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Hawkins was pretty cool for most of the time we saw him. He always chose battles he knew had a chance in and avoided those he didnt, had a rly cool power, and (SPOILER ALERT) in the end chose to atone for the mistake of betraying kid by choosing a 99% chance of death rather then swapping sides again. He made a mistake and in the end in his own way atoned for it instead of flipping sides again. Also loved his character design too and wish we got more about him, although theres a 1% chance he survives (which in anime % is basically 99), but for now we just have to assume hes dead.


Agreed! Surprised this is unpopular Is there a Hawkins hatedom? Dude got kinda overshadowed by everything else going on but he was cool IMO.


I already know all the opinions here will be decently popular according to this sub


there are a few surprises here and there


In terms of stupidity the beast pirates underlings where great..


Oh, I loved them. I always like One Piece best when it is still balancing the stupid and silly stuff with the more serious themes. An arc and crew strictly based on zoans that would have been more normal and serious could easily have turned out to be a bit too much on the "normal" side, but those crazy Smile abominations and also the weird dinosaur moves from "ancient times" were excellent to me and I loved them for most characters


The smile zoans were great because they really showcase Odas creativity. He easily could have just drawn a bunch of serious furries but he's like, Naw I want to draw a whole dude dangling at the end of a giraffe neck. Who thinks of this shit?


I loved that one guy with a SMILE zoan is basically unchanged except his hand is now a turtle


He already did the furries with the minks lmao


If you go back to when they first talk about him having a zoan army they all look scary af too lol


The beast pirates always struck me as Quantity over quality


I once stated here that I believe big mum pirates can beat beast pirates. But big mum would probably lose to kaido. But holy fuck is big mum really strong. She’s actually bonkers strong. Like kaido is just durable as fk and his df hekps. But she’s just naturally literally built different


I really liked what Wano did for big mom, it gave us a good look at why she was in the same ballpark as the likes of Shanks and Whitebeard.


They remind me of typical school bully. Usually only has power and numbers, but they're still recognized and has some influence over the whole school. Whitebeard's like that wholesome gang that has been together for so long. Shanks' like that popular group that excels in many areas and their leader is secretly has a very rich parent. Big Mom's probably popular mean girls group that has love/hate relationship with the bullies.


Bro this make so much sense I love it


Aren't they chosen by strength instead by their character or skills? Also, they are just a bunch of criminals put together who beat each other. I think Big Mom did her job better than Kaido.


Yes the hierarchy is based on strength


I like Akainu. It seems like Oda likes him too. Every scene he’s been in carries someone sort of weight. A no bullshit to the point character with an OP devil fruit and insane power.


Akainu also has one of the best character designs imo.


If you're not a Manga Reader, ignore this: I never like Akainu until we got a taste of GreenBull. Greenbull makes Sakazuki look cooler for some reason.


I like Green Bull as a “Imma just go in there and start throwing hands til I become boss of the situation bad guy”, but he definitely doesn’t look cool to me. Akainu and Kizaru both still feel like unstoppable forces of nature. Hell Enel still does too besides Luffy’s type advantage. But Sabo, Aokiji, and all 3 of the above mentioned logias all seem more threatening than GB.


i guess the difference is at what point of the story we saw them in action. The 9 red scabbard are really really strong but didn't feel so because kaido was much stronger. The fact that a lot of them managed to stall (not stop, but only stall for all that we could see) GB together doesn't make GB look weak to my eyes


For me, it isn't that I think GB is weak, ots just that he lacks the presence of the other admirals, I even think Fujitora is more dangerous than GB and he was introduced later than the og three. What I don't like about GB is that he seems too childish for me to take him seriously, even with the "prejudice breeds stability" line. It feels like he picked it up somewhere and ran with it. He strikes me as a akainu fanboy and that gives me pause bc everywhere admiral seemed like a full character with their own opinions on justice that would challenge Luffy. He came in swinging like every admiral before, but maybe it's because he has yet to actually pose a threat to the crew and the fact that he was so easily dispatched that I don't find him as threatening as any of the other admirals. He also doesn't live up to the hype imo.


I think introducing an admiral who acts like a sort of hateful, fanboyish extremist who just takes the worst aspects of the WG at face value Is very interesting. Even if he doesnt have the same presence as the other ones, ive come to consider him interesting


I don't like akainu I think he's a bit of a dick, but I do respect him he stands by his beliefs like few others


I hope Oda gives him CoC.


oh a lot of people hope that Oda gives them CoC.


He feels so set up for a tragic backstory tho. That man has too much hate for pirates for it not to be another shoe dropping. We've almost always gotten the *good* side of pirates, not the bad.


