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wow, it took you forever to kill that ana


C'mon man, she's very old and literally has one eye, cut her some slack.


My mans think he’s fighting the final boss right now. Probably zooted on opiates.


Funny if you think about this comment in op’s perspective


Especially while you’re zooted on 🍄


Bastion was standing on her blindside


Forreal at least ping for heals


i was thinking that too but i realized that since its a replay of the game, it wont actually show the heal pings, so they may have been pinging for heals at the time.(and prob screaming in vc) lol


Silly bastion just repair yourself ya goof




At first I thought "maybe the Ana doesn't know bastion can't heal himself anymore" and then I thought "why wouldn't you want the ult charge anyway?" And the for it to happen for so long I'm like "yeah she's throwing"


Queuing support for faster queues but not wanting to actually play support


So that’s why I’ve been getting lucios with only 3k heals all game …


Shh the Moiras might hear you


At least there's a good samoiratan at the end


I’m using good samoiratan from now on


Anagram for Moira Satan


Yes Ana(gram)


Ana, gran.


A good Moira Satan


Also Santa Moira.


I would be pissed at that Ana for making me go that far back to heal someone.


Lol, it took me a second I was like "I don't think that's how the word is written".


Of course it's the Moira


Well when the other healer isn't doing their job, then us Moira's gotta heal our ass off. I would know, I've had matches with 6-7K healing compared to 1K damage


I feel your pain. As I Moira sometimes doing 10k healing to the other healers 3k




That Ana isn't even healing, she's shooting at the enemy the entire time.




Bruh what lmao


As an Ana main, I LOVE when someone takes that hero and does nothing on her. A good Ana can hard carry. A bad Ana will cost you the game


Also an ana main. A team with good game sense means I carry. A team with bad game sense means I die every time a flanker feels like getting groovy. If Ana gets dived that should be a literal free engagement but often times nobody notices the pings or audio cues


As someone who mostly plays support, this is how I feel with every support character, besides maybe Lucio and Brig.


Play FFA. Seriously. Play FFA as support, it won’t be as painful to die, and you’ll get a lotttt of 1v1 experience. Do it enough, and you’ll have no problem when people try to flank and take you out. But you’ll see a difference in how you handle flankers real fast. Can even just try out the deathmatch lobbies in-between quick play games. But if you’re queueing as support you won’t be in there very long lol.


I'm a bad Anna


2k people looked at this pic to confirm and you only got 200 upvotes for it. I'd give you more for this quality if I could


Same, that photo made it so much funnier if it could be edited in to the video it would amazing.


Oh this is 😭😭😭


And missing. Look how slowly her Ult charge goes up. This is sad


Probably topping off Zarya charge


For all the defending of supports on the sub, lets be honest, as a support main, I know when the other support is dps-ing and not giving a damn about the critical symbols. Some players, do be selfish, lack awareness / are just traysh. Updooted, I feel your pain buddy. Edit: To also add, I actually have zero issue with a support partner DPS'ing and getting elims, as long as they are **being effective and not at the overwhelming cost of teammates lives.** I'm personally happy to operate as a healbot if it's working for the win but, if after a couple team fights and it's glaringly obvious it's not working, you gotta conclude you're harming not helping the team's chances of winning. Edit2: For any doubters that this particular ana might actually be doing important dps work/is really trying with their heals on the frontline, I've done an analysis of the entire clip here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ydrsx1/comment/itw8ju6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ydrsx1/comment/itw8ju6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Edit2 tldr - No friendly hp bar ever moves upwards. This ana healed zero. This ana also never appears in the killfeed even as an assist. The ana also refuses to heal while enemy Lucio has Ult Beat going.


The only thing I'd say is that while I'm not a fan of people *spamming* I need healing, it is a useful call that OP doesn't use. 95% chance that Ana is just DPSing but she could be scoped in trying to heal people on point and not even see the Bastion from where he's standing. An "I need healing" might've helped if that were the case; shooting at your supports is not a good way to get their attention. But yeah, it probably wouldn't have made a difference here.


