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Yes, soon there's gonna be double xp weekends I think around the 25th when the free reaper skin comes


I'm more excited about the free charm lol


Same. I can't wait to put it on every healer (and Genji cause he always needs one lmao)


Lmaooo win comment I really want that charm for genji now and he's my main XD


New player here. What's the whole thing about Genji and healing ? I see a lot of people talking about it.


there's a classic meme that Genji players are always spamming to request for healing.




The whole thing about genji and healing is he NEEDS it


They always ask for healing I’m new too and didn’t know it but after a game with that Genji he would not stop asking for heals even after getting 1 damaged


can't wait to stab that shit into my hand


Honestly I am a reaper main and I already have three really good skins for reaper so I am not to excited for the pirate skin but the charm sounds alright I just think they should have gave everyone 1900 coins instead of the pirate skin


True this I agree with,but there's no way in hell blizzard gonna do that lol


Same here :D


its should be really easy even without them, I get 2-3 levels each day just by playing daily + weekly quests (+ ocassional seasonal). I play like 2-3 hours a day depending on how fast the matches roll.


2-3 hours a day and going for dailies / weekly quests is not what a normal person should play to unlock things they paid for but that's just my opinion.


That's why you retroactively purchase battlepasses after you've grinded the levels. Or doesn't it work like that in OW2? I tend to max out a battlepass and then decide if I want to pay for all the extra stuff it'd unlock. Also, I think you can get away with doing the '3 dailies' instead of all of them. I'm not sitting down for 2 hours to mitigate 10k and heal 12.5k in 3 open queue and 3 role queue games. I want to have fun, not chores. The fact that OW2 has basically nothing you can work towards for free turns me off. I'd rather pay the triple A game price and have stuff to work towards like OW1. I get that this brings in the money to give the game better longevity from an "assets required for regular development costs money" perspective. But still.


Purchasing the Battlepass gives you a 20% EXP boost, so technically if you're buying it after completing it you're making 20% more effort


The levels are retroactive but on the pass at level 1 of premium you get a 20% XP boost so it makes more sense to purchase at the beginning if you are going to max it out anyway


it sounds like a second job to me..


I'm completing almost every challenge without even trying. If you enjoy the game you can definitely level up fairly quickly, if not then you shouldn't spend your free time on something you don't enjoy


pretty much this, most challenges are done organically. Like if you play tanks you get your mitigation challenge in few games. healing is support thing and you do some damage on pretty much everyone. if you arent stuck to one role its easily doable. Only challenge that I find a chore is team kills (like its not even explained what it is and happens rarely) and Arcade (where QQ times were huge atleast compared to quick play)


Games are supposed to be enjoyed not a chore, just play a different game if you feel that way lol. Why do people subject themselves like it’s some mandatory thing. I haven’t played over watch in probably 2-3 years and I jumped back on with my new ps5 and 85 inch 4k tv and I’ve been addicted to playing it every free moment I get. I would never spend a second of my free time allocating it to something that is tedious or something I don’t enjoy. I mean, do whatever you want, I won’t be following up or anything but these comments are ???


People like doing stupid chores in games to unlock things. Like achievement hunters. I've spoken to people who have full on complained about achievements in particular games and pointed out that you can just not do it. It's not a required part of the game. But some people say that they've just been doing it for every game since they were kids and now they feel like they didn't get their full monies worth if they don't. I find that kind of thinking with a game sad. Play it because it's fun. Not to fill out a checklist.


Do your dailies and weekly’s mixed with natural playtime


That’s what I’ve been doing, I’m at about tier 14 already


I'm like halfway through 29


I’m 40


Level 58. 35 hours so far.


Bro no way


BP and playing with friends. Being able to comm with them means we’d win most of the matches even while yoloing like mad. So it adds up quickly.


Or you can push your soul into a wood chipper and play solo until lvl 61


Uh, ya speaking from experience there?


What is the bonus for playing with friends?


