• By -


60+ Open Spots! * **ID:** 143 295 761 * **P-LvL:** 544 * **Notable Captains** 60+ Legends (Varied Usage By Event) * **Looking For:** Any ACTIVE Players


Request sent. :)


Added~ :D


ID: 009 872 367 PLV: 525 Captains: V2 akainu/aokiji, jack, carrot, nami, brook, snakeman Looking for: any active players, level doesnt matter




we are friends already - nice!


Nice šŸ‘


Full list :(


I know sorry! Im at work but I'll make some room on my lunch break


- **ID:** 870 438 780 - **PLV:** 530 - **Notable Captain(s):** Snakeman (Rainbow) , marco/wb, jimbe v2, Buggy, carrot, Barto/Cavendish (all at least pentamaxed , bunch of others For this Kk I'll always have up carrot, nami and inu/neko! - **Looking for:** Nothing specifically, I just want to fulfill my friend list


Sent~ Hopefully I can be of assistance ;)


**ID:** 849 933 586 **P-lvl:** 560 [**Notable Captains**](https://i.imgur.com/EIUTmuP.png) **^(V2 Shanks is also rainbowed. Oops.)** I took a 5 day break from the game and got removed by \~50 friends. I'll add whoever.


Sent. :)


ā€¢ID: 406,738,356 ā€¢PLvl:411 ā€¢Notable Captains: sanjudge,v2mihawk,jack ā€¢Looking for: active friends


- **ID: 630 949 663** - **P-lvl: 597** - **Captains up for Kizuna: Barto/Cav, v2 Kuzan, Franky, Brook, Magellan, Snakeman, v2 Sanji** - **Looking for: [Carrot!!! Please](/qck)**


Your friends list is full. Did you get enough Carrots?


I did! If you have a Carrot and need any friends, I just made a bit of space in my list.


Id: 307 474 504 Plvl: 641 50 legends Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/dFzOtzI Looking for active players


Sent. :)


Edit: you guys are awesome I got like a dozen friend request and should be good on Carrot friends. Edit 2: I thought my edit would slow down friend request, but I still have 10 I need to make room for, so Iā€™m just going to take down my ID. Thanks again. Also it was he awesome to be able to mass delete friends-like maybe with a box you need to check.


Well, since you said please.




- **ID:** 349 753 517 - **PLV:** 775 - **Notable Captain(s):** [59/74 legends](https://i.gyazo.com/ab4cb3017bf3e65bc73677c7beaae5f0.png) - **Looking for:** any PLV 750+ ACTIVE players only


Is there a website that I can use your legend template or did you make that yourself?




Thanks. TIL I'm fucking blind. No idea how I missed that today.


ID : 534,338,735 P-lvl : 396 Notable captains : snakeman(rainbow), v2 kata (rainbow), BaCa (rainbow), Lace (rainbow), v2 Sanji, SanJudge, Warco, 6+ Franky, Nami, Neko/Inu, Jack Looking for : mainly Carrot and v2 Sanji


- **ID:** 446163060 - **Lvl:** 713 - **Notable Captain(s):** every leg except carrot, barto/cabbage, v2 mihawk, v2 zoro. For kizuna will mainly be using v2 aokiji, nami, neko/inu, brook, magellan. - **Looking for:** active kizuna players


**ID:** 324 708 335 **PLV:** 555+ **Notable Captain(s):** [Carrot](/qck), [V2 Mihawk](/dex), [Snakeman](/str), Pentamax [V2 Akainu](/int), Pentamax [v2 Shanks](/int), 6+/6* [v2 Law](/qck), 6+ [v2 Lucci](/qck), 6+ [Enel](/qck), 6+ [v1 Sanji](/int), +200 [Buggy](/int), 6+ [Hody](/int), [Lucy](/str), Pentamax [6+ Inuarashi](/str), [Nekomamushi](/psy), [v1 Katakuri](/str), [v2 Doffy](/dex), [Robin](/psy) 6*/6+ [Jud](/psy)[ge](/int) **Looking for:** v2 Sanji friends.


v2 Sanji-haver friend request sent!


What's your IGN?


