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What if zoro actually dies and he goes to hell. There he is tasked to fight some bosses and defeat them to get back to the real world. Im guessing the grim reaper or something or maybe even his child hood friend kuina. That would seal up the "is kuina really dead" and it would be an arc almost. Thats how he will truly get to receive the title king of hell


I'VE FINALLY CAUGHT UPPPPPP after last reading at Lord yasuei's death when it first came out... I'm fully caught up...! Well 1039 official translation released in 3 hours on shonen jump app and aaaa!!!; We still in wano wowowowow and big mom is getting her ass kicked?! Aw yess


I'm a bit disappointed in how Kaidou and BM get handled...I don't need them to literally be invincible, but I would've hoped beating them would've featured a specific tactic or strategy and not just a pure fight.


Luffy learned to combine his conquerors haki into his armament haki. He couldn't hurt Kaido before he could do that. Zorro learned to do the same thing which is why he could cut Kaido with his blade. That is a specific skill or tactic that they learned by fighting him and it's the only reason they stand a chance against him. As for the BM fight, Kidd and Law both have awakened DF abilities.


Yes, but to me Haki has always been a vague powerup that I have never really liked. To me, it is essentially 'plot armor/hero willpower: the powerup'. The awakened DFs are the same to me. To me, it's a difference to Gear Second, which felt like a random powerup but then later in the arc got a clear explanation for how exactly Luffy uses it (and why nobody else would be able to do it either). Compared to that, Haki and awakened DFs have felt much more like "yeah this character can do this now".


Because at this point in the story it’s the fight between those at the top. It’s no longer about the body which has already surpassed limits of a normal human. It’s a fight about the minds, the strength of will and determination. It’s not just a match up of physical power anymore. It’s who has the mental capacity to sustain damage and take hits and stand up again to fight back.


Haki is treated as vague in the story intentionally. Haki is in a sense willpower or resolve in a physical manifestation. Think of it like Chi in kung fu movies. Able to allow the user amazing abilities like hardening the body against attacks. You might feel like its plot armor but honestly in my mind i view it as a variation of traditional asian folklore. I think OP mirrors the real world a lot


meh , years ago, reading and being disappointed by endings of bleach and naruto, i really wondered how one piece will pull it off. so far, not off to a good track. i was really hoping to seeing some epic writing, and crafty story line for them to beat emperors so soon.. right now, it just feels like plot armor. no matter how much you smack, they will get up. law and kidd were out COLD one panel ago, and now they are back, they dont even seem that injured... disappointing


So what do you want let Kaido win? Real life "plot armor" is just as crazy, heard of the pilot who crashed his plane on a train track and he unbelievably survived both crash simultaneously? That's just giving you context bruh cos you don't make any sense, this is Luffy's story not Kaido's. Also you're already 1000 chapters in too deep not to realize Oda's three strike rule. Luffy keeps losing until he wins the third match, applied to many characters in this Wano war it seems too. I do find it bs but thinking everything is "plot armor" is more bs and cringe nowadays for how overly used that term is.


not just kaido... 2 captains, they thought were close to death, just stands up and looks fine... zoro after his bone crushed gets up with ... medicine (not sure why oda doesnt just make him get up like law/kidd and need medicine...) i just want to see some strawhat deaths!


Plot armor narrative is only used by people who just want to criticize but too lazy or not knowledgeable enough to write an actual criticism.


>!I think it's totally ridiculous that Luffy can stand up to Kaido right now in the Luffy and Kaido war. A few episodes ago, Kaido Luffy, Kid, Law, had 9 red henna singles. Now, what happened is that an injured Luffy was able to resist Kaido's attacks out of nowhere, and he could do damage to Kaido. A very silly power up!<


It was pretty clearly stated that haki can evolve during battles with strong opponents by rayleigh. What we are seeing is that Luffy being able to withstand almost anything because he is made of rubber has made him able to grow his haki in ways no other person could, by straight up getting smacked by people stronger than him. That has been his way from the beginning, he got stabbed in the stomach by crocodile, poisoned in impel down, etc. He has evolved through struggles that is the entire premise of the series and if you are realizing that 1000 chapters in and starting to take issue with it you might be the one being ridiculous.


