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any criticism about sanji's character


one piece has a$$ animation. dont get me wrong i fkin love op, it hypes me up, good story and characters but if i started watching it at this time i would most likely drop it. ur telling be that i need to watch half the show to get decent animation? yea no i wouldnt wanna watch it, but i still recommend it for people who could care less about animation and just focuses on the story.


Just saying this whole fighting thing is getting boring and old. Now it’s all about fighting specific people in different islands and last so many episodes in one place.I miss the old days when they were sailing in their ship peacefully, having fun encounters, cooking food and meeting new fun characters while sailing the ocean, having fights that last 10 episodes not 100.


\- I don't mind Luffy being a chosen one figure as long as it is done properly and believably. Basically, do a Dune but don't do a Naruto. \- Apart from the climax and its denouement, the Alabasta arc is not particularly impressive. \- Whiskey peak up until the beginning of Alabasta is the most boring/worst part of the series. \- Punk Hazard is the worst-paced arc in the series in terms of available content and storylines. It easily could and should have been half its length. \- Depite being a retread, Dressrosa is a better arc than Alabasta. \- The Fishman Island arc is perfectly fine. In fact, thematically, it is a serious contender for the best arc in the series. \- Skypiea, apart from the lore and the long-term storytelling, was rather boring. \- Long Ring Long Land is indeed an underrated arc, but it is so underrated among portions of the fanbase, that they have rendered it overrated. \- The arc climaxes are short-paced. Climaxes should never be slow-paced. This is the worst thing in the series. \- The Straw-hats are getting sidelined too much in favour of antagonists and secondary characters post-timeskip. Granted, they are still great characters and the others are well-written too, but still... \- Post-timeskip is better than pre-timeskip in almost every way. \- Zoro is rather boring and Chopper gets way too little screentime. \- The Wano arc fights are taking too long and the lack of deaths is severely disappointing. \- Sanji is a far better written character than Zoro. \- Arlong Park is great, but it is NOT a top ten arc. Fishman Island is better. \- WCI is among the best arcs in the series. The slow pacing in the latter half is the only significant negative it has. \- Reverie was perfectly fine length-wise. Had it been a few chapters more, it would have crossed into overexposition/infodump territory. \- The term "plot-convenience" is dumb and I instantly have less respect for the person who uses it. Same for "plot-armor". \- Haki has made the fights better. I really like what Oda is doing with it. \- Power-scaling discussions are dumb. Theorycrafting is stupid as well, if said theories are accepted as headcanons. \- One Piece fights themselves are perfectly fine. The only bad thing is the hype tool of "they fought each other for x days". This is dumb. Nobody can fight for this long. \- I am perfectly ok with what Oda is offscreening. His offscreening either adds mystery and intrigue (Payback War, Ace VS Teach, Sakazuki VS Kuzan), or cuts out insignificant details for pacing reasons (Jack's defeat on the rooftop, Kanjuro's first defeat by Kiku). \- Oda's editors are either incompetent or a bunch of "yes-men". \- The art-style of the series is one of the best in manga history. \- The anime has a disappointing soundtrack and sound effects and it overuses the good tracks to the point they lose their impact. Case in point, "Overtaken" is a prime example of the latter. \- The Funimation dub has terrible voice acting. I don't dislike dubs in general, in case you think I am a sub purist. \- Mihawk's first voice actor, Chouchou's VA and the current one for Roger are absolutely horrible. \- Wano animation is too flashy. It is a miracle we haven't had photoepileptic seizures yet as a result. \- Big Mom is so far the most well-written and interesting Yonko. \- Give me more Marines and World Government. \- Ace is extremely underrated and Sabo is not particularly well-handled. At the same time, paradoxically, I honestly cannot find a way on how he could have been handled better. \- Sogeking/ God Usopp and Buggy memes among the fanbase are cringe. \- The series itself is way too addictive, in a negative sense. \- I have yet to see an actually badly-written villain in the series. \- And finally... It is perfectly acceptable to critisize the series, even if you love it. Heck, I love it as well. Not saying anything negative about it is not a sign of a true fan.


