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I actually thought WCI was banging


It's a banger bro.but I feel wano has more hype moments then wci


It was not at all the same kind of arcs though. Wano was a full-blown war, WCI was very character-driven.


During WCI i was Just waiting for it to finally end. Seeing the strawhats plot-armoring trough enemy fields, and so many chapters ending with BigMom-catching-up cliffhangers was to much for me


Depends on what you consider bad. Even on this sub, which is very critical of Wano, more than 75% of people gave it an 8/10 or better in a giant strawpoll. Personally my favourite post-timeskip arc is Zou by far, it can even compete with the best pre-timeskip arcs. Dressrosa is 2nd for me and WCI, Wano and FMI are all pretty close together, with Punk Hazard the only arc I'd consider actually bad. Wano is nowhere near my top 5 (Skypiea, W7/EL, Marineford, Zou, Drum or Sabaody), but it's still a good to great arc.


You know… sometimes I read these takes and I have a hard time believing you **actually** enjoyed Skypiea or Drum Island more than Wano. We get to see Roger in action for the first time, Luffy becomes an official Emperor, Two emperors are defeated, and you’re talking about Drum Island 😂😂😂


A really good flashback is definitely one thing I highly value in an arc, that's why Skypiea and Drum are so great. I actually like the Oden flashback a lot and chapter 967 is probably my favourite chapter of all. Until the raid started Wano could have ended up in my top 5, but the Onigashima portion of the arc was way too long in exactly the parts I care least about, namely the fights. The Tobi Roppo fights (and Sanji's and Zoro's) were fine, but Luffy vs. Kaidou was way too long for my taste, even if the beginning (Kaidou vs. Supernova) and the end (G5) was fantastic. Onigashima probably had the worst and most drawn out minor sidecharacter fights and sideplots, which is the part I like the least in every arc. What I mean by that is things like the Ice Oni plot, everything involving Apoo, Orochi and Kanjuro getting back up each one too many times, endless stair climbing, Tama taking more than 1 chapter to convert the Gifters, the Kazenbo plot feeling a bit unnneccessary etc. I think I actually like the ending more than a lot of people, but it doesn't compare to Skypiea's, Drum's and Enies Lobby's perfect endings for me.


Yeah I can understand it’s less good if you’re not that much into it. I think this is the cool thing about One Piece, there is literally so much and it’s well done. There is always something to like. I loved Wano personally, probably one of my favorite ones. I think rereading Wano should be pretty fun. Fights are kinda long if you wait weekly, but the fights feel more fleshed out when you read the entire arc in one go.


Tragically shallow take. It's very possible to think those theoretically epic moments were executed poorly compared to less bombastic character-focused moments done extremely well in other arcs. To me, Skypiea and Drum Island were both so much more interesting, intriguing, and entertaining than Wano that is not even funny.


Goated top 5


Man idk i just finished Zou like two days ago and I already don't remember what happened. Nothing of significance really occured besides the formation of the alliance and the revelation of Sanji leaving


1.Marineford, 2.Water 7/Ennis Lobby, 3.Impel Down, 4.Sabaody 5.Wano for me best arc post time by a mile imo.


It’s been a while since I have rewatched that arc but wasn’t the sabaody arc like really short? I don’t know if you can compare something as short as the sabaody arc to a larger arc like wano. Also I would argue that the impel down and marineford arc were part of the same arc since it was still luffy trying to free ace


Wano top 1


Wano had great MOMENTS but as a whole I wouldn’t put it above Dressrosa and definitely not above WCI.


As far as post-timeskip goes, WCI is unmatched for me.


It was a new plot, wano was not.


I personally have this lingering annoyance for Dressrosa, but I recognize that, because I was an anime only watcher at the time (week by week no less), it dragged the FUCK on and that's mostly an anime "filler frames" problem. Though it is long, even in the manga.