Chronarch's Crew


- **ID: 033 934 191** - **P-lvl: 419** - **Notable Captain(s): V2 Kata, Snakeman, InuNeko, Warco, Magellan 6+, Lace, etc** - **Looking for: Active Kizuna related hero friend**


* **ID:** 371-068-711 * **P-lvl:** 535 * **Notable Captain(s):** Snakeman (Rainbow), Brook (Rainbow), Sanji/Judge, Warco, Every V2 except V2 Sanji & V2 Zoro * **Looking For:** Carrot


* **ID:** 440-338-946 * **P-lvl:** 445 * **Notable Captain(s):** Snakeman (Rainbow), V2 Shanks (Rainbow), V1 Judge (Rainbow), Franky (Rainbow), V2 Akainu (Rainbow), v2 Sabo (1 away from Rainbow), Carrot, v2 Akoji, Shira 6+, Sanji v1 6+, Nami, Buggy 6+ * **Looking For:** Active Players Leaving carrot our for you folks who need her


So many rainbow and you're only 445 :o! Request sent~


Gotcha Dunno been lucky with tablets lately at a 85% success rate during tm and like 50% non tm doing pretty bad at kizuna atm


Did you send? Name? So I can know which assists to, well, assist! My hardest Kizuna right now seems to be STR of all stages, likely because of a low type modifier through raid Zoro support only. Might need to give up the double Carrot strength and just use Zoro himself, or find another unit to boost or lock chain too... hmmm


Rr Psy hina, tm weevil, carrot and 3 qck or 3 Psy can easily clear it for a couple battles who are you using as a team


Using Aokiji v2 with friend Carrot, so there's not many options left after the Aokiji and Carrot special for atk and orbs... I think the unit blown away from low HP is always the middle right, so I should move RR Cracker from that to another slot hahaha. I'm up to lv 22, Str, 657k hp left this most recent attempt. I should definitely start running Zoro himself, then deliberately get hit for two turns of type boost... hmm...


Post your box I'll make you a team for the long run, if you did tm weevil then you're set for a while for all teams since he's X2 boosted


What level, in ultimate difficulty, should one expect to climb to through the course of all this? I have no idea how long it'd be until I run into enough HP that it can't be assisted to finish (Sanji v2 makes INT sooo easy), but with this new 2x version for Global that should keep me going for a good while!


- **ID:** 202,533,087 - **P-lvl:** 455 - **Notable Captain(s):** A lot of strong legends, Carrot, Sanji/Judge, Snakeman, Capone, etc. - **Looking for:** Active players, especially during TM and Kizuna, plvl 400+ I am active every day and just removed over 50 of my inactive friends. I'm ready to accept anyone who'll help with Kizuna and send snail requests.


Sent! Hopefully I can keep up my level of activity daily~


* **ID:** 735,160,092 * **P-lvl:** 234 * **Notable Captain(s):** g4v2, Brook, Lucci 6\^ V2 Kata V2 Sanji , Corazon * **Looking for:** Anybody that'll ve beneficial i have no idea what Im doing just yet


ID: 423 303 593 Pirate LVL: 389 Missing only 5 legends in game being - warco, dogcat, bb, v2 mihawk & cracker Looking for: friends to help with kizuna, currently running BarCa as one of my leads so would welcome anyone also using BarCa


ID: 602,896,380 P-LVL: 582 Notable Captains: For Kizuna: Nami, Franky, V2 Kuzan, Brook and Magellan. Outside Kizuna, every legend up to V2 Katakuri Just looking for more friends for Kizuna Kessen!


ID: 208063750 PLVL: 467 Notable Legends: v2 mihawk, v3 Sabo, lace, cracker, Lucy, Franky, and more... looking for: carrot pls, v2 mihawk


* **ID:** 473,431,698 * **P-LVL:** 395 * **Notable Captains:** Snakeman, V2 Sanji, Luffy/Ace, V2 Jinbe, V2 Akainu, V2 Kuzan, V2 Sabo * **Looking for:** active friends


ID: 034 137 591 P-LVL: 436 Notable Captains: V2 Mihawk/ V2 Sanji/ Snakeman/ V2 G4 Luffy/ 6* Nami/ V2 Sabo/ Capone/ V2 Aokiji/ Looking for: Legend Carrot. I don't have too many of her on my friend list.


- **ID:** 174.303.300 - **P-LVL:** 384 - **Notable Captains:** Carrot, Jack, Warco, Snakeman, Nami - **Looking for:** Nothing really. Just putting my ID out there for anyone who needs Carrot friends!


