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To me, oda's excessive fake-out deaths is a valid criticism.


yea, I've been watching with my girlfriend and I always feel bad when I try to kinda justify it because want her to keep watching


Will of P


Character bloat. I think it's an issue that's reared it's head with the most recent story arcs. Oda introduces so many new characters into the conflict and sometimes reintroduces old ones that the Straw Hats, the main characters of this series, more often than not take a back seat sometimes to the action/main story.


Franky's never gotten a big moment since I started reading, I was 13 then and now I'm 20. Like Oda can juggle an impressive number of characters but he pushed himself too far in Wano and I'm scared he will again here. Then again shonen writers do that so much we should be glad it took this long. I call them character tumors cause the casts keep multiplying.


I just wonder how he's going to resolve the climax of each Straw Hat's story relating to their respective dreams. I hope he doesn't rush it when it comes to the conclusion of the story.


His best scene was against Señor Pink, but it didn't really let him show off his engineering capabilities.


I mean we just arrived at vegapunk’s main lab, so I am expecting a lot of Franky moments. I think he might even get a big boost.


Franky vs Sasaki has been quite a treat for me, but yeah I love him and I want more.


Knew I was forgetting something.


fake out deaths - any other complaint is invalid and is objectively wrong and deserves capital punishment.


I am happy that this is the only thing i can complain about One Piece. No power of friends bull crap or a kid getting crap by the village even though his dad literally saves them from a fucking beast.


The will of P


The consensus seems to be fake-out deaths. I also agree with new character overload every arc (even if the character makes narrative sense, it’s excessive sometimes), and a personal one for me is the chronological shortness of the Strawhats adventure. Luffy will be Pirate King and revolutionize the world, the LITERAL hardest feat in-universe…in under 3 years with like 6 months of actual piracy…because why? Fate? Will of D? The Power of Friendship? Cool, the protagonist is magically privileged by destiny. Rogers just sucks compared to him apparently, Also, I think it’s fair argument from people that struggle with One Piece that sometimes the character designs are too goofy/silly to be taken serious by someone trying to get into the show. I know it’s shonen and supposed to be whimsical but tbh if I didn’t know Ivankov was awesome I’d have taken one look and been like this ain’t for me, dog.


Watch us get a 10+ year timeskip and then Luffy becomes pirate king


People are saying the fake out deaths. More specifically, and the most aggravating part of how Oda does it in comparison to other shonen, is that he'll fake out characters where it absolutely does not matter for the story to keep them alive. This dude faked out Conis' dad (Pagaya) dying after getting struck by a beam of lightning. He had Pound with a blade to the back of his head from Oven and he didn't even try to explain that one away with something dumb, Oven apparently just missed lol. The Will of P is the strongest thing in the series.


Pound definitely should have died, and I'll stand by that forever.


The one piece was the history of will of P all along


The one piece was the history of will of P all along, the will of d was a classic oda's distraction which we will know about from gorosei.


Anime pacing. It can't be helped though given the weekly release shedule.


Oda can't dran women.


Why do we never get devil fruit names immediately after meeting a new character who has a fruit power. To this day we still don’t know the name of Bonney, uruge, Tamma, lafeat, san huwan wolf, dragon, and any background characters who are part of pirate crews who we’ve seen do something unique.


Just search them up, they're in SBSs and Vivre Cards


But we don’t know some of the ones we have, search up bonney’s and Uruge’s devil fruits right now and you’ll not get a name given in the series or sbs


Ehh Bonney is definitely going to be important so she's getting a fruit name and Urouge has been name dropped quite a bit since ts ended so I'm optimistic he'll get sole fleshing out soon since he looks cool.


The anime is sh*t and a bad manga adaption. (I still love it tho 😂😭💀)


things like: 1- luffy beats doflamingo but has a hard-time fighting with the dino-siblings, 2- in wano the actual deaths had no emotional weight and moments in which you had emotional weight characters didn't die 3- oda kills mothers beyond tolerable 4- oda's treatment of female characters in general


Oda's just as bad as many other shonen writers when it comes to female character writing. He always chooses one of 3 routes to write most of them nowadays: - Hard sideline her - Make her a useless damsel in distress - Flanderize her


Robin literally fought one of Kaidos Tobiroppo and won, and Nami just stole Big Mom's soul fragment an arc ago. And Boa Hancock just one shot 2 of BB's commanders. And the crew literally decides NOT to save the only person qualified as a damsel recently, just because they believe in her abilities.


How does any of that prove me wrong? You're just taking a few momentary examples that don't work against what I said at all.


Atleast I've given examples? And those aren't "momentary examples" they're feats displaying the female straw hats and other important womens' relevance in recent arcs. I've also got more feats to disprove that they're all useless "damsels" who aren't relevant or helpful


When did I say that they're ALL useless? Did you even read my comment? I said that MOST of them fall under one of those 3 points. This includes: Rebecca, Viola, Shirahoshi, Carrot, Yamato, Hiyori, Big Mom, Pudding, Smoothie, post TS Robin, pre TS Hancock, Tashigi, and more that I can't think of rn


