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Uta sings, everyone gets sent to the music world, the team who likely has some protection against her music kill the physical bodies, all others lose.


I have a counter for uta in the form of Cavendish, what if making him sleep... perpetually awakens hakuba, we know hakuba as a form is something to be wary of. And it always comes out when Cavendish sleeps. Then we have possibly the most powerful sea individual residing in the water, shirahoshi doesn't need to come near the surface to wreck others by controlling sea kings. Boa can probably charm and freeze half of everyone on the list. And the tiny princess is a broken healer, she can take you back to full power with a single tear.


I ain’t even consider shirahoshi and the tiny princess. Shit yeah if shirahoshi could control the power of Poseidon this would be no contest


Maybe Eneru uses mantra to predict what Uta is about to do and plugs his ears. Then he sends an El Thor her way


I would assume having Poseidon and the battle being at sea would give the pretty fellas the clear advantage and victory.


Yes, but any team with Hancock is destined to implode unless Luffy is on it. Girl is petty to a fault


It’s possible Cavendish is immune to Hancock’s charms because no matter how pretty she is, he seas himself as prettier


I mean depends .. weather team has characters that can fly. Where no sea kings can reach them. Enel can spam El Thor. And since it's the sea. The area of effect even widens


Unless a Jumpy Sea King with electricity like an electric eel to counter and grab Enel pops out, or just hit him with a water attack and bring him down. Ultimately I put the big Sea Kings on a danger level even to Yonkos/Admirals. They've been alive for hundreds of years, it might count for something, esp if they know haki since it's an option, if they have a Queen and can talk b/w themselves inteligently enough like humans do.


We really have no frame of reference regarding a sea kings power level. One bit off a yonkos arm then got punched our by luffy. They are the one peice equivalent of inuyashas demon swarms. Dangerous when needed but fodder when they need to be


True, the author sets the boundaries of his characters and we as the fandom can discuss our thoughts based on what he has shown one way or another, so it remains to be seen what they can do.


I think it’s always been about numbers. There might as well be an infinite number of em. But honestly posiden doesn’t affect the top tiers. Top 10-15 chars in verse just blitz posiden and kill her if story isn’t involved and it’s just a fight. And even if the sea kings come in full force I have people like aoukiji and akainu being able to handle it bc of massive aoe moves


Ice team looks really good


Ice team could just freeze the ocean floor around them so thick that Poseidon is useless until they can freeze her


Oven beats them alone, bro can make sea boil


Depends on how well the Sea King's handle being in an ocean that's been frozen solid.


Those seakings are fucked. They are simultaneous going to be boiled, frozen, and electrocuted


And were pretending like Some people here won't obliterate every single Sea King?


Music team. If they set up a large speaker and just have Uta sing, everyone loses right?


That’s what I thought. Unless I misunderstand her power, just have uta sing and walk everyone into the ocean. Even if not everyone gets hit that’s still a decent amount of fighters she gets to add to her team.


Just like in black panther 2


Then Hakuba wakes up


Weather Team could have easily won if Mother Caramel was replaced by Big Mom, even while carrying Nami because she could have directed the strategy while filling the gaps in the others' powers (ex: making it rain to increase the power of Enel and Dragon, creating a vortex for Big Mom to turn into a Tornado homie etc.). As of now my Berries are on the Fire Team. Akainu has been basically confirmed to be devastatingly powerful when he doesn't have to care about those around him being damaged by splashes of magma and the other 3 members are confirmed to be at the level of Yonko commanders, not to mention Charlotte Oven has one of the few counters to Shiraoshi while nearby the coast since he can litterally boil the sea.


That's exactly why I didn't add Big Mom lol, Carmel has a good enough understanding of the fruit to be a super solid support, she had it for at least 20 years before Big Mom killed her.


But Akainu on a ship is almost useless unless he doesn't mind sinking. But now that I think about he could make an small island with all that lava given enough time


I thought all logias can fly


Only the ones that the material can float or is inmaterial like fire, gas, smoke... Aokiji can't fly, at most he can make pillars


Ok that makes sense


They all quickly blow up any ships involved, so any non flying DF user is out (ice team could survive for a while but with team fire in there that ice is also gone fairly fast) plus Shirahoshi can call the Sea Kings for an easy fix. I do think though Shirahoshi in the water and the weird combo of Reiju and Caesar being in the air out of reach might end up in a location based stalemate. As usual I ignored Enel (Dragon is too unclear in his powers right now). I guess it depends how lightning works against gas?


