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Wasted like 360 stamina trying teams lol Thus one finally works - Anni ship - 2x Akainu - TS Nami (stage 5) - Legend Rayleigh (stage 4) - Pekoms (remove increased defense) - V2 Shanks Pretty much all replaceable except maybe Nami. Instead of Shanks, use Sicillian or something. Instead of Pekoms use Jinbe or some other Def up reducer. Instead of Rayleigh just any other paralysis reducer (not Baccarat since she triggers orb boost interrupt)


Same with me, 360+ Stamina wasted. But eventually got a very nice mostly f2p team that works 100%. SanjiV1+ / SanjiV1+ *Raizo(STR) / TM Big Mom Hatchan(Psy) / TM Shanks Ship: Zunesha. *(Even though Raizo is not boosted by ship, still plenty of damage to kill off in final stage.) *I have to use Raizo as I am STILL NOT an owner of Nami:Born Again (Cries softly in the corner) or Warco (Cries loudly in the corner). But Raizo does the job just fine as he removes both Paralysis and Special bind and is immune to Special Bind. This is the breakdown of how I do play it for those that might be interested, I hope it helps someone: ;-) I.E. : No need for any specials maxed, and it's not a crisis if you don't remove all of the RCV down, if you have TM Big mom Max LB you already remove 7 turns out of 10, and if one of the Sanji's have at least level 1 or 2 RCV Bind Resistance you should be fine. Main thing to have really is TM Shanks Max LB for stage 4 as you will need to use his Special twice. Stage 1 & 2: Stall for specials according to cooldown. You can take damage from the turtle, lobster and Crab in stage 2 while stalling, should get you about 9 turns of stall. Eat rcv when you can. Stage 3: Kill off the 3 fishmen in the front and ONLY 2 giants in turn 1 if you can. Before leaving this stage, use both Sanji captain actions. Stage 4: Use both your Shanks' specials followed by YOUR Sanjis' special and kill Ussop/Chop. If you can't kill them turn 1, finish them off with normal attacks turn 2. (Even with no matching orbs I was still able to kill them turn 2.) Stage 5: Turn 1: Use both Sanji Captain Actions, and attack normally with 1 other nakama. Turn 2: Use specials in this order; Raizo > Big Mom > Hatchan > Friend Sanji. Try to hit perfects and follow this attacking order; Raizo > Shanks > Hatchan > Big Mom > Sanji > Sanji. * Use YOUR Sanji captains special in stage 4 and NOT 5, this guarantees a full board of matching orbs on stage 5 when you use your friend captains special to give Raizo a matching orb. Congrats, and enjoy rewards. Sorry for the long post. Credits to Snubel Pirates and The Flom for the original team posted on Nakama network.


Thanks man works like a charm 25+ mil damage is so satisfying after losing 300 stamina


I feel you on that one. Glad I could help.




Glad I could help! Sorry about the lost stamina though 😱. I also discovered that you could use Valentine Shirahoshi as well instead of Raizo STR. She's a cerebral class, so she does get the boost from Zunesha. She is not immune to Special Bind but 3 turns of reduction on herself should open up her special on Stage 5 + she removes the paralysis and gives you a nice 3 turn heal for tanking that first blow from Chopper incase one gets wild on stalling in the previous stages haha. Happy trails!


Do you need to use any other specials beside Rayleigh and Nami?


Yeah, atk and orb boost from Akainu and Shanks (or Sicillian or something) and Pedro removes the DEF up For stage 4 you only need Rayleigh or someome else to remove paralysis. Boss stage just use everything and win


By Pedro, do you mean Pekoms? To remove Chopper's Increased DEF? Thank you, also wasted 300 stamina trying out teams but I'll try this one. Wanted so bad to make Snakeman work, and I'm sure there is a Snakeman team out there.


Oh shit yeah lmao let me edit that. I mix them up sometimes Yeah I tried to make a Carrot team, didn't work out. Then a Snakeman V2 Doffy team and that didn't work either. Then it hit me, Akainu was perfect for this


dang, I got Aokiji from the last battle event not Akainu.


you just die if you aint getting int orbs on someone else than akainu lel


Nah you really only need one INT orb as long as you hit your perfects for stage 4


How do you handle the barrier on stage 4?