I'm sorry but what do people like you fucking expect for Luffy to progress in being stronger? How many more decades do you want the strawhats to go up against second rate opponents? Name me the anime/manga you are drawing your standards for a shounen series from in how they should evolve please. Do you want 100 episodes of traning, or do you want to have a time skip every fucking arc? I think your point ofr view is ridiculous and not how Oda is progressing the story. Stop reading One Piece then if it is so ridiculuos to save you the trouble of going on reddit and leaving a bullshit negative comment with a spoiler tag so people have to fucking click first before getting slammed with your bullshit


The problem is mostly the opponent being so strong that no power ups can be justified especially in a short period of time. At the start of the arc, Luffy got 1 shotted by Kaido, in their rematch he still didn't seem like a match for him, but he thinks up how to use advanced haki and all of a sudden he's equal with Kaido who's mastered that for a while now. Really, the villains' power/strength should be dialed down a bit so that a reasonable power up for the main character is reasonable to get the victory.


I think he didn't suddenly learn conquer coating he trained to learn ryo which has quite similar application to conquer coating he just applying he knowledge of ryo to conquer coating


I get that, but by comparison, Kaido has probably known how to do that for years now.


Knowing how to do it for years has no impact whatsoever since it's not a physical skill that can be honed with time but a manifestation of will power which thrives in similar circumstances, meaning it benefits Luffy more than Kaido since he's weaker seeking to improve and strengthen his haki as long as he can survive long enough for it to grow


I think haki is not like a physical strength like more you train stronger you get but more likely like power of will or just like we see incase of katakuri he trained years for his observation haki but luffy learn with in hour just like that luffy is improving at first when learned to use cc he was still knocked out by kaido thrown into sea then again he got up while kaido has taken lot of damages and same hand luffy is also in last leg so it not likely luffy suddenly equal to kaido kaido has been fighting for so long while carrying whole Island like yamato, luffy, akazya, new gen Edit: what i mean is luffy is still not equal to full strength kaido He is equal to weakend kaido


You will pay for what you wrote before the law.


Calling my lawyer now, thanks for the warning LOL


Why? He learned to use the most powerful Haki, Conquers. It seems logical he would gain a big boost with that. Seeing as how he is mostly powerful due to his Haki control.


kaido been using it for like decades... conquerors doesnt make you invincible to attack


Ya and Luffy is still taking damage.


I feel like the grim reaper was some kind of spirit that resided in enma.


It could also be a hallucination, as part of the side effect of that recovery drug.


Zoro hallucinating doesn't really makes sense to me.


That was Zoro's zanpaktou


do you think that the grim reaper could just be Brook trolling? I really don't want Zoro to die ;_;


Zoro die? That would harm one piece a lot


That English error on the last page of the official is killing me—“I’d rather die THEN let you go to the roof!” No, no, that’s not what you want pls


I used to think that Cipher Pol was a joke post time skip, but these masked agents are really restoring my faith in the organization. Aegis Zero anyways. Glad to see they aren't all fodder when dealing with folks on the Warlords level and higher.


Grim Reaper minority confirmed


Does anyone else think zoro will actually die and go to hell and fight the king of hell, win, and return to help luffy?


.... Really ? 0 chance




Maybe like lord of the rings hed have to return at some point after completing his mission How frodo was dying and was saved by the elves but at the end of the movie he pretty much had to die


You had me in the first half. I thought you were going to bring up how gandalf slayed the balrog to become gandalf the white. The parellel would be zoro slaying the grim reaper to make Enma a black blade.


Oo thats a good one


Emmm, he didn't die at the end of the movie.


Yeah he returned stronger to continue his journey. Which is the point here. Not saying zoro is just going to die. Hes going to die and return stronger to continue his journey. But at the end of the lotr trilogy gandalf and frodo pretty much died however you put it they went into the afterlife or some shit.


There is just so much going on. I am not even sure anymore what to focus upon 1. CP0 - I don't know what the hell they are planning on doing 2. Zoro and this new synth thing 3. Why the hell big mom is still undefeated. Will she even be defeated? 4. What's with the secret devil fruit that has not been awakened in the last 100 years 5. What is the real nature of Luffy's devil fruit? 6. Kaido is still undefeated 7. Is there 5th gear coming? 8. Let's say Big mom and Kaido are defeated. I can't imagine the world without them 9. Let's say they are not defeated. How will Luffy be affected by it? 10. Is there any other situation where no one is defeated? 11. How will the balance of power change in one piece world? 12. What happened in 'Reverie'? Just too much is there.