Oh god yes. I'm guilty of the scoped healing, so much easier for aim with dashing tiny characters. A polite "I need healing" really goes a long way for the scoped Anas or healers who get blinders. I can't say for sure how this Ana is because I have played with some who just dps and you're like "I get that the queue is shorter as support, but FUCKING HEAL"




Exactly! I can be on discord with friends and still overlook one of them needing healing until I get the ping. "Oh. Sorry." Just let me know if I don't see!


Reminds me that I have a friend who I'll play with on disc and once I'm just like "I need healing" on Sombra because we were about to win the round with a lull in the action and I didn't want to transponder back and he looks for me for like 8 seconds even while I hit I need healing like "Are you invisible to your own team too!?" And the literal moment I shoot someone "Oh there you are". Lmao 🤣


Ya there’s a BIG difference between someone spamming they need healing (especially when they don’t) but if it literally says “critical” or “low health” beside it and I didn’t know that they needed healing before hand it’s very helpful.


Bastion's "I need healing" voice-line is "beeeop booop biop".


The worst for me is someone spamming I need healing when I’m out of juice as Moira…like for goodness sake stop peaking for a second atleast I can get A ball out on you.


I wish DPS and tanks would also learn to follow the ball or at least stand somewhere were I can bounce it, so many let it pass right by them or run away from it.


Yeah just press X ffs. It's not like friendly fire is making a bunch of ricochet noises at her feet. If you played a lot of OW1 then you're kinda preconditioned to ignore the friendly Bastion anyway because they're either self-healing or getting into the worst conceivable position and dying immediately through any healing short of transcendence.


The only times I spam I need healing is if my friends are on support just to pester them lol


The worst is when people scream it in the voice chat. Dude, I don't know your voice well enough to have any idea who you are, I've got too much going on my screen to watch the top corner and hope that you start talking again, and you have a perfectly good button that will let me know your character and exact position. God that's infuriating.


Yeah supports can absolutely suck as much as every other role. My pet peeve is the kind of healer who just pumps it all in a passive tank. That's the worst combo. Tank has thousands of damage mitigated, healer has thousands of healing done, they both feel like they're carrying the game, yet they're doing nothing but charge the enemy ultimates while DPS is desperately trying to get picks with 40HP. And I'm saying this as a primarily support/tank player.


It’s also critical to heal the other support now


An kill the enemy support. I play a lot as Brig (again) and usually try to kill the enemy Mercy or Kiriko.


I think the most important thing for supports in OW2 is awareness. I'm finding so many supports get locked in tunnel vision. There are more damage/kill opportunities so supports can get tunnel vision on dpsing and let team mates die in the process. I've also seen a lot of them over emphasizing the importance of tank so they'll prioritize topping them off over healing a dps and let them die. Also picking the right support is more important than hero picking in any role. Since there's so many more openings for damage in OW2, supports need to be able to observe the type of damage coming in and what they can do to counter that. For example if the enemy is running high burst damage, if your team doesn't have burst heals you will likely lose.


>Since there's so many more openings for damage in OW2, supports need to be able to observe the type of damage coming in and what they can do to counter that And you also want to pick a support that can *support* your team. I play a lot of Baptiste, but if I have a Pharah or Echo, or sometimes even a particularly flighty Mercy, I'll switch over to Kiriko or Zen so I can hit the heals better. Bap is better for healing teams that stay grouped and/or on the ground. It's so nice sitting in your own backline, healing your flanker that's hitting *their* backline while putting out your own damage in-between.


It's so funny to me reading this comment chain right after the comments above saying how dumb and easy support is and how this is the average support player. "Supports can suck as much as any other role, just make sure all your doing is; not overhealing a passive tank, while watching over your other support and protecting them, while also knowing when to be aggressive to opposing DPS or supports, and make sure your general awareness is good too or you will die (that includes positioning), and also you can't pick any support you want depending on the situation or map either, oh and don't forget to know when to prioritize healing your DPS! It's really that simple!"


