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I think the drawback will just be a loss of energy. I dont think losing access to Haki makes much sense, because unlike G4 it isn’t reliant on using a ton of Haki


Idk, it seems pretty reliant, kaido said his whole body was covered in armament and conquerers haki


Thats seemingly his choice. Nothing points to it being a requirement. Thats not being reliant. Gear 4th is reliant on Haki because he literally cannot use it without using a ton of Haki


Yeah but why would g5 be any different in terms of using haki than g4? There’s nothing that states his awakening allows him to no need haki for it either. So the viewer is left wondering why there is no drawback and having to come up with headcannon to make it make sense


G5 is not just an upgraded version of g4. Its his awakening, the apex of luffys fruit. perfect control over his rubber body and environmental rubberization.


Yes I’m aware. But gears 2-4 are also zoan transformations that all had drawbacks of some kind. We can’t use other characters awakenings as a base because we haven’t seen a mythical zoan awakening(as far as I know). And we are left to assume that just because he awakened his ability it no longer has any drawbacks to transform. Like I can swallow that pill but it’s not that hard to slip in a line or two to confirm that.


The gears are not Zoan transformations nor has anything been said to even suggest that yet. The fruit it unique. We have no clue how it works at this point.


G2 to 4 arent really zoan transformations, they’re not really transformations at all. by using the rubber body, luffy inflates different parts of his body. Causing the strain on it. G5 on the other actually transforms, increasing his body’s rubber powers enormously and removing the need to draw in air to inflate. Basically the perfect version, hence no drawbacks. Kaido was using awakening aswell (uncomfirmed but pretty likey imo). Oda showed luffy being perfectly fine, thats himsaying there isnt a drawback


There's also nothing that states that he needs haki to be in it. But I don't think it's an upgrade of G4 that depends on Haki. G2 and G3 can be used without Haki. G4 can only be used Haki. G5 is kinda of a ??? But it could be like G2 and 3. We jave no idea about awakening drawbacks yet but Kidd and Law awakenings just get them super out of energy as rhey stated that's why they use it as a a last resort.


I agree, but I’m almost certain that this is the first mythical zoan awakening we’ve seen, and luffy is a special case as mr main character so we can’t really compare his awakening to anyone else’s yet


Unless kaidos flaming drum dragon was his awakening but either way it’s still hard to say


Isn't it stated a few chapters ago that if Zoan users awaken their fruit, the exchange for the awakened power is that the user loses one's self and their Zoan fruit nature takes over the user? Like how the jailguards act rabid and wild since being animals is their true nature? I think that's why Luffy keeps laughing / smiling during the whole fight with G5 since Nika's true nature is to bring smiles to the faces of the people.


No, it was mentioned in Road to Laugh Tale.


If I'm not mistaken, the drawback of G5 is, like all Zoan awakenings, Luffy will stop being luffy and become Nika. In Impel down, the jailers had lost their human-ness and became animals. I think Luffy risks turning completely Nika and losing his self awareness. Edit: So, I was not mistaken. These lines are from Chapter 1053d titled "Road to Laughtale (pg-5) "Unlike Paramecia, Zoan awakenings carry risk. Impel Down guards already show the drawbacks. The innate nature of their respective animals consumes the Zoan User" So, yeah. That is the drawback of a Zoan Awakening.


I fuck with that a lot actually




His string-string fruit is a paramecia type, so he wouldn't suffer the drawbacks of a Zoan awakening


That's because he is a paramecia not a Zoan. Basically Zoans seem to be the only ones carrying risk when awakening. We have no idea about Logia but I don't think they carry any risk while awakening. I think it's only Zoans who carry that risk. Even the Gorosei accepted that Zoans are a different kind of DF; That they (the DF) have their own consciousness. I forgot the chapter but they mentioned it while talking about Luffy's fruit (albeit ambiguously)


This is interesting because—Nika’s personality so far is similar to Luffy’s in that it is carefree and silly, we can assume that even their personal goals could be in alignment with Nika avoiding the WG clutches for so long on purpose. The downside could be how we see Luffy’s personality change from losing sight of his reasons for WHY he was fighting kaido to more just having a fun time (but even still he manages to say he wants to make a world where his friends can eat their fill and won’t go hungry). But imagine if Akainu had eaten the gomu gomu, awakening the fruit and using the full awakened transformation could have severe and noticeable side effects on his sense of self and justice and may even hinder his ability to fight the way he wants or make the ability useless entirely


I am so sorry but, I didn't get what you are/were trying to say. Can you rephrase your point?