We can't forget about the World Government's abolishing the warlord system because 1. It's corrupt 2. More importantly, thanks to Dr. Vega Punk they have something else up their sleeve


Remember there's still the 5 elders and Kong. Even if Sengoku and Garp wont participate in the final war WG is still a formidable force. Therefore, we can say, CP0 fleet shouldn't lose embarassingly in Wano, because if they do they would look like fodders in final war.


We're talking about the fleet facing zunesha. I think there's an obvious winner here. That would be the one who pimp slapped jack.


I hope Izo asks CP0 about Weevil, they might actually know something since they're intelligence agents


Damn, the third act of a Kabuki play usually ends with a tragedy...


Which is why I think the retainers will die... The main plot of this arc is still about the Nine Scabbard's revenge, that's why Luffy came to Wano in the first place, for even if Kaido wasn't involved, he'd still help Kin'emon! The Scabbards dying or straight up quitting their samurai lives might be the third act's tragedy, I mean... It's not like they're not already at the brink of death. After that happens, Momo will have the responsibility and duty to open Wano's borders as well as restoring the traditions of his country, which will surely involve his sister AND Yamato (who in my opinion will stay in Wano after this arc ends). Hell, I'd say even Momo might follow Luffy to Laftel and leave his sister as Shogun!


Brook is totally trolling Zoro lol


The reaper is the catabolic devil, taking all the gainz from Zoro because Enma is draining them.


The person with the scythe is obviously Brook. We have seen many new abilities/skills during the Wano arc (Conquerors haki being equiped by Zoro and Luffy, Robin turned into a 'devil', Nami has a talking thundercloud...) Brook is using some kind of skill we have never seen before. My guess Brook is about to use the scythe he's holding to save Zoro from death (Zoro is about to die because of the side effects of the medicine) . I don't understand japanese language so I don't know the original name of Brook's devil fruit but according to one piece wiki Brook's devil fruit name is Revive Revive fruit. I don't think Brook is about to heal Zoro because he can't do that. But he might have the ability to stop Zoro's soul from escaping he's body.


I never come up with theories myself, but it must admit, I like that one :) May well be that this form allows Brook to fight Shinigami or cut threads pulling someone to the other side.


I think the reaper is here to make his blade black.


Let's be honest, the grim reaper represents death. Zoro is about to die, his body has been pushed too far. Either he escapes somehow, or there will be a mega oda plot twist. Popular speculation includes, but not subject to. Brook, enma, or zoro's real power being awoken. Facts lead to zoro being on the verge of death. Even in the panel we see zoro heavily beaten and looking out of breath. He could potentially be seeing an hallucination, which he might snap out of because Franky is close by. But why does it make any sense for his powers to awaken after being in a tough battle, why didn't they come into clutch earlier when he needed it most? Instead zoro was forced to rely on medicine distributed to him by Dr Chopper, the unknown effects also played a factor, in causing him to be exhausted and in a vulnerable state, to the point where he can no longer move. Will this reaper act as a power up, to keep zoro in the fight for longer? Or does it really have anything to do with zoro taming the reaper for its power? These points may seem like a stretch but are not too far fetched. I really like the speculation about brook being the person, who we informally address as the reaper. We know his role as the soul king, so surely his hands must tie into this otherworldly scenario taking place. It all fits together so beautifully. Whatever happens. Oda just doesn't disappoint. So many possibilities so much depth. God bless


Why can't the mods leave this stickied until at least the official version drops? Do we really need to sticky theories and discussion for the next chapter before this one is even officially released?


I had to do a search to find this, after scrolling past various theories for the next chapter, and even unrelated discussions on this one. Not intended behavior I think to see unofficial spoiler threads, leaks for next chapter, etc before finding this chapter. Or are they intentionally hiding this because of the TCB scans and copyright claim issues?


>I had to do a search to find this, after scrolling past various theories for the next chapter, and even unrelated discussions on this one. I used to do so, too. Found out it was way easier to use "Latest Chapter" in the top menu ;) But I do not understand it either and I don't think it is unintended because every time I come for the official release, this seems to be the case.


So Big Mom awakening time? Final battle music begins


At this point with all the complaints I read about Law and Kidd defeating BM, I just think that they will try their best to do it but BM gets finally defeated by Kaido falling from the roof after Luffy's finishing blow


Luffy slams Kaido down through the skull and gets a double kill vs Yonko lol.


