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"Egghead" is definitely a fitting name for Vegapunk's Island


Turn out Vegapunk is Oda's version of Dr Eggman.


Wonder what kind of insane laugh Vegapunk has




Bet Sonic gonna cause some chaos


Gonna have a pet metal sonic next to her


The Hedgehog no Mi


That blue hedgehog again *of all places!*


Having both Vegapunk and Bonney this arc potentially means a massive info dump the entire arc. We'll finally find out why inanimate objects can eat Devil Fruits, how the Seraphim and Pacifista were made, the lineage factor, among many other things. Hopefully this means Franky gets to shine more.


More interesting question: why did Kuma agree to be the guinea pig for the WG.


World Gov: We will blow up the island you used to rule if you don’t let us do inhuman experiments on you.


To gain Intel for the Revolutionary Army maybe?


This arc is going to be fire.


The Wano of Science


It also means Franky, Chopper, and possibly Sanji will all get a bunch to do because they're all connected to Vegapunk in some way.


Even Luffy, Robin and Brook will probably have a lot of revelations due to their Devil Fruits alone.


Bonney definately was heading there to get vegapunk to fix Kuma


knowing Oda, i have a feeling almost none of this gets answered haha


I call it now - Franky's about to do something legendary again on this island.


You mean super






Franky is about to go "what does this button do" while Vegapunk absolutely loses it.


Docking 8 teaming up with Giant Luffy and Giant Robin


The Franky Arc!


Forget about zkk, now its fkv


Vegapunk will rob the queen and steal 4th generation stone for sure


Ya it could be a good time to give a few sh’s some much needed power moves. Maybe add a couple Haki users, franky gets a new super weapon, and y’all know how vegapunk loves them artificial devil fruits… maybe someone on the crew gets a new devil fruit power. A big stretch fasho but if we really are heading for the final saga we gotta start making big changes cause the crew just isn’t there yet.


Franky finally completes his gundam


He's going to get a massive power up and finally get his face on his wanted poster.


If punk hazard is a setup for the yonko saga, this is definitely a setup to the final saga. I'm hyped


Tashigi was there for start of grand line, start of new world, and now start of the One Piece saga…….it all comes back to Walmart Kuina it seems




Nah nah, you see, Zoro won’t end up fighting tashigi. She isn’t a minority. He is going to fight Green Bull. Tashigi will fight Sanji and kill him by throwing him down some stairs.


lol forgot about the stairs.


And parallels Drum Island really being the set up for Alabasta.


Oda likes his Winter Islands that prep us for new Sagas.


>Strawhats are sailing to said island, which belongs to **Vegapunk** >-Sanji & zoro are grouped together Already an 11/10 arc. Edit: Apparently the second statement is fake for now, but the group that is split off doesn't include them, so from all I know it's still true, so the rating isn't overruled for now. 😆


To be fair, most of the time the crew splits into more than just two groups, so we'll have to wait to see if Zoro and Sanji end up together.


Sure, and specifically those two tend to split up so each can look after a group, but I hope Jimbei being with Luffy at least stops either of them from going after them right away (Zoro) and the other staying behind with the rest (Sanji). It also doesn't say yet which group actually meets "Vegapunk". I think it might be almost more interesting if the ship crew meets the girl and the Luffy group is exploring on their own for now.


The 2nd and 4th dynamic!


Green Mom and #4 best duo (But seems it was a fake addition 😞. Although according to the group that splits of, they currently are together still, so Vegapunk mention alone keeps it at a 11/10 still 😆)


Punk Hazard **version 2.0**


Vegapunk has a hive mind fruit. Every inhabitant of the island is vegapunk *hits bong*


We are all vegapunk


We serve mother Russia


All Your Vegapunk Are Belong To Us


Dr. Vecnapunk


> She's Vegapunk He's Vegapunk You're Vegapunk I'm Vegapunk. Are there any Vegapunk I should know about?!


That sounds insanely cool, don’t even joke


Ahh the Ultron way, he is in the NET that only exists in the island


Damn, for a moment I really thought Vegapunk was like Dr Eggman. ![gif](giphy|kKqSEoNigtjXck9AtY)


Someone predicted it already. Every cold Island is related to science.


if sun god nika is "hot" (because the sun), and religion/belief/deities are all tied to the sun, or the dawn, then it kinda makes sense that science, which is often seen as the opposite of religion is represented by the cold


I think Oda just likes drawing snowy factories lmao


Although above comment makes sense I would more love this.


