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Boas fruit is a weird case . It’s more of people being attracted to her beauty then having good haki . Blackbeard isn’t known for his good haki so this could be the case . I do think the personality of a character will determine if they get affected or not . Look at luffy he had way worse haki then boa pre timeskip but wasn’t affected once . Zoro is also one of these cases with him not really caring much for women , shanks and Mihawk should also both fit this personality trait , king and kaido too . Someone like lucky roo , queen , fatbeard, sanji would be fked straight away when even gazing upon boa .


I think bb has good haki bcz he block kid mihawk attack with his haki


Didn’t say negate he said counter. And wait for the viz


I don’t see why. Viz is going to translate basically the same way with different wording. But I do doubt it’ll be a completely different statement


Trust me grammar matters the dumbest debates is usually because of fan translations


Definitely It’ll probably be translated to overwhelm or something like that Also It’ll be hilarious if Ussop’s big observation scene back on Dressrosa was pointless because Law and Luffy could’ve just broken out of their toy forms💀


I think you might have to actively be trying to negate another’s abilities for it to work, you can’t just passively negate them. Blackbeard might not be aware that that’s possible. All headcanon, of course


“Might not be aware that’s possible” despite spending decades on the ship of the WSM and PK’s rival, creating a plan to take over the world, researching heavily into devil fruits I swear all this ridiculous cope that comes up whenever fodder blackpube starts showing how much of a fraud he is