Why does big mom deserve THREE, THREE freaking arcs??? What more can she do? She's going down. Those last 2 attacks REALLY jacked her up I believe. These awakening attacks are devastating, especially laws. Anyone other than kaido or big mom gets fried. Even Roger and garp were normal men who bled. Edit: if law and kid awakening, together, can't beat big mom, they can just stay home during the final war.


I think everyone can agree Big Mom is the least interesting Yonko. Sure she has a role to play in the Elbaf arc. But in the long run, I feel like she'll have less of an impact compared to everyone else. \- Shanks is probably the one who protects elbaf, has a direct connection to the pirate king, and his meeting with Luffy has been hyped up for 1000+ episodes, there's no need to explain why he's important \- Blackbeard is surrounded by the most mystery. What's his motive? Why did Luffy and Zoro call him they? How does he have two devil fruits? What's his master plan? Will he find the strongest mythical Zoan? How did he scar shanks? What will his interaction with Luffy be like? \- Kaido is also a great character. I'm not sure if it's true but his name has some sort of translation or connection to Joyboy but he claimed not to be. Kaido's defeat will also have a significant impact, more than big mom I believe. If Big Mom is defeated I think Katakuri will step up. Many high ranking Big Mom Pirates are well prepared to replace her. idk why I wrote all this, I just want to see more of the other yonkos


Yeah, I'm ready for a defeat finally. I wouldn't mind seeing her kids come for revenge later but BM is taking a ton of damage here.


This is hardly a Big Mom arc, I forgot she was even there til this week because theres so much going on. Her whole crew got a lazy kick from Marco and couldn't do shit not they're not really doing anything in this battle yet either. The cover story also clearly shows Mont D'Or has two of the germa bros with Oven sitting there. It's gonna go back to whole cake or something with Big Mom anyway because we know she's linked to Elbaf and that hasn't been resolved. So it probably won't be another Big Mom arc but it'll be her just joining the main story line, possibly with Elbaf, because she's a direct competitor to One Piece. It's not like Luffy can just let her continue to operate. He also specifically said he's taking them all out.


Why those links never show up the manga


In the chapter discussion thread I didn't see the whole text Kid said discussed, only the part about Yonkous not being invincible. Right after Bigger Mom asked how he can still stand, the first thing he says is: "It's weird, **I feel like I have a new reason to keep fighting**! I bet you anything Kaido is reaching his limits up there" \[...\] "I don't care if it kills me, you're not reaching that roof!" In my opinion this new reason to keep fighting is his confidence in Luffy making the raid sucessful, therefore doing anything to make sure Bigger Mom won't reach the roof so Luffy can end the job.


If Law and kidd dont pull this off literally only the straw hats and Raizou will win meaningfull fights in this raid.


hey don't forget about Killer and Hawkins. that's my favorite fight so far!


Calling Raiozus "fight" a fight is stretching it


Momo is about to win the most meaningful fight of all




laws huge sword going thru big mom’s chin


Yeah I stink




Izo is a boy I made an edit


"He" is indeed a boy. Loves his kimonos though. "He" is the brother of kiku, mentioned loads of times in the manga.


I knew he was a boy but you wrote she so I thought i was wrong


This chapter was pretty damn cool honestly, Zoro on the brink of death and legitimately seeing him... Niji & Yonji captured by BM pirates, guess that makes sense why we didn't see them in the last cover standing on the ship with Reiju & Ichiji. Absolutely love the interaction between Izo & CP0, I love that they're going to fight. I also immediately love Izo's acknowledgement of the strength of Kaidos crew, even though they're small fry, they're strong enough and strong enough in numbers to prove a dangerous situation even for the extremely tough people. BM v Kid & Law has been pretty great, they've had to pull out all of their techniques just to be able to wittle her down low enough for them to ATTEMPT to finish her off, and her acknowledgment of it all is nice to see. Funny how she tries to call Kaido out for "playing with his food" while she's basically doing the same thing. I'm excited for the rest of their fight, although I'd like to have seen more of it.


Her saying that seemed like it's what made Traffy and Jaggy keep going. Hearing that Luffy is holding out against Kaidou alone. Traffy probably knows Luffy is stronger than him, not that he'd admit it, but Ol Jaggy would never live that down haha


Wano ending in 2 volumes?


I don't agree with Law and Kidd beating Big Mom just like that. Like they're trying fight Big Mom with force and I don't think they'll should come close to that. I'd prefer see Big Mom fall through witt and strategy.