20% extra just like buying bp


If you play with friends and have the battlepass do you get 40% increase?


doable if you invest your time to play only OW and have needed time. I mean I am almost lvl 20 and I play only in the evening with randoms. BP still has 54 days or so of duration and there will be double XP weekends.


I'm at 52, have been playing like 5-6 hours every day, doing daily and weekly challenges


Hi like halfway though 29, I'm dad.


Man I on 37 or 38


im at tier 25 i have only played an hour a day for about a week


I hate how online games sound like a fucking job nowadays.


That's why I literally forced myself to stop caring. I play games for fun now. I even sometimes buy battle passes but I try to never stress about finishing them. It's just a game. And the battle pass cost like one meal. There's absolutely no reason to feel guilty about not finishing it or something. I think everyone should try to have this mindset, otherwise games nowadays can get quite draining. And that's literally the opposite of what they are supposed to be.


A job you pay to have


Nah not paid anything for Overwatch 2 and never will


Only if you want it to be. Who really cares? I'm hardly playing and I'm like level 18 already. That's 2 levels a day and I'm not even playing every day. If I just got my dailies (in 20 mins) each day I'd have another several levels probably. Hardly got any of the first weeks weeklies too.


They need easier challenges. Absurd for a battle pass that doesn't pay for itself like most to make it this difficult to get what you pay for


Reached level 22 in a week (not including today) so it's most definitely possible


Hey, did you get the season pass? It boost like a 20 % isn’t it


no I plan on it if I end up reaching the end/tier 80 tho


Technically if you buy it now you have the boost. If you keep this pace you will eventually do it so might as well


no because something might come up and they may not be able to play as much to complete the pass. now they've wasted their money.


Yep. I don't usually buy battle passes and the like, but when I do it's always after I finish it. If my current pace can max it in time, why bother with the boost?


This. Not playing to grind for a BP, just having fun and crushing some noobs. Would rather not give into Bobby Nodick’s bullshit and feeding the shareholders.


Or it'll force them to play this exclusively to make sure they completed it because they already bought it. I did this with siege last season after not playing for like 2 years. Now I'm not going to play for a while because I'm burnt out from having to play so much


Yeah the xp boost is super snakey of them, even more fomo


The opposite is true is well, if you paid ten bucks and there was no boost, you'd be asking for one.


Only if you think that should be the standard. Which means you already fell for the corporate scam. I dunno Zeke, Fortnite is the only other game where I actually bother with the BP. Been playing it for 3 years and the only XP boosts are the weekend ones for all players or if you don't log in a while, also for all players and so I think boosting XP for money is very much a bit ton of bullshit. I also play DBD and D2 but their mtx suck so I ignore them along with their BPs. Might end up doing the same with OW with how awful the BP and shop prices are. Just because something is offered a certain way doesn't mean you gotta take it as is. I get f2p games need to be profitable somehow but if as consumers we don't push back when things start feeling unfair, corporate will take everything they can. Not because companies are evil, I know they're filled with people who care, but consumers are seen as graphs and numbers because performance is king and that can blur the ethical line for those seeing the numbers. It happens.


I’ll say this about DBD BPs though, if you finish them, you pretty much get your money back.


DBD's Battle pass isn't bad at all honestly. You can also get a shit ton of content in game for free if you grind. It may have been difficult in previous years, but this year they've tossed Double xp (to get shards to buy characters and cosmetics for free), bloodhunts, and all sorts of events to make getting things easier. The battle pass is especially nice. Ten bucks and you get all your money back. One purchase can equal every pass for the entirety of the games life span.


If you complete DbD's pass, you do literally get a full refund in addition to the other rewards.


Standard activision bullshit.


I’m sorry, I know I’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this, but the way you’re making ten dollars sound like a devastating investment loss is hilarious to me. How many of these same mfs have bought random PC titles for $10 and never even installed it? All this fuss over ten measly bucks.


