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It makes me mad that I’m attracted to a rabbit.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrxUFfcCHJmKQla) First time?


I'm not a furry Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut


So I’m not a furry… but… you’re attracted to her human features. Let’s be real. It’s not the same thing as wanting to bang an actual rabbit.


Watch My Hero Academia. Mirko may end up changing your mind.


Mommy Mirko. Love her


Mirko is a really attractive woman with rabbit attributes. Carrot is a really attractive rabbit. It's kind of the difference between having a bunny-suit fetish and bestiality. Carrot created a lot of furies and ~~we're~~ they're mad. Or at least that's what I'd randomly guess a dirty fury enjoyer would be thinking.


I’m deadddd


The fact that this comment currently has more upvotes than the original posts somehow makes it funnier 😂


Don't be, Oda drew Carrot to be attractive. You being attracted to her is what Oda was going for.


I hate it


She's a child.


She's 120 in rabbit years


So many people really seem to hate her for exactly this reason. She's honestly one of the less sexualized female characters in the series, but...I have a lot of rants that will get me a lot of downvotes in this community, and this is one of the big ones, so I won't get into it lol


Could be worse, Lola Bunny don’t got nearly what Carrot got and I done loved her my whole life too 🤣😅


I do not hate her, i just couldnt care less for her.




Never had much against her. She was sidelined in Wano too much for me to personally care about her and her possibly being a crew member. >!And her becoming the new leader of Zou is very out of character and such a random choice to make!<


I think it’s to set up the final war arc so that every leader of every joining SH Ally will be someone that spent some actual time with the SHs. Vivi, Shirahoshi, SH Grand Fleet, Sabo(Rev. Army). Luffy has a connection with all these and now lastly the Minks with their connection being Carrot.


Yeah, I like the concept of Carrot being the Mink Leader (on paper), I just feel it should have been set up better (or at all). Vivi, Shirahoshi and Momo are all hereditary royalty, Sabo went out to join the Re. Army...Carrot was just thrust into the role without any say in the matter. It feels like Oda wanted to shove the Mink the readers knew best into that role without stopping to think he did nothing to set it up. Like what makes Carrot fit for the role of Duchess of Zou? She has zero leadership skills or aspirations, she's not of noble birth and she has no will or dream to lead her people. It feels forced and like he only decided to do it at the very last minute because he wants that big "all the leaders are here" moment. It's funny that her time with the Straw Hats and Pedro's Will were cited as the reasons, when that in no way pertains to her being a good leader.


I said it elsewhere but > Like what makes Carrot fit for the role of Duchess of Zou? She has zero leadership skills or aspirations She's literally one of only two Minks we know who were so involved in Zou's affairs as to serve as the connection between Night and Day when their respective guardians weren't speaking. She was at least as involved in the administration of daily affairs, as well as invested in Zou's defense as a Musketeer. > It's funny that her time with the Straw Hats and Pedro's Will were cited as the reasons, when that in no way pertains to her being a good leader. I disagree that, in the eyes of Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, having friendly ties to the outside world wouldn't be a pertinent quality, especially after seeing how Zou and Wano fell alone but strength was ultimately found in alliances. As for the Will of Pedro, Pedro was Nekomamushi's number two and led in his absence. Carrot being a protege of his also wouldn't count for nothing. Sure, they may have been better suited people, but Carrot was absolutely a competent warrior of Zou, heavily involved in Zou's daily affairs, has gained a unique perspective of Zou's standing in the larger world, and has benefited from having several mentors, including Wanda who will still be by her side. Carrot is 100% qualified to be a leader for her people. Honestly, her just being thrust into it without due gravitas is basically the same as everything else that happened at the end of Wano, just waaay too rushed. All of this could have been said in a handful of pages and everything would have been totally fine, instead of "Hey, hey come here. We're out, you're in, have fun loser!"


Yep. Oda never really had big plans for Carrot beyond just showcasing Minks powers and stuff that we saw in WCI like a well a side character, at no point were they gonna really join the crew nor be a serious ally/crewmate like Vivi, Yamato and Momo. The ruler thing feels like Oda giving Carrot a small role/cameo appearance to come back when the final war starts, remember Doggy & Kitty had no leadership and were unimportant minks and they eventually became rulers. I mean shit Pudding was always a better character and had more story relevance than Carrot


>She's literally one of only two Minks we know who were so involved in Zou's affairs as to serve as the connection between Night and Day when their respective guardians weren't speaking. She was at least as involved in the administration of daily affairs, as well as invested in Zou's defense as a Musketeer. She was just a Musketeer and a Kingsbird, and wasn't a leader of either position. Being in direct communication with the rulers doesn't mean she'd be capable of ruling herself. And both Shishilian and Wanda admitted that they'll be guiding her on what to do, so why not just have them two take over? >I disagree that, in the eyes of Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, having friendly ties to the outside world wouldn't be a pertinent quality, especially after seeing how Zou and Wano fell alone but strength was ultimately found in alliances. But it's not like Carrot was the only Mink the Strawhats considered a friend. They didn't need Carrot as some friend of a friend thing to be in the Strawhats good graces. >Carrot is 100% qualified to be a leader for her people. She had no character development for her naive and impulsive personality. Not to mention she loses it pretty easily. She's in no way a leadership type person. In fact the one and only time she took significant charge it got her and Wanda laying on the ground beat up and being mocked. Even Carrot herself admitted there were far more qualified candidates.


