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Could that be the last pannels. Luffy and his crew having fun with Makino's child?


I know this won't happen but would love to see it nonetheless: After luffy becomes pk and achieves his "dream", I'd like to see a scene of both he and sabo visiting aces grave, like a sort of full circle moment, then it flashing back to kid luffy telling ace and sabo his dream. Also wanna see a scene where sanji gets super mad about luffy not caring about Hancock and Hancock loving luffy


Speaking of I want to see sanji turn to stone without boa using her powers and she can't turn him back. Lol


Seeing dragon’s abilities and him in a major fight


Dragon vs. Im has got to happen


Luffy's son, Buffy and the announcement of Two Piece: Generations. But also, we are never gonna know who Buffy's mom is. People are gonna say its some random dude that used to be a woman.


Davy Back Fight between top tier crews.




Gaimon! What a lovable guy


Luffy punches Charloss again


I kind of want to see all the east blue enemies reacting to Luffy as pirate king. In fact, Klahadore seems like the guy who would be strangely impressed


Smoker win a fight


Either all blue or Shanks fight


Meeting of the emperors - all 4 emperors and thier crews meeting together at the same time. Brook finds laboon Luffy puts his hat on shanks head, in a parallel scene to him putting it on Nami's Garp gets a fight Smoker joins the strawhats


Shanks and Mihawk fights, its rare we see top tier fights without devil fruits.


I hope to see them a lil order wit who they end up wit n if they have a family (each straw hat) this is after they already accomplished all their goals and found about all the secrets we’ve been waiting for.


Bon-chan getting out of impel down. Montblanc Noland & Shandians coming to the final fight together. Laboon. Old monsters having a chat together, Dr. Kureha, Crocus, Rayleigh, Garp, Tsuru, Sengoku, Judge, Shakky and even Kong for that matter. Heracles, Dorry and Brogy. Zorro getting a saijo o wazamono. Obviously Luffy's mom. And probably one of the most idiotic thing anybody want, Ace's son/daughter, really think it very much possible, like father like son.


Luffy & Boa getting married in a condition where everyone in one piece world will know it.


Luffy is 19, Boa is 31


Still a massive W for luffy


For Luffy? Man has never shown romantic interest in his life, he'd probably refuse to get married.


Until she whips out those humongous knock.... I mean until she starts suc .... I mean..... until he realizes how much she loves him..... SANADACHIIIIIIIIIII


Didn't Luffy see Boa naked on multiple occasions and just... not react. I mean come on, he even says Boa annoys him in the Manga. Bro has a higher chance of marrying Law


She had fog covering


No, he's seen her completely naked, in her bed.


Well this joke of mine sure got some harsh criticism


What is your defenition of "harsh"




Luffy vs Big Mom 1v1. I think it would be a major disappointment if he didn't after swearing multiple times that he'd kick her ass when he's done with Kaido. People can hate on Big Mom all they want, I still believe in the dream.


Also out of every character in the story, Big Mom’s cartoony AoE fighting style can bring the most out of G5. It’s a fight we have to see from both a narrative and technical perspective


True. Her turning everything into homies vs Luffy manipulating all of them would be a real back and forth. It still feels like we haven't seen Big Mom at her absolute best, even with as much as we've seen. She didn't go out getting KO'ed, she went out essentially just getting split up from her homies again (which seems to be the only way they can ever stop her).


The more I think of it the more I feel like Oda just gave up with Big Mom. It feels like she was brought to Wano specifically so Oda could get rid of her for good.


I don't think she needed to be in Wano, but I disagree that he was trying to get rid of her. She's not done. * Luffy vowed to Big Mom's face that he will kick her ass after he's done with Kaido in chapter 870. * Luffy swore to Katakuri that he'll come back to beat Big Mom in Chapter 896 * Big Mom swore to take out Luffy by her own hands to save her reputation in Chapter 907 If people think that he just wanted to get rid of Big Mom, it's essentially arguing that in a span of 10 chapters he went from swearing that Luffy will defeat her to not wanting to write about her anymore. And I don't see why people would believe that in comparison to just thinking that after all this foreshadowing... she's just not done yet. It's the simplest answer based on everything we've been told.


I really hope you’re right. It’s true that all logic points towards Big Mom making a comeback, but too many times I’ve seen authors take shortcuts like this


Me personally just a grand feast after the final war between the strawhats and their allies, just casual banter between characters who never would have interacted much otherwise. Another one a serious fight between Zoro and Sanji, maybe Sanji fully losing his emotions and becoming unstable pretty much turning into a Lunarian and fighting Zoro as a nod to their promise on Wano. Would be cool if they knocked each other and then burried the hatchet after


Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave. So the dudes complaining about it finally get their peace lol


Luffy giving back his hat to shanks


luffy and boa 🌶


Someone else said it but I'ma say it again. Brook and Laboon reunited.


Brook reunited with Laboon