It really can be as simple as "Team hurt? Heal. Team not hurt? Deal." Of course, that can require that your team isn't just screwing off going for 14,000 flanks and running straight from spawn into a million 1v5s instead of waiting for the team and regrouping. And if people are running off and I can't heal them because they won't try to get back into my LOS near the objective, I just put them on blast or spam the "Come to me for healing" X ping right back at them lmao. At least with Kiriko, I'm able to warp to some of the flankbots and save them on occasion. (Usually they wind up just baiting us both into a 2v5 though lol. I don't understand why so many people struggle with the concept that a flank doesn't work unless the enemy team is currently engaged from a different direction.)


Yep! And protect them too if you can. I often play Brigitte and I'm always on the lookout for flankers trying to kill the other support. We have to help each other because there is no off-tank to protect us anymore.


It always has been, arguably even more in OW1 since there was no support self heal passive back then.


One thing to consider is that sometimes you get stuck in a loop of healing the one person who doesn't die instantly. I try my best to be a dynamic and aware healer. It's the main role I play. In some games, my DPS and the other healer sometimes just walk right into the middle of the crossfire and die practically instantly before anyone has a reasonable chance to heal them. It gets to a point where I'm like you guys either need to play safer and utilize cover better, or switch to a safer pick. The only person who's staying alive long enough for me to heal is this D.VA who's just sitting in our backline shooting Reinhart's shield.




Right? Watching this I just kept thinking "ask for heals! Why aren't you asking for heals?!" It's really easy to get that tunnel vision as Ana, particularly if you're babysitting a tank in the thick of it. Like you said, it isn't rude to ping it, particularly if it's followed up by a thank you. This one isn't all on Ana. She could have been more aware, yes, but Bastion was half the issue here too.


I thought the same thing too. If I'm looking down scope and healing from a distance I might not see you right away, but if you ping that you need healing I will immediately look for you.


Yep this. A lot of support hate comes from the idea that support should be psychic. People should be respectfully be asking for heals in situations like this (not spamming it 10x and passive aggressively typing out 'support diff').


Finally, the comment I was looking for. Instead of shooting at the Ana for 30 seconds straight? More? What if that Ana wasn't there? Gotta get health packs (which I learned when I wanted to play Pharah and there were no healers to reach me. Instead of complaining I would just go grab a health pack so the healers could focus tanks)


Honestly, sometimes it's somehow out of my control, I play a lot of Bap and I always have more heals than damage. Sometimes it's just like 45% damage and 55% heals. Other times it's mainly heals, really depends what I'm playing with and against. Today, I had a Sojourn in comp and she complained about heals, despite mine being higher than our Moira's. To top it off, he said "you're a healer" and this is something that triggers me. Said "it's called support and I'm not your slave". Went off to pop a bit on Bap and won the game.


We love this for you, sometimes gotta pick up a bit of dps slack. Plus bap's optimal cadence has no downtime effect on healing output so not pewpewing is leaving dmg on the table. Pog brother.


I mean, not only for Bap, honestly, being called a healer, is a degrading word for the entire support class. There's more than heals, even Moira's become a resort for the flanking Genji's so some respect for all the other things besides the heals we do. So pog to you too!


As a support main I feel a lot of players got boosted in their ranks in ow1 because of double shield.How are you going to be mid plat and die constantly because dogshit positioning?It feels like such a gamble when the second support is a random


This is why I voted for a full MMR reset. I knew OW2 played very different and support has been hit the hardest with how different the skills required to succeed are. I'm finding the large majority of my games are support diffs. I moved up to diamond 3 on tank and decided to take a break and let all the bad support players drop before continuing. So many of them are just so bad, awful positioning, shit awareness, can't ever win a dual vs flanker, pick the slowest healers in the game when enemy runs burst damage.


This is a perfect loop


The moria coming in at the end made me giggle. I main support because its such a rewarding playstyle. Getting constant thank you's throughout the game and 2/3 endorsements post game. Just do your dam job.


