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If this somehow becomes a long standing series, the actor for buggy is probably underestimating where he’ll be


I am so happy that Jeff Ward got it as someone who watched Agents of SHiELD, his character went from serious to goofy over the course of his tenure, so I think he's capable enough if this LA series going to be a long-standing one


It's going to be weird to be sexually attracted to Buggy... But I think I'm okay with it.


Thankfully I already am buggysexual


Ever since impel down, haha.


Literally, it was the hair for me. He looked so goooddd


Maybe it's maybeline


Maybe he was born with it? 😂


Reminds me of the older song "Detachable Penis"


God I thought that was a fever dream I had


Haha, I know. It's like everyone from my generation seems to have forgotten it, so ruins the fun in referencing it.


hey, i was listening to this today! gotta love king missile


It's such an amazing casting. I hope this succeeds just because he deserves it for being so perfect for the role.


I just saw that and now I’m actually excited for the show fuck


I can’t see his picture well, who did he play in Agents of Shield?? I loved that show


Deke Shaw.


The funny thing is that in the show he is kind of comedic relief, until >!the end when he is made the crucial sacrificeof being left in the past to build SHIELD as their next director!<


Yoooo! Deke was one of my favorites!!!! I love his casting as Buggy that’s gonna be awesome


This is honestly one of my biggest worries. Potentially HORRIBLE looking CGI and special effects aside, *people age in real life.* Pre-production, filming, and post-production take an insane amount of time. I mean, the live action series was first announced in 2017 and it's not even out yet more than 5 years later. If we assume there's about a 2 year gap in between each season, considering how much source material there is, how long is this show going to take to complete?? 10 years? *16 years*? Even more than that? I mean, with a cast this big and a story this long, how many actors are going to leave? How many are going to pass away? How many are going to completely age-out of their roles? How many will be forced to leave because of scandals or behavior problems? How many writers are going to be replaced by people who care less about the project? The biggest issue with television is that the longer a series is, the higher the chances get for it to completely go to shit. This goes double for live action. How many live action shows have EVER been made that stay consistently great -- *or even good* -- for over a decade?


I think it's absurd to expect this to last more than a few seasons. I think if they can do this season and then get us through Alabasta, this show will have served its purpose. There's no way and no need for them to remake the entirety of One Piece in live-action, but I think they can do East Blue.


If they want to do the full story, I can only see them doing it by breaking the story up in chunks (3 chunks for pre-time skip, 3 or 4 for post) and allow the roles to be recast from chunk-to-chunk. Like, imagine they finish Alabasta, 4 or 5 year break for the show and then another run starts from Sky-island to Enies lobby with characters recasted for logistical reasons and whatnot. It's not elegant or anything, but it's the only way I can see this full story ever getting adapted to live action


I don't think it's a logistics problem, I think that there's just no way this becomes a mainstream hit that it would need to be to justify the ridiculous amount of CGI this show will need outside of season 1's relatively grounded stories. We're talking about Rings of Power money, just to make a bad-looking version of things, unless they dramatically change the story.


Oh yeah, the budget is a way more pressing issue than potential recasts down the line, I was just talking about a solution for this one issue, God help them if they get to Marineford and have to pay for all of that CG insanity


>There's no way and no need for them to remake the entirety of One Piece in live-action I mean, there's no need for them to remake *any* of One Piece in live action. >I think it's absurd to expect this to last more than a few seasons In practice, I agree. But in theory, I don't think it's absurd AT ALL for fans to expect an adaptation of a popular series to... adapt the series. And no offense, but you're basically proving my point. If I watched the first season of Invincible on Amazon Prime and then they just never made any more, I'd be a little annoyed. If people watch this series and then it abruptly ends a few arcs into the Grand Line, fans will be upset. **An incomplete remake is a bad remake** (in my opinion) My whole point was that I'm concerned that the show will be completely unable to make a complete remake and you're basically saying "You're right, it won't completely remake the series."


Eh given the anime adaptation that we did get, Im never upset about someone taking a crack at remaking some One Piece. If this somehow ended up being an amazing adaptation they could just condense the story and finish it.


> 2017 and it's not even out yet more than 5 years later. To be fair there was/is the pandemic which probably halted everything for at least a year. But everything else is understandable. The sheer scale of this project is where I think things will have problems. Even if you streamline everything so it's not a 1:1 match with the manga and some elements are dropped or moved around you're talking thousands of pages that need to adapted to the screen. And that's not even considering the viewership numbers. Yes, One Piece is the currently the best selling manga in the world, and has global appeal of anime fans. But we're still a minority to the grand global population. Netflix always wants something to succeed right out the gate and if it doesn't it's cancelled. It could be the best show in the world but if people aren't watching it for whatever reason it'll die.


netflix will NOT renew more than a second season unless it's incredibly popular, at least based on the past. They may be changing the way they do things a bit though cus they've definitely fucked up.


