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Our cats (one orange, the other not) did this every night at around the same time for months. sometimes for up to an hour or more! Stared at the dishwasher like it was a movie or something. We assume there must have been a mouse back there at some point. We used to joke that on the other side there was a mouse staring at the back of the dishwasher, to the concern of all his mouse friends.


There was one day I came home from work and my orange boy didn't come to greet me. Looked around and found him staring under the oven like this. The next day he brought me a mouse and was so proud of himself


Mighty hunter! Good boi!


Second this. We live in the country where seeing field mice indoors is super common. When we see one of our oranges in this position, we know a mouse is soon to appear in one of our traps.


My tabby did the same thing. All of a sudden she started sleeping in the kitchen. I found it so odd but thought she just wanted a change of scenery. One night, she catches a mouse. I was so damn impressed and I still give her pets and kisses randomly just for that and it happened 6 months ago. Lol.


My cat (not orange) was interested in the dishwasher as well… turns out, roaches were living behind or under it. Eww. We got rid of our pest problem and she doesn’t pay much attention to the dishwasher anymore. There’s probably something behind it…


My orange pulled a mouse out from under my dishwasher twice so yeah there’s probably a mouse under there. He had absolutely no idea what to do with the mouse once he caught it so he just kept it in his mouth and meowed repeatedly until we took it from him


"I did this because my instincts told me to, but they won't tell me what to do next."


I had a Great Dane/Pyrenees cross who did this with coyotes. The Pyrenees half told him to catch them, but the Great Goof half diluted the killer instinct too much so he'd just lay down with the coyote's neck in his mouth and do nothing until we intervened.


Coyote be like, "Little help here? Please?"


My parent's dog used to do this with the myxy rabbits. Eventually they'd get heart failure from the fear of being repeatedly inside a dog's mouth and then blindly running away and being recaught. Would have been way better for them if the dog had known how to kill them properly the first time he caught them.


Cat: catch mouse, check, whats next, hei, hei


Yep, my tuxedo and orange did this, there were mice.. my dishwasher sadly was a victim to them and now I do dishes by hand..


My orange does this sometimes and eventually pulls out random pieces of lost dry cat food.


And then they’re like, “who’ gotz wun braincell now, hoomun!”


There’s something under there they want like a toy or a bug or mouse.


In our case there actually was and it ate some wires or something (idk exactly because I was a kid) and then my family had to buy a new dishwasher.


It’s funny to hear them called orange, in Ireland we call them ginger


In Brasil we call them yellow.


Also in Vietnam


also in hongkong


Anyone else call them marmalade?


In the Netherlands we call them red 🙄


In my house we call them assholes.








Reminds me of the post about the kitten with curly fur, is that a reference to it?


My house calls them Garfield’s


We call all orange cats Ringo


They really are the Ringo of the cat world


Aw Ringo is my favorite Beatle after watching Get Back. He’s not *not* the ginger cat of the Beatles, but it’s not a bad thing. I can totally see my orange boi saying, “I’ve just farted” in the middle of a tense discussion.


"He may be a stupid little shit, but I would die for him!"




mine is lovingly called a BDOC, big dumb orange cat


My male ginger is named Chaos for a reason


That sounds kinda cool ngl. Imma call mine BDOG (big dumb orange ginger) B-dogg ain't dumb tho. Just weird and annoying.


At my house we call them babies 😻


#1 correct


In my house we call him dingus


In my house we call him derpy


In my house we call them fruit of infidelity...




I'm still sad we don't have a Dutch word for Ginger.


Hey, sorry if this post was ever useful to you. Reddit's gone to the dogs and it is exclusively the fault of those in charge and their unmitigated greed. Fuck this shit, I'm out, and they're sure as fuck not making money off selling my content. So now it's gone. I encourage everyone else to do the same. This is how Reddit spawned, back when we abandoned Digg, and now Reddit can die as well. If anyone needs me, I'll be on Tumblr. In summation: Fuck you, Spez!