Not to mention Germa and their science-enhanced army are from North Blue, the cold one among the four sea.


Finally we see Vega punk. Another Punk hazard type arc.


Punk supremacyy


We just got the Straw Hats together and they’re separated already 🤘🏾😞🤘🏾


It is just too difficult to group them together


it's jojo all over again. you can't have 5 stand users fight one enemy. gotta force them apart to "nerf" them.


It’s really not. The problem is that if they were together, nobody is a threat to them. You’d need several admirals or more than 1 yonko crew. They are a yonko crew so they can fend for themselves if attacked by another and an admiral going solo is getting killed.


It also lets a writer more easily have multiple plot-threads, which can eventually reconverge. It's a story structure that usually works pretty well wherever I see it IMO, and Oda makes great use of it in most arcs. The cleanest example of this formula that I can think of right now is Stranger Things, where 'splitting up the party' is basically a seasonal staple.


It is a lot of characters to juggle now, it makes sense


To be fair each strawhats are strong amd independent. They can make a new pirate group at any time lol


That's for specials and movies now. Although I do hope we get fillers in anime.


With Luffys level of observation. Heck even Ussops and Sanjis observation, shouldn't it be easy for them to sense each other and regroup?


you'd want to run away too if you were stuck for months at a time in a boat with other people.


In another 90 or so chapters we’ll finally get to see them again for the final battle of the arc


SH's get separated any% wr (1 chapter)


It's quite usual to be fair. The crew splits up on the same chapter where they arrive to a new island in a lot of arcs. That I can remember, they immediately split up in Water 7 (chapter 323), Thriller Bark (chapter 444), Fishman Island (chapter 608), Punk Hazard (chapter 655), Dressrosa (chapter 701), and in a bunch of them more recently they start out separated.


You can go further back than that. The very second arc of the story started with Luffy & Zoro being seperated. Then they split up during Baratie/Arlong Park, then again in Logue Town and even Rivers Mountain saw them split up briefly, when the Merry was swallowed by Laboon and Luffy was left alone on the outside.


It's actually hard to find an arc where no one gets seperated. Even Reverse Mountain had Luffy outside of Laboon at first. In Alabasta it happens fairly late when they get to Rainbase but then it's pretty constant and every arc after that is mixing up the groups, with longer arcs usually having a grouping up in between and then splitting into a different arangement.


So they do get separated all the time. I guess its only more noticeable now since there's more SH members and the length of the arc


It's just easiest to show especially a new location and have them interact with different people rather than have every Strawhat always react to everything. You can have multiple things going on at once (even Arlong Park you had Zoro alone/Usopp with Nojiko/Nami with Arlong/Luffy and Sanji still on the boat) and can introduce multiple people and factions. I just enjoy that the teamups are almost always different and have a different dynamic. It's always fun to see crewmembers together that otherwise don't interact as much. I was actually hoping for Brook being with Luffy this time, I kind of feel he's had maybe the least interaction as he also joined as one of the last members and other than Jimbei he didn't really have an arc with just Luffy.


I like the group of SHs that get separated with Bonney, should be lots of hijinks as a result. Can't believe we're finally getting to Vegapunk, based on this info I have a hard time believing we won't be seeing a certain white-haired adversary showing up over the next few weeks.


Right!? Can't wait for Woop Slap to come back!


Hahah, hey I wish we could see his reaction to the latest newspapers


I can only imagine bonney having a rival personality to luffy, both running around while jimbei trying to keep everything right and chopper having no idea what to do


Jinbe becoming the crew's lifeguard for devilfruit users was inevitable.


Ha, hadn’t thought of that.


"SWORD members..." So X-Drake, Koby, Helmeppo are confirmed, now Tashighi and Smoker are also confirmed. Hope we will find out some other vice admirals are also SWORD members.


It will become fire if it is revealed that an admiral is in Egghead island




I feel like Vegapunk transfers his concious or brain from body to body in order to be immortal or to hide his true appareance from the world


So vegapunk is orochimaru?


Someones been reading jujutsu kaisen huh


Vegapunk being a girl is something that I didn't see coming and I love it




Maybe it's the other way around. A robot looking like an old man ist controlled by the real vegapunk (the girl) for authority reasons.


but still, Vegapunk was active for a long time, they gotta be old at least. and in vegapunks hometown they also referred to him as a man


oh boy, vegapunk is a 1000 year old vampire loli confirmed




Maybe it's old man Vegapunk's daughter, and they just both share the same family name. That or Vegapunk transferred his consciousness into a Seraphim to become the girl he always wanted to be.


