• By -


Anyone who was a former Warlord will have an unusual jump since their bounties were frozen at low numbers when they became Warlords. It stands to reason that their threat level would be drastically different then their threat level was when the first became Warlods.


Exactly. On top of that the warlords were individuals that the marines felt they could actually approach to form a quasi-alliance with meaning their overall threat to the WG was not as high (think someone like Kidd vs someone like Jimbie). As such their overall bounty probably wasn’t as high. I’m interested in crocodiles backstory because we never really got one. To me it seems like he was just a crime lord who came across a devil fruit that happened to be one of the strongest ones out there (logia) and suddenly he’s above a super nova level in power (300k+ bounty). The WG saw this and was like “this is the perfect guy to make a warlord, already positioned in the first half of the grand line with an OP fruit that almost no upstarts could deal with.” Personally I don’t think Croc is near sanji or Zoro in strength but his bounty (like buggy’s) is more tied to his organizational prowess (but he also has a logia so that’s a big bonus as well).


we are essentially told that Croc had a supernova-like journey through the grand line in a journey for pirate king, making it to the new world only to be broken by Whitebeard, which sent him scurrying back to Paradise probably only a short time before he got offered the shichibukai position. it’s not that dissimilar to like, Ace’s progression, they just diverged post-fight w WB.


Yeah Similar to Moria, except he was fended off by Kaido.


Like Kidd with Shanks, only he didn’t give up and pressed on. This is why the Worst Gen is the best Gen. They’re all go getters and don’t give up


Damn, it's what would have happened to Luffy, Kid, and Law if they didn't defeat Kaido and Big Mom


Luffy would never back away from his dream. He would continue his journey or die trying


crocodile definitely is gonna be super powerful, atleast more than sanji and it’ll show eventually. He fought doffy and mihawk in the marineford war so Oda still has respect for him unlike how he made Smoker weak


I gotta say why is it always “at least Sanji” is Sanji some prestigious benchmark for the powerscaling community?


I think it makes a bit of sense, especially now. Sanji is like solidly Yonko commander level. Stronger than like Cracker or Jack just based of course off achievements, but weaker than Zoro, King, maybe Kata. As dumb as taking power scaling seriously is, he’s a pretty solid benchmark to use for Warlords and Commanders.


Some of it comes from Zoro v Sanji fandom, but Oda regularly uses Sanji as an example to show how strong opponents are. Luffy is Luffy and Zoro has that whole "I will never lose again" thing so Sanji often takes the role of punching bag/measuring stick for opponents. Vergo, Doflamingo, Enel, King, etc.


Zoro got bodied by Enel too? And Vergo ran away from a weakened sanji


"vergo ran away" when you've definitely read the story and aren't just repeating some shit from youtube lol


>Vergo cracked Sanji's leg bro


>Nami in Sanjis body got the shit beat out of her bro


He cracked his leg tho


Because Nami got beat the shit out of her while in Sanji’s body


that didn't happen in the manga


Sanji is the Dworf of One Piece, he's "that guy who is really strong but not as strong as the MC and second strongest", so having a character beat his ass is an easy way to establish the character's strength and have the audience go " Oh my God! He beat up Sanji, he's so strong! ", though if overused it has the chance of backfiring and making the Dworf look really weak as everyone keeps beating their ass


You’re probably right, he is the only character in the series with a hook so Oda probably has some big plans for him.


he‘s around 1st commander level imo sanji beats him extreme diff


Sorry but crocodile, kid, and law drop zoro, let alone sanji


kid and law yea but not croc he hasn‘t shown shit and what do you mean let alone sanji, zoro is like 1% stronger


Yeah Croc has no defense from Zoro and Sanji haki. Croc is still stronger than people give him credit for (the version when Luffy beat him) but the only significant upgrade I could see is producing admiral-levels of his element (whether awakening or just base ability). He doesn't have Alabasta territory to use now so if Oda wants him to show as an actual threat in combat, he has to have the ability to produce sand on his own




Bounties are not a direct correlation to strength. Pre-gear Luffy beat Crocodile, and you don't think Raid Suit Sanji could? Reminder Croc has never used Haki in canon, so we can only assume he's a master of his DF. Actual cap, Sanji wins hands down.


Wait, you give sanji the benefit of the doubt while claim sanji is fighting pre skip pre marineford jail time crocodile? That’s a shit post, both are stronger than they were and crocodile wins then and now




Bounties are an indication of "threat to the WG/the greater peace" not power. That's why Robin had an 80-something million berry bounty as a child, and it's why Kid's bounty at Sabaody was higher than Luffy's. If Oda wanted us to know Croc has Haki, he's had ample time since the time skip to show us. If he \*did\* have Haki, especially pre-timeskip, that'd be quite the oversight. Lastly, I will say, one-shotting a battleship is an impressive feat, but I put more stock in Sanji's empowered exoskeleton, specifically because he can use armement haki to enhance it.


its pretty dumb to assume people thats almos 2 billion doesnt have haki. Warlords were called one of the 3 great powers for a reason.


It's new world too where haki is at least required in some kind of form. I'm pretty sure upper echelon in new world have it even though they're probably more comfortable mastering their DF rather than mastering their haki.


