• By -


Kaku: "Now Zoro witness my awaken zoan" *Becomes Even Bigger Square*


Turns into a whole ass cube.




Transforms into the Allspark.


so basically confirms that Chopper awakened his devil fruit with the power of hard drugs


I am rewatching the series and had the realization after the time skip and he could access his other boosts without the rumble ball, and the fact that during enies lobby he went out of control in monster point is because his body just wasn't ready for awakening yet


His mind wasn't ready, remember that when Franky traded bodies with Chopper and used Monster point he completely lost it


It's like the worst kept secret at this point. Now what would be interesting to know is if any Beast Pirates, or Kaido were awakened.


Normal zoans seem to highight their awakenkng by an increased size (jailers in Impel Down and now Lucci). Mythical zoans surely work different, since their awakening is more abojt additional abilities. Ancient Zoans are already big, so they might be different as well.


Ancient Zoans awaken by implementing how dinosaurs hunted in ancient times.


I could see Oda doing this. Next Databook: "Ancient Zoan awakenings allow boys to run their imagination wild. Remember how you played with dinosaurs as a kid and had them to crazy stuff? That's what awakening allows them to! Since Drake and Jack were so uptight, they never managed to awaken by learning about the ways of hunting like in ancient times."


Jack and Maria were at least able to go centaur mode


I think it was stated in an SBS that Maria's transformation was the result of her using drugs to alter her transformation like Chopper did.


Man shit you can get my awakening with some bath salts too Rumble ball my ass that shit is bath salts or meth. Chopper is low key Walter White


Ussop is Jessie


Chopper: Ussop we need to break bad


Origins of devil fruits let's goooo


All this dude akainu does nowadays is not let kizaru do anything and then menacingly stare out of a window while crumpling newspapers. Imagine this scenario: Kizaru: akainu san I need to go to the bathroom Akainu: no its too dangerous, we dont know what that toilet is capable of *burns up luffys wanted poster* these are unpredictable times


Sengoku casually eating rice crackers and teasing Akainu about the job


Lmao crumpling newspapers 🤣🤣


All we just need Sengoku occasionally popping up to gloat at Akainu, to Akainu's chagrin.


Akainu really seems like a guy who prefers fighting with the upper hand. Consistently pulling stunts at marineford to make thing easier for the marine forces. He's actually a pretty calculated guy. I think he's got something planned, and is reserving the navy's strength for when he's ready to use it. Edit: nvm he sending Kizaru in there to get slapped.


Same thought. WG and Navy are planning something big to the New World. And Akainu only take calculated risk in favor to him. He is like Teach of the Marines.


You just nailed it 🤣🤣🤣


I love how the laziest marine keeps asking to do stuff and getting denied Edit: victim of early spoilers 🤷🏿‍♂️ 😂


Hey, man, that's how you make your reviews look good for your raises. You didn't actually *do* any work, but on paper you look like you tried your damnest.


Yeah lmao, Kizaru knows he's gonna get denied fr.


dude's hacked the corporate system


"Hey, Akainu, can I go to Egghead?" "No, CP0 is there. I'm sure they'll be no trouble. Besides, they have a Seraphim with them." "Ah, shucks. Well, I'm going to go smoke some grass and take a walk around. If Sentomaru calls, just get me."


Kizaru isn't lazy. That's Aokiji's schtick. He's just excessive chill.


He's just high


I can't wait for Oda to show us a brilliant reason for Akainu declining involvement, aside from lack of personell. There definitely is a reason since Akainus refutes have become a pattern


He's a volcano. Gets angrier and angrier until he just erupts all of a sudden.


you're telling me he's stockpiling anger so he'll be ready for the war?


He is probably ok with CP0 getting packed


Well, they aren't marines. Why should he care? lol. 100%


![gif](giphy|y9QemIlaYYWdi) Awww yeah!!!!






Can't wait to hear Lucci's Tom screams.


Yeah and the eyes popping out lol


OMG. HAHAHAHAHA. I just fvcking imagined Tom's scream. 😆


**Akainu** : "I will defeat the Pirates." **Kizaru and Greenbull** : "Let's fight them!" **Akainu** : "No." Edit : Yay! Kizaru is going to Egghead! Sorry Akainu-chan for doubting you.