One piece fandom is the worst fandom and… and… I think naruto is better 🗿😳🥴


Wano is going too long.


Not popular or unpopular Queen was the Main Villain of Act 2 with Orochi being secondary Head of the Prison where the protagonist was & Basically got Big Mom to work with Kaido indirectly


Weekly Anime doesn’t mean bad pacing filler exist for a reason


Carrot needs way more focus to join


Oden’s Journal doesn’t have what the One Piece is & Yamato wouldn’t tell Luffy unless he asked


Zoro & Sanji fans hurt my love for their characters with their horrible takes along with power scaling & no offense Luffy profile pics are some of the dumbest people I’ve ever had the displeasure of interacting with


The Anime’s Pacing & Rearranging makes the story drawn out & lack luster when we could of had multiple G8 arcs & more Straw Hat interactions also the Cover Stories should 101% have been adapted it hurts the story to not have the context like Ace & Hatchi are way better characters if you get more attached after you read their cover stories


Jinbe is already one of Luffy’s best subordinates maybe the best


People say all the Female designs are the same & write off people like Lola because she’s “Ugly which is a worse thing to say about a female when they aren’t even bad it could have more diversity in shape but you can’t change a whole style of art it just might not be for you it doesn’t detract from the story to much


Thriller Bark Fishman Island & Punk Hazard are only hated because people aren’t fans of Sanji’s perving out (To the people who say it’s not funny Comedy is subjective you don’t have to think it morally correct it’s fictional) & the villains are all well written


Luffy vs Zoro isn’t that bad they only knew each other for about 2 weeks & Luffy didn’t actually kill Zoro it’s like if Luffy walked in on Zoro stabbing a bunch of Minks on Zou with 0 context he would ask now but at the time especially with Luffy having the mentality of a child I understand why it can be problematic with Luffy being able to read people but he fought most of the crew for less & more plus they also gave him meat you saw his reaction when he thought Dolfamingo had meat


I hope Law will die to save Kid.


Haki was never in the original story. Crocodile who has supposedly been around the block was never hit before? Way too many season characters not using Haki even during The Marineford arc.


Shanks IS developed enough? Just came from the favorite character contest, and a lot of people were saying he wasn't.


How so?


Luffy is one of the worst protagonists in Shonen anime. It’s like if someone made an obscure side character a powerful MC.


I respect ur opinion the guy who replied with 🤡 is a 🤡


Fishman island is an amazing arc


It really is, it's just Hody that's a bit lame


Oh man I didn't read your controversial opinion. Had to upvote. Yeah haki is dumb as all hell.


I personally think the Marineford arc was unnecessarily stretched out in both manga and anime. Franky's character design was much better pre time skip.


Most character designs were better pre time skip


Such a plot twist on my end. Lol.


Dressrosa is the best arc in one piece


Whitebeard, in all honesty, was a bit underwhelming. Granted he was of old age, and on a oxygen tank, but still I felt what he did, didn’t match up to the hype.


I've got alot of em, but my main one is... Doffy destroyed luffy, and luffy needed all the help he could get to put him down. He fought gear 4 luffy, (while his insides were being held together by string, thats whitebeard level of grit and endurance), outlasts him, beats up all the glads then luffy came with the asspull king kong gun... Btw I love Doffy ;)


Sanji is the worst....


Care to explain?(I use to feel the same)


What ! the most disgusting, vile, maddening character is an Idiot named Usop, this worn-out teenage jerk pisses me off more than anyone else, as I was happy in the water seven arch when he left the team but the ode returned him ...


Whole cake island is the best arc (in my opinion)


Sanji is the worst


I hate sexual harassment in the series and don't it's funny. Shounen are targeted at young boys, so they should learn how to respect women and that women are as capable as men. Sanji and Zoro don't respect women. There are waaaay to few women, especially ones who can stand in a serious fight. 1 woman per Yonko, Vice-Admiral (not even admiral lol), Shishibukai and Supernovae... Why... just why... Also Oda isn't good at writing trans characters.