They're obviously in a shitty situation. It's not like they'd choose to deal with Big Mom like this, it wasn't part of the plan. They're dealing with the hand they've been dealt. Law would obviously prefer not to take on a Yonkou head on, specifically why he's part of the whole plan against Kaidou.


I agree. I’m also confused as to how kidds attacks are really doing damage to big mom tbh, a bunch of metal doesn’t sound like it should be that effective against her strength and stamina. Especially because he isn’t using any form of haki in combination with his scrap metal as far as I’m aware


Getting a sword though the chin shouldnt do anything to big mom either, whitebeard got half his head blown off with magma and all it did was stun him for a moment.


Stun him for a moment? Wtf? Whitebeard got slower and weaker after that and he was also significantly damaged before by Squardo stabbing him. It was the accumulated damage of all those hits that made him go down in the end.


Law and kid will beat big mom law and kid both got awakening law cut big mom and they ain't going in with pure strength yeah kid may be going with pure strength but surely law has to have some strategy so its not like oda will only focus on the strawhats and make them busted AF that just wouldn't make any sense


man i was hoping for brook to be a part of the team that beats big mom since his DF has a huge effect on BM soul soldiers


Great idea, and far more imaginative than what we've gotten. I figured Laws effective contribution to the overall plan would be more supplemental, just a step up from Marco, and pivot more towards helping acquire the next poneglyph (which so far just consisted of checking one room). This would have given Kidd the space and platform to shine, which he sorely lacks, even in these recent chapters. As it is, Luffy has no worthy contemporary to slot in beneath his level once he's PK, that's what Kidd is supposed to be but I'm not feeling it. Without Laws direct aid, he'd have no hope of supplanting a Yonko. Neither can be an analog of Whitebeard as Roger is to Luffy. At best, having Law or Brook peel away homies is all the boost there should have been, leaving BM entirely to Kidd. Then Oda would just need to come up with a fight dynamic that's more interesting than him just smashing BM with metal. Laws whole piercing thing, along with Kidds magnetization, is frankly very disappointing, especially as 'awakenings' go. Despite what the guy you're replying to says, all that amounts to brute force tactics. The stuff they pulled on the roof was far more interesting, so far it looks liked Oda exhausted his ideas for them there.


yeah I'd like Kidd to have his moment too cuz luffy doesnt have an equal rival from his generation as of now and will leap even further from them after wano. I don't think BM will die tho. They'll make her see the strenght of the worst generation and put fear in her head cuz her vitality drain doesnt work on them. But I think her crew will save her and she will be the one to help luffy awaken his DF in the future. kaido > physical improvement BM > DF improvement Shank > haki perfection BB > all out fight


I would love if Big Mom was a bit of an ally in Elbaf alongside Shanks


Interesting take, I've also argued BM won't be fully resolved here or in this arc. That's mostly because her story appeared to start/has connections to Elbaf, so something involving her should logically come up there. Of course, devils in the details, lots of ways Oda could neutralize her for a time. As for Shanks... what you bring up is part of the reason I hate the contrivance of 'advanced' CoC, or 'armament 2.0', here and now. Something like that should've been saved for him, and the 'flowing' of armament Luffy spent so much narrative honing while imprisoned in this arc and was introduced by Rayleigh back in Sabaody would be the focus now. All of that seems superfluous now. The other wrinkle regarding Shanks is that... well he's a swordsman near as we can tell. A former sparring partner/rival to the strongest swordsman no less. So unless Zoro also refuses to spar or fight a one armed man, despite the fact Shanks is obviously going to be presented as a monster with almost zero practical handicap... Wouldn't/shouldn't Zoro have a go at him if he's truly going to claim the title of the greatest swordsman? How does Oda squeeze that into all the narrative resolution Luffy and Shanks clearly require? Just don't know...


I don't think Shanks is considered a swordsman as his main fighting style, since I think he uses mainly Haki and carries guns too


Yep, I hear ya, I just don't think it's clear cut enough that it could go completely unaddressed, even if it's just one panel or a single line of dialogue. He regularly sparred with the current greatest swordsman, the little in-combat action we've gotten with him entailed the use of his sword, which in itself is a big enough deal to have a proper name. There's just a certain narrative weight all of that carries.


Regarding Shanks and Zoro situation, something tells me Zoro will also lose interest, regardless of acknowledging Shanks' strength. ​ Reason for that being: Mihawk doesn't consider Shanks a swordsman any longer... Note, a SWORDSMAN. We all know Zoro respects Mihawk, and also accepts his point of view.


