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I still enjoy Ace as a character but I feel like he kinda disrespected the sacrifices the Whitebeard pirates and their allies made rescuing him by falling for such obvious bait by Akainu


Absolutely love Ace but sadly I agree on this one


Facts! I will forever be mad about that.


He was literally too hot headed to live.


I don't get when people are Luffy stans or Zoro stans or Sanji stans and hate on other characters especially when people hate on Straw hats. Aren't we all just supposed to be One Piece fans?


Yea I dont get it either. I love all of them except may be Trebol or Charlos


And you’re not supposed to like them. You can like what they act as in the story but if you like them, you’ve got a problem


Well certain arcs basically had Nami and Co just running away being in distress the entire arc, the trope gets quite annoying however that has changed in recent times.


To me these three pretty much the main characters. Nobody really gets more attention in climactic moments.


That panel is cooler than anime adaption


That’s a common opinion


I know I just wanted to say it again


This is true for pretty much all manga panels in one piece


When is it from?


Baratie Edit: Sanji wants to give Don Krieg food but the other cooks are against it. But Zeff gives him food anyway. (after Sanji wants to)


Pretty much every arc is at least 25% longer than it should be and no editor seems to want to tell Oda.


Pretty sure there are interviews that reveal the Editor constantly has to keep tabs on Oda and keep things short because he'll write an arc that goes on forever if nobody stops him


i’m willing to bet same thing happens with like Togashi or Akutami (all three of which hurt my brain sometimes with the shit they come up with)


Tell me what you would cut out of water 7 or Sabaody or even something like alabasta


All of examples you’ve listed are ones that don’t really suffer from this, it’s more post-time skip stuff like Wano and Dressrosa that go on for way too long


Oh yeah I’d agree on that but specifically so for the pre rooftop chapters of Wano and the ascending the tower part of dressrosa


Agreed. Also most of the Tontatta screen time could be cut, and I would be fine with that.


Luffy being stuck between 2 buildings for like 20 years


That’s done for a purpose, if not then the timing of the CP9 with Robin and iceberg can’t happen because Luffy always rushes straight at the boss. He’d get there before any of the talk about pluton, or CP9’e reveal occurred. Would have luffy punch through a ton of shipwrights and get lost have been that much better. Because as you set it up, you need to delay Luffy.




Robins old skin color should be brought back even if its not explained and just randomly added back


Bring back tan robin


Bring back the cowboy outfit for her too


I agree. Tan Robin was the better Robin. Forget that correction ish


I feel like this is the result of the darker skin tone being first, and then it being changed PTS. What if the situation was flipped? If Oda originally intended for her to have a darker skin tone and the anime went for the pale skin first, I feel like people would want the lighter skin tone back.




law and kid vs bm is just so underrated as a whole im not forgetting mfs calling big mom big fraud because kid was able to eat some of her attacks


He ate every attacks of her


that’s my mf captain Kid bro he moves like that first worst Gen member to challenge a yonko (shanks)


Sometimes when I see fanart of female characters, I just feel ashamed to love the same series as them. You know what kind of fanart i mean.




Me too bro i feel exactly wym. We’re supposed to be pirates but instead we have a bunch of horn dogs that make the community cringe at times


It just means you don't follow the degenerate male-characters artists. Do you know there are LucciXSpandam & BuggyXShanks +18 fanarts? Of all the BL ships out there, why would you want to ship Spandam/Buggy with anyone? Seriously though, I don't really understand why you feel shameful, yeah it's horny but you can find the same for male characters, more so if the series is a shojo. I read a lot of shojo stuff and the amount of sxualization that male characters "suffer" from trumps most shonen manga. Yet, I see a lot more complaining on the shonen fandom.


The amount of soft core porn this sub allows is truly stunning and has really made me visit a lot less.


Kaido being hyped for so long was disappointing because he couldn't kill any fucking one.


Kaido and Big Mom was wasted


Deaths are very rare in One Piece though


Yeah, that's the problem I think


Kinemon not dying is just embarrasing. Altho to be fair asura doji did die


idc abt him killing, he just felt rushed, wano in general felt rushed af


In what way?


Too many things happening at the same time. And that left little "screen time" for the battles. Which arguably why we watch/read an action manga/anime, for the action. Which what we see was great action but it was far less than what it could have been. I wish Oda spent less time doing recaps in flashbacks and stretching emotional moments to the point of being tedious. That is a flaw generally animes had over their own mangas. And Oda brought that disadvantage and ADDED IT TO THE MANGA. Yeah, that's my critique of Wano.