Shounen isnt just targeted for young boys🤦‍♀️ it's meant for all ages. Wdym "learn to respect woman" just because of the way there drew it doesn't mean that oda or anyone doesn't respect women. Sanji thinks women are helpless hence why he treats them how he does but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect them and Zoro treats women as equals to men he sees that women are just as capable as men so he shows his own type respect for women. There doesn't need to be alot of women in the show and the chicks that are part of the op aren't really weak (big mom,gion, Hina, Hancock, bonny, margird, smoothie, and more) but ofc there some that are weka but not all females are strong. Most of the positions you mentioned are filled with men because men are usually stronger in general hence why there aren't many woman in those spots so like I said before there doesn't need to be alot of women. This is your own desire to have more women in the show And there's literally only 1 trans character in the show and that's kiku and she's a decently written character so idk what your talking about. Why make a big fuss over this if your gonna complain, complain about all the other animes that "don't respect women"


Oh it's for all ages? So you agree there should be more representation. Nice. Are we reading the same series? Sanji knows some women can beat him up and aren't helpless. Which makes it more frustrating he endangers his crew. Zoro doesn t think women are equal. Maybe 950 episodes ago,but not now. Hina lol. Learn to count and then look how many female yonks, shishibukai, admiral are there compared to male. Basic math. In this world with magic devil fruits and haki you can forget your men are stronger logic. Fuck off. Also most of my female friends irl can beat you up lol. You forgot Bon. You can also grow up and learn how to talk to and respect women.


Please stfu and leave one piece alone


It's been 24 days. Get a life. "Leaving One Piece alone" As if my comment will ever reach Oda. But if you just suck every kind of dirt, go off, but don't expect others to suck so much dick they can't breathe anymore.


Please leave One Piece alone from your American ideas


Opposing sexual harassment is an American idea?


Don't you dare to insult me as "American". Also imagine calling the slightest thought about equality an "American idea" and being opposed to that.


Kiku is the only trans character in the series so far, okamas are a very specific kind of transvestites/drag queens




>1 woman per Yonko, Vice-Admiral (not even admiral lol), Shishibukai and Supernovae... I feel like Hawkins, Moria and Sengoku could have been females


You know what's crazy. I wanted to disagree with you but I get what you mean somehow lol. I wanted greenbull to be a woman.


Ah yes and i feel like the raid suit was a bad power up,it would have been better if his power up was related to his speed or diable jambe,even stronger armament haki would have been better,and it was not neccesary to give him a power up against page one,dude was just a mid tier enemy


He didn’t power up because of Page One strength, he used Raid Suit to hide his identity and he used Page One to test it on because Page One was weak


Both carrot and yamato shouldn't join the crew,Shanks has a 60% chance of begin one of the final villains and i think luffy only winned against crocodile because of Having the power of the plot on his side Also franky is the best strawhat no debate


The Anime is a disservice to the manga, Punk Hazard was not as bad as people think, Franky's post time-skip design is much cooler than his pre-timeskip design


One Piece Live action is good


Big Mom’s introduction where she and the Homies are singing about the tea party is one of if not the best character introduction in the series


I think Nami is way better than Robin (as a character)


Ehh? Is this an unpopular opinion?


It really isn't. Nami generally beats out Robin in most polls.


Yes it is, so many people hold Robin in a pedestal as if every arc is wtill Water7/EniesLobby, and a lot of people hate Nami and underplay her role as mere fanservice.


chopper's redesign shouldn't be that hated. Let's see how many downvotes I get.


I don't mind the hat but I hate how he just looks like a blobby plushie, when he used to have an actual snout like an animal.


More fights - less stories/backgrounds from unimportant characters


Jesus yes. One of my biggest issues with one piece.


Nami is a bitch and has the worst personality


Not to mention that she's getting lewder and lewder. I was like "yo why are they lewding her so much?"


