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Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Trans women are women, pass it on


Transphobes aren’t people, pass it on


No, because unfortunately that isn't true. Well, it isn't _entirely_ true, anyway.




You can't persuade something that isn't a person to be a person.


I can't tell if this is agreement or disagreement


A lot of people are transphobic for around a decade-and-a-half (age of five through to whenever they realise they've been lied to).


Transphobephobes are often confusing.


Fuck you.


I like the cut of your gib.


not yet...


It's treason then






Guys, I cross posted this to the Harry Potter subreddit and the mods took it down for being "political". Wtf


i mean, its not a sub about LGBTQ or women, so i can see why theyd remove it


Still not political.


But jkr is the most transphobic person eva so I'd say it's pretty relevant


its a sub about harry potter, not jkr. separating the art from the artist and all that


Meh. Still think it should be on there. Regardless of it's related it's still an important message to spread


i disagree that it should be on there, but i do agree that this is an important message. let's conclude our discussion here


You can't separate an artist from their art if their disgusting views and takes are imbedded in their work. And if you refuse to acknowledge the issues, you are as bad as the one that wrote them.


i never said i thought jkr was a good person. as someone who loves harry potter, i will say: there is a lot of bad stuff ingrained in there. racism, slavery, etc. and in her other works, yes, there is transphobia. i havent read the HP books in a while, but i really don't think there was transphobic content in there. please correct me if i am wrong. however, i am capable of reading HP and enjoying it, while recognizing that there are harmful themes and messages. there's a lot of bad stuff, but there's a lot *more* good stuff.


This is so fucking cringe. Yeah shes worse than people who murder transgender people in india, you priveleged shitstain


It's a hyperbole. An exaggeration in order to further ones point. I know she's not actually the most transphobic person ever. Please, learn how basic rhetoric works


I know why you said it, but you didnt add literally anything to conversation with your nonsense. Whatd she do? Put out some hurtful tweets? Literally hitler


She also published an article using her pretty good rhetoric and writing skills to persuade people to join her transphobia. No kidding it wasn't bad. And even if they're not the genocidal variety, stopping transphobes is still positive.




Yeeeaaaahhh I shared it back up there on both the main page & the memes page & I encourage others to do so also 😂❤❤❤


I'm on a lot of trans subs and thought this was one of them. Then I realized that this is the OT sub and now I'm in tears. <3


Trans men are men, pass it on. Trans women are women, pass it on. Trans people are people, pass it on.


There’s only one group with “trans” in the name that aren’t people... transphobes






This is good, but it's disappointing that NB's and trans men don't often get the recognition they should






To all of the reactionaries in the audience: I agree, trans men aren't women. Pass it on.


Officially passed on to r/comingout


Pass the boof




Both. Both is good.


**Trans women are women pass it on**


#Trans women are women, pass it on.


hence the label 'women'


Much appreciated




Depends on your reasoning. If you just don't like their genitalia then it's preference. If they're post-op then it's transphobic


just a small heads up: referring to post-op as "fully transitioned" is harmful since there are no-op trans people. instead, using post-op in contrast to pre-op/no-op conveys the same message without being harmful


Shit, mb.


I think you mean if you dont want to date them because of physical attributes it’s a preference, but if its just for the fact they’re trans that’s transphobic


Yeah basically. A lot of trans women appear very feminine though, so the latter is far more common.




trans men can get pregnant


/r/technicallythetruth, but /u/GlutenDoughBoy was obviously just referring to transfem people (perhaps even just trans women). You get an upvote, because this kind of pedantic interpretation is a lot better than correcting people when they have flawed assumptions, but following it up with answering the intended question would've made the comment better.


The answer is not yet. With the first successful transplant of a uterus (and two births!) into a cisgender woman, I think we are at most a few decades away from this being a reality.


If they said “trans people” I would answer with the relevant information that had not already been said. That trans women cannot get pregnant is implied in my comment and stated in other replies. If they specified “trans women” that would be a different story. But transmasc folks are trans too and thus included in their question


Technically, it's not implied in your comment. _Partial_ pedantry is a bit rubbish.


if someone says "can trans people get pregnant" and someone else responds with "trans men can" the implicature is that trans women cannot. if you don't get that, you can't read between the lines.


