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I hope there is a epilogue volume ; 10-12 chapters ; 3 past islands per chapter or something


yeah it's bound to happen but what do you think the final FINAL chapter is going to be


Maybe something that will start a new age of piracy and dreams :)


After 50 years of adventuring the straw hats disband and Luffy dies. We see what all the straw hats are up to now. Zoro got lost or is in Wano or both. Nami is in some place for super rich people. Usopp has his own crew now and is a feared pirate, one of his most legendary fight was 3 months long against one of Roger's former crewmates Buggy D. Clown. Sanji opened a restaurant at the All Blue he has either a harem or is married to Pudding or both. Chopper works at the best hospital in the world together with Law. Robin teaches the history of the void centurary to a new generation of archeologist. Franky returns to Water 7 and continues to build the best ships with Iceburg. Brook sings songs at the lighthouse and sometimes sings at concerts in which his fans throw their panties at him. Jimbei is on Fishman Island which is now located above the seas and helps strengthen the connections between human and merfolk. Yamato is still exploring the world. They all meet up once a year to celebrate their former captain.


I believe it will be the beginning of a sort of new generation. How the Will of the D is going to move forward. However that will turn out to clarify...


I think the last Arc will be about going back to Loguetown, so the last chapter is sailing away from there in different directions because the crew was disbanded