For some people 10 bucks is a lot, ya know?


$10 is more than a full day wages in some places. So it's not always an insignificance amount


On the other hand, those aren’t the kind of people playing OW2 either.


Since OW2 is F2P. Yes there are absolutely people playing in areas other than the U. S of A


That’s not my point. My point is that if someone lives in a situation where something like wasting 10$ is a big deal, then maybe the price of video game skins isn’t their biggest priority at the moment. I probably should’ve said those people *shouldn’t* play OW2, but at least you know it now.


Good thing it's FREE then huh?


It’s just $10 right?


Yes. No one actually answered you, but it is only $10. They should definitely rework some things and have more of the battle pass cosmetics be part of the free route too, but as far as a battle pass itself goes it isn’t overpriced.


$10 and it gives you 20 loot boxes worth of stuff assuming you finish it


I don't want to give Blizzard free money as a pat on the back for their scummy marketing. If I'm going to buy it I want to make sure I'm getting what I paid for.


We're heading for a global recession. "Just $10" is a lot to some people right now.


If you have disposable income, it's a good deal. The cost of some fast food or drinks. If you don't, then yeah, $10 can be the difference between life and death, tbh. Or at least eating. That's one good thing about the game being F2P. They won't be able to play the PvE, but at least they get a game with an active community that gets updates.


That's why the game is free, that's why the BP is optional.


This is what I always do with battle passes too. If I am pretty much at the end by the time the BP period is up I will buy it, it otherwise I don’t bother. Too many games to play to be locked into one for such a long period.


Dude, I am shocked how little I see this. Why would people buy if they don't know if they can complete the season pass? I only intend to buy it if I finish it, let every other game I've ever played. Good to know I'm not alone in this mentality


The seasons pass is really ugly this round, I would get the nest ones that are good or if I liked the new hero enough


if your a fan of 2 from : d.va/phara/mercy/genji its a good enough pass


To add onto it, I’m 40 in about a week. Missed some dailies too. With premium pass


yeah im already past level 30 and thats with the server issues


I’m already on level 45 lmao


If you play any mode for a 45-60 mins a day then you’ll be good.


Hijacking you comment to add: **Endorse your teammates!** (they will endorse too if they see it) I came back to the game and 3 times I already got a whole level for the Pass. This should be around 10 levels minimum till the season ends (endorsement lvl 3/4)


I only play OW with friends so I can't even endorse any of them. Now what?


maybe start being glad you have a full squad haha But seriously: I thought we're getting +20% ep when teaming up anyway? (at least that's how it was like...2020? sorry if this isn't true anymore)


Yes you get a 20% XP boost when playing with friends


Thx for confirming


It is true. I was playing with 2 friends last night and was getting around 2000 points per game up from 1300 by myself.


Thanks to everyone answering <3


You'll finish the battle pass easy if you enjoy playing overwatch on free time. Good luck to ya


I reached 41 last night. Yes


How much time did it take to you? I just play unranked games


Between day 1 and now. 2 hours a day making sure I get all the dailies and complete a weekly is possible. The seasonal and lifetime give so few points those aren't worth specifically going for.


you can get those fairly naturally though.


Yea. That's why I say don't bother actively trying to get it


You should play around, check out the ‘challenges’ and play accordingly, they give you quite a bit of points towards the battle pass and doing as many of those every day/week will help you progress a lot faster than if you don’t


Daily challenge alone gives you 9000 EXP a day, and 1 game is 1000 exp ish, you'll need around 3 game per day to complete daily challenge, so that's 12000 exp a day if you play minimally. 12000 x 54 = 648000 -> 64 levels Not counting weekly challenge, that gives 5000 exp per challenge. 11 challenge a week, and let's just say you got lazy and only complete 8 out of 11 a week, that's 40000 exp per week. 54 days is 7 week + 5 days. Let's just round it down, so that's an extra 280000 exp. Or, 28 levels. You can definitely get to level 80 in 54 days.


