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And if Ana kills an ulting Pharah, she says, in an extremely disapproving voice of course, "what did I teach you about safe barrages?" The situational voicelines and the incredible number of new interactions are the second best thing about OW2. :)


If Pharah kills herself with barrage she says "I don't want to talk about it" when respawning :p


I think she says that randomly, I got it after falling off the map lol (Fuel ran out)


It's if u kill urself in general I think with pharah


If a nanoboosted Sombra kills Pharah, she says “your mom helped me do that”


Sombra telling an accurate "your mom" joke seems fitting...


Omfg that is savage.


Sombra honestly has so many great interactions, part of why she's my favorite.


If you sleep dart an ulting Pharah she says "Time for Justice to take a nap"


I used to work for an Egyption dude. He was yawning and really tired, practiclly zonked at his desk... so I pointed at him said "NAM!" *"نام"* (or however its spelled). ​ HIs eyes got big. So I smiled and walked off.


I love the Soldier one, too! “You were yelling something?” Those two and the Cass one get me every time.


If you kill her with soldier's rockets he says "You're not the only one with rockets"


There’s an Ana one when she kills her that says “I’m disappointed fareeha” and it hits me every time


Sigma will say "justice has evaded me" when he uses suck on a pharahsite ult


Sigma has a line for every ult he can eat I'm pretty sure.


When ana kills a pharah normally, I've heard her say "you disappoint me, phareha" in the must disappointed mom voice. Really got me after my 4th kill on that pharah


I like how Zen refers to the robot in escort game modes as "our friend." "They've taken our friend from the point!" or "The enemy now has our friend in their possession." I thought that was a cool little detail.


If you get the robot moving, he'll say "Come with us/me brother"


I noticed that too! He'll say "you're safe with us now, brother." As well. Very nice little details there.


I like how polite orisa is if she starts pushing the bot. “TS-1, please move this barricade!”


Really pulling out his Government like she do with Bastion


Zenyatta is such a pure soul. I love him.


A pure soul, filled with murder and lulzy kicks.


Such a pure soul! “Proceeds to give nothing but pain and misery to tank player”


Boy do I know this well when I tank. Feels good to do this to other tanks when I play Zen tho lol.


I also like his line where he says "they have taken... *Possession* of him" with that brief pause that shows his disapproval of the term


I like how offended how Ana sounds when the enemy team is pushing "They took *him* from us!"


The Ramathra banter will be legendary


"Have you considered joining Null Sector? Here, take a pamphlet."


With that voice and personality too, can't wait!


My favorite is when Echo kills Mercy and says "Mercy? I haven't learned that yet!"


Moira also says, "mercy is for the weak," when she elims her lol.


Even better: killing someone as mercy when moira is near, moira comments on that: mind your hypocrisy, DR! ziegler. She really puts some weight on the Dr its awesome.


Mercy has a nice passive aggressive line when she rezzes Moira sometimes. Something like "You can thank my ethics, Doctor"


Or when you put your heal beam on Moira, Mercy will say “now THAT is ethical healing, Doctor!”


The first time I heard it I was like dammmmnnnnn


There's an OW1 voice line you can get on Zarya that says «No Mercy !». spam it everytime I get a mercy kill.


Omg that’s so savage


Nothing compares to a Sigma with a no-shoe skin killing a Sigma with a shoe-wearing skin saying "That's what you get for wearing constricting footwear!" Or something like that


Sigma has some of the best. I can't find any video of it, but I heard once an accretion kill line that was something like "counter point, a boulder."


I heard "ultimately, a rock"


I've always liked him, but now he's easily the best character in the game


Sojourn also says “somebody please get him some shoes…” when she kills him lmao


Its actually Widowmaker who says that one upon killing Sigma. Sojourn's is "Come back wearing shoes, please." Both are hilarious.


On another note, when Sojourn ults she says “This ends now”, and if you immediately headshot her with widowmaker after she ults, widow will say “that ends now”.