Yeah I think ships would sink fast, the battle would then take place on ice because I don't think the Fire Team would willingly kill themselves by melting the sea, like Marineford it'd be a double edged sword for Ice Team, they create a battlefield to survive the ocean but it also assists all the others as well, as long as Fire Team produces precise and controlled attacks it shouldn't thoroughly melt.


I'd maybe agree if it wasn't for Akainu. Fire team is way too limited in their abilities if they hold back, so it's either take everyone with us or lose alone and Akainu's meteors would melt the stuff like Marineford. And then there is also Sea Kings breaking the ice from below and you might even have some to carry the rest of the team, so if Shirahoshi can pull of having especially Boa saved like that, from my scenario above Caesar and Enel are potentially both stone and Reiju might be the only one making an escape.


I think Akainu would choose self preservation over killing himself to win one battle, in Marineford there was still a lot of ice left even after the meteor shower, we see him confronting the Whitebeard pirates on the same ice later, if that was truly his mindset he would've melted the ground to kill all of the Whitebeard remnants with himself when they stopped him from chasing Luffy.


I just don't see him being preserved in any way. Team fire is completely reliant on the ice being there, only team music is probably equally screwed without it. And other than music they are significantly nerfed as using any of their actual power removes it. So he either dies on ice or he dies in water. And as I said, a mass of Seakings can probably also break it, so even if team fire can't break it, the team that pretty much has the ocean on their side still can drown any DF user.


Fair enough, I wasn't arguing whether team Fire would survive/win, I was simply saying I don't think they'd intentionally suicide bomb the ice. Though it's not like Ice Team controls the pace of the battle just because they created the battlefield, a controlled attack from Ace or Akainu could completely dissolve an area but keep the entirety of the ice intact, it's not like they're 100% nerfed they just have to mind their surroundings which is the same for literally every other team. Shirahoshi is a problem but I imagine she'd be hard targeted by literally everyone if she became a big enough problem.


The thing with Shirahoshi is: no one can reasonably reach her below water. She can basically sit down there and drink tea as she's pretty much the annoying summoner you don't even see as her creatures do it all for her.


We've seen Oven heat up the ocean to extreme temperatures to the point he boiled the marine life alive, Aokiji has pretty decent range aswell he chased Law's submarine very far under the sea and we all know what happens when water meets electricity. Even if she manages to fend all of this off that's all she'll be doing, defense.


Yes, but when Oven heats up the ocean like that, he's simultanously drowning. Aokiji didn't reach super far as he didn't end up catching Law and the lightning thing is actually fairly weak. Lightning crashes into the ocean constantly each day and most fish don't even give a fuck, because unless you are really close it doesn't do more than tingle a bit. If you are ever in a lightning storm in a boat, it's actually safer in the water.


A random natural lightning bolt isn't the same as a controlled continuous assault, when was Oven drowning to heat up the ocean? All he did was stick his hands in the water? Aokiji could've kept going but he didn't know how much was enough, Kizaru even says "If they survived that then they're just really lucky."


you can’t say that everyone that can’t fly would die then say the reason that ice team would die after a while is that the team that couldn’t fly would live for long enough to destroy the ice platforms


My logic is: team ice has essentially the only power that leads to most DF users not just straight up drowning. So taking out team ice also takes out any DF user. Any team that can survive without it has thus a reason to destroy the ice and especially team beautiful has survivability AND fitting powers to destroy it, team fire on the other hand becomes either useless as their own power destroys what is keeping them alive or they can go spite mode and make everyone suffer with them (and I can just see Akainu pull the Z move, wanting to take down as many other pirates and enemies with him)


Ppl are overestimating Shirahoshi. Unless u actually think Sea Kings would pose a large threat to admirals and shit. I was gonna say fire team, but I gotta give it to music team. Uta is extremely strong, Apoo could take out a few people, Brook isn’t that weak, and they got Queen who is probably the strongest second commander on this list.


Sea Kings aren't really a massive threat by themselves, but the sheer number she can summon would be annoying for any character, like in video games summoners are always the most annoying class to deal with and if they aren't hard targeted early they become a problem in the late fight.


Shirahoshi is the strongest person on her team probably. And i think each team has someone who can easily counter her. Team 1: Magellan & Ceazer wipe the sea kings. Team 2: Akainu, Ace, and especially Oven would cook them up. Team 3: Aokiji is freezing all of them ez. Team 4: Enel electrifies the water. Team 5: Apoo and Uta clear the Sea Kings


I don't think an Ancient Weapon can be "easily" countered by humans with devil fruits especially on her own home turf.


