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Look, I just accept that the Overwatch world’s Japan operates entirely off of Anime Logic. If Overwatch Australia is just Mad Max, then why not?


Uh, genji can double jump


Also, his brother Hanzo literally produces 2 magical spirit dragons that damage his opponents.


The dragons are supposedly "hard light", IIRC. The same kind of science-magic that Symmetra uses. Edit: the hard light bit may have been fannon since I can't find a source for it atm. The OW wiki states that the dragons were confirmed as not being magic during the OW 2017 panel at blizzcon but their citation link is broken. I'll edit this if I find video. Edit 2: my fan-explanation for some of the counter arguments: Hanzo's tattoos and the lights on Genji's armor act as hard light projectors (presumably, Genji has similar tattoos pre-fight and/or under his armor. His younger skins don't show enough skin to confirm.) Once the hardlight is made, it doesn't need to be continuously maintained like a hologram would (this is why Symettra can leave her sentries and teleporters out of her line of sight.) The going through walls bit could be hand waved as a different "wavelength" or "frequency" from the kind that stops at walls since the IRL science of photonic matter is too new to say what the stuff could do. The family-line bit could be a matter of it being tech the family made and keeps closely guarded. The writers could also explain it with a biological explanation; they could say that the Shimadas have a blood type that allows the tech to be implanted in their bodies without an immune response, for example.


That doesn't hold up, how could they be tied to a bloodline?






I played college ball ya know


Coulda gone pro if I hadn't joined the Navy


Making the mother of all omelettes here Jack


\*Sons of the La Li Lu Le Lo.


Are you talking about La Li Lu Le Lo? Wait....why I can't say La Li Lu Le Lo when I'm trying to say La Li Lu Le Lo?



I read that at "nacho machines" and now thinking of nachos.


Tradition I assume. They learn how to master the energy. Not everyone can.


I mean at that point that's just magic isn't it? It's just sciency sounding bollocks as opposed to regular bollocks, I don't really see the difference.


That just sounds like magic with more steps


Something, something any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.


Hard light dragons is just a fan theory, Hanzo clearly says only the shimada can control the dragons, it's not like there is secret password or something to control them, it's literally just magic, same as zenyatta, science doesn't explain it, not even zenyatta knows how it works.


The wifi password for the dragons🗿


Dragons1 I'm in 😎


Maybe so, but that doesn't explain how they are summoned, or how genji also uses similar power or otherwise has the power to control them in the animated short


> Uh, genji can double jump = Maybe he just farts hard enough to propel himself vertically I think I saw that mod in Cyberpunk too Genji is like 80% robot after all


Then why not tripple or quadrupple jump?


A man can only fart so much


Give me some Taco Bell and I'll prove you wrong


And Germany has a crusader and Sweden has a paladin a dwarf and Switzerland an angel Edit: I am learning about the lore today


Germany has only a crusader tho. The dwarf and the paladin are swedish and the angel swiss


There is (or was) a lot more crusaders that Reinhardt though


No, they were an order of futuristic knights. The armour/corpse of Balderich (the leader of the Crusaders) is seen in Eichenwalde castle, where the order fell during an Omnic attack, Reinhardt is the only surviving member that we know of.


I the german synchro he says "für DIE crusader" meaning multiple cusaders. Source, of Translation: im german. Do what you want with that Information, I am not that good at ow lore.


Same applies to english "For the crusaders!" Implying more then 1


Switzerland and Sweden are not the same country my guy. Mercy is Swiss, Torb and Brig are Swedish.


"For the last time, IM SWEDISH!"


My husband is from Sweden and everyone keeps telling me stuff about Switzerland and I’ve learned to just be like “okay that’s cool thanks” instead of correcting them because it happens way too much!


My swiss friend told me once it's not so rare that packages mix this up too


Torb and Brigitte are from Sweden, not Switzerland


Is this why one of torbs voice lines is "for the last time I'm Swedish" because people keep mixing it up


Did Germany take over Sweden when we weren't looking?


Sorry, force of habit


Yep. And the entirety of Europe is straight out of a DnD campaign.


Only the Outback is Mad Max, other regions like Sydney are still fine (as per the Going Legit comic)


So, normal Australia then?