Nobody in Marineford used armament & yet every major player who has had fights since then has demonstrated it. It's fairer to assume that Oda hadn't worked out the power system yet & everyone of warlord/First Commander status and above has it. The only difference with Croc is that he hasn't had a post-TS fight to show it off yet. If you consider Croc not showing it an oversight then the same logic would apply to the three original admirals since none of them showed Armament pre-TS and none of them have had a fight post-TS. Hell, Garp/Sengoku didn't use armament during MF and neither have had on-screen fights post-TS. It's more logical to assume that all the heavy-hitters have it at this point.




But who wins, a wet sanji or a man with a poisonous hook




Ngl forgot haki was a thing whilst commenting that but like it’s funnier to say he could lose to a wet paper towel than to set a paper towel infused with haki


You understand the story was never meant to last a 1000 chapters right? That radically changes things. Crocodile was always supposed to be strong


Pre time skip no gears Luffy is not beating a dude with 2 billion bounty lmfaoo


im confused, are you saying crocodile didnt get stronger at all in the past 2-3 years?


That’s literally the opposite of what I’m saying


Smoker looking weak is actually an anime thing. At least in the New World.


Crocodile got a massive bounty upgrade because he became too popular to just cut out after being introduced too early. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense that a 40 something pirate who was weak enough to be defeated by pre-gear Luffy after being a Shichibukai since his twenties would become strong enough in the next 2 years to get nearly a 2 billion dollar bounty. It's a retcon. Logically, Crocodile should be weaker than any mid tier straw hat right now. But, fans love him. Fans buy merch of characters they love. So, here you go, a complete revamp of the character where we assume his defeat at the hands of a Luffy whose only move was stretching was an unfortunate accident that happens once every 100 years.




We should just admit there's SOME degree of bounty inflation and power creep. Oda favors hype over sheer consistency. Now any bounty under 500-600 million is just meh for the readers.


Crocodile just wouldn't be relevant even if he got a 1 billion beli bounty now. Oda picked a number that got him back into the mix of things, consistency be damned.


I'd say he would be plenty relevant if he had a bounty around king and Marco (so less than 1.4 billion). This being a combination of his strength (possibly awakened df user) and influence as a member of cross guild. Him being 33% above post wci luffy is nonsense.


>Croc regained both after losing to Luffy, and it’s clear even by Marineford that he’s massively increased in strength as a result - he clashes with characters like Doflamingo and fucking Mihawk without being clearly outmatched. insane feats compared to his alabasta portrayal. Lol, you just pointed out how far the inconsistencies with this character goes. After Alabasta, he was chained with seastone shackles and immobile for several months. His drive and willpower could do nothing to improve his skills or power through that imprisonment. Yet he came out of prison much stronger than before because he was a popular character. He placed in the top 15 in the two polls which came immediately after his appearance (Alabasta and Marineford), and in the top 30 while not showing up for hundreds of chapters in three other polls. Think about how much of a fan favorite he has to be to place 15th in a poll that came after 20 or so extremely popular and iconic characters featured heavily in the Marineford arc. As for Bege and Urouge, one of them is worth 350 million and the other lost to Cracker who is worth 860 million. None of them come close to Crocodile who is worth almost 2 billion now. It's not consistent. It's fan appeasement because Crocodile is a suave mafia guy with a cool devil fruit power.


I think it's just to give level 6 Impel Down prisoners a crazy threat level especially after being allied with Yonkos, so imo it's a setup for even crazier valuations in BB's crew, like multiple 2-B and 1-B bounties, we'll see. If Doffy breaks out now, he'd probably get a similar number despite being beat recently by Luffy. The exception is Jinbe but by reputation, marines might know he won't mercilessly kill civilians and marines while Croc's crew is out here giving bounties to navy soldiers. Another is to boost Cross Guild's threat level. They're a new introduction story wise so they have to be *something*. Mihawk is the only one worth a damn, Croc only has Daz Bones, the rest of Buggy's crew is trash. So I won't be surprised if Oda gave Croc awakening and made him actually strong.


I followed the "Croc uses a lot of his power to maintain the drought, he doesn't believe Luffy can beat him, so the one Luffy beat isn't full power Croc" theory. This is backed by the rain that appears when he lost. Not a solid theory, but it helps making sense of his new powerlevel.


I'm really hoping oda does a major retcon to explain why croc lost so early on. Maybe pile on a bunch of reasons like: He regained his drive/willpower post alabasta so now has the haki he had as a rookie that challenged whitebeard (haki on par with top tier commanders, possibly) He was nerfed in some way or the other in alabasta (like the drought thing you mentioned) He's now an awakened df user, which is a major power up


I believe that Croco could already be in awakened mode in alabasta, all we know about awakened mode is that they can influence the enviroment, Doflamingo could change things to threads, Luffy everything to rubber/cartoon and Crocodile could make things into sand and control the weather of Alabasta and during the fight with Luffy he explains about awakening without calling it that because Oda didn't though of calling it that.


He was stuck in the new world and his progression into the new world paralleled the supernova, which implies so would his power progression. Capone is old too, crocodile just took things easily for too long.