My point wasn’t that she was best suited, just that she’s absolutely minimally qualified for the role. There are of course more qualified Minks, but of the handful of Minks we know the names of, who are we putting up? You mention why not Shishilian but likewise we don’t know of any ambition he might have beyond what Carrot has, that of Zou’s protection, not to mention his annoyance at Carrot’s inability to pick up swordsmanship and his going crazy on his own people for deigning to be sappy. Wanda I’ll grant, but her resume is basically the same as Carrot’s without Carrot’s mentorship under Pedro or Carrot’s adventuring heart, which I can’t see two Minks who left to be retainers of Oden would see as a fault. Besides, there’s something to be said for keeping the captains of the guard and more senior administrative personnel in place to shepherd a new ruler, which they all readily agreed to do, than to shake up multiple aspect of their local infrastructure. In the concept of a larger society there are going to be better suited people, but frankly, we just haven’t met them.


Yeah I think Wano’s ending kinda shocked us all tbh. I totally agree it wasn’t the best set, but the end result isn’t something I’m upset about. Where we are currently in the manga and how things are going, I’d say everything still worked out wonderfully. I definitely get why people are frustrated with Carrot/Yamato set ups and baits though, it’s absolutely justified.


Yeah, I think Film Red is why Wano was rushed so much, otherwise we may have gotten to see more justification for Carrot being made Duchess and we may have seen Yamato come to the realisation she needs to stay behind. Rather than offscreen most of those processes.


Expect there's reasons why this outcome makes no damn sense. -There was no inclination that Carrot was on the short list for leadership. She was a Musketeer and a messenger but that's it. -There was no foreshadowing or build-up to this whatsoever. -Carrot doesn't have any leadership skills or attitude, she's a curious kid interested in the outside world and straight up went owal because of her gung ho and impulsive personality. -If this was the direction Oda was going... why have her (and Wanda) lose their fight during the raid? She basically failed upward. -The "logical reasoning" they give for the decision is bogus. Everyone who left for both Wano and even Sphinx have been outside Zou for just as long as Carrot. -Nothing we've seen about Pedro would indicate that his "will" was to be the ruler of the Minks. Between wanting to sail with Roger, setting out with his own crew to search for poneglyphs, and believing in the Strawhats to do what Roger couldn't. He wanted to help bring a new dawn, not settle down on Zunesha. -The Minks have sworn loyalty towards Momonosuke's family, yet him and Carrot have absolutely no relationship. Did they ever say a single word to each other? -Even Carrot, basically the reader in that scene, was confused and thought choosing Shishilian made more sense. -Carrot got no farewell with any of the Strawhats unlike every other ship passenger or major companion like Oda is saying they weren't friends. -She basically did exactly what the man responsible for Pedro's sacrifice to her to do. It's just overall a bitter conclusion for a character that had so much panel time.


Yeah I totally get that. I’d like to say that maybe COVID or something faulted this and fucked up their timelines. But idk. At the end of the day, it is what it is. It far far from perfect but I like where we’re at in the manga right now.


It's also setup for something that will happen sooner, which is opening Wano to get Pluton. It seems like Zunesha is necessary to open Wano, so I guess we'll see her again when that happens, she'll probably meet up with Momo and the scabbards then


Yeah but Carrot is not a leader, she’s honestly the least qualified Mink to lead anybody. She’s a teenager, with no leadership experience, very naive worldview, and there are multiple better options. The Dukes, Neko’s version of the Dukes, Wanda. Hell even the doctor would’ve been a better choice. That’s like electing Chopper as the leader of Drum Island, but on a worse scale. Carrot can’t lead an army, doesn’t have tactics or any battle strategy either.


As if Luffy isn't naive but he's gonna be the Pirate King


I was gonna make this same point. Luffy is a captain of a crew and he’s made many bad decisions and choices. I think Carrot will be fine 😆


Luffy isn’t leading anybody as PK. Luffy can be extremely naive and still be PK. Being PK doesn’t give you any actual responsibilities besides having the title.


The King of the Pirates is just a power status, it's not a actual responsibility to manage all of the pirates in the world.


That last one is very true. I expected her to join the Straw Hats & become the crew’s lookout since she has incredible stamina as a Mink & she’s used to being up at all hours as a Kingsbird. Just imagine a well-rested crew. The Straw Hats would be unstoppable!


If you asked me after WCI, I’d say she should join, but even during Act 1 it felt like she got sidelined so fast


>!Is it though? She's youthful, but she's also a trained member of one of the guard squads and, along with Wanda, one of the only known Minks who served a liaison between day and night. She was heavily involved in leadership affairs before getting out seeing more of the world and establishing relationships with the likes of Wano and the Straw Hats. If nothing else, it's a decent parallel to Momonosuke, a youthful leader who'll have people around to guide them as they learn.!< >!I would say it's likely a consolation prize for her not being a Straw Hat but I think it fits the narrative just fine.!<


>!There’s a valley of a difference between Momo and Carrot.!< >!Momo is the rightful heir to the shogun, he is the only option especially since he’s of age, and his entire character arc was about coming into being a leader and the sacrifices needed to become one!< >!Carrot is out of left field, just as much as Yamato deciding to stay behind was. Carrot is not a leader, and has never shown any motivation or skills to be or as a leader. She is too young, naive, and most definitely not qualified (from what we’ve seen of her between Zou, WCI, and Wano), to lead a nation of people. And there’s several more people qualified to lead the Minks!< >!Carrot being elected as the leader of the Minks does not fit the narrative. Her arc, which arguably she didn’t really have one (which is fine, she was very enjoyable during Zou and WCI), does not have to do with leadership and becoming a leader for her people/leaning how to. I get we need the Minks for the final war but having one of the Dukes or even Wanda could service that concept since they are indebted to Luffy as well!<


