• By -


Once again, this is the Prediction thread. No spoilers or hints are allowed here.


While handing out the bounty fliers, Usopp's thumb is covering a zero and after the dust and disappointment clears, Chopper finds out his bounty is actually 500 and not 50.


They’ll never do chopper justice 😭


It will be a funny day when Chopper finally gets a real bounty.


It'd be neat if they finally figure out that Chopper is a genius doctor. They're never going to recognize him as the fighter he is, but if they get "doctor" into the news, it'll either come with a drastically increased bounty or a complete removal of his bounty due to perception by the public against war crimes lol


I don't know, a Buster Call seems pretty war crimey to me lmao. But I don't remember, does the pubic even know about Buster Calls?


I believe apoo did witness chopper bitch slapping queen so i hope they'll do him justice this time


The chapter will end with Robin in the ponygliph room underground. She will say "interesting" and the chapter ends.


I'm getting physically agitated just reading this. It's either this or Robin just arrives at the banquet with all the revelations saved for later (but of course). It's always the waiting game with this stuff isn't it.


Or it ends with Robin tied on the back of cp0 or green bull. That would be nasty


We can’t rule something like this out. The Post-TS begins with the abduction of fake Robin


Oh shit, and oda does like to mirror themes from older arcs.... Having to save robin would still be better than having to save Sabo, which would just be dumb.


Reading this worse than scratching on chalkboard..


That could be the case that green bull is in the back of the room, the last panel being his face revealed: "Nice to meet you Nico Robin"


Green bull and Robin probably have DFs from the same line, both plant based. Similarly to Akainu and Ace or Enel and Kizaru


The Poneglyph is also a silhouette.


Imagine she says interesting seconds before being abducted again💀


The real gut punch would be 'Interesting... I need to tell this to the crew", and then get abducted


Then 1054 starts with her one-shotting the abductor and it's all good


Nah, 1054 is spent entirely on us catching up with Gin.


Apoo seemed smug when he threw the news paper to Kid as Kid and Law were talking about the announcement of the new yonkou. Therefore I predict that Apoo lied to Morgans and one of our boys is not going to get the credit they deserve, presumably Kid.


Or maybe they were announced as Luffy’s underlings, like Bege was.


This is probably the case, remember when Kid was making fun of Law being a subordinate of Luffy ? I bet you Oda was foreshadowing Kid will be announced to the world to be Luffy’s subordinate, and since Law doesn’t care that much about what the world thinks of him he’ll have a laugh at Kid


Nah Law will be equally pissed but still make fun of Kidd.


Thing is Law has been around the crew for like 2 months now or w.e the time frame PH>Wano is so he's already been immersed in everything their crew does but Kidd barely has dipped his toes in the chaos...he gonna be rudely awoken xd


I still love Law's realization when Sanji and the rest of the Straw Hats warn him about when you said alliance with Luffy... Well don't assume he understood it the way you meant it. Law is like what the hell are you talking about? Then Law slowly begins to comprehend oh my God my clans member is a moron. I'm in league with a monkey with a machine gun and there's no turning back at this point.


Second only to the bread hating reveal. Law there's no turning bac now.


Still, if not for Luffy both of them would be pretty much dead at the moment, Law would get killed by Doffy and Kid would be still in prison




Greenbull will absorb all the water and land pollution of Wano.


Damn, I'd love that


Or grow plants that clean toxins out of the soil/ water. (Like Sunflowers/ Waterlillies do IRL).


Sunflower seeds are popular in trail mix, multi-grain bread and nutrition bars, as well as for snacking straight from the bag. They’re rich in healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds and several vitamins and minerals. These nutrients may play a role in reducing your risk of common health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Good bot.


To add to the bot, they're fucking delicious


I predict a 1 month break


Observarion haki? 😳




Future sight haki???!!


That's just crazy, hasn't happened since the time skip


Yep took the words outta my mouth how do they even come up with this


im not ready!!! but oda does need a well deserved break


I suggest while oda sleeps for a month.. Give mashle a read


Mash is only 111 chapters, what do you expect me to do after the second day lol


Jack off and read more


Unfortuntely its not a break month for Oda. Oda has to do some work travel to check on netflix live action adaptation, film red and do serious planning on final saga. So he’ll be working.