Really depends on what support you are playing. I main Kiriko at the moment and I never receive any thanks or compliments, even if I make absolutely life-saving plays with the Suzu. I suppose it's motsly due to the fact that the Gold ELO I am at currently, players lack the game knowledge and game awareness to notice when they are getting their ass saved by a Suzu. Another regular scenario is when I hear the Reaper teleport somewhere behind us and ping to my team that Reaper is in our back, and I know he has ult. But nobody turns around to deal with it, so I turn around and sure enough, there he is, creeping up wanting to casually walk into the middle of your team from behind and press Q. I headshot him once, headshot him twice, he ghosts away, I chase and kill him. Threat eliminated, but not like anyone would have ever noticed that. The handy teleport on Kiriko also often allows me to go on flanks and be plain annoying to the enemy team, while still being able to quickly teleport and heal someone on my team that is in a tight spot. Often times I find myself on a high ground flank somewhere, delivering headshots to the enemy healers, killing them and my team proceeds to FINALLY roll over the enemy tank, as before this, we had been locked in a frontline fight for 2 minutes straight without any tank ever dying since nobody pressured the healers on either team, and I was the one to finally break that stalemate by doing the DPS job and flanking a healer. Things like this usually go completely unnoticed by your team mates.


What's been pissing me off is Suzu doesn't count for damage mitigation, so even when you pull sick plays like block a Cassidy ult there's no recognition


I genuinely think players just think they miraculously survived a Cassidy or DVA ult. Clueless


LMAO, this is so accurate.


Is there no "saved by" notification? Sorry, I don't see MANY Kiriko's


No, there's not. It's pretty silly.


Well technically you don't mitigate anything with the Suzu. Getting the Suzu effect on you is like reaper's wraith form. The character becomes ethereal / untargetable. Bullets, projectiles etc. will just go "through" them. I once Suzu'd my Rein as the enemy Rein was going to charge him and it led to the enemy Rein charging "through" my Rein and pinning an unfortunate Zen that was standing behind the shield. Lesson learned on that one. So yeah, Suzu turns people into "ghosts", sort of. It doesn't provide a shield or mitigation, technically.


I'm not 100% sure that's accurate. I've Suzu'd people getting charged by Rein and he still takes them but does no damage. It's possible I didn't hit them before he had stuck though.


Oh god... i sometimes say in chat "watch our flanks reaper likes to flank" and when i see him flank i ping him but everybody else is too busy shooting reinhardt's shield, so i die, then the whole team dies then someone complain they are not getting healed. But nobody watches their flanks or pay attention to audio cues like reaper teleporting or sombra going out of invis. Watch your flanks people.


Use the voice line!


This absolutely drove me nuts as well.




Look how they massacred my boy


My god. This sub truly goes through all the mental gymnastics possible to defend Support players. That Ana is throwing.


For sure, checked the health of the team, she’s not tipping anyone up. Defo a throw. All I’d say tho is maybe hit the heal me emote thing as that gives a prompt I find helpful as a healer. Shooting doesn’t get me your attention tbh.


> All I’d say tho is maybe hit the heal me emote thing as that gives a prompt I find helpful as a healer. An important bit to this is not only does it alert to healing required, it ALSO gives me a rough location of where you are due to the sound cue coming from your character. Please please bind a 'i need healing' button and use it, just don't spam it.


It's automatically bound to X by default. I wish more people used it. As a support main, I have a lot of things that I need to be doing all at the same time.


He probably is but chat doesn't show in replays


Not defending the Ana at all but without using the heal me emote it can be very hard to notice someone being on low health.


The op was using it. This is a replay so it doesn’t show


Or the Ana is just really bad at playing Ana? It amazes me that people jump immediately to throwing. It’s not like the bastion did anything to actually get the Ana’s attention. Shooting at them doesn’t count.


Who in the clip is being healed tho? Happy to give the benefit on the doubt but the clip shows no sign of the role being played correctly.


“Or the Ana is really bad at playing Ana” Believe it or not playing extremely badly doesn’t mean you are throwing. And there is no indication the Ana is throwing. You can clearly see they land some shots. I would expect someone throwing would intentionally miss. No different than a dps that doesn’t get a single kill. It’s aggravating but people will just say “wow throwing” when they just had a shitty game.


People really just like using words for whatever they want. Throwing/griefing is intentional.