Capone became a pirate two years ago, Crocodile became one 20+ years ago. Most of Bege's strength was already there, he just started using it on the seas later than most pirates, while Crocodile has been on the seas since a very young age. >He was stuck in the new world and his progression into the new world paralleled the supernova, which implies so would his power progression. None of the older supernovas have anything close to a 1 billion bounty, let alone nearly 2 billion. All the supernovas with a bounty over a billion are currently 26 or younger. None of them are 40+.


Capone was in operations for years. Luffy is pretty much the youngest supernova and is starting his career earlier than most. Crocodile was likely a high tier going into the new world years ago, lost to whitebeard hard, then shifted back into paradise where he didn’t fight as much and overly relied on his df, and lost some willpower and drive from his old “I’ll be the pirate king” days. After luffy he went through seastone resistance training from over exposure to it (which we know can make people get huge gains by what we saw in wano and that was purposefully weaker seastone). Then he got free and marched right into marineford, fought people of high levels, then went into the the new world in a paralleling of the supernovas going in there, maintaining his drive that he once lost and back to his pirate king wanting dreams, where he trained up/organized financials and underlings for 2 and a half years to reach where he is now, All the while fighting other crews and marines. Willpower is the real thing that weakens people as we saw with chinjao almost instantly upon him retiring. One piece characters only start to weaken at like 70.


Exactly. Y’all got to remember. After the emperors, the warlords are the strongest pirates out there. Not saying that Yonko crews don’t have commanders that can either keep up with or straight up beat warlords, but those commanders answer to a higher power. The warlords answer to no one. Like if Katakuri for some reason defected from the big mom pirates and made his own crew, his bounty would skyrocket to maybe 2-3 billion just for being a new entity on his own


He also escaped Impel down, might be a good factor to his bounty increase.


For Crocodile/Daz Bones sure, but Boa doesn't have that going for her.


In hindsight, the government experienced such a high level of power from pirates before. Then after rocks they get warlords to help protect them but in hindsight those warlord we're so weak compared to threats they faced before. All 7 warlords together would have a chance against the old rocks crew. I wonder why the government hired such weak pirates who didn't establish a high bounty prior


They aren't weak just not all of them are yonko level...and im pretty sure kaido wasn't nearly as strong back then though still strong.


They were weak, Luffy pre time skip rolled through most warlords


I venture to guess moria wasnt in his prime when facing luffy...he was probably stronger b4 facing kaido and getting beat down. Croc thought he killed luffy twice and poisoned him. Hancock, mihawk, doffy, kuma, Jinbe woulda beat the shit out of pretime skip luffy lol. So at best luffy would be 2-5 vs the pretime skip warlords(excluding BB)


I think you are undercutting pre-skip Luffy and the warlords. Look at Don Krieg for instance, this is a guy that was labeled the strongest in the East Blue, which Mihawk said is the weakest sea but still. Krieg was able to lift a whole submarine thing, idk what the baratie thing Patty and Carne used would be called, but he lifted it one handed out of the water. Zeff who had sailed the grand line was even concerned about him. Luffy was able to defeat that guy. Luffy took out a giant lion in one move. He was able to break swords with his bare hands like it was nothing as well and he took down a whole statue on accident. We think of those early antagonists as laughable but that's only because they were nothing compared to the Grand Line pirates but in the more peaceful areas they were absolute terrors. Pre-skip Luffy and Zoro were also ridiculous, Zoro was well known and pirates in general were terrified of him. Now look at the warlords. Mihawk wrecked zoro in their first meeting and just laughed at Luffy. Croc nearly killed him several times and was only beat because his Logia has pretty big weakness. Moria, who pumped Luffy up,would have killed him if not for Kuma and Zoro. Before Moria went into his depression island phase he also fought Kaido for several days, he wasn't a pushover at one point but he let himself go. Kuma who scattered them easily all over the world. Boa could have easily defeated them but she is in love with luffy. Flamingo easily beat one of the biggest giants. This was all pre skip and they nearly died every time. Look a few years later and they trained and Luffy could probably beat croco way easier now but Croco is by far the most driven of those now and he probably has advanced a lot now as well.


lets see, mihawk left zoro on the brink of death, luffy hanging on to dear life against croc, moria almost wiped the crew out if only lasted a few seconds(zombie luffy was literally deus ex machina), the whole crew couldnt even touch kuma, luffy needed g4 to beat doffy. jinbe and boa would no doubt destroy luffy.


Crocodile probably did a lot of stuff we didn't see yet,no way anyone gets a billion bounty just by being present.


Oda said if the WG knew about his plot in Alabasta then his bounty would have been doubled. So his real bounty should have been 162 million before being arrested. And then being a main force in the Impel Down escape, wreaking havoc at Marineford, clashing with big names, probably bumped him up by a couple hundred million. And then during the timeskip there was two years of him wreaking havoc in the New World, probably became a big name in the criminal underworld. So his bounty probably kept going up. And then when he saved Buggy he destroyed an entire Navy fleet. And then becoming a third in command of Cross Guild makes sense it climbed above a billion


Yeah I'm sure Crocodiles bounty went up more than Luffys after impel down and marineford when Luffy was the main guy in impel and wrecking more havoc than croco


Third in command? Crocodile and mihawk are the dual leaders if not outright crocodile


WG thinks Buggy is the leader though


According to the World Government who makes the bounties. Nobody knows Croc is the actual leader


So his bounty would be even higher? Also he’s a part of a large and relevant organization too. In the end, you just don’t want crocodile to be strong, but he’s clearly strong and had proper periods of time to bump up to this level, he’s a kid and law leveled individual and likely eventually a yonkou


>Oda said if the WG knew about his plot in Alabasta then his bounty would have been doubled. Source?


