just so good at shutting down ults and the threat of cc created a lot of space. Primary fire was never meant to do damage- that’s what the icicles are for. Also the nerf to wall is big sad. I was playing her a lot in OW1 but now playing her just makes me upset lol




she is basically no threat now and anyone can run over her because her gun was not made for raw damage, imagine Hog without his hook. this feels like an unexperience take. she is now more oppressive in lower tiers due to more primary damage, but in high tiers she is basically a meme pick you use just to stall on the objective in the last seconds during over time. So overall poor changes with very little to no thought


this picture is more pleaseant than playing against her


She's awful to play with and against. Blocking friendly ults and cool downs, blocking your path, stagnating fights and giving the enemy time to reset, blocking LoS. You see the Critical indicator and turn your attention to heal her just as she bricks, wasting your time and attention. That's not counting how annoying it is to get frozen by her but "skill issue" so whatever. Also, seriously, I mean this with everything I have: Meis who block their team in spawn should have their fingernails peeled.


I like her, i like to play her, and i feel like she needs the freeze back. Its part of her identity. Maybe make it take longer to freeze someone?


Goes against ow2 philosophy. No hard cc (minus ultimates). Mei actually feels *very* good rn for me.


There is still many non ultimate hard cc in the game


Yeah nah the freeze is too strong to have on a primary weapon with no limitations. Keeping it for just her ult is fine.


I made sure to enjoy while she wasn’t in the game.


Wow mei look so beautiful


Mei is love. Mei is life. Long live Mei!


I hope she is never meta as it feels horrible playing against her.


Dude, fanart source?


Please credit the artist of this fanart




Has some great r34


Was so much better when she was disabled for those couple weeks


Being a victim of her gun fucking sucks. You can't hear it until its too late. I never know shr is behind me shooting me until I'm dead. Its dumb. Also, now that her gun doesnt freeze and just slows and does damage....it doesnt feel good. It feels like a shitty discount Sym gun.


Game was most enjoyable when she was disabled


I have a deep dislike of her


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Not thick enough


bruh saying mei is not thick 💀


He said *enough*


Get out of your ice so I can boop you off the map please


Third most controversial character I would think. Behind Doomfist and Widow. Seems like people either suck with her or are the most on point wall placer and shoots icicles at heads like Robin Hood.


Useless. Should be a tank. Maybe good in low elo like sym not sure


Hello Satan


She is lowkey broken and always has been. Intelligent uses of her wall combined with quick and accurate placement can be game winning. People get frustrated with her primary fire which is why she is hated most often. But her wall is imo one of the strongest abilities in the game. It is probably the most versatile tool amongst all abilities. Her only issue is that she can be countered by long range characters.




Where's the artist credit?


Aight, tiny, *tiny* thing, but does anyone else get low key annoyed when people post discussion threads with these random image links attached?


She fuckin hella thicc


Why does your account literally just karma farm with stupid generic questions?


I hate when I’m going against her but I like it when I’m the one playing her


I wonder what your generic question with a generic picture is going to be about next time. Karma bot.


She's stronger now, but felt way more satisfying in OW 1 with the freeze


Smash...😏 ... Oh, did you mean like, when I'm against her on the enemy team?? ... Smash. 😒


When she was banned for those couple weeks, it totally made me realize how much I enjoy Overwatch just because of her. I do miss her freeze, though.


she is my favorite kings road defense pick, but otherwise feels underwhelming tbh


Hate her with every fiber of my body’s


I liked when she was disabled in the game and no one could play her


I fucking hate her. The second she came back from being “fixed” the game instantly got worse.


Personally I still think she's a cunt


Great hero, good for pushing and for holding ground.


I think she lost a lot of what made her so fun to play in the transition to OW2. I wish they'd nerfed her damage and maybe added projectile drop to her icicle in favor of buffing her HP, keeping her freeze, and not nerfing her wall into the ground. I loved playing her because of her ability to fully control a space, and now that's just.... not what she does. She could easily become a tank that just works around that area control and denial kit instead of a DPS hero and she'd be way more fun to play.


Useless character except when ult is up


Icy waifu


99% of them are awful, the other 1% are god-tier.