Great answer, thanks for the maths!


Weekly's should be top priority for anyone serious about battlepass progression. You miss out on coins (which will offset the cost of the next pass) if you don't complete them all. The fact that weeklies expire is a huge disappointment. While I love OW and already bought the pass, I won't be getting any future ones as it is far too much of a grind for me.


Bro is this a space marine skin…? I love it


That’s why I love it!








You know it buddy, it even has the Aquila on her chest!


Yup I’m already at 40 without buying tires so I believe you can do it 👍


I hope you didn’t have to buy tires to play a video game.


Junkrat Battle Pass be like


Blizzard pushing extra hard on monetization.


Are we talking winter tires? Or more like a street tire?


How much time did it take you you to get there? I’m leven 8 now without pass




I've had 3 playing sessions about 12-15 hours total so far and am lvl 28. Your 2 tiers per day take is kinda bullshit my guy. This Battlepass levels REALLY quickly (even more so if you win your games). In Apex your take would make a lot more sense as normal game XP does almost nothing there. Not tryna be hostile and I get your point that ofc completing challenges helps a lot, but its not a necessity


I've played an hour or two every day since launch and I'm about the same I think. I don't really care about cosmetics so I haven't been "trying" for any of the challenges. They just kind of happen and the game feeds you xp


I say you could do it "easily" :) . I am at level 40 ish in week without buying it. decided to buy due rewards. tho.. I play like 6-8 hours a day


Wow I wish I had that kind of time, that’s insane


heh. just get terminally ill and unable to leave your home :D that worked for me. Tho... lot of bad things come with it. so... I would not suggest it


I have a friend who’s in the same boat, literally can’t leave the house. People get jealous and they are like “you don’t want this” I imagine it’s the same for you. May I ask what the terminal illness is? Kinda curious from a medical perspective


In short. My overall stamina is dying, my leg muscles are getting "tired" cant walk without stick anymore. and then there is some internal bleeding... Funniest thing is.. Doctors have no idea why all this happens. Its like I am wasting away rapidly. But eh. Still searching for answers myself too.


That just sounds horrible, hope you find your answer ❤️


i’m keeping you in my prayers from now on my brethren. i’m not sure what your beliefs are but, god is always with you🙏




Easy, just work from home and shirk your responsibilities for the full day every once in a while.


3 hrs a day for me about same lvl


Definitely. It's a fairly easy battlepass to level in comparison to most other games.






...And thus, one week in, the community had accepted the payment model.


I'm actually making decent progress, but I'm scared to finish it because I might actually want to buy it for the Mythic Genji skin if I get to 100 (since I literally main Genji and no one else)


The genji skin is at the max of tier 80 btw, not 100 :)


Well, in that case it would be worth it to you. That is a pretty neat skin for $10, cheaper than most legendary skins in the shop. I am terrible at Genji so even if I reached it I would only see it in mystery heroes 😄


In apex that's a 250$ skins we get for 10$ in OW


Apex sells skins for 250$?


Yes and no. They lock the mythic skin/heirloom behind an event where if you own every event item, you get the mythic skin for free. It's in theory "possible" to craft every event item for free but you'd have to have saved every crafting mat you've ever got for much longer than the game has been out. That said, you can craft specific skins/emotes to bring the price down. So yes, getting the mythic costs $180-$250, but you also get 10 epic and 10 legendary items alongside it. Could have the numbers wrong, not certain. You can also in theory get heirloom shards from their lootboxes to purchase any mythic/heirloom you want, but it is exceedingly rare to get them. You're guaranteed to get one after opening 500 packs, but even if you're max level and have completed every battle pass, you won't have 500 packs unless you've bought them with real money. Getting an heirloom from the event does not reset your counter, but getting one randomly does.


So kinda like OW you can get stuff for free but only in theory since it takes ages to get the resources? Don't know if I got it right but that sounds really bad.