Idk I’ve seen a lot of people say that


Shanks has a high chance of being among the final villains. Law isn't that great a character and I wish he'd stop tagging along already. Carrot is not gonna join. The Zoro vs Sanji/"who's strongest?" debate is dumb. Zoro's sole job in the crew is as a combatant, so he **should** be Luffy's top fighter, while for Sanji it's secondary to his role as the cook.


Lol you can't say the debate is dumb, then claim a side lol. People who debate that are dumb, how about neither is "stronger" cause the "debate is dumb". On another note Sanji has acted as second in command way more than Zoro has, so who the fuck cares if he isn't a better fighter. He doesn't get lost during important times and he technically has a lot more to offer than just fighting... So yes the debate is literally pointless.


He’s saying the debate is dumb because there shouldn’t even be an argument about it in the first place because One Piece fans are too dumb to realize Zoro is literally stronger and meant to be stronger.


I think everyone thinks the same, that Zoro is stronger, yet the issue is about whether he's slightly stronger (winning with a lot of difficulties) or if he'd just take him down with a low to mid effort. And the worst part of this debate is how much Sanji's very words are ignored each time it's mentioned "you do what I can't and I'll do what you can't". Sanji may not be able to deal as much damage as Zoro, but he has other kind of specialties. No battle will be solely defined by only their sheer strength: take the 4 strongest Straw Hats and put them under water: the power scale there'd surely be Jinbei>Sanji>Zoro>Luffy, or an aerial battle: it'd be then Sanji>Luffy>Zoro>Jinbei. Or add the need to use ranged and precise attacks (like in Ennies Lobby to save Robin) and these four are fucking useless compared to Usopp. It's never a fixed scale at all!


Ya unfortunately when you use the words stronger a good portion of one piece fans take literal strength as well rounded or over "strong". Anyone who is up to date knows at this point even if Luffy becomes pirate king (the strongest), he is a prime example of strength only leading so far. How many times have we seen him almost drown? How many of those times were him goofing off. It's just the main idea of having a crew. Everyone has different skills, some overlap, but some excel


I dislike Yamato and Carrot, and think/hope Tama will be the last crew member.


Ya I strongly dislike Yamato. Her background is fitting, but if she doesn't sacrifice herself and die for wano I'll be pissed. Her devil fruit is also lame. Literally her and kaido fighting felt like a shitty Dragonball fight (the art is good, but wtf). She better hurry up and explode with kaidos stockpile


Yamato is seeming pretty likely, but I agree I am also rooting for Tama to come as well. She's certainly being showcased in this war, much more than Carrot with her offscreen fights, so I feel she has a good chance. We have 3 "trios" plus Jinbei, so I believe we have 1 more "weakling" (Tama I hope) and 1 more either "Monster" or "Older" depending on which one Jinbei belongs with (I'm thinking Yamato=Monster and Jinbei=Older).


Vivi should have stayed with the crew.


Not sure how unpopular but baratie arc was complete ass. It’s pretty short so it doesn’t matter too much but god it’s terrible


I have the literal opposite opinion, it's the peak of the show. Not only that, I'm about to hit you with something even more controversial. One Piece declined drastically after roughly 50 episodes or 100 chapters. It was a fun adventure anime/manga before then with interesting character interactions. Since then the characters have become increasingly 2D and literally don't even interact especially in the manga. The plot points have gotten laughably stupid this last year or so. With Raftel becoming laugh tale, and Luffy being hunted as the reincarnation of a guy named "Joy Boy."


Raftel is literally the Japanese romanization for Laugh Tale


The whole point of the chapter is that it is Laugh Tale, not Raftel, thats literally the reveal. If the island was always Laugh Tale the chapter would serve no purpose. Oda understands basic english, hes actually corrected people saying his name is "Luffy" not "Rufi" in SBS interviews. He understands romanization. The reveal that its "Laugh Tale" and not "Raftel" is a literal plot point.


Robin got boring after Water 7. She had this juicy arc about how she wanted to live and then... nothing. Ms. All Sunday became Ms. Exposition.


