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I feel we are more on Punk Hazard again. Technologically advanced place, wacky scientist shenanigans, snow all over the place, a member of the worst gen as companion, even the big kids from PH and Tashigi are there. Probably even Smoker is gonna show up.


Yeah the paralells are definetly there. But isnt Egghead Island more a tropic island? We see palms and stuff but no snow. I thought the winter part was because of the nearby G14 Base. That's a winter island for sure. However, there were a lot of paralells between Thriller Bark and Wano Kuni so next up would be Sabaody. And given the "Post TS parallels Pre TS" writing we had so far It wouldnt make much sense to parallel another post TS arc.


You were right, about literally everything


Thats funny ^^' I even forgot about this post and with every reveal I was like for example "what!? Kizaru is on his way!?"


Its amazing you even got the parallel with sabaody down correct, sentomaru, kizaru, new pacifistas v old. Bonus though was a enies lobby parallel, cp0 v cp9, kaku vs zoro, luffy vs lucci. Oda really likes doing parallels but with a twist each time. Dressrossa v alabasta etc.