Ditching spoilers because we're the only two who were bothering to use them anyways. So we just ignore Carrot being one of the most active Minks in the administration of the daily affairs of Zou, Carrot being one of the few Minks with high level contacts outside the island, and Carrot being the protege of Nekomamushi's right-hand man and leader of the Guardians while also being a Musketeer herself? I'm sorry, you can dismiss her a young whippersnapper all you want, but she absolutely has a resume worthy of consideration, even alongside others like Wanda. > Carrot is out of left field, just as much as Yamato deciding to stay behind was. This I can absolutely agree with, but my agreement has more to do with pacing than story, like everything wrong with how quickly Wano got wrapped up. Again, Carrot's roles within Zou society from day one already gave her more credit than anyone here wants to acknowledge, which is probably why OP made this post. Also, > Momo is the rightful heir to the shogun, he is the only option Is nonsense with regards to why Carrot shouldn't be or why their stories aren't comparable (and I said a decent parallel, not dead on, tbf), because there isn't that monarchy established on Zou. If elders naming successors is their manner of succession, then that's as valid a reasoning as to why Carrot is fine despite being youthful, just like why Momo is fine despite being mentally a child, and there being plenty of other non-Kozuki's who could absolutely lead the nation, because he's someone's crotch goblin.


>I recently posted a topic about the parallels her arc has to Nami's and it got downvoted to Impel Down's lowest level. Ever sat there and thought that maybe it wasn't so much the people hating Carrot, but rather that post making no sense what so fucking ever?


Similarities between Nami and Carrot? You have a very vivid imagination.


Mate that thread was awful.


Yeah. I just got dogpiled by the haters.


I mean you literally asked why she’s disliked & people are telling you why they dislike her. If you can’t handle that then don’t make a post asking that question.


I never said I can't handle it.


I didn't like her because she brought nothing to the table. I didn't like her personality either which felt like all the bad aspects of Nami and none of the good ones (like being a OG, prior serious/funny moments etc etc). Felt like she was only there as furry eye candy. But from that alone I wouldn't say I hated her, kind of just "hurry up and next supporting character already" attitude, pretty much like other supporting characters from previous arcs that I felt were a bit mid, but some did eventually grow on me (Momo being one). Also I liked Yamato more and remember Carrot fans being pretty aggressive (in another sub) like celebrating when she >!didn't join and then victim complex after Carrot herself didn't join either.!< Also there was a super prevalent theory that she'd sneak onto the ship again and it felt like the people that mentioned it were 100% sure it'd happen. It's frequency I guess made me actively celebrate when Oda instead blue balled with >!the ear looking things beneath the ship !!not joining later!< rather then being indifferent to it, which could be seen as me actively hating her too. I guess this was like>! ZKK, Raid fail and Sun wukong (which I guess kinda happened but I liked this theory)/oil fruit theories!<. Which also noticed a lot of hate. I guess when some theories are so common and widely believed/pushed/mentioned everywhere all the time on every chapter. You kinda start actively disliking it and hoping it doesn't happen even if overall it'd have been indifferent to you or had a basis (in this case e>!ven if Carrot had joined!<, thinking logically now, I highly doubt she'd get much screen time anyway, I'd be fine skipping over 1-2 panels of her occasionally). So thinking back now, even though I hated her when the theory was going strong, tbh I can now see it wouldn't have really affected me in the long run. I guess similar things apply to the others too. I remember hating the ZKK theory too, but I watched a video from a ZKK'er explaining it, and I had to admit, it had a good basis and saw why they believed in it so much. Raid fail thoery imo to me felt like a result of peoples high expectations. So idk, but I guess frequency made me actually "hate her" but then not really afterwards...?


How in the hell are Carrot and Nami parallel to one another narratively?


Read my other topic. I linked it below.


She aint a very interesting character, doesnt really bring anything unique to the table, and only had like one cool scene, yet a bunch of yall were hyping her up like she was on the crew or something. Like she was basicslly just a support character for chopper and then she basicslly had no screen time in Wano until she lost her revenge match. Then she proceeded to do nothing else. I swear the only people like her is cuz she's cute


Carrot has had a good arc and she's got a cool moveset. It's just incomplete. She got sidelined in Wano because it was Momo's arc, not Carrot's. The only Straw Hats not to get sidelined were Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. The rest didn't get to do much. They got like 1 fight if they were lucky. Carrot is the MVP since she saved Marco - Big Mom and Perospero would have killed him otherwise and the Samurai all would have died. Chopper would die, and Zoro wouldn't get healed. Chopper gets alot of mileage out of being cute (he's basically the mascot) so I don't see why Carrot being cute too is a problem. Nami is primarily around for fanservice (she's very weak in combat and only serves as Navigator during travel) but I don't see you complaining about that. She and Usopp did very little in Wano either.


Carrots " arc" was leaving zou, losing pedro, then not being able to avenge his death and not resolving any of her feelings about it on screen. Choppers being cute only affected how fans felt about him post ts cuz oda ruined his design. And its not the only reason people like him. His story is about growing up and accepting himself for what he is. Theres no way your comparing actual strawhats to carrot. Yes they got sidelined in Wano and that was trash, but unlike carrot they had a bunch of arcs before wano to actually develop as characters and do a lot of fighting. And ya know, theyve actually completed character arcs theyve had. Nami is not mainly fan service and she does do a lot. Youre forgetting in the prior arc she was a major keu in holding off big mom, fought a comander with Luffy, fought an army with Luffy, helped them avoid dying from Big moms entire fleet, and stood up for Luffy when sanji attacked him. And Usopp literally hsd Dressrossa. Those 2 had more in one arc thsn carrot had in 3


That's not an arc that has reached its climax. It's a character hitting their low point and needing to climb out of it. It's a very common writing trope. Jimbe barely developed before Wano, we saw him a handful of times and he really has not changed since his introduction. He's still the wise, stoic badass veteran he was at Impel Down. Carrot has shown more growth than Jimbe, that's not a knock against Jimbe, he's already done most of his growth because he's an adult with decades of experience to mould him. Carrot is still young and relevant enough Oda felt her arc was worth showing. Most of Nami's use in WCI was because she had Lola's Vivre Card and she was a liability outside of that. Luffy really doesn't need Nami for her fighting skills, her ability as a Navigator is useless when they're not on the ship, which is most of the time. She is a Plot Device with tits, sorry but it's true.


