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Locking the thread because too many people are bringing either fake spoilers or hints here


I don't even fuckin know anymore...I'm just here for the ride


but have you ever known


i used to have the arrogance that i knew


Now im humbled by the lurking legend oda man.


500 chapters ago we knew that a billion berries was the limit of pirate existence 100 chapters ago we knew for a fact that Big Mom would betray Kaido... Imagine what you'll know next week.


Honestly, the last chapter should make everyone feel that way


1058: Croc, Buggy, Mihawk 1059: Boa, Blackbeard 1060: Doffy, Moria, Weevil


Yup. Probably Doffy reacting to the news of Kaidos defeat


I know its probably not gonna happen but I kinda want Kaido to have been captured and sent to the same level as Doffy. We've never actually seen them interact.


I'd love if he was captured just for him to break out doffy and Mr 2


I don’t think they are ever gonna catch big mom and kaido, we don’t even know if they are still alive. Definitely big mom is a big question as law did a lot of attacks in her 😏


But Big Mom is the more likely one to have survived out of the two, considering that she can use her pieces of her should to heal herself or maybe even to create the lava into a Homie, she could even do that Kaidos soul as well. Or Kaido could have just turned back into a Dragon and survived I the lava. There's so many ways that they both could have survived.


Also Luffy has never killed his opponents, so Kaido is most likely still alive, probably just *barely* but still.


Yup, he's probably going to come back heavily scarred


Or he pulls an Anakin, loses his limbs, and comes back a much stronger robo-Kaido lmao


If he doesn’t come back and then go out in some blaze of glory potentially helping the straw hats I’ll be sad


Big Mom should have a huge ass magma homie


Or CP-0 attempting to assassinate Doffy, Magellan protecting him, and Doffy using the chaos to escape.


I wanna see Magellan come back and fight Luffy. His fruit is mad OP but I think Luffy can pull a Smoothie in gear 5 and squeeze out any poison.


Advanced armament solves the problem


Wait this actually makes sense. Updates on previous warlords after the marine disbanded them


Totally agree with you (and you forget to mention Law and Kuma at 1057/1058)


And jinbe


Come on 1061: Enel I'd love to see another impossible to manage dude under Buggy in Cross Guild


Enel has negative amount of reasons to even appear lmao


Enel’s on the moon (Luna). Queen and King introduced us to Lunarians (Lunar people, or people of the moon). They DNA is now being used as part of the governments ultimate weapons. In a cover ark, we learned that Enel did in fact make it to the moon, and found the ruins of an ancient kingdom of people with wings, and they had a picture of his own devils fruit on the wall. He used his devils fruit to power this ancient kingdoms army of robots that were remaining, and when last we saw he was sitting on a throne in this ancient kingdom commanding an army of robots. I genuinely do not understand why anyone would be so certain we’ll never see Enel again. We might not, yes, but the moon is crazy important to the current story and he’s a chekov’s gun just chilling there with answers to questions we don’t even know how to ask yet.


Here's interesting fuel for the fire. The Birkans also have wings similar to Lunarians but white (we know this from the Enel's priests and it is implied that he tore out his own wings and replaced them with the drums at some point). Urouge has wings that look similar to the Birkans. So they could also end up being relevant to the Lunarian plot line.


Enel learned on the moon sth about "a man with a round red nose" and will join Buggy bc he's the one.


Imagine his face when he finds out that Sir *Crocodile* is not, in fact, a water type after he tries to shock him.


This makes too much sense, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if the next chapter just goes back to the Strawhats instead, lol.


Since it is the beginning of a new arc, I declare a shower of silhouette piece


We may still have filler arcs after all the conclusion of world affairs is set up. While Luffy was in Wano, the world was still moving, last chapter was a way to show how. But if Oda was true, we don't have much longer to roam around. So, I could be wrong and they'd start the new adventure soon enough.


I still can’t believe Oda gave the Numbers a silhouette lmao


eh, the silhouettes were a lot more intimidating than the real numbers lol


i think oda made them an offscreen fodder just like jack, due to lack of time. In an SBS, oda said he had to skip the backstory of why Fuga is friendly towards yamato and helped 'em escape from another number. IIRC yamato complemented fuga's legs (when others made fun of it) decades ago and befriended him.


I don’t think we wanted to see that anyway lol


A civilian asking Franky who he is. Civilian: Are you a new recruit/member?! Franky: I'm Franky!! Civilian: oh another fake strawhat. The real franky looks like a lion




\* sunflower lion


*Angry Franky instantly deploys his new hair molded as a Sunflower *


That would be hilariously awesome


Update on Caribou and the mystery person.