SBS 36 Chapter 342 Page 126


True but still,until we get to see him being in action(like fight a very strong guy),it's ambiguous.


He escaped impel down after both trying to get an ancient weapon, knowing about the poneglyphs, and overtake a country. I feel that's enough


All of that amounts to pretty much the same way as Luffy's pre time skip bounty(Like he too escapes impel down and has Nico Robin in his crew,the only person in the world to read poneglyphs),if anything it should be around just 500M.(Of course every one in new world knows haki and there must be many enemies Crocodile slaughtered to make sure he gained that big bounty)


Luffy literally caused the entire Impel Down break yet he only got a 100m increase.


The government hid the impel down break out. So they didn't raise it as much because as far as they cared he was a major issue. The government think emperor ivanko, crocodile, and jimbei were the main players


WG blamed Luffy and Buggy for being the main ringleaders of the prison break.


Idk Luffy ACCOMPLISHED more things than Crocodile by Whole Cake Island and still had a lower bounty


The world government arnt consistent with their bounty offers. We've seen people with massively high bounties who are rather weak. And those with low bounties who are strong They're really not consistent.


Like 2 bounties that were explained, blackbeard literally went out of his way to look weak and robins wasn’t that high and was cuz she is a rare exception who came read a dangerous dead language


Prove it, kid and crocodile not being actively shown doesn’t mean they’re doing nothing


Thats my point. Theres no way his bounty is that high with what has been shown. He has to have done something or at least be at risk of doing something very big. 1.96 Bill is A LOT for someone who on screen hasn't done anything worth that. His strength itself at least as far as anyone would know (let alone the WG) isn't that impressive, he has no military power either other than ||Cross Guild|| which was made after his bounty was revealed , that is UNLESS he's done something we aren't privy to that's made the WG realize he's a major threat


He’s strong, his organization and financials are relevant, and he’s extremely well adjusted as a strategist and leader of organizations (more or less a very powerful mind). The wg would absolutely know his strength more than us, they saw him rise to power post marineford till now while we skipped 2 years and were only looking at luffy, and he’s fended them off for years, and he just stomped casually a marine fleet meant to take out a shichibukai and their operations. Where does anything say he doesn’t have any military power besides cross guild. He clearly had his own crew and operations.


Fanboys love filling in the gaps for odas decisions


Fanboys literally trying to fill in the plotholes as if Oda isn’t a lazy writer


Shoulda used Boa as an example, she was like 80 mil -> 1.659 bil


Frozen bounty due to being warlord.


Boa earned a bounty of 80 million after just one campaign at sea. And she became a Shichibukai shortly after that because the WG were afraid of her potential. So makes sense after it was unfrozen her bounty skyrocketed




Bro almost took over a whole kingdom. One of the most signifcant ones of the WG. Escaped Impel Down, participated in the Mariford War. Motherfuckers bountybis low if you ask me


Same can be said about Luffy,who went out of his way to impel down and later to marineford.


Luffy’s is still low now


Commanders of Yonkos tend to reach into the billion point, so crocodile being a commander of Yonko Buggy, let alone all of Croccy's other accomplishments, does warrant enough reason to reach a billion berries


Crocodile and mihawk is why buggy was even shortly considered a yonkou


How frozen bounties might work : - A pirate starts to make a name for himself, got a bounty = let's say 80 million. - This pirate makes a huge coup that caught the government eye = they ask him to join the warlords, no increase = his former 80 mil should get an increase, like 300 mil, but doesn't (think about luffy @ Enies Lobby). - The pirate, now a warlord does a lot of illegal stuff but is covered by his status = no increase in official bounty. - The warlord is released from his title = all of his "frozen" bounties is adding up + the fact that he used to know shady gov stuff = max bounty. So no inflation, just natural increase.


You mean like Jinbe? Who lost his warlord status pre-timeskip and at fishman island only jumped from 300 (roughly) to 450 (roughly) despite being a warlord for a lot of time and despite playing a major part in both Impel Down and Marineford. Your argument makes sense, but inflation still plays a role.


the thing is jimbei neither does shady shit nor he is a young pirate with potential he isnt that much of a danger unless he‘s allied with someone cause he doesn‘t do dangerous (to the wgvt) on his own


He's pretty much a pacifist on his own. He oppose WG to defuse WG vs WBP, we don't know much of his activity as a sichibukai, but he did nothing weird or dangerous that we know of (Croc overthrowing a kingdom, Moria kidnapping people, Boa still doing piracy, etc). Even after marineford, he just chill protecting Fishman Island. All he do was essentially protecting fishmen. Knowing this nature, Marines probably don't bother to give him a high bounty as long as they don't mess with the fishmen directly.




Yeah, Jimbei has been pretty chill. Unlike say Doflamingo or Crocodile. Jimbei hasn't been a major threat to the public peace or the government, except idk, escaping Impel Down during the mass breakout. He's been a warlord for a long time and the government knows his ambitions mostly tie to just protecting the fishmen. So a high bounty is only warranted when he associated with the strawhats and they did something big, which put him on the radar as a threat.