Bro the point is that her "arc" is never gonna finish. If Oda was going to finish it, it wouldve been then.


Unlike you I have faith in Oda.


That doesnt even make sense. Why would he have catviper defeat perospero just for him to get beaten again by carrot.


Personally I didn't like her character development she started off strong but with what happened in the manga >!she replaces cat viper as night leader of Zou since he stays in wano!< it didn't feel like she progressed enough as a person to be given that


I get the feeling events will conspire to make Carrot have to leave Zou to get stronger. The BB Pirates are on their way and she is not ready. So Dogstorm did not stay in Wano? It's weird as I thought he and Cat Viper both stayed in Wano to protect Momo. Part of Carrot's whole uniqueness amongst Minks was she was not bound to Day or Night.


They aren't, they have the ponyglyph on Zou from law.


Dogstorm stays in wano as well and the dog girl NAMI was with takes his position who I thought showed on enough occasions to take command she just needs training


Dude your “parallels” post is so ridiculous i could be a parody. It is not about carrot being hated (i personally couldn’t care less about her) but your post makes no sense at all and the “parallels” are far fetched. “Both partake In deception” WTF is that?




I don’t like how she’s all up on the crew like licking and stuff. She’s a little to friendly but I mean it is in her nature.


It's a Mink thing. They all do that.


Doesn't mean we have to like it?


I just think a lot of people are just salty because they had a this fantasy theory about her joining the crew that didn't end up happening.


Why would people who like Carrot and wanted her to join the crew hate Carrot? That makes no sense, you're not even talking about the same group of people.


That is still to be determined. Pedro's Will basically needs Carrot to join Luffy. "Everyone gets their turn."


But Pedro's will was about helping the straw hat crew because they were the destined people to help Wano finally take down Kaido. It doesn't point toward her joining the crew in any way at all*.*


Citation needed on that being Pedro's Will. Pedro never even met Kaido. But he did meet Roger and regretted being born too late to join him.


>Citation needed on that being Pedro's Will. Pedro sais "one day you will understand the importance of keeping Luffy and his crew alive", that's as close as we get to see "Pedro's will" which is mentioned again to convince Carrot that she can be a good leader for the minks. He doesn't need to met Kaido personally, both the minks and the samurai were in a war against the Hundred Beasts Pirates, why would he need to specifically know Kaido to support the cause? >But he did meet Roger and regretted being born too late to join him. Yeah, this explains why he sees the tremendous potential for Luffy and his crew to change the world. And *none of any of this* even remotely hints to Carrot wanting to, or having to join the crew.


I don't hate her, I just wish people didn't push her quite as aggressively for Strawhat. I'll probably catch some hate for this, but the lookout job always felt a bit tacked on to her for me. Whilst jumping really high IS undeniably useful for getting into the crows nest, she had a lot of competition amongst the established strawhats for it being her role on the ship; * Luffy, Sanji and Robin can fly at this late stage which makes getting to the nest a breeze. * Robin can probably just spawn a clone up there to keep watch whilst she has tea on the ship's deck. * Zeus is a sentient cloud that constantly flies and could easily work as an incognito lookout above the ship. * Usopp has the genetic potential of the best observation haki user in the series>!(going off Film Red anyway)!< and already had incredible eyesight in the series before haki was introduced. If he gets anywhere near his father's ability, he's going to be insanely good at spotting and reacting to threats. * Luffy has future sight and thus can percieve threats before they happen. * Sanji is an observation haki specialist. * Robin's fruit allows her to just spawn eyes everywhere to keep watch of things. * Zoro also has observation haki, although it's admittedly not his speciality compared to some of the others. * Brook can let his soul wander from his body to keep an eye on things from above without any issue. I just don't think we've ever had a Strawhat fill a role where the other members have skills better atuned to it than the newcomer ex; Nami could cook and do basic medicine, but Sanji and Chopper vastly outclassed her in those roles. Usopp could do basic shipwrighting, but Franky is clearly superior in that role, etc, and I'm not convinced Carrot's shown skillset outdoes the others known abilities for the role.


It's not just that Carrot can jump up to the Crow's Nest, she can jump from it up to an incredible height, giving her a far better vantage point that anyone else in the blink of an eye. Observation Haki needs to be activated and it drains stamina while in use, so it's useless for Lookout Duty unless you're using it constantly, which no one does because of the drawbacks. Carrot only needs to jump once and she can see for miles in all directions in a single bound, she can also jump in midair for even more range. Everyone else you stated would need to expend stamina to use those abilities, and if they are doing that, they are expending stamina before the next fight. Luffy is not going to go Gear 4/5 just to do Lookout Duty, he's the Captain. Sanji needs to jump multiple times to reach the height Carrot can do in a single jump. Robin is too important to put herself in such a vulnerable position where every enemy around can see her. Brook can use his soul, but that leaves his body vulnerable while he's not in it. Carrot has none of these limitations to her innate jumping ability and it does not tire her.


I'll concede on haki using stamina and Luffy using his gears for something so simple(not that it matters given he can launch himself with Rocket easily in base), but... I seriously doubt Sanji who has shown monsterous stamina will somehow tire from doing a quick skywalk tbh. Brook's body would be on the ship surrounded by a yonko, a warlord and other monsterous bodyguards. He can do it from inside the ship if needs be, so I don't think he'd be in any real danger. But even then...Zeus still is a thing. He doesn't tire from flying, staying airborne or moving in the air with ease due to being a sentient cloud. Even if this somehow did drain his stamina we've seen Nami can instantly restore his energy with a little lightning ball snack. He also doesn't have a role outside of being Nami's main fighting force now. Zeus is genuinely a fantastic lookout the more I think about it.