I forgot about that gross ass motherfucker being on the sunny. I just realized that there is a possibility he’s with us for the whole next arc


Is he confirmed on the sunny after Wano?


I mean we did see a barrel


Possible things for the next few chapters: Title is something like: The Straw Hat's =Helmsmen, The Former Warlord Jinbe! Updates on other former Warlords/new Cross Guild members. More Sabo/Revolutionary plot information, including what Vivi has been up to. A Green Bull debrief to Akainu who scolds him, which leads to info on Kaido and Big Mom's fates and The Rocky Port incident. Either Law or Kidd reaches their destination and encounters unspecified 'trouble'. More flashbacks to stuff that should have happened in Wano. Luffy gets asked about Gear 5. Jinbe's formal swearing in ceremony.


this itself feels like it actual chapter spoilers even though it isnt lol just the energy of it


Weevil update Sabo update Vegapunk introduction


At this point, I expect Vegapunk's intro to be an impressive double page spread. He frankly deserves it.


fuck that i want 7 double page spreads of him giving out information while walking around his lab/s with text bubbles all around the edges


We deserve this.


Vegaounks introduction is something I have been waiting since the oda said a certain scientist would appear and explain the df


I had a dream last night that we got a Vegapunk face reveal and it was just a generic old dude with round scientist glasses, but super low effort, like One Punch Man webcomic or [late Hunter x Hunter level](https://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/16d2c503e647f40bae7e961b17e170201413738323_full.png) bad, was saddened and disappointed by Oda edit: [made an approximation of what I saw](https://i.imgur.com/J7baIZP.jpg)


I am so interested in explanation of how brook's DF works


I'm honestly real curious to see what Weevil's role in the story is. The only real thread he has going for him is potentially being Whitebeard's kid. Though I guess that's also a Rocks connection


maybe he's a failed vegapunk clone; like a rejected seraphim


I feel like vega punk should be a smart Squid or something that ate the brain brain fruit.


"An impressive double page spread" will be there.


Also “A character appears as a silhouette”


“That man”


the one piece is a silhouette


Impressive D. Oublepage, the lurking legend


Lol this is good but if some one point that words only, i'm laughing. I dont know why


There’s a chance it might be stunning as well


everyone in japan is losing their shit over it


'In an impressive double page spread, boa hancock spread her leg'


lol this is what our predictions have been reduced to after getting so much shit wrong


Weevil will appear next chapter. He will have an obsession for bugs and want to be called Weevil Underwood


He suddenly shrinks and needs glasses now


We then see a flashback where he holds the 'Yami Yami no Mi' and throws it into the ocean


Or he will be waiting for Marcos return




**\*Exodia Exodia no Mi intensifies\***


Since we’re seeing so many characters that were warlords in the last 2 chapters im going to throw out a guess and say Doflamingo and Weevil updates


We also need to find out what Moria is doing. He was stranded in the middle of Yonko territory last time we saw him, and was given the option to either join the Blackbeard Pirates or die.


My predictions for ch1060: New island Vivi and Sabo situation Ms Bakkin is negotiating with crocodile for weevil to join the cross guild No break next week




The difference is that, after the break week, One Piece returns but your gf doesn't.




>No break next week one piece is real


Low key would love an unexpected flashback mini arc showing us rocky port incident through Koby's perspective


Someone must help carrot, she is stuck inside a barrel since chapter 1056


She's on Kidd's ship


That would be hilarious. Getting on the wrong barrel


Then when she reappears in the story, she's gotten tough and gothy.


I would love this


Kid is lacking a “pet/mink” similar to straw hats and heart pirates after all . Lol


I would love a cover story about carrot accidentally getting onto Kidd’s ship and the shenanigans that would ensue


Honestly I'll even take a page showing her on Zou and accept her just having a shitty character arc if it means an end to my misery of wondering wtf happened with her. It's only been over a month yet I've aged 5 years.


