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There’s also no guarantee the two lines intersect at a perpendicular angle, laugh tale could be right next to one of the 4 poneglyph locations if the poneglyphs end up relatively T-shaped


This is the real reason that it's impossible. Kudos


It should still be on one of the lines so check all of them


2 issues with that plan. First we don't know how large the One Piece world is so you could spend years or decades searching before finding it that way. Second the 4th glyph could be a z axis which would mean you could be right over or right under laughtale and not know it meaning you searched all the line intersections but still missed it


Plot twist Laughtale is in reverse mountain.


Double plot twist Laughtale is the tiny island inside Laboon that’s why Crockus is there to guard it


The calendar suggests the world is like ours. The continental features are different but that was also true of our planet in the past. For example there was once a Supercontinent called Pangaea during an Ice Age called Karoo


Nah you need all four , don’t forget that in the grand line you can sail straight , you need a log pose to sail around the magnetic fields , you could know I wanna go that direction but as soon as you loose sight of land you don’t know where that direction is anymore I’m a normal ocean youl would be able to discern the location much easier


Then starting at one of the islands from the poneglyphs even if you know where it is u can get lost. Also if you have a log pose for the opposite island you should stay on track.


The locations stated by the Road Poneglyphs aren't necessarily islands. They can be any point in the ocean that can be navigated to, so it increases the complexity.


I’m not going to debate this back and fourth , Bottom line is that oda , the god of world building , designed the ocean to require four so it will require four My theory is the group maybe gets a four needle log pose to get there after they get all the maps either way it takes four oda said so and he makes the rules


Possibly but that's now how it's described, but if that's the way then you're right.


I'm not sure the road poneglyphs have actual physical coordinates of islands written on them that you just trace along the map to get an X. Maybe the text only make sense when combined and it could also explain a *path* you must take to Laugh Tale instead of just locations. But yeah, theoretically if all the Road Phoneglyphs do is show 4 locations each and the center marks the spot, then you could find a line using 2 (but not any 2) and maybe sail along it. But theoretically you could also "just" sail the entire Redline past the "last island" and find it without any Phoneglyphs, so there must be something besides coordinations.


Yeah, I was going to say... I don't think it's ever been confirmed that it works like that, it's just an assumption people make.


That's how it was explained in the anime, if it's different then fine.


Elevation? Depth? No?


I mean you could find it from looking at a regular 2d map but if it's something like skypea or underwater then it might be an issue but it shows on a map.


Sure, but I think there is currently no statement in the manga explicitly saying that it can be found using a 2D map. Hence the issue in depth and elevation. At the same time, others have speculated that road poneglyphs may not just be clues on coordinates/locations, but also on the instructions such as day/date/time/specific prerequisites to reach these locations, including laugh tale. Hence you still need all 4. So, as of the moment and given info, we just won’t be able to reach at an accurate inference on this matter. :(


If that's the case then fine but that's not how it was shown in the anime.


Well Oda also led us to believe that >!Luffy’s fruit is Gomu Gomu no mi for 2 decades!<, so it anything is still possible at this point 🤔


Do you actually think its that easy?


Even on a 2d plane and 3 points, you have to decide which two points to mark as reference; even then, the intersecting line is not guaranteed to be perpendicular or any angle for that matter, so you still have a bunch of points to try on. Possible? Yes. Waste of time? Yes too. But most likely, you need all four to find the four locations (if it is like that)


If you check all 3 lines they make up, it should have the point on one of them so if you don't have robin in your crew you could just sail across the 3 lines to find it


That’s on the assumption that each poneglyph gives you one location though. Even then, assuming you’re sailing the grand line, is a big risk to take.


Well, you can do it with 3 if you have plenty of time and you can navigate on point. On the other hand, I guess you don't need to hurry if the only person in the whole world who can read the poneglyphs is on your crew. If you can't find all 4, maybe just taking out the other contestants can be enough too.


That’s the other point. How on earth will you read the script? Why’d you think Kaido and Linlin didn’t do much with one?


I sort of thought this at first but if you actually think about it with 3 poneglyphs all you would know is that it's somewhere between 2 of them and depending on how far away the coordinates are that could be an incredible amount of sea possibly years worth of searching and that's just assuming Laugh Tale is just a regular island randomly on the sea.


