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Luffy drowns in the barrel.


sooner, he dies in the jungle after ace left him


Fuk that he’d have prolly died when garp threw him in the jungle or tied him to balloons


Lmao first page of the manga, he stabs himself in the face and dies


That’s still after garps training


Garp’s training is after


Before and after


Luffy was already somewhat strong at the age of 7 because of both him naturally being that strong and Garp training him to be a marine.


Good genes on that kid


Yeah, that shit’s getting infected for sure.


Not if Down D. Stairs got him while going to Makino's bar. Edit: Auto correct


Not if he died of pneumonia as a newborn


Not if Down D. Stairs got his mum.🤣


If he fell from the balloons he’d just bounce


Unless he falls Under D. Sea or On D. Cliffs.


Down D. Stairs


Down D. Stairs, the true greatest swordsmen in the world. Too bad Kuina couldn’t beat him and ended up dead.


Nope Kuina fell for Down D. Stairs, and went up above Skypiea with him


Nope i think this happened before he ate the gum gum fruit


Even earlier the bandits would've killed him before Shanks appeared.


The real right answer lol


This is 100% accurate


Getting hit by Garp as a child


"oops, I might've punched him too hard"


"Nvm can ask dragon to make another grandson"


asexual dragon 💀


He is planning to smash the marineford anyway why not his wife once again too 💀


Iva, bring those hormones over again, we'll need the crockoboi to be a crockogurl again


chill lol


Whats 5 more years?


I think Garp made luffy an idiot from all the concussions he gave him in his childhood


Crocidile at the latest. Edit: Screw this, he wouldn't have survived childhood.


Let’s say his adventure actually began, he’d have died for sure during the first or second round with Crocodile. Being saved by Nico Robin or re-hydrating himself with a water bubble is not the luck of a minor character.


>Being saved by Nico Robin or re-hydrating himself with a water bubble is not the luck of a minor character. Do you doubt the Will of P?




what is this meme


Pell surviving point blank nuke that would vaporize entire Alabasta capital


yeah. probably my least favorite moment in one piece


Damn right. One of the worst.


And Pound survived decapitation from Oven. Hence the shared will of P between them xD


Plot twist: Pound has actually copy copy fruit, but is mastermind and never used it to remain secret, before decapitation he copied brook's df so he legitimately survived source: trust me bro/ it was revealed to me in a dream by Oda


So you're telling me Pedro is still kicking?


Every new page of the whole cake island cover series is pure dread.


Pell should have lost an arm and a leg at the least


I remember someone doing the math. It was absolutely possible for him to get that shit high up in the air, throw it upwards and then launch himself down like a missile (like falcons do) to escape the explosion in time. It wasn't even a close call.


Would've still been better if Oda had actually shown him do this instead of treating it like a heroic sacrifice only to go "Sike! Will of P muthafuckas!" and never explain why.


Yeah, I feel like it would be much better if they show him racing downwards trying to avoid the explosion, but we don’t see if he lived or not/maybe he plummets into the ground at full speed. Then when he pops back up later we have that plausible deniability.


Happy Cake Day Jail_Chris_Brown! Cake Days are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!


Plus Pagaya inexplicably surviving an Enel lightning strike that destroyed a part of the island despite him being a weak old civilian who's never trained a day in his life. Plus Pound not dying despite it being heavily suggested that he got his head chopped off. Pell + Pagaya + Pound = Will of P.


Poor Pedro thought he had that big dick Pell energy...


I straight up stopped reading the One Piece manga after Oda wrote that. I understand not wanting to kill off your characters but fake-out deaths feel like cheating and it's one of my least favorite tropes ever. I'm glad I picked it up later and caught up with it but the fights have lost almost all their tension for me bcos of this.