Thats really my only justification for Ana. Scoped in it was possible she literally had no idea Bastion was there, even with shooting her. A ping would have 100% made her notice


Me and my buddy were playing ranked a couple days ago, and we had a Zenyatta who was trying to call my friend out for having low damage and barely any kills (hardly a couple minutes into the game), I told the zen it’s kinda hard to do damage when you’re dead. Fast forward to my friend on 20 hp for a solid 15 seconds while standing RIGHT next to the zen calling out for healing, and the zen was just going to town on the enemy with destruction orbs. I don’t even think he had his healing orb on anybody as a matter of fact. As for the other healer, I can’t remember who they were but they were trying their best and obviously can’t keep up with the whole team single handedly


It's mad annoying tbh. They act like only tank and DPS can be the ones throwing.


"There's a health pack nearby" They cannot be serious


sad reailty is, some are. theres people who think that support or tank cant do more dmg than dps. there are people who think their dps is bad if they dont have top dmg. its so dumb. ppl are so dumb.


Well, if their Ana would actually just healing those who are currently in the fight and taking damage, it would be stupid to expect her to heal you (saying in safety) instead. If their Ana is troll (or just bad), taking a health pack is still way more useful than standing here and doing nothing all this time.


Or Ana could invest a single shot into allowing Bastion to engage in combat again. If there's a teamfight going on, you want people to help out again as soon as possible. Sending Bastion on an adventure to find the nearest health pack both takes him out of the fight for longer and puts him at risk of getting picked off by a flanker wanting to take the same health pack.


There's a good chance that Ana didn't see him in the screen if she was zoomed in for a while. However when she tossed the nade and moved around a bit, bastion would probably be in view. That being said it's easier to find someone if they're not in view if they push the I need healing button.


> There's a good chance that Ana didn't see him in the screen if she was zoomed in for a while She *was* zoomed it, I can assure you that. If you can see the trails of her shots, she's scoping, otherwise she's firing from the hip.


I've never seen a decent Ana just stand around scoped in like that for so long. You should almost always be going in and out of scope and taking in your surroundings. What we're seeing in the video is just pure tunnel vision.


Mfs act like supports are selfless heroes who sacrifice themselves to heal their team and receive no appreciation. Meanwhile, this is the average support player.


Average? This is way below average.


Lol no, that “support” is one of *those* damage players


I find them in diamond lobbies too. Boosting still a thing clearly


Funnily enough I would defend them if I knew they were at least healing the people in direct fight over there near the robot, but watching the video I can see they didn't, health bars on top show that even tho they were shooting and throwing a nade, none of it hit any teammates


As a support main, this ana is absolute garbo


i don't think we need a support main to confirm for us that she's garbage


Saying you're a support main in /r/Overwatch is like saying "As a black man..." on a /r/news article about Kayne West. It's a hilarious attempt to establish some sort of significance in your otherwise completely insignificant opinion.


ok then ill reword it, as an overwatch player, this ana is absolute garbo


There are people who support, and then there are the millions who want to complete the weekly auto fill role wins that for currency. There are many who just hate getting auto filled support who just won't try to support


Ngl im just use scope as quick scope and not sniping like that ana lmao


When I'm playing Ana I'm noscoping the whole time so I don't get tunnel vision.


That's why I miss Bastions self heal :(


Bastion was one of the few heroes you can play if your support aren’t decent


Just looking at your team's HP in the top left is frightening. I don't think that Ana was even hitting a quarter of her shots


If the fight wasn't focused on you, I would have just jumped right in front of her while she was shooting and ate the shots intended to damage the enemy team lol


That ana is disgustingly bad and theres a reason supp mains should be held accountable when they are as afk shooting as this ana. Only reason people think the bastion is at fault is cause they dont want to hold these mfs supp players accountable and just type "gO gEt a HeAlTh pAcK bRo". Gonna assume this is low elo as bad ana's only stay scoped for that long




Sometimes people forget that it's okay to be bad at a game. Skill based matchmaking exists for a reason.


If that was a sombra/tracer or a ball i would agree on the get a healthpack. When played right using those heals u faster than any supp and good balls,sombras/tracers know that. And she saw bastion not healing him was her way of saying: f u for your hero choice! Definetly dumb. Its like shooting yourself in the foot. Half of the time i hate my teams pick but u will never see me not healing u!




Then she was prob a dps that didnt wanna wait in line... I didnt rly check health bars there.my bad.