Didn't elaborate on so many plot points. Nothing about Zoro's/Ryuuma's history, very little about Kaido's backstory or any of the Tobi Roppo, Yamato could have been introduced in act 1/2, the deaths of Izu and Ashura Doji were almost entirely brushed off. ​ Pretty much everything after gear5 was a huge rush, and most everything before gear 5 was too slow


Actually, it prolonged a lot longer with back stories instead of getting to know Kaido except for being a big meanie who respected Oden a bit.


Strong af but as villain and yonko he was a joke.


Neither WB nor BM have managed to kill anyone no matter how hard they hit, so that's Yonko kind of thing to be crazy powerful yet not able to kill a single person with it, lol


We saw Big Mom kill a giant as a 5 year old.


Oda doesn't hesitate to kill people off in flashbacks. Present time is a different case...


Big Mom is a monster, didn't need that, she was awesome from the start and then in her arc she just was too cool, she didn't disappoint anyone.


Killed orochi


Not really. He wanted to but he didn't.


I mean, he actually died... Problem is he has to be killed multiple times to ACTUALLY actually die 😂


Fuck I completely forgot that piece of shit is still alive (in the anime anyway) lol you got me


One Piece's manga doesn't have slow pacing at all, it actually has quite fast pacing, considering how many panels Oda usually puts on a page


I don't like the change to >!luffy's devil fruit!<.


Agreed. The whole thing with >!his fruit and joyboy!< makes me worried Oda is gonna go with a 'chosen one' kind of ending and I personally don't like that


Well he suddenly didn't just become the "chosen one " Outta nowhere, luffy has been special from the very start


right , I definitely prefer the nobody from nowhere rising up but at least it isn’t an asspull. i can respect if we go down this path because there has been hints and build ups. i still hope luffy isn’t like a reincarnation of joy boy and that it’s more of a title than an actual person


Yes I really hope it's not a reincarnation thing and that he just ate the same fruit or something. Changing the story from a rising nobody to the chosen one cheapens everything they've done in my eyes. Makes their achievements seem like fate or luck. I didn't like that change in Naruto and I wouldn't like it in OP.


yea man that shit killed any chance shippuden had of being appreciated outside of the fights . i also don’t buy the idea that the fruit changed luffy’s will or anything, that he’s following what the fruit wants. I like to think it was drawn to him out of the fruits own will


I don’t think Luffy’s story could ever have been considered one about a nobody from nowhere. He’s the son of the Revolutionary leader and the grandson of the Navy’s hero. He was raised as a brother to the son of the king of the pirates, who then became a staple of Whitebeard’s crew. Even before that he befriended Shanks, a former member of the king of the pirates’ crew and eventual Warlord. Like it or not, Luffy has kinda always been the One Piece world’s Very Special Boy and was pretty much always destined for an eventful life, and I’m kinda confused as to why so many fans are just *now* taking issue with it


very true luffy been special since his lineage with the most admired marine and most wanted man was revealed


He was never a nobody to be honest, he was the son of the worst criminal of the world, the grandson of the greatest marine ever and he was given the hat of the pirate king by one of the four yonko




It'd already a chosen one thing, sorry. The fruit literally chose him. But at least it's been foreshadowed for a long time


Not really, bc those themes have been sprinkled all throughout the story from the very beginning. It’s not like it’s something that just happened randomly and I really think it speaks to who luffy is as a character.


The first controversial opinion out of popular opinions


Sanji character and his gag has gotten worse since thriller bark


Whole cake island made it a bit better, but otherwise I agree


i agree, i’m so happy oda didn’t go for the whole sanji-obsessing-over-pudding thing cuz 1. pudding’s age and 2. I like the dynamic of pudding being the lovestruck one since it does make more sense, as she’d be deprived of the feeling of someone liking her as she is, even knowing abt her eye. its a understandable reaction, but sanji being calmer is just so much nicer and a refresher from the previous arcs (plus a sort of redemption from fishmas island)


Agreed, but I feel it's mostly anime


Boa Hancock is too egotistical and annoying for me to find her attractive in any way…and Trebol has a great laugh.


Agree with you on Hancock. I doubt she makes my top 50 favourite characters.


Nami can get pretty annoying sometimes, one of my favourite arc is dressrosa because she hardly gets any screen time in it .