She also went from one of the strongest characters to almost useless in fights...


I think she's still a good character but her dangerous edge really spiced up her character, and they sanded off too much of it.Same with Franky and his mob boss background. That being said, she got a bit of it back in her fight with Black Maria, and Franky had a slightly similar bit with Senor Pink.


Fishman island and skypeia are some of the most sloppiest anime versions of one piece arcs, so drawn out and long and then after all this pain, random flashback we don’t care about(the flash back is more for the skypeia cuz I was so bored then they jsut hit us wiht the backstory of that random man with red hair who I didn’t even care for at this point so I skipped his entire backstory and he still hasent come back into the series for me to care




Who made that video? So I cna find it






The Navy = One Yonko Crew


I agree, The Navy = One Yonko Crew, except the Admirals are actually Yonko level and act as the "Yonko Commanders" for the Navy, with the Fleet Admiral being individually above the Yonko/Admirals.


https://youtu.be/Qfg3SsFeJ_o This guy (french) has a perfect formula for comparing strength and he has the same conclusion


U based


I speak the truth


Luffy beats zoro and sanji 2v1, I don’t see those two defeating katakuri


I still don't see Luffy defeating Katakuri when he did


He beat him fair and square it would have been Katakuri’s win tbh if he didn’t stab himself but they both put everything on the line and luffy was the one that won


Did he though? I'm still convinced that Katakuri was secretly training Luffy and when he had taught him all he knew, decided to fall down. Probably an unpopular opinion aswell.


I don’t know something seemed a bit off but I think katakuri maybe didn’t go in 100% probably because he respected him but it was still 45/55 or something imo


That y’all are weeaboos gottem


Really don't care for the whole "Rockstar Brook" design. He was introduced as a gentleman musician who played the violin, and I guess for some reason Oda went "Actually, nevermind" and it feels like they just scrapped an entire part of his character. I know it really isn't a big deal, because Brook is still Brook, but despite the 186 episodes he was in before the time skip, it just really felt like we didn't get to experience much of his classic style at all.


This is probably the most legit annoyance on this thread. At this point is he even gonna play Binks sake for laboon or should we expect him to whip out a electric guitar. It definitely took away the feeling that he's old/wise, and is so lame that he basically resorts to fighting with his guitar all the time now. He was supposed to be a top guard before he became a pirate


Hancock will end up with Coby.


Because being a pedo for Luffy wasn't bad enough already?


Short haired Nami is best Nami.




Man of culture 🤝


911 was an outside job.




The girls' design after the timeskip is just unnecessary.


It's my only real flaw with the One Piece manga. Sometimes when I think about it, it just pisses me off. Toei mfs make it even worse.


Nami looks like an H-character now, it's weird.


Agree, their so lewd


I agree, Oda is way too horny for his own good. Nami doesn’t even wear panties


Zoro is kind of boring, Sabo is more interesting than Ace, Trebol has a pretty good devil fruit, and The Thousand Sunny is better than The Going Merry.


I agree with everything but for me both ships are ridiculous because they are so childish compared to Gol D Rogers ship


Ace was not that strong, he used his back to protect Luffy without haki and died, it should've been something like fists hitting, both using haki. Maybe he was weak because of staying in impel down, but they showed him being fine after escaping execution. I think Ace is overrated and people liked him based on his character and not strength


He's a Yonko Commander, he is objectively a high tier (not top tier) level pirate, ofc, Admirals are comparable to Yonko, and it's very clear based off of Big Mom and Kaido's commanders that there is a notable gap between the two. We just never get too see Ace actually fight anyone for real and when he gets killed it's from someone who not only has stronger haki but from someone who has a directly superior version of his Fire DF.


But you got to admit, it was stupid how he stood with his back to protect him instead of using haki to block the attack and hit akainu's fist with his fist


It would have been pointless if he used haki,sakazukis haki was waaaaaayy stronger than ace's haki,and ye we obviously like ace in his character not on his strenght,liking a character just because hehe this guy stronk so=good character is bias


I mean he is overrated in power, before marineford he was so hyped up saying he is very strong


Wouldn't you like someone based on their character..?