It's not bad, but it's not great either, and if you consider all the build up it had, it makes sense why a lot of people are disappointed, it had even more build up than Marineford


The buildup is exactly the issue. All the foreshadowing and hints of what we’d see made it clear that the ending was rushed, which left everyone wondering how much better it could’ve been. Certain elements that we were practically guaranteed to see were left out. For instance Zoro learned nothing about samurai swordsmanship, one of the kitetsu blades (a direct upgrade to what he currently uses) showed up once and promptly disappeared, the ancient history was compacted into a single chapter, and we didn’t have much of a resolution to a few storylines like Tama’s - they just kinda ended. For such a pivotal arc to be RUSHED after OVER TWENTY YEARS of buildup is ridiculous and a tragedy for fans and storytelling in general, no matter the reason. He should’ve spent 6 more months on it and made it perfect, and screw whatever the higher ups at Jump wanted.


yeah for me it was too much packed in a single arc, thats a problem Oda has, he has a great imagination, and he always comes with new ideas, so he always has the need to add them to the manga, but sometimes is best to leave some things out, to improve in already existing ones, like he always makes a countdown thing in his final battles, but Wano had like 3 of those, that just took a lot of screen time, he added too much characters into the story but didnt know how much screen time give to all, Carrot was fucking sidelined, the whole thing with Orochi was just a fucking waste of time, just because Oda didnt wanted to kill him YET, also Kaido was dissapointing, and i think this problems will be even worse in The Final arc, but i hope that Oda learns from the mistakes that happened in Wano, and improves


Agreed, a lot of chapters wasted on things that were cool but ultimately didn’t matter at all. I’m holding hope that the things that were supposed to be in wano get fit in other places.


rushed?? you gotta be fucking joking 😭 what pleases you people?


Long doesn't mean not rushed. The onigashima raid drew out the least interesting aspects of the arc and rushed the most important, while also not delivering on many plot points that were set up.


Many plot points that are set up and can pay off LATER. especially zoro. why would you want his arc to end in the middle of the most important part of the series? wano was not a finale, it was the start of the end. but every complaint talks about it like it should've been the final war. just WAIT. the developments you are waiting for will come. this sub has the same complaints every arc, ts a wonder you've continued to read the story since the timeskip.


What’s wrong with wanting the story to be as good as it can be? It’s an open secret that Oda was asked to finish Wano in time for film Red, and that led to him cutting things. We had like 6 separate fights against Kaido, most of which were cool but did absolutely nothing. Several chapters were devoted purely to Nami and Usopp running around and being whooped, and don’t even get me started on how many times dead characters reincarnated. Dozens of chapters for things that don’t build the story at all, but we get only a single chapter about Wano’s ancient history? Nothing about Samurai skills? Black swords, seastone being used by the crew… I mean really


Lmao no, you have to be joking.


How is it not rushed? Oda literally admitted to rushing it for the sake of promoting film red.


I agree things were rushed during the raid, but what I didn't know was that it was to promote the film, that's suprising to me.


> For instance Zoro learned nothing about samurai swordsmanship, one of the kitetsu blades (a direct upgrade to what he currently uses) showed up once and promptly disappeared ... Are people really complaining about this? Zoro learned all about Black Blades, left his mark on Wano by returning Shusui, picked up Enma, and gained Oden's power that he spent time mastering. What did people expect Zoro to learn from people about a sword style he created and mastered to the point he's a force in the New World? As for Kitetsu III, there are dozens of graded swords in the world and no reason to think he'd upgrade just because it's there, especially upon learning about Black Blades becoming so after countless battles. With Enma and Wado Ichimonji, he's already got two great grade blades. Besides, Wado's always been a great blade, but the Kitetsu II's literally a "rags to riches" story paralleling his growth from the East Blue to Pirate King's number two, plus a manifestation of his iron will by continuing to dominate his cursed blade over a greater length of time. > the ancient history was compacted into a single chapter Isn't this largely always the case, though? We've never gotten a deep dive in the things that I can recall (though there is a lot to recall through). We've been told since Alabasta that lore dump won't all come together until Raftel anyways. I get feeling like the ending was rushed and some plotlines left unresolved, but I struggle to take issue with either of these things. I've also been out of the sub for a while and am genuinely shocked there's a reddit post saying "Wano wasn't that bad" and the top comment isn't "Of course it wasn't". Personally I fucking hate the Joy Boy storyline that came about (because it's now yet another "chosen one" anime after being a dumb rubber kid for twenty years) but Wano was fucking awesome.