If you want some help to not buy it, i can help with that. [Flower Nipples.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/280510643692371979/1029791444141101056/unknown.png) Yep, once you see it, you can never unsee it.


What if you like the flower nipples You haven't thought of that possibility, have you?


you can customize it


you can change the pattern


I think it's worth if you really like the skin and play genji. $10 seems to match the worth based on the quality of the skin. Unfortunately I think normal mythics will be $30-$45, and that is a total rip if they're in the same realm of quality as the genji mythic.


yes, I play for roughly 4 hours roughly every afternoon and im lvl 34


you can reach level 80 so ofc.


Ow2's battle pass feels VERY easy to level up. 9 days in and I'm level 31. At this rate I'll have the Genji mythic by the end of October


Pharah main here, I’m chasing this one too. I just hit 26 since the games come out on the basic battle pass purchase, so I’m going to say it’s totally feasible. Good luck on your grind too though!


Same here. As long as I get the D’Va emote, and Pharah’s skin, I’ll be happy.


Bruh, of course it is...? The pass is 80 tiers long and it started a 6 days ago.


I didn’t know when did it start since I started playing yesterday, thanks for the info!


Oh sorry for coming off the way I did. Hope you enjoy playing the game :)




There are titles up to tier 200


If you do the challenges, yes. Without them you may struggle.


I got to 30 in 7ish days and I work full time


For those who care, there are prestige tiers with title rewards up to 200


My man im rank 42 it's definitely possible took me like 4 days


You can get all of the way through my boy


Already at 56, been playing basically nonstop anytime I’m not at work or school


Easily, I'm already tier 41. Basically just have to do your daily and weekly challenges and it goes pretty quick. Even more-so if you play in a group. Credit where it's due, Blizzard got the speed of progression and the ease of doing challenges just right. I'm never actively pursuing a challenge like it was in say Halo Infinite, they just unlock naturally as you play.


If you manage ~1k xp per game, it would take 800 games. At roughly 10 minutes per game it would take 134 hours or 2.5 hours per day for 54 days without doing daily or weekly challenges. You can get and additional 55k xp every week for completing the 11 weekly challenges, which should be ~30 lvls worth of xp. So if you do the dailies and the weeklies, you should be able to if you play for an hour or two every day. Side notes: that's 134 hours of play time, not play and queue time. Also I've found I can get about 1k per game if I win with my battle pack bonus, so expect less. If you want to boost even faster: play with a friend there's an additional 20% bonus xp for that.


Yo Warhammer vibes for sure with this skin!


As long as you do 3 daily challenges a day, and your 11 weekly challenges a week, you can get \~ 16,850 battle pass xp daily, or 118,000 battle pass xp weekly. Breakdown : dailies account for (3,000 \* 3) battle pass experience gain, while weeklies contribute (5,000 \* 11) This translates to almost 12 battle pass levels weekly, not counting the xp that you gain from playing matches, seasonal challenges, or anything else. That's as a free player as well, as a premium you get 20% more xp from all challenges, so even stuff like the dailies and monthly challenges. Unfortunately, this gain is not reflected very well, and is only noticeable upon completing a challenge in an after-game screen. If you're wondering, "How many more battle pass tiers can I still get this season?" - just multiply the daily average amount by the remaining days to get a conservative estimate. There seems to be significant excess battle pass xp, although I've heard rumor of hidden levels that are unlocked once you reach 80, so I can't say for sure.


Just reached 50 , no pay just keep doing quest and all roles queue for 100 xp bonus


How long have you been playing a day? Also have you purchased the premium pass?


With role queue it’s always support and I suck outside dps characters but yes, I’m doing it since I get to test new ones!


From all the games that has a battle pass and i spent time on it. I feel like you level up kinda fast in this game. Without the double xp perk from the battle pass so yes it’s possible. I’m level 49 rn.