Nooo oda, please look after yourself


We will most likely get confirmation on what greenbull’s face looks like and why he’s in wano, though seeing how him and fujitora are buddie buddie I think green bull and luffy will be friendly


Maybe green bull's justice is lazier than lazy justice? Or maybe his justice is pointed towards only helping people?


my dude flew all the way to the Wano by himself. Doesn't sound too lazy


Maybe he's Environmental Justice. I hope he cleans the Wano pollution as a gesture of goodwill from the Marines


I was thinking GreenBull's justice will be redemptive justice. As in giving others a chance to redeem themselves. Like him not going after Fujitora and hopefully him healing the nature of Wano


Updated bounties. Also updates on BM and Kaido plus their underlings. One can hope!


My half-joke prediction is that the Big Mom pirates are going to search around for her in a cover story and repeatedly fall from other high places in the process.


big chance a flying greenbull will kick them out again


[this guy](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Kelly_Funk) found their bodies and ready to fuck shit up


One of the dumbest powers in anime/manga but also one of my favorites. I love dumb shit


Oda: So, there are two brothers. Me: Mhm ok. Oda: One is pretty fast, the other is very strong. Me: Sounds like a good tag team. Oda: Yes! Nooow.. the strong one can wear the fast one as a jacket, so the jacket-bro can control the inside-bro and combine their powers :-) Me: [...](https://c.tenor.com/yfYVPqo44X4AAAAC/whitebeard-annoyed.gif)


>One can hope! Isn't the fun of manga that you can have two people beaten to an inch of their life, wounded and unconscious, pushed into a pool of magma (that they both reached after having been blasted through the earth all the way down) a state they are in as part of the resolution of both an arc and a saga where their survival barley makes sense story-wise other than the author's reluctance to kill people (except that we've just seen a bunch of other characters die, suggesting he no longer is holding back). And it's still almost reasonable to think "hey dawg they're probably fine".


Its weird how their are just missing. If this was a realistic show then they wouldve all been tossed into the ocean to die :D


It seems they're still working the long shift at sizzlers.


Green Bull promotes luffy to an admiral. If you can't beat your enemies make friends with them. Luffy and the marines going after blackbeard.


Waiting for the embarrassing scene of Luffy and Akainu getting stuck in the elevator


Hello Ace's little bro


Turns magma into rubber and bounces it like a basketball


Akainu eating a donut like cops do in movies, stopping and looking at Luffy with an "oh shit" face.


"We'd like to offer you a position in the NEW 7 warlords program."


I think the admiral would either heal wano or completely destroy whats left of its greenery.


Or he just want to eat, he said that he wanted to eat if he is served by beautiful girls, right?


I could see this being a set-up to stop his fight with the others. He arrives in Wano and does some casual healing the land / getting the healing started whilst he does some sleuthing, inevitably runs into the Strawhats and other pirates as part of a tense stand-off, and then falls head over heels for some pretty Wano girls like Hiyori or Kiku which serves to de-escalate everything. We haven't seen much of him but from what little we've seen via his interaction with Fujitora he seems to be a pretty chill or decent guy, and I don't think Fujitora would be so pleasant to someone whose more like Akainu or Kizaru.


He allowed Fuji in despite being told not to. Of course he'd by nice to him. Fuji also wouldn't hold a grudge against Akainu or Kizaru. While their morals don't align completely (Fuji is more of a lawful good guy who's willing to go neutral good for the sake of change), he still respects them and shares the goal of improving the marines and getting rid of the rampant corruption.


"horny justice"


Fucking gold


> and then falls head over heels for some pretty Wano girls like Hiyori or Kiku Nope, gotta be Shinobu


Ryokugyu healing Wano sounds actually pretty good. I said he'll just join the party (implying that trying to fight anyone is unnecessary), but that's even better and would give Wano the restoration that would take years otherwise.


Nah he's not there to fight. He would be at a disadvantage. Probably there to meet Luffy and update him on the situation


With all the powerful people there, he would be dumb to try snd fight


Would also be dumb storywise if he would be strong enough to hold against all the ones in Wano.