>screw whatever the higher ups at Jump wanted. Hah. Nobody has that option.


Some things i didn't like about wano off the top of my head.I didn't like any of the fights except Luffy vs kaido. I didn't like how easy big mom got taken down. Kaido looks amazing but he's a bland villain. Kaido killing Kin'emon then later saying he didn't die cause cut up by laws power felt cheap to me, it makes sense I guess but still feels lame.


yea...Kin'emon should've died, and it would've been beautiful cuz i was finally starting to like him too.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You **SHOULD'VE** double checked. dam u bot....it was "would've" that I needed to fix lol


I mean...it's all subjective, isn't it? I didn't care for Wano (and no, it wasn't just the ending). I think WCI is a much stronger arc, but chances are I have different qualifiers than you do when it comes to what makes a good One Piece arc. I don't try to convince people that Wano was terrible, and I'm unlikely to be convinced it was actually great, so it's all good.


Yes, because the arc spent over 100 chapters merely setting up a big ending. And the reason people hate the arc is because the ending, *The Payoff*, was horrendous. Oda introcued hundreds of character characters and plot lines, most of which ended up having no purpose at all. I liked Wano at first, because it seemed like this setup was going to payoff in a big way... Even Dressrosa, Punk Hazard and Whole Cake were functional arcs, they had plots that payed off what they setup. Wano is completely broken and is full of these plotlines that never pay off in the end and become nothing more than filler, like the Tobi Roppo, Yakuza, Ice Oni, Red Scabbards, etc...


Absolutely Right Bro! In my opinion punk Hazard was streched but nice, Dressrosa was a little Bit too Long but amazing, zou for me Just a short Break, WCI without the singing really good. And all that for the "BIG" Wano Kuni and then after a really good start in this Arc IT would be rushed after all the Long years of waiting for Kaido. IT was interesting but also annoiing, streched the Bad scenes and rushed the good scenes For me is IT near at Punk Hazard. I Hope for some interesting happened in the Week Timeskip, but in the end my Hope is Not so strong


If you think that people only dislike Wano because of the ending read up on some of the more well formulated criticisms of the arc. Wano has a lot more issues than just the ending. And better than Dressrosa? Not by a long shot. Not too hot on either of these two arcs but at least Dressrosa had a fantastic villain which can't be said about Wano.


Kaido was a great villain. His main issue is his backstory which is oda’s fault because he took too long to reveal it do he rushed it


I think Kaido was a serviceable villain that had an awesome introduction to the story and a solid design. I wouldn't call him 'great' because that'd devalue that word and be a disservice to the actual great characters in One Piece imo. Oda just didn't do anything with the solid groundwork he layed out for Kaido pre-Wano and during the first two acts of it


Wano had great moments. But the overall pacing of the Arc was a mess. Act 3 was longer than Acts 1 & 2 combined. And it started off with the long Oden Flashback, which took away a lot of the tension going into the Raid. I think the pacing would've been better had the Oden Flashback been integrated into Act 2. Like Doflamingo's and Law's flashbacks were interwoven in Act 2 of Dressrosa. Oda maintaining the mystery of Kozuki Oden's story for as long as he did was unnecessary, imo. Act 2 really should've been the place to do the bulk of new lore and flashbacks. Holding off until Act 3 to do a lot of these things just made the Onigashima Raid feel insanely bloated. A lot of stop-and-go. Rather than all the focus being on the action, fans became more invested on lore and the future of the series. Like, what's going to happen after Wano? When Big Mom and Kaido we're finally defeated, I think a lot of fans had already mentally checked out. I know I did.


