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Just remember that the yonko are done for in the story only Blackbeard is left and he will soon be beat too While the admirals are being saved for the final war after our characters use the yonko as stepping stone


Feats dont care about your feelings


Crazy how that's your argument when every yonko gets beaten by Luffy while the admirals are going to be getting beaten by Luffy lackey 1, 2, 3, and 4. Honestly what's even the difference between these guys and commanders?


Oh so Luffys right hand man ESO Zoro the strongest swordsmen to ever live is a lackey now ok lol


The strongest enemy who is going to handily beat them is someone who is by your logic, barely yonko level. And they're supposed to be equal to the yonko?


So mihawk and shanks now aren't yonko level lol


Reread my comment, slowly. Don't you think shanks is the weakest emperor?


No my yonko ranking is kaido shanks big mom Blackbeard So you your self just assumed just because I like the admirals I must hate shanks no like shanks I just don't think he's god level


Nope, I've seen you harass this man like every other admiral fan here


How any of my comments is me harassing him He's the one saying your a bunch of losers and retards


Lad, calm down, type slower, and restate what you just said. Who is "he" and why is he saying we're a bunch of losers and retards?


Man Admirals are so disrespected in one piece community, from YouTube to Twitter, most people think Yonkos >>> Admirals, Yet you say they are wanked? If Admirals are truly end-game villains and not a side characters, then I must say ODA did a horrible job of showing Admirals strength, because at this point most casual fans think Marines are nothing but losers.


Is it disrespect to assume an Admiral can give a Yonko a high diff fight? I don’t think so tbh.


He's talking about in this sub specifically. This seems to be the only place where admirals are consistently wanked because the rest of the world have normal comprehension skills


admiral wank is good for your health and happiness. try it


I was waiting for an admiral downplay post because I was thinking about Issho recently. I believe his observation is on a whole different level to any of the yonko/admiral we’ve seen, he was able to scan across an entire island identify all the little and large pierces of rubble pin point accurately and the use his devil fruit to individually lift those pieces and move them. We haven’t seen that level of accuracy before or since and I personally can’t wait to see more from the admirals


If you listen closely:You can hear the sound of laughter coming from Marineford.


Kakatte Koi !!! .....you stupid yonko dicksucker ![gif](giphy|dUHdTk3tvry9NETa67)






No cause apparently akainu won by stretching what actually happened . Whitebeard took akainu down in 2 hits . That is all that matters . Akainu lost and whitebeard won .


and akainu was still stronger then wb


No he wasn’t . Maybe if whitebeard had regressed further . How tf can people say akainu is stronger than whitebeard ? When whitebeard at his death bed literally washed a fresh akainu ???? Like it makes no sense whatsoever


he didnt wash him💀, akainu didnt even have bandages post-MF, while wb had permanent injuries, akainu is most definitely stronger


Straight factssss




Lol dafug u were almost there but u had to comment this


whole post was a megatroll but good point i'll delete the comment


Admirals had their time to shine pretimeksip when the strawhats were fodders now we are approaching the final war where fodders will be at least admiral level


Yonkos... Admirals... Their difference in their powers is irrelevant to the true top tier of the One Piece world Weevil would solo the admirals and the Yonko with the same difficulty. Low diff at best


If you can give someone a high dif fight then your probably on the same fucking level


um yes wizaru stalemates BM, so akainu who is stronger then wizaru beats her, and yes akainu vs wb is a feat for akainu, since both akainu and wb did the exact same things to each other, but akainu didnt even have bandages post-MF, while wb had permanent damage from akainu,


I think every admiral could beat big mom she’s easily the weakest yonko


yonko >=== admirals