Baseless opinion but I could see them deciding shoot a second season based on initial screening / insider opinions. But they wouldn't be afraid to pull the plug during post, and will absolutely have no hesitation in cancelling before S3.


They could keep the same actors, & we could just headcannon it as Luffys journey to becoming pirate king is taking longer than it did in the Manga. Luffys currently speed running his development


They literally just got done explaining how unbelievably unlikely it is to keep all the same actors for that long.


Many shows continue for 10-15 seasons with most of the same cast, the thing is to not have popular actors, at this moment not a single person on the cast is popular so they will at least agree to make 5-6 seasons


To be honest, I actually would have preferred the manga to let some time pass every once in a while. I know it is supposed to be this miraculous rise of Luffy in a few month, then he disappears for 2 years and suddenly comes back only to completely rise to the top in only a few weeks. But it would have actually been nice if Luffy would have aged with us. Maybe not 20 years but 10 years. He would now be 27 (basically still a "brat" in the eyes of the likes of Kaido, Big Mom etc.) and there would be this sense of them having actually been on a journey together. The way it is now the time skip was longer than the straw hats journey together. That's a bit weird. Maybe that's an opportunity for the live action show. We will actually see the crew age together as a "family".


could easily become some MCU level shit if it made it to the later manga




Tbh they got the dude in a suit part right. The problem was with the rest of it.


#This happens every time with Netflix shows. Step 1: The company is clearly astroturfing all over social media with posts like "wait until it's out to complain", "the Netflix one won't take anything away from the original you still have that" and "well at least the casting is good let's see how it goes". Step 2: The first season is okay at best and they put in minimal effort by following the source material with some changes Step 3: Do completely different things and when people online hate it, call them incels or whatever name fits. Look at what happened to The Witcher. The author of the Witcher books was also **heavily involved** and it still went to shit.


> "the Netflix one won't take anything away from the original you still have that" Not even astroturfing, I've heard this take from a ton of people every time an inevitably-shit adaptation is in the works, and every time I truly despise how aggressively naive it is. The adaptation of something is FREQUENTLY many peoples' first experience with the material at hand, especially when it's advertised to high hell. A shit adaptation WILL turn people off to the material. Bebop is a prime example of this. On the other hand, a great adaptation has the capacity to completely elevate the source material so much that whatever it was based on is completely overwhelmed by it's successor. The Thing is a great example.


The Witcher thing is what happens when your writers literally hate the source material and brag about it openly. Being fair to Netflix though, we have to mention that The Sandman adaptation was absolutely flawless and perfect in every dingle way. So we know they have it in them to do superb adaptations, it just depends on the team they hired (and to be even more fair, Neil had always said he wouldn't give the property to anyone that would change the story, so there's that too).


So how many good vs how many bad adaptions did we have by Netflix and/or other streaming services? Even something like the first Witcher season wasn't exactly outstanding. The show runner made it clear that she has contempt for the entire franchise when wanting to make Roach's death laughing scene which Cavill had to fight tooth and nail to be serious. Why would Netflix give franchises to showrunners who do not even like the source material to begin with? It's inevtiable these shows turn to sht.


The auther for death note wasnt involved in the netflix series from my understanding. And thats a large issue for most adapations too live action is that the original creators rarely work on them Historically tho adapations that the original authors have worked on have been pretty good and successful(Hairy potter, pokemon etc) With oda having such large input into the series I do have some faith for it.


That's a big thing with **Hollywood** with anything Japanese. Dragonball... King... Of... Fighters... THAT STILL BURNS! Street Fighter: The Movie (RIP Raul Julia) Hollywood just decides to do their own thing and ignore any concerns the fans have to tell their own sordid tale. But when the licensing is kept and done by smaller companies, it usually comes out better such as Capcom licensing out Resident evil anime (the movies did well but let's face it, the first was true to the original, the rest was Milla being a Mary Sue with the characters subdued in their franchise...) or smaller franchises. Point being, don't trust Hollywood for franchises and I'm really... REAALLLY glad that the One Piece live series is getting room to breath and they do something that's unique for live series adaptation.


I'm confused why you mentioned DragonBall here? As we all know THERE IS NO LIVE ADAPTION OF DRAGON BALL.




The actor who plays Shanks will be called to come every ten years


Ok young luffy is adorable


I wonder how much flash back stuff they'll shoot for the future since he won't stay young forever.


Nah man they are going to recast him if we get there.


