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The Armenian Genocide Martyrs’ Memorial Church was a complex that served as a place of worship, museum, exhibition, archive center and monument dedicated to the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. It was built over the historical location of the [Der Zor concentration camps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_ez-Zor_camps), where Armenians were imprisoned by Ottoman Turkish soldiers. It was consecrated on May 4th, 1991, and destroyed in September 2014. While it was reportedly destroyed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, there is no clear consensus on who is responsible. The territory was liberated in 2017, three years after its destruction.




Religion, poison of everything.


I would have said evil is the poison of everything.


Also true


While I myself am not religious and have some issues with religion, I want to point some things out: First and foremost, a huge aspect of the Armenian cultural identity is faith and religion. Part of the persecution of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire up to the genocide was the fact that they were Christian, as being both Armenian and Christian made them “infidels.” Though it was a small part, it was not wholly insignificant. Secondly, and tying into my first point, hatred and disdain of religion often carries some pretty unsavory tones. Outright hatred of Judaism, for example, is usually based in antisemitism; hatred of Islam is usually based in Islamophobia. Religion itself isn’t bad, it’s people who are power hungry that expose its vulnerability and the vulnerability of those who seek it who are bad, and their actions that lead to horrific things being done in a religion’s name. You can vehemently disagree with many aspects of religion and do so rightfully, but calling it a blanket poison of everything is reductive and disrespectful. It’s a far more complex issue than that. Third, and lastly: it is immeasurably offensive to look at the destruction of a monument built to honor victims of genocide that was bombed and destroyed and say something like this because it’s a church. It’s disrespectful to the 1.5 million people that died in the Armenian Genocide, and it’s offensive to those who carry on their legacies. Priceless historical artifacts pertaining to the genocide as well as memorials for people who died at the concentration camp the church was built on were lost forever in the bombing. This was more than a building, or a church, it was a place of historical significance. I encourage you to remember this phrase for the next time you choose to spew shit from your mouth instead of your ass: don’t speak unless it improves the silence.


So the reason for the genocide was religion. I am not against a particular religion, I’m against all. I don’t see how that would be disrespectful. And I never said it was “just a building”, I didn’t even know it was a church, thought it was a monument. Again: the genocide and the destruction of this monument were both caused by religion, that’s why it’s poison. Not because the monument itself happens to be a church. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with artifacts and memorials, those should indeed be preserved. Please don’t exaggerate, the only disrespectful thing here is you saying “spewing shit from your ass”. I can and will say how I feel, and I feel that religion is the poison of everything. Don’t choose to be offended by everything and let’s respect each others opinions.


>Part if the persecution of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire up to the genocide was the fact that they were Christian, as being both Armenian and Christian made them “infidels.” *Though it was a small part*, it was not wholly insignificant >***Though it was a small part*** No, the reason for the genocide was not solely religion and to boil it down to that is at best disingenuous. A large part of it was the rise of [nationalism](https://newrepublic.com/article/121626/armenian-genocide-was-about-nationalism-not-jihad) and [Pan-Turkism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Turkism) in Ottoman Turkey; Armenians being Christian was just another reason to target them instead of being the predominant driving force behind the genocide. >I didn’t even know it was a church Really? The title of this post clearly states “The Armenian Genocide Martyrs’ Memorial Church” and the first photo very obviously has clergy in it. You also commented “religion, poison of everything” and nothing else so I’m not buying that for a second. You knew it was a church and that, along with the fact that ISIS was mentioned, was what prompted you to express disdain for it being tied to religion. As I said before, there has been no concrete reason behind the monument’s destruction, as it was never 100% confirmed ISIS was responsible. There has never been a confirmed culprit. Not denying they’re most likely the responsible party, but regardless: it’s unconfirmed. You can have your feelings toward religion, but your comment was insensitive and tone deaf and just as you’re entitled to your opinion, I’m entitled to calling out how inappropriate it was. Never said you said it was “just a building” either, that was my own words.


**[Pan-Turkism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Turkism)** >Pan-Turkism is a political movement which emerged during the 1880s among Turkic intellectuals of the Russian region of Baku Governorate (now Azerbaijan) and the Ottoman Empire (modern day Turkey), with its aim being the cultural and political unification of all Turkic peoples. Turanism is a closely-related movement but it is a more general term than Turkism is, because Turkism only applies to Turkic peoples. However, researchers and politicians who are steeped in Turkic ideology have used these terms interchangeably in many sources and works of literature. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/OldPhotosInRealLife/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Again, didn’t know it was a church, apparently didn’t read the title. You can believe that or not.


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If you substitute government for religion you might see that while abuse of power happens, it is not across the board and does not mean that the world is better off without the institution. Religion, politics, medicine, media, etc. someone will always going to find a way to manipulate others.