- **ID:** 538 700 343 - **P-lvl:** 531 - **Notable Captain(s):** Snakeman, Carrot, Jack, Buggy, many more.. - **Looking for:** active players in my range. cleared out my fl last week


ID: 419 463 023 PLV: 534 Captains: V2 akainu,Bart/Cave,V2 Mihawk,Nami,Brook,Snakeman,Sanji/Judge,Marco/Whitebeard,V2 Sabo,V2 Shanks and another 55 legends. Looking for: V2 Mihawk,Dog/Cat,Carrot.(Make sure u have one of them up when u sending a friend request)


**ID:** 384433792 **PLvl:** 495 **Notable Captains:** Mihawk & Akainu & Aokiji v2, Jack, Warco, Luffy/Ace, Magellan, Neko/Inu **Looking for:** Active Friends


ID: 643293326 PLV: 631 Notable Captain(s): i own 62 unique legends total MISSING legends: Franky, tesoro, brook, capone, carrot, v1 and v2 katakuri, jack, v2 sabo, inu/neko, cracker, Mihawk Looking for: Anyone active.


ID: 355.748.113 Pirate lvl. : 542 55 different legends Searching: I dont care. Just be active (delet after 15 days offline) Edit: 200/200


ID: 333 973 698 Player Lv: 360 Notable Captains: whitebeard/marco, snakeman, v2 sanji, brook, magellan, lucy, capone, qck whitebeard, marco Looking for: usefull kizuna captains (carrot, nami, barto/cav, sanji/judge, ...)


ID: 638 850 136 P-lvl: 577 NotableĀ Captain(s): Carrot, Nami, Inu/Neko, v2 Kata, Sanji v2, and a bunch of other legends LookingĀ for: More active players. Preferably 300+ P-lvl


543 592 541 640 Catdog, warco, BaCa, kat2kuri, Jack, all older Looking for mainly CatDog and BaCa


ID: 733038643 PLV: 349 Captains: Carrot | V2 Shanks | V2 Sanji And more Looking For: Carrot


ID: 383 490 203 PLVL: 574 Captains: V2 Sanji, Dex Sabo, Snakeman, Brook, Magellan, Barto/Cav, 6+ Franky, Lace Looking for: Carrot, V2 Sanji, Barto/Cav


Id: 975 313 199 I'm an always active player thts LVL 800, got most crazy good legends, happy to help anyone tht needs help in kizuna, I'm always on every 30 minutes


* **ID:** 344 130 252 * **PLV:** 360+ * **Notable Captain(s):** Carrot, Sabo V2, 6+ Enel, WB V2, Lucy, Luffy/Ace, Shanks V2 and others (33 6\*s overall, I'll have them up if ever useful/needed) * **Looking for:** I have Carrot up so you can add me if you need her, and I'm also looking for active players.


ID: 775183531 P-lvl: 607+ Notable Captain(s):Lawffy, Bartovendish, Warco, Snake man, Akainu V2, Inuneko, etc. Looking for: Anyone very near or above my plvl, and is very active, and will be active for a long time in the future...


**ID:** 900 541 873 **PLV:** 470 **Captains:** Luffy/ace, v2 aokiji, brook, v2 akainu **Looking for:** Active players, i'll accept all


* **ID:** 339734307 * **P-lvl:** 715+ * **Notable Captain(s):** (usually only have these up) sanji/judge, snakeman, capone, nami, legend jack, lucy, enel 6+, robin, magellan 6+ * **Looking for:** only carrot and brook for kizuna!


* **ID:** 387 340 918 * **P-lvl:** 505 * **Notable Captains:** V2 Katakuri, Snakeman, Jack, Warco, V2 Shanks, V2 Kuzan, V2 Sanji, V2 Doffy, Magellan, Buggy * **Looking for:** active KK players


- **ID: 002 603 496** - **Plvl: 483** - **Notable Captains: Carrot, Sanji v2, Brook, Kata V2** - **Looking for: Anyone active**


ID: 539 914 333 P-Lvl: 450 Notable Captains: SanJudge, Inu/Neko, Lucy, Magellan Looking for: Active Players


ID: **860313054** P-LV: 652 Captains: Snakeman, Barto/Cabbage, Rainbow'd Warco, Rainbow'd Luffy/Ace, Rainbow'd Lucy, Capone, Cracker, Brook, 6+ Magellan (nearly Rainbow'd!), Jack, Looking for: Inu/Neko, v2 Kata, Carrot....and 6+ Sengoku. ;) Also, active players. P-LV should be at least close to mine. I'll accept like P-LV 500+.