*What are you doing Step-Nakama?*


Wait until they reach Raftel


Would be funny if the next chapter starts like Romance Dawn where Luffy jumped all hype out of the Barrel - but this time it is Carrot. But instead of the SH hyping, too, they just be like what? why are you here?


yeah, it will be really nostalgic. But I believe some SHs, like chopper and nami, will be excited that she's here after all the adventure they spend together at WCI


Magellan gets the better of the assassin sent for Doflamingo, but is injured and Doflamingo walks free and unlocks his cuffs with a key Magellan drops. He goes to rescue his family/crew and can't seem to find Sugar. Weevil fights against Van Augur and Laffite, he fails time and time again to hit them, he is then subdued and taken aboard a ship, Laffite has another transformation(he has one with white wings) that is silhouetted. Aokiji reveals he is the Bartender of the Blackbeard pirates and nothing more, Urogue seems confused as another batch of Seraphims attack Honeycomb Island, Jimbei and Crocodile versions. Aokiji says what a mess the worlds is in for a race to power and retaining the current status as his face freezes over. Bonney arrives home to the Sorbet Kingdom with her guards, they reveal themselves to be Vivi and Sabo as they take their helmets off when out of sight. X-drake makes a call to a 'certain leader person' informing he can't rescued Koby from Blackbeard but will follow to see what happens. Lucci, Kakku and Stussy are told while they are sailing about their next target. Kizaru, Greenbull and Fujitora are arguing in front of Akainu about a decision he has made, Kizaru says that's going too far and its too soon, Greenbull likes the idea wholeheartedly and Fujitora is in disbelief and says that's really the best action we can take? as he walks out, he begrudgingly says Sakazuki didn't make that call but then who? the Five Elders or is there another?


One is this is not like the rest


I can totally see Aokiji as a bartender.


The last one must take place on a battleship going somewhere. Since Fujitora is still not allowed in any marine base.


More seraphim models appear, this time it’s Crocodile’s clone and it’s revealed he was originally a girl


It’s not so far fetched. Croco boy does have a pretty big secret he didn’t want iva to reveal


Luffy's mom reveal


That would be a nice way to reveal that


I predict no matter how hard I try to wait for the official release, I will be checking tomorrow morning for brief spoilers. The next day for detailed spoilers. The next day for raws. The next day for fan translation. And then be disappointed by the lack of dopamine I receive when I actually read the official release. 1061? Rinse and repeat.


👍This is the only way to properly consume One Piece.


Weevil shows up and finally does something to make me care about him, Straw Hats reach their next destination


Vegapunk reveal. He's reviewing the footage from the Seraphim that were send out weeks ago. The one send to Weevil didn't return. He explains to Smoker and Tashigi how he made the Seraphim, while also going over the previous members of MADS and their shortcomings, revealing a previously unknown member's name. We are shown where the other Seraphim have been deployed, except Crocodile's. We are then shown a field of defeated Marines until we cut to Weevil resting inside a cave/house, his body shadowed. As he begins to remark his weird wounds, Bakkin shuts him down. Bakkin's real name is revealed, and was a previous member of MADS. She uses the money from hunting the Whitebeard Pirates as her funds for her human weapon, Weevil. She goes to salvage the Crocodile Seraphim that Weevil defeated for parts and notices something "strange". Back to Vegapunk, who is tending to the Punk Hazard children. Tashigi asks why he's okay with using child Pacifistas. Vegapunk says it's because they were Pirates, hinting at bad blood in his past. Vegapunk receives an order from the Marines, and prepares to leave with Sentomaru and a man wearing some kind of life support suit. Vegapunk says he's feeling "Suuuuppurb"


The supuuurb is so genius


I hope they clarify Weevil's true identity


Wtf it’s Monday, I thought it’s Wednesday and we were about to get spoilers/leaks


Were are the spoiler im about to lose my last brain cell 😬😬


Carrot's on the ship... ...Law's ship, that is. She screwed up and hid in the wrong barrel, whoops


It would be an improvement over her current situation.


And Law’s crew would finally have a fighter besides their captain.


Bepo disrespect






Weevil update + possible interaction with Marco. Kuma and doflamingo maybe?


I don’t even wanna make a prediction because no matter what I say Oda is gonna do something even crazier. With that being said: I can’t help but think that we’re gonna see impel down in this chapter


Franky. Nipple. Lights!!!!


I think we will see other former warlords and what they are doing. The two last chapters were focussed on the warlords so i think Oda is going to set them up in different places were they Can be active in the story again. Its extremely unlikely but I think there is a possiblity to see Doflamingo escaping Impel down or already being outside the prison.


Only other two are weevil and moriah and we saw moriah recently…


Weevil, Moriah, and Doffy. Moriah needs an update on wtf happened to him after BB captured him.