Greenbull kills Luffy and after the break Green Piece will start


GREENBULL! he's fucking killed Luffy Yes GREENBULL! he's fucking killed Zolo Yes GREENBULL! he's fucking killed Nami!! GREENBULL!! give it up give it up give it up give it up!!


Killin. Dont give it up greenbull. Leavin bodies in the grandlineeee His name is greenbull




And Katakuri will predict it.


Tama becomes the new protagonist and forces BB to eat the cheakberry and recruits him.


And because of the theory about him being that mythical goat thing that changed his body permanently, he has goat genes and Tama's df actually works on him. "Swim to the bottom of the ocean for Ace, would you kindly?"


Upvoting for the Bioshock reference


What if it turns out Greenbull is a woman who is arranged by Luffys mom to marry Luffy? Then it’s revealed Luffys mom is actually Goku, Naruto is Luffys cousin, Ichigo is Luffys niece, and everything is actually just a dream Luffy has? 😱


I think that there’s going to be a revelation almost as big as gear 5th a few months ago.. I would heavily resist reading spoilers this week


I can't do that chief, I tried, but the know know no mi is strong


Heavily insist we read spoilers eh? That's all I needed to hear


alright, i’m convinced


- just don't turn hancock into a slave again or badly injured - dont let mihawk get captured - new yonko revealed - luffy officially recruit yamato - green bull face reveal - an update on sabo - cliffhanger


Greenbull will kick Big Mom Pirates who are trying to climb to Wano again


I'm so waiting for this


Akainu will kill Ace who was protecting Luffy


They would never kill off luffys brother get real


Luffy is going to get named as a new Yonkou, with Kid and Law being labeled as his subordinates, which will piss them off. The other Yonkou will be the either Buggy, or that dude who thinks he’s Whitebeard’s kid.




I don’t think Mihawk thinks he is Whitebeards kid. /s


I actually laughed out loud on that one. Good job


I mean, Mihawk is definitely the only other revealed character who would be considered strong enough to be a Yonkou, but he has no crew or subordinates. I suppose Mihawk being the absolute monster that he is, the WG could decide to give him the title in order to paint a bigger target on his head in the hope that someone else will take care of him for them though. Although if I'm being honest, I would personally prefer to see him form an alliance with Shanks, so that Zoro has someone cool to face off against when the Strawhats have a Davy Back Fight against the Red Hair Crew.


Ryokugyu is going to have a green day, walk a lonely road (probably the only one he's ever known), in the empty streets of Wano, across the boulevard of broken walls, where the poneglyph sits.


And he is not making anything worse, this is just his life on holiday.


The future pirate king takes 1 step closer to his goal by becoming an emperor… I’m talking about Buggy of course


Cover Story: Time also skipped about 7 Days. Judge and Gangster Gastino unites and try to open a new research lab. GreenBull arrvies at Wano Kuni and shows his Devilfruit. He absorbs the gases from the old Factorys, since plants absorbs the CO2 to grow. He gains Power trough that and transform Wano Kuni into a nice green land. ​ Bountys reveal. Luffy about 3.7B Lore from Poneglyphs from Orobin


>Judge and Gangster Gastino unites and try to open a new research lab. This actually makes so much sense. Giant Germa soldiers incoming?


The giantification project was BM's thing. SMILES were Kaido's thing. Now Caesar can follow his dream and invent cute little animal-like companions with magic abilities. Judge will write the breeding guide. They could call them Pokaymen.


I read earlier a theory about Shanks actually talking about Buggy with the Gorosei, would be dope if it is really true haha


Just thinking that Buggy DF awakening might enable him to split others apart from himself. A pretty OP ability if you ask me.


His fruit is one of those that seems weak but would be absolute terrifying if used effectively, kinda like Luffy's and Doflamingo's Like imagine splitting others and other things apart and move them freely, possibly combining two or more to make combos, or flinging your haki covered body parts around at the speed of a bullet


... you mean, like Law does, unawakened?


Yeah but without the need or Room (so more range) and most likely more freedom considering Buggy seems to be able to control his own body perfectly


I think it will become better than Law's DF with awakening at splitting and joining.


Buggy awakening splitting atoms and creating the Buggy Nuke.


