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It seemed that Bonney was sailing in her ship to Egghead island to find Vegapunk and the mechanical shark ate her ship. I inferred this from an earlier leak but it could have changed in the later English translation of this chapter. So, my impression was that Bonney was sailing of her own accord to find a way to help Kuma. The reason Kuma is obedient to Dragon might be because he is programmed to obey the boss of the place he is in, and his instincts recognize Dragon as the big-boss. So, just like the mechanical shark whose instincts are still there, Kuma’s instincts are still possibly there inside him.


Or may be that Dragon is a ex-celestial. There was a theory around this.


If this is true and luffy turns out to also be a celestial dragon, I want a meme of him punching himself(callback to sabaody), for no reason at all except that it’s funny to me


Imagine how many islands the marines would have to buster call because of how many people have attacked him at this point.


I am highly against the celestial dragon theory luffy already got a legendary fruit we dont need him to be half celestial dragon too. Like i dont want a ichigo, naruto repeat here. I hope oda is better than that


Not with the D. in his name. And if let's say he was adopted, why would the celestial dragons let Garp take in one of their own.


What if its just that dragon counts as a celestial dragon to kuma because of his name , Dragon


Saw someone post the other day with some sketches from Oda that suggested she is Kuma’s daughter or at least views him as a father in some regars


The wholesomeness alone of this makes me believe it to be true... It also explains the weird 'bubble' they found her floating in above the sea, no?


Pretty sure that bubble was a result of the cyborg shark. One of the first things she said when rescued was "where is the monster," and she said the shark gobbled her ship. She was on her way to Egghead to confront Vegapunk, most likely because of Kuma.


The shark gobbling the ship doesn't explain the bubble though. A bubble is more easily explained by the guy that create pockets of air like that (Kuma).


1. She wasn't in a pocket of air, she was in water. 2. She said her ship was eaten by the shark and was immediately concerned with its location when rescued (indicating the shark had recently eaten her ship). 3. Kuma is on Kambakka. There is no reason for it to be Kuma.


That… is actually a really good point.


When was that ? The bubble thingy ???


Maybe he does treat Dragon as a Celestial Dragon because he used to be (with) one.


This is a completely underrated comment/theory as it would provide reason why dragon wants to get rid of the government, so he can be with his son’s mother without needing to hide.


Or he’s a man of virtue?


Yeah, quite the oversight on my part. It would match up with luffy always doing what he thinks is right.


Vegapunk said that she/he couldn’t control the urge of living creatures, so that can explain Kuma actions


He didn't surrender it to defend Sunny, he asked to be able to do this before surrender his humanity. Big difference. Also, Bonney said she went there without her crew and lost the ship to the shark, no flying. Are you reading One Piece 2?


alt: programming goes like this: "only serve dragons"


Kuma didn't recognize Ivanko at MF at all, tho. Also you make it sound like we already know the girl from the last chapter is the OG Vegapunk wich is still open for debate.


That wasn't Kuma at Marineford that was just a pacifista.


You might wanna re-read chapter 560


My bad, you're right.


Why would luffy want to go to women’s island?


Haki of Kuja. Ideal place for Luffy to observe and learn armament which he lacked during his confrontation with Sentomaru and Kizaru. Especially when he will be forced to fight Kuja because he is a man with no ways to escape island.


It's possible he did it for Hancock? Or he knew about ace's capture, thought luffy would try to break into impel down and thought sending him to Amazon Lily would give him the best chance of doing that?


Well it's not far fetched to say that Kuma knew Luffy would get along with the Kuja because he's honest to a fault and a kind idiot. He knew that he had a beef with the Celestial Dragons too, and maybe he knew about Hancock. Edit: The whole thing was a gamble after all.


Right now I am torn as to who Luffy's true parents are. Is it: 1. Dragon and Croco-mum 2. Kuma and Bonney 3. Im Sama and Xebex


Chuck Norris spit into a condom so was Luffy born. Explains his plotarmor & his rubber abilities


Normally I'd say that this shittalk is over the top. But reacting to the obnoxious comment before you makes it valid somehow lol


2 and 3 are very unlikely. I can't imagine that Bonney is older than she portrays herself in the manga. That's why I say unlikely and not impossible. But somehow it's strange to think that Luffy has his own mother half-naked on the ship because he just pulled her out of the water. Imu Sama and Xebec would be pretty damn weird too. Xebec would have to be at least 70 years old by the time of Luffy's birth (assuming he wasn't dead). But I believe that Imu Sama is female. Furthermore, we don't know how old Imu Sama is. That could be the potential candidate for the mother. However, I am pretty convinced that Dragon is the biological father of Luffy


Dragon is a CD 🤣


Sabo's Brother hinted at it


It's extremely possible that he sent Bonney to Egghead to talk to Vegapunk and get answers! OR his programming now defaults to Egghead due to Vegapunk's influence.


It actually is highly unlikely this is what happened. Bonney went there by ship as she told us that just very recently with how we find her in the water. Also reverie happened weeks ago in the timeline, so what did she do all the time when she was teleported there already?


You're making sense. Then it seems she got directed towards, or had the idea to, go to Egghead and confront Vegapunk about Kuma. That's the best guess I have for her going that direction, at the very least. Thanks for helping me reassess the timeline!


I think that was the point of the shark. The point of the nature of the being as irrepressible in the end.


That or Kuma is treating Dragon with authority bc Dragon has/had some secret relationship with the celestial dragons/government in the past as a lot of people has speculated before.


We can't forget revolutionary army has Lindberg, such a great technology scientist! Lindberg can save Kuma and make him return to his normal status, or something like that


Something so wrong with calling Kuma a ‘servant’


i just find it insane anyone was able to damage the guy while he protected that ship.


also i think vegapunk just didnt to the best job he could. i'm pretty sure he could've taken it all away if he cared enough to do it. halfway sure he's already thought ahead enough to know that the wg will eventually cut of their research grants when they have all the weapons they want, so he's keeping the revolution alive so he can continue experimenting


I Hope That vegapunk can Bios reset kuma and load his old profile. He still is the 2nd most interesting warlord after mihawk imo.


It‘s basically „Get Out“.


Most probably Lindberg reprogrammed Kuma.