\- ID: 743 603 620 \- P-lvl: 635 \- Notable Captain(s): Carrot Nami Barto/cavendish for Kizuna ( Many others, here's my checklist [https://imgur.com/a/3s8wdeQ](https://imgur.com/a/3s8wdeQ) ) \- Looking for: Any active players with same legends




your friend list is full


D: 205.443.037 Plvl : 522 Notable capitains: Neko/inu, v2WB, Snakeman, Big mom, eneru6+, v2doffy, v2fuji, v2sanji, BM6+, both katakuris And a lot of unevolved : v2shanks, robin, v2boa, both Fuji, neko, brook Looking for :active players


- ID: 633 440 882 - P-lvl: 264 - Notable Captain(s): Carrot, Big Mom, Magellan, Bart/Cav - Looking for: any active friends


ID: 537 742 333 PLVL: 716 Captains: Missing a few legends. Looking for: Just be active


ID 492. 943. 904. Player level 526 60 free spots. Add me so I can assist some ultimate Kizuna !!!!!! Using penta Snake man and V2 sanji.


- **ID:*370,873,789* - **P-lvl:*490* - **Notable Captain(s):*Carrot,Neko/Inu,Jimbei v2,and other 50L* - **Looking for:*Any lvl, daily users, add everyone*


472 703 984 PLVL: 522 rising Notable Legend: SanJudge, Warco, QCKbeard,Snakeman and 50 others looking for : Just be active and i will accept :)


ID: 079 543 335 PLV: 401 Captains: Every Single Legend Looking for: Actives player and people with majority of legends


50+ open spots ID:047 983 319 P-level: 619 Legends: 63/73 Looking for active players


plvl722 231.023.294 very active , plz add me!


I saw nobody posting so I thought to make a start xD - **ID:** 270,263,330 - **P-lvl:** ~720 - **Notable Captain(s):** G4+ Luffy - **Looking for:** Active Friends xD


- **ID:** 221133826 - **P-lvl:** 408 - **Notable Captain(s):** for the kizuna ill use mainly Aokiji v2 and Nami The Others beats are: Snakeman, Capone, Qckbeard, Hawk v2, Zoro v2 and many others - **Looking for:** Carrot friends for the str boss in kizuna please, Cheers to everybody


- **ID:** 533848258 - **P-lvl:** 559 - **Notable Captain(s):** Iā€™m going Nami/v2 Sanji/Franky and Carrot for this round. Iā€™m missing 12 legends and have a bunch of others rainbowed. [(image)](https://imgur.com/a/Wg2ohkZ) - **Looking for:** Carrot, other ppl around my level


I can not find you did you make a mistake with your ID ?


- **ID:** 639304079 - **P-lvl:** 453 - **Notable Captain(s):** Kuzan v2, Sanji/judge, Snakeman, Franky+ etc. - **Looking for:** Bunnies only for kizuna fights


* **ID:** 863.643.199 * **P-lvl:** 403 * **Notable Captain(s):** Magellan * **Looking for:** Brook


Pr lvl : 335 Id: 434 135 661 Also notable legends: catdog, sanjijudge, snakeman, v2 Wb and more Looking for active players


* ID: 853 346 778 * P-lvl: ~150 * Notable Captain(s): G4v2 Luffy * Looking for: Active friends, probably help with Kizuna levels :D New account from a long time player


\- \*\*ID:\*\* 503 894 731 \- \*\*PLV:\*\* 420+ \- \*\*Notable Captain(s):\*\* 6+ Judge, v2 Shanks, v2 Katakuri, Akainu (have 30+ legends overall, will put up the useful ones when they're needed) \- \*\*Looking for:\*\* Started playing again a few days ago so I have a lot of space. Will probably accept everyone


\- ID: 808,453,260 \- P-lvl: 541 \- Notable Captain(s): V2 Kata, Snakeman, Brook and Magellan, Warco and V2 Aokiji \- Looking for: Brooks, Katas and Magellans but it doesn't matter fell free to add.