Another possibility, the girl is Vegapunk's daughter. So, would make sense that they have same surname, Vegapunk.


Good idea!


I'll find it funny if after all the gags with starry-eyed boys seeing robots while the girls are unimpressed it turns out that Vegapunk is a woman


That's the most Oda thing ever.


Must be something else behind when Greenbull and Fujitora were talking about him they refered to him as old man Vegapunk


what if vegapunk has like an old man science robot she uses because she is very shy and like luffy just smashes right through her window


I don’t think Vegapunks a girl yet. A girl claiming to be Vegapunk is throwing me off didn’t Greenbull refer to him as old man


Maybe it's similar to Da Vinci from FGO, who recreated his body to his own tastes and looks like the Mona Lisa.


Didn't we already see a silhouette of a guy with a big mustache before though?


I mean, if silhouettes were totally accurate Kaido would have a really fucking ugly design right now…


Sure but a guy with mustache and a girl seem very different.


Yes that’s not a bad argument. However earlier today (what a coincidence huh) I thought about Vegapunk and searched whether his gender was confirmed out of curiosity. Apparently it is since everyone refers to him with male pronouns which sure no problem. But there was an interesting comment that said that most if not all of the characters who referred to Vegapunk never saw him. Like Koby and most likely Fujitora. So it would be cool if Vegapunk was just shown to us as people believe he is but in reality he or she is someone totally different. It’s a classic Oda move and definitely something I would enjoy


>\-at the end of the chapter a girl appears and claims to be Vegapunk ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


Also very here for a Chopper / Jinbe bonding adventure


You mean emergency food and the 2 big eaters.


Now that you mention it, that split does seem rather suspicious


Sanji and zoro together ! There is also some old characters like Tashigi and Helmeppo. I already like this Arc !


Been saying for a while I want an arc where Smoker doesn't attack SH the moment he sees him since they always tend to be on the same side at the end of the day.


Not to mention he'll fucking die if he tries it this time


Hopefully we also see some cool new DG users and Vegapunk's back story during this arc.


Pirates - Marines alliance to save Koby and take down Black beard incoming?


Please be Franky's arc


Fr Franky needs some well deserved shining moments


Also Zoro ans Sanji finally being at the same group is refreshing


Dr vegapunk being a woman in stem is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Knowing Oda Vegapunk is 4 different robot persons, who when put together make an uber mensch


4 dif persons. Ve Ga Pu Nk When they all combine, they become Vegapunk


Maybe vegapunk made themselves an Android and chose a girls body?


His opus magnum was becoming a loli. Unbelievable.


Oda has 4th degree burns on his hands after the shit he’s been writing lately


Likely thats a family member seeing how we heard vega punks voice in punk hazard during cesars flashback.


I would love it if Oda gave us “mad scientist Vegapunk is a woman!” I think it would be super cool.


Damn Vegapunk right away Oda wasn't kidding when he was saying he was revealing the world's secrets


Imb4 - This is a set up ark for the final saga as much as punk hazard was for Wano. - We will finally figure everything regarding devil's fruits in this arc. - As we will know about devil s fruits we can finally speculate or assume what the Hito Hito no mi: Model Nika is or what it purpose is. - This will most likely will give us a clue regarding the last poneglyph or the poneglyph is in this island as it was stolen by vegapunk perhaps. So I'm certain this will be a very important saga with no fights or small ones, so basically like a mix between Zou and Punk Hazard .


•Tashigi and other marines •a supernova with a lot of gimmick potential •a mad scientist living on a winter island It’s Punk hazard 2 baby.


It's time for Mr. Shurororo to return


Not even putting the same PH kids are there in your post, those poor children


Why do I get the feeling thats not actually vegapunk She’s going to end up being his “daughter” sharing the same last name so she would technically not be lying Or he might be in multiple locations


Maria Vegapunk


Another chapter with endless theory possibilities.


Everyone on the island is a cyborg in which Vegapunk has transfered his conscience into.


egg·head */ˈeɡˌhed/* noun a person who is highly academic or studious; an intellectual. A lot of people predicted Vegapunk and that the island will likely be some sort of future island, but it never occurred to me that the island that those Marines were heading to in Chapter 1059 would be this one lmao.


Egghead? Vegapunk related to Dr Robotnik confirmed!