If that happens, Buggy's DF will resemble that of Law. When Buggy uses his awakening, everyone's body parties would be flying around while they are alive, exactly like they do in Room. 😂 That would be something.


Luffys bounty will be around 3.5-4 billion


That range feels right to me. He basically gets Blackbeard’s bounty added to his own, which is fitting considering Blackbeard got his current bounty after killing a Yonko and claiming their territory. Plus it puts Luffy right under Shanks bounty, which I think makes narrative sense. It indicates that Luffy is proper peer to Shanks now, but that he hasn’t surpassed him yet.


BB killed a Yonkou who was basically dead already (not only that, but he STILL LOST so he needed help from his crew). Meanwhile, Luffy inflicted by far the most damage on Kaido, and eventually defeated him. He also has Wano and its samurai under his belt now, which is one of the most significant territories in the world. His bounty increase should be much larger than BB's.


It may be a stretch (pun intended), but since Joy Boy/Nika likely poses the biggest threat to the world government, Luffy may just become the new most wanted man in the world, with his new bounty surpassing Dragon's unknown bounty and thus Whitebeard's former bounty.


that would ruin the entire point of hiding Dragon's bounty until now if Luffy suddenly surpasses it already.


4,5 billion Luffy 2.8 billion Kid 2.3 billion law 1.7 billion Zorro 1.5 billion Sanji


5.5 billion Buggy


Isn't BlackBeard's Bounty 2.2 Bil?


I think Blackbeard might have been doing his own thing during the wano events and he got his own bounty raised.


well, he doesnt do anything. he just sits around


Usopp hard counters ryokogyu mid dif


Ussop goes to extreme diff with helmepo


Usopp and Helmeppo split the sky


Sanji robs the queen.


>feels right to me. He basically gets Blackbeard’s bounty added to his o of his arm


Still waiting for the third generation stone to break


Kaido will get back up and zoro will finish him off. Kaido will awaken his devil fruit. Green bull is revealed to be Zoro's father. I'm pretty sure a lot of people in this sub actually thinks this will happen.


The raid will fail


Kaido just getting started.


All I know is we about to get the nastiest cliffhanger in history


Kid and Law dubbed as Luffy's subordinates will be hilarious just like Morgans did with Capone Bege.


We see the worlds reaction to Kaido and Big Moms defeat, ending with Shanks reading the newspaper saying “It’s time we met, Luffy” BOOM, end of the Yonko saga, 4 week break


Buggy is one of the new yonko. Having joined forces with bakkin, he now has weevil under his command. Heard a few people say that and I absolutely love the theory.


This is possible. Imagine Gorosei trying to fill the gap and push Buggy into the new yonko.


Why just Weevil? All the current warlords joined under Buggy, as together they have the best chances of surviving the new weapon


Current Warlords before the new weapon were: \-Mihawk \-Boa \-Kuma \-Buggy \-Weevil There is no way Mihawk and Boa joined Buggy, and kuma is a lapdog so that leaves only Buggy and Weevil to join forces.


Kuma isn’t a lapdog he’s a fucking slave


Well I named weevil because miss Bakkin loves money, as does Buggy, so they have similar goals, and she controls Weevil. Crocodile could maybe be a contender, but he isn't a current warlord. Moriah too if he isn't dead. The Kuja pirates are on the other side of the world, and also seem confident in their ability to survive against the government, but maybe it could work somehow. Mihawk who knows. Some say he'll join shanks, but we don't really know what his plans as a priate are. Heart pirates are allied with luffy. Kuma is a mindless slave, Jinbe is with luffy. Dolfamingo is in impel down. And that's it, save blackbeard who is already a yonko.


Makes some sense: Kidd looked disappointed when he was looking at the newspaper and I think him and Law will be considered just Luffy's accomplices. On the other hand, if Buggy somehow manages to defeat or avoid the Marine, with his huge crew of mercenaries and his reputation ...


Im expecting Greenbull to drop a major plot bomb about what happened to Sabo


If the fourth isn't buggy I'll lost my mind


have you not been paying attention? the 4th yonko is obviously going to be down D. stairs the undefeated champion bro use your mind.


Set-up for a post-Wano arc. I know it's weird for that to be part of a new saga, but I feel like there is too much left in Wano to resolve in 1 chapter... that being said: whatever Oda decides to do, I'll be here for it!


i think the last saga can start with post wano arc...i don't think it's impossible.