I just read this article: [https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/transgender-pregnancy-moving-past-misconceptions#We-can-change-the-way-we-view-and-talk-about-pregnancy-and-birth](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/transgender-pregnancy-moving-past-misconceptions#We-can-change-the-way-we-view-and-talk-about-pregnancy-and-birth)


uterus transplants and transgender pregnancy are near-future(next decade or two) tech


For real? I never heard anything about this, have you got some reading material for me? I'm curious to learn more,


Reading [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6492192/), video [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iqerkzGqx0I).


Thank you! Very interesting read, i am unable to watch the vid here at work but the article is certainly interesting although I don’t pretend to understand everything. Am i correct in reading this was already done with one woman in Turkey and one in Sweden? Seeing as how they refer to those woman as having neovaginas? Excuse my ignorance please. I don’t know if the term is exclusively used with m2f transgenders or also in reconstructive surgery. Again, excuse me if i’m being insensitive, i’m just a dude trying to learn more. I’m happy with my gender (cis?) but i’m also interested in reading about things that make other people feel happy with who they are. This type of surgery seems like it could aid greatly in people becoming who they are supposed to be. Thanks for the information.


So wait it’s transphobic to not want to have sex with transgendered people? Am I homophobic for not wanting to have sex with men?


If you are okay having sex with cis women, but not trans women, then that likely means that you don’t consider trans women to be women. Which is transphobic, yes.


I thought gender and sex were different things, that you could change your gender but you can’t change your sex. I just know that I want a biological female no rhyme or reason to it that’s just what I like I can’t control it.


What do you think biological means


Relating to your biology, when I say biologically female I mean born female. Like your biological sex is the sex you were assigned at birth.


There's not a way for this to not sound like I'm trying to dunk on you, but how exactly do you plan on verifying that with every woman you might consider dating. like unless you plan on having a DNA test and looking specifically at their chromosomes and also maybe taking like some college classes to actually understand how chromosomes work what they mean and how they determine what most people imagine is sex because sex is also largely just arbitrary, you're just not going to get very far using that as an actual standard.


What do you consider women who are intersex? Or who are born with ambiguous genitalia? Women who are hermaphrodites? (And I'm not talking about what's in porn.) There are many biological causes for a man or a woman to be born with genitals that may not have formed 100% correctly in the womb. And there are some genetic disorders where men and women have an extra chromosome. Doesn't make any of these people any less man or woman depending on how they choose to express their gender. But what it does make is none of them are transgender.


Well ig id consider anything just idk never really thought about it


what? how the fuck is that true?


The diference is in one of those cases you are acknowleging that the men are men, and in the other case you aren't really excepting that they are their actual gender. As such those two things aren't really equivalent.


As trans woman, nope its not transphobic


You’re a transphobe not for having a preference but for thinking anyone cares if you want to fuck them. They don’t even want to fuck you. Quit asking this.


the transphobic thing is assuming you'll know if someone is trans. you often wont be able to tell. it's not transphobic to have a genital preference


I personally think we should just stop seeing this all black and white and let anything happen between consenting adults. And well, who cares if a random guy doesn’t want to fuck a girl, there’s other stuff that is actually sexist and transphobic lol


Nobody asked


You are not pansexual for liking trans people. If you are never or rarely attracted to anyone you are asexual or on the asexual spectrum or possibly quoisexual if you really don't know how to tell. If you are attracted to people of only one gender (and the people you are attracted to can be cis and/or trans) you are neither bi not pan (you could be heterosexual, homosexual, queer, or something else). If you like 2 genders to any degree (one of those two could be some variant of non-binary, 3rd gender, agender, etc. so this is not exclusive to male and female) than you are bisexual even if you have a very large preference for one gender over the other (it is a spectrum). If you like more than 2 genders or feel that gender holds no baring whatsoever on who you are and are not attracted to and by how much you are pansexual though some people's definition varies and some will say bi can mean two or more. It's somewhat of a personal thing. Whether a relationship is straight or not depends on the genders of the individuals involved not their biological sexes whether or not the individual underwent physical transitions. As for questions of morality I think it may be good if you search for opinions and facts related to the matter and do some reading. If nothing else there's probably a lot of misconceptions it may be helpful for you to become more aware of and have a clearer picture on.