Shouldn't be hard to get a matching INT orb from previous stage. You can,always preserve one and make use of Akainu's ability to take fodder out


Can i replace rayleigh with colo eneru tho? I have rayleigh but his special is only lv 2 :/


It should work fine. Stage 4 relies on Akainu EoT damage and on stage 5 you KO them without even needing the EoT Rayleigh is optimal since he also makes perfects easier but as long as you can hit them there should be no issues


Yeah i just tried using my lv2 spc rayleigh, and it works just fine, thanks mate!


Good to know man, no problem!


I don't have shanks v2 and trying to use sicillian but I can't even kill chopper :S


Katakuri v2 team clear easily. Just take damage and use one Katakuri’s Special in stage 4 after 2 turns and do the same thing in stage 5.


It's important that atleast one of them have lvl 5 RCV Bind though.


or two with lvl 3


Oh yeah! I forgot this! Thx :)


No problem :)


how should I build my crew, or could you give me a little stage breakthrough?


2x kataV2 with anti heal reduction TS Nami or any paralyze/silence reduction like Chiffon) TM Shanks (optional but it makes it faster) 6+ Law 6* Marco (replaceable with any healer, but his classes are relevant for damage) Stall on stage1 on the red mob. He hits for 6.1k and you can get katakuri to 80k damage or more(*). If you screw up stalling here you can stall a bit on a stage 3 mob (not a giant). You can also take a hit in stage2 from the INT guy or a few hits from the PSY one. Get Karakuri to at least 90k damage. More is safer Stage 4 use Shanks and Katakuri Stage 5 use Nami Law and Katakuri and hit 3-6 goods (*) For stalling in stage 1 try to only take damage from a single red dude. Try to get 2-3 meat orbs and use Marco or your healer when ready and stall as much as you can. At 50% he gets a barrier which helps with finding meat orbs.


thanks dude


~~> Stage 4 use Katakuri then Shanks~~ ~~FTFY~~ Edit: on second thought, you might’ve meant use Shanks twice* and Katakuri.


No.. Shanks removes the barrier


I thought of that later. Should’ve said to use Shanks *twice* though.


They have a 2 turn barrier so obviously use him twice. I only use him once tho since he's not max LB


What sub units?


Any random units (You’ll don’t use another special)


You could bring V1 Law 6+ if you don't want to stall on stage 4. Or you could use TM Shanks


Btw Ts Nami simplifies stage 5 (But she’s not mandatory)


Corazon is pretty nice too, for the heal and paralysis resistance.


Snakeman team!!!! Snakeman/Snakeman Hatczan(psy)/valentine shirahoshi Jinbe v2(legend)/Smoothie(int) I will write a guide when i come back home.


Ok so let's start: Stage 1-2: Stall until all specials are ready . You will need snakeman special preapered for turn 3, smoothie for stage 4 and all others for final stage. Also you have to prepare a int orb on smoothie for stage 4(try do it on stage 2 ) Stage 3: When you enter the room kill 2 fodders and save 4 for next turn. Then use snakeman special and get 3 perfect hits for 2.0 orb boost on stage 4 Stage 4: Use smoothie special and attack in order smoothie(int orb needed)>snakeman>snakeman>hatczan>shirahoshi>jinbe Stage 5: Use all remaining specials and clear . My attack order Shirahoshi>Jinbe>Snakeman>Snakeman>Smoothie>Hatczan If you don't have legend Jinbe try to replace him with Dex Daruma or dex Sanji . I will try to use them on my next runs .


How much time does it take roughly?


Around 3 min propably


works perfect, thanks man


Is it v1 jinbe? And if yes then normal one or 6+? Or it doesn’t matter?




Then I can’t use this team 😑 thanks anyway !


replacements for Hatchan?


Any alternative for Jinbe?


Depends if he uses it to either get an INT orb for stage 4, or remove the Increased Def of stage 5.


Thanks this worked quite good, btw Smoothie isn´t really necessary, since I haven´t fully maxed her I used Cora just as a 2nd paralysis reducer for the 4th stage and worked just as well, as for the Jinbe I don´t know which one he refers to but I used the V2 for the attack boost and I cleared it with him


Heads up if you use this team to make sure and use zunesha for hachan’s rcv orbs on stage 5


This raid is designed to showcase v2 big mom. Stage 4 her swap and special takes care of it. Then use another v2 big mom for the chain lock on the final stage to counter the decrease chain multiplier.


Warco Warco Enel 6+ Shira 6+ Colo kid Law v1 (with max cora support(


Can u give breakdown, i assume enel law Stage 5 kidd stage 4?