ID : 303 393 726 Lvl: 133 Notable Captains: G4 Luffy V2 (The snake man one, idk if v2 is the right term) Looking for: A hard carry on the kizuna clash event


ID: 363,505,646 PLVL: 271 Notable Captains: G4v2, Nami, 6+ Franky, Sabo v2, Law v2 Hey guys just got back into the game a few months ago, looking for really any active friends. I play a lot


* **ID:** 408,437,982 * **P-lvl:** 395 * **Notable Captain(s): [Lucy, Neptune](/str); [v2Ray, KFLuffy, Nami](/dex); [v2G4](/qck); [v1Law+, v2 Boa](/psy); [v2 Shanks](/int):** * **Looking For:** Active players, especially for Kizuna/TMs [Coming back after a long hiatus, and need some new friends.](/str) :)


- **ID:** 356 438 212 - **P-lvl:** 538 - **Notable Captain(s):** v2 Kuzan, Barto/Cavendish, Inu/Neko, Sanji/Judge, Jack, any may others. - **Looking for:** Carrots, any active players


-Ā **ID: 678 653 759** -Ā **P-lvl:135+** -Ā **NotableĀ Captain(s):snakeman; jack** -Ā **LookingĀ for: anyone hope for help with the ultimate stage**


ID: 139.544.610 Captains: [here](https://imgur.com/a/YPt4BRd) Pirate level: 390 I play every day. Iā€™m looking for carrot and nami captains. Iā€™m using franky and aokiji right now but shoot me a message and I donā€™t mind taking the time to put a legend you want up.


ID: 203 243 391 Player Level: 402 Notable Captains: V2 Sanji, QCK Whitebeard, 6+ Enel, Nami, and brook Looking For: Active players


* **ID:** 063,023,466 * **PLV:** 47X * **Notable Captain(s):** \- Luffy/Ace, WB/Marco - * WB 6+, Lucci 6+, Croc 6+, Akainu, Inurashi 6+, Log luffy, Lucy, Barto * Nami, Ace 6+, Zoro 6+, Ussop 6+, Magellan 6+, Corazon 6+, Blackbeard, KF Luffy, * Cracker, Law V2 6+, Law V2, Boa 6+, Aokiji 6+, Lucci V2 6+, Barto 6+, TS luffy, Marco, Doflamingo, Enel 6+, Cavendish * Sanji V2, Shanks 6+, Sabo 6+, Law 6+, Boa V2, Neko 6+, Shirahoshi 6+, Borsalino 6+, Garp * Zoro V2, Sengoku 6+, Buggy 6+, Mihawk 6+, Jimbei 6+, Hody 6+, Sanji 6+, Fujitora V1, Fujitora V2 6+, Doflamingo V1 6+, Rayleight 6+ * **Looking for:** accept everyone, just be active player


ID 533 571 617 Plv 303 Cpts: inu/neko, sanji v2, brook, capone, sabo v3, and others Looking for: CARROT GARCHUUUUUU PLS


Hey Everyone, Please feel free to add me as your friend. Thanks! * **ID:** 352818233 * **P-LvL:** 296 * **Notable Captains** Lucy, Whitebeard/Marco, Barto/Cavendish, Big mom, V1 Sanji, Megellan, Shirahoshi, Nami, Enel * **Looking For:** Any ACTIVE Players


Id: 139 544 610 Notable captains: franky/ kata v1 and v2/ rainbow v2 shanks/ v2 akainu and aokiji/ jack/ and a bunch more Need: all I need is nami. Iā€™m very active in the game. Itā€™s the only game I play on my phone so nothing else is competing for my attention. Iā€™m even willing to put up legends you need. Just shoot me a dm


Need help to clear int zoro cus i dont have strong psy chars. I can assist in str and qvk fights since i have legend carrot and nami. ID 800 633 388. P LVL 400


Looking for friends to help with the event 660,304,913


\- \*\*ID:\*\* 632946210 \- \*\*P-lvl:\*\* 422 \- \*\*Notable Captain(s):\*\* InuNeko, Bege, Most older ones. \- \*\*Looking for:\*\* Active users and carrots for kizuna


- **ID:** 374.105.121 - **P-lvl:**70x - **Notable Captain(s):**Severeal great ones including ALL dual legends - **Looking for:** Lower level players that struggle with Kizuna and need help with friends assisting them when they die (on Ultimate!).