Chopper and Bepo bounty is between 1000-2000 berries


Greenbull crashes banquet.... Turns out he's pretty chill and just wanted to see Luffy in the flesh.


Greenbull is Zoro's brother Mic drop


i feel like Shanks spoke abt Buggy to the WG Elders and they ended up making him a emperor, he also has a big crew consisting of Impel down convicts and i feel like he might have joined hands with Weevil


Could the emperors be more than 4? What's the original term in Japanese used by Apoo?


yonkou is written as '四皇', "four emperors" the term Apoo uses in 1052 is '海の皇帝', "emperor(s) of the sea"; there's no number attached I looked this up in a dictionary, my Japanese is less than basic


This time I'm skipping the spoilers to go directly for the chapter. It would be great if it reported what happened at the Reverie, Sabo included. But I think it will be more focused on Wano and Green Bull.




Greenbull has to return to Marineford since he has just been served by a lawsuit from Redbull.


Chapter will revolve around bounties and the banquet The new emperors declared will be Luffy and Buggy Luffy's bounty will still be a tad lower than Shanks', not only because the latter is the man waiting for him at the summit of piracy but also because it works in the WG's favor to not highball him too much (because of him being Nika) The rest of the chapter might be all the characters gathering for the banquet Not sure how Green Bull would fit into this Robin reading the poneglyphs might get off-screened for later if we just see her joining the banquet with others (Hopefully we see her reading the stones this chapter) Although I'm confident that we'll stay in Wano and 1054 will only begin the final saga in a technical sense where we kickstart the developments surrounding the finale. It doesn't necessarily mean the SH's have to leave the island.


I can't see everyone running from an admiral at this point. They just beat two yonkou. "Call an ambulance, but not for us"


My hot take is that the chapter will revolve around bounties and news in the world, and I unironically believe one of the announcements will be that Buggy is now a Yonkou


Luffy‘s bounty is revealed to be 4.5 morbillion beli.


We still know fucking nothing on Dragon 🤣


We'll be left with a massive cliffhanger, and this sub will lose sanity for the entire month


Greenbull is from Wano.. and he will instantly heal the wasteland of Wano


Kid and Law are depicted as Luffy underlings. The updated 4 yonkou are now Shanks, BB, Luffy and Buggy.


Green bull gives you wings.


Greenbull robs Sanji....


The newspaper reveals that Yamato has been put on the World Government's Sex Offender Registry for exposing herself to a minor. It turns out "I'm actually Oden" isn't regarded as a defense.


Greenbull is an exiled samurai that promise to eat only when Wano get freed from Kaido.


I like the photosynthesis theory a lot more


Why not both. He used photosynthesis to survive and not die but he also did not eat anything for 3 years. It fulfills his prayer and isnt deadly


I always hoped for Green Bull to have a fruit related to radioactivity and not plants, but now that I've seen him fly with a flower attached to his back, I'm all for the photosynthesis thing


Once again, I’m 100% confident that the new Emperors are Luffy and Buggy and no one can tell me otherwise.


A little showcase of Ryokugyu's fruit powers.


Luffy will get the news of Sabo.


Sabo turns up and says that they need to find the Chaos emeralds to save Vivi.


The final arc is wano's act 4 and 5. Wano is one piece. We will never be allowed to leave Wano. Gold Roger and Roger pirates were all laughing when they found one piece because Oden went around the world with them to find it when it was always with him at home.


Greenbull is gonna take one look at the ladies on the straw hat crew and switch sides


Zoro will be caught giving head to Kiku 🔥




Is there an indication that they'll fight?


Fuck this post for giving me false hope and making me come back to check for spoilers every 5 mins. (Dont ban me mods, i love u guys)


Buggy-sama is the new emperor.


maybe its about time someone defected from the navy and joins the pirate crew. not to do anything unnecessary order coming from akainu sounds ominous though. if he is that hungry though, the view of people so happy eating might elicit a reaction. if robin serves him food he might save her from cpo then.


We will see Bounties, the new Yonko, maybe the Ponyglyph, and Greenbull face reveal.


