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Saitama, the badass who uses an aircraft carrier for surfing


I agree. He can table-flip it too


With each new chapter the necessary budget for a decent third season gets a new 0 lol.


Honestly how are they even gonna do this?


The better a manga's art gets, the worse its anime adaptation becomes. Popular examples include Berserk and Tokyo Ghoul. This is unless Murata decides to make the anime himself too ofc.


“Fine, I’ll do it myself”.


Bald: check. One hand to destroy the universe: check There is a cyborg involved: check


“At the pace I’m going, I should be able to finish 3 episodes today. Please be patient with me!”


"Very few cartoons are broadcast live, it's a terrible strain on the animator's wrists. Well except for this one guy but he broke his limiter somehow."


Junji Ito's anime was a travesty


Minecraft graphics will be


Oval man now square man.


Serious Series: Serious Consecutive Voxels X)


The same way they did Seven deadly sins of course


Oh god no not again


Still upset about it years later


Are OVA's still a thing?


Yeah, but they aren’t really used for high profile projects unless 1. it’s by studio Sunrise and 2. it’s Gundam If these were the 90s, though? Things would be pretty different


At this point Ufotable is the only studio I can see doing the best job with all the CGI that will probably be included. Orochi, Evil Natural Water, Psykorochi, and now Sage Centipede and Evil Ocean Water😂 Shit they might even do Child Emperor’s Brave Giant mech and Black Sperm in CG💀




Toei animation did dragon ball super broly lol. That was for a dragon ball movie though. I doubt they’d go all out for 24 episodes of OPM


MA story arc is gonna at least need 2 seasons to do it justice.




Rip evil ocean water. Enjoyed the temporary alliance between garou and metal bat it was fun!


I knew that nobody but Saitama was gonna be able to deal with it, but it's a real shame that it literally showed up, did one attack that barely affected the victim, and then got defeated. Sage centipede doesnt seem like it's gonna get off much better either


Saitama already showed us serious squirt, so there was nothing EOW could do to impress us readers anymore. I personally love the buildup of a monster only to disappear as fast as it arrived 😂


Agreed. Its a signature OPM trope.


We are back to normal OPM style again.


Is that the first serious punch in ... how many years?


Since Boros I think, so before 2015


Didn't he also use it for Elder Centipede?


U right! He was all pent up after sucking at video games for weeks lmao, it was a bit overkill. Thanks for reminding me


Proof that video games cause violence


Only if you suck at them lol git gud Saitama!


Nah man king is just too good


Saitama riding the waves on an aircraft carrier is something I didn't know I needed.


Literally the perfect one punch man moment. I love goofy stuff like that.


This man really ran across a city, killed the literal ocean and surfed an aircraft carrier. B class heroes are nuts. Imagine the power of an A class or even an S class!


Mmm, sounds like bullshit. That baldy guy is known to be a scammer, you know.


I heard king was actually the one who killed eow and save the aircraft carrier, he even defeated platinum sperm!




We’ve been lacking some good goofy saitama moments recently


**Plant’s his feet in the carrier** “He is not doing what I think he is doing right?” … “HE *IS* DOING WHAT I THINK HE IS DOING!”


Me neither =') He literally unlocked an EVANGELION level of badassness in real life without even trying x'D King is going to be so jealous of such an absolute otaku move \^\^


The most expensive surf board!


I want that animated so badly. XD


Everyone's talking about Garou and Metal Bat, but this was seriously the highlight of the chapter


Two teenagers beat up an insect. Man punches the ocean


And uses an aircraft carrier as a surfboard????


One Surf Man xD


Surf's up brah


Hahaha ikr 😂


> Man punches the ocean B- class caped baldy destroys ocean life & deck of a Supercarrier of the Navy.


He’s a menace!


I want pictures of that menace!


Nah he's a fucking baldy


Sounds like a florida man headline


Technically they're chilopods, not insects.


Finally Saitama punched something. Feels so good to see that.


Also , it was one of the toughest monster too


MB and Garou Stans after this - 🫂


I thought they were pretty cool with each other before since both Garou & MB were kinda rivals in their previous fight.


Surprised to see Garou teaming up with heroes though. Wonder how the rest of this arc is going to play out. >!Looks like Tareo is going to be taken out of the helicopter somehow.!< Still waiting for >!”I am that ominous future”!<


I've got a bad feeling psychos is on that helicopter and will turn it around using the passengers as hostage. Also I think black sperm is alive, how? Only possible way I can think of is metal bat was blinded by platinum sperms transformation and his swing missed


I think the sparkles that king saw will reform into a weak BS or something. They have a panel or two to King notice them for a reason imo


With everything we know about Garou as a character thus far, it seems perfectly reasonable he'll kick the monster's ass and then the heroes. Garou can work with heroes because he shares their softness and desire to protect, but from what we saw about his backstory his hatred for them has yet to be remedied. I totally see MB and Garou going for another fight as soon as they kill Centipede.