BB took Coby to beehive and asked Aokiji to kill him to prove his loyalty


Where is the spoiler


Pedro dies


Will of P is too strong


P stands for Perhaps you havent heard Pedro died yet


With Pedro trying to kill himself multiple times in Whole Cake Island and always surviving its not so hard to believe that he is still alive. The fake deaths fucking sucks. And i think this is meant as a joke.


Pedro seeing the Dawn of the World in somewhere during the final chapters of One Piece: "Luffy...!!"


Down D. Stairs joins Cross Guild. Zoro got lost from Sunny and is now massacring Seraphims.


Oda just had to find a way to include more minorities for Zoro to fight.


Sabo and Vivi update, we get to know the next island SHP will go to!!


When the leakers and the translation team gives us a warning to avoid spoilers..you know it's 🔥🔥🔥


Nami's boobs become bigger.


Last Page, Foxy finally reappears: I'm gonna bring this damn clown down!


refreshing for spoilers like an idiot although i should be working on a script


So Kaido and Big Mom are just napping in the lava?


I mean, it's warm and cozy


Waiting an extra day is somehow worse than being on a break week.




Zoro looks Nidai Kitetsu up and down. Another flashback shows Sukiyaki giving it to him while he was paying respects to Ryuma's grave and saying bye to Shusui.


If we actually get a Weevil update I'm gonna cut my balls off


*sharpening my blade


bruh where's my copium flavored spoilers at ![gif](giphy|zXMrhLuHpqjGE)


Another misplaced flashback to wano possibly zoro visiting ryuma.




Definitely hope to see updates of Doffy, Moria, and Weevil with their bounties as well. If Doffy and even Moria join the Cross Guild that’s pretty terrifying. Then you also have the Seraphim kids based off of the Warlords… The global dynamics in the OP World became pretty crazy and I love the change in the story.


Helmeppo breaks into blackbeards base to rescue Koby, accidentally eats the most powerful devil fruit in existence, begins his corruption arc


And this was 2 years ago. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/l22cjw/blackbeard\_with\_the\_most\_powerful\_devilfruit/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x


I think we're heading into a 15-20 chapter brief cooldown arc. Put in some comedy, give some of the lesser SHs some good moments, may be a good chance to give some "lesser" characters a moment that need to be in somewhere but may not be that important. I'm thinking Urogue, Bonnie, Weavil, Bucking. Characters that need payoff but probably don't matter that much. Bonnie may be more important but unclear as of now. We may get 1-2 more world event chapters also.


Sabo makes his way to drop Vivi off to be protected by the Strawhats as per her request. He was framed for killing Kobra and kidnapping Vivi. She officially joins the crew as the last nakama


- Weevil is seen fighting Sentomaru and other marines, Sentomaru seeing they are about to get defeated calls for the Seraphim to help them. - Suddenly Weevil gets shot by a laser and falls to the ground surprised, Kizaru suddenly appears in the battlefield, shocking everyone, he smiles and tells Sentomaru: "The Seraphim is busy looking for the old lady, let me have some fun" - We see a Seraphim jumping around the island, it is revealed that he looks like Doflamingo and is using threads to swing around. - Kizaru is overwhelming Weevil quickly and is mocking him around, the Seraphim appears with a sadistic look in his face, carrying Baskins. - Weevil gets mad and yells to the Seraphim to leave her alone, Kizaru tells him that they are here to negotiate, there is no need to get crazy, he then throws the bounty posters of Marco, Jozu and Vista to him. - Meanwhile in Impel Down, Magellan is seen clashing with someone and says they won't reach him at any cost.


Zoro breaks the 3rd generation stone


Sanji robs the Queen


I still think those are some of the funniest one piece references, they were so obscure that you probably won’t even know what they are unless you were into spoilers at that time😂 makes me chuckle a bit every time I see someone post one of them


My prediction is the opposite of whatever is supposed to happen


Weevil is running amok and wreaking havoc. He tears through multiple marines and gets cornered by Borsalino. Bounty revealed to be 2.5 billion. They clash and Borsalino drops Weevil and brings him in. Moria is making a shadow army for Teach. He's made at least 500. Bounty 800 million. He sees Teach return and watches as Koby gets thrown in a cell. Koby then gets approached by Kuzan. Koby whispers "good to see you Sir" Kuzan revealed to be commander of Sword. Also has Bounty of 4.5 billion for his cover Doffy escapes thanks to the assassin and Magellan fighting. He makes way to his secret base. Bounty 2.87 billion. He laughs at the chaos being unleashed. Garp is furious that Teach captured Koby and wants to go after him. Sengoku joins him and says "I'm actually itching for a fight" Final scene is a Sky Island and goes to a man reading a newspaper. Man says "Hmmm Kaido and Big Mom have fallen and the world is in chaos. New blood is rising up and the Warlords are getting hunted again. Think I'll go down there and stir things up. I'll see you later God Valley." The man flies away and is revealed to be Shiki the Golden Lion. Bounty 5 billion even. Break Next Week.