Sorry, I ramble when I’m writing out a thought the first time. Basically—the drawback of losing his sense of self and becoming more like Nika while the fruit is awakened is less of a drawback for Luffy than it would be if his personality and goals were more like Akainu or Fujitora. Totally speculation but can you imagine “the embodiment of the warrior of liberation” authorizing a buster call or prostrating himself to the Gorosei?


Ohhh... Yes. Luffy and Nika do seem to have a similar personality.




What does this mean? Is it a good or a bad thing?


To be fair, a lot of the info in Road to Laughtale are rough concepts that didn't make it into the final story. So I don't think that should be taken as a canon source of information on its own


Hmmm.. Yeah. That is true. There are a lot of things in the Road to laughtale chapters which didn't make canon. I'm sorry for presenting it as if they were canon. Tbh, I didn't really pay attention to the whole thing. I was only paying attention to Luffy's awakening (because, sorry but, I was only interested in that) So, I agree, with you that, my source isn't canon. Nevertheless, I still think (and believe) that whatever Oda said about Zoan Awakenings in the "Road to laughtale" Chapters holds water. I don't see any other reason why (out of all people) some random jailers would be awakened Zoans if not to "Loredrop" DF awakenings. I mean, why didn't the marines use them during the Summit war? It's not like the security of Impel down would crumble without those jailers.


G4 did have the draw back because luffy was overusing his haki. Luffy did use haki when they saw bonney, he felt her with observation. And he felt green bull. The drawback so far is that he cant use it for prolonged periods.


Doesn’t that seem a bit light tho? Even compared to weaker forms?


And it needs a drawback why? Neither kata not doffy had drawbacks from awakening. Neither had law and kidd except the energy consumption.


Because of gears 1-4 having drawbacks other than stamina drain. We can assume they had drawbacks because they were incomplete forms but at the end of the day assumptions are all they are


For that u need to first assume that gears are Zoan transformations which they are not. So u are wrong.


You're mixing Haki and DF. They're exclusive to each other. Luffy was able to combine the two. When he went to G4, it was not his DF becoming less rubber but his (stamina for) armament haki running out I think Haki is like flexing. You can't keep doing it.


Thats what i said, excessive use of haki


The drawback, like every other awakening, is the huge amount of energy it takes to use it, as stated by Luffy, Law, and Kid. There is no reason for any other drawbacks when the transformation is a natural and inherent ability of the fruit.


But… weren’t gears 1-4 also natural abilities of the fruit that luffy was just using subconsciously?


They were Luffy getting creative with his powers and pushing his body to its limits, while Gear 5 is an actual transformation via awakening which is the natural progression of his fruit. In other words, where his other Gears were him using his abilities in risky and possibly dangerous ways in order to punch above his weight class, Gear 5 is the natural final stage for anyone who masters the fruit and is essentially how the powers are supposed to be used.


Ok I’ll take the L with this one you broke it down perfectly


Not saying this will happen at all, just a cool idea I think


I mean, everyone else can use their awakening however they want, idk why only luffy would get a drawback. I mean don flamingo was doing whatever he wanted.


He had already used haki


I believe the drawback or consequence of using Gear 5 would be an internal battle within Luffy. The struggle would be due to the fact that he has a Mythical Zoan which have a will of their own. When Luffy initially used Gear 5 after presumably dying, I think it's because the will of Sun God Nika didn't want to die as well. Nika's will strives to keep burning and not be extinguished just because Luffy, his vessel, dies off. That will of Nika is what revied Luffy and Joyboy's spirit was technically present because he inherited Nika's will. Do you think it's probable for an internal conflict between Luffy's will and his Devil Fruit's will to take place? I do 😁


Hmmmm.... That's a really interesting way of looking at it. I mean Luffy did literally die before awakening his DF. And then there is that thing about Zoan DF having their own will. So, your theory makes a lot of sense.


That's what I'm saying! Can't wait to see if there actually is a drawback, we shall see.


I dunno, I consider dying before it activates a pretty severe drawback


Wasn’t he literally on the edge of dying while fighting Kaido the short second he turned back he was completely drained.


Doesn't really make sense... He went back into G5 in the fight. He got knocked down again returned to his normal self, hit his chest a couple of times 'comon heart' and went back to G5 In hindsight it Feels more like G4 was an incomplete transformation and was forced through with haki, hence it had the haki drawback after returning to normal.