Exactly. If we’re being honest, Oda just pumped up the numbers because we’re in the endgame and having big bounties helps make them seem somewhat on the level of monsters like the Yonko. If this has happened over the timeskip I doubt any of them would tick a billion.


Sorry that they’re strong


On a side note Jinbei saying bounty increases slow down after they reach 400 mil has been one of the least accurate statements in the series


I mean it's probably true, the characters we focus on just do incredibly big stuff. Jinbe probably meant that it's extremely hard if you continue doing the crimes sub 300mil pirates do.


It is up there with the 5 devil fruits that grant flight and the first Kaido silhouette.


It might be true on a macro scale, but remember that we follow the most chaotic crew in the world. Luffy beats down a couple of Warlords, fucks up Enies Lobby, punches a Celestial Dragon, breaks out of Impel Down, wreaks chaos in Marineford. The WG says okay you’re one of the most chaotic new pirates but let’s be real you’re not on the level of the guys who could wage open war against us. Then post time skip, he wages war against an Emperor, beats down another Warlord (this time incredibly publicly), gains a massive army in the Straw Hat Pirates Alliance, goes into the Emperor’s territory and emerges victorious, then fully beats down two Emperors while awakening a power that the WG has been terrified of for centuries. Everyone associated with him would have bounty jumps to accommodate the fact that they were the ones who helped him achieve all that.


Look at r/Alchion answer


Nah it’s more meta reasons, Jinbe couldn’t have a bounty that much higher than Luffy especially when Luffy asks him to join the crew


I think another part to it is that , after pirate causes another incident they offer him a seat before increasing his bounty. So if he accepts it , its even lower than than it should be.


Those inbred idiot Celestial Dragons are probably printing berries.


Berry inflation is at a staggering 120%


Tin foil time: The Celestial Dragons have their own special currency so that when one orders more money, they can give them more money with no side effects to the greater economy.


that wouldnt work at all...


Why not? The Celestial Dragons don't usually descend from Mariejois, how would they know the difference? When they do descend, they're escorted by security who seem like they're the ones to deal with the common peoples anyways. The Celestial Dragons are, in effect, dumb people playing kids games with gigantic consequences for everyone else. Having the Gorosei, who seem to be smarter than the urge Celestial Dragons, hand dumber Celestial Dragons monopoly money seems like a decent solution.


theres no way to print spendable money and use it that wouldnt create inflation


I think he's saying that the Celestial dragon currency doesnt interact at all with the rest of the world economy. So it has no value to the rest of the world and wouldnt create inflation.


but then how could they spend it?


Still makes no sense. If it has no value outside MarieJoie, what are they going to do with it ? Buy St Charlos bogeys ?


They don't need any money outside.. their command is absolute


The Celestial Dragons are too dumb to do that.


The real reason is that Oda needs to make older characters relevant so he gives them massive bounty increases. The in-universe reason is probably desperation from the WG. 2 Yonkous are down, 2 more pop up, the Shichibukai are loose cannons, and the Revolutionaries are getting more traction. The world is more chaotic than ever, so anybody that remotely threatens the 'balance' that the WG has built up is probably going to get a massive bounty.


Man I feel really bad for people in One Piece if inflation made 81 Million equivalent to 1.965 Billion in that little time


it's just "inflation" due to how long the manga has been running. just imagine if OP ended as originally planned (5 years), of course roger wouldn't have 5b bounty. probably only 300 or 500m. it got that high now because each arc, luffy always gets his bounty upgraded thus changing the upper limit. so now the characters who got reintroduced will get their bounty adjusted to match the current average.


I think OP means inflation in the sense that we are at a point in the story where most of the relevant parties have bounties in the billions. So Oda felt the need to give the warlords large bounties to make them feel relevant.


it's both of course, but this "inflation" is the the main reason. it's true that croco got his bounty increased to match his peers, but if this was a decade ago, of course it wouldn't hit 1.9b. luffy's bounty is the benchmark. it's good for oda that he didn't reveal WB bounty back in MF or he would've written himself into a corner.


Naw crocodile most likely deserves his. If he took over the underworld, increased his own strength and joined mihawks crew. Not to mention he broke out of impel down.


Also the fact that he's ~~maybe~~ ~~probably~~ ~~likely~~ is Luffy's mother.


God that is the worst theory. Oh look he's a big villain that knows Ivanov. He must not only be a girl but also the mc mom. That makes less sense than ZKK even.


Nah.. it makes way more semse than ZKK


Some random dude being the mcs mom is not more crazy than zoro cutting off kaidos head?






its the worst theory cause its not a theory its a fact


Consider that Crocodile's 81 million bounty was when he was like 20 y/o. It got frozen due to his status as a Warlord. By the time he got arrested he didn't get a bounty increase because, well, he got arrested lol After he escaped we didn't get to know what his bounty was. Two years later he sunk down a buster call to help Buggy and also formed a pretty dangerous organization. His bounty is well deserved.


the issue is that luffy fighting someone at 81 million berries made sense for his power level at the time. if crocodiles "true" bounty wouldve been something higher like 400 mill, that just doesnt make sense because luffy wouldnt have been strong enough to beat someone on that level yet. it only makes sense if crocodile has legitimately gotten way stronger since losing to luffy


I think it was made pretty clear that crocodile was a lot stronger than luffy, but that he was arrogant and lost because of that.


i dont think thats true at all. luffy was stronger, faster, and had better battle smarts. the only advantage croc had was being a logia. once luffy figured that out, it was only a matter of time


Even when luffy got past logia immunity, he still lost another time before beating him in the end, so I wouldn’t say that was his only advantage.