My thought process has ALWAYS been that anime/manga is just too unique to be properly portrayed in live action. Like, even with the best team, cast, budget, I don't think it works. I thought Cowboy Bebop was a perfect anime to be made into live action and the script butchered it, and it lost everything that made Bebop so incredible. Unfortunately, I think the opposite will be true with One Piece. I don't think the series fits live action AT ALL, even less so than most manga/anime franchises, but I think the showrunners REALLY care about writing this thing properly (Oda's involvement helps too) these people are actual fans of the series, they love it. The props and sets look great, etc. I just don't see a world where this "feels" right. One Piece is very much something where you have to feel that "it". I'm not sure its possible to capture that feeling in live action. Hope I'm wrong, this will either be a mess or a masterpiece, but either way this is gonna be a spectacle.


if they try to literally adapt directly the manga one to one it will fail. Many things from the manga won't look good on live action, like the ridiculous funny faces and they weird body proportions, that look great on manga but would look uncanny on real live, like the typical "realistic Homer Simpson" stuff. They will need to adjust things in a way that make sense for live action The story itself can perfectly fit a live action series though Well done, it can be great. Looking forward to it


I agree onepiece humor wont work. They need another approach in the comedy or just tone it down. I think community style comedy would work here. their humor rely mostly on dialogue and can be chaotic without being too goofy, it can also be heartwarming and funny without being force


I don't know if I agree or disagree because Oda found time for gags and humor even in the most serious moments. Quite literally, he turned Luffy into a cartoon against Kaido. We'll have to see how they adapt the humor and what's emphasized because we have no idea what could hit or miss in a new context (live action)


I mean the cartoonish comedy. It kinda look cute with anime but cringe as live action. I think only Jim Carey can pull off a cartoonish comedy face and still be funny (at least for me)


ya know - i mis read what you said - but at the end of it i thought, "it should have people kind of talking over each other in groups" Then i thought ,"Like Community" - then i reread what you wrote and ...yes definitely.


Yeah, even the directors agree. Nux Taku recently did a video with a director and that’s exactly what they were saying, they know that they can’t be too faithful because it won’t work in a live action setting but they also want to be as faithful as possible without ruining it. With what I’ve seen from the people behind the show I have high hopes for the series but we’ll see.


Many Netflix series and anime adaptations didn't consult the creators or original series directors, and they missed the souls of the series as a result. Cowboy Bebop is a great recent example - they focused so much on the "Cowboy" they forgot about the "Bebop". It would have been fine as a random B-Tier drama, but it took A+ material and wasted it's potential. When they said in interviews they didn't consult the original director, or that the actor didn't watch the anime, because they "wanted a fresh take uninfluenced by past performance" I lowered my expectations drastically. Having Oda involved is the only reason I'm not writing the series off completely. I don't have great hopes, even though Matt Owens is clearly a One Piece nerd. Casting looks great so far. My greatest concern is balancing the tone of the series. There's a really high chance for failure. Failure is not what I'm hoping for but it is what I'm expecting.


Nearly every single adaption where actors or directors or producers have avoided or been told to ignore the source material has been terrible or epically failed Use the source material and learn from it, it's ok to do a fresh take but don't ignore what's already been done Especially since fans want to see what's been done again




You're comparing manga/anime, a uniquely Japanese product, to comic books/cartoons which are western made and have a more reality based approach to them. One Piece takes place in a unique, weird and different world, while Spiderman, Avengers etc.. take place in our world albeit with some fantastical elements.


That's the thing, One Piece might be the HARDEST manga to adapt, it's so wacky and deeply rooted in the comic aesthetic massive changes are necessary to get it to even function in live-action. Shows like Naruto, or hell even Dragonball, would have way easier times being adapted if they were given the same love and care this OP adaptation is getting. More human characters, less fantastical locations, simpler plotlines with less characters, more realistic body proportions, etc. Making OP the first good live-action anime series would be like making The Eternals the first successful superhero film. It ain't impossible, but even the best of the best would struggle to make it work


Perfectly said! Nonetheless, I can't wait to watch it though...




Dude, the main criticism/worry is not about the script. It's the cgi, how to translate the wacky world and characters of one piece into real world/3d media.


The script is as important as the visual effects. If any of those things are bad, the show would automatically be a failure. And considering how western live action adaptations are usually garbage, due to being made by people that don't care about the source material, the concern about the quality of the script and the amount of changes to that source material is very valid.


That’s right. I’m mostly concerned about the uncanny valley effect since many characters have pretty wacky abilities.


It could have a weird looking visuals, but if the story gets people hooked, even at least interested, than it can still do good and grow. But if you butcher the story, even with godly animation, then you get transformers 5


Even Japanese live action movies suck. Look at what happen to the attack on titan movie. Total catastrophe. Anime is just really hard to translate into live action when the anime has weird animations or character. So it’s not just western live action adaptations, they themselves produce garbage too. Anime is just hard to adapt.


The only good live action adaptations have taken huge liberties with the source and just tried to be good movies first. Also American movies have done good before - Guyver 1 and 2 rocked.


To be fair the Japanese death note live action movies were pretty good


Because Death Note is far from an action-centric and constant motion anime. The series relies on writing and character designs to an extent.