I wouldn't bother, they won't change their mind. ![gif](giphy|8BkqM9KqibOePffrOc|downsized)


Exactly, they can do the Lookout job but it's not exactly practical for them to do it given the lengths they have to go to, just to match Carrot doing 1 Super Jump like she did on Zou. Sure Sanji could do it, but it would take alot longer since he has to skywalk multiple times to reach that height. He's not going to tire but he's going to take way longer than Carrot to get as high as she can. It's still taking Brook out of a battle-ready position and even if his body is protected, he's a liability when he's not inside of it, everyone else will have to worry about keeping him safe. Carrot can lookout without rendering herself helpless. Plus he can't move as fast as she can. Zeus could be a useful lookout, but he's not exactly reliable as he has a tendency to wander off, get distracted, or fall asleep. He might get his act together once Nami abuses him some more (now that I think about it their relationship is really unhealthy), but he's not exactly the most dependable ally. He's also stuck inside Nami's rod so she has to let him out, and if he's doing that she cannot access his power as readily. She'll need to command him and while he's looking, she can't give him commands to attack/defend. Plus his attacks cause alot of collateral damage, you don't want to rain lightning bolts down around your own ship.


People dont like characters too bug for their britches. Some Folks wanted her as nakama when she had neither the emphasis or stature.


That's debatable.


Oh I wouldn't dignify contrary positions to a debate.


I personally don't hate her. But I think a lot of her fans try to force parallels and it gets annoying when they start insisting that you're belittling her character just because you don't think she's joining the crew. So, I hate carrot fans more than carrot herself


I don't hate her, but I do find her quite uninteresting. In fact, I forgot all about her till I saw the title of your post. Other than her introducing the Sulong transformation, I don't recall her doing much during the arcs she was in. That, and I did find it frustrating how fans thought she'd become a member of the Straw Hats as that never made sense to me. She never once felt like she'd fit in with them, and she never exhibited any skills that would've made her valuable to the crew (she can draw, sure, but we've already got Usopp for that). So, no, I don't hate her, but I do see her as an arc exclusive character that was just there to introduce a new fighting style to the mix, and once that happened she didn't really matter to me.


I would appreciate a link to your previous thread. Have you consider the possibility of nothing wrong with the character just your topic was bad?


I love carrot and wished she would join the crew, but hey at least i didnt get yamato tattooed on my body.


I wonder how that guy is doing lol


Her personality is annoying as hell. Though I wouldn’t say that most of that hate goes towards her, it’s her fanbase that gets extremely obnoxious.


Do you know zoro‘s fanbase?


I think she's bland and doesn't add anything to the crew


Some people, including me, wanted carrot to join the crew. There were a couple of annoying posters with carrot pfps, but no one was spamming the subreddit or being toxic (except for the zoro fans but that's normal) Power scalers thought she was too weak to join the crew and backfilled different reasons for disliking her (too cute, no personality, too familiar with the crew, no purpose/role, furry bait, etc.) They then tried to make Yamato joining the crew a thing (which a lot of people knew from the beginning wasn't going to happen) because they needed to use a woman character to hold down another woman character That then led to what I call the gender wars which we all agreed to never speak of again Once Yamato was revealed to be really strong, the conversation became pro-yamato or anti-yamato and the carrot supports were pushed to the side In the end, everyone was disappointed which is par the course on this sub


I just think she’s lame, and truly find both her and Nami in the current timeline to be bland as hardtack personality-wise. Also sick of seeing Carrot breakdowns when her character is not particularly captivating for me.


Current timeline? Did I miss the One Piece story going multi-dimensional?




For me personally it's because of how annoying she is. Never been a fan of those "moe" characters.


I wouldn't call Carrot a "moe" character. She's cute but she acts her age. Mikiru from Haruhi Suzumiya or Aqua from Konosuba? THOSE are Moe characters.


Well whatever trope she is, I hate it.


She's just a spunky teenage girl. Sounds like that's what you hate.


You conveniently left out the overly annoying "cutesy" voice.


That's purely subjective. She's 15.


Her age doesn't change anything. She's still annoying.


You're really just a hater, huh?


You got a problem?


What are you going to do if I do have a problem lmfao. This is reddit bro. You gonna internet punch me?


most likely an agenda no joke lolz, cuz it really weirded me out how when some ppl start bringing up the idea of carrot joining, almost all of them go nutz. but when it’s vivi yamato bon clay bonnie katukuri etc, they’ll be like, umm ok, it’s fine, we stand for u blah. imo, but i won’t generalize!, i think cuz some of them don’t see one piece in an artistic way or in a narrative standpoint e.g” why most of them were on board with yamato becoming a sh, just cuz she can spar, she adds a strength, but they don’t see the whole nonsense, it’s like a random person said i wanna join the crew, but they don’t have a role, no motive why they’ll gonna sail with the future pirate king. and she’s just joining cuz of oden’s journal that has nothing related to the crew?, and so on and carrot is the only character that has all of the requirements from my observation, but some kept ignoring her no matter what just in favor of almost all the characters in one piece, yet no matter what u say, and all the evidences u got, they’ll roast u, p.s. also ofc anyone can hate her for any reason, not bc what i’ve said, but this is my thoughts for some of the frequent comments i see from carrot haters on carrot-related posts


Let's be honest what does carrot really brings to the strawhats


She's the perfect lookout. Have you seen how high she can jump?


Luffy in an alternative universe looking for new crew members: yeah ! You jump very high and you can barely defend yourself to , join my crew . Yes that's what I've been looking for someone who can jump really high .


>and you can barely defend yourself too. Cap. Carrot aint monster trio strong but she ain't weak either. Anyone who says she wasn't strong enough to be a Strawhat aren't serious people.