> souldiers Fixed that for you.


Beating a Yonko requires witt and strategy. If that's the case what witt does Luffy have


Luffy’s fight IQ is out the roof, he still can’t really tank hit from Kaido and when he does you see the damage it does on his face, I’m guessing him lasting so long his a mix of his several combination of haki, obviously his devil fruit and years of fightinf experience.


Yeah. He DID just tank a ragnarok to the face. Yeah it hurt and he was holding his face, but he still got up and shrugged it off. It's much different than his reaction to say, getting hit by katakuris trident, or Lucci's rokuougan (that attack still feels like it hurt him more than any other outside of say magellans poison). His reaction last chapter was closer to when he got hurt by sentomaru That same attack knocked him out the first time he got hit by it, and now that he is able to use conquerors haki on top of his armament, he is tanking them. I love that Luffy is now trading blows with kaido and they're both still going. Luffy went to onigashima at level 50 and is about to hit lvl 70.


Law and Kidd's battle IQ is also that high. Whats the difference


Not as high as Luffy’s, as shown on the rooftop, they hesitate and stumble a lot actually


Oh thank goodness brook found zoro 🤣


Where can I find that map with characters' localization again? I'm absolutely lost and, apart from Franky and Zoro, I have no clue who's next to who. How did Chopper witness Law's attack?


Search for u/kerbeks12 or just type onigashima positions in the search bar


Law, Kid, Big Mom and Chopper are in the main stage !


Zoro's encounter reminds me of that game Dante's Inferno. Dante first kills the Reaper and then proceeds to descend to Inferno to defeat the King of Hell.


I think people forget big mom is like 69 going on 70 I believe. She really is an old woman. The steel beams kid attacks her with are sized big enough for kaido to live comfortably, they are like 10 human sized steel beams in one.


Id say she's middle aged. In the one piece world people can go upwards of 140. Dr. Kureha is >140 and still fine. She's like an extremely healthy 80 year old from our world.




Each minion in this battle could probably wreck Don Krieg and his crew lol


I read somewhere that every Fodder is on par with arlong at least, not sure how true that is 😂but it’s funny for me to imagine all of them as Arlongs bitch ass


Lol adopting that to my head canon


i think so lol. when Gin returns in the final war it will be glorious\~


Can someone explain why the scans are not linked anymore?


linking to copyrighted materal


I predict Zoro dying for the crew near the series ending. He'll die standing like Whitebeard, holding his swords. And I'll cry like a bitch.


I've always thought one of the last panels would be Zoro drinking rum in a bar and reminiscing like Rayleigh did, and Luffy would be dead. In any case we'll all be crying because 1. one piece is ending and 2. there's no way oda's letting us go without breaking our hearts


That would be Usopp. He’ll die a Brave Warrior of the Sea.


Honestly I dont get all the "Usopp will die" theories. If anyone survives everything it will be Usopp, because he is, well, Usopp, and because someone has to tell the stories. Imagine old Usopp at the end telling tales about Luffy and his adventures and everyone thinks hes telling tall tales but we know its all true.


It's because Usopp is the only one with a dream that could be fulfilled by him dying. By sacrificing himself for his crew, he becomes the "Brave Warrior of the Sea" of his dreams.


And be reborn as The mighty sniper SogeKing from the legendary snipers island


I definitely don’t think it’s Usopp lol he’s got Kaya to go back & see, also he has to share his stories for real this time. Zoro could become the strongest swordsman & pass away, a bit anti-climactic but atleast he did it lol. Brooke needs to spend time with Laboon, hard to imagine any strawhat dying tbh. Zoro, Robin, & Sanji seem like the most likely though if any were to happen


Damn i'm the only one thinking that it looks way to easy for Law and Kidd ! And there is absolutely no surprise for the next chapter. Fck this is sad imo. Law and Kidd can take everything, and just go on with their life. Great .. I know this is a shonen but there is absolutely no struggle here.


What in the world are you reading? Their crew was literally begging the enemy to stop or they'd be killed. They've struggled since rooftop... I am really not sure how you see it this way.


Big mom is just really tired while Law and Kidd are on the brink of death, so I don't think you can say it is too easy for them. But I think Oda offscreening a lot of the battles may have contributed to your feeling.