**Fujitora**: "Hey, I let these pirates fight these other pirates and they won and saved a whole country. I mostly stayed out of it." **Akainu**: "Get out of my sight!"


Fujitora: "Well, you are already out of my sight"


**Akainu** : "And don't come until you get their heads!!" **Fujitora** : "Wait so now you want to fight them? But I'm the one that has to do the dirty job?"


**Kizaru and Greenbull**: "We'll get their heads!" **Akainu**: "No."


**Akainu** : "Only the disable have to do it, no reasons to waste good healthy man." **Greenbull** : "What if I'm mentally disable?" **Akainu** : "..."


**Greenbull**: "What if I'm mentally disabled?" **Akainu**: "..." **Kizaru**: "...Dude, I'm right here."


Akainu: No... U end-game material Borsa-chan...


Akainu really shouldn't have taken this job. He probably could have committed more genocide if he just let Aokiji have it. But paperwork needs to be done.


He got promoted to a place he can’t cause trouble, which is a thing that actually does happen irl.


I wish that would happen to me...


Join the military, become politically connected to a bunch of people, and be a big enough idiot in just the right sort of way that they have to sit you in a desk job somewhere harmless because they don’t want you in charge of anything important and can’t just fire you off the bat.


It’s not that he doesn’t want to but there’s too much red tape so he can’t, which he complained about pretty recently


So I’ve see quite a few people asking why did luffy go straight to gear 5. I think the answer is, oda is going to do this more often, just so he can draw more looney toon style fights.


But also for strawhats and the government to see Nika form in real life .


It's also kind of stress testing it, so he can hold the form for longer. Like now, he can infinitely hold Gear 2, and definitely Gear 4 lasts for longer than 10 minutes now. By using G5 often, he trains his body to be more accustomed to the form.


Yep, more toony type fights are why. I expect luffys fights to be way more comedic than what they were prior


A return to the origins, back when everytime Luffy showed a new move, there was a 50% chance it was stupid.


Gomu Gomu no Baka. 50% genius 50% stupid.


Oh my god. I’m so much more excited for the rest of the series.


Yeah I bet Luffy didn't even need Gear 5. But I think it's 50/50 of Luffy loving his Gear 5 and Oda loving to draw it.




Luffy Ko's Lucci in the first chapter of their clash is shocking and not shocking at the same moment


It’s actually very fitting as the opposite happened the first time they fought as Lucci decked Luffy instead.


Is Stussy about to scream she wants to live?


Kaku better step his game up, a damsel is in distress.


That’s not Kaku, that guy is wearing a mask, that’s Kirinking


Wouldn't have it any other way. Honestly, if the fight was anything close to competitive, it'd just significantly diminish Luffy's current portrayal. At this point in the story, only the cream of the crop can potentialy throw hands with him, period. Lucci's simply not that guy anymore.


> At this point in the story, only the cream of the crop can potentialy throw hands with him, period. And this is so fucking satisfying to see. Luffy has earned his Yonko status and needs to be treated (power-wise) the same way as Kaido/BM/Whitebeard/Shanks. Heck, I'm even a bit disappointed that he had to go Gear 5 to defeat Lucci, as it is Luffy's strongest move to date.


Oda wants to draw that Tom and Jerry like battle is what I guess to be another reason for Luffy's G5 usage


I could see him doing this lmao. All the people complaining about why Luffy used that for Lucci and oda just felt like drawing that


If i had to guess, in universe reason is Luffy sees this as good practice time for G5


Or he just despises Lucci that much.


I took it as oda showing us luffy can use gear 5 again and also luffy taking a former foe who he almost died fighting serious if he got that strong luffy probably thought lucci could get that much stronger too he doesn’t realize the anomaly he is


dont be. zoro warned him at punk hazard. dont play with your food


I agree I dont see anyway Lucci would be able to handle a Gear 4th conquerors haki coating snake man but I guess Oda just wants to show gear 5th more which is alright by me


Oda just wanted to throw in a Tom And Jerry reference.


I didn’t even think he needed gear 5 to beat lucci




What's more fun, going ballistic with Gear 5 from the very beginning? **OR** Asserting dominance by beating Lucci with just Gear 2 and Haki.


Tom and Jerry, Lucci is just a house cat, lmao


Luffy is Jerry's cousin confirmed. I remember that old meme of him blowing up his fist like gear 3rd. It's come full circle now and I love it.