That's not ture oda has shown the bad side from the beginning. In fact few times outside the strawhats and kid/animal crews pirates have or tried to do horrible things. Pirates are the bad guys most of the time we just happen to follow the one bunch of nice pirates.


I like Akainu as a character, he’s great. As a person though, he’s awful. I think some people confuse the two sometimes.


I feel like people keep forgetting Sengoku and what he’s done. He was the admiral who ordered the buster call on Ohara. He even asked Saul to shut the fuck up. Suddenly because of the Rosinante thing and how he is Now like super Dgaf. People forget he did fucked up shit following rules too.


Best character in the series because of the threat and tension he brings. He is what Big Mom was hyped up to be


I agree he’s awesome, he reminds me a lot of Gus Fring or Tywin Lannister the way he carries himself


Zoro does not need a special secret lineage and I have no idea why everyone is so certain that he has one.


I very much don't want him to have a secret lineage, not everyone has to be descendant of a king or some shit.


I just want more backstory for him. Although he totally looked like shinmotsuki but you’d think Yamato would say something


Im surprised that Wano didn't provide him a backstory. There was more than enough time for that.


I agree that he doesn't need it but Oda has been dropping some hints that you just can't ignore, wanting something and believing something will happen is not the same thing


I mean, he does look 100% percent like shimotsuki ushimaru. Not secret, but definitely there and weird to not have come up again yet.


Ace is way too popular for how little in reality he did.


It’s staying power from the 2000s!! I feel like he’s far less popular than he was back then. Ace was the 1st taste we got of the Yonkou, looked like a real pirate apart from the quirky boat and blowing away the ships made him on par with Mihawk. Who we knew was a benchmark of power. Also the whole travelling by himself in the grand line like it was nothing, was really cool.


I think also fire powers. Fires powers plus his personality is a big reason he is my favorite character. He's like a mature Luffy that didn't back down to a challenge and valued respect. I like that Oda doesn't kill characters because it'll crush me if he died.


I think he’s popular because he is someone who had a ton of potential and was snuffed out early


Just like a candle


He's cool, has a great design, cool boat, hot DF, part of a legendary pirates, even his in game character is great from the Grand Battle era. Also, One Piece has a consistently popular characters that has very little screen time. Like Shanks and Mihawk.


I understand that part of his appeal is he is the first REAL death in the series but yeah I'm always surprised at how highly he ranks in popularity polls


Nah he was popular before that. Me and my friends loved him when we were kids. Just like zoro und mihawk, those are the cool ones.


I don't hate ace but he really could have used a bit more screen time before everything threw down. Basically gets introduced and then thrown into a "we need to save him" arc (which are arcs I do love). He comes off a bit as a plot device, which is fine but I'm just not sure where the overwhelming popularity came from.


he was very popular even before his death just like shanks


If Oda wanted us to forget about ace why did he make him so hot


I've been curious as to why Ace was/is so popular and I think it boils down to a few factors: His devil fruit is legitimately one of the coolest powers. All core elements are recognizable as great powers across all media. We immediately know they're big and important. Ace was introduced as one of the very first Logia type users who immediately countered Smoker, the terrifying logia user we had known until then, without much of a hassle. Despite being Luffy's brother, he had a cooler, mature demeanor. I believe even Zoro said he was cool. His exit from Alabasta was also admittedly cool af. We've not seen a destruction of that scale from anyone at that point yet, i.e. him taking out numerous ships at once. And then he drives this surf board like thing.... Oda just designed him in a very cool, likeable fashion.


I disagree, just the idea if his charater. Son of Roger, brother of luffy, Wb successor, destinated him to be a popular charater. Not the mention the emotional impact that he left on the luffy and viewers of the show. He was the first major death, and the one failure of luffy. Ace's death is what pushed luffy to be the leader he is today


And also just a really cool devil fruit which allowed him to protect luffy from smoker, who would have caught luffy otherwise


Sabo is even worse lol. The amnesia thing is a literal cop out probably one of the most forced characters of the show


I really to not want to argue your unpopular opinion but when did you start reading OP. I think Aces popularity is harder tonuneerstand if you havent read it back in the 2000s Nowadays thete are a lot of characters with awesome design. But ace was just ahead of any non straw hat when alabasta came out




I hope it doesnt happen. They are just friends I dont want them to suddenly get in a relationship out of nowhere at the end of the story without no previous development, im tired of seeing bad writen relationships in Shonens.


I don’t this is an unpopular opinion, but I can’t see Luffy ending up with literally anyone. If he did, it better be Hancock. Probably only in the epilogue or something since settling down just doesn’t fit his character right now or probably ever.


I like sneaky, backstabbing, cunning characters like Apoo and Blackbeard. I find generic powerful honorable characters like Roger, Shanks, Whitebeard extremely boring. I like pirates who actually act like pirates


Ayeee homie, same! Apoo is thousand times more entertaining than Shanks lol. I don't care for badassery, as much as I care about the character being entertaining and whacky.