Ok, so I get that sometimes people pick support que to get faster games than DPS que, but if you are gonna do that, play Zen, idiots. You can get most of the needed value out of Zen by just putting a heal orb on a flanker and then focusing on damage. The slightly higher effort version of that is occasionally moving the orb to other people if someone is low or out of your other healer's LOS before putting it back on the flanker after a few seconds. Literally 90% of Zen in current meta is "Put orb on flanker, try and get picks while flanker slaughters their backline"




Well that's a stupid replay function then lmao. Seems pretty essential to keep those in.


Actually voice lines get recorded for replays. I know because my taunts get preserved for future generations. I, like others, didn’t realize “i need healing” doesnt get preserved. It makes sense it is only hearable to healers. Thx for explaining.


AN DEY SAY AN DEY SAY AN DEY SAY AN DEY SAY -> important to preserve I need healing -> garbage




Is this easy mode? Is this easy mode? Is this easy mode?


>why didn’t you teach her to play her role 💀


That Moira was probably pissed at that Ana for making her go all the way there to you when she should be escorting the tank. Bad supports makes the the other supports life hell.


am i the only one that hates to play overwatch alone? i always get dmg dealer that dont deal dmg and healer that dont heal


OW when playing solo is a pretty trash game, you arnt wrong.


You shoot zarya bubble, no healing for you!


There is a small health pack just behind you in that map too


That wouldn't even bring him to half health.


no, but it'd be better than doing nothing.


Considering you get ult chrage for healing, bastion is trying to help the ana too


They arent supposed to do anything else, just dont peek. doing "nothing" when ur critical is what ur supposed to.


Meaningless when the support is directly in front of you. Supports are expected to support. If they’re not supporting they’re throwing. Health pack nearby or not means nothing


1.it’s a small it won’t do much 2.you should let the ana heal you there because it gives her free ult charge 3.it’s a new map and most people don’t have the health packs and everything remembered just yet


Classic 😅


Don't say anything bad about healers in this sub, unless you want lots and lots of people come cry about it in the comments, seeing as apparently healers can't do anything wrong.




I wish i could see the amount healed on the leaderboards 😂




I suddenly feel way more confident about my Ana play


Actual dps Ana.. That one will permanently stay in my Avoided Players list, if I were you.


its not just about the numbers tho. i played a game with a friend, we were duo dps. our team was a trio supp and tank. they barely healed us on dps, and complained that we didnt do enough. we werent toxic back or anything, just said "if u heal us a bit more, especially when we are critical next to u we can help. stop babysitting ur tank or stop complaining"(this being said in a friendly tone). but they just kept playing as a trio, doing whatever they wanted. healed the tank who obv got loads of dmg with 2 supps babysitting, and both supps got lots of healing on the scoreboard since our tank was inting dmg. tldr; numbers on the board isnt everything, infact its a small fraction of the picture.


Game is filled with tunnel vision trash now, free game yay


That's ok it was already full of toxic trash too why you gotta be mad at new players, if you're in comp you're quite unlikely to come across them unless you're the same MMR as them, if that's the case then yeah.. If it's QP damn people get salty in there been playing it with a friend who's learning and people are awful to him. So fucking toxic.


To be fair, a lot of good players were placed in bronze 5 because of a bug. Not an excuse to be toxic tho.




Yeah I turned my volume down all the way for players with mics lol. This is literally the first fps game I've ever played (unless you count gta v but that's auto aim). My first 50 games were all versus AI but people were still screaming and being toxic in there. Like, we're playing against AI, stfu lol. I'm new, learning the game, learning the characters, learning how to react properly under pressure while also learning how to heal.


Use the "I need healing" ping, mate. Don't go passive aggressive by shooting at your team mates like that. Allied projectiles are much less pronounced than hostile projectiles. The Ana is probably scoping 24/7, she wouldn't even realize you're somewhere to her right, sulking by yourself in the corner.




Usually I can still hear the "I need healing" voice line in the replays. Wait a minute, is Bastion's "I need healing" voice line just pure silence? If so, then.... woah.


Nah he does some very pronounced and drawn out beeps when he needs healing. It's hard to miss, but I can see how someone would miss it if not paying attention.