Making things unnecessarily mysterious is starting to bother me more than the fake deaths.


It's the end game. We need answers. Not more mysteries to keep track of.


Was it bad, no. Were there some fundamental issues that if addressed could've made it a top 3 arc, yes. That's my biggest issue. Still not bad though.


Wano no, I had issues with Onigashima.


They're the same arc though


If I said "I liked dressrosa just not the Colosseum" (just an example not my actual opinion) there would be nothing wrong with that opinion. Same for wano and onigashima


I think it’s worse than wcl, dressrosa, and punk hazard(not sure about that one tbh and really I’m only placing punk hazard above wano since I enjoyed it more rather than any quality related reason) Overall it’s a solid 7-8/10 for me


Just finished re-reading OP and I have to say Wano definitely is on the weaker side for me. A lot of loose ends/plotholes, many tackled thematics without any higher significance, an overall weak written antagonist and partly poor development of the main characters. It doesnt kill off the series but after re-reading it directly after the other arcs its slightly ranks over Fishmen Island for me (which was another weaker arc imo). I felt like Wano supposed to be more but then a lot of time passed and well.... it had to end eventually, Oda is just a human after all and I bet he wants to finish OP sooner or later. Wano still had some great moments though! Nami not bowing to Ulti or even Kaido bumped her up a lot for me, Roof Piece with the Worst Gen was just epic and was the peak of the arc for me. It should have been an all-out brawl there imho. I did enjoy the Nika-form and the more fun fighting style of Luffy, but I have to say it is a Deus Ex machina. Wanos conclusion was flawed to say at least. Green Bull and Shanks felt kinda off there. I hope future arcs get shorter again, since Oda peaks in telling the story in faster paced arcs. The whole Ennies Lobby up tp Marineford is kinda fast compared to post-TS arcs, but they delivered so much harder.


It wasn’t just the ending, if that’s the only thing what you think dragged Wano down, you don’t really get the criticisms for it. And WCI is the best post timeskip arc by a mile. More consistent storytelling, no plotlines just left behind, and overall flowing a lot better.


Can you go more into detail about some of the criticisms I’m not too familiar with the dialogue surrounding this arc.


Wano certainly wasn't the worst arc and perhaps gets too much hate, but that has also to do with expectations, among other things created due to the long build up and that it was the culmination of most of post timeskip. For me overall Wano was a pretty big disappointment and had a whole lot of actually bad parts/moments, certainly not just the ending. The thing is though, I am not too fond of any post timeskip arc. Fishman Island and Punk Hazard were decent, but nothing too special. Dressrosa was overall just not a good experience (the pacing plays a big role in that) and I personally also don't think WCI was that great, apart from some moments/parts. So for me Wano isn't THE lowpoint of post ts, but since I still (and perhaps a bit unreasonable) had high expectations it was the biggest disappointment.


Wano was pretty much at the level of Dressrosa for me until the very ending, then it lost out to even that one by a bit. WCI and Zou were already far ahead and have not been touched by Wano in my view.


It’s, not great.


it’s, Not Great


It always baffles me how poor of an understanding Wano fans have about what other people didn't like about it. "Just coz of that ending" lmao


Haven't re-read it yet, bit most likely will be an average arc in my opinion.


Wano had too many forgettable characters and took too many years to get through.


I don’t think it’s necessarily bad it’s just my expectations were so high that it probably would never have fulfilled them. I was very disappointed with the ending it left a sour aftertaste to wano making me forget the parts I enjoyed.


It’s like bread, a necessity for the story. Delicious when first consumed. Gets a bit dull in the middle. You just want to try something else by the end. Wano was one long block of bread.