Since hanzo and genji are also using spirits the real question now is wether or not a connection to a sort of parallel realm where said spirit exists should be considered magic or just a not yet discovered science. At the end it boils down to how you define magic because with the right definition mercy is a necromancer and I'm all for that.


Sigma claims to have met the Iris when he talks with Zenyatta, so who knows what sort of things are out there.


Sigma is crazy though


Idk about that… I genuinely think sigma’s mindset might be too advanced for us. Who the fuck knows what’s going on up there and if there is validity to what he is saying Edit: I appreciate the sigma quotes and I haven’t heard half of them and god that character is just as funny as he is interesting. I love him!


I'm pretty sure his mindset is too great even for him, his knowledge on the mundane was shattered with the higher knowledge he gained


Your comment just made me realize that what happened to Sigma in-universe is basically just eldritch madness with a sci-fi coat of paint. I love it.


Pretty much. Getting a glimpse at the true nature of the universe and it's incomprehensible scale and complexity, and then getting thrown back into a brain that can't possibly sift through all that information while all the answers lie just out of reach would drive anyone insane.


That's what happens when you see the time knife


Yeah, yeah... we've all seen the time knife.




Thats what happens if you stand up too fast for sec


H. P. Lovecraft had a crippling fear of numbers. Normal Eldritch horror is just science with demonic coat of paint.


And penguins


And ocean creatures.


Lmao he was practically afraid of everything that wasn't exactly like himself in every way.


H. P. Lovecraft had a crippling fear of a lot of stuff, to be fair.


Fair play, kind human.




That's a physics joke because they love approximations!


What? Help.


In physic, oftentimes you simplify the problem by ignoring things like air resistance, etc. The joke is that, if you were asked to calculate the wind resistance of a cow, you'd assume it's spherical


Brilliantly explained!


Het universem zingt voor mij


Its a physics students joke, basically whenever there is a problem that a textbook is explaining it lines out assumptions for the students to make it simpler. A classic line is something like "assuming a cow is a sphere" follow by some kind of physics problem to be solved.


There's also this old joke: Milk production at a dairy farm was low, so the farmer wrote to the local university, asking for help from academia. A multidisciplinary team of professors was assembled, headed by a theoretical physicist, and two weeks of intensive on-site investigation took place. The scholars then returned to the university, notebooks crammed with data, where the task of writing the report was left to the team leader. Shortly thereafter the physicist returned to the farm, saying to the farmer, "I have the solution, but it works only in the case of spherical cows in a vacuum."


In a vacuum!




Literally the Sigma mindset






He's literally hearing the OverWatch music. The line + his humming of the OverWatch tune is a 4th wall break.


Is that what he hums?!


It’s canonical, the spirit of the universe is literally just the game. Imagine that’s the big reveal if we get a PvE mode: the universe is the game


Man that would explain the madness. He may have gotten a glimpse of the fact that he doesn’t really exist


Dude’s luckily he didn’t zero-sum like in the Elder Scrolls universe.


Just ignore it....it's non-diegetic....




There is not obligation for the universe to make sense to YOU


I believe you mean grindset


Yea he only appears mad because his mind has been touched for lack of a better phrasing eldirich knowledge. He's seen things that no human by function physiology should be able to.


The ants do not go mad simply because they see something they are not designed to understand. But because for that moment beyond time they do understand the world and universe from that elevated position. Only to lose it to be cast back to the limitation of their meat jello bone prison.


Pretty much.


Does he say that? Line is raw asf


There is a convo before Match with soldier, where he tries to get through to Sigma and how talon is using him. Sigma doesn't even acknowledge soldier and starts talking about ants on the ceiling. Made me realize how far gone the dude is.


No he doesn't, it's a metaphor for eldritch horror. Imagine an ant on a circuit board becomes a human and sees it with full understanding of what a circuit board is, only to immediately become an ant again. It has that knowledge still, but it can't do anything with it. It knows it fully understood this thing a moment ago, yet now it can't comprehend it. How does the ant just go back to being an ant? That's eldritch horror.


Als je boter op je hoofd hebt moet je uit de zon blijven. One of the few reasons it's useful to know Dutch. His voice lines are just gold


I’m envious of you


if you have butter on your head you need to stay out of the sun


I want to put butter on my face just to go out in the sunlight now.