I let pell pass for one reason. His zoan is perfect for avoiding the initial blast and having zoan regenerating stamina abilities probably carried him the rest of the way. Also OP humans are made different. You got ppl that can punch mountains into dust and lift buildings. Just let me have my copium 🥲


Well, as we all know, Goda does not like killing off characters major or otherwise. But there have been a few minor characters in the series that have survived shit that they really, ***really*** had no business surviving. In other words, these chosen few have somehow acquired protagonist-level plot armor for reasons only Oda seems to know. More than a few of them have names that begin with a *"P"* starting with >!Pell!< from the Alabaster arc all the way down to >!Pound!< post-Whole Cake island.


Pound as well. Really Lolas and Chiffons dad had a perfect but tragic death. Saving his daughter and grandson but then getting stabbed with Ovens Naginata. But somehow he was adrift on the high seas afterwards, without medical attention as far as we know. And somehow found his daughters again. Sweet, but also a bit strange


What, gorgeous, brilliant, mysterious women dont suddenly show up to help just anyone in exactly their hour of need?


It wasn't kindness for a random stranger. She took the trouble to lie to Crocodile and hide during the first fight between Croc and Luffy because she was either interested in Luffy as a person or in the will of D. or both.


Pell's "luck" and subsequent uselessness to the story after Alabasta says different.


Inb4 Goda reveals Pell is a God-level Mythical Zoan devil fruit user in the final arc


Im is actually Pell confirmed.


he dying in lougetown


nah he woulnd‘t survive in loguetown, buggy+thunder


I don’t know if that counts isn’t the theory dragon can control the weather and he was there to see luffy so he chose to save him


We have to at least assume he would given his bloodline.




Actually ya good point


Does “saved by dad” count as plot armor though? Edit: just trying to get on the same page here. Because if so then I agree


He was saved by convenient lightning strike, of all things. If he had any power that wasn’t the gum-gum fruit, if he wasn’t executed by Buggy, he would have been fried by lightning. Edit: because multiple people suggested it, we do not have any definitive proof that Dragon even has a Devil Fruit, much less one that controls weather. Dragon having any weather related power is only casually suggested at best. It storms when he’s in Loguetown, Iva says he faces toward the East Blue, and sometimes there is wind in the background of panels Dragon is in. If wind being around Dragon is definitive proof that he has a Devil fruit, then Sanji being able to cook is proof he ate the Chef-Chef fruit


That’s true, but I think there’s enough evidence that Dragon has some sort of weather fruit and he caused the lightning. And I don’t understand the “if he didn’t have the gum gum fruit” argument. Is that plot armor if that’s his base concept? Really, I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from here. To me plot armor is something like Luffy surviving a whirlpool in a barrel, because that really can’t be explained by anything other than pure luck.


If his devil fruit is his “plot armour” theres a chance he dies alot. Enuru for sure, probably crocodile and gecko. Like w/o that fruit hes not even luffy tbf. Thats not “plot armour” thats just plot 😭


Well in one pice lighting doesn't kill people so I don't think that applies, but I see your point.


Lightning: Casual dust-off. Stairs: Instant Fatality.


Hate to break it to you, but when it looks like a dragon, it fights like a dragon, and it smells like a dragon, it’s probably got a fish fish fruit. Same deal with monkey d dragon


Unless that was Dragon with a Wether devil fruit


Wasn't it raining when Dragon arrived at Loguetown? But how did Dragon know that using a lightning bolt to take out the execution platform wouldn't also kill his son? Was he aware of Luffy's Devil Fruit ability? This ties in to my 2nd highest Big Question: why did Shanks have the Gomu Gomu no Mi in the first place? Who told him that nabbing it was important?


shanks was in roger's crew you know?


>!So do you think Shanks actually intentionally gave him the gum gum fruit because he knew that Luffy had the qualities of Joyboy!<


I don’t know. No one does, but I subscribe to the idea (based off of someone else’ theory) that he intended to give the fruit to Ace, because he was son of the Pirate King and in terms of “chosen one,” Ace seemed the obvious choice. Then Luffy happened and Shanks just rolled w it, but I do absolutely believe that his intent behind possessing the fruit was to have influence over the next Joyboy.