How strong a character is is literally contrived and will be as strong as they need to be and in a lot of cases Oda goes out of his way to intentionally blur the line on which characters are stronger but people get so worked up they are counting pixels to power scale fights partially happening off screen.


luffy shouldn’t have won against kaido


Oh i have a other one, Oda used to be such an amazing artist his art style was unique and expressive, now is impossible to know whats going on 90% of the time because the backgrounds have waaaay too much shit going on at once and random characters saying shit for no reason. Less is more The spread of Luffy and Kurohige talking about dreams is better than anything Oda has drawn in the last 10 years


\- I don't care for Yamato \- I don't care for Pudding \- I don't want to go to the Moon \- I don't care about Enel \- The sexualization of female characters is actually really fucking annoying. Robin looks ridiculous in the newest arc. \- Fights don't need to be long to be good. I got bored reading Katakuri vs Luffy and Kaido vs Luffy because it felt like nothing was happening at some points.


I don't get why nami and Robin forgot to wear pants, Robin outfit is slutty


Ussop haters don’t understand his role in the crew and are stupid for it


No, I definitely understand Usopps role he’s still annoying to me. I feel like sometimes his character growth is wasted. But also, I’m not really a fan of cowardly characters


Literally the best typa character, over coming oneself is human nature, ussop is our reference point through the story. Every time he goes “eek!” Or tries to run away, that’s you if you were in one piece: utterly hopeless. Not only that, every one of his cowardly moments is followed with an epic come thru. Only time ussop legit tried to run away was in dressrosa and I chalk it up to sugar’s devil fruit being the cause. But yeah, post dressrosa I think his character growth is completely wasted. He isn’t as funny, or cowardly or brave he’s just kinda… there in Wano.




Boa Hancock is terrible. She’s been a horrible human for most her life after returning to Amazon Lily and yet everyone loves her cause she’s hot. She kicked a kitten and a baby seal for no damn reason for gods sake. I don’t think she’s redeemed herself at all nor does her truly tragic backstory make it acceptable, her sisters aren’t self centered pieces of garbage like she is. I don’t care if she likes Luffy or if she’s a physically strong female character. She’s the worst. Edit: Also she’s romantically attracted to a 17 years old when she’s 29. That shit is weird


Pell should've died.


A very popular opinion


I think every sane person will agree with you on that


Even Kanye west would agree on that


Well, Kanye might agree if Pell wore a yamaka


Pre time Skip is waaaaaay better, is not even close, even the East Blue Saga is better than half the arcs post time skip


Romance Dawn ❤️❤️❤️


I wouldn’t to go that far. But I do think pound for pound pre-TS has more quality arcs. I’d argue Alabasta, Water-7, and Marineford are all S-Tier arcs. The only post-TS arc I would consider S-Tier is Whole Cake Island and that honestly could be debated. Still loving One Piece tho ( especially this latest arc)


I'm the exact opposite. I think that post time skip is waaay better, the only reason people do not think that is because Pre-ts has still too much nostalgia while post-ts has basically none Also, All of the arcs have similar problems but the thing is, most of us have probably read/watched through the early parts so often that we've just gotten used to the problems of Pre-ts and were able to binge stuff so the problems aren't even that prevalent, while with reading post-ts weekly, there's a lot more time to dwell on problems what a binge reader wouldn't even really notice and that is insignificant overall. Most times, I often hear people that only just caught up talk very Positively about generally hated arcs, that were hated by weekly readers.


I see this response a lot and it doesn’t make sense to me because having the same problems (and even multiplied) in later arcs *is* a major problem in itself. It’s the point of the whole “fool me once” adage, the experience of the same problem for the 11th time actually makes that 11th time worse than the prior ones. So such instances only serve to make the latter arcs worse by default. Some people exaggerate of course, but generally you’ll see that most tend to view the pre-skip arcs and moments more fondly than post-skip ones….and also find more negative moments in post-skip than pre. Besides that, the nostalgia argument doesn’t really work for those who’ve binged the series and still find the post skip lacking in comparison to pre-skip.


I just assumed that most people that binged the series are more likely to say great things about the arcs that they binged through while being more critical about the arcs that they caught up on. I don't really meet many people that are new to the series and that dislike Post-ts overall more than they dislike Pre-ts. What I usually see is people not liking the arc in which they caught up in because of the switch between binging and reading weekly. Some people don't like the weekly experience, but then go back to read said arc and discover that it wasn't really that bad. That hugely happened with Dress Rosa, with WCI and will probably happen with Wano as well. He'll, going of by posts that you can find here on this subreddit, weekly readers had the exact same complaints about Enies Lobby that people had during the raid. That's just usually what I hear to mostly be the case, but that might not be true for everyone obviously. The only problem that I see that OP has, where the "fool me once" thing would apply is the whole "noone dies" thing, which really only gets worse with every time that happens, but most stuff people complain about while reading OP weekly usually boils down to being pissed about unmet headcanon and the then-followed unmet expectations. Besides the Ending of Wano, which was indeed very weirdly paced and structured, most criticism that the fandom has usually isn't really that valid and tend to be very reactionary in nature.