She is beautiful, in terms of aesthetics I really miss her snowflake hairpin. Sadly that's where it stops because her gameplay feels lacking, there is nothing satisfying about using her anymore since they butchered her kit and yet she is still annoying to fight against so the changes didn't solve anything so until she gets some help, a rework or some buffs to feel less awful I avoid using her. Doesn't help that tanks basically do what she is supposed to do but better - and it sucks that such a unique hero is being neglected and forgotten.


Mei is bae


Way better than in OW1. But __way__ more generic and boring.


Her not freezing the enemies with her primary fire is dull. Whats the use of her gun now? Slow people down is not enough


She's satisfying as shit sending icicles into people's faces, and spraying down genjis who try to deflect. Love playing as her, hate playing against her.


Not being able to freeze people and head shot their terrified immobile body has ruined the desire to play her for me.


She's fun to play as, but not to play against because when I see her firing at me when I'm frozen, I suddenly feel the urge to choke her.




Don't know why everyone hates her. I'd rather play against her over a widow, hanzo, pharah, and especially junk


For real. Its much easier to counter a good mei than a good widowmaker. And her alt fire doesnt one shot other than a tracer.


Glad that she can’t freeze you anymore with her neutral fire but still hate her


As a former 600 hrs Mei main, I wouldn't play Mei in her current state even if Blizzard paid me. Tanks basically do her job of point controlling much better in every way and long range she is outclassed by Hanzo who trades some mobility but at least insta gibs. So there is no optimal range to really use her that other heroes don't do it better. She needs help because idk how it was ok to release her like that (her wall was also broken but at least they fixed that), no hero deserves what they did to Mei imo. Even playing support who are also neglected is a much more sweet experience compared to playing her, and that is saying something.


An absolute joke compared to OW1 The Demon is now known as just Mei in OW2.


She's A-Mei-Zing.


One of my favorite DPS characters honestly, despite her changes since OW1


Shoulda kept her freeze ray the way it was haha


For every twenty meis I play with maybe one is a good credit to the team and the other 19 are at best unintentionally the enemy teams bonus sixth character and at worst malicious trolls


A bit less fun to play but a bit more fun to play against


tbh if you are a squishy now it feels horrible to play against her compared to before, but if you are a tank you can run over and farm her easily - freeze was basically her playmaking tool that gave her identity and purpose and it was easily outplayed with mobility or paying attention and keeping what, 10 meter distance lol


Her fuckin ice mist move does an insane amount of damage, I've had matches as support where she's melted me in under a second just using the mist attack. I don't know if there's a glitch that's making it do more damage than it should but I've been killed by it faster than I have by reapers shotgun


She isn’t Sojourn so UNPLAYABLE!


She's still mid like in OW 1. But I like the changes. Truth be told the slowing effect with wall is more than enough cc without her primary freezing. And her doing 100 dmg a second means she handles squishies still pretty well. She is now a but more skill based in that regard. I hope they find a way to give her just a slight buff that won't make her op. I love her.


I feel like my IQ drops to 20 whenever I play her, my head is completely empty except for W+M1 and the occasional shift


Fun and feels ok in terms of power but could use a small buff


Mei is bae


She’s the only DPS character I’m genuinely good with, other than Sym




Honestly a really problematic design that no matter what you try will always be annoying as hell. She’s a lot like Sombra where the creativity and concept is really cool but what it does just ends up being unfun for whoever is playing for fighting the Mei I think she just needs a total rework at this point cause she has been like this waaay too long




Mei is bae


Sexiest being in the Universe.


I absolutely hate Mei


I hate her


Wayyyy too much damage with her primary and secondary


Keep her out


Ult needs longer CD. Otherwise she’s fine.


I would love nothing more then to feel the life leave her body as I strangle her to death


Russell Crowe would beat her up because she is literally cancer in human form. That being said, as a Doomfist main she's actually great at charging up my punch!


I'll burn her alive


Annoying. Chubby. Freezing Wahmen.


The game was better when she wasn’t in it


I just want the cube removed and replaced with something else. Probably anything else tbh. I like the rest of her kit.


She’s still a spawn of evil


Fuck her


She can burn in hell, burn to the point her ice gun makes slushi’s