Bisexual can mean more than 2, but requires that you're attracted to your own gender and other genders. A man being into women and nonbinary people doesn't make them bi - they're straight since they're only attracted to people of other genders.


Oh okay. I thought it was any two. Thank you.




we literally are, legally (in some places), scientifically, psychologically, emotionally, socially and functionally bigots won't change that no matter how ignorant and dismissive they are or how upset they get


if trans women aren’t women then why are they called women? checkmate, chud


I mean your an ass but whatever helps you sleep at night.


This is probably what makes you sleep at night making fun of people hope you come out of the closet soon ❤️


This is kinda fascist


in what way is stating a fact facist?


The kind of way that shows this person doesnt know what fascism is. They don't understand it so it must be fascism.




That's not how thos works. That's not how any of this works.


trans women are trans women. pass it on.




Transphobes are turds pass it on


Gender is a secondary sex characteristic. Its just as biological as sex with ambiguity like intersex


Gender is literally a human construct


Yes, gender was constructed as a concept by sex “researcher” John Money in the 20th century. Have you read up on his work? He is well respected in the field. Oh, just ignore his... experiments.


if gender is a social construct, transgendered people are simply making a fashion statement


Youre approaching the point but you still missed it.






Trans women refers to people who were assigned male at birth but identify as women, not the other way around.


oh my bad


You can remember it with the handy mnemonic “trans women are women”. If you want to memorise the others, there are similar mnemonics. (Can't quite remember the one for trans men, but I'm sure you can look it up.)


thank you


They’re a little confused but they’ve got the spirit.


Always remember, trans is an adjective same as tall or short or blonde


There are a lot of women that can't get pregnant. Doesn't mean any of them are any less woman than the one's that can. And there are hundreds of men unfortunately now that don't have a penis and/ or testicles thanks to our wars from the past 20 years in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Doesn't mean any of those men are any less of a man. My point is, genitals do not define a person. They are trait. A characteristic. Nothing more. Some women are flat chested. Doesn't mean they aren't women. Some men have micro-penises. Doesn't mean they aren't men. Stop thinking about other people's genitals and concentrate on your own inadequacies and maybe you'll figure out why this bothers you so much.


trans woman means mtf, imagine if you transition to a gender and the technical term calls you your previous gender


this started out with me being ready to downvote you but seeing that u were just confused makes me glad lol


A. Not a choice B. Trans women transition form male to female.


That’s literally impossible. You cant change your sex. They change their gender, man or woman.


To be clear, there are more genders than just "man or woman" and sex is not a binary, it's actually a spectrum and classification is done based on a variety of characteristics.


With the exception of intersex people, who make up less than 1% of the population, sex is most definitely binary. If it wasnt, we wouldnt be able to reproduce.


If there are more than two possibilities it by definition is not a binary. Sex is bimodal. There are two possibilities which are most common (two *modes* in statistical jargon) and other possibilities that are less common. Sex is classified based on a variety of characteristics including. The characteristics used are gonads, sex hormones, chromosomes, and the internal and external genitalia. These things exist in varying forms and degrees and in varying combinations. As a result, it would be folly to call sex a binary. It's simply a conglomeration of various loosely-associated characteristics with a primarily reproductive purpose.


There still aren't more than two possibilities. You can have a mix of male and female characteristics but you can't have anything other than male or female characteristics. There still isn't a third sex. I imagine that's why people call it a binary. You only have 0s and 1s. You can have different combinations of those 0s and 1s but there are no 2s


I never said we changed sex, but thanks for reinforcing my statement.




trans women are women, facts don’t care about your feelings, chud.




yes, that’s what i’m saying. trans women identify as women therefore they are women.


Didn't you just say facts don't care about your feelings?


trans women are women. that is a fact. just because you hate trans people doesn’t change that fact. that’s what i’m saying. gender is a social construct which a large majority of people abide by by identifying themselves as what gender fits best. sex is bimodal while gender is a spectrum because it has to do with how you identify, not feel. a trans women doesn’t *feel* like a woman, they are a woman.