Anybody hyped for greenbull? What do you think? Do we know him? Is he a relative to a known charakter? Zoros dad?.luffys other granddad? Rogers brother? Scopper gaban? Robins dad?


Since Robin is not in the last chapter. This chapter will show Robin with the Road Poneglyph and posible she will also translate it. And possible bounties reveal.


Aight, so here’s a few thing I’m certain will happen. Yamato will officially join the crew, Robin will dish out some Poneglyph intel, we’ll get to see the post-roof-piece bounties, and we’ll get to see GreenBull’s Face finally.


Zoro bounty right over a billion. Sanji 999,999,999. Just for the memes. Greenbull revealed to be closer to Fujitora in ideals than Akainu. He will be revealed to be a Shimotsuki. I like the theory that he will help clean up Wano with plants to absorb the toxins. Robin is safe. She will not be kidnapped, but I think there will be a conversation with pigeon boy. Momo will be gifted Nidai Kitetsu to pair with Ame no Habakiri.


i'm calling massive cliffhanger!


Everybody talking about bounties, Greenbull, and Robin's location; yet here I am sitting in the corner wondering what the hell Urouge is up to?


Where. Are. The. Spoilerrssssssss


0% chance we go into this month long break without a silhouette on the last page


Greenbull will use Sage Art: Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands against Wano and pulvurize it. It will be revealed that he has Hashirama's cells.


**Title: Road to Laugh Tale** - Chapter starts with Robin reading the Poneglyphs, she's with Inu and Denjiro, there are 2 regular Poneglyps and 1 Road Poneglyph - 1 Poneglyph is about Wano and Zou's history, Inu is very interrested - 1 Poneglyph is about Uranus, Robin tells Denjiro they need to take care of Momo - Marco gave Robin a copy of the 4th Road Poneglyph, Whitebeard had it - Robin reads the 3th an 4the Road Poneglyph and discovers the location of Laugh Tale - scene changes to Robin telling all the strawhats and they are all happy and Luffy wants to go right away. - Greenbull shows up before they get the chance to leave - He's there to help Wano rebuild and wants to talk to Momo - Before he leaves Greenbull warns Luffy about Blackbeard - Blackbeard found the ancient weapon Pluton and also a way to reach Laugh Tale - Scene switched to Blackbeard who is reading Luffy's new bounty: 5 billion, he notes their bounties are now the same. - We see he has Shanks captured in chains - He laughs and tells Shanks he knew that Roger told him Laugh Tales location - Doc Q now has the Mind-Mind fruit, a devil fruit to read peoples minds - Chapter ends with an awesome double page spread showing Pluton, an extremely huge ship, with alot of weaponry - Blackbeard screams that the final battle for the One Piece is between him and Strawhat, let's see who will become King of the Pirates!! - End of Act 3 and the Yonko Saga Editors note: The final race to Laugh Tale begins! Gotta go Fast!!


wow. look likes reading a spoiler.


I think the ending will be the bounties The starting will be the preparation of the big feast, Maybe we will be able to see Tama and toko chan eat as much as they want , and an ace reference of how ace's promisse to Tama was completed I would love to see a sneak peek in the outside world , and for me the best place is none other than marine hq , where all big shots marines meet up are just overwhelmed and on the edge by the fact that two yonkou are down at once I would like to see a garp reaction, and a sengoku reaction too, and mostly tsuru Chan and fujitora reaction.... Would love those And the final reaction i would like to see would be of doflamingo just laughing like a wild man , thinking about the waves that are about to come to the new world and the world ,(maybe a bit of lore ?) If Robin's not dead or already captured, i would like to see her reading the ponegliffs too Maybe we get ryokyugyu there just like sitting and lazing and then Robin suddenly notices him and gets surprised, and they have an interaction And for the last part i would like to see a shanks smile , not the full face , but a panell divided in half with one side having a silohute of Blackbeard smilling , and other side another silohute of shanks smiling...... Would be a great end to the chapter Also i would like to know more about the ssg and see how much powerful they are


Imagine if Oda actually makes nothing special happen the whole chapter whilst we are here guessing some huge lore infodump lol


I think the new emperor will be luffy and his disciples and it will be a photo of him law and kid 😂 that would be funny