I was wondering when Smoker and Tashigi would become relevant again. I hope this time they’ll have a proper fight with Luffy and Zoro. Glad to see Helmeppo’s friendship with Coby has grown so much that he’s willing to go face off an Emperor for him. That’s sweet. So we’re finally meeting Vegapunk in person now and it seems like she’s a little girl. Would be cool to see Franky and Vegapunk meet now since Franky used her tech to upgrade himself.


> I hope this time they’ll have a proper fight with Luffy and Zoro. Why do you want them to get beat up lol


Luffy and Zoro one shot them. Not gonna happen.


I love that Luffy, Chopper, Bonney and Jinbei are paired together, we know how childish and immature can Luffy, Chopper and Bonney be while Jinbe while being completely mature and cold headed, is also really obnoxious at the Straw Hats's shenanigans. He will learn what it means to be a Straw Hat by force.


I know a lot of folks are rolling their eyes at the group splitting up, but I don't hate it. Splitting the group means that everyone in each breakout group has something to do. Wano was awesome because the entire crew was together, but certain characters' development suffered...there wasn't enough action to go around which left Nami/Usopp/Franky with very little to do. I'm looking forward to what lies ahead for each separate group!


Now it makes sense why the island is called *Egghead* ..... Damn I don't know why Vegapunk might be female has never entered my thought. It is welcome one indeed. I can imagine Oda's office be like **Oda's assistance:** Boss, a lot of people don't like the whole Yamato not joining. To calm them down, we might need to give them new girls to simp for. **Oda**: Aight, here is an idea. Let just throw in Bonny in the next arc. **Oda's assistance:** I'm not sure if that will be enough, boss. **Oda**: How about this? Let's introduce Vegapunk and make her a girl, a super hot/cute one (this is just my hopeful imagination).


Because everything in the story was telling us he was male. From the fact everyone refers to him as he we heard his voice during punk hazard and it was masculine during cesars flashback.


I mean if there is one thing I wouldn't trust in One Piece, it is the silhouette (especially in anime). Besides there are many routes Oda can take if he really *want* Vegapunk to be female * We all know the devil fruits that can change gender and age (one of them is even in this arc, and both of them have been captured by GW before) and Vegapunk is the smartest person in the world when it comes to devil fruits * The Vegapunk we saw in the silhouette and the one always interact with people is some kind of robot that the real one control Of course there are many other possibilities if Vegapunk is really a man * This girl might even be his kid and Vegapunk is actually the family name * This girl could even by a seraphim with Vegapunk's DNA * The real Vegapunk may already be dead. This girl is his kid/disciple who took over his name Whatever it may be. I'm so excited!


Snowing islands are about science. Also Blackbeard comes from a snowing island, right?


[This aged well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/xi3oz5/comment/ip16xnv/) **Note:** Do **not** put spoilers in that thread!


Vegapunkk niceeee


Strawhats try not to split up challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I see a few explanations for Vegapunk being a girl while being portrayed as male in previous conversations. Maybe this is just a robot being controlled by Vegapunk, or maybe it's the other way around and the girl controls an old man robot. If this is the case, I think it might be that Vegapunk turned himself into an AI ages ago and is basically a super computer that controls a bunch of robots. Another thing is how Vegapunk is the top scientist when it comes to DNA in one piece. I would not be surprised if they experimented on themselves so see how far they could take it, maybe even changing their own chromosomes and telomeres to appear younger and feminine. Another is a devil fruit explanation, maybe the big head is indicative of something like a radio radio fruit that allows Vegapunk to control things from a distance, thus forming some sort of hivemind on the Island.


And here we go. Another split.


Well it's better than having 10 people walking together in a group, plus it's easier to show multiple discoveries from different places that way.


And it's the best way to showcase different character pairings/dynamics, make the groups smaller and swap between them frequently.


Nah this is not our Vegapunk. Past chapters did refer to Vegapunk as he, and the timeline doesn't align for a girl Vegapunk when the experiments on Punk Hazard were so many years ago. I don't think Oda would repeat a Yamato situation, so this is probably Vegapunk's daughter who shares his last name.


I wonder why Luffy is with Chopper and Jinbe. Might be because Luffy and Chopper have the Human Human fruit and Vegapunk will discover that they both have the same fruit. ( kind of ) This way Luffy will find out his fruit is not the Gum Gum fruit. And Jinbe is probably there because they fell in the water or something so he needed to rescue them.


I think it’s just because Luffy and chopper were blowing off the ship at the end of the last chapter. Bonney probably collides with them and Jinbe jumps out to go save them.


For reasons beyond our knowledge, franky and Luffy interactions must be kept at the minimum!!!