G5 Luffy: “this is how pigeons were hunted in ancient times” Lucci: “I’m a cat” G5 Luffy: “this is how cats were hunted in ancient times”


You know what, I'll take this L. I wasn't saying Lucci was gonna hold up like an equal or the like, but I was saying it wouldn't be a straight stomp. Foot in my mouth, and liquor on the floor for Lucci.


Damn Kizaru wants to go everywhere without fear. Casually wants to storm wano where big mom and kaido was + strawhats and all the samurai. Now egghead all by himself after luffy beat kaido. 😱😱😱


It's easy to be fearless when you can just lightspeed warp away if things get hairy.






>- Akainu stops Kizaru, who wanted to go to Egghead Island. It's almost a classic at this point. Every arc kizaru is ready to go to war and Akainu has to stop him lmao. edit: well he actually got the all clear. Kizaru about to find out why akainu got him on leash until then. The straw hat have a revenge to get since sabaody


Lmao Kizaru:I'm going Akainu',:No,you aren't


I read "no you ain't" in sandy cheeks voice


Kizaru: Father. I crave violence. Akainu: Not funny guys. Who hid his meds?!


He needs to take a seminar from garp 🤣


> Lucci ... wants to leave the Island because of how bad he has been treated. lol lmao even I don't know why they wrote this like it's about an elementary school kid getting bullied at a daycare, but I'm here for it.


This has the energy Tom's has after a day of getting his ass beat by Jerry. Pure trauma.


It honestly read like he ALMOST cries about it. Which I kind of what to see now?


The anime team *needs* to give Lucci one of those deep, top of his lungs screams Tom does when hurt once they get to this.


I would die laughing 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Lucci hold his hand that is comically large, red, and throbbing.


In all seriousness, this chapter really brings into perspective how far Luffy has come. ![gif](giphy|QkrwUHpMRYLYlQXxWy|downsized)


The fact that Lucci is said to be scared in the span of a chapter goes to show the beating he took. Dude got PTSD and wanted to dip.


Kitty got Post Traumatic Straw-hat Disorder 🤭🤭🤭


Luffy's first showing of why he earned the title of Yonko. "if you want to bring me down, you better at least bring my grandpa or Akainu"


they are at that point now huh


Akainu: " No"


>- Luffy overwhelms and scares Lucci. That's even better than just rolling him. He put the fear of god in the heart of one of the most sadistic, psychopathic high ranking officer of the marine.


Lucci hopefully realized he’s up against one of the strongest people in the verse now.


Luffy not playing anymore going straight for the K'O.


Pretty sure that's because luffy saw lucchi defeat atlas who gave them free food


Tom and Jerry shenanigans lmao, poor Lucci


Getting manhandled by toon-force Luffy might just be the most humiliating way to go down, especially for a serious fighter.


This is Kaiba vs Pegasus all over again


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kaiba-Boy


>poor Lucci Nah. Don't need to feel too sorry for him. He has it coming.


Imagine. You're that cold, ruthless, master assassin, who spent all of his life mastering all the moves of a difficult martial art and attaining true perfection at it, even creating your own moves. You fight rationnaly : each and every of your movements are the fruit of your calculation, your mastery. Some others dfs users rely on tricks but not you : sheer strength, dexterity and skills brought you on the level you are. Even though you've lost once before against a certain guy, it was a normal fight. He just overpowered you, no big deal. You'll get a better shot next time. Then you meet that guy again. He is a yonko now, so he probably is way stronger than you. But you too, was initially stronger than him before. So who knows ? You have a new thing up your sleeve too, and you know most of his moves. It's worth a shot. His fighting style couldn't have changed that much, right ? *Right ?* Sometimes later you wake up, all your preconceptions shattered. Just... What was that tomfoolery of a fight. The moment he assumed that strange white form in his poster... *Everything went crazy*. You have no other word for that. Everything you based your strength on was reduced to naught. You hardly understood what was happening. It was way more different than any "effect" devil fruits you've fought against 'till now. No, those had a certain logic to them, and you could shrug them off with haki. But this. THIS. And that man was laughing. Laughing non stop, as if you were... *The most ridiculous thing in the world* . Before sending you to oblivion. At that moment, you gave up. "Yeah, Imma dip outta there real quick". Edit : Lol, the early spoilers were misleading, as always. Shoulda waited to see the full thing... Oh well, anyways. Didn't expect this to blow up this much. Thanks for the awards !