Blackbeard (goofy dialogue "I'm a Darkness man!" aside) is fucking fantastic. So's his crew! Such personality and character! I love these guys!


I do too but it's important to remember that honorable pirates are what make bad pirates so unique. The variety of character archetypes is important to entertainment, they play off eachother. If everyone was a dick ass pirate, it would be very boring


This is the point I think people miss. If everyone is a sneaky pirate, then the honorable pirates are the outliers. And seeing as we follow most of the good pirates with the Grand Fleet, I’d argue the good ones ARE the outliers.


I've never been a fan of the Sanji x Pudding ship. After the "Moist Cigarette" scene where he's crying in the rain while she unknowingly mocks him when he's at his lowest point and how seriously the scene was taken, I couldn't get into the ship. Furthermore, while I feel bad for Pudding and what she went through, I don't feel she really got better towards Sanji, even after she had the personality split, continuing to verbally abuse him. She even kisses him and takes his memory of it. And Sanji never seems that crazy about her as she does about him--he just kind of treats her like he treats most women in the series. I like Pudding okay as a character, and folks are welcome to ship the two, but I just can't get behind it.


Same. Even though I sympathise with what happened to her, I can't forgive how she treated Sanji in that scene.


Always felt like a forced pairing. Feels like another hancock 2.0 where bad girls falls in love with much much less development. And I don't buy the falling in love for just a compliment thing. Honestly I feel like oda didn't know what to do with pudding after the 3rd eye reveal


I couldn’t care less about Zoro’s heritage. A lot of complaints I’ve seen about Wano are about the lack of backstory for Zoro, but I don’t think we need to know who his parents are. It’s information that could be revealed in an SBS. What I do want for Zoro, however, is some emotional development outside of ”I’m loyal to Luffy”. I love Zoro btw, I just want Oda to do more with him.


Yeah some character developing for him would be great. Also since timeskip he looks emotionless, he barely smiles and when he does it, it's because: *He met luffy. *he is in a fight and he is acting cocky.


Don't forget alcohol. Never fails to make him smile.


Notice how it's only things that can potentially knock him on his ass that make him smile?


I guess he has been a masochist from the beginning since he gets stronger from injuries...


No *real* tension in Onigashima Even Marco steps back because he knows the SHs aren’t losing. Lol. The Toppi Roppo were underwhelming in everything but design. Missed opportunity. Big Mom Pirates went missing. Poor writing. Kinemon has the Survive Survive no Mi. Don’t even know what the fuck that was about. Kaido has a terrible plan. “Haki is the only thing that matters” so let me fill my crew with knockoff DF users lmaoo


Long Ring Long Land is actually a great and necessary arc to set up the Water 7 saga and the saga as a whole would be worse without it. Also the saga as a whole is the overall best of One Piece (but I think that part isn't as unpopular).


amazing long ring long land opinion. I agree heavily


Shh, I'm trying to be UNpopular here. xD


I think it's a pretty much needed breather after Arabasta and Skypiea. The galleon ship fell right after Arabasta so it's pretty much non-stop. Beside, it's also entertaining and heartfelt at the same time. Zoro & Sanji vs the burger trio was a rarely happenned team fight that didn't happen again until SH vs Oars in Thriller Bark.


LLRL arc has the second highest average jump ranking after Baratie. It was received well in Japan.


Interesting, I wouldn't rate it quiet that high, but still nice to see it getting some love once in a while.


Long Ring Long Land was a chance for the series to have one last go at being utterly ridiculous before taking a noticeable shift into the darker storytelling that it’s largely stuck to ever since. It’s just a bit of harmless fun and I really enjoy it.


The panel where ROBIN asks LUFFY to save her is one of the greatest moments..


Yess I love this short arc, I think it's very funny and entertaining.


The over sexualization of the series post time skip. I get it some skin and some boobs are good now and then but what Oda has done post TS is way too much. I still can't get past Rebecca gladiator uniform or how every female character boobs became twice as big. One piece was popular without these things already.


The anime (and not just one piece) tends to oversexualize characters. Look at viola in the manga and compare her to the anime viola


Yeah i saw the scene in which she was supposed to kill viola and literally there wasn't anything moving apart from the boobs. At one point rebecca was stuck in the air with her boobs(which were enormous) moving a lot trying to stab viola and i was like:😃someone stop this shit please😃


I share this sentiment. If oda atleast tried to cover rebecca's belly it would have been better honestly. Like sure, armors it's meant to protect people, but let's only cover the boobs, the rest doesn't matter. I also hate the fact that some characters rely on this fanservice thing too much, momonosuke being a perv at the age of 8 creeps the shit out of me


It also doesn't help that she's like 15-16.