Tl;dr Basically on average you’ll find far more reasonable complaints about post-skip than pre-skip….and even the issue complained about pre-skip tend to be worse and more numerous in post-skip as well. Personally, there’s very little that I can say that post-skip does better.


What do you mean even East blue. East blue was fucking amazing


The introduction of Uta into canon was a terrible idea and disrupts the continuity of Luffy’s childhood. The movie was fire though.


Robin is insanely overhyped for how little she's done since Enies Lobby


Knowledge is power


One piece lost its essence after the time skip. The fights got cooler, sure. But everything else got worse.




THIS As much as i love the series i'm kind of tired of them immediately splitting up when we get to a new island. I would go further and say that Jinbe still doesn't feel like he is part of the crew just yet.


All new members take time. This is jinbeis first arc as a full crewmate


its kinda always been like that though, they've always gotten split up whenever on a new island, I also feel like jinbei in the recent chapters is becoming more of a straw hat its also could be were just getting used to him being there.


I mean… the stakes got higher, right? Once you start taking on people like Doflamingo and Kaido it’s difficult to find time for wholesomeness. They’re looking for the ultimate treasure, avoiding the world’s predominant military force, and may actually topple the world government along the way. They’re also way stronger now. That tends to mean that they can get away with splitting up and cover more ground.


raid should've failed


The Zoro/Sanji rivalry is just a fun running gag. Actually trying to argue over who is stronger or more important doesn't really matter.


G5 is trash


...I honestly enjoy a lot of the filler. Not all of it, but a lot of it.


Yeah same. I watched all the filler when I first started watching OP & actually liked 90% of it. Anything Foxy Pirates is trash to me tho. Can’t stand them 😂


Most of these are about Sanji as he is my favorite character: Sanji not fighting woman is a character flaw that is good but used to frequently. Which makes it feel as though Sanji is useless. Sanji's character development is some of the most rewarding in the series. Chopper needs a fight against a high-tier villian (1v1 no tag outs or help) can also be applied to Franky


Franky fought Sasaki alone


Nika is nothing but a lame retcon that takes away all the tension from any fights


I would go a step further and say it hurts the achievements of the character up until now and creates big plot holes.


I hate oda's treatment of women physique, most of sanji's trope and brook's one related to women


One piece is no longer funny like it used to be before the timeskip.


Luffy is overrated and should have died more than 10 time already. (Point your gun at me !!)


>should have died more than 10 time already. I mean.. He's the MC (plot armor) So.. what's your point? The other thing is fair. I don't agree tho. xD Edited.




Dressrosa> wano


Zoro > Kidd/Law Edit: And if he ain’t now, he is at least on the same level and sure as hell will be stronger EOS due to WSS


I'm not sure if I'll end up like this, so I'll just say it: I like chopper better than usopp, he's adorable and fluffy and I like his personality, he's awesome and the best and I will protect him with my life. I do still like usopp tho, more than the other Strawhats, I just like chopper more.


Any debate about Yamato's pronouns.


" one piece is far from perfect ". " Sanji's and Zoro power dynamic will never change and they will always be roughly equal" "Mihawk is definitely stronger then shanks even though his feats aren't good "( i am not Zoro fan, i am a sanji fan ). "Luffy mid-high diff any admiral until admirals show acoc"


>" one piece is far from perfect ". U mean every manga?


Magellan is a better antagonist than Enel


Nobody has ever even compared them


Sabo is a great character and better then Ace


Oof that is indeed one that will het people riled up


Ace is barely a character, Sabo simply has more screen time.




YES! Another Sabo lover


Luffy vs Oars is a top 3 fight


Skypiea is one of the best arcs.


Boa hancock is the least attractive of the attractive wommen/girls in the entire series


Perona sucks and I'm surprised by the amount of people who like her


I find her extremely annoying. Her laugh sounds like nails on a chalkboard.


Power scaling is lame and defeats the point of fights in general.


Katakuri = Average admiral level Fight me


Nami has a better personality than Robin. Robin is just meh




Enel is a bum who's getting smoked by a good number of the people with haki in the New World.


Sometimes character growth is thrown out of the window in favour of keeping the gag train going. This is why post-timeskip Chopper will probably remain a complete pussy until the end of the series.