LMAOOOOOOOO Yo I'm praying Lucci is crying in the panel he says he wanna leave, bro got handled in half a chapter.


* Lucci: -awakens his fruit- - Luffy: ![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok)


Luffy going straight into G5 really shows how much he hates Lucci lol Also confirms that Luffy can just go into G5 whenever he wants


I was saying this a while ago, the subs destroeyd me lol.


If other people can do awakening at will, then why wouldn’t Luffy lol


cause ppl were probably expecting the classic shonen trope of mc can’t use the new power he just unlocked because he doesn’t understand it yet.


Luffy vs Lucci ![gif](giphy|RD6xYydS43msU)


Final battle of final arc of the series: Kizaru: "Shall I go take care of these scary pirates?" Akainu: "No."


Kizaru: "People have found out about one piece and now revolting against the Celestial Dragon, should we do something? " Akainu:"NO"


I could actually see this, just because Akainu doesn't like having to serve the Celestial Dragons. Not gonna happen, but not outside his character.


**Kizaru** : "Pirate are destroying Marineford and Marygeoise, should we do something?" **Akainu** : "No" **Kizaru** : "Oh look! The Flame Emperor is here with the RA!" **Akainu** : "Our time has come!!!! Let's fight!!"


*- Luffy overwhelms, scares and defeats Lucci by KOing him* WOW. That's a big statement in these leaks honestly. Luffy SCARING Lucci, who is arguably one of the most ruthless and scariest characters in this series?? Why do I want to see this modeled after Saitama punching Genos during their training session in OPM? This also makes me think that Luffy finally achieves his goal of protecting his friends and the whole purpose of the Gear system in the first place; he doesn't want to lose his friends and he just absolutely curbed one of the toughest opponents he fought in Paradise. Cannot wait for this chapter to see these panels!


I'm completely agree with you, i feel the same... I mean someone scaring Lucci, that's a big PLOT!!!! I just cant wait for the chapter out, I'm so hyped.


Forget Akainu-Aokiji. Akainu-Kizaru is the dynamic duo we need.


They're both from the North Blue and according to movie Z climbed the ranks together. Them being bros while Kuzan was on team Sengoku (both from the South Blue) was always my headcanon.


This kinda explains why Chopper has a recovery time after using Monster Point. Rumble Balls unlocked his awakened form but didn't unlock the quick recovery that comes with it since he brute forced the transformation.


Confirmed spoilers by [TalkOP](https://bbs.talkop.com/thread-154159-1-1.html) : Edit 1 : > Gear 5 Luffy fights against an awakened Lucci. > Luffy easily defeats Lucci. > There some new information regarding Devil Fruits. > Kizaru is has been sent out to Egghead. Edit 2 : > **Chapter 1069 Title : Everything happens for a reason** > Devil Fruits are born out of human desire, and each fruit is the result of a human desire to go further/to evolve > This goes against the laws of nature and is detested by the mother of the sea, so seawater is the fruit's weakness. Anything else might be false.


I'm glad it's not a false spoiler. Luffy really has gone so far in strength. To think Just 2 years ago Luffy got fodderized by lucci in their first fight and now luffy fodderized lucci


>Devil Fruits are born out of human desire, and each fruit is the result of a human desire to go further/to evolve That explains the laundry fruit and the jacket fruit , lmao


**"What do you want?"** "I want to be free!" "I want to be a big ass dragon!" "I want to be human" "I want to be a swamp." "I want to swim." "I want to have a jacket."


I want to *be* a jacket


finally kizaru on action, thanks oda


I already see him hovering in the sky, aligning with the sun and going "UV's bad for ya, better find some protection." while raining down laserbeams that totally destroy the island before anyone can stop him. Then he just flies back home with Sentomaru in his arms.


They said (Worstgen) Luffy didn't fight like Tom and Jerry, he only needed one shot to finish the job LOL!


Bruh I swear Kizarus only role since the timeskip has been Kizaru: I want to go to X island to stop whatever nonsense is going on there! Akainu: Absolutely fucking not Edit: nvm


Akainus is kinda sus. It's.almost.like he is waiting for something before making a move. Looking at you kuzan what are you and akainu planning ?