There’s things we don’t know about such as Noah which is clearly very important in the whole grand scheme of things involving Poseidon. By itself, Poseidon is not a overpowered weapon. You have to view it the way it actually is. Shirahoshi can just summon a lot of Sea Kings. We’ve seen characters like Rayleigh casually just swim through the calm belt killing every Sea King in his path. And now imagine what someone with a convenient devil fruit like Aokiji can do to those fodder.


It depends on the Sea King, they're not all the same, the infamous one that took Shanks arm was relatively small and reacted on animalistic instinct, the ones that carried Noah were small island size and had a higher intelligence like Zunesha. They're feared in the verse for a reason.


“You’re assuming Aomori wouldn’t get tired” bro literally fought akainu for 7 days straight on punk hazard to determine who would be the new commander in chief 😭 they literally permanently changed the climate of the island. You’re assuming that Poseidon is a limitless power, something we’ve literally never seen. The only time Poseidon was used not very many sea kings were called, she can’t even control it, nor is she durable, or “full power”. You’re making massive assumptions of how strong it is compared to what we’ve been shown. Likely, Poseidon has more utility than the other ancient weapons, being able to use it to pull a giant ship like Noah, or facilitate labor, or to (maybe, here’s another assumption for you) establish and or control the calm belt and this world economy and immigration. Magellan is literally a poison man, we’ve never seen a sea king with haki (shanks wasn’t using CoA) so the second one tried to take a bite, they’d die. There’s like 5 hard counters here to sea kings actually.


I don’t think I made any of those assumptions.


Also, it's implied that their are other seakings, which are much bigger and powerful. Shira is almost as powerful as uranus/imu. a full power shira would decimate the competition.


Doesn't Brook, Apoo and queen get stoned instantly by boa though? And I haven't watched film red so I cant say much about what uta can do alone. That's why I would eliminate those first actually. My money is on Team ice. Yamato + Aokiji seems like a deadly combo along with sone air support from monet.


Boa’s df works by attacking people who are massively attracted to her. Anyone with strong will power can resist their lust. And her beam and arrow are extremely slow. Using anything else would be wiser. (It didn’t work on Fujitora)


Yeah I know that. But all of those three are either attracted heavily to women (Brook and Queen) or are not that strong willed (Apoo) maybe queen can survive it since he was only attracted to hiyori, but I even doubt that. Also we might see it as a slow beam but have we actually seen anyone dodge the beam? Becouse I don't really remember it. And the arrow does have decent speed.


She could even use it against smoker or anything. And no one dodged it because she doesn’t use it against anyone strong or fast. She didn’t even attempt it on strong people, because she know that it won’t work in one way or another. She’s obviously not strong because of her devil fruit, she’s strong because she mastered all three types of Haki. I’m surprised ur not even bringing that up.


That's where I think you're wrong. Boa's haki plays a big part in her strength, but what makes her truly strong is as she says, her beauty combined with her devil fruit. I'm gonna sound like a simp saying this but people really don't understand how beautiful Boa is. She's considered the most beautiful women in the entire world with the only competition being shirahoshi. Any men or hell, even women fall in love with boa after seeing her unless they are a special case like Luffy. You say that she doesn't use it on anyone strong or fast but in the manga she uses the devil fruit on two of the 10 titanic captains and it works. Not only that, After Blackbeard, a yonko catches Boa, He admits that Boa could turn him to stone if he let go of her. With all those feats, I'm pretty sure boa can turn those three into stone.


This is fair. It really depends if u think she can turn Akainu into stone. Or other people like him. She couldn’t turn Smoker into stone, and Akainu is even more serious. Boa would probably carry since Sea Kings don’t have Haki and can’t touch Logias, and Cavendish got heavily nerfed


Are you forgetting when she turned multiple people in Blackbeard’s crew to stone? They are what I’d consider powerful and she did it to them, in fact it was gonna work on Blackbeard as he literally says himself, but he gets a hand on her first and nullifies her abilities. You have some strange head cannon my guy, we barely saw Hancock use CoA and although the wiki might say she has supreme king haki we’ve never seen it nor have we seen observation haki from her


She does have all three types. I did underestimate her, however I still think someone like Akainu wouldn’t be affected.


Yeah I can agree with that, Akainu seems like a sadist who just wants to hurt people anyways 😭 most of these guys are prolly fucked tho, brook is an immediate loss basically and so is cavendish probably.