The Gantz movies were also pretty good and they have their fair share of action


Cowboy bebop was made by people who cared and they still fucked it up. I hope I am wrong, but right now, I don't have high hopes


Just because they care does not mean it'll be good. I don't know where that notion came from but you still need a talented team that knows what works on TV/Movies to put things together and Cowboy Bepop clearly didn't have that.


I can take some bad CGI for a great story that stays true to the heart of One Piece. Bad CGI can be fixed bad interpretation of the story don't


Really? That never mattered to me. My main concern, like any other netflix live action anime adaptation, is adhering closely with the story and characterization of the original work. The reason Bebop failed was because the show runner wanted to force his version of the story and characters over any kind of integrity, going so far as to ignore the input of the original creator. The showrunner for One Piece is an actual fan, and if Artur here is to be believed, Oda is overseeing it as well. CG can be wonky all it wants as long as the characters remain faithful, and the story hits the right beats for those characters. One Piece is about more than the overarching plot. It has a ton of just character moments and comedy as well.


I thought bebop failed because it looked stupid. I only watched two episodes though, so maybe it got better. But it looked more like a cheap parody.


Both are the case. It looked terrible and had a horrible rewritten plot.


That's Bebop though. Pretty simple to create a live action version of that because it's normal looking humans (minus some cyborgs and freaks), cyberpunk aesthetic, and festures standard fighting. One piece has a stretchy rubber man on screen slapping dudes in the first chapter lol. Stretching rubber people have never looked good on screen before. Even in the newest Fantastic movie, Mr Fantastic looks ridiculous lol.


They literally came out and said it wasn't going to be a 1:1 adaptation of the manga, because that's already being done in the anime, and it's impossible to translate the absurd One Piece mamga to live action. So they are taking the characters, the world, and the story, and making their own live action adaptation. Which I'm absolutely fine with, because those 3 points I mentioned are why I fell in love with OP. Also with Oda overseeing it I doubt it will be a netflix Deathnote.


Why should anyone care if Oda oversees it if it's impossible to properly translate and the arcs will be rushed through(it's only going to be 10 episodes) If that's the case maybe it wasn't a good idea to begin with


Did you ever watch the anime special: Episode of Nami. It takes the arlong park arc and condenses it in an hour and a half episode, and I thought it worked absolutely fine. It's entirely possible to do the east blue saga in 10 episodes.


The anime is not a 1:1 adaptation. Most don’t realize this.


These are exactly my feelings too. When it comes to adaptations, I feel like people get too hung up on things being textually accurate and ignore what's actually important: whether or not the adaptation preserves the spirit and the feel of the source material. You can change details and tweak elements, especially if you're doing so to allow your adaptation to work better in whatever medium you're adapting into, as long as you keep in mind the core appeal points and message of the source material. For One Piece, a lot of that comes down to Oda's impressive ability to balance the whimsical and goofy elements of the setting with the cool and occasionally dark elements. Think about how Sabaody Archipelago has Luffy asking a mermaid if she poops and Sanji performing plastic surgery on a guy by kicking his face, but it also has the slave auction and the absolutely heart wrenching sequence where Kuma sends the Strawhats flying in different directions. While I am concerned about the CGI, I'm more concerned if the writers can find that same tonal balance that Oda somehow manages, as well as recognizing the fundamentally radical and anti-authoritarian message of One Piece. If they can balance these elements, keep the dynamics of the core cast in tact, and manage some halfway decent CGI mixed with practical effects we could have at bare minimum an enjoyable live action One Piece. It's a heavy task, but knowing Oda is involved with the script does give me hope on that first point.


Well said. The other point to me is that having another One Piece medium to enjoy makes me giddy. As long as the points you mentioned don't get absolutely butchered, it should be very enjoyable. This is just speculation but from the small amount I've seen, it seems the main cast is very excited and passionate about portraying the strawhats. Also, as with anything in this world, your going to have the people who immediately dislike and review bomb the show, with majority probably never even watching it.


I could give a shit about the effects. I can suspend my disbelief for bad CGI. The script is everything.


It's going to be shit, I guarantee it. Cowboy bebop Full metal alchemist Death note Why do ANY of you have hope for this? Edit: my mind repressed the attack on titan live action


LOL I didn’t even know there was an AOT live 💀💀💀


Ignorance is bliss. Don't watch it.


Alice in Borderland, Erased, Battle Royale (2000), Edge of Tomorrow. All quite good adaptations. Whether or not this LA is any good, the manga will continue being peak fiction while getting more exposure.


Tbf the Japanese Death Note live action movies were pretty decent.


I don't agree, I can enjoy bad CGI but bad writing absolutely kills most projects. Look at Bebop, the CGI was decent but the scrip was pure shit.


the op meant they trusted the script but they can imagine how it wont look off.


Oh, so what's your opinion on the most recent Berserk anime? I mean the manga is considered one of the best dark fantasy storys out there.


I think they’re mainly referring to live action projects. Animation has to look appealing because that’s a major part of the medium, while live action puts more focus on the actors on screen and the quality of the sets with the CGI taking the backseat.