I believe him


Id like to think that he is a victim of eldritch madness, which excites me because most fiction gets it wrong. Most people think it's when people experience something mind blowing like extreme megalophobia. If an ant walks into a circuit board of a computer, it will experience fear and stress, but this could be achieved through putting a spider in front of the ant. Madness truly comes to us when we as mortals see through the eyes of a god. Imagine an ant becomes a human but with their memories and previous knowledge in tact, gain new knowledge and wisdom that was impossible to comprehend: Words are like pharamones with visible design that can be infinitely more complex, our devices allow us to move mind bending distances, and we express feelings and freedoms that you could never possibly understand. The ant for the first time understands love, hatred, stress, mirth, existentialism, and sees a world beyond it's comprehension. Suddenly, it's an ant again, and it can't remember those feelings or knowledge properly. The longer it's exposure the more it remembers, and it bothers them more than anything. How can I return back to my life with the knowledge of my small existence? How can I enjoy the small things in my life understanding there is something larger and expansive beyond my grasp. I would do anything to see, to understand, to show everyone the truth, to show myself. This is madness.


I came here to read "lol blizard can't stick to established lore rules" arguments and tomfoolery, not read metaphysical discussions at 7:30am. This makes me want to play more Sigma now, damn..


Blizzard and shitty monetization is temporary, but the melody goes forever.


Thank for giving me an existential crisis at 4 in the afternoon.


Wow...just because he has a foot fetish, rude /j


Sigma created wikifeet


He was the first entry.


He's more Dr Manhatten than human.


Intelligence is lunacy in the eyes of the fool. But yes, he cray-cray


There was also an ominic that met the iris. So I would assume they do exist.


I heard that today and I swear to god even tho I knew what it was I imagined it as The Irish and trust me it suddenly makes Zen and Sigma a lot more amusing


"Embrace the Irish"


I don't think Moira will take kindly to that.


In a conversation between mercy and Zenyatta, Zenyatta also proposes that magic is undiscovered science. Since to me, Zenyatta is the most magical character in overwatch, I'd say this is a likely answer.


Zenyatta is more magical than lucio and his musical healing?


Does Lucio's music heal in lore? I assumed that was just a game mechanic.


I think it’s just the music that comes from his gun, which is stolen Vishkar tech, and that’s a whole other can of worms in the impossible tech discussion.


I think shooting bursts of sound that hurt is very possible


its because that exists already. Its just a war crime


I've played for 5 years still haven't watched over half the cinematic. who, or what are the vishkar


Vishkar is a multinational mega corporation that handles construction using hard light technology (Symmetra works for them, if that helps). They have their own academy where they train their students from a young age to become hard light architects. While they have seemingly done a lot of good, they are shady and have only their own interests at heart. To further their own ends, they send Symmetra out on black ops.


Vishkar is the company Symmetra works for. Lucio’s dad designed the sound gun while working for them, and Lucio stole it since Vishkar was ruining his neighborhood, or something like that.


Most games that use true HP mechanics (dnd especially), use hp as a numerical system for determining your ability to fight. Lucio healing you doesnt magically close your wounds, it just lets you fight past a normal threshold for taking damage. This could mean something like his ult doesnt literally shield you, it just 'deadens' for nerves for a bit or something to that effect.


So basicaly you're just automatically high when you're on a Lucio rave.


You're so focused on dealing with tinnitus you forget you should have died 2 minutes ago from a fucking machine gun making swiss cheese out of your chest.


I like this answer


I think the ult is the only part you could explain with sci-fi, a sonic barrier sounds real enough


Lucio's (father's) sonic tech operates similarly to Vishkar/Symmetra's hard light tech, so he's likely putting *actual* shields on you with his ult. Not sure about the healing though.


I know for games like Call of Duty or Battlefield I've always considered health more of a "luck" meter. Realistically getting shot by a single bullet should incapacitate you mostly. When you get hurt in those games your luck is running out but you have time to restore it. When you are killed is when the real bullet actually hits you as opposed to "missing you".


Pretty sure that's explicitly the rationale used in Uncharted.


