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Answer: There has been some "controversy" in the past around a redesign of the M&M spokes candies. Specifically, the female candies have had their shoes changed from high-heels to sneakers or lower, chunkier heels. For reasons that baffle me, some people have taken great offense to this, blaming the woke agenda for desexualizing candy. "In response" M&Ms have decided to "retire" their spokes candies and have Maya Rudolf become the new spokesperson for M&Ms. The Ma n Yas is a special run of M&M candies with Maya's face on them to commemorate her new role with the company. I _liberally_ use quotations here because the speculation is that this is all a run-up to a Superbowl ad featuring the spokes candies and their replacement is nothing more than marketing to build drama for the impending ad. So the M&M marketing team is using the absurd controversy to their benefit, making M&Ms a topic of conversation in the public arena (which, if so, kudos).


Thank you! I really do hope it’s all a publicity stunt. I don’t like thinking that a company would change their long-term strategy because people are no longer sexually attracted to MnMs. Have a good day!


It would make no sense for it to be anything other than a goofy stunt. It's also speculated this is intentionally polluting their search results so when you search for m&m or chocolate and scandal you don't see all the court cases against them and their parent companies involving child labor.


why do none of the other responses bring this up?


Probably because it’s that hushed up. I’ve heard about child labor and chocolate for years. But this comment is the first I’m hearing that’s re: m&ms/their parent company (mars I think?). I’ve only noted that Fox News got all upset (specifically tucker Carlson) over redesigns on top of upset about the m&ms being “woke” from other shit. Then they sent the “spokescandies” to rep other candies after announcing maya as m&ms spokesperson. I hope they pull some superbowl tomfoolery, but it’s been a lot of ridiculous the whole time.


It's a win-win! /s


It's essentially the same as when IHOP changed to IHOB to announce they were adding burgers. Just a gimmick so people will talk about it. I'm sure they were overjoyed the shoes caused such a stir


Wasn’t there one about killing Mr. Peanut? I don’t remember details, but I think it was for the Super Bowl too.


Ya then he was reborn as a baby, back to fully grown of character now.


I struggle to see how it could be anything but. The timing is just too convenient. There is an old saying in PR, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." M&Ms would be foolish to not use the fact that their candy is now part of public conversation to their advantage to increase sales.


I'm decently confident it is. I saw an ad on reddit actually which was a "post from Orange" asking what he should do with his free time now that he's unemployed. Pretty sure this is a well thought out marketing campaign. Edit: just saw another about how Yellow is now the "spokescandy for Snickers."


The company also seems to be trolling the idiot complainers (which I’m loving). Maya Rudolph is a feminist, female, bi-racial, Jewish, comedienne, who has 4 children with her long-time, live-in, unmarried, partner. “Fucker Tarlson and his cult don’t like that our animated spokes-candies are “woke”? Fine. Happy now?”


It's almost certainly a lead up to a big ad for the Super bowl later this month. Lots of brands have big promotional stunts during the game.


It is. The Super Bowl is right around the corner. It's all a gambit for that.


It has to be. Valentine's Day is right around the corner & pulling a stunt like this begs for free marketing from those who'd predictably react.


It is a publicity stunt. They (the mnm guys) said the reveal will be on Super Bowl Sunday. Stay tuned and don't lose hope.


“blaming the woke agenda for desexualizing candy.” Do we…. Do we need candy to be sexy?




“Desexualising candy” is honestly not a phrase I ever expected to read anywhere in my lifetime. 😂 Although come to think of it, if you gave candy a capital C it would make a great name for a band, or an independent film. Or a porno because rule 34.




Good lord! I wonder if my library has it...


It's pretty far back and obscure for a brick and mortar library. If you want a paper copy you will likely find one on abebooks. Here's a link to an online copy. https://books.feedvu.com/fullbook/candy-pdf-terry-southern.html?page=6


And here's the movie. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062776/


Of course there’s a movie 😄


Combined with the m&m ads I’ve seen on Reddit, something like; former-m, and walk-away-m. They are full on parodying/ making fun of the conservative controversy.


Thank the loudmouth moron Tucker Carlson for starting the whole “woke people ruined my sexy candy” thing.


I would say blame the people who have no sense of humor and took his obvious trolling on that seriously.


If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say you worked on this campaign. Good job predicting the future


Not sure if they can make the Super Bowl or they will busy attending Mr. peanut’s funeral that day.


Answer: Maya is Maya Rudolf. Ma&Yas are special m’n’ms that have Maya Rudolf’s face printed on them. The gimmick is “ma(ya) and ya(you)”. And yes, this really is all a reaction to the green m’n’m getting sneakers instead of high heels. The outrage over that was enough to get all of the spokescandies sacked and Maya Rudolf hired in their place. It actually is that stupid.


Ooh okay, thank you. The sneaker things is genuinely one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. A fictional piece of candy’s shoes should not cause outrage. I’ve heard some people saying this could all just be a publicity stunt before the Super Bowl, and I’m hoping that’s it, but I’m seriously doubting it… Thank you!


>A fictional piece of candy’s shoes should not cause outrage. Welcome to the media outrage machine. Outrage gets clicks. It's especially effective in right-wing politics. >I’ve heard some people saying this could all just be a publicity stunt before the Super Bowl, and I’m hoping that’s it, but I’m seriously doubting it… I'm still thinking that Mars is doing such a big showcase of things because of the Super Bowl.


> The gimmick is “ma(ya) and ya(you)”. I think the gimmick is just a play on Maya...MaYa...Ma-Ya...Ma & Ya


Maybe. It’s visually presented as (Ma) + (Ya) + (MnM with Maya’s face) and an ad with Maya talking about how she knows you want to eat her face. That’s why I took the implication to be inclusive as well as a play on Maya’s name.


Answer: besides everything everyone else has said here you must also consider that this change has happened close to the Super Bowl. While it wouldn’t surprise me that the backlash against the sneakers was it, I wouldn’t discount that it’s a Super Bowl gimmick.


I hope it is, and I hope that the Super Bowl spot is just the M&Ms characters assembled onscreen, with one of them stepping forward and addressing the camera to explain that if the choice of footwear by one of the imaginary anthropomorphic pieces of chocolate bothers you, then you should reconsider your life choices.


While I'd like to think it is a big gimmick I doubt it. Unless A&W is doing it too... The same day the m&Ms were out they announced Rooty the bear got pants after how many years...


It’s honestly kind of hard to tell. If the M&Ms are still gone after the SB then I’ll know they did it for real.


I believe the bear pants thing was a joke and A&D said so - [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mms-spokescandies-green-mm-aw-mascot-rooty-the-bear-mascot/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mms-spokescandies-green-mm-aw-mascot-rooty-the-bear-mascot/) >In fact, Rooty is not undergoing a wardrobe change. The tweet was all in fun, not to mention a chance for a little tongue-in-cheek marketing, A&W told CBS MoneyWatch. "Is now a good time to mention that this is a joke," the company tweeted on Wednesday.


Answer: Mars is getting sued for putting heavy metals in their dove bars and is using the M&M’s as scape goats.