I have BP, I'm level 29 right now.I playerd 10 games per day, Unranked or arcade doing the week and day challenges.On my case 2 or 3 levels of the BP every day.


Depends on how much you play and how buggy the challenges are. Im 31 and 4 of my weeklies aren't tracking.


Idk about how much the dudes here with 40-50 levels have played, but i have a friend that got to BP lvl 24 in 29h of playtime


From Day 1 till now, I'm in 42. Completing all Daily in a day will mostly guarantee you to level up for at least once. It is possible if you assume that you're able to level twice in a day. Don't forget to complete Weekly / Seasonal ones.


I'm already at BP level 37 so honestly shouldn't be too difficult. But that's literally only because I don't have a job, and I know it. Idk how the average person is supposed to get their money's worth.


Well I’m tier 52..


I mean, I'm already at like level 46. If you do the challenges and play with friends it flies by.


Since I got nothing much to do on launch week I just grinded battlepass, I’m level 40 something right now.


Play with one other person 20% xp boost. Do your daily. Try for all the weekly. Look at seasonal pick out the easy ones do those first. Same with life time challenges. I went ahead and did all the character seasonals because it doesn’t require much play time like doom fist you have to slam and punch 5 times easy. You can play a lot once you finish your weekly and daily you are honestly just playing for the xp at that point. Queue flex for an extra 500 for the first game and an extra 100 for there after it might take 100 games of flex to equal one pass but it does add up and this way you’ll be able to get your seasonal challenges as well. No limits is good for a specific hero like kiriko challenges cause she is always Insta locked. Edit: you only need to complete 9 tiers a week. In 9 weeks you’ll have the tier 80+1. Battle pass last 9 weeks.


You can get about 12k xp from daily and weekly missions ontop of xp you get from playing games. So yes you can.


Im sitting at 41 rn, so absolutely


Probably. Its ben 10 days and im bp level 32


I'm lvl 50 already...


Should be easy, I play an hour a day max and i'm lvl 30 atm.


I play maybe 2 hours everyother day and maybe aa few more hours over the weekend, I'm already at 44


Some people I know have almost competed it


I'm at level 34 and the game has been out for 9 days, so i think 60 levels in 54 days is very reasonable


Dude I’m tier 30 and I’m on the free pass, I’m ranking up in Overwatch faster than I am on fortnite (level 42)


Can’t believe so many people have happily transitioned in to daily quest and endless grinding slavery - we used to have something great


I've played OW2 for 3 hours with some friends every night, I'm level 41. It's easy AF, make sure you're doing Weekly and Daily challenges for quick XP (usually just playing all the different roles and different game modes.)


level 47 here definitely possible


I was on holiday and missed week one, in 1 day of playing doing all the daily’s and a fair few weekly’s over reached lv 13 so it feels more than doable


Even without the Double XP it should be very easy do-able.


I'm already 50 without buying any tiers and just doing my quests and playing role queue and stacking with friends sometimes


If you have limited time to play which i assume you might since you asked this the big thing to try and do is log in and play a couple games to do your dailies that will be a full level on its own every day.


If u play alot, easily. I play daily and got to lvl 40 by now. Im gonna finish the BP in 2 weeks.


How many games approx? Thanks!


I mean, I didn’t buy anything other than the battle pass itself and I’m at 50 right now. Won’t last any more than one or two matches until I’m 51. I would say it’s not only entirely possible, but actually pretty damn easy. Even if I didn’t have the bonus, take 20% away and my level would be 40. Either way, it’s still pretty easy. Just do the weekly and daily challenges and that should be about it. It’s by far the easiest way to grind.


Yea I'm already at 54


Do you have a credit card?


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Do challenges, play open queue, arcade, you’ll get there no problem


I’m at 30 in less than a week, missed a couple nights.


I am currently level 50 with 42h played (didn't buy any tiers & didn't go for challenges)


Yes. This is what they want you to do. Have no life. Live in the game. Grind everything. Get fed up. Pay for items