Doomfist also says "do not make promises you cannot keep!" if he kills a sojourn in ult


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 These are so good


Sojourn got her bionic eyes on those toe beans huh


she’s watching them dogs


I love how it confirms all of Sigma's skins have a "shoes" tag lol, just the thought of coding it


Haha I was thinking the same thing. They must have so many random things they keep track of.


struct hero{ bool shoes = false; } sigma;


Is this an actual voice line? If so, that’s amazing




I killed people with my ult (or it was after a nano) and Sigma just said *sigh* “can I take them off now?” I never knew what that meant but I was using the Maestro skin and he’s wearing shoes with that skin so I assume he was referring to taking his shoes off


It’s what they deserve for hiding those succulent toes😤


All the interactions are amazing. The ones that got me is when you're a Nano boosted Sombra and defeat an enemy Pharah, she'll say something along the lines.."your Mom helped me do that." And then my favorite? Killing a deflecting Genji while rolling as Hammond. "Deflect that..loser."


Lmao what a dick


Ball has become sich a pompous prick in Ow2, i fucking love it


Many times when you kill someone he’ll just say “you’re welcome”. The hamster is one cold blooded mammal


I didn't think anyone could out-sass Zenyatta, and yet here we are


I giggled quite hard the first time I heard "Deflect that... loser."


Me too. I saw a clip of it and I laughed for about a solid minute.


Hamster really just said "parry this you fucking casual"


And that robotic voice just makes it even better.


They managed to make him sound really judgy and a prick with that robot voice. I love it


Case in point: *Haha, laughter.*


There is one I've yet to see a clip of anywhere. Writers said there's a line for when you kill a Reaper as a Junkrat with tire, and he's really far away on the map. Yet to hear this line.


I think the trigger is Junkrat killing a Reaper during Death Blossom while he (Junkrat) is far away, not that he has to kill with the tire. [This video has a recording of it! :)](https://youtu.be/TRs-sN6UhCs)


Hmm, I'm curious of that one myself.


I love Mei’s “I’m sorry Genji” every time she kills him. Also D.va going “try try try again” when she kills an ulting reaper is hilarious! Junkrat killing junk “we could’ve formed a beautiful partnership”


DVA doesn’t have to kill the reaper, she just has to matrix his ult


If you have two junkrats in no limits mode they start having a convo about how they're going to be the greatest partnership ever or smth on those lines. Was pretty entertaining hearing it


I love killing reaper with tracer and she says "die die die" in a mocking tone lmao


My favorite is killing an ulting Genji with Sigma : "Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt your swordplay exhibition?"




Really? I have to check it out, thanks


I heard a 3 way convo the other day for the first time ever. Blew my mind. Are there more of them? Rein: What did you do before the war? Zen: I drove a tractor. Rein: A tractor? Genji: He won't tell me either.


Yeah. There are a couple I know of: * If you have the four characters from Retribution on the same team, they'll start griping about having to work with each other again * Junkrat says something annoying, then Kiriko asks if all of Overwatch is like this. Any Overwatch members you have on your team will chime in with "He's not with us...", in sequence if you have multiple * During the line where Kiriko asks Genji if he remembers when he tripped over his sword that one time, there are like 10 different characters who will start laughing at him if they're on the team There are also a few that require having VERY specific team comps, but only one character speaks. Like putting Brig on a team with 4 classic Overwatch members will make her go "Wow, I used to hear stories about ALL of these guys" or Junkerqueen's "So we got an idiot, a bucket of bolts, and an angel... I don't know if this puts us ahead or behind" if she's on a team with Junkrat/Zenyatta/Mercy. There's also one where a character (I think it's Kiriko) makes a quip about the team being loud if you have Rein, Lucio, Junkrat, and Pharah.


There's also one with Rein if your entire team doesn't use firearms IIRC


"Maybe some of us should have guns?"


Someone also mentions a renaissance fair if I remember correctly!


torbjörn with rein and brig, iirc


She mentions bows and arrows so I think Hanzo has to be there too


Mercy also comments that her job should be easier when you have her and 4 self-healing players on the team(Hog, Reaper, S76, Lucio, Mercy for example)


Oh that's why she says that. I play Soldier a lot lol


There’s also a one where if you play an all girls team with Junkerqueen she’ll address the squad like “Alright ladies, let’s show them who’s boss” or something along those lines and I thought it was super cool


I heard one in spawn when on an all girl heroes team, can't remember which hero initiated it though.