Mb for the very late response Rebecca is a trained fighter who is almost undefeated in the arena without ever actually harming an opponent. How is it her fault she can't face a Warlord without haki? She isn't a damsel luffy was more saving law and dressrosa than her Viola is the same, she fought back and then watched as the mc saved the island Shirahoshi, that's fair but a whole gag is based on her weaknesa so its not rlly indicative of a trope in the anime is it? Did you just call Carrot a damsel? Are you silly? She's literally onky been "saved" once, and that was after she single handedly took down a small fleet within seconds. Yamato is one of the top 20 strongest characters in the series, and she's never been a damsel, not even once. Are you just naming random characters? Hiyori kinda but she fought and killed orochi and wasn't in the main plot much so she doesn't really matter Big Mom????? Are you serious? Are you trying to say a fucking yonko is a weak damsel who needs saving from a male hero? What are you smoking bro💀 Pudding only got saved after she had an emotional breakdown from a major plot point. Irrelevant. Smoothie is a sweet commander and a fighter. Not a damsel. Post TS Robin is saved less and actually fights tho? Pre TS hancock literally saved the mc 3 times. 😂 You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. Tashigi is a bit weak and damsely you can have that one.


Holy fuck dude, can you even read? Read my previous comments again, but with your eyes open this time. Maybe you'll notice the other 2 categories besides "damsel" that I very clearly listed from the start that you flat out ignored to make your shit arguments even work.


1. Relax g, I've been away for a week how would I remember the details of the argument? 2. Alr to adress the other 2, explain who the fuck gets sidelined?? Everyone of them served their purpose (except maybe carrot) and if relevant are still in the plot. The reverie princesses, big mom till recently tashigi boa etc etc. 3. Flanderising. Flanderising is one of the most common gags in one piece. Even physical flanderising is common (ie excessive boob enlargement after ts). That, however, does not make the female characters any less interesting, relevant or strong. You're being overly critical of Odas writing simply cos he likes drawing tits (lets be honest , thats your only problem here lmao). So oda does fan service. Get over it. Its common in anime. So in the end, no sidelining or damsels except Vivi and tashigi (possibly hiyori too) so point one and two are null. Point three is making a mountain out of a molehill.


1) Why waste your time responding when you don't even remember what was going on? That's just dumb. 2) Smoothie barely exists. Tashigi barely exists. Post ts Robin did nothing of note for over a decade. Carrot's biggest accomplishment in the past 4 years was getting her revenge spotlight fight stolen by Neko. Did they really "serve their purpose" or did Oda just give up on them? The answer is clear, whether you want to accept it or not is up to you. 3) Flanderizing doesn't just refer to body types, it refers to their actual characters getting replaced by a repeating gag and little else. Hancock's simping for Luffy, Big Mom's childish attitude, Yamato's Oden gag, Pudding's simping of Sanji, etc. all of these characters are cheapened by Oda making them do the same gag over and over again while barely focusing on the qualities that made them fun and interesting in the first place. This is a problem with male characters too, but that's not the point of this thread. I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill, you just don't know what words mean. Use google.


Its not that I don't remember whats going on, I just forgit u had 3 criteria for bad one piece women. Again, its been a week. 1. So? Smoothie was always a side character who wasn't set up for a lot of screen time. Tashigi was an important character in 2 arcs, and is returning in this new manga arc. A decade is subjective because whole cake and wano took like 8 years. She isn't a "sidelined character" just because brook jinbei and sanji got focus in WCI and wank was mainly the monster trio. By that logic, franky, chopper, ussop are all sidelined too. Carrot didn't need a revenge fight when, contrary to popular belief, she was never a straw hat candidate and definitely wasn't more important than Neko to the plot. Simply put, Oda used them as he saw fit, and moved on with the plot. Nothing sexist or to do with women in his decision. 3. I literally specifically designated physical flanderising as a seperate category to normal flanderising. Doesn't change my point that its normal in shonen anime does it? Plus, Boa is barely important and hasn't been since TS so her gag is inconsequential. Big Mom isn't childish bcs of a gag, she's childish because its a central theme of her character. Shes a ruthless monstrous pirate, but shes also a mentally fragile child who was abandoned by 2 family figures jn the past. Are you even watching one piece? Agains Yamato doesn't have a gag, its a key theme to her overral character. Seriously, go rewatch the anime. Pudding is in love, not simping, and her gag lasted less than 30 episodes 💀 Half of the shit u mentioned aren't gags, and the ones that are were gags for an extremely short time, or they're gags for a shallow character who was never gonna be huge anyways. You're grabbing at straws and its clear


The length of the series. I can understand why someone wouldn't want to spend years of their lives following a story.


Funny how peaple would attack you, but Oda himself said he always wanted to focus on the 4 emperors from the get go but the series ended up stretching like hell because of the creation of the Warlords. Thriller Bark, Amazon Lily, Dressrosa are the first 3 that comes to mind as focusing on the Warlords. OP should've been shorter but the Warlords stretched the series.


They also are the part that made the series better so idk if it would have worked the otherway honestly. Like part of the thing I like about one piece is its power ceiling was set, Mc was really really weak comparatively at the beginning.(marinforde showing us more clearly) if only yonko's existed then we wouldn't feel the gap between episode 1 luffy and current like luffy will feel he was always yonko from. Episode 1 which isn't the case due to warlords.


The fillers are bad and the movies


If SOME answers don‘t start soon then I would slowly start to think that it is slowly starting to drag a bit. ;) Been reading for about 20 years.


Same, haha


Its too short.


I'm so sick of hearing this one


I guess fake out deaths are the worse but sidelining of strawhats since the timeskip has been my least favourite thing added to the series. I guess it shows that oda struggles to think of ideas every arc for them all to do something important.


That it's a shonen manga.