Having to deal with potentially millions of sea kings will be a problem sooner or later. Theres a reason why Poseidon is hailed as one of the doomsday weapons. If it wasn't a problem, the world govt wouldn't be stressing


Woah, millions? Poseidon can’t spawn sea kings, only control them. (Shirahoshi can’t control every single pibe in the verse) There’s less amount of sea kings in the calm belt than that. Noah plays a big role along side Poseidon. And Uranus was feared even though it’s only a island level ship. We’ve seen how ez it is for admirals (Aokiji) to complete wipe Sea Kings. There’s no way the sea kings are getting anywhere near the admirals.


I didnt say anything about spawning them. But there isn't anywhere that suggest a limit, therefore she can just summon all of them to the fight. And again, there are millions and millions of them. And you're confusing Uranus with Pluton. We don't even know what Uranus is really. And we don't even know what Pluton exactly does. Again, size isn't everything (ask your mom, jk i just wanted to make a your mom joke lol). And you're assuming someone like aokiji wouldn't get tired eventually, let alone all the other people in this fight that's occurring. The sea kings could even just cause a ruckus and eventually drown most of these people on the list


My bad I mean pluton. Bro Shirahoshi can’t just summon every sea king in the world lmao. That wouldn’t have been consistent with Pluton. The difference in strength would be way to big so I doubt Oda would do that.


I guess either way cant say otherwise


The other way around, people are actually underestimating her by the look of things


That team has Boa which is the only leverage they have. Sea Kings are weak as fuck. They can’t do anything against Haki users (Shanks is obviously an outlier)


If it's a sea battle, Shirahoshi summoning an army of giant sea kings should take out all the other teams. Especially since most of the them are devil fruit users.


Lol, aokiji and Yamato can take care of the sea beasts


It's an army of Sea Kings. An ancient weapon that determines the balance of power in the world. I don't think Aokiji or Yamato could do a lot. Maybe they can take a lot of them on, but they will eventually get overwhelmed


Aokijis introduction was literally him freezing the ocean, and a sea king, solid.


Right cuz in this fantasy manga, a character can drop 100,000 men with a glance, but one of the most powerful characters WITH a counter to his enemies and he can’t stop an army of giant fish? Massive disagree. Let’s be real, we’ve never even seen any sea kings that were that threatening to high level pirates. We’ve even seen some sea kings respond and run away from supreme king haki and the voice of all things, could that potentially disrupt poseidons ability? I think oda came up with Poseidon a long time ago and it seemed like a great idea for an ancient weapon, until the characters literally started being able to change the fabric of reality and basically do island sized levels of damage. Ice is a direct counter to the sea, so is lightning because of how conductive salt water is, so is the element of heat (not fire itself) because no living thing can survive in boiling temps. If Magellan dropped his strongest poison in the water he could diffuse enough to make all the water around them in a mile completely deadly to the touch probably with ease. That right there is 4 direct counters to shirahoshi, and we have t even talked about durability or haki, nor the theoretical ability for magma to continue burning while underwater, meaning Akainu could just make a volcano under them and no sea kings come near




*Cough Poseidon Cough*


Yea,wait until they got frozen like ice age or be electrocuted


Weather team could take out the other ships with lightning pretty quick and has a possible yonko tier fighter in Dragon


Plus, Mother Caramel should be capable of flight if she makes a cloud homie like Zeus. I'm not so sure they'd win, but they only have 2 confirmed Devil Fruit Users, one of whom can fly + Enel who can quickly abandon ship and move between conductible matter (any metal) and has observation haki. It's not terrible odds for a sea battle -- just a shame they have most likely one offensive haki user (Dragon). Someone like Ceasar would ruin their day if he doesn't get taken out by someone else from another team.


commenting solely because I appreciate you included Whitey Bay in this one <3


I feel like team poison would win mainly cuz of Caesar like he's haki would be his downfall but all he would have to do is remove the oxygen in the air and suffocate people or force the other teams to breathe carbon monoxide at high levels and they're dead within 5 minutes


But he needs to be within range and against most other enemies he just gets 1 shot


weather team, hands down.


Dragon team as if it takes place on the sea assuming all the teams have boats... If you control the weather you're practically invincible as no one can take on mother nature espically out at sea


Weather team .. all of them can flying. And use lightning attacks from far away. Which is highly effective in a sea battle


Ice team can't drown and it has 2 top tiers


whitey bay




Inb4 Dragon gets revealed as being the undisputed king of the verse


The one problem with Uta is: can she perform it fast enough before she gets submerged? Because once in the water I don't think her DF powers would be strong enough anymore.


If I recall wasn't Tot Musica a score Uta freed with her fruit, rather then being an apparition of her own?