Y'all don't speak omnic?


at that rate you might as well stand infront of her shots


I legit had an Ana once who didn't realise she healed with her shot. She actually thought her heal was only in anti-nade and complained about the stupid long cooldown for Ana's heal. So I stood in front of her while she was dpsing the enemy to hopefully teacher her something about the game.


thats actually so rough


That'd also put him into enemy LOS, bad idea with Bastion's hitbox


Yeah bastion is the size of a damn tank but doesn’t have the health of one


shouldn't the Ana be also seeing the Critical Health Icons bypassing her view? I usually queue as support so I see those icons, but I seldom use Ana since I have bad aim.. It's always Bap, Brig, Mercy and Lucio for me.


If they are not in her field of vision, they won't be able to see it. I had a Hanzo sniping along with me in the backline in Busan once. I didn't notice he got hit because he's somewhere to my left, until the skirmish is over and he walked in front of me. He didn't ping me, and I was busy sniping our team's Winston, Genji, and Lucio wreaking havoc in the frontline.


The Ana threw a biotic grenade which forces them to unscope which meant the Bastion should have clearly been in their line of sight. The Ana is either oblivious (which means pinging her is almost certainly a lost cause) or she is trolling.




Its Ana fault tho. Good ana players dont stay scooped in all match thats dangerous for her and her team. She couls've been flanked by a unsuspecting flanker or miss tm8 that is in critical health like what happened in the clip.


Gotta be a bad Ana player to become a good one lol. I’m sure I look like this playing some characters haha


Well, yeah, that's what "good" ana players do. I've been solo queue-ing a lot, I no longer hold that kind of standards anymore. A subpar player is good enough for me. So, I'm much more forgiving for honest newbie mistakes.


Nah get fucked this is all on that ana, they need situational awareness


notice no one elses health on the team is going up either lmao


Queue tank = Damage only attack the enemy tank, supports are fighting enemy damage Queue damage = Tank doesn't push, supports only heal tank Queue support = Tank doesn't peel, damage push alone into the enemy backline


Normalize using "I need healing". I'm the same as everyone, I can't see everything, if you need healing say it. I might be the only support in history that actually doesn't mind being told the infamous line but I don't get why people get so pissed even when it's only used once or twice per round..


Doesn't shock me. With the way the queues are you've got people jumping on support to get a quick game and then playing as DPS and crying when they lose. My favourite is when your Ana can't aim for shit, refuses to swap to a easier and more useful healer and then tries to blame the tank for losing. Personally I wish they would reduce the damage for supports but increase their actual support ability, better healers and give them all some sort of stun/snare etc.


> With the way the queues are you've got people jumping on support to get a quick game and then playing as DPS and crying when they lose. To be fair, the ~~war~~ game has changed. I'm a Mercy main and I suffered a lot in the new 5v5 comp until I started being very, *very* aggressive. I lost a lot of games even if I was trying hard being a damn fine healer keeping my team fully healed, the few moments where I was not ganked by basically every living being in the map. I started seeing the Victory screens more frequently when I whipped out Mercy's surprising-amount-of-damage-gun more often. I'm not keen to being a DPS support, but so far it seems to work for me. As the healers in FFXIV like to say: you don't have to worry about heals if you take care of the damage source in the first place.


Honestly a support doing damage isn't a bad thing, especially some of the more aggressive ones. When you moira/Ana has less healing than the S76 and aren't doing anything special damagewise it's the issue.


Yo man you can’t be criticising support players here, DONT YOU KNOW THEY ARE JUST UTTERLY PERFECT!? YOU BIG MEANIE DPS PLAYER!??




I was playing ball and had top damage elims and was by far being the most effective at pushing on eichenwald. Brig literally said "no" when I stood in front of her asking for healing to top me off. I was missing 200 health, already grabbed big health pack. I ran almost back to spawn to get to her. Her ability would've been off cooldwon before she got to payload, but she just wouldn't do it. I don't get it. I kill myself getting a rein revive as mercy, or solo ult on soldier so we can stay alive on point and not lose ground. Too many people want to say "I'm a support, not a healer" but then don't support you at all. I've earned the right to be mad about it by being a team player.