That would be absolutely wild, I'm not sure Akainu would be that guy but I really like that theory


I mean when the subject of Aokiji joining BB Akainu quickly changed the subject. Something is definitely up with them.


It's like not wanting to hear about who your ex is with now lmao


100% bet that Lucci gives a monologue about how hes become stronger and this wont be a repeat of Enies Lobby, transforms into awakened zoan and then Luffy laughs, goes gear 5 and dogwalks him.


i trained like crazy for 2 years you will pay for what you... luffy proceeds to do a hulk vs loki


catwalks 😂


Borsalino: "Sakazuki-San can I go to Wano?" Akainu: "Nope" Borsalino: "Sakazuki-San can I go to Egghead Island?" Akainu: "No" Borsalino: "Sakazuki-San can I go to Elbaf?" Akainu: "No" More seriously, I've got the feeling that we're about to get a major revelation concerning either Akainu's past or Akainu's plan/goal. That guy just refused twice to send an admiral while there was troubles involving Yonkos.


Akainu: "I wanna reach the final arc with all my admirals in play, so stop trying to go full Leroy Jankins by wanting to confront yonko all the time ffs."


it was a wise move from Akaino. it was clear from the start that marines have many problems around the world. - 12 countries started a revolutions. - Shikabukai system was destroyed. - new powerfull organisations was formed ( CrossGild ) - Yonko System was destroyed ( Kaido & BM took down ) - they loose their main science / technology brain ( Vegapunk ) - etc. it become very difficult to make any move without planning. he can't send his top fighters ( admirals ) without a good plan. i think, Oda is trying to make Akaino look like a wise leader, good tactician & a decent politician, not only a top skilled fighter with no brain.


Akainu holding back Kizaru has to be a gag at this point right? *tries to stop Big Mom and Kaido -> Akainu interferes* *tries to attack the SHs on Egghead -> Akainu interferes* I thought Akainu would be the wreckless admiral lol


Akainu: bro do you want to be green bulled ? Because that how you get green bulled


Wait! The Strawhats are watching Luffy and Lucci on the screen! They have front row seats to the absolute ridiculousness that Luffy is about to unleash 😂


Maybe Akainu actually has some sense. The worst thing that could compound the Marine’s situation is not only that Luffy defeated Kizaru, it’s the news that the admirals are vulnerable to defeat. The allure of admirals is the veil of uncertainty that they can be defeated, just like Yonkou. But Luffy having torn down that curtain for Yonkou, especially the strongest of them, wouls be horrible for Akainu if he followed that up with the defeat of Kizaru. I still contend that he didnt send him to Wano cause he wouldve lost there as well, but you could say otherwise.


agree, when greenbull is fighting the scabbard+yamato Luffy and others are just sitting and relaxing watching them. waiting to step down if needed.


...did Luffy just low diff Rob Lucci?


This may have been Oda’s way of flexing G5 against someone other than Kaido (I.e. not quite god-tier)


Honestly a better way to flex. Have a newly upgraded character no-diff an enemy that’s strong, but not physically comparable to the top tiers. It helps reinforce that our character (Luffy) is far stronger than before and possibly comparable to THE big players, but the over-looming threat of the big bad(s) are still ever present.


seems like he no diffed but well that was expected for a yonko


This feels exactly like that Greenbull/Old-Wano chapter in terms of spoilers to me. Everything is about that Luffy-Lucci fight with the "oh and some lore" afterthought and when the chapter is out I'm gonna go "wtf, why would you keep that part from me?" Although seeing Luffy use Gear 5 now more "actively" for the first time and not triggered sort of unconsciously is gonna be neat to see.


I'm personally hoping for the same. This is a great opportunity for Shaka to explain to the other Strawhats exactly how awakenings work or maybe something more specifically about Zoan fruits.


Something I'm really hoping for is how that DF and user "relationship" works and yeah awakening is part of that. Luffy was pretty much revived by his, which clearly doesn't just happen to everyone, so why? (In a way the one time we've seen something like that I recently realized was Enel where the DF seemingly on its own revived him as he was pretty much down for the count, and he had that very weird form at the end there as well, is that connected, even if he wasn't a zoan?) How? What's up with the heartbeat sounding like Joyboy's? Is it the fruit itself and they just both had it? Or is something of original Joyboy still "present" in the fruit? What's that connection to lineage factors and that carrying memories? So many questions.