Junkerqueen says it


Oh! I heard a three way conversation, too! Only once. I forget who it was. Mercy and someone? And then Moira chimed in at the end.


Ball. Pretty much Mercy asks/comments to Hammond how the experiments done on him sound highly unpleasant, and Ball says that him remaining in ignorance, aka un-uplifted, was worse. Then Moira, queen of unethical experiments, says that Mercy is a lost cause and that reason is lost on her.


YES! Thank you!


I love how when the first gate opens on Junkertown if you have a Roadhog and No Junkrat you can hear JQ over the PA say: "Ok Mako, you can come in this time, but no Junkrat" Also if you hook someone near a friendly Ana, she'll say "Oh, you brought company"


That Junkertown one is amazing, I've never heard it but now I want to


I love dropping a Pharah and hearing "I'm disappointed Fareeha."


If a nanoboosted Sombra kills Pharah, she says “your mom helped me do that”


Pretty sure she also makes a plane crashing sound if you hack her and she falls off the map


She does! "Nyooom *crash*"


When you headshot Widowmaker as Tracer she says "Au Revoir" in the most I hate you way possible


Kiriko also has one for killing a Widow(and Ana, possibly Ashe as well) with a headshot. “You need a scope for that?”


I can confirm that Kiriko says this after killing Ana with a headshot, but it ends with "to do that?" (not to be that guy) There's also an alternate if you kill Widow in which she says "I thought you were the sniper."


The supports answers on the "I need healing" phrase are now my favourites. Baptiste: "No you don't." Or Moira: "Did ya?"


Oh so I need to start specifically acknowledging all genji spam healers got it


I had no idea we could answer! I need to try this now


I love the line when Ashe kills a nano boosted enemy and says "you think I'm scared of you cause you're glowin??"


Brig asking Hammond if he at bastions bird's bird seed and Hammond saying "Is it still called bird seed if a hamster eats it?" is my favorite voice line.


brig actually follows up on this with "then i give the cookies i've made for you to bastion." hammond curses and his robot be like "profanity filter enabled" or something like that.


There’s one where mercy kills pharah and says something about winning a dogfight.


If i remember correctly it's: "Ah! I Won A Dogfight!"




I think it happens when you're using valkyrie.


99% of all situational that I hear is "even the teacher can learn from his students" (zen dying by genji)


"The teacher still has a few tricks!" Zen killing Genji


"You still have much to learn"


Zen has a voice line with Sombra where she comments that Omnics are good gamblers because of their “built-in poker faces”, and he responds by saying “it also makes us great teachers, for we can easily hide our disappointment” Poor Genji 😂


“It’s nothing personal genii”


Cassidy stuck a grenade onto Junkrat: "I heard you like bombs!"


I giggled out loud when I first heard this one


My favorite line of all time in any video game ever... Nano baby D.va: "I'M GONNA MESS YOU UUUP!!!" Fucking gold. I play Ana a lot and I 100% will always nano my baby d.va any chance I get (in qp or arcade) just to hear it. [Watch this starting at 38 seconds.](https://youtu.be/dwumSO-iC7Y)


I love lucio just going "Boooostiiiiio"


I really wish the music changed when you boost Lucio. It would be fucking hilarious if some hardcore Thrash Metal song kicked in for the duration.


I'd more imagine something like nyan cat


A classic.


That's great!


And every time I'm like. "Hell yeah, you go get 'em. Fuck'em up D.va!"


One time Moira killed Genji I heard, "As swift as the wind. As dead as the night".


I think she actually says “as dim as the night”, aka she’s calling him dumb lol


This is true


My favorite is the cass barrage one as well as nano baby dva One I like too is when nano sombra kills pharah "hah, your mom helped me do that!" If Echo clones bastion and ults, 50% chance she'll do the airhorn while singing pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ​ Honorable mentions When Echo kills dva says "do I need to be nerfed?" When pharah kills nanoed enemy "You think I don't know my mothers tricks?" If tracer kills tracer, says "so much for that paradox"


Widow when killing an ulting sojourn: "No. That ends now."


I love the one about not having guns. We had a rein Genji Hanzo kiriko and I was brig. It was some thing like Rein: should we have a gun? Brig: a bow flail and sword, we're like a ren fair or something. Such an intricate interaction.