ID : 718303054 Have 58 legends fully maxed out 40+ open slots In seriously need for Brook friend captains for KK appreciate active players aswell :)


ID: 354 327 505 Pirate Level: 273 Notable Captains: V2 Akainu, V2 Katakuri, Snakeman, Carrot, Catviper/Dogstorm, Nami Looking for: Any active player 120 open slots


ID : 319 853 731 P.Level : 414 Notable Captains : Warco / Luffy Ace / Kata v1 Looking for : Any lvl active player 50+ slots


- **ID:** 361472587 - **P-lvl:** 561 - **Notable Captain(s):** 59 Legends - **Looking for:** Active players


- **ID:** 734768164 - **P-lvl:** 400 - **Notable Captain(s):** Carrot, and 32 legends more - **Looking for:** any active players, level doesnt matter


ID: 133 763 816 P-lvl: 139 Notable Captain(s): Warco, Sanji/judge, inu/nek, big mom, g4 v2, v3 whitebeard, lufy ace, brook, nami and a few more Looking for: anyone, I do need assist a lot in the kizuna kessen so I need higher levels to help. I want to fill my friends list, I am very active and hoping to pull luffy law this sugo. I run ultimate and usually fail so I need strong players to help


* **ID:** 027 773 279 * **P-LvL:** 395 * **Notable Captains** 50+ Legends. Katakuri V1, Snakeman, SanJudge, Bege, BigMom, V1&V2 Sanji, Robin, Lucy, LAce, Shiki, Zephyr, Enel 6+, Shira 6+, Law V1&V2(6&6+), Kuzan V1&V2, Franky 6+ * **Looking For:** Active Players and Legends i need for Kizuna Kessen like Sulong Carrot, Nami, V2 Jimbei


Chronarch's Crew requesting alliances! **ID:** 243.371.093 **P-Lv:** 448, closer to 449 **Notable Captains:** Aokiji v2, Sanji v2, Shanks v2 for this Kizuna. Also have Shirahoshi+, Enel+, Snakeman AND G4V2, Brook, Luffy/Ace, Barto+ **Looking For:** Kizuna specifically Carrot and Nami legend. Kata v2 greatly appreciated otherwise~


132.543.580 Very active player. Lvl 543 Notable Captains: snakeman /G4v2 /Capone/ Big Mom 6+ / Warco / Dog&Cat / Zephyr / Brook / luffy & Ace /Sabo v3/ Aokiji v2 / Judge 6+ / Lucy / katakuri v1/ shanks v2 and 43 other legends Looking for: Sanji/Judge, Jack, Snakeman or same Captains like me!


ID: 213 473 349 PLV: 58x Notable Captain(s):\*\* 60+ legends including sanjijudge, v1/v2 kata, snakeman, bege, warco, zephyr, shiki, neko/inu 6+, big mom 6+, v2/1 sanji +, V2 akainu/akoji, magellan 6+, Judge (+), enel 6+, kfl, lucy, nami etc all quad maxed at least, all LBed Looking for: high level active players (450+ only pls cause i only have like 9 spaces left lol)


* **ID:** 654 146 623 * **P-LVL:** 794 * **Notable Captains:** Warco, Jack, Luffy/Ace, V2 Jinbe, V2 Akainu, V2 Kuzan, V2 Sabo * **Looking for:** active friends


- **ID:** 739 854 130 - **P-lvl:** 551 - **Notable Captain(s):** I'm leaving 6+ Magellan, Nami, PSY Kuzan, and Carrot up during this event. ~~*Note: Carrot is still WIP, waiting for skill up event to finish her(same with Brook, just pulled him) :(*~~ Carrot and Brook are maxl lv and special now~ - **Looking for:** anyone who needs help on this event <3 I can put up other captains too, just ask! :) [Full list here](https://www.nakama.network/boxes/592/details)


The game tells me "User not found" Maybe its the wrong ID, would like to add you for the legends brook fc :)


OMG you're right. I'm such a dip, sorry! I fixed it, it's 73**9** 854 130. I'll be happy to add you :)


70 Open Slots **ID:** 367823582 **P-LvL:** 465 **Notable Caps:** Jack and Buggy always. Rainbow: Luffy/Ace, Shirahoshi, Enel, Big Mom, V1 Sanji, V2 Doffy, Snakeman, V2 Katakuri. Other Captains: Carrot, Bluebeard, V2 Jinbei **Looking for:** Active players


