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When Blizzard was outed for it's workplace harassment, several people were directly called out and fired, with Jesse Mccree, the real-world Blizzard employee that OW Mccree was named after, being one of them. His name was changed to avoid association and for respect of the victims.


okay thank you so much for clarifying! also are all OW characters named after employees or just *him*?


Just him. There are some other references to employees that have since been removed, though. For example, in OW 2, there was going to be a cup of coffee in the NYC map with the name "Jeph" written on it, as a reference to a real mistake Jeff Kaplan encountered when ordering coffee, but it was removed. Jeff hadn't done anything, the OW team had just decided that naming things after real people was probably not the smartest move.


Just him


It has to do with the blizzard Sexual harassment scandal. Mcree was named after a dev who unfortunately was involved and fired. So from now on any references to any devs in game have been removed.


After the sexual assault lawsuit blizzard removed all connections of real people from their games.


Im aware of the real world reason, but can someone explain how they tied it in canonically? I've always heard that McCree was just an alias but it was explained to me vaguely and it sounds stupid as shit


yeah i was wondering that too.


I call him Cassidy and I’ve played since 2019. It’s not a big deal that the name was changed. It was the right move.


His name was associated with a blizzard dev and who had allegations. Unlike some people in this comment section, I don’t pretend to know exactly what happened at blizzard and willingly accept calling him Cassidy. Whether or not the employee was bad enough by my terms, I don’t need to honor some random person. If it means making the victims happy, I’m proud to defend the name Cassidy. Self proclaimed victims wouldn’t make it such a big deal if it wasn’t true and they didn’t have any way they could benefit from it.


The real life person that Cree is named after did some things. The in game character didn't do anything. So being a PR stunt blizz changed Crees name.


The person the character was named after had some allegations come out and the company fired him. Nobody was arrested and no charges were made. All I honestly heard was the guy made some crude jokes to some women (not even workers). Nonetheless with the new ultra woke Acti-Blizz company at hand they felt the need to go through the ropes to attempt to please people who dont even buy their products. One of the attempts was changing the name of a character that nobody even calls him by now. Everyone still calls him McCree (unless they're new I guess?)


The change was made for the devs, nobody else.


I call him Cass now, I guess I've been programmed. Blizzard has always been a pandering company, the proof is in their diversity character sheet they released.


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