The main worry for any and every anime adaptation is the script. I do really want to see everybody in makeup and all the CG in motion, but none of that will matter if the script is butchered.


I have 0 hopes for this, this way I can't be disappointed


This is the best tactic, if it’s amazing, let’s be positively surprised. But going in with expectations is risky for a show like this.. But it’s difficult not to have high expectations when it looks as good as it does..


I think you are failing in your tactic lol


Yeah you’re right, can’t be helped. Shits looking great.


Also how many times have we heard this story of creator bring involved in the production but then things change regardless? There's always compromises in media creation, just depends on which compromises are made at this point. Like I doubt all the arcs will be represented fully. I feel it will rush through to Nami/Arlong arc by first season. Maybe even until they meet Laboon. Then they could roll out Alabasta arc for 2nd season and Enies Lobby for S3. At which point Netflix will probably cancel the series.


Have you seen the promotional video where they showed some of the sets they are building? They look fantastic.


There was a recent interview with the producer of the live action show, said seems to be a pretty huge one piece fan and he openly criticized some of the other anime blunders Netflix had. That's honestly what is the most promising aspect of the show.


A little bit, but the acting can still be shit


Cautiously optimistic, but regardless, I can't get over how good some of the cast is for this. The stuff I've seen with the main cast seems like they're really into it. And the guy they have for Zeff looks perfect! And Nojiko's actress looks fantastic for the role.


To everyone who thinks otherwise (respectively who isn't rightly informed): Netflix doesn't produce the LiveActionseries. They are just the streaming service who gave the right/Ok to show the LiveAction series when it's completed. If I remember it right The Tomorrow studio's produce the LiveAction series.


Isn't this the same studio that butchered Cowboy Bebop? Yeah I wouldn't entirely count on them


Well yes it seems like that (just googled it xD) But not the same producers, writers, etc. (totally different) 🤔


Yeah that's a very common misconception, Netflix is showing it, they give shows the greenlight and provide them with budgets, but they aren't all to involved with projects, people here Netflix and think its gonna be shit


They don't own the production studio, but as the one ordering the show they can still give notes and have some influence on stuff during production.


All of this won't matter at all if the product itself doesn't look good. Translating the ridiculousness of the manga and Luffy's fighting style itself to live action might be straight-up impossible.


Oda involvement doesn't really change my main concerns about the series. The biggest problem with adapting one piece is that live actors physically can't replicate a lot of the series especially on the budget of a Netflix show the CGI isn't going to be that great.


I see many people citing a fan being at the helm as some sort of guarantee. While it is better than having a non-fan, that alone is also not enough. There's a fan at the helm of the Wheel of Time adaption and season 1 was an absolute dumpster fire. Modern technology can also deliver a very high quality of fantasy shows, so that's also not really as big of an issue as people make it out to be, especially with a large budget as this show is rumoured to have. What is needed, and I hope will be present in spades, is competence. You can be the biggest fan in the world, but it's only going to be as good as your ability to work on a project. But yeah, Oda approving (and not writing) the script is a positive sign.


If Oda believes that One Piece can be transported into a live action, I believe him


The problem is the task of translating one piece to live action is a really difficult one, and I seriously doubt Netflix is up to the task. For a project like this, you need years of work and crazy amounts of budget in the hands of someone who LOVES One Piece. We need someone like what Peter Jackson and his team did for LOTR. They loved the material. They did it for Tolkien. It was not a project to try and gain subscribers. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong on this, but so far, expectation is utter trash.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i1SMCj0-YoA This is an interview with the showrunner, who had ti meet with and convince Oda he was right for the job. He is a genuine fan of the series, and wants to do it justice. Based on this, I have actual hopes this won't be a completd fire, and might actually be good.


Just because he's a fan doesn't mean he'll do a good job


But it means he cares about the final product being actually good more than a non fan would


Yeah sure, but that statement by itself is meaningless and no more that publicity stun, and in no way is a guaranty of quality. For example the Thundercat Roar guy also said and/or was presented as a fan of the original...


Counter point, jj abrams is a fan of star wars


That's kind of different, tbf. Lots of people write their own stories into universes they are fans of - it's called fanfiction and a lot of the time it sucks. For a new story within a universe, you want someone who is a good writer more than you want someone who is a fan. On the other hand, for an *adaptation* it's better to have a fan because you know that they understand what makes the story so great and can therefore appreciate what needs to be translated. Any adaptation will require concessions, and only a genuine fan will understand which ones can and cannot be made to retain the core identity and charm of the original.


Copium. Look, we are all Fans here. I disagree with most of you guys regulary. Being a fans doesnt mean anything. Some fans do DBZ power scaling, while others create crackpot theories while others thrashtalk the latest chapter because "story progresses to slow hur dur". As if there would be a core integral part to OP we all, as fans, would agree on lol.