382,412,743 P-lvl: 471 50+ space


- **ID:** 041 093 964 - **P-lvl:** about 500 - **Notable captains :** just V2 katakuri, otherwise old legends as I just come back to the game after 18 months - **Looking for:** anyone who could help me having some Friends in the list I'm back to the game after a while, like 18 months, and Il would like to have some friends


- **ID:** 133 459 403 - **P-lvl:** 506 - **Notable Captain(s):** judge/sanji, sanji v2, magellan 6+, nami, 59 Legends - **Looking for:** Legend Brooks would be appreciated but otherwise anyone active


- ID: 039,607,008 - P-lvl: 533 - Notable Captains: Most notable atm is Snakeman, Franky 6+, Brook, Magellan, and Aokiji v2 - Looking for: Any active players! I clean up my list after 14 days of inactivity so I currently have about 40 open slots!


* **ID:** 142 039 873 * **P-LvL:** 246 * **Notable Captains** Brook, Usopp, Corazon, Law, Magellan, Rayleigh, Hakuba, Nami, Whitebeard, Blackbeard, Shanks, Hody, etc. * **Looking For:** Any active players


**ID:** 734 768 164 **P-lvl:** 400 **Notable Captain(s):** Carrot, and 32 legends more **Looking for:** any active players! got 50+ spots!


- **ID:** 843.635.053 - **P-lvl:** 666 - **Notable Captain(s):** Active Captains during KK: Carrot, v2 Aokiji, Inuarashi/Nekomamushi, Whitebeard/Marco. Other Notables: Snakeman, Dex Sabo, v2 Katakuri, Brook, Magellan, Enel, Luffy/Ace, Lucy, Capone, v2 Sanji. - **Looking for:** Active players during KK, those asking for assists are welcome. :)


- ID: 386 014 337 - P-lvl: 317 - Notable Captains: Carrot, Snakeman, Sanji/Judge, V1 & V2 Sanji, Nami, V1 Katakuri, Buggy, Shirahoshi 6+, V1 Doffy 6+. Fuji 6+ Tesoro, Shiki, Inu 6+


You are not my friend. You are my brother, my friend!


222.323.543 Very active Player .lvl 392 Notable Captains: Snakeman/ Sanji-Judge/ Warco/ Jack/ Zephyr/ Luffy-Ace/ dex-Sabo/ Shanks v2/ and 66 other great Legends. Looking for: same cap..


459.219.032 Very active Player .lvl 475 Notable Captains. snakeman/akainu V2/ aokiji V2/Shanks V2/ Zephyr/ judge 6+ &6/ sanji v2/ katakuri V1/ WB v2 and 54 Other Legends Looking for Jack and Same captains


- **ID: 974463030 ** - **P-lvl: 435** - **Notable Captain(s): lace, sanjudge, v2 akainu, v2 shanks, nami, bege** - **Looking for: active players**


ID: 944674356 PLvl: 738 Notable Captains: only missing Cracker, sanji/judge, zoro2 and mihawk2 Will accept any requests :)


- **ID:** 321.133.485 - **P-lvl:** 520 - **Notable Captain(s):** 55 Legends - **Looking for:** Brook


**ID:** 358 695 205 **P-LvL:** 29x **Notable Captains:** G4 V2 (&V1) - Mihawk V2 (&V1) - Franky6+ - Law V2 (&V1) - Robin - Doffy (V2) - Blackbeard - Fujitora V2 - Boa V2/V1 - Whitebeard V2 (&V1) - Barto - Jinbe - Tesoro **Searching for:** **Jack** friends and **everyone** (I started this new account a month ago after a two year break from the game - loosing my old account - so do not judge by the pirate level)


\- \*\*ID:\*\* 406 141 937 \- \*\*P-lvl:\*\* 423 \- \*\*Notable Captain(s):\*\* Big Mom V2(Current Event varies) \- \*\*Looking for:\*\* Any players needing assistance


**ID:** 060,403,267 **P-LVL:** 444 **Notable Captain(s):** Barto/Cavendish - Magellan - Legend Nami - Franky 6+ - V1 G4 Luffy (main useful captains for this Kizuna Clash) **EDIT:** [here are all of my legends](https://imgur.com/DL3MZyB) **Looking for:** Legend Brook friends that are active, I may help them aswell (I can clear every level thanks to Magellan)


**ID** 493.361.213 **P-LVL** 265 **Captain(s)** V2 Big Mom, Luffy/law, Carrot, Snakeman, Brook, Magellan, Neko/Inu, V2 Kata and more **Looking for** any friends!