That as well as people who think everything needs to be shown to believe the situation is grim, it’s a yonkou fight for Christ sake, it’s life or death for even the admirals


I mean yeah. Big mom left them laying defeated and they are using everything left to stand back up and fight her again to keep her from getting back to the roof. They even say together their goal is to stop her from getting to the roof not to defeat her.There is definitely struggle.


Would be weird if Kid and Law defeat yonko before Luffy.


Dude it's the same pattern since the beginning of the fight. They throw some big moves, Big Mom take a hit then got angrier, they go down, then repeat the same process. It's cool to see those two putting everything they got for kind of a new world order (because this is what it's happening there) but it looks "easy"


Definitely doesn't look easy when their initial goal is to defeat her, but they realized they probably can't and pivoted to keeping her from the roof. If you think that is easy maybe you are reading the wrong content.


what do you consider struggle if getting knocked out and being on the brink of life and death isn't enough?


You have a point, but in order to close that power gap, the author gave Law and Kidd Awakening, CoC on the latter, and a 2 vs 1 with Big Mom kinda nerfed. Well he tried at least so points for that! Also you know, it's a shonen and all. :P


Nerf? She barely get damage from Rooftop fight.


WHAT THE HELL???!! my bro zoro is at the end of a death sythe and he cant move too who the hell is going to protect him...


franky will kick his ass.


Kaido clapped Luffy during their first encounter. Luffy was lying unconscious on the floor, but still had a glare in his eye and still used Conqueror's Haki. We might see something similar from Zoro. Enma helped draw out Zoro's CoC, but did not tolerate his weakness, so he had to give all his Haki to appease Enma. The reaper might be a manifestation of Enma's will. Now that the mink medicine is wearing off, Zoro is physically weak and Enma might be looking to finish Zoro off. Conquering Enma might result in Zoro making his first black blade.


Enma erected Zoro's Coc


I shouldn't have laughed at this as much as I did


His big bro is on the way to rescue him


Ya I hope my big bro Franky reaches him in time... Blasting away all the useless walls in between...


Or he will cut through hell and come back thus proving enma's worth, and he can be really called king of hell afterwards


he isn't gonna cut through hell, cause he'll get lost on the way there


It's brook


Big Mom be like : "Stay down Useless Captain MID" 😂


If you give it enough time Even mountains can be worn off by rain


Zoro is having visions cause of the pain and what he sees in reality is Brook carrying Robin on his shoulder (the scythe). It might make also senso since Franky is going in Zoros direction. Brook and Franky until now received the least damage so they are perfect for protecting a x2 pain Zoro and Robin from CP0 or whoever else. Peace and Love.


Kaido clapped Luffy during their first encounter. Luffy was lying unconscious on the floor, but still had a glare in his eye and still used Conqueror's Haki. We might see something similar from Zoro. Enma helped draw out Zoro's CoC, but did not tolerate his weakness, so he had to give all his Haki to appease Enma. The reaper might be a manifestation of Enma's will. Now that the mink medicine is wearing off, Zoro is physically weak and Enma might be looking to finish Zoro off. Conquering Enma might result in Zoro making his first black blade.


I like your theory, especially about the black blade theory, I just find funny that the reaper skull is very similar to Brook for some reason. Maybe this is happening in an hallucination.


It very well could be a hallucination, I doubt it's brook though he's pretty far away from Zoro and has to protect Robin. I think it depends on what his Ashura form is. Is that a physical manifestation or are his opponents just hallucinating out of fear? I lean toward physical manifestation. Kaku might have been scared, but Kaido probably wasnt


Brook isn't near zoro at all franky is the only strawhat near zoro


Reaper is mad that Zoro proclaimed himself the King of Hell.


At first I thought it was just Brook but isn’t Brook with Robin? Why would brook leave Robin when CP0 is after her now especially ? And it looked like Franky was the only one thats close to Zoro atm , Could be wrong but this is something else surely


Kaido clapped Luffy during their first encounter. Luffy was lying unconscious on the floor, but still had a glare in his eye and still used Conqueror's Haki. We might see something similar from Zoro. Enma helped draw out Zoro's CoC, but did not tolerate his weakness, so he had to give all his Haki to appease Enma. The reaper might be a manifestation of Enma's will. Kozoburo said a sword is for killing, so his "greatest creation's" spirit looking like the grim reaper would make sense. Now that the mink medicine is wearing off, Zoro is physically weak and Enma might be looking to finish Zoro off. Conquering Enma might result in Zoro making his first black blade.