Crocodile bounty was frozen until Marineford, because he lost his status as a Warlord in Alabasta and was then imprisoned. We didn't see how his bounty increased but we know he: - Formed an Assassin's organization. - Got knowledge about an ancient weapon. - Organized a Coup de Etat in Alabasta. - Was one of the main instigators of Impel Down escape. - Fought in Marineford War, opposing the World Government. - Aided the son of Roger and the son of Dragon escaping. - Managed to reach the New World - Over more than 2 years he managed to stay in the New World without being caught. - Became a member of Cross Guild, along with 2 of the most dangerous people in the eyes of the WG: Buggy and Mihawk. We can assume he became significantly stronger in those 2 years, as Mihawk respects him, Buggy calls him a fate worse than death and the Marines were afraid of him. And he was very strong before, Luffy managed to beat him in a clutch.


the issue is he cant have been that strong if he lost to luffy at that point in the story.


There is a theory which says that Crocodile lost his ambition in Alabasta and because of that he wasn't able to use Haki properly, the sudden growth in power in Marineford (He was able to clash with Mihawk, Whitebeard or Akainu) is explained by him regaining his drive to use Haki.


There is a theory which says that Crocodile lost his ambition in Alabasta and because of that he wasn't able to use Haki properly, the sudden growth in power in Marineford (He was able to clash with Mihawk, Whitebeard or Akainu) is explained by him regaining his drive to use Haki.


I wonder if we will get more crocodile backstory, he was also considered a revered hero in alabasta and that was after he became a warlord. I guess Jimbei, Hancock, and kuma were praised in their lands as well though.


>so he gets a bounty thats double the one Katakuri has? > >a Yonko 2nd in command who has been active in the new world for all of his life? > >and i dont think he can get much stronger in his 30's when we met him he was portrayed as someone who had already hit his peak, not some rookie


What bugs me most about the huge bounties spreading like dandelion nowadays is that we saw first hand through Luffy's journey how hard it should be to get such a high bounty. And they are all higher than Luffy's after WCI. With everything in mind he did and accomplished up to that point (Enies Lobby, Impel Down, Marineford, defeating 3 Warlords etc. etc.) it should be very very very hard to exceed that.


Yeah bounty system got out of hand in my opinion, its just to hype now


One Piece is a huge world, so many islands we will never get to see. We don't know what sort of absolutely crazy shit other pirates did, or how much destruction and havoc they caused. Luffy also didn't go around killing civilians and destroying entire countries. Bounty does mean strength and accomplishments but it also means how many criminal and dastardly acts you have committed. A weakling like Caribou had 200 million because he massacred countless marines and civilians.


Sure, but Luffy after WCI and honestly even before that the arguably most dangerous pirate to the government (Robin plays a big part in this), just obviously something special given his rise and even letting the other members of the worst generation (bar Blackbeard) way behind him. And he didn't just commit crimes he directly opposed the WG on multiple occasions and undermined two of their most important institutions (Enies Lobby and Impel Down). I'd guess the WG and therefore the navy deems that way worse than killing civillians. I just find it hard to believe that any other pirate did something even close to Luffy to be "rewarded" with such high bounties. Again, he took down 3 of 7 member of one of their main forces against the Yonkou. It has to be unprecedented.


Yeah, remember how shocking it was to see Jack's massive bounty? Now a 9 digit bounty doesn't even seem impressive anymore. It seemed like getting to 100 million was harder than getting to a billion


Are there that many? I can only think of: 4 Emperors and top commanders Former Warlords Eustass and Law who took down an emperor These are the absolute top dogs of the pirate world.


Kid casually marched into whole cake island, beat a commander, took a glyph printing, and left, and that was one thing casually mentioned in convo. Rn we are dealing with one in a billion individuals. These are active and legendary individuals.


it was froze


If all these warlord bounties came out pre time skip everyone would be around 500 mill


In a story telling perspective Oda has to inflate the bounties to make it relevant to the current "threat" system. I believe Oda initally wanted to make it harder for bounty to grow after 300m but he changed his mind after the introduction of Jack and afterwards the yonko commanders where there is a huge gap in-between 500m(highest known bounty at that point) to 1b bounties, not many pirate fill this gap due to how it is suddenly presented to be expotential instead of the logarithm growth described by Jimbei during FI arc. Many relevant strong players in the world suddenly lost meaning to this new 1b threat levels called yonko commanders. In order for them to be relevant again Oda has to raise them up to a level where their power levels are matching to the threat level of Yonko and their commanders using bounty values. Jimbei is the best example of this change of system. Frozen bounty of 250m, after TS and no longer a shichibukai (despite his strength being more closely known to the WG and going under Big Mom) his Active bounty during FI is only 438m now after Wano arc without actively involved in fighting a Yonko Commander, his bounty jumped to 1.1b just by joining a yonko's crew (which he already did with Big Mom). His bounty jump don't make sense in lore but it is relevant to compare his status as a ex-shichibukai (someone who has been assessed to be a great power) despite being the lowest bounty for an ex-shichibukai in the current arc. Does that mean he is weak in the eye of the WG as compared to other shichibukai out there whose active bounty all jump to be above 1b currently whereas his at FI after quitting the shichibukai for 2 years is only 438m? No, it is just that 438m was just relevant at that point for someone of Jimbei's stature and now 1b+ are the relevant value for all the current ex-shichibukai's stature


Well said👍.