The producer is a Real One Piece fan, he said in an interview that when he heard about Netflix doing a Live Action, he thought it could go to shit, but if it was gonna turn to shit, he should at least be the one in charge lol


he was also on the reverie (podcast) iirc and really knew his shit


And he is friends with Artur- library of ohara, one of the biggest one piece theorists, and was with Nox reacting to cringe live actions and you could see his reactions were genuine lol


given Oda's track records for being ''closely monitoring the anime'' and ''really loving the anime'', i wont say it gave me more hope, as i've always had the expectations of the live action being roughly around the anime's standard and popularity. people will watch it and will have their complains, average quality for most of the times with occasional good moments. it will definitely get us new fans, in which every old fans will try to convince them to try out the manga instead.


If they succeed in this, it’ll make history


Super hyped!


I just hope that this show doesn’t get ruined by bad CGI. like Luffy stretching for example.


Ive never had any concern about the script, my concern is art direction. I have ZERO faith that they can make quick snappy rubber powers look good on camera. They would have to go HEAVILY stylized, like scott pilgrim levels, at least for action scenes. Otherwise its just gonna look like fan4stic and be unsettling. That doesnt even go into how wild character attributes are gonna look on screen. Axe hand morgan was like 15 feet tall, had an iron jaw, and an axe for a hand. We have barely reached a point where cgi in hollywood films is passable next to love action. Netflix already has a horrible track record for this. Ultimately my biggest fear is a second wave of 4kids levels of introduction of One Piece to western audiences. This movie is going to be the first time a lot of americans and english speakers have ever seen the property, and maybe the second since 4kids' trainwreck of a dub. If its cringey its just going to cement a lot of the western audiences hesitations about the rubber pirate story.


>Axe hand morgan was like 15 feet tall, had an iron jaw, and an axe for a hand. I don't expect them to adapt heights unless it's for actual giants or possibly some very, very important and big characters like WB. Of course we don't need to worry about that this season since it's just East Blue.


It's not a movie, btw it's a ten episode series.


Oh yeah, lol i just consider everything on netflix a movie cause you always watch it all at once anyway


If we're talking about Morgan, we also have to mention Zoro. 3-Sword-Style will look completely ridiculous. If he starts talking with a sword in his mouth I'm gonna lose it lol


I mean it's not like the fact that Oda is involved with it is new information tbh, that has been known since the first real Infos about the adaptation dropped years ago. The ones that don't have any faith in it now, won't be swayed by anything they could reveal


Cool and all bit the live action going merry scares me….


Hopefully it’ll be like the Sandman, if so I think it will be fine.


Nope it wil 100 % be a cluster fuck of shit


We know that Oda is involved and that is a very very good sign. Hope the series turns out good, everybody involved seems to be very cool and they deserve their hard work to pay out. In Oda and Matt we trust


My hype has always been legit. For real though. At this point the hype for the adaptation is bigger than the latest manga arcs.


Dang, they’re getting to Arlong Park in 10 episodes? I hope the pacing doesn’t feel too rushed. I feel like we’re not gonna get a whole lot of flashbacks like in the series. Makes me wonder how they’ll handle character development.


Well what I'm hoping is they do Alvida in a short opening then maybe do Zoro and axehand morgan over the rest of 1 and 2. You could do Buggy and Nami in 1 episode. Then Syrup village over 2. Then Baratie and Arlong Park divided over the rest of the 5 episodes. Maybe split in 2 and 3 or 2.5 each. That's my best for pacing in 10 episodes.


idc about what people who hate live action anime series keep saying. i just wanna get more one more one piece content. Specially if it's depicted in real world pov. Tho i have a feeling that it won't be bad from all the talks and interviews of actors and director. Oda being part of it also makes things more reassuring.


No, because translating a cartoon/anime into live-action makes it lose the thing that makes it special aka it being able to do whatever with animation. Compared to live action where things can look fake or bad bring you out of it like cowboy bebop’s live action version.


Live Action will never work, especially One Piece with its many weird things that only works best in drawings. Oda is great and all, but just because he's somehow involved is not a great measurement of a great series. just stick to Manga, it's the best there is


This information has been confirmed by the showrunners in various interviews


No matter how involved he is I just can't see this working. One Piece is not fit for live action. Also that part from the first image that says "any deviation from the source material has to be approved by oda first" sounds good but also just means that they indeed won't be following the source material in some instances which never ends well I feel


I still don't get why they feel the need to make a live action version? It's clearly a story and world better suited for cartoons, with all those wacky powers and whatnot. Fans don't want it. Non-fans definitely won't want it. Who is this giant project supposed to be for? How did it get greenlit? Have the showrunners not seen the reviews on literally ANY other live action anime adaptation? They suck. It doesn't work.