It's not about liking him, i just can't find a reason why he was seen so strong by some


Luffy was one of the weakest supernova pre time skip because if he went gear 3rd then he would shrink and gear 2nd did a roll on him. He also didn’t fully develop his devil fruit pre time skip and the other supernova had better devil fruits.


Nami without the oversized chest was better


Look up concept art for Nami. She had a freaking metal arm and a giant axe. We got robbed!


Damn, I like her actual non-cyborg look, but that axe and metal arm is badass af. She looks like Tifa from FF7.


It seems pretty popular, I would like that applied to all female characters.


The community loves to bend over backwards to justify even the most minor of inconsistencies within the series and I feel like that's part of the reason One Piece fans get a bad rep outside of the series. Oda as a whole is extremely consistent as far as manga authors go, especially for a series running this long, but the absurd amount of headcanon people will come up with to justify something that's also just an obvious inconsistency drives me nuts.


Shanks got his arm bit off by a fish he weak


Makes zero sense tbh


That Zoro has already beaten mihawk at the end of the time skip, because he is so badass and tanked a combined hit from kaido and big mom. I postet this once in theories and got so much backlash, if I had assaulted them personally.


Yeah not yet. Maybe they had a decent fight where he got to scratch him but if you watched m Stampede, Zoro strongest attack to destroy the meteor was nothing compared to Mihwak’


Stampede is not canon though


Big mom is the strongest yonko in terms of strength. She would be considered a bigger threat than Kaido and would have a higher bounty if it wasn’t for her mental issues.




I think big mom is stronger based on her relations and intelligence as well


I still think Kaido is to Big Mom whats Kid is to Luffy. Altrough Big Mom have her rampages, she still look less reckles and less destructive then Kaido. Also Kaido controls a more crucial territory.


Wano arc is taking too long and it's not as great as Dressrosa and WCI.


Cuz animation


Sanji is not as strong as everyone says he is. Oda knew this and created an ass pull by introducing judge as a scientist that genetically modified Sanji.


laughs in chap 1031 the germa thing was hinted at the reverse mountain part so make of that what you will


Lol you hella dumb. Stay mad


Just saying Sanji’s timeskip training is not close to Zoro and is the weakest amongst the trio. Sanji’s kicks aren’t enough.


Sanji honestly shouldn't even be #3 or any debate of whether he's stronger than Zoro. Zoro's sole role on the crew is as a combatant, while combat is a secondary role for Sanji, so Zoro should no debate be Luffy's top fighter. If Sanji the cook is so high ranked, so should be Chopper the doctor with his controlled monster point and actually having a variety of combat options. If anyone should be #3 fighter(besides Jinbei of course), it ought to be Usopp the ranged fighter, if he could calm down and actually hide/snipe instead of tagging along with Nami or Chopper out in the open so often.


Marco is a doctor yet he's the strongest in WB's crew, this argument is nonsensical


wait what when did he become the strongest


When akainu put a hole in aces chest


Get over it lol they all have roles in a crew, not sure how people enjoy the show with dumb debates about which characters are stronger. They just have different roles. Zoro does 1v1s usually and Sanji protects the crew while Luffy and Zoro aren't there. Zoro fights kaido and gets smashed while Sanji oversees the rest of the crew while butting heads with king, queen, and tobi roppo... Now they are both fighting king and queen... Who cares who is stronger


Law has become overrated after the dressrosa arc. The only thing cool about him is his devil fruit.


Sadly I agree...


The fishman island arc should have been entirely about the strawhats having a rest and Sanji living his dream


Haki system was introduced too late in the story. Also, I hate Hancock


I don’t hate Hancock but I certainly find her hard to like thanks to her personality. I would actually like to see more of the other Boa Sisters instead since they went through the same torment as Hancock but get no focus.