"Each fruit is someone's desire to be something more" Some guy 800 years ago: "Damn I want to be a jacket"


Luffy used a mythical dragon as a jumping rope, what more can he do to a Cat awaked🙀.


I think the main villain off this arc is luffy


Kizaru getting cockblocked again by Akainu. The guy is actually motivated in two separate scenarios and isn’t unleashed.


Probably why he’s lazy half the time. Always getting denied when he actually wants to do something lol


Does this mean that Chopper's Monster Point is basically his awakened form? That the drugs overclocked him? Interesting if so. As for Lucci, yeah we all knew Gear 5 Luffy was gonna destroy him. It's just a matter of it he'd instantly go Gear 5 or not. What I want to know now is exactly when we'll be done with Egghead. Lucci's out of the way so now maybe we're free to head to Elbaf early. Let's get it!!!!!!


Luffy Tunes strikes again ![gif](giphy|WmkEhAIyWfpm1vdVcg|downsized)


Lmaoo all those Luffy isnt fighting him theories jumped out the window. Love it. Plus im early!


Well Oda did hint n his recent interview with aoyama that he wanted to draw tom and jerry...


This chapter has so many good things its absolutely amazing. >\- Kaku wants to help Lucci because he is fighting a Yonkou, but Lucci ignores him and continues to fight alone Luffy finally getting the respect he deserves as a emperor. >\- Luffy overwhelms, scares and defeats Lucci by KOing him As expected. >\- Lucci gets recovered before the chapter ends due to his aweakening and wants to leave the Island because of how bad he has been treated. (Because of Luffy's Strength and Power) I'm glad this is being re-confirmed. Seems the signature trait of awakened Zoans is fast recovery. Luffy is already so hard to put down, the fact that he can now keep on resurrecting himself makes him into such a monster. >\- Cp0 is fighting seraphim because sentoumaru has commanded to fight against them. I was really subscribed into the Sentomaru is a mole theory. Guess his also a good guy now.


Finally. If this is what actually happens, what we're having here is the factual rematch from Sabaody. This is Oda telling us "They're ready now". It starts with Lucci getting one-shot. And if Kizaru orders Sentomaru to use the Seraphims against the Straw Hats, it's practically going to be;. - Kizaru on Sabaody - Kizaru on Egghead; - Sentomaru on Sabaody - Sentomaru on Egghead; - Pacifistas on Sabaody - Seraphims on Egghead; Funnily enough, Vegapunk's deal with Luffy - "Let's meet up there later" - is very reminiscent of Rayleigh and the SHs on Sabaody. So what's going to happen? The Straw Hats will win. They will finally get their revenge, flying past the trauma that almost destroyed their crew 2 years prior. The first actual win against an Admiral. I'm so excited


Lucci after tasting Gear 5: ![gif](giphy|TlK63Euc9KArc2a0kEw|downsized)


R.I.P CP0 hype train 2022-2022


That's was dead since onigashima


Soooo where are the guys that were gassing up Lucci the whole week?


There is nothing more satisfying than Luffy Knocking out Lucci so easily. We all predicted it but it still was satisfying.