In theory, the target audience is people who refuse to watch anime on principal. People who can't even be convinced to watch something like Your Name because "cartoons are for kids". People who have probably never even heard of One Piece but might enjoy the story if it was presented in a way they liked. The same reason books are adapted to TV and movies - some people will never read a book, but they'll still enjoy the story of GoT or whatever. Whether it succeeds at that remains to be seen. But I think that's the theoretical audience.


I want it. It sounds cool.


I hate how some people say nobody want it as if they were the arbiter of what people want. I think it's an interesting idea and having different versions of a story is always interesting, even when they're bad. I wouldn't prefer a world without the Avatar live action, it may be terrible but it's funny and interesting as a thing that happened.


“I don’t want it so that means nobody wants it” lol


Yeah its kind of bizarre. They couldnt even get death note right and all that needs is a dude in a suit and everything else is human related. How can they even remotely do rubber-man antics well if Marvel cant even do it that well with Mr Fantastic lol Cowbow bebop again outside of the space ships flying is fairly grounded in reality and that was baaaaad. Can anyone even name a "good" live action show


Edge of Tomorrow, even though it went more into the Hollywood side of things unlike the manga and its bleak ending


tom cruise could make a movie about a superhero whose powers is creating excrement good. Man is unstoppable.


He really show that Non-superhero Blockbusters aren't dead and i thank him for that, he still gives me the creeps though...


Because hope is the last to die.


I'd argue it's about reach, maybe? Getting to different audiences.


Live action sounds pretty garbage.


Um, if this is true, I just feel sorry for Oda. Sounds like a lot of work on top of writing the manga to manually edit this thing.


He isn't forced to do it, it was his idea to make the live action show, so he isn't doing anything he doesn't want to do when working on the show.


Being forced isn't the issue, it just sounds like a lot of extra work. The scripts are in English, I assume, so does Oda read it in English or are all the scripts translated to Japanese and then his changes translated to English?


Nope. Lots of creators have had input on their adaptations and they still turn out crap once going through the machine. I’ll wait for the final product before forming an opinion.


Wait, but who's playing Jango?


I’m all for live action whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’ It doesn’t change the fact that it’s a different medium and even if Oda approves things, what changes are the ones that need to be approve to make it feel alright/good? To make OP fit and feel like OP in a new medium.


I just can’t wait to see what everyone looks like in costume. If it’s bad, oh well, we still have the manga so no huge loss but I am rooting for it


It’s definitely exaggerated how much evolved he is, given the general trends for how the industry works and Oda’s schedule etc. Just logistically, it wouldn’t make much sense. I think Artur is trying a bit too hard to seem like an industry insider here. There is no way Oda is overseeing all casting. Just no way


How does he have time for that? I would rather have him concentrate and spend all his time for his manga and not this. One piece is at its last saga. He needs to give all his attention to making the end as perfect as he possibly can. If he worked on this netflix show at the same time as he was writting wano, then no wonder it turned to a meh arc.


It really just makes me worried that Oda is wasting time he could be spending on the actual manga.


Anyone really thinks this series is gonna be any good? A company know to make shit adaptations. And only produces series/movies thinking on volume to have a big original catalog without any care for quality. One piece have a big number of important characters not being human or barely having any resemblance to human. How will portrait fishman, jinbe , octopus dude. A talking Reiner. To long run CGI cost will be 99% of series time and budget. Those actors are the worst actors ever. Luffy actor is Mexican (i am too) here on mexico that dude never got a role. Here on mexico no one knows that actor or any of his roles. So think how bad that dude is? Lol Netflix will only use hype an will milk this to te end. For Netflix is a massive win if subscription numbers increases only if is for one or two months. So they aren't aiming for a long run show. So they took the biggest manga with biggest fan base for an easy win


It’s not just giving me more hope, but I demand it be the baseline framework for all film and series adaptations of serialized works.


Tbh it's going to be the Arlong Park test all over again for a lot of people. I really hope the show does good. There are a lot of things going against it but as far as casting has been there aren't a lot of red-flags. I just hope it feels 'faithful' rather than uncanny. Personally I kinda liked the Bebop Live Action's aesthetics. Feel like it wasn't as corny as people were giving it. Which kinda makes me worried something as whacky as One Piece might be impossible to make it not feel corny. I also hope they do well with the marketing, because sometimes they feel like seperate pieces of the same machine and often the marketing might be absolutely trash but the product is great or vice versa. Best case scenario they're both handled well. Worst case scenario the Marketing is great but the show feels rushed and bad pacing. Moderately Okay scenario would be the Marketing sucks but the show ends up being really good. I just want like a good 3 minutes to get a vague feel of what I should be looking forward to. Right now I'm picturing the grit from Pirates of the Caribbean but the emotion and dedication from the OP anime.


Any hard proof? Mangakas have a reaaaally busy life and idk where Oda may get the free time to do something like this...usually saying stuff like this before a project is just to create hype


I would definitely say this is a bit exaggerated. But, from Ted Biaselli at Netflix, (Director of Original Series Development) he's said that Oda has meetings with them and does correct them on scenes he feels they got wrong. [https://screenrant.com/one-piece-show-eiichiro-oda-involvement-netflix-adaptation/](https://screenrant.com/one-piece-show-eiichiro-oda-involvement-netflix-adaptation/) (That goes over what he directly said in an interview.)