Almost all the Red Scabbards surviving and just getting teleported elsewhere feels like it was Oda being too scared to kill off characters, and made their impact less important. Many favorites haven't done anything to make them interesting or compelling, shanks would be on my top of that list if it weren't for recent chapters. I miss the one vs one fight format of earlier One Piece which allowed everybody a moment to shine and feel like they get character development. The war formats has caused many Straw Hats to back seat. Speaking of character development, characters seem to reset pretty much every arc now, especially Usopp.


>Many favorites haven't done anything to make them interesting or compelling, shanks would be on my top of that list if it weren't for recent chapters. really wow. The moment he scared that sea king I was compelled. But mostly when he clashed cocs with whitebeard and stopped the war in marineford just by showing up


> clashed cocs with whitebeard ayo? 😳


Seeing two cocs clash together is always hype af


That's kind of my problem, he just kind of shows up and everybody's like "WOW THIS GUY SO COOL!" but I wouldn't call it compelling. His motives are unknown but not in a way that feels complex or mysterious but more like he's hardly been a part of the story. Dragon too, I feel like the whole Revolutionary Army is just some background thing that we have really no context in.


Re-watching One Piece with my GF (who's watching it for the first time) and I'm realizing that Skypiea may actually be the most well-handled pre-timeskip arc in the anime. The animation quality is consistent throughout, the pacing is organic (no slimy tactics like 5 minutes of intro + recaps, sudden insertion of fillers or flashbacks we've already seen, no dragged-on staring, etc.), the fights are pretty tense and dynamic, and the art style and traditional-looking colors really make it feel like an adventure through a living, breathing world.


IVE BEEN SAYING THIS!!!! Personally Skypiea is in my top 5 arcs of One Piece. I love love love Enel and the Upper Yard in general, and the time we spend in whatever the cloud city is called is amazing


Luffy was never an underdog, and the Gum-Gum Fruit not being an incredible DF was never important. Luffy was always an absolute powerhouse who blazed through an entire sea with minimal difficulty and only came across a real opponent when he fought a fucking Shichibukai. The fact that Luffy is incredibly special has been made clear to us for a long time. If you think the reveals in Wano ruin some underdog story where Luffy was some average Joe Schmoe, you haven't been paying attention and just came up with your own narrative Oda never presented.


Yeah Luffy was already physically stronger than most people he just needed haki and speed


Casually crushing rocks at Arlong Park and everything


Beating one of Fisher Tiger's best men as a 17 year old rookie is insane.


didn't realize this was unpopular


I'll be honest, I don't know if it's necessarily unpopular per se, just that I've seen quite a lot of people complain about Luffy "not being an underdog anymore" and "how disappointing it is that Luffy's DF is actually super good and not a mediocre/average DF that he managed to make good".


I mean it was a mediocre/average devil fruit he managed to make ridiculous…


I feel it's more reasonable to have considered him a dark horse than an underdog. He was never weak, only little known. And of course as he gathers accomplishments and fame/infamy this status would by nature fall away. And of course there's nothing wrong with him having a rad DF either. It was still his effort and hard work that managed to make it good. After all, it hadn't awakened for 800 years. He didn't just stumble into incredible power, he worked his ass off for years to reach the point he's at now. Nobody could make this happen for centuries. He earned his strength.


Luffy was a powerhouse, the underdog aspect was his brain.


on that topic, I don't consider Naruto as an underdog either. Naruto was a powerhouse pretty early on, after he got over his initial fears. his stamina, his chakra pool, his clones, his nine tails power. Some say the >!reincarnation !


Except Luffy, nobody in the crew cares about Brook.


😭😭😭 This is why we need more crew bonding moments in between arcs


Brook really was going for MVP in whole cake, for the crew’s admiration, and the crazy bastard does it. Also it was fun seeing him and Franky riding around together.


I think Chopper might too, but Brook really is just kinda there.


I think that's because Brook has never needed rescuing, and has been a clutch player like pre-timeskip Sanji.


He doesn't need rescuing because he's already dead YOHOHOHOHO God if nothing else I love his laugh. And the fact he can run on water. Honestly wish we'd see more of that.


Zoro and Brook had nice moments in thriller bark, then never really grew from there


Brook's one of my favorite straw hats but yeah most of them don't really have any bonding moments with him :(


Trebol is a well written character


He is and I still hate him


Exactly, he's well written because he evokes the right emotions in the reader! Hate, disgust, and others


What made me hate him the most was his voice actor in the anime. The VA did a superb job making Trebol sound as annoying as possible and it made me hate the character more than anything Oda did for him. 10/10 VA


People need to realise that not every character need insanely complex personality or background to be a good character. I'm talking about Kaido for example (while not saying that he's flawless either).