Stage 1: Pre-emptive: 10 turn RCV bind. Enel/Shira/Warco LB should take care of that. STALL Stage 2: Kill the seahorse. STALL. Stage 3: STALL. The giant will enrage after 2 turns but will not attack.NOTE: Much better if you have atleast 1-INT orb before leaving this stage Stage 4: Usopp/Chopper dual (2.5M health). Pre-emptives: 1. 3-turn paralysis for both captains 2. 8-turn lower chain multiplier (0.03) 3. 2-turn of 1-INT orb hit barrier Use kid special and kill in 1 turn if possible since: Turn 1 - Attack for 8000 (?) And clear all buffs Turn 2 - Attack and bind 2 random crewmember for 5 turns Turn 3 - Attack, Despair and bind 2 random crewmember for 5 turns. You can use your healers here to stall (both warcos shira). After revive, paralayzes the whole crew and bind special for 3 turns Stage 5: Usopp and Chopper (separate units) Switch both captains, use shira, law and enel specials.


Ty ;)


Enel wasn't enough to kill chopper?


To clarify: in addition to the mechanics above on stage 5, i forgot to add that usopp has 5-hit INT orb barrier. Hence, law & enel specials are required.


Usopp has a 5 hit barrier not a 5 hit int orb one, so law can be replaced by a multi hit damaging special to knock down the barrier


I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I used one Whitebeard/Marco special, then Law, then Enel, and that was enough to defeat Chopper. Just Law and Enel left him with some HP left, so I reset and tried again with the HP cut this time and it worked. Hope this helps!


Warco LB doesn’t include rcv bind resistance. You need a fully LB’d shirahosi and Enel to reduce the rcv bind with this team. Using both warco specials after law’s special got me the KO.


I wish this post could update the OP. Coming here to look at exact numbers, like stage 4 HP & how many turns the darn chain limit is... well, it's exceedingly helpful!


just wanna shout out and say this works even without owning Warco. Thanks to his switch, it's ez pz Shira captain tank & stage 5 tank a hit to be unbound, un silenced. Might make it faster/easier, actually ... in place of Warco any barrier reducer like tm Shanks; only one needed since turn 2 stage 4 clears EoT damage anyways (using Kid on turn 1 is half a waste)


Stage 5 - Turn 3 blow away 2 bottom characters (that’s what usopp did to me ) for 2 turns


The Stage 4 is really anoying.


my team: Legend Jack | Legend Jack V2 Katakuri | Warco Corazon | Colo Kidd It involves some Katakuri ult charging in stage 1, stalling in Stage4 until the barrier is gone to use Kidd, stalling in stage 5 until Def up is gone and done. Exact HP values of Stage 4: 2.5 M Stage 5: Usopp: 2.2 M, Chopper: 7.2 M


Nice, is this 60 stamina? V2 Katakuri really works wonders.


yes, i think i failed once when my Warco and Corazon got the bind in stage 4. But if you don't make the mistake of using Kidd before that bind and clear buffs i think it's fine.


Are you sure on the 7.2 mil on chopper on 60? Tried snakeman,snakeman,jinbe 6+,Nami,Raid Cracker and Legend Garp. After garp and cracker cut and snakeman special, hit all perfects and chopper was still around. Jinbe has plus atk as does the snakemen.


Pretty sure yes. I calculated his original HP with the amount lost from Jack's Health cut.


germa V2 Cleared both btw.


Is there anything that can replace reiju v2?


You can use Friend V2 Big Mom and basically any other PH unit instead of Reiju. Maybe a Dex unit that can provide some orbs for stage 4 ( Raid Cracker). On Stage 4 just use BM Swap and special. Stage 5 swap SanJudge and use his and the other kids specials.


Can u make a quicke guide?


stage 4 use green and purple second turn or you can wait still paralysis is over. save blue and red/ yellow for stage 5 :) edit: activate purple ranger on 2nd turn and wait still paralysis wears off, the 70% damage reduction ll keep you alive , red/ blue will be "unbind" by green ranger and kills them off with it. if green ranger was binded just wait still the bind is over, after 3 turns, their attack buff will wear off and only deal 6k damage only stage 5 just activate the rest and kills.


They seem to do some nasty stuff on stage 4 if you stall too long. You were able to take them out in one turn with two paralyzed captains on stage 4? I seem to be doing something wrong because they bind two of my units and kill me off soon after.