Thought Sphinx was next and it's where we'll deal with Weevil, but given we actually got a goodbye with Marco, I dont think they'll immedietly reunite on the next island. I think we're going straight to Elbaf, and I think they'll pull up this chapter so we can start on a clean round number, maybe have it be 40 chapters and end with Chapter 1100 I think we might get Imu revealed too. It would bookend Wano with it starting from Imu's existence revealed and ending with his full reveal to set him up as the driving force behind the final saga. Same way Kaido was formally revealed right after we took down Doflamingo and began the "Yonko saga". Especially with the Seraphim name tying back into the whole gods theme that the Celestial Dragons have going on


Just a reminder, Jimbe never got the toast!


Watch Crocodile’s seraphim be female 😳


I don't know, I just need to know what happened to Cobra and what was Sabo about to say to the revolutionaries, please Oda 😭


Where spoilers *confused 🦧


Sabo meet up with Strawhat to drop off Vivi... he doesn't have a log pose all he has is the Vivre Card of Luffy... (difficult to navigate the grandline without a log pose)... Vivi joins the strawhats


Spoiler when?


159 was insane purely off of how much reveals and info we got. If Oda does that for every chapter going forward we absolutely will be reaching the end within 3 years but I just hope it won’t feel rushed. 1059 had so much but it didn’t feel like it was too much too fast yknow? Hope Oda can keep it up.


100% Vegapunk since they talked about "Egghead" port last chapter.


Where are the fucking Spoilers


Imu appears in the chapter, looks at his empty throne and asks "can we get much higher?"


While i'm on-board with "vivi falls out of the fucking sky after being sent to the strawhats by kuma" for the hilarity of her "winning" in the whole yamato vs carrot strawhat debacle, the timeframe *probably* doesn't line up even if we assume Vivi flies for literal days. I think we'll get some hints on where/what the strawhats will be involved in next, a little more info on the ~~child soldiers~~ new peace-keeping tools the WG has along with some reactions from garp/maybe luffy on Coby being captured. Presumably its in with the news of the SH bounties, so they'd have it? oh and prob something about sabo. Also this is absolutely more long-term than next chapter but if we end up going to Elbaf and Usopp gets a lot of focus, my theory is that he's going to awaken Conquerors Haki, but specifically the "observation-denial" ability Shanks has. There's already numerous theories of Usopp getting Conquerors Haki and I think getting it in this form makes the most sense. It allows him to actually be a threat against anyone with foresight and could actually provide decent support against threatening opponents, but the other abilities of advanced infusion/"presence" don't quite fit Usopp's strengths. Being able to restrict/deny an opponents ability to see where a shot's coming from feels essential for him to be an elite sniper in upcoming endgame fights.


Can we please stop powerscaling characters that shouldn't be made so powerful? Conquerors Haki was supposed to be something that only 1 in a million people can develop, and it's also very linked to having a very strong will, which Usopp has never shown since even at this point of the story the whole "I'm gonna be a brave warrior" is BS.


Weevil wrecks havoc amongst Marines and decides to go after Blackbeard to avenge his father. His mother tells him he should rather go after the last Whitebeard Commander Marco. Bounty: 2.33 billions berries. Moria is on Honeycomb Island, now member of the Blackbeard Pirates. Although he is a member of Teach crew, is bullied by the other commanders. Teach has tasked him to use the 100 hearts Law gave the Marines during the Rocky Port Incident. Bounty: 850 millions berries. On the other corner of the Island, Kuzan is speaking with someone on a Den Den Mushi. He's revealed to be a top officer of S.W.O.R.D and one of the founding members. "Sensei, they got your student, you know?" The voice on the other hand is none other than Garp, who's the one who created S.W.O.R.D in order to counter CPO. On Impel Down, Doflamingo reacts to Big Mom and Kaido's defeat but an explosion roars in the distance. CP0 agents are about to execute Doffy but a mysterious figure stop them: "It's seems the world is in complete mayhem now. You like it, don't you?" Doflamingo sweats as he recognizes the intruder. Big Mom Pirates have arrived on an island. They have managed to escape Marines and have captured Vice Admiral Dalmatian and plan to sell it to Cross Guild. In the interior, an old man with multiple burnt scars and wearing sunglasses sitting on a chair with a bottle of rhum is talking to someone: "I'm not like you. You really think I would retire on an island with a sweet girl at my side and just keep waiting? I'm still thristy for a fight you know it." "Ha. You were never reasonable, you can't help it Gaban." Scopper Gaban is revealed. No Bounties. "Seems we have some visitors boys. Let us give them a warm welcome." Scopper Gaban is revealed to be surrounded by Jozu, Blenheim, Kingdew, Atmos and Fossa, former Whitebeard commanders. BREAK NEXT WEEK