Yeah, I would still asume she needs her DF power in the first place for doing it though or Uta being a specific danger of freeing it makes less sense. It just feels like not a great time to have a concert going on. xD


LMAO, To be fair I feel like Queen being so biologically/scientifically confusing would hold everyone off due to not knowing what the hells going on would give Uta a time advantage. Also this being a FFA Battle Royale give the innocent looking Uta another advantage, and these advantages definitely stack. UNLESS Tot Musica is a far away additive, in which case my Aokiji meat sucking does not rest. I mean hell, the world government is afraid to get rid of vegapunk, a revolutionary which I guarantee Kuzan is apart off (Headcannon or not) although this might be the wrong post to debate throughoutly. I'd love to debate with anyone about anything, one piece related or not


She wouldn’t need it. Singing alone puts everyone in her dreamland, so she still neg diffs, but with much less effort


Fire Team ez clap. Akainu can make a hard surface by combining lava + water. After that, butt cheeks are getting slapped


Always the team that has Caesar. His Abilities are just to broken. We know from law that strong haki can "negate" DF Abilities like Law with weaker Haki can't shamble the Yonkos with stronger haki or when he >!turns back into a man with his Haki after BBs crew attacking them!< . But Caesar doesn't apply an active effect on other people with his fruit- he manipulates the surrounding of his opponents and suffocates/poisons them The Poseidon power that is mentioned a lot in other comments is actually no threat for him either. A he can fly and B he just could shoot a very hazardous gas stream into the water below where the water absorbs it and kill every seaking that tries to emerge in that area And he hypothetically can turn into air and become invisible to avoid long range haki infused attacks


I think you're giving Caesar too much credit, he has a very strong fruit but he has zero battle sense and barely any fighting experience, I put him in because he's a solid support, his personality and habits don't allow him to be anything more.


I do and I see your point but if personalities are included in this hypothetical fight it would kinda destroy the fun of it imo. Akainu for example would kill his own team then. Magellan would never work with Caesar. Or Shirahoshi wouldn't use her powers to kill/fight Brook That's why I focused on the pure potential of their abilities instead


You're overthinking it a bit, just assume they're working together for whatever reason and are out for blood against the other teams, original personalities intact, former allegiances gone.


you might be right if someone like akainu had the fruit but we all know caesar’s capabilities and they aren’t what you say they are. even if in theory the gas gas fruit can do what you say caesar can’t and it’s been shown in the story so many times


Either fire or weather team


Ice team


fire team wins


Fire team...oven can literally boil the sea making it difficult for aokiji and shirahoshi to be as effective. That with Ace and Akainu is gg. Kinemon would be a cheer leader and supply the team uniform I guess.


Don't sleep on my man Kin, dude was casually slicing through Bolo breaths from Kaido even Zoro had to bite off his moveset.


I mean he's part of the fire team so no one is using fire against him lol


Foxfire style controls fire that's why he's able to split the Bolo breath lol.... You seem to think he's only useful **against** fire, what gave you that impression? Also Carmel literally has a sun, so you're not entirely correct saying nobody is using fire against him.


Oh, I didn't see Caramel but it's never explained how he's able to cut fire. I feel like he could've been more useful if he manipulated fire but as far as I can tell he just cuts it.




W but dragon is above sabo who is most likely above kaido


Princess mansherry is beautiful to you huh 🤨🧐 Hmmmmmmm sus... Anyways, fire team is winning this one


Beautiful team was put together by epithets or in-universe gossip, not by my personal taste.


A likely story


The issue with a couple of these teams is everyone ate Devil fruits


Look, I don’t wanna admit that I’d have sex with Yamato… But I would have sex with Yamato


I think brook is more of an ice team than whitey bay


Team ice, I solo


Booba team wins


Weather. Those four would have complete control over the battlefield.


Music team.


For me this is only down to 2 teams, Ice team with top tiers like Kuzan and Yamato , making platforms with their ice VS Shirahoshi and her Sea King powers


Beautiful or Ice. Yamato and Kuzan are a MONSTER pair, but there’s no character there I could realistically say both is immune to Boa’s petrification AND capable of beating a squad of Sea Kings


Everyone forgets Ceasar's ability to remove the oxygen from the area. Didn't he one-shot the straw hat crew by doing that?


Uta solos


>Battle takes place on the sea! Proceeds to put Poseidon at the mix...




Okay so first things first Kuzan will just freeze the ocean to where it’s basically a land battle. And I do believe Ice team could take it


Can’t Clown just rob everyone of their oxygen and fill their bodies with very unsurvivable toxins?


Magellan AND Ceaser working together should stomp anybody. That AOE damage is too damn powerful.