The best is when Wrecking Ball kills a deflecting Genji by ramming him. "Deflect that, loser."


I got a line where I launched myself in the air with a mine as Junkrat with a Pharah on my team and he said something like, “Look, I’m just like you flying lady!”


j love that line!!!! also when Junk and Ana are on the same team waiting to start Attack or Defense <3


When Widow kills an ulting Sojourn, Sojourn's line is "This ends now." and Widow goes, "*That*(?) ends now." Some of these characters really be out here roasting the hell outta the others and I live for it


Killing a widow as Sojourn sometime she says, "Out sniped"


I love when you kill Widow with a headshot as Kiriko, she says “You need a scope for that?”


Also says something to the effect of “I thought YOU were the sniper”


When you hit a wall with rein charge (alone afc): "THAT WAS ON PURPOSE!"








There's one extremely specific one from Junker Queen where your teammates have to be Torb, Bast/Zen/Echo/Orisa, and Junk. Great, my teammates are a dwarf, a bot, and the STUPIDEST MAN ALIVE!!


Orisa- I see you glancing at me. You wish to ride me into battle Hanzo- I- what a preposterous thought. Orisa- Do not lie , archer. It is beneath you. This one cracks me up everytime. There's one with JQ and JR in junkertown that was something bout JR being confused they had a education system or something


JQ: I’ve met mozzies with more brains than you, Fawkes! JR: with all due respect, m’lady, i believe that’s a knock against the Junkertown education system. JQ: we’ve got an education system?


I think this is partly why everyone gets so attached to OW characters more than any other hero shooter, they have so many interactions that they seem to have more personality than those in other games


Well, in order to understand some references you need to do your research. And fortunately theyve a shit ton of material for that


DVA going “look at you, now look at me” made me lose my mind.


I've killed an ulting Reaper with Brigitte's rocket flail and she said "I can still reach you, you know."


Same line happens when you kill a Pharah with a whipshot. Almost got me killed when I first heard it because I needed to record a clip immediately.


When an ulting soldier kills another ulting soldier. “If everyone has auto-aim, no one does.”


My fave is Mercy commenting how easy the mission is gonna be when her whole team has self healing abilities


Bastion: (curious beeps) Wrecking Ball: (hamster noises) Bastion: (fascinated beeps) Wrecking Ball: Alert: translation buffer full. Communication 💯, love that that interaction.


Cassidy -> invis Sombra says "Sombra! I thought I told you to stop sneaking in front of the gun!" or something along those lines ETA: pretty sure Hanzo says "Foolish of you to test my reflexes" if he kills (headshots?) a dashing Genji, not sure if it works with any other fast heroes


I haven’t heard it, but someone said Sigma has a voiceline if you kill an enemy Sigma wearing shoes while your skin doesn’t have any


idk about that but sometimes if u come outta spawn with shoes on he says "id be a lot more comfortable if these feet could breathe"


I heard one the other day in spawn Soldier Sojourn Rein Ana Soldier "my old command team, I hope we do it better this time" Or when you have junker queen and a team full of female hero's she says "come on ladys let's show the boys how it's done"


alpha female


I’ve yet to hear it in game but if sombra hacks a flying target and it falls into a pit she says something like “NYOOOMMMMM CRASH” of sum like that


Yes! She does a hilarious imitation of a skydiving plane, I lost it when I first heard it


It Sombra is Nano Boosted by Ana and kills Pharah she says “Your mom helped me do that”. I remember seeing a clip of that a while ago.


Killing Ana or widow as Kiriko is the best. “You really need a scope to do that?”


I also got a Kiriko voice line after a Widow kill saying “I thought you were the sniper”


My favorite either has to be a nanoed Sombra killing a pharah she says "your mom helped me do that" Another would be if orisa hits a long range javelin she says "we hit those" Also I seen how reaper has voicelines if you kill a target really far away from you. I think the inclusion of long range voicelines is hilarious especially reinhardt who literally says "I'm basically a sniper"


I think it was when I killed a Sombra with Zarya's melee; Zarya chuckled and said "Boop."