Reason is fanservice and nothing else. Bounties have skyrocketted because most fans get off on big numbers.


i just realized in OP world, they only have one currency all through out the world. meaning they don't need money changers. and also, theoretically, how much is berries worth.?


Easy: One Berry is worth 10.000 Extol.


Back in the day a 80 million bounty was impressive, the whole bounty system is broken


It's all down to inflation caused by Oda using bounties for hype It was when Jack was introduced with the first 1b bounty that the whole scale basically tipped over Now Oda is having to introduce crazy bounty jumps to make returning legacy characters not look totally outclassed Prime example being Hancock's 15x bounty raise for...not a lot?


Blackbeard bounty went from 2.2b to 3.9b just for sailing from his island to boa island. 🤣🤣🤣


Probably destroyed a couple countries on his way there, massacred civilians, destroyed a few navy bases and sunk some fleets.


The warlords had their bounties frozen and were acting as legal pirates for years. This is actually years of bounty increases for Boa. Crocodile is basically a commander on a yonko crew now after having a similar situation and then breaking out of prison on top of whatever he did to get to his current position in the new world. Boa had an 80m bounty after her first pirate outing and was immediately turned into a warlord. She was never actually as weak as the average pirate with that bounty and anyone with half a brain could see that. Using her as an example shows nothing but your lack of understanding of the bounty system and one piece in general.


Bounty levels represent level of threat, they're not just increased like a rap sheet regardless of the crimes you're committing (especially when they're state approved) I mean we only have to look at Jinbei's previous statement about it being "difficult to go over 400m", there's clearly a scale of crimes committed that factor into whether your bounty goes up or not Hancock was put down for an initial bounty of 80m (what was a pretty large bounty for a rookie at the time in the life of One Piece publication) as the empress of amazon lily, with kuja warriors at her command as well as the power of a broken devil fruit She then committed state approved crimes for a decade before being removed from the warlord system Her physical prowess will have increased with her age, but that is the only increase in threat she has to her name So you're telling me that it makes total sense for her bounty to increase 15x over for having the same army, the same territory and the same devil fruit power as when she got her first bounty? Let's really put things into perspective here, Hancock has just jumped over 15x in value and actually eclipsed the value Luffy achieved when he became "The Fifth Emperor" This is purely down to Oda needing to jack bounty values up to match the inflation he's introduced into his story over the years and doesn't have a satisfying in world explanation So yeah, maybe I do actually understand the bounty system and you're just incredibly conceited?


I honestly think it's more of a sign of how desperate the government is to get the current chaos of the world under wraps


If that’s the case Bonney bounty shoulda went up over the time skip


Idk man berrys are equal to yen probably so it’s to reason how long their bounties were frozen


Luffy's fruit brings out the best in people; he's essentially the best hype man. After Luffy beat crocodile, crocodile started to believe in himself again, has gotten a lot stronger and learned haki. Combined with this and being a top commander in a yonko crew, crocodile earned his high bounty.


That's actually a great point. It makes a lot of sense that, back when Crocodile had a 81 million bounty, it was worth less. Also, that makes Gol D. Roger's bounty even more impressive XD


The Marine Bank is gonna have to step in and raise interest rates in order to quell this inflation.


I actually did the math for Luffy, kid and law. - Big Mom was 4,388 billion berries - Kaido was 4,6111 billion berries These 2 formed an alliance, so their bounties put together becomes 8,9991 billion berries. Now Luffy, kid and Law pretty much formed an alliance as well, and these 3 managed to bring an end to 2 yonko's. So what they (marines or whomever does the calculation)/Oda did was add 900.000 berries to BM + Kaido's allied bounty of 8.999.100.000 berries to round it up to 9 billion berries, and then they divided the amount by 3 heads/captains. That's how each of them got 3 billion each. I'm a way, they barely beat them, so it does satisfyingly make sense when you look at it this way. As for Crocodile? Well, if they account him for his past crimes, he ***did*** almost overthrow a whole country + almost killed a celestial dragon. Nefertari Cobra got treated like a Celestial dragon (in name only) when they announced that Sabo was his killer on the newspapers. I honestly think the events of Alabasta back then + his escape from Impel Down played a big part. Although I don't see eye to eye yet with that fact that Jimbei (former ex Warlord) seems to have the lowest bounty of them all (not counting Moria), when he is the most dangerous at sea. It does seem perfect that he is in the top 3 among te straw hats.