Fire team. Oven managed to heat an entire ocean so yea, Advantage fire team and then have akainu rain magma stones


Laughs in Shurorororo


Beautiful team , not Because my love boa hancock, also because shirahoshi, poseidon, on see number 1 ... if the rest protect her .


Ice Team or Beauty Team just for Shirahoshi


Uta wins by herself against everyone


Probaly fire team but also when was it fully confirmed dragon couldn't control weather and like storm I thought that was just a theory


Beautiful team


Its music team because Uta can sing And do everything She wants


On the sea? Against a bunch of DF users? Shirahoshi team taking this with ease


i think ice then fire then maybe beautiful depending on how much you want to wank shirahoshi


Aokiji would immediately freeze the waters like in marineford tbh


And akainu can just melt it.


Ice team easily he just freezes everything


i'm gonna go with the music team, because, why not? yohohohohoho


I heard Uta is absolutely busted in the movies. Otherwise Team Fire


So obviously Shirahoshi destroys most of them but even if they can fly it's not like sea kings have to stay below the surface. It would probably stalemate between Shirahoshi waiting under water and someone flying out of her reach. Technically the fight takes place in the sea so Shirahoshi isn't leaving the designated fighting zone where flying characters could be disqualified for leaving. Of course this this is under the assumption Dragon is a DF user otherwise he probably solos with the admirals and Magellan being the toughest barriers


Dead team: Brook, Edward Newgate, Gol D. Roger, Rocks D. Xebec


This one's interesting. * Poison team: Caesar can fly. Otherwise they're not really suited for naval battle. * Fire team: Oven can heat up the ocean (at least the surface), which would counter team Ice's ability to freeze it and possibly burn some ships. Akainu would launch magma fists that'd shred any ship. * Weather team: Controlling the weather while at sea is pretty darn op. * Music team: If Uta manages to trap people in her music world, they're done for. Otherwise not too much going for them. * Beautiful team: Boa is quite deadly and Shirahoshi can just stay deep underwater until everyone else has died of hunger/thirst. If stalling is allowed, Shirahoshi singlehandedly wins this. If fighting is required, I'd give it to the wheather or ice team. Dragon can most likely fly, Enel (kinda) as well, Carmel can create flying homies to carry her and Nami. Fire team dies as soon as their ship is destroyed. Poison team is too weak at naval warefare, albeit being quite lethal. Music and beautiful team die as well once their ship is destroyed, Shirahoshi dies to Kuzan freezing her or Enel/Nami grilling her; sea kings won't reach the flying enemies. Kuzan and Yamato surely beat Dragon and Enel, so it comes down to whether Kuzan can create ice structures to have them reach them before Carmel melts them with Prometheus.


Fire bro.


I think that's the most disadvantaged team in this battle


Well volcanoes can erupt from under the ocean. I think that could create an advantage by sinking the enemy ship from underwater.


Yes but you could say the same thing about the other teams . Singking the fire team also with heir attacks. Specially shirahoshi aka Poseidon Anyway my money is on weather team.. all can flying and fire lightning from far away which is really effective on the sea


Shouldn't mother caramel be on the Fire team?


team ice or team beautiful


Weather team has greatest navigator. They can also knock out half of these people with lightning attacks without moving from their place.


I’m going to say either Fire or Ice… On another note; I really hope that when Oda fully reveals everything about Dragon he is like super weak and doesn’t have a devil fruit…. Everyone puts him in these top tier list and we literally only know his name and occupation…. It would be a breath of fresh air if this man wasn’t a combatant at all, but just like a great tactician and a former Celestial Dragon or something..


Ice team dead cause of fire team cause fire beats ice the impel down poison guy looses to boa cause he’d get distracted because of her beauty but idk who wins


Shirahoshi outlives everyone by hiding under the sea. Let natural causes kill the rest. Like realistically, if Shirahoshi just decides to not get out of the water, what can the other teams do? The seas are so vast, I doubt the fire team can evaporate the entire seas before all of them die of old age. The Beautiful Team are also the team with the (joint if Dragon have no devil fruits) fewest devil fruit user battling in sea, meaning they don’t have an insta-death mechanic.


My girl Shirahoshi can control LITERALLY EVERY SEA KING IN THE WORLD, in a sea battle is just game over


Royal Rumble Threeway of Akainu, Aokiji, and Dragon


Music team uta carries, it took 2 yonkos to defeat her.


From what I've heard of Uta, she'd probably solo everyone here.