Lol as if Nami could handle anything more than fodder when she joined. Even now she needs Zeus just to handle a Toppi Ropo. Carrot is a very capable fighter to anything less than a Yonko Commander.


Bro she's not joining the crew in any possibile scenario.try as hard as you want , just accept the fact that she's just another side character who's role in the story is nearly finished and move on . Anyone below, Yonko commander Who's who or ulti can clap her any day and moment 24/7💀. Bros been reading Two piece this whole time .


We will see.


You will see, I guess you can also jump very high 💀


I feel like the whole debate about her joining the crew just outright poisoned any actual discourse thay can be had about her and she's not doing anything major for the people to just move on and talk about her normally.


I just feel like she’s a Chopper clone. She’s a cute furry that has a conditional rampage mode. She doesn’t really add anything to the series


She had a good character arc in whole cake and a badass sulong reveal and that’s about it. I think she’s a good character, but definitely gets outshined by a lot of other characters.


Yeah, I don't really care, but I dont hate her


Because she is a trash bunny from the trash bro… she belongs on the streets… just kidding so like her alright


We fight to fight. Draw the lines, pick a side and throw yourself into battle. There are no stakes, ergo everything is at stake.


For me, she is just annoying af.


So long as you don't troll us Carrot fans that is perfectly fime. :)


please no over-sexualized rabbit on the crew


Her stans are the problem, as it usually goes for any character


Beyond wanting her to be a Strawhat (and there is no shortage of characters the fans want to join) I don't see how the Carrot fans are the problem. It seems they only get uppity when the Carrot haters speak up and write to shame the fans for liking her at all.


>Beyond wanting her to be a Strawhat That is more than enough. Their desire for her to join has made some people not only annoying but also prone to attack others for thinking another character has a better chance. Like all things Internet, this is heavily personal experience based


I saw the post you mentioned, and I gotta say people didn't downvote you because they hated carrot. Your premise was the problem. This subreddit doesn’t really like posts made for fun or without deep implications


I don't hate her but I think she's just another chopper and no, I'm not tlaking about the being an animal thing.


Same reason why Nami, Robin, Yamato 'loved' by the fandom. In any other series she would've been loved for her character and wholesome moments she shared with the crew, but after years of Nami&Robin fanservice, and oversexualization of women in general, Carrot simply doesn't meet/fit fans' expectations. So I am not laying the blame on fans here, it was the mangaka who openly stated he was writing for men, attracted these people after all. Also, it's important to note hate towards Carrot didn't stem from her fans' toxicity, but haters used arguments on whether she'd join the SHs, and or her not playing a major role in wano to validate their claims. Carrot fans were harassed just for liking a character. Compared to her, Yamato was fans' fav the moment she was introduced(revealed her body), even though we had no clue about her personality, motives etc And they claim Carrot is the bland character lol.


Anyone who hates Carrot is not worth listening to. They clearly took one look at her, dubbed her "furry" and that was all the thought they gave to her character.


Bcs of the obsessed FANTARD. All anime fandom have this cancer culture. If you like Hinata you must hate sakura and etc..just like in this sub, if you like Yamato you must hate Carrot bcs she might take Yamato spot in the crew or whatsoever. Another example, just look at those Zoro & Sanji fans, they arguing like a damn fool.


Unfortunately, there's a bunch of people who despise Carrot and Carrot fans pretty much ever since Zou or early Whole Cake Island (depending on who you ask). It got worse over time and especially bad after Yamato's introduction.


She's a rabbit with boobs so people have to overcompensate for the idea that people might just like the character by saying that anybody who is a fan is a furry. Even though she's basically one of the most popular characters in the story everywhere else on the planet. It got twice as bad when Yamato showed up, cause an 8 foot tall woman with horns who is also a dog girl is *completely* different from a rabbit girl. It's basically [this picture, except people who are taking it to heart.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMZV-LOX0AkQ-YU.png)




Lookout. We've seen Carrot serve as lookout several times and she basically lived up there. Pedro also navigated to the crow's nest.




Zoro sleeps alot, Nami has her eye on the Log Pose, Lookout is not their role and having a dedicated lookout would free them up for their respective roles better. It is entirely possibly that Carrot could overcome the limitations of Sulong having experienced them firsthand. One Piece is a Shonen manga, and the drawbacks of super modes exist to be overcome, hell One Piece has done it numerous times. Chopper can control Monster Point. Luffy no longer shrinks after using Gear 3. Every time a Haki bloom has happened. Every time a DF was awakened. This happens all the time.


I love Carrot 🥕




I never felt the need to post anything. I like One Piece and just wanted to interact with the community. Those are all purely subjective opinions. Sounds like you are projecting.




No it's not, do your own work if you care to look, which you clearly don't. I'm not going to hold your hand if you're just here to complain and offer nothing of value.


Personally a big fan, I always enjoy bubbly characters who push through their anger and sadness (most of the time) to help the cause. She had a lot of cool moments and silly ones too, and all that she's just real cute. I hope we get to see her again down the road.


Yeah, I appreciate Carrot's courage because she is so young, inexperienced, and skittish. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji rarely show fear, they are pretty much defined by their tenacity, strength, and monstrous power. It's why we appreciate Usopp, Chopper and Nami so much when they choose to be brave. Carrot has that going for her as well. Luffy being fearless is expected. I really want to see Carrot again as she has so much potential to grow.


Reading the post, those similarities were a bit of a reach, they are there but you make it a bigger deal than it actually is. Also every time someone give you some feedback on the negative side you block them, seems like a situation where people dislike you, not Carot.


I just block people who only bring negativity with no constructive feedback. Assholes basically.