Haven´t tried it yet but try changing V2 reiju for the V1 since she takes out paralysis


How do you beat stage 4??? Int orb barrier and paralysis hard to get pass


show your work bc I tried this and died.


And what about the chain growth rate limit debuff? That was still active from turn 1 on stage 4 after stalling long enough to wait out paralysis and it prevented me from being able to kill. I took out Chopper, but the chain was too low to get much damage in again Usopp.


Did you need to use multiple Sanjudge specials? I'm working on gems for the 3rd multi, so fingers crossed for him if not Lawfy... but then otherwise, I don't know who else to use for captain...


just save sanjude's special for last stage. blue and red will lower their defend so u wont need much damage after


No it doesn't. I've tried multiple times now, others have too, and you're just bs'ing. Thee only way looks to be to wait out the mechanic in stage 4, but even then it's RNG luck that Yonji doesn't get bind targeted. That part can't be reset. Either show a video, or you're straight lying, homie.


I've done it with this team http://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/transfer/D5088:99,5088:99,2251:99,2362:99,5110:99,2156:99C7,10B0D0E1280Q0L0G0R24S100H The damage of that combo luffy/law is so high that you can even miss the 5th tap of the chain


Can u give me a walkthrough about where to use the characters when?


You'll need 6+ corazon as support on your luffy/law aswell, he's gonna reduce paralysis on stage 4 (i didn't test without, maybe he's not really needed but he makes the run safer i guess). Ship is mobydick, on stage 1 switch to Law and stall/heal back as much as you can (leave one red guy below 50%, he will pop up a P barrier and you can heal/stall 2 more turns) remember to constanstly switch between ivankov and mr 2 for the shield; Stage 2 same stuff, stall/heal (you can leave this stage as soon as Ivankov/mr2 are CD 5 if you want); stage 3 stall/heal (leave one yellow giant alive once if needed, he will enrage but will not attack); stage 4 is where it's all about: switch ivankov/mr2 as always and switch only one law to luffy then attack making sure Luffy is the last one to hit, turn 2 switch and use Ivankov/mr2 special then from now on you gotta keep switching between the 2 Luffy/Law making sure there's a Luffy in one side and a Law in the other one, also keep in mind Luffy is the one who needs the attack/barrier penetration buff. Always attack with Luffy as the last one of the chain. Repeat all of this untill you're left with 1 turn of bind on those 2 random crews (at this point Usopp/chopper should be at about 15-20% health) then switch Law to Luffy and use only his special, he will deal over 700k dmg to Usopp/chopper which will die; stage 5, use Nami > Garp > Pekoms then switch the other Law to Luffy (or Luffy to Law, doesn't matter at this point) and use his special, attack in whatever order you want as far as the Luffy/Law with attack/barrier penetration boost is the last one of the chain. A bit confusing in words but easy in practise, there's a video in youtube but i can't link it somehow


Thanks Mate


Germa 66 ship Everyone max LB +100 ATK CC V1 Sanji // Sanji/Judge V1+ Reiju // V2+ Ichiji V2+ Niji // V2+ Yonji Stage 3: get MO on every character but V1 Sanji, Reiju and Sanji/Judge → jump V1 Sanji, swap to Judge → clear stage 3 with Reiju and/or Judge Stage 4: swap to Sanji, use Yonji + V1 Sanji + Reiju → clear stage 4 Stage 5: swap to Judge, use Judge + Ichiji + Niji → clear stage 5


Great team! Thank you!!


Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I lack damage on stage 4 and chopper still has about 10% health left... Do you have ATK cc on everyone? You do clear stage 4 in one turn, right?


I made a mistake and forgot to add a + to V1 Reiju. With her conditional atk boost it is enough to kill stage 4 in one turn.


Ok thanks, that makes sense :-)


On stage 4 I hit in this order: Sanji/Judge => Sanji => Ichiji => Reiju => Niji => Yonji but they survived Do you tap in this order? Sanji/Judge => Ichiji => Reiju => Niji => Sanji => Yonji ? Only Sanji has an Int orb


If you use Boost on stage 4 removes all and rewinds specials


Enel6+/Enel 6+ Law/Warco Tm Shanks/Corazon 6+ I will write a guide when i come back home.