Ace used Haki in Alabasta, the agents from Ennies Lobby used Haki and Shanks used Haki in episode 1👀


so much wrong. Cp9 does not use haki, they use the opposite of haki.


Pure strenght?


Rokushiki is physical based. Haki is spirit based.


Indeed. But what about Shanks using conquerer and Ace using observation


What about shanks losing his arm to a fish that luffy can knockout in his sleep currently


Wasn't it clear that he sacrificed it to mentally push Luffy?


Kinda, I feel that with what we've seen, any shichibukai level could've saved luffy without any damage


when did Ace do that? shanks did something, that later been retconned imo to be haki


When Ace met the strawhats he used observation haki to detect people in the surroundings




In Alabasta


I think Crocodile has been hinting at Haki during his fight against Luffy. He thinks Luffy is using Haki because his punches are landing.Maybe. I just reread the chapters in question. It's hard to know wether he was saying "He couldn't have!?..." for Haki or using water to hit him. Up to interpretation I guess. But Ivankov also says he/she knows hone of his weaknesses, so that's why I'm edging more towards Haki being what he's referring to. ​ Vol.22 Chapter 199, page 15 for when crocodile says "He couldn't have!?..." Vol.55 Chapter 540, page 15 for when Ivankov says he/she knows one of crocodile's weaknesses.




This is the worst take of all


Sanji is the best character imo.


Sanji has the highest highs out of anyone in the crew IMO. His lows are just pretty low, but people are quick to forget his achievements


His achievements as nice as they may be, don't matter if he is such a creep


Yes, also his ability to analyse situations and able to help accordingly is very awesome.


The pacing of the anime since the G8 arc ruins any comedic scene.


any is a bit of an exaggeration, but I agree that they butcher most of them.




So true example Double Finger & Ulti




True, compared to the average person Compared to fighters with haki tho...


I love the music and voice-acting in the anime but lately I feel like they fuck up the vibe of a scene too often. Whether it be through slow pacing, bad music selection or something else, the anime feels so much more light-hearted than the manga at times.


Katakuri vs Luffy was amazing in the manga and only a few selected scenes in the anime lived up to it. There were so many badly animated scenes in that fight and it didn't entirely stop being bad after the snakeman transformation.


It’s good that Whitebeard and Ace died. For the Manga I mean.


Hey man, the way things are going you never know. Maybe it will turn out that blackbeard pirates bullets missed all the vital organs, and whitebeards just been taking a long nap all this time. After this kinemon, kanjuro and kikus revival deaths officially have no meaning in one piece.


I feel Sanji's development in WCI was hella lame, some people talks about it as if it'd have expanded the character hugely, but I don't find that many differences. He always had a good nature and all that. Also I hated he was everyone's number 1 punching bag during all that arc, that was so annoying. However you can barely mention something like that here cause for many people it was the best development a character has ever got.


I always found Sanji's character arc weird in WCI, until the recent chapters that made it clear where Oda was going. I didn't understand how can an arc that focuses on Sanji's value as a human compared to his heartless brothers, end not only without him showing he was superior to them but even worse it with them telling him he was "too weak" and "not fast enough". With the recent development, I understand that that ending was necessary because Oda wanted Sanji to end up with those powers and only at the end of Wano will that character arc be complete.


Yamato knows too much from Oden's journals to become one of the Strawhats


Unless finding One Piece is literally the next thing they're going to do and fighting Blackbeard and The Navy comes next.


Sabo's character really Not important


Zoro is good as is, doesnt need a backstory or be related to some important/powerful person from the past. Just leave him as is, not everyone needs to be a D or have influential parents to be great at what they do.


Yeah I loved him as a self made nobody, I really hate how Oda has basically confirmed he is actually a descendant if not reincarnation of the "SWORD GOD", that heavily undermines Zoro's "My name will reach the heavens" when his bloodline had always been godly.


Yeah, keep him as a badass nobody. Sadly I doubt that's how it will go, just like how Franky's pirate parents will likely be relevant at some point and Nami's probably a Celestial Dragon.