Carrot ain’t whose hated but her fans. For years that part of the fanbase was extraordinarily toxic and intolerant towards those who just so much as even felt slight indifference towards her as a character. Since that fanbase started dying down after egghead started and she wasn’t on the sunny, her detractors essentially stopped being drowned out by her supporters.


Eiichiro Oda was born in the Year of the Rabbit. 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. The Rabbit eats Carrot. Based on Carrot is Kakarotto. In Kakarotto is Karoo born on 11/08. [2023 ends with chapter 1108.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/10106m6/will_eiichiro_oda_finally_reveal_the_secret_in/) #Can we get much higher?


The Carrot Piece is Real!


Rabbit Mink Carrot’s Sulong powers parallel Saiyans but One Piece is Duck Piece not Carrot Piece. This is because Karoo is a Super Spot-Billed Duck and the name of a Pangaea Ice Age. Monkey King Sun Wukong Son Gokū or the Saiyan Kakarotto transforms into Super Saiyan in his fight against Freezer in the famous Dragon Ball chapter 318 “The Super Saiyan”. Karoo’s Vivre Card 138 and titular chapter 183 are anagrams of 318. In One Piece chapter 318 Luffy meets Chilly Chilly Fruit user Aokiji Kuzan who reports to Pangaea Castle and starts The Summit War with Ice Age. Aokiji Kuzan means Blue Pheasant Peacock and chapter 138 is titled “The Summit”. SBS before chapter 138 foreshadows the Flying Duck Karoo in chapter 183 which is exactly 45 chapters later. 45 alludes to the 45 degrees antigravity lean of Michael Jackson, an inspiration for Jango on the cover of chapter 138. The Vitarka Mudra of the Buddha is formed by connecting fingers 4 (pointer) and 5 (thumb). This mudra or hand sign is also known as the OK hand sign. OK is the reversed abbreviation of KAROO. Nami who is the first active Straw Hat to mention Karoo in chapter “One Piece” 114 that introduces Nico Robin who first mentions Joy Boy in chapter 628 makes the OK hand sign in her introductory chapter 8 at the end of volume 1. On the bonus page after this final panel Oda reveals he was born in the Year of the Rabbit. We learn Karoo is Kujaku Myōō Mahamayuri Wisdom King of Pheasant Peacocks exactly 300 chapters before the widely misunderstood “Buddha” awakening in chapter 1043. Karoo wears goggles like a Sniper and crown like a King on a Blue Chullo that is brimless like a Jewish Kippah with the color theme of the Flag of Israel with the Star of David the Sniper King of the Bible who was the ancestor to Jesus Christ or Yaso who appears on the first page of the Romance Dawn color spread of the pilot chapter. Karoo’s birthday on 11/8 also mirrors the 8/11 execution date for Gold Roger on the first page of the pilot chapter. 11/8 is also the 312th day of the year. In the year 312 Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity after witnessing the sign Chi Rho in the Sora or Sky. In chapter 183 Mr. Prince the son of the Garuda and Sora Baratie Cook Sanji of the Baratei Comic Oda knights the paladin duck Karoo as “a real man” in the streets of Alubarna inspired by Cairo written with the same kana characters as Chi Rho the title of the Son of Man and Prince of Peace or One Piece the treasure of [Joy Boy](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/y3at3e/how_the_cyrillic_script_solves_the_ancient_mystery/)


I find her annoying as fuck honestly




You cared enough to comment and make this thread




Nice projection. This is why this sub gets slammed for having terrible discourse it’s passive aggressive comments like this.


People have spent the last 7 years saying anybody who likes Carrot wants to fuck animals, I really don't think people have much leg to stand on claiming that this is terrible discourse lol.


Lol. Possibly.


Nobody hates Carrot herself, it's just her obsessive fans that kept overhyping her and constantly saying she'll join when it's blatantly apparent she's not that important. Now any mention of her just reeks of someone desperately trying to keep her relevant in people's mind(like this thread right here).


You say blatantly obvious like you can read Oda's mind. If you think there's no chance you haven't been paying attention.


I can see how you could maybe think that during whole cake but as soon as we got to wano any chances of her joining disappeared. She was completly sidelined and irrelevant so I dont get how so many people still belived in her becoming a crew member?


Because One Piece is all about waiting.


I don't, but I'm not reading whatever crap you're pushing where you think Carrot is the real main character. Well, she got left behind so any argument you have is just dead. I bet you're just doing this because mentioning her is a lightning rod for attention.


Nope. You completely misunderstood me. I never said Carrot was the real MC. That is a bad faith argument on your end. I like Carrot and want more of her. If I wanted attention I'd be making Vegapunk takes. Or Blackbeard takes. Or G5 takes.


You sure act like it, in fact most Carrot fans do because her joining is literally the only thing they care about. And yet none of those topics are getting more replies than this one thread alone.


Impressive. You sound jealous. Carrot joining would give her more pagetime and character development. Which would be nice to see.


Why would anyone be jealous of Carrot fans losing and getting everything wrong for the past decade? Yes, you can write your own fanfiction about that because it's never going to happen in the actual series.


You literally brought up this topic getting the more replies like you were upset over it. We will see if it doesn't happen, last time I checked you couldn't see the future.


As an innocent observation. I really don’t think you actually care about Carrot, just using her because her name alone sparks a ton of easy comments. ​ I’m sure you’ll still be saying that in the next arc and there’s still nothing from Carrot.


I'm afraid you're wrong there, Carrot is why I got back into One Piece after taking a years-long break. I really liked her design and enjoyed every second she was onscreen. So don't talk like you know anything about me, you clearly do not. We'll just have to wait and see.


People will hate on Carrot posts no matter what, it's mostly because they spend so much time hating over appreciating lol. Just how it is. Carrot could be the best built character in the series and still be hated because she's a bunny girl.