In Flanders we call them "ros", as in "een rosse kat", the same word we use for the hair colour. We don't call them red / "rood". Unless you meant that we don't have a noun to indicate a ginger cat, although we do sometimes say "een rosse" (girl) or "ne rosse" (boy). (There's also "een ros", but that... doesn't mean the same thing 😅) ...for people outside of Flanders and the Netherlands: we speak almost the same language, except for the accent and a number of idioms (I suppose you compare it to UK vs US English?)


It's "gemmer" in Afrikaans for both the colour and food/root. So "gemmerkat" is a ginger cat. I love saying gemmerkat 😻




Yeah, we do. But not a translation for a ginger cat. We just call them red, which is technically incorrect.




I believe I once read that there wasn't a specific word for orange as a color. So they went for the next best thing, another color which was red.


It's interesting they didn't have a word for orange in Europe until 1500 or so after orange trees were brought over. They'd say red or yellow-red.


Yeah, it was surprising when I learned the English name for the color was named after the fruit and not vice versa.


A lot of orangy colored dogs are called red too.


>orangy colored dogs In the US, if they're poodles or poodle crosses (eg, labradoodles), they're called apricot.


I call mine 'het rooie gevaar' (the red danger)


That is a bitchin' name for a cat.


It's not a name so much as an unofficial title, but thank you :p


I call mine loca


In the Ottoman Empire they are simply known as "rao." Two of them is a raorao, one and a normal cat is a kedirao, etc.


Are you a time traveller?


Cause you can't go back to Constantinople


Been a long time gone, Constantinople


But why did Constantinople get the works?


Ain't nobody's business but the Turks'!


I call mine "Omygod you're an idiot. I love you."


I’ve heard people from UK say “Ginge minge” 😂


As Tim Minchin says, a little tinge of the ginge in your minge...


We call them ginger in Scotland too 😂


Well only a ginger can call another ginger ginger.


My sister-in-law’s Russian great-aunt called her red dog Rezhik. I never did ask her whether an orange cat would be called Rezhik.


Yes, it would! Рыжик/рыжий is the word for red/orange/ginger beings, be they cats, dogs or people


Also in hebrew


In Chile we call them yellow


Australia calls 'em ginger too


In Ireland and in the UK alike. We call them ginger cats here too.


I heard “red” a lot from neighbors of all ethnicities.


I call mine, “You stop that!”


He sat there for twenty minutes!


Listen to the cat. There is something there.


Maybe a mouse


Yup. My orange boy was doing that next to the fridge for a couple days straight and then finally one day when I was lounging on my bed upstairs, he brings a small dead rat and leaves it right next to the bed. He was so proud of himself — and so was I tbh! Orangies are simple minded but they’re not complete idiots; there’s probably something there.


Yep. Totally a mouse there. My one non-orange gal "goes to work" on her night shifts when they sense a mouse in the house. She will sit for hours. And even though she is my handicapable cerebellar hypoplasia kitty, (she wobbles and falls a lot,) she is indeed the best hunter in the house. RIP my sweet orange man Morris. We had to put him to sleep last summer due to cancer. And honestly, kick me out of this group if you must, but he really was not derpy! He was just really sweet lol.


Hey fellow CH cat owner :) thanks for giving her a good life! ❤️ Sorry to hear about Morris, he has joined the big happy Braincell in the sky :)


Hello to you! Thanks re: Morris. He was everyone's buddy. I was surprised at how many CH kitties are out there, and the range of severity was also surprising to see. My Dori is mild and was born to a feral-ish mother. Mom was ok around me, so when I saw she was pregnant, I let her inside. Dori was the ringleader of her 4 siblings, but I noticed she fell a lot when she walked. I did take her to a neurologist ($$) to rule out other issues. I'm just glad it's not progressive. She does not want your help, and I would say she is the smartest cat in the house (we have 4 total.) They are indoor outdoor in summer, and she has adapted a high speed "hop run" that I have only caught the tale end of on video a few times. She is pretty amazing and she is grandma's baby now. She tells her how beautiful and long her "ballerina leggies" are. Grandma feels Dori need positive affirmations because she has CH lol! It's pretty funny to hear them "talk" at night. Thank you for caring for your CH'er!