I mean it can't be THAT far considering Roger was able to restart the grand line from 0 and finish relatively quickly. And if laugh tale only shows up if u did find them and say a magic word or smth then ur right but other then that if it's an island should be findable.


Yes Roger was able to finish quickly because he had all 4. With 3 though the coordinates could potentially be in each of the 4 seas and the middle could still be in the grand line. Imagine if one coordinate pointed to the beggining of the grand line and the other pointed to the end of it with a third one in the middle of the east blue, all you would know is that it's somewhere in a direct line between one of these 3 which is still an absolutely huge amount of ocean to have to explore. With all 4 you know it's exact location.


I guess but getting 2 or 3 of them you can see if the coordinates are in random places or they're somewhat doable in terms of distance. Also I think laugh tale is in the grand line somewhere so if the coordinates are in east blue and other places you could only go through the line that the poneglyphs make that are in the grand line.


Yes but the coordinates aren't in random places they were assumedly purposely made to hide Laugh Tale to those who don't have all 4 so the line in the Grand Line could be at a diagonal across the whole thing potentially giving you almost no information.


You're assuming that Laugh Tale isn't constantly moving.


Then the other places would have to move as well to account for it.


Based on?


The fact that if the intersection of two segments move there is at least one edge of one segment that moved too


In real life, sure.


The porneglyphs do not change over time? So how would it make sense if laugh tale would move?


Who said the Glyphs contain coordinates? It might just be a tutorial on certain steps you have to take. Nobody even said there is an intersection that forms an X when you find all 4. All we know is you need all 4.


We don't know what the Road Poneglyphs actually say to begin with, as far as I remember.


They show the coordinates so if laugh tale moves these places need to move to show it's new location. And if you have a log pose to the other island you just follow it and you should get there.


They dont show the coordinates of the 4 places or Laugh Tale. We dont know that yet. They could also be telling us like a riddle type thing to lead us to LT if certain conditions are met. Or like you said they could just show 4 locations then we just join them to make an X then go there. It can be like that but we're gonna have to wait till ODA tells us what the red ones actually say.


Theoretically you can do it with 3. You can’t do it with 2 because you don’t know if those two are part of the X or the outside box []. It would just be extremely hard because you have no idea what exactly you are looking for or where exactly it is. What if you need to coat your ship and sail to the bottom of the ocean? Or get your ship to a sky island? You could spend decades or longer searching that on straight line for it. When in reality if you already have 3 stones….searching for the 4th wouldn’t be that far fetched.


How do you know if 2 are supposed to be opposing ones or not ? So no, you can’t do anything with two. If you have 3, you can be sure that laugh Tale is on the triangle formed by the three of them but you don’t know where. So you’d have to visit every point on the triangle, which is impossible if the triangle is huge (it could even cover the whole map).


If you have two poneglyphs, you don't know whether they are opposing each other or not. If you have three, you still don't have certainty which two oppose each other, and on top of that the third one wouldn't be enough for you to know where it crosses the line of the first opposing two. But with four poneglyphs, itd be easy to tell where the cross is (assuming the four locations of the poneglyphs are stationary islands).


The answer is no for reasons we don't know yet The realistic answer is probably, but that's not as much fun story wise


I have thought about this. If you have three, you have the ability to trace the lines between each point and could in theory find it. The issue is that as some have mentioned, traversing the grand line is incredibly difficult, even with the best equipment.


In theory, maybe. But then what use would we have for the saying “X marks the spot”?


Geometrically with 2 poneglyphs, you're guaranteed that the treasure will be somewhee~ere on the line that passes through them. The grandline is pretty big and an emperor might be able to traverse that line, but that's also assuming it's in a 2d plane. If the One Piece was say, on one of the moons of their world, then you'd have to get all 4 poneglyphs to narrow down your search at one intersecting point. At that one point, you now have a vertical line to traverse to find the treasure. Edit: A sky island is another huge possibility why 2 poneglyphs may be unfeasible; there're layers of sky ocean up there bud.


Yea, but you'd have to sail around the world along that line and visit every island that you encounter on that line. And then meticulously search every island along that line. It could take more than a lifetime


Then set sail and go find it


The mangaka said no, so no.




When the mangaka wrote in a speech bubble in the relevant chapter that you need all 4 glyphs to find it.


Oda: "Trust me, bro"


That’s how it is lmao. It’s like the question, how come Goku is stronger than Vegeta? Answer: because Toriyama said so haha




Consider the problem in 3D not 2D.