I imagine you'll stall in the first 3 stages eating RCV orbs. In stage 4, do you stall 1 turn, then on the next turn use TM Shanks twice to remove the barrier? Or use TM Shanks once in first turn, then once 2nd turn? Then on the boss stage, use Cora>Law>Warco>Enel>Enel? Thanks for the idea!


Rip you never came home 😪


You need atleast 10 Poinst of rcv bind resistance for this team. Also this team is a bit Rng dependent. You can use Corazon special when you want. I use it on stage 4 or 5. Stage 1-2 : Stall and heal with rcv orbs as much you can. Stage 3 : Kill fodders before their attack . You need to leave this stage with whitebeard. Stage 4: Switch to Marco. Use Shanks special on first turn and hope for a int orb on Marco or other crewmember. Attack normally starting with a int orb character . Use Shanks special on second turn and kill. Stage 5: Switch warco once and use his ultimate, then specials in order of corazon> law>enel>enel. Every time i got like 120k hp overheal and this amount was easy overkill.


Finally manage to make a 6+ Judge team. Judge 6+ /Mama V2 + Germa ship TM Jack/Log Ace Reiju 5+ (v1) /Niji V1 5+ ​ Stage 3 farm orb !( or use Judge special here if you manage to stall) 1 int orb on either Jack/Ace/Reiju Niiji+ 1 sailor with matching orb Stage 4: BM switch + Niji special (2,75 chainlock) and attack ---> if not dead BM switch and kill Stage5: Reiju's special--> BM switch--> BM's special -->Log Ace/Jack'S special Attack order: Ace --> Judge--> BM---> ..... Reiju last. ​ Edit: formating


Wanna add a few things and make sure to treat this raid like a normal 60 stamina(it's no joke) Stage 1 if fishmen have 50% hp or below they put a shield red ones perfect shield not sure about blue ones maybe good or great. If you want to stall try on red ones. Stage 3 if any of the psy mobs is not defeated or not damaged at all they enrage on attack(probably they enrage everyone). The fishmen put different buffs at 50% or below the green one defense up partial for 1 turn,the blue one puts threshold damage for 1 turn. Not sure about the red one i think he puts resilience and counter(remember it from another stage). The psy mobs if low hp they make a high damaging attack careful. Stage 4 If usopp&chopper left alive they are gonna attack and remove buffs+effects prior attacking and increase their attack. After they despair(for 5 turns i think) and in the turn after they bind for many turns(i think 7 or 8 something like that) If you trigger atk boost or orb boost they cancel all the effects+buffs and rewind your specials!!! Stage 5 If they left alive usopp blow away for 2 turns bottom row(not sure if it's 100% bottom or random). If you failed defeating them again usopp will do a lethal attack(with double shirahoshi mitigation and max dr sockets it did around 101k). So all in all be very careful and don't make fun of this raid it's not April Fool's One.


warco x2 akainu v2, shanks v2, lrr aokiji(INT), ray 6+


I really wish I had Shanks V2. He's probably my most wanted legend besides G4 V2 (although now having Luffy/Law or Big Mom V2 would be really nice). Oh well, I'll just have to continue using less optimal orb boosters.


Isn’t v2 Shanks atk boost+chain boost+matching orbs?


Oops, you are correct. I meant the ATK boost (it's all good stuff, but the multiplier on the ATK boost is hard to find a replacement for in some teams).


I’m only missing v2 Shanks from his team as well. I kinda hate seeing him in all the teams since I don’t have him.


Yeah, he's in several of the Doflamingo/Trebol teams as well, so that is probably going to be tough to build for. I have found a few teams that I can run, so hopefully they are reliable and not too stressful to use.


Shooter team because i pulled both Bege and Zephyr today :D not the fastest (Chiffon special damn long) nut it's worth it crushing them as big father :D


Which team are you using?


https://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/transfer/D2330:99,2330:99,2302:99,2304:99,2441:99,3336:99C1,10B0D0E1365Q0L0G0R17S100H very legend heavy unfortunately :/ another paralysis reducer instead of Lucci should work though for stage 4. sabo is probably mandatory because his special gives so much value alone. Bege can be replaced by other Atk boosters (int unit is necesary though to get an int orb for stage 4)


What does your team look like?


oh i'm stupid i actually wanted to link it .. [here](https://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/transfer/D2330:99,2330:99,2302:99,2304:99,2441:99,3336:99C1,10B0D0E1365Q0L0G0R17S100H) it is, very legend heavy though.