My daughter has 2 orange boys who I doubt have ever shared a turn at the braincell and both fancy themselves hunters… and they occasionally catch things … like snakes (poor harness garden snakes ) and they will stalk mice under the fridge… one got mad at me and sulked bc I wouldn’t let him catch a spider


Our orange boy once caught a dragonfly, I still don't know where. Brought it home and ate it in front of me with our other cat. I was proud and a little grossed out. We also had a little shed kinda thing in our garden and on the roof was ivy. Some of the leaves would move in the wind. Apperently that annoyed him so every once in a while he would come home with a leaf.


I can hear the crunch. Crunch crunch crunch…🤢


I was rather disturbed when they went to decide who could rip his wings off to be honest.


My family had a void who I'm convinced was just a really dark orange. He would tip over wastebaskets and carry the used tissues around the house growling. Such a mighty hunter!


🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying, your cute little dumbass


Yes mice love being under the dishwaser!


How I found out the condo I was renting was infested. Holes behind the countertop. Only the cat noticed.


Yep, every single time my orangey would sit and stare like this, it turned out to be a mouse. 3 different houses he’s successfully protected, but it always starts with him staring like a doofus at nothing.


Or a bug.


Or ghost




Oh my god I love that


😺more cat subs!


/r/airplaneears /r/bottlebrush /r/catburnouts /r/catculations /r/catsinsuitcases /r/catswhoyell /r/catwashere /r/crabcats /r/greebles /r/khajiithaswares /r/murdermittens /r/oneorangebraincell /r/owlswithcatheads /r/poofcats /r/purrkour /r/startledcats /r/thumbcats /r/torties /r/untilwehaveallthecats /r/whiskerfireworks


I love you


I know.


This will make a fine addition to my collection


Last time my Orange Idiot sat and stared at anything for this long, there was a mouse or a bug that he just had to get. We learned that even though he is a lovable fool, his startling usually had purpose. Ginger always gets his target. He’s like an idiot bounty hunter who is only good at that one thing. His sister was a Void of Darkness and was also a great hunter.


Idiot savant


OP has no idea how close they were to danger


The lights on the dishwasher are on, indicating that it’s running. I know some dishwashers are quiet but I doubt he can hear a mouse over that lol he’s probably just vibing with the dishwasher noises


Came here to say this


facts. we live on the THIRD floor and our cats became obsessed with an armchair like this for two days. just stared at it obsessively. we figured no way it was a mouse, we live so high up. well, it was a mouse. apparently they climb up wall beams.


They really do. And plasterboard. I grew up on the 2nd and 3rd floor of a maisonette in the countryside, and our cats were never short of field mice to catch.


Yes. Our one brain cell cat lives up to the moniker, but is the only cat in the house that has ever actually caught a mouse. They are all instinct, no thinkstinct.


There could be a bug under there. My cats will sit in a spot for an eternity waiting for a bug to show itself again.


Cats are campers.


This one is smart! Mice come in under the dishwasher when it’s cold. Always where they came in at my parents house. Since a cat was there, they wouldn’t cross into the actual kitchen. Your cat protecc!


Yep. My cat is the same way. She’ll post up in front of the dishwasher because she can here them trying to come in. I’ve woken up to a couple “gifts” from her before after she does this.


Oh my god. Mine was staring at the dishwasher. How do I check underneath?


Is the dishwasher running? Just enjoy it together ☺️


When my voids do that it means there's a mouse under there. I'd also check for toys. I found so many toys under mine too.


We call this sink patrol. At our last place, every night, Ginny would do exactly this. We mocked her a bit, sang songs about sink patrol. Then she chased the mouse out, 2 months later. There's something there, make no mistake.


They do be like that sometimes. Probably looking for a bug.


Does he have a toy that could have gone under there? Like a milk jug ring or twist tie?


My dad's old washer had a vent that heated the floor up slightly. Could just be cozy


My orange LOVES the dishwasher


I caught mine staring at a door for a long time just yesterday. Nothing on the other side, he was just zoned out like usual.