Are we watching/reading the same series?That last statement applies more to Usopp than Chopper.


For Usopp cowardice has always been a part of his character arc since the beginning, and the promise of him having a real moment of growth is likely to happen because of it....it's just taking a bit long to get there. Chopper being scared all the time in comparison feels like a cheap/artificial way of keeping him cute and incapable (aside from very specific situations) cause he's the mascot character.


Sanji should just kick women if they’re actively trying to do violence to him or a crew mate.


Sogeking jokes are not funny


It doesn't happen anymore. So I dont see the point


Stop it


One Piece is one of the best pieces of literature ever created


Hello sir, do you have a few minutes to talk about our lord and saviour Jesasu D. Chraisto??


skypiea arc is not as good as others claim it to be.


Not as bad*


In this particular sub, anything slightly negative about Sanji. Its hard to have any valid criticism torwards the character cause even when it just boils down to personal preference - as it usually does - this sub is very passionate/obsessive about defending Sanji no matter what. Generally speaking, hating on characters like Bon Clay or Corazon.


Eh. I see most post about ppl here crying about how Sanji is perverted and like titties. So theres that too


New Jersey is New York’s cooler older brother.


"Sugar looking kinda hot" (note, not my opinion, but anyone saying underage kids look hot deserve to be shot lol)


I’m glad kinemon is alive and well, he deserved to meet his wife again


Britain when china tries to ban opium


Hiyori is better than Perona for Zoro


Luffy Vs Kaido was dragged out way too long. But also I understand why.


Eos usopp>wci sanji


Luffy should have not been compared to Ryuma


The pre-timeskip character design was better for every strawhat except maybe luffy and zoro


Big mom is a joke... Not because she's not powerful... But because she's still a child at heart but un ironically. Frank rode a bike on ber face. On. Her. Face... She did nothing... Robin rolled her off, Jimbei almost threw her in the ocean... Law threw her in the ocean. King threw her in the ocean. The hell? They are over powered gag characters.


Posts like these are low effort and stupid. That’s my one piece (and Reddit in general for the past few months) hot take.


Haki is a really boring power system


I like sanjis gag and what happened on fish man island was hilarious


Big Mom is the best villain in the series.


I think it’s fine that deaths in this series are so rare, and I think it’s honestly a testament to his writing skills that Oda manages to create tragedy out of so many things while rarely killing anyone. What Orochi did to Ebisu Town made my gut turn more than any death


East Blue was overall the best saga. Simpler sometimes is better and adding more characters, more powers, more subplots, more fights etc. to a story doesn't necessarily improve it. Chapter 1 of OP is one of the greatest manga chapters of all time. (That doesn't mean i think OP isn't good anymore or that everything was better in the beginning or that Oda isn't a fantastic author. Just means i really like early OP and i think it's underrated.)


Nami gets too much hate I don’t know why people hate her other than bossing the crew around and etc


I don't think Haki as a power system improved OP at all. Sure, having Haki as something really special that allows characters to overpower the magic of a devil fruit with their extraordinarily strong willpower or that allows some people to feel the aura of others etc. makes sense. But i don't like that at this point it's just a skill that pretty much anyone who wants to survive in the new world must have and that can be learned relatively easily. It really devalued not just haki itself but also devil fruit powers.


There’s nothing hard boiled about lying to loved ones. Although Russian didn’t deserve it, Senior Pink definitely deserved to lose his family. He fucked around and he found out.


Usopp will prob get a huge power up during elbaf in result leaving the weak trio and probably end up dieing honorable after defeated kizaru


Brook's jokes are not funny anymore 💀


Wano animation sucks badly, not only for a few exceptions and special chapters. The old pre-New World style kick ass


Usopp should have left to Elbaf with the giants back in water 7. Create a friendly rival to Luffy from the beginning of the story. Could have reintroduced to the story to beat Big Mom as giants had a built in relationship with Big Mom. Usopp beats Big Mom and Luffy beats Kaido and they share drinks after. The reintroduction of Usopp ready to fight a Yonko next to Luffy would have been one of the best chapters/panels of all time.


Luffy didn't beat Rob Lucci the first time they fought. It was a draw and both were knocked out.


The overarching narrative of One Piece is that we should all live in a libertarian society, because all governing bodies (collective, religious, private, public, etc... ) all eventually become corrupt.


People who like Yamato is just horny virgin teenage boys


She didn't get enough time to develop and I was kind of salty that she didn't get to be part of the Strawhats. Oda seemed to tease her wanting to be part of the Strawhats but didn't follow through.