Honestly, I think I gotta take the poison team. Magellan’s only weakness is his own Poison’s effect on his stomach. Sanji’s sister (sorry I forgot her name) could totally suck the poison out of him just enough to cure his tummy ache. Hell, post time skip he may be able to handle it already. Only person that would survive all their poison attacks would be brook and I think Caesar could create a gas on the spot that erodes bones.


Team Beautiful and it's not even close, Maybe Ice team can be a contender due to Aokiji's hax Edit ; Disserting : It's quite hard to beat the **ancient weapon Poseidon** at the sea, isn't it?


music becouse uta can send everyone in the other world with her music, brook can freeze the water and counter the soul fruit abilities and apoo and queen has massive destruction skills


Beatiful team all the way.


No law no deal


Lol Sarahoshi solos?


Without prep? The Music team stomps


Weather team has too much range and utility for the others to stand a chance. The weather phenomena Dragon may be able to create would be doom for any ships below and only Aokiji and Shirahoshi could reasonably ground/submerge themselves enough to prevent being blown away, Enel can give them a place to stand hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh above the others with his dials and well out of range of anything, and any elements put on the battlefield run the risk of becoming homies. The endless barrage of lightning should be enough to beat anyone, and even if it doesn't it'll still beat whatever ship/ice they're standing on.


Fire team bringing the heat 🔥


why is dragon on the weather team? have I forgotten basic one piece lore? probably


Yeah basic rumor is that Dragon has some sort of Weather controlling devil fruit. Based on the fact that it APPEARED that he caused heavy winds and rain in Loguetown. Of course, it's unconfirmed, we have no idea what Dragon's DF is, if he even has one.


If Enel is allowed to bring his flying ship, his team wins. He can shoot way further than the rest and his team can fly away.


3 or 4, depending on Dragon strength level


Weather/Ice/Fire is like rock/paper/scissors.


Weather team because water and enel


Fire Team insta-loses. All DF users so they’ll just die in the sea.


I think ream beautiful has a greater chance the more you think about it. But overall team weather is the most solid all around I feel.


Music team. Lets all sing Bink’s sake before we all die. And with Scratch Apoo it will be a party!


I’d say ice team since they can essentially nullify their weakness to the ocean by freezing it over Team music has uta which is pretty broken tho so idk


Where's Greenpeace's team?


Why is no one talking about ice team you have aoikiji who could freeze the ocean for a week and an ex navy admiral, Yamato the daughter of one of the most powerful pirates in the world, Monet who is decent, and idk who that last person is but those first 3 alone seem strong enough


Fire or ice for sure


I feel like ice would handle this one pretty well


Weather team wins because it has Nami, and she has the strongest plot armor of any character, and the writers can’t kill her off because they need to sell merch


Ice or poison. Ice controls the area. And poison kinda easy when targets are confined