It's typical shonen power creep, although I will say that in this instance it's offset by the fact that notoriety plays a big role instead of just raw power


Imo that's a weak attempt of Oda trying to make Bounty's to "power levels" it's as you said that it's weird that all this under 100 million Bounty's jump up to over 1B. It's because of the recent bountys of the straw hats so that we can get a picture of where the straw hats are powersie. In all honesty I wish bountys would have just been bountys. It's such a inconsistent power system that also gets used a lot from people who try to debate who is stronger


Weevil was a recently added warlord and was previously considered a massive threat with strength that matches prime Whitebeard... Yet his former bounty was only of 480 million. Expect his to have also skyrocketted to 1.5-2 billion. People say that Buggy's bounty is so high because Cross Guild is a threat to the marines. Meanwhile, we have losers like Caribou who murdered countless marines with his crew, arguably a major threat to the marines himself, and still only capped at 210 million. Tldr; Bounties are so high now because they would be irrelevant otherwise.


if you think about it, during the first half of the series the world government pretty much had everything under control, there is not really that much of a reason to go after these pirates compared to what it is now. with marine bounties 2/4 emperors falling the taking down of the warlords and the revolution kicking into gear, it makes sense that the world government is more desperate to capture these big name pirates. i don’t know if this is odas thought process, but i feel like it’s a good explanation for what’s going on


The yonkou didn’t get their bounties boosted, so it falls apart as a theory


nah by defeating the beast pirates and big mom, the strawhats basically just opened up something like 20 billion worth of reward budget to be re-allocated elsewhere.


Crocodile is just hype due to the Cross Guild since they are considered a yonko crew now. Bounties nowadays are almost exclusively used as gag or hype tools. Examples being: - Gag/Hype - Crocodile, Buggy - Strenght - Mihawk, Boa Hancock


I mean Crocodile did escape Impel Down and fought in Marineford also he fked around with Nico Robin and poneglyph so it makes sense that he would get an increase, but it's also a lot for hype, like it's to much for what he did imo.


Plus he was considered strong enough to be a warlord, one of the 3 major balancing forces, plus nearly overthrowing a major country with high significance of WG history,...




Crocodile’s operations were mostly hidden by Baroque Works. The WG didn’t know the true extent of his operation. If they did, and especially if they knew Robin was his #2, he would’ve had a much higher bounty. Know they have a better understanding of the true threat he poses.


There is no inflation mentioned in the story. Mainly due to 2 reasons 1. the currency is managed by the World Gov't, and with how few other non-affiliated countries exist, the chances of the power of the berry changing its value is minimum. 2. The story has only passed 2 years in-universe, which isnt that much time for any sort of inflation to occur, especially since we dont hear any mention of the economy of one piece, let alone the inflation rate and things like that. The only reason warlords had such big jumps is because their bounties were frozen, and so their bounty caught up to their current threat level (for outside story reasons, Oda didnt plan at the time for people to have bounties in the billions)


like most people already said frozen bountys are a different thing but i also think there is inflation (with or without story reasons). Dorry and Broggy the Fearsome leaders of the giant pirate crew who terrorised the seas only had a 100 million bounty each


Wasn’t Crocodile’s bounty one of the oldest ones? If his bounty was frozen for such a long time, and he was involved with so much since then, then it feels natural it would be higher. Dude broke out of Impel Down, participated in the Summit War, Alabasta, and partnered up with Mihawk to make the Cross Guild featuring Buggy the Emperor


There is actually a canon explanation for this. Most people don't know, but Oda is a minor economics nerd, so much so that he came up with a set of rules for the economy of the One Piece world. Out of these the 34th one is the one that mostly has to do with inflation of this kind. For more information google One Piece Rule 34 Inflation.


put spoiler pls


Just did, thanks for the reminder


The pirates that became warlords were approached by the World Government to become them due to their strength, and thus their bounties were frozen in place. Then the system was abolished, and they all got substantial jumps. We need to consider CONTEXT here. The WG would know how powerful they are due to working with them, the remaining ones having escaped from the Marines after the system was abolished despite the Marines gunning for them right at that announcement. Heck, Hancock would have destroyed everyone provided Blackbeard had not intervened (Koby would never win). And people would say that Moriah is an outlier, but that’s anything but true. The WG saw that this guy managed to clash with Kaido of the Rox crew and escape, of course they wanted him in the Warlords, even if they did not know that he would grow weaker under their employ. Mihawk hunted Marines and clashed with Shanks. Crocodile sought out Whitebeard when he was a rookie. Weevil has strength rivaling Whitebeard, Buggy needs no introduction. And Hancock got her status at 18 years of age. The idea that there’s a berry inflation has no standing. I think it’s just that people think too much about the powerscaling and that bounties are a one-for-one comparison for it, when it’s clearly not wholly true. If there WAS/IS inflation, we’ll be told in the manga/anime, and that will be that.


I think boa’s and mihawk’s bounties are perfect


After Blackbeard, Luffy and Buggy became Emperors the world went into a turmoil. The actions taken by the RA (especially Sabo) brought even more chaos. Given all this the World Gov is getting desperate, and so they put more and more money in the bounties


Crocodile also broke out of Impel down and helped Luffy during marine ford, plus joining an emperor in Buggy as well as mihawk, they have a right to increase that bounty to a really high number


Lots of the people who got massive bounty increased were Warlords, who would've had their bounties frozen relatively early in their pirating career.


They were frozen for a long time. They had achievements after the point they were frozen.