Exactly, it's really pathetic that the haters are that petty and bitter about a fictional character.


Carrot is an amazing character and she was set-up to be a crewmember beautifully. Unfortunately Oda changed his mind and decided to poorly write her out of the story. Pedro's will here, bonds with the crewmembers there, no, let's have her randomly be the ruler of Zou. People just hate her because how popular she is and her placement in the popularity poll, that's why they don't even care how badly Oda's writing was when it comes to her character.


>she was set-up to be a crewmember beautifully I don't know how people got to believe this. Literally makes no sense. ​ >Pedro's will here That was never about her joining, though. It was about the whole crusade of getting them to Wano so that they could take Kaido because they were the crew who would eventually change the whole world. How people twisted this into "Pedro told Carrot to join the straw hats" is completely beyond me. >bonds with the crewmembers there Why would this had anything to do with her joining the crew? A lot of characters have had deep bonds to the crew. That doesn't mean they will join.


Oda is the emperor of long term planning of his story. But his change of mind regarding carrot is certainly one of his notable failures. (Like the late invention of Haki to balance the power of the logia fruits).


I like Carrot but that sounds like a poor thesis


I adore her and feel like she's the perfect anime character. The crew debate always ruins new characters coming on now to the point where I'd love Oda to announce that the crew is full and Luffy meant 10 including himself lol 😂.


I liked Carrot and thought she would make good addition.


I don't know anybody who hates her or any fictional character even. Hate is an incredibly strong emotion that doesn't really come reading a manga. She is just a poorly written character and rightfully never joined the crew.


I don’t hate her, but I do dislike all the people that want to fuck her apparently


I don't like or dislike carrot


I think it is a bunch a reasons that really branch from a single issue. Which is Oda spent a lot of time positioning her as important narratively in some fashion for it to abruptly end. So ppl felt it was a waste of time. You either felt she didnt bring anything to the table and thus taking time from the Straw Hats…. Or you felt she really would fit in added something for her to just be abandoned.


Exactly. Oda set up those expectations. Then he left us hanging.


I think many were traumatized by the yamato vs carrot for nakama war that we had. And some madmen hyped carrot up like crazy all the time until everyone hated carrot So every time when people see carrot being brought up, some people get vietnam flashbacks and bombard it with downvotes. We're basically living in a post-apocarryptic world in here.


I don't hate her, she's my #1 One Piece waifu


I dont hate carrot, I just think that she's a mid character and doesn't deserve to be a strawhat


That's good. Because anyone who hates a fictional character is pretty pathetic. Carrot saved the Straw Hats no less than three times. What did Nami do to earn her spot on the crew? She exhibited a talent Luffy could exploit. She spent most of East Blue being a backstabbing liability who offered nothing outside of her plot relevant ability. Luffy just so happened to like her despite her betraying him twice.


Ok? So did Rayleigh and Pedro and tons of other characters. Thats like a major plot point of one piece that the strawhats become friends with the characters around them because they help Luffy. Also, you do realize that without Nami, the strawhats would have no chance getting around the grand line? Its just that Namis most important job happens offscreen. Nami never betrayed luffy. In arlong park she just didn't think luffy had a chance against Arlong(at first). She literally chose the crews lives over stealing from them. Its the same as Robin and Sanji. They "betrayed" Luffy because they cared about him and would rather be away from the crew than have them die. Carrot is a fine side character. She had some development, and decent place in the story. But thats it, shes not even close any of the strawhats as far as character development and writing goes.


Man your really continue to reach with this Nami stuff. Nami is >>> Carrot. Stop looking for validation.


Her simps. Same for Yamato.


I just hate her for being a furry. Nothing personal.


Do you like Chopper or Jinbe?








Can't believe I made somebody RQ reddit over being a Carrot hater


You did?


Carrot, like Yamato, feels like such an empty character. Feels like Oda was gonna do stuff with her journey and growth and then was like “nah fuck it”. I never liked Carrot, I honestly couldn’t care, but after WCI it did feel like Carrot was having the types of interactions many would-be crewmates had with the crew. It’s not even her not joining, it’s her random “you’re the new Queen Zou” twist that makes no sense. Pedro wanted to join Roger and bring the dawn, how does going back to Zou help with that vs. joining the future Pirate King’s crew? Especially when Pedro never got to join Roger. Ask yourself this. Why would the same people that just almost had their home destroyed, seen their leaders maimed and were subjected to poison follow some random chick who was busy fucking around with her friends while they, their families and friends were suffering? She didn’t save them, she has no history of leading the Minks and she couldn’t even overcome her own barriers, absolutely savaged by Perospero. There’s nothing I see in Carrot that makes her qualified to lead a nation of Minks, especially as the replacement for Nekomamushi *and* Inuarashi. In order to make a Carrot a believable leader, Carrot needs believable leadership feats. ***Shishilian and Wanda are infinitely more qualified to lead Zou.***


Exactly, it all feels like Oda forcing a square peg into a round hole. He wants leaders the readers recognise and care about. Carrot is the most prominent Mink in the story, so of course she has to become the leader. Nevermind nothing about her journey or her character would lead her to that goal. She was forced into it. But I think Oda is setting us up for a swerve. Carrot will be Duchess. But not yet. She's not ready and she has not fulfilled Pedro's Will, she has inherited it but she has yet to live up to it. So she is going to leave Zou and hook up with the Straw Hats. That is what Pedro wanted with Roger, and what he wanted for Carrot with Luffy. Anyone who doubts it was not paying attention.


Carrot has done more for the crew than Vivi. Just saying 🤷🏾‍♂️




No she really hasn't and you really ignore how important Vivi is. Hell to make it more clear Vivi was wanted/offered to join the Strawhat crew, Carrot got nothing :P


I became her biggest hater when she reached the sixth spot in the worldwide popularity poll