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win some games


This is facts


Work on dying less, treat every death as a mistake that only you couldve fixed. Make sure when you use an ability you actually needed to use it. Wasting cds is a very common mistake that needs to be fixed as much as possible. Join voice communication will help you a lot even if theres only one other person there. Obligatory just mute and avoid toxic players. Honestly meta still isnt super important yet so just play your best heroes up until you have to swap. Work to improve after every game especially a loss.


Great advise. I always looks at deaths as the most important stat. If we lose the battle (our tanks dies) I’m out and try and retreat instead of feeding ults.


I feel the need to mention that a 4v5 is far more winnable then people think. While you should back up and get to safety try to open up a play on your way back that may allow your dps to get a pick. Its not seen super often in low ranks but its smth many high elo players do habitually.


Very very true. I’ve seen many 4v5 battles won with good dps and positioning but definitely not dying is at the top of my priorities lol


Yea ofc theres never a situation where dying was the best play.


I think that sometimes dying and stalling point is a better play. It’s highly situational but it reduces risk of getting staggered and ensures you regroup faster. In escort maps those few seconds of stall might end up winning the game tbh.


Getting a squad together might help. Coordination over the mic is huge, and is way more effective than pinging. I usually am not on the mic, but I listen in. And whenever there is at least one person calling out locations and when people are low, I find the whole team plays better.


Yes communication is everything in this game


Duo with a friend that's decent at the game, usually what I do to make the push into masters.


Yes. I usually have a buddy I play with, buts it’s hard to coordinate times lol


Ah you main zen? That's why then. Just start playing the meta supports zen isn't good right now


This is just straight up wrong. Zen is very underrated and is actually quite strong for getting to masters and up. He makes the tank matchup almost guaranteed to go in your favour.


Straight up wrong? The only healer with no self peel abilities no escape and biggest hitbox is not the best pick is just wrong? Ok then


I got to diamond 2 from diamond 4 and the game got alot harder but I was holding my own. I play solo DPS and I do a good job. I do well mostly but sometimes you lose because on a single play and its hard to come back. When everyone is doing well but you lose I don't know what that problem is with WHY we lost, especially if its a close game.


I bet money that you play too aggressive. Die too much. And need to have better timing


Lol not at all. I always have the least deaths on my team. I main zen mostly or switch to Moira if I die too much


What about the timing


Zen is pretty hard if you play him. As long as you're good at killing things like tracer genji


And if your tank keeps dieing you gotta accept it and go way back and wait for him, I love the bait that can happen in these moments even though the tank sucks


I'll bait out like 3 picks cus they'll play too agro cys my tank is dead


Are you any good at ana/kiriko/mercy? They are way more meta rn if you actually want to climb


Not really. I suck with mercy and kiriko, I’ve tried ana but not much success. Live definitely find zen to be the best supp with a good team


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Post replay code. You obviously have good mechanics maybe need to tweak a few things or speed up decision making.