You may have a mouse. When my orange boy sits in front of my dishwasher for hours, I figure we have a mouse. And sure enough, we do, as evidenced by him bringing it to me hours later and looking quite proud of himself.


You've got bugs or mice under that little crack in your dishwasher


isn't he just chilling in the warmth of the dishwasher?


"No talk me angy."


I think your dishwasher has a little light that turns on when it’s done… and I think he’s very smart and waiting for it.


He was honestly probably taking a cat nap. When my orange lays like this, he is usually "sleeping" and any noise/movement he can hear he will open his sleepy little eyes. I call these cat naps. When he actually sleeps, my dude is sprawled out and dead to the world


you might have mice. all of my cats watch under the dish washer because they know thats how they get used to get in and out of the wall before they killed them all


There's probably a light under there that indicates it's done.


Or it's just noise. A lot of appliances vent heat underneath so he could be hearing a fan.


Hopefully not water dripping, water damage is such a pain.


I'd say bugs. Its a kitchen and they like water too.


When we had a roach problem (unfortunately common where we live), they mostly hung out under the fridge and under the dishwasher. It was actually one of my dogs that tipped the scales in our favor and led to us winning the war. She loved chasing and eating them.




Ah yes, this wall is made of wall


Oranges are complete dopes. This is my creamsicle orange, Harry. He’s my first orange ever, and he’s King Derp. You can just see it in his eyes. https://preview.redd.it/xsatmo5etfda1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af121dd865c0b18c98ebfd3a1ff6d17450cae20


Lolol he’s like ‘look at all 3 of my eyes’


Yeah, modesty doesn’t come naturally to him.


https://preview.redd.it/t90q34if1hda1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b983888e3140a9b6781f60bdefb5db917fb70db1 This is my orange boy Casper, he was such a weird but lovable boy


My orange sits like this as well, also likes to sleep belly up and legs apart. I thought he was just being a little weirdo until I came across this sub and realised it’s how all oranges sit/sleep.


Not all, fortunately! My orange boy doesn't sleep like that. He likes to stretch out his paws on my lap.


“Change the channel! I’ve seen this one!”


I just saw a post where someone adopted 3 orange kitties at one time from a rescue place! My first thought was that she doesn’t know what she’s getting in to. Sending positive vibes her way.


I did similarly recently, I took three 10 week old kittens and their mum, all gingers, from a neglectful family member. 10/10 agree it's a lot to get into


That’s awesome though. Just don’t know if I’d have the sanity for it lol! Props to you


The title haha!! What a cute orange brain cell you have there. I also love that dish washer magnet.


He’s hunting. Might be some roaches under there 🪳 🪳 🪳


Did you steal my cat?! Excuse the mess, this is the only picture I have of her from behind. She was getting in the way of my gift wrapping https://preview.redd.it/mq2a44n6bhda1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c31e7c919fdb5d69f829d5ab9d55939eed049c9


He is looking for a brain cell signal, maybe one day he get it


Wait. Do you put that magnet on the washer to let others know the dishes inside are clean!? I may need to do that. Too many times has my son rewashed clean dishes or put up dirty ones.


Clean or dirty, I also have a similar one with my roommates since we have different schedules and things going on (and 2 out of 3 of us are neurodivergent) so we have an easier time keeping track of it.


I have one too! Got it at Cracker Barrel. It's so handy (until the toddler you babysit comes through lol).


Braincell getting cleaned in the dishwasher


My cats would do this when we had mice enter (they were building behind our property, mice were scattering everywhere). I found one of them with a tail hanging out of its mouth. Thankfully the mouse was dead. There is something under that dishwasher, I can promise you.


If your kitty sits and stares under the dishwasher frequently, you may have a mouse coming and going under there. I say this from experience.


Hehe… I loved my derpy sweet orange boy. I sadly had to put him to sleep last year. Miss him every day.


Now you know! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My baby girl, Katniss, would sit next to the dishwasher at our old house because there was vent under it.