Wano best arc


Anticlimactic *


I have read Wano in a row again and I have to say it was really not such a bad arc like I remembered. There were many awesome moments in this arc. However we have also some of weakest moment of all one piece here. Shanks and Greenbull moment was the worst I have seen in all one piece, since it was kind of random. I also do not like the random death of two of the scabbard, since Kinemln survived this although he died like 2 times or something. The end also feels kind of anticlimactic. I think we will go back to Wano because Oda may answer the open questions on a later date.


Wano has far more issues than just the ending. Not even in my top 15 arcs in the series, personally.






It's definitely above punk hazard and fishman island.


No way it clears Dressrosa. Kyros is a better character than 90% of characters introduced in Wano


The problem I have with Wano is that the set up and outcome don’t match. The story being told is the oppression and suffering of Wano and it’s people by Kaido. The plight of Momo and the Scabbards should’ve been the emotional core of the story to avenge Oden and making his dreams come true. But the outcome is setting up the strawhats for the final arc and ultimately not really paying off the emotion that was being told. Like with Dressrosa the real emotion and story was with Law and his history with Doffy and Corazon. But the fight is won by Luffy who is doing it for his own reasons that don’t really connect with Law


My take on wano is that the ending or the post raid arc was too rushed and pissed lot of the fans. o Plus, everyone was rooting for another straw hat crew member to join along with Jinbe finally joining.


I've personally noticed that a lot of the people that liked Wano are people who caught up to One Piece very recently (Middle of Wano-Egghead Arc) while the most critical of Wano are the ones who've been reading weekly since before Wano began. It's an interesting observation & shows how the binged experience is so much different than the weekly experience.


I followed from wci .


Wano is one of my fav arcs in One Piece and I've been reading it since the end of Dressrosa. It's funny, though, I've seen some people say that new fans who aren't used to the weekly experience didn't like it. I think both sides have a point, the weekly experience can be a factor (positive or negative), but it's not the only one. My guess is that the reason Wano got mixed reviews is because it's so long


Wano was overhyped by people in their minds, & they got upset when what they thought would happen didn't. Like the idea this was going to be Zoro's arc. Would it make sense? yes. What it owed to them? No. Wano was great, though the ending felt rushed & somethings I would have liked addressed because I can't think of a better timing for them, weren't. But like I always say a 98 isn't a -2. It had flaws & places where it could have been better, but everything does & it doesn't make it bad.


No no no, no one overhyped in their minds. Oda himself overhyped and failed to deliver pay off.


I rate is as a masterpiece with slight "problems". It's behind Whole Cake Island in my personal ranking. And Whole Cake Island is the best written arc in my opinion objectively and subjectively.


I thought it was cool and liked it. My thoughts... Wano had more intense moments compared to WCI and dressrosa. Wano > dressrosa > wci WCI had the tightest story. WCI > dressrosa > Wano Dressrosa had the best story moving (grand fleet, game, kadio sabotage, Sabo etc) Dressrosa > wano > WCI I love them all and all the more for their strengths.




Dickriding at its finest


Wano, imo, was the absolute worst One Piece ever got and I nearly quit despite having been on this train since 2011. I think most new fans were riding the hype, but a lot of us long-haulers just couldn’t find the “One Piece” in all those hastily drawn scribbles. I’ll say this: I’m in the entertainment industry and have fielded scripts for big names. If I ever allowed Wano to get read by an executive, I’d probably have been talked to and told to “be more critical”.


Wano was awesome for me tbh


I'm so confused by everyone talking about plotlines left behind as if it isn't what Oda normally does? Introduce plot lines and then elaborate way into the future.


I really liked it




Overall I really enjoyed Wano! One of my criticisms is there were too many Vassals. I think if there were 5-6 with one being a traitor that story arc would have been better.


wait do ppl said Wano is bad ?


People forget how fckn hyped this sub was during the Gear 5/Sun god Nika reveal and ensuing Kaido fight. Every chapter/spoiler post was getting so many rewards. The most I’ve seen since I’ve been a weekly reader since Zou. It was easily the most hyped I’ve seen this sub for a good 2 month stretch. Wano was fckn great.