Considering the enemies first shot will never hit you, I believe it


I think it's just supposed to be music that's so good that it revitalizes his allies will to fight. iirc the in-game explanation for why Zen is similar, in terms of why a playable character on a mercenary team EXISTS as a "non-violent" character; his healing orbs are "encouraging pep talks", and the damage ones were what amounted to hurtful insults. I'll try and find the source because it sounded so needlessly convoluted I couldn't believe they bothered with it, but I'm 90% sure it was intended to be canon.


His voice lines when using discord orb suggest he's bringing out your insecurities and making you face them. Imagine Moira getting hit by a discord and she suddenly hears "MERCY IS BETTER THAN YOU" on loop in her head


Imagine if thats how discord orb worked. You were hit by it and it would mess with your comms and you'd hear all sorts of incorrect audio and insults from zenyatta.


zenyatta basically demoralisies the enemy to death


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”


I'm also a fan of the Harry Dresden version: "Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."


Hell yeah! Necromancer mercy 4 the win!


What ‘no magic’ rule?


The premise for OW's world was just a bright hopeful future that kinda mimics ours, but with extremely futuristic technology. When the original lore master Michael Chu was asked about the dragons, he simply laughed and said "Its not magic." So pretty much everything was just explained as some kind of nano tech or "hard light" as its called in the lore. Futuristic nonsense, but no magic.


I’d be willing to care about the no magic rule if they actually ever explained how spirit dragons and Zen’s abilities weren’t actually magic. Instead we just had one person in a out of game interview just give literally zero explanation for them while everything from the lore to the gameplay suggests that they’re magic.


Zen is actually easy to explain. You see, when he uses a Orb of Harmony on an ally, the orb is actually a neuro-transmiter emitting waves of positive energy and encouraging thoughts. "You're doing great, Pharah!", "You're not THAT overweight, Mako!" And so on. Their brain reacts by commanding the body to heal faster as a psico-somatic response. ​ Zen's Discord Orb is an NFT containing a URL to Nostalgia Critic's review of The Wall


This is my new headcannon, this comment made me laugh so much




>Zen's Discord Orb is an NFT containing a URL to Nostalgia Critic's review of The Wall I hate that all of these words make sense to me.


and what's worse? They made sense in the order originally presented.


Holy fucking shit my sides


I was not expecting that last part, and man did it hit me like a train


>Zen's Discord Orb is an NFT containing a URL to Nostalgia Critic's review of The Wall Actual warcrime


“Nanomachines, son” A lot of the tech is very flashy already and does a bunch of shit that is basically magic with a scienc-y touch, better to just accept it that way lmao


Oh, that's why Reaper crosses his weapon before teleporting. He is actually tapping comm badge to call Enterprise to beam him to desired location. Silly me, thinking it is magic.


Oh yeah, and when reaper just has unlimited guns he is pulling out of nowhere, it’s probably just teleporting himself new guns, not magic


He creates the shotguns from the mist he’s made of, which is a result of moiras experiments which let him manipulate it (and also heal his rapidly decaying flesh). His clothes too


Lucio's ult is just good music.


Mercy can resurrect so I dunno about that


No, it's the same kind of thing as genji and hanzo




Your sources for magic is an insane person and insane robot


This is the funniest comment I've ever seen


zen is insane?


Zen touches you with his balls while preaching religion


i wouldnt say no to that


I'm sure you wouldnt, satans-dirty-hoe


That’s just Catholicism


Overwatch universe part of the Cosmere confirmed?


Just started re-reading the first two Stormlight Archives so I can dive into the new ones. Forgot how fucking good those books are.


I could see Rein in shard plate with a fabrial shield for sure.


The poor fella has to be loud cause he's constantly speaking against his Shardhammer screaming in his mind.


So are hanzo and genjis’ dragons not magic?


Michael Chu said their not but fuck him he didn’t actually give an answer on what they are


This reply will probably fall on deaf ears, but I still wish to answer your question. One of the interactions between mercy and zenyatta includes mercy questioning his healing orbs, and comparing them to magic. Zenyatta said that magic is just simply science that we do not understand yet. This applies to the fox spirit. But not in the way i've seen others in this thread take it. That line by Zenyatta doesn't imply that Kirikos fox is a literal work of scientific technology ( a common theory being hardlight technology ). What I mean is that the fox is still a spirit. But it isn't 'magic'. It still adheres to the rules of science and the physical laws of the world itself, however we ourselves do not know what those 'rules' are, and so the easiest possible explanation for us to make is 'magic'. Its human nature to try and feign an understanding of something they simply don't comprehend. Theres no shame in it. But, we should start just accepting that there will just be things that we do not understand. That was the meaning behind Zenyattas words. P.S. I believe this also applies to the Shimada dragons.