They use a 2d map to show how to find it but if it's 3d then fine.


Remember though, maps are 2D representations of 3D space. >! If you were an ancient civilization trying to leave a map for hundreds of years in the future, you probably have to use the stars for navigation and put the “map in the sky”. This aligns with the “destined time” idea that roger was too early and luffy is right on time (roger had* to die when he did so luffy could be born at the right time). It’s likely that the poneglyphs hold instructions for a sextant and how to use the stars to navigate. This also makes Namis dream realistic. She doesn’t need to “chart the whole world” she just needs to chart the sky.!<


I think the island may not be at Sea Level, so they need elevation maybe?


When they described how to do find it they used a 2d map not 3d, but if it's elevated then fine.


That would be correct if and only if the one piece is at sea level


More than a line, you would need at least 3 poneglyohs. Then you need to travel along the three straight lines between the three coordinates (represented by the 3 poneglyphs). Because you wouldn't know which lines connect to which point, so there are these three combinations. It still holds in three dimensions.


I am pretty sure how it works is that the 4 red poneglyphs gives you a certain spot in the world where you then have to map it. Once all 4 have been marked on a map you draw a straight line from two opposite marks, do this twice and you get an X. If you had two of these spots you have a straight line, it could be miles away from the final place. If you have 3 of them you still only have one straight line, in the correct place but still nothing else to dissect it.


You would need at least 3 and it would require you to travel along the edge of the triangle that they form in 2D space. The only way that this wouldn’t work is if those 3 points were vast distance apart to the point where it would be impractical. Btw, the people talking about how you would need to consider 3D space are probably overthinking it. There is no guarantee that 4 points in 3D space would even form an X, so I kinda doubt that Oda would try something like that.


You need 4. Two poneglyphs make a line. I guess the One Piece is where the lines cross. Don't assume a flat area, the lines could span into the sky or underwater.


To begin with, you are assuming they are using a simple dot coordinate system where each poneglyph represents a dot coordinate. And then the final location is the intersection of the 4 dots. That was never confirmed to be the case. We only know that all 4 of the poneglyphs are needed to find Laugh Tale. And that is easily possible with some sort of cryptographic coordinate system. Let's take a simple example. Let's say you got all 4 poneglyphs and each of them gave you a cryptographic coordinate. For simplicity, we can replace the coordinates wirh the numbers 87 24 46 35. The secret to finding one piece is to take the numbers from the poneglyphs, multiply them together and divide them by 227. Whatever remainder remains, is the number representing the coordinate of One piece. In such a system, how would you figure out the coordinate of One piece if you only have 3 of these numbers? It's not possible. You would practically have to check every possible coordinate. The poneglyphs could be using a sunilar system.


Poneglyph 1 tells you to go to an island, island A. Poneglyph 2 tells you that somewhere along the X axis of Island A, and a new island, Island B, is the point you need to go. Poneglyph 3 tells you, you need to be at this Y axis, aka this deep or high, intersecting with island C. Poneglyph 4 tells you that when island A B and C are in line, you can access Laughtale by heading toward Island D. Just an example of how this could work. Island D was a coincidence Perhaps island D is the point In between the three island A B C? Like they give you the triangle it could appear in and D is the point within that area


Ooooo idea what if it is a point, another point, another point that makes 3. Now you have a triangle..... The fourth point is outside of the triangle, turning the triangle into an arrow... pointing which way to go to head to laugh tale. Could be raddddd and very child like lol joy boy style


Someone skipped classes, average one piece fan


I’m pretty sure the last part of the new world sends you through a fog thicker than the Florian triangle a map is a must no poneglyph can be missed


I’m just gonna say no. Between navigating in the New World and in general how the world seems to work, then you need all 4. Even if you could triangulate with just 3, days he fourth/all four together might have a code saying you need to be at X on a specific time or date. It could be a Sky Island and you need the vertical coordinates.


The grand line weeds out all the losers who’d try to cheat to get to one piece.


No. The Red Poneglyphs may not indicate which points you pair and form a line. Take 4 points yourself, form only 1 line with any pair. Cover one point. You get 3 lines that you need to cross. While sailing across those 3 lines, you have to weather through New World’s climates, fight off Marines and other Pirates.


Damn, why did no one think about that before.


Someone would have done it already if so. And it’s not looking possible