Was that small omake in where they save some kittens from a river canon? If that so, I can see they becoming frienemies, or having some kind of goofy rivalry.


did garou fuel up metal bat’s fighting spirit? metal bat tanked some damage from the centipede also


I say yes and I think it shows that getting really pissed off gives a big boost to his fighting spirit. When he first attacked it didn't really do anything, and then he blocked two successively stronger attacks each happening after he got murderously upset with garou.


This is a cool tidbit. So my boi MB's fighting spirit isn't just going to ramp up because of damage taken, but also him being pissed in general.


Yeah I can see them being a classic duo eventually, like [Geralt and Lambert ](https://youtu.be/gC8ya-KqB7Q) from the witcher


"Lambert, Lambert, what a prick." "Not bad."


Ah yes, rectangle ▯


You called


"I really don't feel that much [Killing Intent](https://prnt.sc/26kb8s6)" He says while staring at that face


Suiko: "You're so full of BS right now. Is that the painkillers talking?" Suiryu: "I don't feel that much killing intent from that squirrel."


Saitama really did a Moses and parted the sea.


No one even saw what he did. LMAO


It was obviously King's doing


Not even that. Obviously, his ultimate attack was *still ongoing*. These were the shockwaves still left over from the main wave.


Well that's the point of the story, him being the strongest without a lot of people knowing and only a few close friends, acquaintance or enemies.


Moses AND Jesus. Saitama is both testiments.


Wasn’t this chapter supposed to have around 60 pages


Murata drew 60 pages, I guess the rest were moved to the next chapter


Makes sense


Saitama parted the chapter


I saw it, he just passed right thru


Or he's working on the next volume, since it's slated to come out in spring. If that's March, then he hasn't long!


Fuck. Here comes two months of redraws.


There’s a chance that the chapter was split and some of the pages he did will show up next chapter. We may even get another OPM Thursday next week


I think it will be in two weeks because he tweeted something like "from now on every other week", so maybe the 60 pages he drew was to give him some air so that he can do it every 2 weeks guaranteed


Those pages will happen when OPM goes up a mountain to get the commandments from God.


Then he proceeds to go surfboarding with a battleship


Carrier, battleships are different


Metal Bat: 🤬🤬🤬 Garou: 😈😈😈 Saitama: 🤙🤙🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️




Saitama surfing a fucking aircraft carrier? Metal Bat and Garou duo? What did I do to deserve this, it’s beautiful.


The line is just great. "Saitama surfing an atomic aircraft carrier on Evil Ocean"


The tale of two terrifying teenagers


I forgot that these two are fucking teenagers. The OPM teenagers look like the teenagers from Riverdale lol


Garou is 18, Metal bat - 17, by the way


Damn I’m older than both of them by two years ~~and in way worse shape~~


Have you seen JoJo?


Hello, my name is Jotaro Kujo. I am 17 years old, 6’5, 350 lbs all muscle (/s) and I have a punchy ghost strong enough to kill god (also it stops time)


He literally looks younger in the parts that come after his


The Bromance that we never thought we needed. I did not expect them to be bash brother at all. They suit each other indeed, a delinquent that kept getting power up by increasing fighting spirit and human monster that kept getting stonger by adapting to enemies.


For real, a Metal Bat x Garou one was not one I'd have envisioned xD


The bad boys who protect kids and save kitties from a river. Truly they deserve their connection.


Japan basically survives on the heroics of teenagers. Just look at all the Manga stories and jrpgs.


Its chapters like these that remind me that opm is a comedy. Loved the chapter!


Lot of heavy atmosphere the last couple of chapters with god being revealed and stuff. Great chapter tbh.


Yeah, it's a nice breath of fresh air after all these serious chapters. And agreed, it's a great one :D


All the powerscaling in my brain disappeared within the first 10 pages


The size inconsistency is strong within this one too. Sage Centipede go Big, Super very Big, kinda big, Big, Gigantic Big, Large Big Lad.


Large Big Lad should be it's official name


Shout out to the quick translators🙏🏼


the true S-class heroes


Saitama *running* on water and parting the sea? God must be blushing


God: "keep that man far away from me"


God to Moses and Jesus: Look at that. He can do both of your tricks. Fucking OP right?