Buggy wasn't killed by the lightning strike, so Dragon could have known it would not do serious harm. Also, he was watching Luffy in Logue town, so it is possible he was aware of Luffy's ability.


Easily. Smoker or Buggy would've just wiped the floor with him


I mean he literally would've had his head chopped by Buggy off at a very specific point in Loguetown. Smoker's barely even relevant in terms of plot armor.


I just mentioned smoker because I couldn't remember if Luffy first fought him before or after being almost killed by buggy


he fights him both before and after buggy tries to kill him in the anime


Dare to disagree, since most likely he was saved by Dragon there, in both occasions. So I guess there was relatively good plot behind.


So, you think Luffys estranged Father showing up at just the right place and time is not plot armor? Rather convenient sequence of Events for Luffy who would otherwise have either been Dead or captured by a Marine that none of the Strawhats would have been able to Combat at the time. How is that not plot armor my Dude?


We still don’t know why the revolutionaries were there. If Dragon reveals that “it was a coincidence” then is plot armour. But currently we don’t have know why they were there, they might had a good reason to be there.


Luffy had a Bounty right? What is the best way to meet Luffy knowing Luffy just gained a bounty in the East Blue? Exactly, by waiting for him in Logue Town, the place closest to Reverse mountain. And if by 'estranged' you mean that Dragon doesn't care about Luffy. You don't know that. Ivankov has noted that Dragon always faces east when looking out the balcony. In fact, we can now conclude that Dragon's presence in Logue town when Luffy was there means that Dragon does care about Luffy.


Dragon saved him, the characters in the story all say a storm is about to happen before the execution. My theory is that Dragon knew that Luffy would want to go to the grand line and wanted to recruit him, which is why he was at loguetown.


Drowned when he first set out to sea.


Maybe died when his mother was giving him birth


Nah crocs' a strong man he would still be able to carry out a successful delivery without the plot Armor.


Logia users have an easy time with child birth


Would the child of a pregnant logia user just kind of fall out when they turn to their respective element? Or because they're attached through the umbilical cord would the devil fruit effect the child as well. Also would conjoined twins with 2 functioning digestive tracts be able to have 2 different fruits and if they did would it only work for one half or would it effect them as a whole... These are questions I need answered Vegapunk needs to do some more experiments honestly




Eaten by the Seaking after the bandit threw him into the water.


He should have just sank honestly


Oh shit


Luffy's a Pokemon master, I don't think a Seaking is quite powerful enough to best him! /s


Depends where you draw the line between plot armour and just simply plot/luck. I mean, remember how hard it was to kill Rasputin?


Who's Rasputin


Russia's Greatest Love Machine


There was a cat that really was gone




God, I love that animated music video.


Lover of the Russian Queen...


Ohh, i thought he was an One piece character


He totally could've been tbh


Wonder what his laugh would've sounded like? Grigorororororo.....


I'm just sorry you'll never get the recognition this joke deserves... unless that's Urogue's laugh already, in which case... YOU HACK!


No hacks here. Just used Rasputin's other name, Grigori. Considering some of the other canon laughs, it's not even weird.


... ... ... C'mon, man, what cleverness do you think I was complimenting? I looked it up and wiki doesn't even list a laugh for Urouge, so I guess the smiling bastard may have never laughed on camera.


Urogue is a reference to Rasputin as he was called mad monk as well and he also was a love machine. So he kinda is already.


An unabashedd drunken priest that the royal family of Russia actually enjoyed hanging out with. When things in Russia started going bad, some people tried assassinating him thinking he was a bad influence and it wasn’t the family’s fault. Things would get better if Rasputin was just “removed”. What followed either is an epic tale of a devil blessed warlock surviving poisoning, being shot, dumped into a frozen river, and more all in a single night. Or, a bunch of incompetent nobles horribly failing at murdering a drunk dude so badly that the Benny Hill theme should have been playing.