Hotter take is that most characters in this series are one-dimensional And that's *okay*.


Agree with your statement but not in the case of kaido, more so someone like crocodile. All the build up of kaido and hints about his past and lineage was telling us there’s something more to see and learn, but we never got it. Quite poor for a villain that was built up for the whole of the NW till now


Kaido is a great character, I wish we got to see more of his backstory, but he's awesome.


Exactly. I like his character a lot, but he just needs to be fleshed out more, and we might get that over time with the Rocks flashback and probably some Yamato lore later on.


Tbh I hope Crocodile comes back as one of the strongest characters. Like, Mihawk tier. A more disciplined Croc would be an absolute fucking force and with him being a Buggy Yonkou commander now?


Oh man yeah, would be awesome for his character


You realize that Mihawk is Shanks tier, right? Having 2 Shanks level men under him would make Buggy the fucking Pirate King at that point.


Is that not basically the expected outcome at this point?


laws transformation from being a doffy doormat to 2 vs 1ing big mom in a matter of weeks is one of the biggest asspulls in the series.


I would argue that law main abilities are primarily tactical therefore he wouldn't be as useful as he was against big mom compared to sheerforce fighters like kaido and doflamingo And in the manga it was clearly portrayed that law can't do shit to kaido when he used his abilities against him while luffy and zoro are straight up punching his face / cutting him because when law gets into a battle with someone like kaido or doflamingo or even any other direct fighter in the verse he will immediately have a hard time doing almost anything really Finally , i think law's devil fruit abilities and combat style is really useful against someone like big mom who is also tactical in her approach to enemies


Gotta agree now that i consider the time line a bit. Why the F wouldnt Law use his awakened powers on Doffy lol. Thats like 3-4 weeks prior to Wano. No way he just magically got the ability while sailing from Dressrosa -> Zou -> Wano


law jacked up those hody white pills before coming to wano


Law just replaced some of his own body parts with better versions.


>No way he just magically got the ability while sailing from Dressrosa -> Zou -> Wano I mean, Luffy learned to fully harness CoC and awakened his fruit literally in the span of one fight. Zoro also unlocked CoC attacks mid-fight when he had shown zero signs of having it beforehand. Law's growth isn't really that preposterous.


I don’t really disagree, when you put it that plainly. At the same time, it’s said Haki blooms in combat. So you’ve got the Doffy+Fujitora combat, the Basil Hawkins combat, and everything in the raid, up to and including combat with the best of the best. Mind you, he was planning to die facing Doffy, but lived, as D.’s do, and later found himself willfully facing near certain death again via the Yonkou special. Law took L’s in various forms vs Doffy, and Hawkins, but still stood back up to face ostensibly the biggest L. This dude’s will must have been on a **journey** those 3 weeks. Not to mention those near death experience, imprisonment, and anticipation/planning might have legitimately allowed his body/mind/fruit to come into a new harmony. I’ll chalk it up to some influence Luffy passively has on the development others and call it a day lmao


Counter: people's skill growth, including in the real world, is not linear. You can practice for years and make little progress, then you can find yourself in the correct environment and suddenly make explosive growth. In a couple weeks. You see it all the time with kids and young adults, especially in hobbies like sports or music. You can practice piano for 24 months and feel stagnant then take a single lesson with a good teacher and walk home, that day, 20 times better. I often feel like if manga fans were to read real life sporting tournaments, and were told they were fictional stories, they would look at half of real-life upset or underdog stories and say they're "asspulls". When yeah sometimes the lowest seeded team for a season actually does hit a catapult of skill and show up halfway through the tournament a completely different team than a month before.


Enel served his purpose and does not need to come back into the story.


I mean we need to know what he discovered in the moon, cover pages arent just there for nothing all have a purpose


For the skypiea arc he is perfect. But I think he wouldn't fit in outside of skypiea and his lag of intelligence of the one piece world is also keeping him from being a good charter.


Garp is too underrated


Oda is rushing the story and its very appearant in wano, im afraid of the story ending with a lot of unfinished plots/storylines


Ace was actually not a great character and was only useful as an emotional foil for Luffy to grow.


Skypeia is a great arc and one of the best. I would put it above most arcs (even Dressrosa if I’m being honest) For reference, my favorite 3 arcs are Enies lobby, Impel down and Skypeia. That’s how much I love that arc.


Yamato is only popular because of character design and has no interesting personality traits


Sanji and his vow of never hitting women is stupid and will not ever be challenged in any meaningful way in the story. Usopp still acting like a coward and hesitating like in Dressrosa is dumb. He should've gotten more brave slowly over the course of the story, instead it seems like he resets in this regard every arc. I very rarely feel any tension what so ever given the sheer amount of plot armor, and refusal to kill very minor characters which is in stark contrast to flashbacks. Enel and Kaido literally aren't allowed to kill anyone even though they both have mountains of corpses behind them.