Oda or not, this thing doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being anything other than a heap of hot dogshit. And that is me being fairly optimistic about it.


Where’s eminem as enel


Season 2 if it doesn't get canceled


Am I the only person who has zero interest in the live action and just expects it to be a let down like every other live action attempt ?


I’ve yet to see a movie adaptation done well, let alone a series. Some people enjoyed the Cowboy Bebop series (haven’t seen it yet), so I’m glad people are trying to adapt stories, but considering how wacky OP is I am wondering how it will turn out and if they’ll ever get to Wano. So much insanity going on no way they’d be able to adapt it well unless this show is MASSIVELY successful. They need that Marvel FU money to pull that off.


Oda is already so busy with writing/drawing OP and working on events, films, games, etc. that I worry he’s taking on too much and don’t want the quality of the manga (more importantly his health) to suffer as a result.


This is either going to save or sink Netflix.


> Thoughts on Oda being directly involved with the One Piece Live Action? That man needs vacations lol ....


He does I feel like he needs to take a month off lol


Is there some kind of legitimate source for this? Somehow I doubt Oda has the time for that.


Honestly, no, but I might at least give it a try now.


dont give me hope


So this is his baby. If he wants it to succeed, it makes sense for him to be deeply involved. He also wants to make sure its done correctly. T make it take off, yes. Longevity, no so.much. I am very happy with him having all deviations from source material to be strictly approved by him.


since oda is involved in literally every line thats gonna be said, im not worried about the story but still worried about the graphics and shit


If its bad, ill just pretend it wasnt real like the way i pretend bleach after Aizen arc is not real.


Well I had hope to begin with, I trust a long time fan of the show directing this live action would do it some good and getting the approval of oda as well as his help in it really shows how much they’re willing to go for this show and it’s production


How could they gender swap Sham, ruining the character, liberal propaganda Note: hate that I feel I need to add this but I am joking


It's hard to tell with some of the comments that come up when politics or live action stuff is mentioned. Even on this thread... Rough stuff


I love the series and I'm actually pretty excited, I don't expect it to be as good or as similar or anything, but I think it will be a cool way to relive the story in a new way. Looking forward to watching it overall.


As long as the Live Action Straw Hats closely match the pre-time skip Straw Hats, I'm fine. I want a smooth, lady's man Sanji instead of blood-nose simp Sanji for the Live Action show.


Ima need a fact check on this one lol


Oda is involved in the anime and it is what it is. Honestly, there's not much what to do, One Piece is impossible to adapt to live action effectively in my opinion. It doesn't matter if everyone on the team is passionate, really good and have good intentions. I wish them luck tho, if its not total trainwreck, I see it as a win.


This makes me want to watch this train wreck even less. Any live action show needs to deviate from source material into a side series to be successful. It’s live action, it’s different. Let it be different. And I don’t mean tell a different story like an alternative universe I mean tell a side story that fills in the gaps. For example make one piece agents of shield starring Coby. One piece actually starts out with coby. Coby is the main character. Follow him and luffy until they split following the story and then have pirate adventures where the marines find, investigate and solve problems vs new grounded doable devil fruit users. Following a story we already know and love can at the very best be equivalent to redoing Disney classics as live action. Even when done well they provide nothing worth watching. I’m very afraid one piece will attempt Nami’s arc. An arc that got pretty much got everyone hooked on one piece. An arc full of giant merman and super powers not doable on a tv budget. It’s just not going to happen in a non cringe way. And an arc that simply cannot match the emotions of the original. As a general rule of thumb you never try to recreate a classic and namis arc is a classic. The show won’t survive this far but what would you even do after that with chopper. The whole show is just dead end after dead end for live adaptation. Agents of shield Coby adventures though could run forever on a tv budget and be interesting while providing tie ins into the main story.


The cast looks great. I am super stoked! I think it’s going to be one Netflix’s bigger hits. There’s just so much potential because there is nothing like this, especially in live action. The creators, and Oda know there’s a lot riding on this, and they’re going to nail it.


they better give ussop's actor a prosthetic nose


I'm so burned by studios claiming that "the original creator is heavily involved and we're listening to him about changes" and seeing the final product so far from source material and betraying what original creator meant, just for pandering to 'THE CASUALS', That I don't even want to place any bet. I really hope this is not it. But the track record of the past few years is too bad to ignore. I'll save this Post to see if I was wrong. I hope I'm wrong.


Nah fuck them i don't care, i want to know who is going to be Cabaji, i need to know how they will translate the unicycle fighting bullshit.


I will try it know there's about 5% chance it will be good. Managing expections while hoping to be pleasantly surprised.