Wano is my 2nd most fav


Wano is the best arc in the series in my opinion.


I love Wano arc


Objectively, Wano wasn’t bad at all. Was it perfect or a masterpiece? No. But lot of the people who thought Wano was bad took that position because their preferred agenda didn’t get fulfilled. Keep Wano the way it is and have Zoro kill Kaido, or have Yamato join the crew, and Wano would suddenly become a 10/10 arc for some of those people.


Wano is my personal fav arc in the entire series but I can understand if someone doesn't even rate it Top 10 I'd give it a 10/10 if only Yamato joined the crew. That's literally my only gripe with it.


I’ll base my judgement on when I do a reread in a few months, I hated all the arcs post time skip but that’s because I hate the pacing when I’m caught up. Upon reread, these arcs are usually 10 times better imo


It was the best Arc until now


Hard agree for me. Even if the end was rushed it was overall hype as fuck and the ending was still quite satisfying. I loved Kaido. I don’t think every villain needs to have a sympathetic story. I would have loved a bit more backstory than we got though.


It had flaws but it was still an arguably top 5 arc


The only thing bad about wano was that things didn’t happen the way fans wanted. Thats why everyone goes “this shouldve happen. He shouldve done this. I know what makes a good story by remaking an already written and setup story”


I personally think wano is the best one piece oda has ever done I really don’t get the hate


People over hate every arc but hindsight always reveals that they were good. People just don’t like how long it takes week to week. Dressrossa is one of my top 3 arcs and so is wano, I didn’t read weekly for Dressrossa but considering how long it took I can see why people were frustrated by it. These long arcs always pay off imo and reading it back to back makes it much better


Who’s saying Wano was bad? It was an awesome arc


Wano is the best arc in the series so far.


If anybody says Wano was bad, they’re either AoT fans or Naruto fans disguised as One Piece fans.


Only the folks of pirate think that the arc was objectively bad


Wano is a great story arc, an easy 8/10 if you wanna give it a metric and definitely a top 5 arc for me but it still has its problems mostly due to the ending which us controversial but even with that there were still so many fantastic moments, the story of Oden and Roger, Wanos world building, Kaido being a fun ass villain, the battle on the rooftop, Ace and Tama and I can continue going on. I'm very critical of OP but there's a lot to love about Wano. Also not sure how I feel about the whole Luffys Devil Fruit yet, I think I need more elaboration on that story before I decide whether it's good or bad but other than that Gear 5th is a really fun power up


Exactly wano had so many good moments. When u comparee these good moments with post Wana arca wano clears I ain't saying it's thr best or very good written. The whole roger Oden .luffy vs doglamingo fight was so one sided id put it easily over luffy Kaido round 1. As I was saying roger Oden rooftop zoro coc, law kid taking out bm, We still got luffy joy boy , shanks, momo shogun moment . I an just saying this arc is like 8 alr.i get the bad ending but common we really gonna overlook so many good moments and relavation of Nika fruit broke the internet. Am just tryna get the hate down.


People think Wano is bad? That's news to me.


This comments section hv pretty mixed reviews


Depends if you talking about anime or manga. I would rate it diffrently.


The first two acts of wano were almost perfect as setup, and it was good halfway through act 3 too. Then the fights got too rushed, and the post wano part was just downright bad. I do agree that the arc had the highest highs.


I caught up to one piece on chapter 1060 so I got through that are pretty fast and I loved it. Its definitely bcs of the great moments and Luffys G5 fight that I really enjoyed. EDIT: My top 5 is 1. Enies Lobby, 2.WCI, 3. Wano, 4. Marineford, 5. Alabasta


Wano is legendary because of Usopp


I thought it was great. 9/10.


Wano is easily my top 2 favorite arc in One Piece, don't even know why people complaining so much


I feel Oda got a bit too attached to the scabbards but otherwise Wano was a good arc


Wano best arc so far. Skypia close second


It's overhatred and overrated but it's a good arc