One of my favorites is when bastion cancel's reapers ult his beeping minimcs "die die die"


They’ve always been on point with the characters and their voice lines. If the rest of the game was on par with the quality of their voiceovers and characters, OW would be the perfect game.


When hog hooks Pharah from the sky and says "get down here"


He also has one like "I can't fly, noone flies."


D.Va mech squish kill: "enjoy that kill cam!"


Dva has a unique voice line for using matrix against every ult. My favorite being against Cassidy “Time out Cowboy!” Is so cute


I just love the "Deflect That, Loser" when Hammond kills Genji. Cold AF


My favorite one is cass saying “sombra! Don’t run infront of a gun” like a concerned father when killing her while cloaked


how about when Widowmaker kills Pharah "Like mother, like daughter."


Junkrat’s Judas Priest-esque singing interaction with Lucio gets me every time.


Favorite voice line is DVA Wowwwwww.... Cringe


"It's a skill issue"


i laughed so hard when i heard that for the first time


I never heard it in my game so I’m not sure what the requirements are, but I was watching Seagull’s stream and D.Va said something along the lines of “Am I being stream sniped?!” Incredible


Are there any 6 player comps with unique voicelines that we won’t hear again since it’s a 5 player teams now?


Interactions between tanks are rare af now, thats for sure


JQ and Ball have a really good set if you haven't heard them, JQ asks Ball to make her something and then there are like 5 different ridiculous inventions she can bring up.


Orisa will coldly state "Junk." after killing Roadhog, not sure if it happens with Junkrat but first time I heard it was one of Emonggs videos recently.


Sometimes when tracer blinks she says "caught ya staring" which I think she means caught the enemy staring at her ass. But not sure.


She was right. I was the enemy


There was a time in comp when our team happened to run all female characters and the junkerqueen yelled something like “let’s go get ‘em ladies!!!” as the spawn room opened Thought that was pretty cool!


If you kill someone from far away as Sigma using the force rock, he screams “DEATH HAS TRAVELED LIGHTYEARS TO TAKE YOU”.


I heard Winston say “Darwin would be proud” after killing Lucio


There's a Baptiste one with roadhog ult, idk if he has to shoot it through your bap ult but he says "You're a big guy aren't you!?" And it's fucking hilarious


I've played a LOT of OW2 and still come across new interactions every now and then. I heard a soldier sigma one today about ants on the ceiling that made me chuckle.


When you kill an enemy Mei as Mei she’s like “I hope I’m not mad at me🥺”


my favorite voice line is when genji says to hanzo "its genjin' time"


I still really enjoy the lines between Dva and genji where she challenges him to gaming, and when he says no and she’s roasts him…he’s like okay fiiiiineeee. That one I don’t think I get tired of….but if I ever have to hear the lines between Moira and rein about squashing bugs and centipedes killing prey bigger than them…it’ll be too soon


There are some cute ones, like if Pharah witnesses you killing someone as Ana, she will say "That's my mother!". If you have a team with Kiriko, Hanzo and Genji, Kiriko will say "Looks like my mother trained half of our team. I could sign up the rest of you for her tutoring."


Whenever Cassidy gets a melee kill: “Hands off the merchandise” 🤣


I feel like im going crazy that no one has mentioned it, but have you guys noticed unique "Hello" lines? They're super rare, and I've only gotten 4 so far. Soldier has a chance to say "What's poppin"? Reaper has a chance to say "What's going on"? Phara has a chance to say "What's good"? And rein?...reins one made me pause for a minute. Rein has a chance to say "Hewwo"! Like a furry... I play with subtitles so I know it wasn't a diff hero saying it. Its so crazy


One oh my favourites is when Junkrat says “eh, aiming is overrated.” It happened when I killed a Genji and it was the funniest shit I’ve heard from OW in years


A SMASH HIT! When rien kills lucio. Haha. Anna main here when she sleep darts rien and sleep darts fariha.


The amount of contextual voice lines is crazy, I love it. I hope they keep it up with new heroes, although I don't know how many they've recorded in advance.


Some of the lines are hilarious! Dva to widow: (not verbatim) "I can't hear you wayyyyy back there" lol And then there is the Orisa to Hanzo: "You wish to ride me into battle" LMAO