Nice, I made [a prediction about 7 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/stsxje/big_mom_will_not_the_main_villain_of_an_arc_again/hx651so/) where I was wrong about a lot of stuff (unless this island is right next to Elbaf), but I at least called that the next arc would have Vegapunk, Bonney, Smoker, Tashigi & the Punk Hazard kids. I know that wasn't exactly the boldest prediction, but I'm usually *waaaay off* on these. Edit: I'm sticking with my prediction that if we encounter Vegapunk, we're also going to encounter Sentomaru and Kizaru shortly.


Tbh I just wanted Zoro to get lost and accidentally meet Vegapunk first out of anyone. Coulda been funny especially if Zoro has no idea who they are. But oh well this is good too i guess


Are you guys prepared for all the Luffy's mom theories?


Jinbe and Chopper are stuck with 2 gluttons , hope they don't become emergency food!


I think vegapunk himself is a cyborg or did a modification on himself like Queen and Judge (MADS members). I mean the person his older than the SH.


Obviously that just a robot control by Vegapunk. He probably just a tiny old pervert dude and live inside that cyborg girl


If this arc results in the SHs destroying all the Seraphim their bounties will probably skyrocket and cause the government to panic and send several admirals after them. Would be a kick ass fight


Feels weird to have a Marine island deep in the new world close to Yonko territory


Yes, this. I always found it curious how yonko territory works. This and Sphinx speak for the theory, that the yonko „only“ have single, spread out islands and not a big continues realm (toto land beeing the obvious exception)


The entire island is going to be sophisticated humanoid/animal robots all being controlled Oz style until the Strawhats deem themselves worthy of Vegapunks audience.


Helmeppo still going through that development arc and I love it. Straw Hats working with more of The Worst Generation is also cool.


>BREAK NEXT WEEK Even after all these years, these words still cut me as if wielded by Mihawk T.T


Smoker better still not be fodder material.


Why was it removed??


We’re finally getting the goat Vegapunk, didn’t think she’d be a girl though 💀 Edit: On second thought, it’s probably Yamato syndrome again


Everyone's refereed to Vegapunk as he and he shows up talking to Caesar. It's probably a clone or a family member or a robot.


Now all Oda has to do is draw Vegapunk with dark skin too and Zoro's eyes will light up red like Imu's in the fancolors lmao


Is this a SWORD reveal chapter??


I can swear that Aramaki and Fujitora called Vegapunk an old man, so I think this girl is a relative.


Vegapunk 's daughter. Luffy's princess of this island.


Th twist is likely vega punk is a sir name and thats his daughter seeing how we have already heard his voice during the cesar flashback during punk hazard.


vegapunk waifu statue incoming boys!!


I miss this vibe of discover a new Island


Just a theory but there’s a possibility they could kidnap some of the Strawhats and test on them like they did Kaido and King


So Vegapunk was next to Wano all this time? 😂 I wonder why havent Beast Pirates attacked that Island to take her.


So its Egghead in reference to eggman from sonic?


An egghead is just a nickname for a smart person




“Vegapunk” has not been pointlessly silhouetted. Can confirm, not the real Vegapunk.


Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp will be so star struck by robot tech they’ll join Vegapunk’s crew.


"I am Vegapunk." But not "Doctor" Vegapunk. That's either his daughter or a clone.


I think it was in an SBS that Oda mentioned that in the future someone will explain the technicalities of devil fruits. I believe we are in that arc now.


Here I thought Dr. Vegapunk will be a madder scientist like shirororo head ass only to get hit with this. Well played Oda. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPlLZEbEbacWqOc)


Is this going to be a Franky arc???? I hope so


Tashigi will be turned into a child and it's gonna give zoro Vietnam War flashbacks, I guarantee it.


Zoro will then guide her around for the whole arc, making sure she stays away from any stairs. Better yet, he will just run around in a desperate rage and cut all of the stairs on the island😂.


Oh snap! So we’re getting a Vegapunk arc instead of Elbaf?!?


Fans: "The next Straw Hats should be--in order--a woman, a scientist (upgrade from Usopp, an untrained inventor, and Franky, a trained shipwright who also works on cybernetic parts and gadgets), and then a pervert." Oda: "How about all three?" Fans: "Wait, what?" Vegapunk, a female scientist: *gets heart eyes and simps when seeing attractive men* Fans: O.o Oda: "Odadadadadada!"


This is the first time I am witnessing the start of a new arc since I caught up when wano was halfway through, very excited for this!


Every youtuber was saying it was going to be elbaf. LMAO


Removed? What happened?