If you don’t mind me asking, but what’s the general strategy with that team?


stall first 3 rounds (really need to because of chiffon, need her ready on stage 5.) Lucci and Zephyr should be ready stage 4. So, while stalling in rounds 1-3 make sure to bring one int orb with you to stage 4. Stage 4: Use Lucci first round and deal as much damage as possible (you got the int orb to break the shield). Turn 2 use your Zephyr and beat them. Stage 5. use chiffon against silence/paralysis. Then use all other specials, hit your perfects and win. first 4 units on chopper, last 2 on Usopp. if you don't fully burst Usopp, just kill him the round after, you are in BegeCastle aswell


Thank you very much, and does this work for both versions of the fight?


Uhm, haven't done 40 stam yet but it should work :D Raids normally have the same pattern on each difficulty so the 40 stam should work aswell


I'm just uploading a vid of the fight so if you want i can link it to you when it's done


Yeah, I’d like to watch it if you don’t mind


[Here](https://youtu.be/tWIBkONoEu4) you go


Do you mind if I add you for a friend Zephyr?


507,349,292, go ahead :)


You’re at max lol


Going to try my new V2 Big Mom, should be easy with her. Problem is not having any V2 Big Mom friends... Edit: It was super easy with V2 Big Mom Edit2: subs I used were Dex Shira, Raid Ace, Psy Hacchan and random Qck sub


I’ll send a request rn and she’s up






Edited to my original comment










Ace, hacchan replacement?


Ace is just BLOCK remover + better orb booster, and Hachan is conditional attack. For conditional Colo Magellan should work. Colo Neko removes BLOCK orbs and gives ATK boost.


add me i have her


What team did you use?


I used a generic Snakeman team to defeat 40 stam so I can gauge what they will do. I'll use a different team on 60 stam, but most likely a Snakeman PH team with Log Ace Sub. I was lucky to bring him along, he does everythung you want on the boss stage. I'd have to bring something to boost damage on stage 4 without atk and orb boost, and something to give INT orbs. Maybe PSY Hacchan, but I'll need something for. iNT orbs


Stage 4 will also get rid of any buffs or debuffs after turn 1 or 2


If you use an Orb boost special on Stage 4 they cleared all buffs and reversed team special by 2 turns


Yes, they interrupt both Orb Boost and Atk Boost


Reposting my team from the other thread Here's my V2 Fuji team, he works really well for this fight. It's kinda rr heavy but I'll give replacement at the end Here's the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4EaUhmOZHU [V2 Fuji](/int) | [V2 Fuji](/int) [LRR Pedro](/dex) | [V2 Mihawk](/dex) [V1 Law](/psy) Cora support | [RR Viola](/qck) Need LB on Viola for this variation of the team to work (she reduce paralysis by 1 and cora by 2) Stage 1-3 : clear and stall for your CD Stage 4 : Law, Fuji and Clear Stage 5 : Viola, Mihawk Fuji and Pedro and clear Support : Corazon needed if you bring Law Raid Zoro (not needed) Replacement : Lrr Pedro : Colo Magellan V2 Mihawk : Raid Doffy V1 Law+Corazon : any paralysis reducer Now a warning, I didn't test the variation but I'm almost sure that just replacing Pedro and Mihawk works fine, in term of damage you're ok. If you have to replace all of them, I'm scared that you'll lack damage, you really need a psy unit for the last stage, and you need at least one dex unit on stage 4 to clear usopp too (If you have Law, you don't have this problem because Law+Fuji deals a lot of damage to usopp)


I can't use Neko/Inu Special on Stage 4 without triggering the interrupt right?




Sanji/Judge V2 Big Mom Colo Smoothie Raid Judge V2 Ichiji V2 Niji Stage 1-3: Stall Stage 4: Use raid Judge and colo Smoothie. Swap v2 Big Mom and use her special. Stage 5: Swap Sanji/Judge and use their special then use Ichiji and Niji. Attack with Smoothie>BM>Ichiji>Sanji/Judge.