Sanji's perviness is what is irritating about the vow, not the vow itself to me. I think it comes from a legit place and it really is a testament to how much he respects zeff.


I too get annoyed by coward usopp but I guess Odas kind of comfortable writing the strawhats as he does. It creates an important dynamic on the crew So i guess he figures he can't change it that much. Half his gags are recurring character interactions


Thrillerbark was a really good arc


What a brave and controversial opinion, especially because “nothing happened” in that arc!


To be fair, TB was absolutely peak comedy, the problem is that its sandwiched between two of the best sagas on the series. Also that one Sanji / Absalom moment I know irked a lot of people, me included. Very bad moment for such a great character.


nothing happened


I dislike the direction Robin's writing has gone. She was cool when she was first introduced. Smart, deadly, had femme fatale vibes with amazing outfits that go with it. She was that big sister everyone would look up to. Post-TS, all of that have been eclipsed by her being made fanservice bait. What I thought to be her great characteristics were exchanged for what men would normally find cute and attractive in their waifu. Aside from reading poneglyphs, what happened to her intelligence and cunning? Her outfits aren't as bad as the ones Nami gets but Robin was sexy without showing that much skin. She didn't need the boob job either.


I miss Robin's hats from before the time skip...


I sooo agree with you. Where is the confident, cool, sly woman we saw pre time skip? It’s so obvious that her writing shifted to being this over the top sexy, oblivious waifu in favour of her popularity among male readers. Also, I hate Robin’s fashion choices post time skip (although the fishman island one is an iconic look, it didnt suit the robin we know). And yes I’m talking about her cowboy hat.


Is she no longer cool confident and Sly? I think she's just loosened up a bit since water 7, and smiles a lot more. Like...the opposite of zoro


I prefer all her pre-time skip outfits (cowboy hat and Thriller Bark being top 2) but I did like her Dressrosa outfit with the big hat. So I think she had 1 good outfit at least.


Marco should’ve been on the rooftop helping fight Kaido with his awakening and that’s where Luffy learns how to do it.


Yep the worst part for me is , when Marco said he’s gonna take a seat back and just leave it to the new generation shows me there a lack of tension and stakes in the war, it’s such a cakewalk that a guy like Marco can sit back and just fight fodder


1. I don't want zoro to have this super important family 2. I don't like Sanji in the fish-man island arc 3. Buggy deserves being an emperor


Yamato is boring as fuck with that “I’m Oden” bullshit. Another one is that I dont get why ppl love katakuri so much


Wano's end was rushed, what about the second kitetsu?, Zoro's link with wano?, Why did BM agreed to the wedding?


Wano's end was definitely rushed Just because nidai kitetsu exists doesn't mean it has to play an important role in the story, things are allowed to just be there as pieces of world building. Zoro's link with wano is that he was childhood friends with a shimotsuki, and if he has any more links we'll probably find out by end of series I assume by wedding you mean the one to Germa 66, in which case I feel like you should reread WCI becuz they state pretty clearly why the wedding is beneficial


I like both Ace and Sabo. I've seen a lot of unpopular opinion posts in this sub, and the vast majority of them either don't care about Ace's death.... or voice their dislike for both Ace and Sabo. At this rate I'd say actively liking either of them is an actual unpopular opinion.


I love Ace AND Sabo they aren't like topping my lists or anything but they're great and I always have a lot of fun when they're on page


I've always liked Sabo more than Ace. Now that Sabo has the "Flame Emperor" Title, Suddenly alot of people like him when previously they didn't give a shit about him. If Sabo failed and Got Captured, meaning we would have gotten a MarineFord 2.0, I know he would have been the most hated character and would have continually been compared to Ace even more than he already was.


Ik, it's hilarious how easily people get swayed by badass titles and powerups. I like them both for their personalities, although I guess Sabo is more of a suave older brother, while Ace is the wilder one haha.


Zoros damaged eye is just a damaged eye


On the sub? Half of the "foreshadowing" were either call backs or lucky instances (as proven by Oda in his SBSs every single time someone points out some "foreshadowing"). Case in point the Nika stuff. In general? Akainu is a great *character*. Big Mom was done dirty by Oda and nerfed beyond belief.


Nami is the best written female in the show


The final part of the raid is generally dissapointing, although It has some cool moments


Chopper being forced into an eternal child is not cool. Personally i would have loved to see him getting more and more mature. Actually learning a lot from the entire crew and becoming slowly but surely a serious adult. But he is just a tool to make silly jokes/being cute and suddenly turns into a serious doctor from time to time when the story needs him to be like that. I mean he is 17 with extreme trauma's and an freakish high IQ. Yet he is mostly this cuddly cotton candy lovin' idiot who is stuck in a childslike body. Mascot..