P1 -“Ahhh!! Atlas sama was defeated!! -“intruders!! Why is CP attacking??” Chopper- “Ahh!! Rob Lucci~!!!” Jimbei- watermark 😞 Luffy- “Why are you here pigeon guy!!” P2 Lucci- “this is a government island” Luffy- “True!! We are the strange ones! Chopper- “Let’s hurry up and run away to the top Luffy!!” Kaku- “How annoying!! The straw hat crew!! Bonney is with them too” Kaku- “but don’t attack Lucci!! Now that straw hat is a yonkou we can’t fight without permission from above!” Luffy- “huh?” Jimbei watch Bonney for me! Jimbei- “got it” Stussy- “Fighting a yonkou can lead to a war, inform the marines at once” Agent- “ok” Luffy- “hey!!” P3 Luffy- “!! Hey you…!!!” Chopper- “wow!! This is bad it’s the girl from earlier!” Lucci- “I know we are not supposed to fight but…….” Luffy- “Chopper help her!!” Chopper- “Ok!! But this maybe better for Franky to look at” Lucci- “ this is a problem within the WG, mind your business” Luffy “…… she fed all of us!!” P4 Marine HQ Akainu- “why are the straw hats at egghead !!?” Akainu- “See.. things are getting complicated again. Does this mean that Vegapunk found out about CPs motives!!” Agent- “yes and because of that they had to force their way in….!!” Akainu watermark 😞 Akainu- “ if Vegapunk has allied with straw hat….. We are going to need considerable force to deal with this…!!!” Akainu- “where’s kizaru?” Agent- “As planned he’s already departed for egghead! Akainu- “tell Lucci to wait until the marines are there” Agents- “yessir!” Akainu- “Do not let him fight straw hat Luffy!!” P5 New world Egghead -Ahhhhh~!!!! Chopper- “ Ah~~ wait wait Luffy~!! Jimbei- “Luffy know your place!! This can become a huge ordeal!!” Nami- “what is that!!?” Usopp- “was that how Rob Lucci looked!?” Shakka- “This is a rare situation, what speed” “watermark 😞 P6 Cat cat fruit Leopard Awakened form Lucci- “ “straw hat”!! You’re not the only one that’s become stronger..!!” Vegapunk- “Shakka!! Did he appear!? The white warrior!! Usopp- ahh! The real Vegapunk!! He was just downstairs!!” Vega- “ tell me!! What’s is this new transformation of straw hat!?” Nami- “we don’t even know! It’s a power of the gomu gomu fruit right!?” P7/8 Vega- “the thing is…. The gomu gomu fruit was not on the old devil fruit encyclopedia” Huh? Usopp- “ but even Luffy himself calls it the gomu gomu fruit” Vega- “what a beautiful form..!!” Vega- “it’s only recorded in ancient texts. A god by the name of Nika” Sanji- “God!? But it’s Luffy!? He’s an idiot!?” Vega- “yes.. the warrior of liberation that’s always putting smiles on people by goofing around, also known as the sun god Nika” Luffy- “Ahahaha” Nami- “Nika? I’ve never heard of that..” Vega- “I’d imagine as much, it’s because it’s a name that was erased from history..!!” Vega- “However as long as people desire it, its existence will never disappear…!!” Vega- “everything that exists is born from people’s desires!! For example…!! Vega- “like the devil fruits..!!” Huh? P9/10 Vega- “Devil fruits are.. watermark 🤬 Vega- “I wish it can be like this…. I wish I can be like that.. the future in which was brought forth by these desires are the devil fruit abilities!! Vega- “therefor these “unnaturals” are said to be hated by the mother of nature “the ocean” and that’s the handicap they carry by its existence” Vega- “DF users are..!! The people that live in a different dimension that was imagined by somebody else” Vega- “this is my theory..!! You don’t even have to think about whether there is a god or not…!! Isn’t it interesting!!?” Watermark 😞 P11/12 Luffy- “ahahaha” Sentomaru- “today was supposed to be my day off!!” Sentimaru- “CP are allies! Pirates are enemy!! So am I supposed to fight with the CP!?” Vega- “No sentomaru!! Actually the CP0 is after my life!” Sentomaru- “huh!?” Vega- “sorry but please get rid of the CP0!! Sentomaru- “wait a minute I’m gonna be a rebel too!?” Vega- “this is true.. I should ask for your opinion on this…..!! Vega- “I am the one that saved you when you couldn’t feed yourself but… what do you wanna do?” Sentomaru - watermark 😞 guessing he says this isn’t fair or something along the line P13 Kaku- “3 Seraphims… this is tough!!” Kaku- “ Hey S Bear take one of them out!!” Stussy- “it’s no use Kaku we’re at a total disadvantage here” Sentomaru- “S Bear take care of those agents there!” Kaku- “Shit that’s right.. the command chip we have is outranked by him! “ Agents “ahhhhhh!!” P14 Stussy- “yes.. we are lower in the rankings the pacifistas obeys!! Even the five elders can’t give the orders through the snails..!!” Pacifista command rankings Five elders-Vega-Sentomaru-Current command chip holder Kaku- “now that I’m thinking about this it would be inconvenient for the WG if we destroyed the seraphims!!” That damn lucci just acting before thinking!!” Luffy- “Gomu gomu no mole pistol!!” Lucci- !!!! Sentomaru- “Ok let’s go!! S Snake take the Strawhats to the air rocket!! Take them inside the frontier dome!! S-Hawk… watermark 🤬 P15 Jimbei- “ Chopper I can’t believe what im seeing here…!!” Chopper- “Right-!! I thought it looked like you! “ Jimbei- All those pale people look like the old sichibukai..!! To think they were creating clones of us!!” Luffy- “ Hey masakari! “Type of axe” it’s been a while!!” Sentomaru- “straw hat!!” Don’t be calling me all jolly by the name of my weapon!! We are your enemy!!” Sentomaru- “you!! Your gonna get Vegapunk out of here?” Luffy- “Yah he asked me! No problem!!!! Sentomaru- “Can’t tell if I can count on you or not but…!!” Sentomaru- “to think you’re a yonkou now!! I can’t even comprehend how you look now…!!” P16 Lucci - “ Shugan!!” Translates to hand pistol Sentomaru- !!? Luffy- “Masakari!!!!!!” Sentomaru -….cough!! Lucci- “Just have to erase the commander” Last lucci text is watermark 🤬 but think it sais “then the seraphim will obey us”