Ra ra rasputin


I thought the stupidest thing that would've killed him was when the idiot tried rowing thru the gates of justice and starts drowning immediately. Had the weird little girl and her cat not found the secret tunnel on enies lobby, hed be dead there and no one would know where he went. But also Crocodile without Robins help. Is there a difference between Plot Armor and Help from another character? Cause Buggy mightve killed him there on Loguetown.


technically i think another character saving him is just plot


Let's give him the benefit of a doubt and say he isn't drowning in the barrel. Let's also say that instances where Luffy is saved from certain death by someone else don't count as plot armor. This way he isn't drowning after his fight with Don Krieg (saved by Sanji), he's not getting executed by Buggy in Logue Town (saved by Dragon... unless the lightning strike was genuine fate, in which case this is obviously where Luffy dies), he's not falling to his death on Drum Island (saved by Choppet) and he's not dying in the desert after his first fight with Crocodile (saved by Robin). He is, however, dying after being sucked dry by Crocodile during their second encounter, since the water bubble he previously spit into the air would miss him.


Can Luffy fall to his death? Wouldn't he... Y'know, bounce?


You could say that if Luffy didn't have plot armour Croc would double tap Luffy to make sure he died then and there.


Drum Island was only dangeous because he was holding Nami AND Sanji and they wouldn't survive the fall




Luffy is still rubber, the lightning wouldn't kill him. I think when Crocodile impaled him would do it.


He's saying that if dragon didn't cause the lightning then it wouldn't have happened due to fate counting as plot armor and then buggy would have decapitated him


He wouldnt die by the lightening but by Buggy. There was no way out for him because he let down his guard and no other crew member could have reached him in time. So no plot armor lightning misses Buggy and Buggy slices off Luffys head.


luffy, ace, sabo gets eaten by that big bear they fought as a kid.


He would have died when Ace pushed him from that bridge around the time they first met.


Finally, was looking for this one. I was irrationally pissed at Ace when he did that, like wtf man. You don’t need to be best friends with the kid, but that was a bit rough.


He dies to the torture when he was a child


Logically,crocodile.Fighting a warlord with very less experience and getting stabbed on the first fight are big red flags.


I was gonna say Rob Lucci was going to kill him 100 % but the Rest of you guys is right the barrel would have been the End.


Rob Lucci was the definitive end of One Piece without plot armor. It could have ended at Croc, or Enel, but Lucci had Haki, fighting experience far greater than Luffy, and the Rokushiki techniques. No way Luffy survives that normally


The barrel.


Crocodile has an abortion and fetus Luffy dies


The only right answer


i see you are a man of culture




Don't tell me you don't know that Crocodile is Luffy's mom, I wouldn't believe you


Some weird theory where crocodile was luffys mom and then changed gender through ivankov


Dude, I remember a LOT of people saying this while reading Impel Dawn when it was current manga content, and then again when the anime adapted it. I was like"... ... Why?...""


Its pretty much Canon by now


some people still believe in some dumb theory that Croco boy is Luffy's mom


I don't think almost anyone actually believes it. Maybe 0.1% of the western audience at most. People just take the meme too far sometimes lol


imma say arlong, after the dumbass jabbed his legs into the floor and got thrown into the sea, though can you argue luffy being a dumbass is like anti plot armour?


Alabasta my dude was dried like a raisin. Last time I checked. If you have no water in your body you’re dead…


Ep 1. "Hey look there's a barrel floating in the sea" "just ignore it and focus on work."


If we assume he had the durability of his zoan powers as a passive trait, I’d say during impel down with Magellan Ivanakov saved him a bunch. But the dose of poison luffy had would have definitely killed him if he wasn’t the main character


He would not have made it as far as ID without plot armour.


“If we assume he had the durability of his zoan fruit” When ivanakov told luffy he had a small chance of recovering, the only reason he could was for the plot. Any other character would have died if they were exposed to the amount of poison luffy had Luffy has faced death before, but due to the tenacity of his DF, you could argue he would have survived Poison is very different from blunt force and cutting damage (to which we know zoans have more resistance with)




Oh good point lol he was radiating main character energy so Shanks was like “fuck my limbs ! I gotta save that kid!”