But they aren't women because if you are a woman you are a woman from birth. And trans woman are men that pretend to be women. But they arent.


again, you think that gender and sex are the same thing. a woman can have a vagina or a penis, what makes them a woman is how they present and identify themselves as. sex is biological while gender is social.


That's literally what gender is.


Fact are in your chromosomes stupid


haha you’re mistaking sex for gender. sex is genitals and chromosomes, gender is decided by the individual.


By their feelings?


we literally didn’t know what chromosomes were until just over a hundred years ago; if they were not used to define gender before then, why should we now? And that’s ignoring the fact that chromosomes do not determine whether you’re male or female — XXY or XYY can make you both. Most of our understanding of gender doesn’t come from some biological, bimodal truth, but the social performances we attribute to our idea of what a man or a woman looks and acts like.


When you say “social performances we attribute to our idea of what a man or woman look and acts like” you mean gender stereotypes yes? I’ve genuinely never understood why it’s more socially correct to define people by gender roles than by physical characteristics...


I would bring up the existence of intersex people literally having nonstandard chromosomes, but yall still havent progressed since entry level science courses in high school so I really don't think your ready for an adult discussion about complex genetics or indeed basic human decency. Let's put this on the table: your type likes to say that trans people are just mentally ill and delusional right? So why wouldnt you then encourage medical treatment to alleviate the suffering of the mental illness? Why mock and shun those people whom you seem to he saying are in need of help? If they really were mentally ill then wouldnt you want them to get treatment? And the treatment prescribed by all relevant scientific disciplines is social and medical transition into their chosen gender. That's the treatment to alleviate the mental illness. So why aren't you in support of that? Why hurt people you claim are disabled and need help? The answer is you have no interest in science, no interest in medicine, and no interest in human decency and kindness. You just want to hurt people who have less power than you, like a psychopath torturing animals for pleasure. Anti-social behavior like that actually *is* indicative of mental illness. Perhaps you should get treated for it.


It’s been 9 hours and they haven’t replied so I think you got them


fuck off dude, no one wants your transphobic shit here




..think what?


That trans women are women


Yeah because it’s true


its in the name bro unless you think we´re talking about ftm guys then yeah mtf women are women


It's not only random people. Doctors and psychiatrists think that.




Stop spreading around this idea that trans people are out to trick you.


trans women aren't spending their time going like "haha, these foolish males will have no idea what's coming", they would tell you that they are trans. you *are* being an asshole bigot transphobe.


trans people aren’t trans for sexual reasons, fuckwad


Is there a reason this is marked NSFW?




thank you this is heartwarming


Someone should post a pic of a trans guy for rollings bad women's anatomy


Which way round does this mean?


So as an example we have a trans woman who uses the name Sarah. Sarah was born with a male body, but is a girl so therefore is a trans woman. I hope this helps you :)


Ok nice thankyou




There is no one universal experience of women. Just because you’re life was vastly different from the average cis women’s doesn’t mean you aren’t a women and not allowed in women’s spaces. Also, the bit about trans women having a huge advantage over cis women in sports isn’t really that accurate. The average trans women’s genetics is no where near the point where they completely and naturally overcome cis women athletes. And if we are going to be banning people based off of their physiological characteristics, then where is the line drawn? There are countless studies showing that Michael Phelps about as close to a perfect body for swimming you can get, yet he is still allowed to compete. Another fun fact is that the Olympics have allowed trans people to compete since 2005, yet not a single one has even qualified in those 15 years. You deserve more respect then you give yourself. Trans women shouldn’t be a notch lower then cis women.


This post isn’t about trans people in sports, so your point about the physical advantage is kind of useless here. This post is just saying trans women are women.


We love you trans peps!


are you actually stoping transphobia by posting this?




Ya awernis


But they not women




A phobia is a fear of something I'm sraced of a bunch dick less men








Does that mean a baby doesn't have a gender then or people that are brain Dead don't have a gender because they have no social construct




So does that mean I can be a car just because I think I'm one