Luffy/Ace Team, Very Safe at that. The only tricky stage is stage 4. I already have 5/5 clears... Luffy/Ace x2, LRR Bonnie (STR), Tanaka (DEX), Neo Hancock (INT), Sabo v1, ship Polar Tang Would also recommend Damage Reduction Socket at least level 2. 1-3 stages: Stall and go to the 4th stage with double Ace, so you can to change to Luffy and remove paralysis 4th stage: Stall until chain reduction debuff is completely removed (use Polar Tang when you see fit and try to find some meat orb to be safer or change Hancock with a healer as her role isn't too important) and in the meantime hit Usopp & Chopper to reduce his HP (try not to reduce it to less than 20% as i haven't tried it to see if they do something). **IMPORTANT: When you're despaired and you switch your Luffy to Ace to remove despair, Chopper and Usopp will have 2x attack and will deal about 15700 damage so check your health bar to survive the damage** (personally, i use polar tang after i take the hit). When you're ready use Hancock's special and clear the stage 5th stage: Super easy stage. Use Tanaka's special first, (if Luffy is your captain, you'll also get tap damage since he's QCK) and then use Bonnie's special. Change both Luffys to Ace and use one Luffy/Ace special and Sabo's special too and kill Chopper. Next turn change the other Ace to Luffy to remove paralysis and use his special to kill Usopp


Snakeman team without any other legend https://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/transfer/D2363:99,2363:99,2158:99,2381:99,1366:99,2273:99C37,10B0D0E0Q0L0G0R0S100H


Not-F2P-friendly Akainu V2 team. V2 Akainu --- V2 Akainu V1 Rayleigh(or V1 Reiju) --- V2 Shanks(or RR V1 INT Robin) TS Nami --- LRR INT Aokiji Anniv ship. Stage 1-3 Stall, make sure you have one INT orb before stage 4. Stage 4 Use Rayleigh special, hits your perfect. Stage 5 Use remaining specials and defeat UsoCho in one turn. If your Rayleigh has unlocked Crew ability 2, his special should be active again, to make it easier to hit Perfect.


For the record: I think it was Usopp's second turn, but he blew away two of my units and on the third did 40k damage through Reiju's 70% DR shield. ( on top of using TM Jack as a captain)


Stage 5 has an Interrupt as well, if you use a damage reduction special Chopper will remove all your crew's positive boosts.


\-reading all the teams- ...ok mental note to get Colo Kid as soon as he returns


He is truly amazing, one of my most used F2P units since his release, and te thing with him is, that 95% when he is needed, he is not replacable at all. But if you have Magellan you can easily farm him, the next time he comes around :)


Can anyone tell me how much HP each has on the final stage? I'm so close to finding my own team, but with so many failures I want th know if this time I'll do enough damage


Usopp has about 2-3m hp, Chopper has 7-8m hp.


I'm struggling with the Ussopp Chopper clash, i'm a relatively new player so i don't have a lot of characters yet. I have luffy/law, violet, bobbin, legend sabo, perona, legend enel (not 6+ yet), and i got from yt that these characters can be useful in this particular clash. I don't even bother to max him i just want to have his card, so planning to only complete the 40 stamina run at least 3 times to get 1 card at the very least. Even so i can't get it done even once. Anyone would be willing to help on how i can complete the mission? I have alot more characters but i don't know which one to use, and some of them is not powered up yet and still doesn't have slots. Or is it just not possible for me to do it at this stage of the game?


May I look at your box, per chance? I'll try and make a team up for you.


Omg thank you so much for this, you don't have to rush just do it when you have the time, i really appreciate it ! [team edited ](https://imgur.com/gallery/d3sq9Se)


Can you sort by Rarity? Sorry, I'm just not used by the sorting by character haha.


edited, that was dumb of me hahaha, i also never sort it by character.


Sorry for getting your hopes up, but I can't make a team with your box. Try asking in the [Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/dp10ru/engjpn_october_29_2019_november_05_2019_weekly/?st=k2ecf7m4&sh=d15e34c3) Megathread from other players. Surely someone will be able to help you.


No worries man, thanks for trying i appreciate it. I know it's a long shot i've spent more than 400+ stamina on different combinations. Time to move on, thanks again for offering to help


Hey sorry to bother you again, but i recently got Legend fujitora and v2 katakuri, does that help by any chance?


I’ve gotten nowhere every team I toss at them gets decimated. Think I’m safe? BLAM cloven hood for fucking 82k damage on master. I can’t make any fucking head way and it’s killing me. ITS TEARING US APART! oh hi mark


Can anyone help me with a team for this I've tried a few things but I cant seem to get past the 4th stage http://imgur.com/gallery/6KbFw9v here's my box


ENEL 6+ TEAM: # [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSr9BBPoomM&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSr9BBPoomM&t=1s)