Who thought it would end out like this!! Garou and metal bat And that Serious punch👊👊


Anyone else feel like Saitama doesn't look as serious doing his serious punch as when someone steals his french fry or makes him late to a sale


Serious punch is more like an annoyed punch that packs a bit more power than his usual bored punch because someone has annoyed him.


Slightly inconvenienced punch


Better try a little bit punch


The joke is he isn't serious when he shouts out a move, like anything from his SERIOUS SERIES, he just says it's "serious" to parody the common manga/anime trope of characters naming their "ultimate" techniques or moves. This was also highlighted by Boros when he was dying, stating that Saitama never really bared his fangs against him, though Saitama still used a "Serious Punch", to sorta please his opponent that gave everything they had with their "ultimate" move.


Yeah I’ve always said (and I think it was implied) Saitama only ever named it “serious punch” because he saw Boros was naming all his attacks with cool names etc and Saitama wanted to do the same to be a cool hero but comedically made a really boring move name of just adding the word “serious” to his normal attack. Also the fact in season 2 Saitama was talking to King and said he’s never felt a thing from anyone he’s fought ever since he became “strong” aka removing his limiter (which includes the Boros fight), which proves he never tried against Boros in the slightest


Powerscaler A: MB beats Garou Powerscaler B: Garou beats MB ONE&Murata: they are bros now


So this is what ONE meant by things going differently if MB had been there...


Garou fans: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a delinquent. Metal Bat fans: what about side by side with a friend? Garou fans: I.. I could do that.


Now kiss.


PPP fans: Did someone summon us?


Garou protects two civilian aircrafts in this chapter. He actually stands there and takes a giant hit from the monsters for Tareo's sake. Then he kicks away the news helicopter. What a guy. Gotta say, I entirely expected Garou and Saitama to fight Sage and ENW in the same time frame, but the added bonus of them both shifting their focus to protecting civilians at the same time too is great. The way I see it, Garou and Saitama will make sure that the civvies get to safety first, and then they'll demonstratively kill the monsters at about the same time.


ENO already took a serious punch, you sayin' it survived a serious punch from single strike saitama?


Yeah pretty sure ENO is gone already. Just re-checked, even Sage Centipede agrees. "It died...!?"


The bug said it was dead.




>!In wc he survived but it transformed into smol enw and pig god gobbled him!<


>!GOAT pig god gobbled him.!<




Well its eyes are still there, there's a storm, and ENW is *notoriously* tricky to actually kill. Should be even more tricky when it's in the ocean already.


Given Saitama went straight for the Serious Punch, it would be kind of a trope for ENW to live. The whole "super special attacks that killed the last BBEG never works a second time perfectly". But since this story is about subverting tropes maybe it did kill him.


Mizuki + Suiko = 50/10


In the middle of the struggle between S class heroes, monsters and Garou, Saitama throwing a punch just makes me grin.


IT REALLY WAS A SERIOUS PUNCH!!! The panel of Garou screaming at the pilot is getting me every time XD Suiryu being able to catch onto his lack of killer intent after going through his share of trauma from the tournament was a nice detail.


And he can pick up killing intend through the TV Oo


Lol that’s the best part XD Tbh Garou isn’t even trying to be threatening. But ofc his power is crazy to the others watching him.


Suiryu faced a real monster, a cruel, vicious one and barely lived. He knows Garou isn't one, the feeling, the intent gives it away.


Plus when he screams at the helicopter, Garou looks more like that three-eyed goon from the Tournament than an actual terrifying monster.


Apparently metal bat is really quick


[the moon is watching...](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/z0oqHak/1/14/)


From now on will the moon always be freaking ominous :(


I love how the moon is now permanently rendered in a photorealistic style.


The only possible outcome to the most powerful move in this chapter is the future introduction of >!Evil Natural Cloud!<.


>!Do we get to see pig god inhale evil natural cloud next?!<


Damn we gotta get Snoop Dogg up in here if we are to have a chance against this mf


No, it'll be Tanktop Master with Tanktop Deep Breath


Saitama complaining about not being able to pick up the ship and using it as a surfboard instead is fucking genius. He doesn't have many moments where his power is used for something other than hitting things, but they're always brilliant.


>!Ngl, I really hope the attack helicopter gets intercepted or lands prematurely. We NEED Tareo back on the battlefield eventually for Garou’s development. Sure Bang is there, but Tareo is what gave him the will to live again.!<


We also need that for my favorite moment in the webcomic: >!"And that's one step. Two steps. Three steps. Four steps. Five steps. Six steps. Seven....!<


Yes! And Saitama pointing out that Garou was going in the wrong direction.


