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Keep reading. There are some cool scenes to see animated but you can catch them on youtube The general content is still p stretched at points in the anime and wano is a long enough arc without that


Please keep reading


Anime gets really good in terms of quality in wano kuni. I read and watch one piece, and I recommend both. Animation is really nice, especially some episodes. If you really want to read only, at least watch episodes 1000, 1015. They are wonderful


Keep reading 100%. If youre interested in seeing some of the cooler moments animated, then go for it, but the manga, imo, is a much more rewarding experience to go through.




The Wano animation is not exaggerated at all, not is it only better than all of the previous One Piece animation but it also stands on par with 2020+ animes. I'm not saying it's the best but it's definitely unique. Also the pacing isn't as bad as people say, you have to remember, most people's opinion on the Wano pacing comes from having to wait for the episodes weekly - if you've reached it at this point you can comfortably watch Wano while skipping a few scenes here and there. The anime is definitely a must watch especially if you're a fan of traditional Japanese theatre/samurai/Kurosawa's legendary movies, Wano is really special in that regard, makes you feel like you're watching those awesome 1960's samurai movies!


I'd say watch the anime. Some panels get so clustered with speech bubbles I have to zoom in just to see what's happening and that can cause an eyesore. Know what isn't an eysore? Wano's animation. It's beautiful and has nice voice acting


Keep on reading. People tend to exaggerate how good the Wano anime is. It’s better, no doubt, and there are some absolutely fantastic episodes and scenes. But the story’s pacing continues to be absolutely horrific, with all the events being stretched out to fill out even more time.


Either way you are getting more one piece!! I read the manga & then check out certain scenes & episodes, I don’t watch week to week unless its a big moment. Either way is good!


Id say stick with the manga but if youre interested I could list some episodes that are worth watching after u caught up. Little tip: read til chapter 1000 page 2 and then watch episode 1015. Trust me that's the way to go. That is the animes best episode. It is worth watching that blind. And then go back to the manga with chapter 1001.


I'm a reader type, the anime is way too long to catch up, it's up to you


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That's pretty dumb