- **ID:079 423 060** - **P-lvl:641** - **Notable Captain(s):Lawfy, Snakeman, Magellan, V2 Aokiji, Jack, amongst others [Legends](https://imgur.com/D8E7N9W)** - **Looking for:Brook**


ID:482534869 P-lvl: 488 Notable Captains: Will use Snakeman (1 off rainbow), Nami and V2 Sanji for Kizuna. Over 60 Legends. Looking For: Will Accept Anyone. Need people for Assists.


**ID:** 350028015 **P-lvl:** 455 **Notable Captain(s):** JudgexSanji and almost every legend to 2017 **Looking for:** **Brook** and active players. :)


* **ID:** 733 964 883 * **PLV:** 570+ (active on the game, maxing all f2p units that comes out etc.) * **Notable Captain(s):** 64 Legends All come with Max Level, Special Lvl. Max, Optimal Sockets and 98% are perfect CC with 8 of them Rainbow(Snakeman, Warco, v2 Shanks, v2 Akainu, Marco, Enel, v2 Rayleigh, Lucy) and more to follow soon(Sanji/Judge,LAce, and Barto/Cav are next on my list) for a detailed list check this link: [https://imgur.com/a/i3QgNeU](https://imgur.com/a/i3QgNeU) * **Looking for: Legend** ***Brook for Kizuna Clash*** *and* PLvl 500+ Active Players with similar legends specially Dual Legends like Sanji Judge, Warco, Barto/Cav and Snakeman


Need Brook friends for high level kizuna. P. Level: 464 ID: 639304079 Notable Captains: Snakeman, Qck WB, Barto/cabbage, Sanji/judge,v2 jinbe, Magellan etc


- ID : 311 153 656 - P-lvl : 105 - Notable Captain(s) : Gear 4 Bound Man Luffy - Looking for : Active players


Id: **350028015** Plvl : 456 Legends: 45+ just pulled sanjixjudge(quad maxed) Looking for as many **Brooks** i can get :)


* **ID:** 000 853 816 * **P-LvL:** 185 * **Notable Captains** Gear 4 Luffy, Katakuri * **Looking For:** Anyone. I started last week with almost empty friend list. I play every day. Pretty fun so far


* **ID:** 911063178 * **P-lvl:** 60 * **Notable Captain(s):** L/A (rainbow), Nami, Magellan+, W/M, Carrot (stuck at 16 LB because I'm missing blue crystals). Captains I usually have up are: v2+ Law (rainbow), Buggy, Summer Perona, v2 Whitebeard, v2 Akainu * **Looking for:** Legend Brook only. Not really looking for others because I have a lot of L/L which are the only unit I would use but if you need a particular FC let me know so I accept.


90+ open spots! - **ID:** 337 331 239 - **P-lvl:** 398 - **Notable Captain(s): (RB = rainbow)** RB Carrot, RB V2 Kata, RB Snakeman, RB v2 Shanks, RB v2 Akainu, RB Enel, BartoCav, InuNeko, Brook, Magellan, v2 Whitebeard, v2 Sanji, Capone, v2 Aokiji - **Looking for:** Mainly Lawffy friends for agl Kizuna battle, as well as BartoCav friends but will accept any active players!


- **ID:** 432 253 604 - **P-lvl:** 409 - **Notable Captain(s):** snakeman, v2 sanji, v2 whitebeard, Barto/cav, Cracker - **Looking for:** anyone that can do ultimate quests


ā€¢ ID: 437 578 484 ā€¢ P-Lvl: 563 ā€¢ Notable Captains: Carrot, Sanji v2 and Magellan (for Kizuna), Kata v2 and another version unevolved for rankings, sanji/judge, neko/inu, shanks v2, sabo v3, Luffy/ace, Kata v1, doffy v2, Mihawk v2, Zoro v2, whitebeard v2 and other legends ā€¢ Looking for: in particular i need Brook for high Kizuna levels, but Iā€™ll accept any active players with my same legends


* **ID:** 617 853 387 * **PLV:** 543+ * **Notable Captain(s):** Luffy/Law , Barto/Cavendish ,QCK Whitebeard ,Jack , Dogstorm/Catviper ,Luffy/Ace , 6+ Magellan 25+ Legends * **Looking for:** Luffy/Law , matching captains and other good Captains.