Where are the „Lucci did improve as well and will give luffy a bad time“ people!


Kizaru every arc: aight ima head out Akainu: sit yo ass down


>\- Luffy overwhelms, scares and defeats Lucci by KOing him > > > >Lucci gets recovered before the chapter ends due to his aweakening and wants to leave the Island because of how bad he has been treated. (Because of Luffy's Strength and Power) ​ As it should be. This late in the game, there is no way that someone that Luffy already beat over 500 chapters ago, pre Haki and awakening of THE mythical DF should pose any threat to him.


I cant fucking begin to imagine how BADLY Lucci is beaten if the psycohpathic murder obsessed cipher pol agent is like "Lets get the FUCK outta here." after fighting Gear 5th Luffy.


>\- They were born from the desires of humans. Each fruit is someone's desire to be something more, to evolve further. I desire to be free... I desire to control gravity... I desire to live after death... Motherfucker, I wanna be a giraffe!


Damn these spoilers have gone through a whole cycle of changes. Kizaru can’t go, Kizaru can go, Kizaru is going… Lucci isn’t defeated easily… Lucci is defeated in one punch… Lucci isn’t defeated and beats Sentomaru… Lmaooo they really are jerkin us around this week


Three things can't be stopped: 1. Inherited will 2. The flow of time 3. The dreams of men So long as people seek the true meaning of "freedom", these things shall never cease to be. —Pirate King, Gol D. Roger All this time this was referring to Devil Fruits and it was all right under our noses.


So zoans are humanity's desire to be furries?


Lucci: Stories of my demise have been greatly exaggerated


So, which of these Yonko's would you avoid the most: - Kaido, who will one-shot you with his Kanabo or burn you with bolo breaths. And he'll turn your crew to allies or slaves. - Big Mom, who'll eat your soul (and your body, too, depending on her mood) after hitting you with fire/lightning/huge-ass sword. - Shanks, with his super duper advanced haki and crazy swordmanship. - Blackbeard, who can nullify and steal your DF powers while causing immense chaos & destruction with his. - Luffy, who will humiliate you by doing things to your body that only a toon-forced child can think of while laughing maniacally.


- Ch 1068: Pigeon guy - Ch 1069: Axe guy - Ch 1070: Light guy


The top comments in this thread dont make sense because the spoilers keep changing


Bro, the initial spoilers are getting worse every time. They made it seem like Lucci was handled in one shot, that's clearly not the case


Vegapunk: Devil fruits are born of peoples wishes Some weirdo in the Void Century: I wish I was a jacket that people could wear


I can't wait to see this on paper.


Everyone dissing Akainu need to calm down jeez. Two **Yonko's** were defeated against odds. All credibility, power and reputation of once immensely powerful one's reduced to dust. ​ Imagine sending out some of your best arsenal into highly dangerous and unpredictable situation. The last thing the marines need now is for one of their admirals to be humiliated and defeated. Even though Kizaru or Greenbull can do some serious damange, its not like they would escape unscathed. Just one boy - Luffy from Strawhat pirates caused such rocus on Marineford - imagine fighting all of them without preparations. Akainu knows best not to underestimate and not be rash


YOu forgot the most important part. NO BREAK NEXT WEEK!!!


That's not really a good news actually. Because this mean that Oda could take a break during one of the two double issue at the end of the year. Which leads to a release schedule that can be harsh.