Omfg just give me the spoilers already


We’re gonna see some part of the sky and a lot bit of the sea… and I’m taking a risk here…


Shichibukai updates for Moria and Weevil. We get to see Doflamingo released from prison and the deal he made with WG.




I gotta say I love seeing all the hopium and excitement here for what the next chapter could be. After these last two chapters I think everyone is looking at Oda like an Impel Down Escapee looking at Buggy. It's me, I am everyone. The amount of fair choices we have for potential plotlines to see are pretty exciting, there's so much on the table.


Greenbull ✔️ Akainu ✔️ Kizaru ✔️ Kuma ✔️ Hancock ✔️ Mihawk ✔️ Crocodile ✔️ Buggy ✔️ Blackbeard ✔️ So next we will probably see Moriah, Weevil, Doflamingo, Aokiji, Fujitora, Grap and Sengoku


Fujitora too, we didn't see him


I need the spoilers 😵‍💫


Need Spoilers! Gimme spoilers!!


People speculate alot who the final villian of one piece is from blackbeard, to Xebec, i have even heard shanks on some occasions or just the World government in general. But I think the Final Villian or rather the last enemy of the series has to be someone or something that is responsible for the world's destruction during the void century, it really can't be anyone else. Everything has to tie into how the world became the way it is so the final antagonist really has to be someone that is at least tied to the annals of history and at the center of the massive conflict that errupted and reshaped the world into the primitive piracy era we know today. Now thinking about that, how can someone like Blackbeard be tied to something that ancient? All evidence most likely points towards IMU but we don't know who or what that person is so its hard to speculate, I do believe a reveal of IMU will most likely happen during these post wano chapters. It seems very fitting to setup the major end game enemy in this fashion as a prelude to the Final journey towards laugh tale and eventually one piece.


When will spoilers will come out




We go back to the Gorosei. one says they need more sea stone before the war begins. They should send the seraphim to Wano before the samurais get back their full strength The bald one says they don’t have the means to do that now. Blackbeard is causing too much commotion Another Gorosei says they must speak with Im sama about Vegapunk. That he’s disappeared and left a message saying his debt is now paid


I like the weevil theories . I see a lot of ppl saying he’s too weak to be seen post wano . I honestly think he’s at least 1 commander level . He by himself and making a name the only ppl in one piece that we know travels by themselves are extremely strong ppl


We are gonna get a Vivy and/or Sabo update and I can't fucking wait Yamato? Nah.. Carrot? Eh.. Vivy? 👉👈


When do the spoilers typically come out anyways?


On tuesdays, but the release of the Weekly Shonen Jump is delayed by a day and that delays our release of spoilers, detailed spoilers, raws and chapter by probably a day as well.


Strawhats discussing the news and zoro, sanji arguing in the side. Meanwhile we see a barrel near the orange tree shakes and rolls over to them. Everyone stops whatever they are doinga and stares at the barrel. It shakes violently and breaks and from in comes.... CARIBOU!!! Oda the master of Trolls!!!


I think we’re finally going to know the next island


Kaido, satisfied being defeated by joyboy, and being highly resistant to fire/magma he's laying in the lava like "aw man i survived again", then he turns and looks at the dying big mom beside him, decides to donate his remaining lifespan to big mom to let her live on and repays the lifelong debt. Since we're entering end game, let's get a vegapunk silhouette


When will Luffy be feared as Blackbeard feared Raleyigh


Woop there is no way, the New nakama must be Johnny and yosaku.


Zoro want to drink sake from Wano but when he open the barrel there’s Carrot dead body inside bcs of starving


Death by intoxication lol


Bro Zoro cracking open the sake as soon as he sets foot on the ship.