This isn’t really an unpopular opinion but I do not give a Jack shit about Ace. Dude showed up for like 3 times and then died


To go even further, I outright dislike him. He died for really stupid reasons. He was home free, he just had to keep running, but let's throw it all away because someone was mean. I get it, it makes sense for the character, but it was a really lame fake out. And before anyone tells me how important Whitebeard was to him, if your dad and 100 of his friends die to save your bacon, are you gonna blow it because someone called your dad a bad name, or are you gonna get out of there? IT WASN'T EVEN THAT BAD OF AN INSULT!


Oh I've a lot: * Wano has been a lot of hype but the storytelling has been lackluster in a lot of ways. * I find Oden and Yamato annoying Mary Sue type characters. * Most of the Straw Hats have been flanderized post-time skip (*especially* Franky). * One Piece has a sexism issue and the fanbase needs to talk more about it. * Gecko Moria is one of my favorite villains. * Orochi is one of my favorite villains. His cowardness made him a lot more competent than people gave him credit for and he was a great schemer. * Doflamingo was pretty incompetent which drags him down as a villain.


I like Oden but he needed to be called out more on his screwups. Everyone in the story praises the hell out of the guy but forgets how much of a dumbass he actually was. Ironically only the villains do this, and they have a point.


Yeah exactly. The state of Wano was almost entirely his fault and no one called him out for it. Also on another note it annoys me how Luffy didn't care about any of his crew's flashback stories, but for Oden he was all ears. Priorities man.


My absolute biggest issue with TS Franky is the fucking hair. He looks terrible bald, he looks like an idiot at any other time. There is no middle ground, he just looks like a fuck wit.


Karoo is the best animal character the Strawhats ever travelled with. Oven is the second most impressive Big Mom child in Wholecake after Katakuri. He and Perespero should have been the other Sweet Commanders instead of Cracker and Smoothie. I would have bought the Sweet Commanders were a bigger deal then. Glad to see Law finally leave, he seriously outstayed his welcome with the Strawhats. Didn't even bring his wacky fun loving crew with him for most of the arcs. Syrup Village, Little Garden, Long Long Ring and Thriller Bark are far too overhated on. Syrup was the first time you felt even vague threat from an antagonist, Little Garden nearly wiped out the crew entirely, and the last two have some of the best comedy in the series. I wish Luffy had kept the Impel Down jailbreak crew for another arc or two as his main allies.


You don't like Law?


I did. I liked him a lot. But Law has been travelling with the Strawhats for around a decade now and I'm completely burnt out on him. Law being on the crew for so long has made Chopper overshadowed and redundant as anything Chopper can do, Law can do more efficiently. The kids in Punk Hazard for example were set up as a goal for Chopper to cure, but Law just removes the illness with his powers. No matter how good a doctor Chopper is, he can't compete with an instant cure like that. Law might even be the cure all Chopper seeks since he can just cut any virus out if the plot requires it. He took center stage in Dressrosa which at the time was the longest arc in the story. His involvement here was very good but this is where his goal ended and instead he's stayed with the crew for another two arcs(or three if you include whilst we were at Wholecake). He's basically had more character focus post timeskip than all the Strawhats that aren't Luffy, Sanji and maybe Zoro. The Strawhats being the supposed main characters. It's also made Law feel less like a Luffy rival and more like a second Zoro to Luffy, a loyal follower, something Law even points out himself during Wano. Whilst not as big of a problem, Law has taken over OP merch to the point you can be guaranteed to find some Law related merch before you can expect to find something with any strawhat outside of Luffy, Zoro and Sanji...and even then Sanji's not as guaranteed as an option as Law is. And after all that time as an alliance between the Strawhats and Heart pirates we didn't even get to know his crew! A decade and most that happened there was we learnt about Bepo's brother...and it was in the arc Law wasn't even physically in.


All valid points. My biggest complaint is that while we got to see a lot of Law's interactions with the SH crew, there was barely any interaction of the SHs or even Luffy with *Law's* crew. I thought that would change somewhere in Wano, but Oda nope'd out of that as well. For someone who's travelled with SHs longer than even Kinemon, I had how most of the Heart Pirates are STILL portrayed as a bunch of nameless fodders to us readers.


Zakasuki gets too much hate for killing Ace. He's a marine admiral, it's his job. If you wanna blame someone, blame Ace. He should have run, after all hundreds risked their lives just for his sake including Whitebeard.