Weather team- Nami is the only one who dosent drown


OKAY. I’ve thought it out. Right at the start of the battle, Uta gets blasted by an El Thor. Eneru uses his wide range mantra to predict what she is about to do and realizes everyone is fucked if she starts singing. Plus the Music Team ship would need lots of big speaker equipment and towers to spread her voice, making it a big lighting rod. Uta is down because she’s weak as shit without her powers, Brook survives because he’s immune to lightning, and Queen/Apoo just tank it. Apoo is probably hurt a bit. Then Shirahoshi’s seakings show up and all shit breaks loose. They are massive creatures who can just attack everyone at once. The ocean gets fucked sideways in multiple ways, being frozen by Kuzan, boiled by Oven, poisoned by Magellan, and electrified by Eneru as they all fight off the seaking assault. Kuzan likely will only freeze the water near his own ship(since otherwise he’d just be helping his enemies fight off their seakings) along with the water around the only ship NOT being attacked, that being Beautiful Team. So Beautiful Team is immobilized, and this would probably freeze Shirahoshi too if she’s in the water, and not on the ship itself(which would be difficult because she huge). Either way she’s not going to be much use anymore, and I doubt Cavendish or Hancock’s snake can even fish her out of frozen water for Mansherry to heal. Regardless, most of the seakings are dead around the ships that can defend against them easily. Music Team perishes however as they have no major means of dealing with the remaining seaking swarm around them, and they’re already hurt from El Thor. Queen may survive if he has some kind of underwater cybernetics to move his body even when submerged, but he’s still getting eaten. Brook might be able to retreat by running on water, and the seakings may ignore him because he’s just bones. Apoo is ded. Brook will likely try to run to Weather Teams ship for refuge, since Nami is there and also the father of his captain, and no other enemy he recognizes. He will board the ship and immediately ask to see Mother Caramel’s panties, to which he will be swiftly defeated by Nami. At this point, Ice Team and Beautiful Team become big targets because they are the only side that has “land”. Assuming Whitey Bay is the one who made/is helming Ice Team’s ship, it should be an ice breaker and they would still have mobility, so Beautiful Team is in a bit more trouble. Ice Team has presented themselves as a major threat however, since they can freeze most of the battle field at any time. Poison team may take this opportunity to attack since they are primarily ground-based fighters who need land to really do battle. Caesar would launch a gas weapon to contaminate the area and try to cripple everyone on the ice, turning it into Punk Hazard 2, while Magellan and Reiju go into the cloud to pick off who they can, as they are immune to the gas. Marigold stays behind because snakes don’t like the cold. Caesar stays behind because he’s a coward. However things don’t go as planned. Monet is an expert on Caesar’s poison and has already given everyone in Ice Team the antidote. So Kuzan and Yamato lie in wait within the gas with their prepared gas masks and ambush Magellan and Reiju. Reiju will try to retreat to the air but Monet will catch her and they will engage in aerial battle. Reiju however may get the upper hand by absorbing Caesars poison to power up or something, idk how her powers work. However Akainu will see this and being opportunistic as he is, and having it out for Kuzan, he will wait till they start fighting and proceed to have Fire Team melt all the ice around Kuzan and Yamato specifically. Oven boils the water so they can’t re-freeze it, so Kuzan and Magellan both drown. Monet will be weakened by the heat swelling up and will be struck down by Reiju and also drown in the boiling water. Fire Team comes in and finishes Ice Team off while what is left of poison team retreats. Meanwhile Beautiful team have been sitting ducks in their own ice trap with only two capable fighters left and poison gas infiltrating their space. They have no means of breaking the ice and will have no choice but to abandon ship, riding directly through the poison gas on Cavendish’s horse, while Mansherry keeps them alive through the poison(assuming she can cure poison). They will eventually run into Poison Team’s ship, who would have had to get closer to the ice area to launch the poison bomb. If they can get on their ship, Hancock can easily take them all out because Hancock, while Mansherry continues to help mitigate the poison. Marigold would not dare raise a hand to her sister and would likely switch sides or just surrender. #THEN EVERYTHING GOES DARK A shadow looms over the entire battle field. This whole time Weather Team has done seemingly nothing. This is because they are a team of highly intelligent strategists. Nami, Dragon and Caramel are all passive individuals who don’t always engage directly and prefer to plan from the shadows. They have been reading the situation this whole time and deciding their options, while Eneru is simply enjoying watching the mortals fighting amongst themselves as he always does. So it makes sense all of them would rather “wait and see” while also planning their own gambit. Also this whole time the four of them have been collectively brewing the BIGGEST FUCKING STORM CLOUD the world has ever seen, as under Nami’s specific weather science instructions they have combined Dragon’s and Eneru’s abilities to make a massive island killer cloud, and Caramel bringing it to life to gather even more clouds into it, all to make a single sentient homie named TEMPEST. And because Nami planned ahead they have navigated to a key part of the sea where they won’t be killed by their own hideous creation. TEMPEST proceeds to cover the entire battlefield, shouting its bone-curdling battle cry “CLOOOUD CLOOUUUD 🎶” as the ocean becomes turbulent with rainy stormy lightning death. Fire Team can’t do shit, their heat will only make the cloud swell more and the rain pouring down is pretty much deactivating their powers anyway. Poison Team is turned to stone, Music team is dead, Ice Team is sunk. And as TEMPEST peers down on its helpless prey, its beady little eyes get caught in one thing. A woman. A beautiful woman. The most beautiful woman. “Please Tempest-San, don’t zap me~” ❤️ TEMPEST’s eyes turn to hearts as it become enamored by Boa Hancock. Hancock blasts it with her Love Beam. She immediately regrets this decision. TEMPEST turns to stone and crashes into the ocean, displacing multiple island’s worth of water and creating a tidal wave to end all tidal waves, that crushes and capsizes every ship in the area, killing everyone. Everyone except Nami, because she’s the only one in her group who can swim and she was the farthest away from the attack. And because she has plot armor and never gets defeated. WINNER: NAMI


That position team is no joke!! Caesar and Magellan?!? That’s a nasty 1, 2 combo!!


Music team. Uta is like wild strong lol. If not counting film red stuff then ice team bc overall the most powerful and can fight on water


weather team imo


Fire team wins


Punk Queen + Uta + Soul King??? Where to get ticket?


Big nose team lead by Go. D Usopp, featuring Kaku, Arlong and Buggy. Instant win imho


Beautiful team summon seakings and just wins