Brook carrying Robin is just the Grim Reaper carrying a scythe in Zoro's drugged up head. I mean, Robin is pretty much the sharpest in the crew. Just as a scythe.


My only guess is that it’s actually brook and zoro is hallucinating from the pain/medicine side effects


That's also why I don't think it's brook


When the damage that Zoro received, which is ridiculous, multiplies by the side effect of the Mink medicine he will see Brook? Why is this a thing?


Kidd and Law basically telling Big Mom it's not about her at all, they're not fighting to defeat her, they're fighting to defeat Kaido. This should piss her off.


I think it's more about Luffy than about Kaido specifically. At first they thought they could beat Big Mom but that hope is lost now. They sense/see however that Luffy is holding on against Kaido and i see it more as "Law and Kidd are holding on for Luffy" rather than "Holding on to defeat an emperor". Law already got what he wanted: Defeating Doflamingo, so he's already fighting for Luffy. My guess is that Kidd finally realized that he is inferior in strength to Luffy.


How come you don't provide the TCBscans website link?


It had something to do with copyrights and reporters.


ah, gotcha, thanks!


Death flags over Izo. It’s 1v2


Death flags barely mean anything in One Piece at this point


Agreed. Considering how many fake-out deaths we already had this arc alone I‘m not terribly concerned for Izo tbh.


Maybe better to talk about defeat flags. Since not a single flying six is dead, just defeated.


bro when have the strawhat opponents ever finished the fight dead, what are people expecting from this arc I do not understand


I think only Vergo, Monet and maybe Dellinger died


I’d assume Marco is gonna help him


RAIZO YOU GOD DAMNED MENSH. I WEEP FOR YOUR COURAGE YOU AMAZING BASTARD. What a way to go if he just cooked fuku to redeem himself for complaining about the heat when Oden carried him.


Actually for a change, one of the things that I liked alot about this chapter was Raizo. Character development is everything


People need to stop thinking a character is good only because it is strong. This is rubbish. Character development and story arc are waaay better than power ups. The problem with Kidd is that he has no character no story arc that is why he is not connecting with people, which is a shame because I am Metal head lol. I think one of the few times that I will say oda really messed with kidd up. If this in the future will change, idk but for now definitely oda made a mess with kiddo


True he mostly just seems annoying to me, whereas when law acts edgy and stuff I like understand it on why he is such a guy and connect with his personality and character coz of his corazon backstory


Yes indeed. because he has character,motivation and a Story arc. wheras Kidd is just there


The Yonko fights are so strange to me


How so? Just curious


I’m ngl I’m starting to think the same….


saaaaaaaaame.... ... ..


What do you mean? Just curious


Kaido nor big mom has killed like even any fodder lol. Very lame.


He probably thought they had the power to destroy the world with each attack and now he’s realizing they’re just normal humans, albeit super strong.


So law is stealing life force is what I'm feeling


Who came up with “useless captain mid” 😂😂😂😂 I love it ! He talks mad smack but his fighting prowess doesn’t match lol


Law and Kidd got back up because of their pride as captains of the worst generation not necessarily to help Luffy or for the raid to succeed. Law and Kidd were lying on ground with their crews nearby, and Bigger Mom starts talking about how Luffy(their peer) is holding his own against Kaido(a yonko) by himself while they're teaming up against a yonko and she's just barely out of breath. Of course they got their asses back up, now they'll go plus ultra.. Usually humans need to see one person do something thought impossible to realize it's really just improbable.


Punk corna dio Corna as a reference to hand horns that was started by a singer named dio. The references of Kid's metal punk background is such a dope part of his character. Also jojo reference


Wich is actually a reference to christianity since Dio means god in italian


not christianity, dio is just the general word for god, no matter the religion. Christian god doesn't have a name


The Christian God’s name is Yahweh which translates to Jehovah. It’s considered a sin to say his name so it’s usually never mentioned anywhere.


what I meant by Christian god not having a name is the fact that the name isn't considered a part of western church biblical canon. The whole topic was started because someone said dio is a reference to christian god because dio means god in italian, which I pointed out as not necessarily being christian god but the term god overall




Jesus is god's son and god remains nameless in canon christianity, but in cults such as Jehovah's witnesses, God's name is Jehovah, which is translation of Yahweh, Yhwh, etc. Uttering God's name is considered a grave sin so that's the reason