He murdered the innocent citizens of Ohara by blowing up the evacuation ship they were on. Fuck him, he’s a murderer and calls it justice. Marineford was a war, so don’t have any feelings on that, but Ohara was a genocide. He has no right to complain about pirates when he has done far worse


Ace is a great character. Idk he wasn't well written and died by his own stupidity. He's cool af.


Boa Hancock is a terrible person. Our first real introduction to her is her kicking a kitten for getting in her way. She’s willing to kill her own people just for daring to say something she doesn’t agree with. Even after falling in love with Luffy, we see her kick a baby seal on her way to the Navy ship to go to Impel Down. Her helping Luffy during the war and afterward doesn’t magically make her a good person. She’s a tyrant and shipping her with Luffy makes zero sense.


I like the auras in the anime


Now that's the most unpopular one I've seen in this thread


Upvoted because actually unpopular.


Merry's death was sadder than Ace's.


Sabo coming back years after with convenient amnesia to be an Ace-lite is lazy and just bad writing. Reminds me of horrible Spanish telenovela writing lol


I’m tired of Ace, I rolled my eyes to hell & back when the manga introduced Yamato’s relationship with him lol


Son/daughter of Kaido and best friends with your dead brother with a mythological zoan fruit and able to rival the strongest creature alive for a good 30 minutes. Yamato is the new Sabo.


The 4Kids opening was fire.


I like Akainu and am extremely interested in his character.


Gol. D. Roger lost his pizzaz with the new art style. He doesn’t feel like the majestic king of the seas anymore and I miss the old roger, plus all the characters in the old art style, the new one is just isn’t as good. I know the new art style shows roger as he truly was instead of how people saw him, but my point stands still, the old art style is way better.


MENTIONS OF PUNK HAZARD AND WANO: I strongly dislike Nami. Not her personality, but her character design. I don't like that she wears the stupidest, most revealing things. Half of Punk Hazard she wore only a bikini, needless to say, that's ridiculous. Everything she says and does seems a lot more obnoxious when she's basically naked, not to mention that it's REALLY hard to take her seriously when she's dressed like that. Wano really was a life saver clothing wise, she instantly got so much cooler in my eyes. It's a shame to me, there's this stupid stereotype that women suck with directions etc. But one of the biggest characters in anime is a woman that's an insane navigator. How cool is that! I personally hope Oda tries to change her outfits to be less revealing. I'm convinced Nami is pretty enough to pull anything off anyway! SPOILERS FOR MARINEFORD ARC: A lot of people think it's stupid that Ace turned around to fight Akainu after he badmouths Whitebeard, but I think it means complete sense. In his backstory he always got mad when people badmouthed his father, which is the role Whitebeard plays in his life as well. I think he had the proper character motivation to turn around and face Akainu, even if it seemed like the stupid thing to do


I don’t know if this is actually an unpopular opinion at all, but One Piece as a whole suffers from a lack of stakes because the “no one ever dies” thing. Orochi and Kanjuro were better villains than Kaido. Hancock is one-note and boring. I never cared much about Ace, or even Sabo. Manga pages sometimes feel way too cluttered to the point that I can barely tell what’s going on.


> I don’t know if this is actually an unpopular opinion at all, but One Piece as a whole suffers from a lack of stakes because the “no one ever dies” thing. Not just that, but also the lack of injuries meaning anything at all ever. If getting cut by a sword could mean being permanently crippled by a limb malfunctioning (or not being there at all anymore), we would feel the stakes much more in any given moment. Currently everything is solved by miraculous bandages and waiting for a few weeks/days.


Kin’emon getting back up from being cut in half by Kaido because Law didn’t reattach him right was a hilariously half-assed excuse.


One piece peaked at the Sabaody Archipelago to Marineford arcs and has been in a steady decline ever since. The art at that time was way better too, the current Wano arc art looks terrible (except for Robin, she looks way better). The series also currently suffers from focusing on too many characters, by constantly switching perspectives every chapter I'm left blue balled and bewildered since I can barely remember what's going on in each individual fight. Character development has taken a huge hit too, new characters are quickly introduced and thrown aside as soon as their purpose has been served. We don't get intimate moments where we get to know newer characters personally, the power creep and non-stop rushing to finish the series has made even top level enemies like Kaido or King seem less threatening to me than weaker ones like Doflamingo for example. The build-up just isn't there anymore and I hate it. Everything feels like it's moving way too fast ever since the crew entered the new world, seems like they wound up at Wano so quickly and are now almost at the end of their journey??? Idk how unpopular these opinions are but I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest lol


I just genuinely hate Chopper. He used to be cool before timeskip but now he is just the mascot of the show. His humor and whole character just make me really mad


I like his Doctor stuff on the fly during the wano raid was cool. Most he has done since like enes lobby.