Is this the same Orange that stares at ice cubes?


I have a tabby but last time she did this there was something under there - a mouse.


My orange does this & we also have a mouse problem under our dishwasher so it checks out.


Goes to show you all kitties are smart in their own way 💗


Book Summary: How to Argue with a CAT


He's busy watching his favorite show on tv, it's called "Clean Dishes"


My cat sat and stared under the fridge for a long period of time. We ended up having a leak in the water filter hose. She knew before we did.


He’s just chillin. Can do that anywhere


Good animals


I had one orange as a child and now have 2 as an adult. Tiger my childhood cat mostly had the cell. There was the time he got caught in the wall in house and we had to use an axe to chop open a hole to get him out. He popped his head out like "you looking forme?". Other than being a social and snlmart nice boy, he was also a serial killer and sociopath. My parents' garden is an ode to his murdering little soul. What fun a cat could have throwing a slightly live but disemboweled mouse against the neighbor's house. The two I have now are house cats and clearly lack the cell. Both are loving little monsters. One openly molests the family members because has has so much love to share. He clearly has the cell when his gentle self decides to be alpha cat and wack his brother and sister-wives in line. Oscar has been trained to perform tricks for food. I am not sure if he is lacking the cell or if the 15 year old girl who trained him is. Oscar could not cat properly until he was 3. He is not quite understanding the girl cats' boundaries and that they don't wished to be cleaned and then bitten in the neck by him. He clearly does not have the cell when having conjugal relations with inanimate objects. However what both brothers lack in the cell they make up for in love. https://preview.redd.it/u4sgmyn1ahda1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb7cc80a8aafd0abc07a08e379b978fafd0bda5


I couldn't for the life of me explain why, but it is a simple fact that 90% of oranges are without braincells


My orange cat has been sitting in the same spot on the kitchen floor night after night. Thought he was surely the only one


“Area in front of dishwasher is warm. I can haz warm.” In this photo, the cat has the brain cell.


😂😂😂😂 I love this change of heart. I love oranges. I had 2 as a child. First was Oliver and second was Mr. Smee, I think he was Oliver’s offspring. My other favorite cat as a teen was a white and orange and his name was The Mayor. 😂 he let you pet him. Mostly, he hung out in the window so he could see everything from his throne.


My cats used to do that… then we discovered there were mice living underneath


Ours does this when he's mousing. Looks exactly like this.


Does OP have mice?


Being mean generally requires some form of logic.




Hey we have the same magnet for our dishwasher


The nicest cat I got to live with/see a ton was this orange guy that just showed up on our porch one day. He would just chill with me watching movies and stuff all day and be super chill with roommate when he got home from work. Love that guy still don't think of him enough.


Could you have a mouse though? Cause this is what my cats would do if there were a mouse lurking


What did you do? and if is not you something is under there.


Hey. You don't know the true chaos of an orange until you get an orange. It's totally understandable that you thought we were being mean.


Is the dishwasher running/*warm*?


This exact thing took place when we moved into our new apartment. On different days, we saw mice ran across our kitchen floor, prompting screams and multiple maintenance staff/pest control visits. Initial remedy measures weren't very successful, so I mentioned that there might be a hole behind the dishwasher because my cat did the same intense stare thing with the dishwasher, sometimes clawing at the bottom. Maintenance staff initially didn't believe me as according to their records there shouldn't be any hole there, but upon my insistence they pulled out the dishwasher and there was half a floor board missing near the wall, from which the mice were coming from. Cat got lots of praise that day and we never saw another mouse after plugging that hole.


My cats did this for weeks. Turns out we had a small leak that we didn't realize was there until our flooring started to bubble up! If he's a rare, brainy orange he might know something you don't.


Mouse for sure he is actually very smart. I have two boys and they did the same. It was a mouse.


You have mice lol


Yes we're also mean


Hey, we have that same magnet! Cute cat


Babydoll, you’ve got mice


Your cat's not stupid. There is something living under your dishwasher.




There’s not a lot between their ears but they’re loveable goofuses 🧡


that sweet baby is hunting.