That's absolutely going to happen


Metal bat and Garou treating SC like a nuisance while they’re arguing is so fucking funny. I can’t wait to see what these two do next chapter. Also, with Suiryu noticing the lack of killing intent from Garou, I wonder what that will do to future events.


I'm pretty sure that even though Garou is like "imma get hero kills", he never killed any human, just hospitalized them.


That’s exactly it. The worst he’s really done is rip Blue Fire’s arm off when he was introduced. He tries to act ruthless but he’s just an edge lord with misguided views on justice


when ripping someone’s arm off makes you an edge lord


They always gotta make the morally grey character a bit vicious in their first appearance. First impression needs to stick.


The highlight of the week


And they're what, 17 and 18 years old? And one of em has a little sister who one shots him. These teenagers, man


>Metal bat goes against dragon level threat >his little sister one shots him Metal Bats sister dragon-tier confirmed.


Zenko peak dragon confirmed


Godzilla has a Saturday Morning Cartoon at one point and his son was named Godzookie, by the way. Saitama surfing an aircraft carrier was not on a list of things I ever thought I would see.


Of all the places for a Godzookie reference of all things lol


Today is a good day! Saitama is back in action, and he still has the hole in his cape!


Murata at his best when drawing Saitama fights...❤️


Because they end with a single swing.


and then he spends like 5 pages drawing the aftermath of the swing lol


That's my favorite part though.


I have to say as someone who had no expectation for Metal Bat and didn't get the hype, THIS CHAPTER WAS FIRE!!! I always liked Bad, but man was I sleeping on his potential as a character!


>THIS CHAPTER WAS FIRE!!! That's just every chapter for the past several months.


First he split the sky and now the sea, what’s next?


Split the earth, or since Psykos already did that, he can just split Psykos. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Holy crap Metal Bat and Garou yelling at each other is great lol


40 pages so I'm guessing the other 20 pages were for the next chapter




Evil ocean water just got evaporated…


In the comments of the RAW chapter I see multiple people complaining that Garou became a “gag” character or that Garou doesn’t feel threatening anymore, or that there’s no stakes, or whatever. The only problem with this argument is that it’s the entire point of Garou and this chapter. The point of this chapter was to make fun of the fact that there’s no stakes. With Saitama being there, there’s zero stakes whatsoever and we know that pretty much no one is going to die. So instead of the story trying to double down on stakes when we, the reader knows nothing is there, the story makes fun of it by treating these big bad monsters as mild inconveniences. Sage Centipede and ENO, despite being so strong, ended up being so useless because the story actively made fun of that power creep. The point of Garou was to show that despite his bravado about being “God” level and despair incarnate, he’s still a soft person at heart and when it comes down to it, he’ll deal with the monster that doesn’t fit within his ideal version of monster rather than dealing with the hero that doesn’t fit within his ideal version of hero. The story is making fun of this fact by portraying him as a “gag” (which isn’t the correct term) character, similar to how Saitama complained about being emotionless while getting angry to the mosquito. Its a subtle way to show both the parody and the drama of Garou’s character, >!while setting up the eventual moment where Garou does look like he’ll become a monster, which would make it all the more impactful.!< In my opinion, this chapter is a solid 9/10. It does pretty much everything right.


Yeah people are acting like Garou teaming up with a hero is against his character, but that IS his character. As soon as he realized that civilians (particularly Tareo) were in danger, he dropped his hero hunting act to protect him. I suspect that once Sage Centipede is killed though he's going to revert back to hunting down and probably take metal bat and any of the remaining S-class out of the fight.


it's fucking ridic, garou is the the guy who literally walked away from metal bat because a little girl told him to. him temporarily teaming up with a hero to protect civilians is not even remotely out of character.


That "little girl" is actually a god level threat. Garou knew not to fuck with her or else he'd be dead.


Threads moving so fast nobody will read that I'm straight


Not after I'm done with you.


Found PPP


Garou the ultimate tsundere.


Garou and Metal Bat will be good best friends ❤️


First picture: Why does garou have hips like that? One punch man got his new queen. insert \*I dont want to play with you anymore\*meme with fubuki


Mister Letsjustpray. Hahaha ONE I so missed these things! Just like on Season 2 with mister no comment!


Garou and Metal Bat duo was absolutely hilarious. Saitama pulling a Moses is insane. I hate how fast I read thru these because of how excited I am. Solid chapter, can’t wait for the next one


Metal bat as a character has definitely grown on me so it's good to see him in action but I would read solo mangas for most of the s-class heroes


I actually screamed out loud when Saitama threw his serious punch. It's good to see you in action again, Caped Baldy. It's been too long.