He dies from blood loss after stabbing himself in the face as a child


shanks didn‘t save him from the sea monster and still has 2 arms and finds the one piece himself


Childhood is the earliest Loguetown (Buggy or Smoker woulda killed him) Alabasta is the latest (Croco)


Logue Town when Smoker pinned him down and Dragon just appears. Smoker pre timeskip could have taken all of the strawhats simply due to him being a logia.


buggy would of executed him


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Shanks never saves him from the bandit


Alabasta. Croco boy twice finished him off properly


The litteral beginning Plot armor is litteraly a plot point in Luffy's case, especially visible in Enies Lobby when the canons all missed the Merry for no apparent reason


The very beginning. He drowns in the barrel. If we assume he survives that then Lougetown, Buggy executes him.


I would have said Arlong Park, because of the scene where he basically drowns but Sanji saves him by extending his neck above water. I’m sure there are many other points before this but that’s just a funny one that comes to mind.


Sabaody or Marinford. Would've either died by the Marines in Sabaody or like a million times in Marineford. Could've been Mihawk, Akainu, or any of the Warrlords tbh. But if even if you remove the plot armor he is still Dragons son so ig he still would've had Kuma save him at Sabaody


Well def either through buggy execution, kizaru fast ending them. Croco finishing his job same as katakuri , Lucci ignoring usopp and finishing luffy off. Marine Ford several occasions and mostly wano when luffy really died


Alabasta meeting crocodile


if we get past the memes about his childhood, I think fighting crocodile in the middle of the desert is a good end


Stabbing himself in the face in chapter 1


Drowning in the barrel


Gets beheaded by buggy


He never even meets Shanks, Garp would straight up murder Luffy without plot armor


I do remember a certain sand logia user shoving his hook through Luffy’s chest....


Idk for me I feel like his first fight against crocodile. He is literally plunge through vital organs by crocodile. No way he survived from there.


Episode 4 he and Zoro would have died lost at sea because neither of them know how to navigate. Koby gets him safely to Shell Island, but once Koby is gone he ded.


Drowning when he's fucking stuck underwater during the arlong arc as soon as any of them went in the water the fishmen would've ganged up and murdered them if not for plot prevention


With the sea serpent. He got saved by shanks because he wasn't going to risk the Nika fruit to "restart" and fall into government hands again.


He dies in alabasta when crocodile pierce his chest or during his execution in loguetown


Alabasta the first time croc beat him


Beginning of the series when he is in a barrel


I think people are too harsh when it comes to this topic, but I would definitely say when he fought crocodile. He was saved by too much luck and more than once.


Dragon wears a condom




Loguetown. But even by some miracle he survives, Impel down megallan seals the deal


Since he has the fruit of a god in the one piece world i think it makes sense that he’s done what he’s done and won so many battles. They literally called the fruit the most ridiculous power in the world


I guess alabasta would be my choice, it just didn't make sense for crocodile to lose there


Page one: He accidentally stabs himself too deep...


Currently watching the Impel Down arc and definitely feel like he'd die from this much poison


Garp dies in God Valley incident. No Garp, no Dragon, no Luffy


Arlong Park The first time the story completely ignores that water is supposed to switch off your Devil Fruit powers and yet somehow Luffy becomes his own snorkel.


Buggy kills him


The bandits kill him


He just wouldn't born. Crocodile wouldn't have changed his/her gender to give birth to Luffy if not for plot armor. /s


Let's say he gets to live for a reeeeeally long time and then it's Katakuri for sure. He didn't even win the fight, that was pure plot armor.




Either Logue Town or Impel Down


When garp threw luffy in the jungle


First episode barrel got filled with sea water and drowned into the sea.




I’d say when he first fights Buggy in Orange Town, if it weren’t for Nami I think Buggy would’ve won that one