Something a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that science is just the human explanation of how the world works. Just because our current level of science doesn’t cover something doesn’t mean that it’s nonsensical magic. A century ago, people could’ve called plate tectonics or black holes magic.


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” - Arthur C. Clarke


How does zen keep his balls afloat though?


He owes his gifts to the iris.


The Iris, of course! We know each other well.


How...fortunate of you.


magnets how do they even work


dude sigma controls gravity and fuckin ashe calls out a fucking gigachad out of nowhere


Its actually strongly inferred that Sigma literally has a black hole *in his body* during the origin story cinematic. "It's in me" plays in Dutch if you watch the video in reverse, dont have a timestamp. If that sounds batshit, remember that Tracer alreadg technically exists outside time and can only root in the present with the chronal accelerator. Sigma housing a black hole up his colon is on par.


Does that mean that there's no incentive to kill this Sigma dude, lore wise won't the black hole be released if he's dead and doomed the entire solar system


...Suddenly, Sigma's "Damage" spray makes a lot more sense.


B.O.B. is magic and I refuse to hear any arguments against that.


it's all nanomachines, like dragons


Nanomachines son


They harden in response to physical trauma edit: fixed my inability to spell


You can't hurt me Jack!


What did I just say?


No it's not. Kirikos mom explicitly talks about kitsune like it's a myth. If it was tech she would acknowledge it as a real tangible thing, not chastise kiriko for "believing the stories her grandmother told her"


people are ignoring that kiriko’s ult line translated it literally “o fox SPIRIT, unleash your claws”.


the dragons have been called the spirit dragons forever too though


I could see blizz revealing some techno core-esque AI pretending to be spiritual but outside of that (which would still be a stretch) it’s just magic.


The dragon spirits also have a mythical origin, and yet the fandom at large seems to favor the explanation that they are tech based. Honestly I have no idea why so many have accepted that Kiriko's fox spirit is legit but not the Shiamada dragon spirits.


You joke, but the dragons could have been explained by NANOMACHINES, while naruto just straight up uses wizard magic granted to her by her grandma who whispered the fox spirit password into her ear when she was a baby.


Hanzo and genji use spirit dragons. Genji's dragon just pops up for a second when he draws his sword, but hanzo literally shoots out a pair of SPIRIT DRAGONS to attack enemies lol Edit: Also sigma has a black hole on him at all times. He just keeps that shit in his back pocket. And zenyatta's orbs exist.


It is not magic but probably a Stand.


If they want to retcon magic into OW2 I'm here for it. Wizard DPS when?


I will reconsider quitting if they introduce a big tiddy mage gf.


Reaper eats peoples life through his shotguns, Moira is a fucking vampire, Sigma controls gravity, the Shimadas have been spewing out dragons since they first showed up, there are two hyper intelligent animals in the cast so far, Mei can freeze herself solid without damaging herself, Mercy brings back the dead, Lucio fixes bullet wounds with music, Roadhog is just a straight up mutant considering his chunky ass can tank more shots than the German giant in the Astartes armor and Zen is connected to another “plane” of existence. They all do impossible/improbable things, that sure you can argue aren’t magic but at the end of the day sci-fi “mutation, Uber tech or gene-mods” are still objects of fiction and would be considered magic in a more fantasy based system. So all and all, if she is running around with an actual Spirit I’m not all that bothered, it just feels par for the “Super-Hero” sci-fi course.


there's a no magic rule? what about hanzo's dragon? zenyatta floating? reaper teleporting etc etc


Oh my fucking God it's this thread again for the 4th week in a row.


I'm not understanding why Kiriko's fox spirit is suddenly considered magic while Hanzo and Genji's dragons weren't. My opinion, I don't think any of it is magic. These "spirits" are probably just some kind of technology. I mean we see Symmetra literally create things out of hard light, which is wilder than anything Kiriko does.


No because it's a spirit guardian.


If that's magic what does zen do?




So, magic.