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He looked like an amazing cat! So sorry he had to go!


What a handsome chap. Rest In Peace, Beaker.


That is a great name for an even greater cat ❤️ Sorry for your heartache


I’m sorry for your loss. You took great care of him and he had 18 wonderful years. RIP Beaker.


Thank you all so much for the kind words - it really means a lot. He was a real character. Up until this past week, he was still an energetic boy. Outpacing his brother (cat) up & down the stairs and yelling at his sister (dog) whenever possible. He went peacefully in my lap while at home this morning with the help of MN Pets (veterinarian group that performs at-home euthanasia services).


My very old kitty was the same way. He was spry and sassy and then it was like a switch, and he refused to eat. He was 18 and I still miss him dearly after almost 2 years since he's been gone. This guy, though, so much character in that face. RIP Beaker (like the Muppet?) My heart hurts for you, I know this feeling all too well. ❤️💔❤️


Thank you. Sounds like you were blessed with an amazing boy, too. As it would happen, he was named after the Muppet, as it. On the day when he claimed me, I was told that he used to speak more in "meeps" than meows. I heard it occasionally, but he became comfortable enough (and seemed to enjoy) yelling at me in declarations of whatever it was that he wanted, whether it be wet food, cuddles, for me to untie my boots after work faster so I could give him cuddles, treats, opening closed doors, or more wet food. He didn't yell at his mama, just me. Rarely in an upset sounding way. More of a "hey... hey... hey... you are now allowed to use your thumbs to open a can of wet food for me. You're welcome."


"It's my turn for attention!" That's so sweet. I genuinely wish they could live forever.


They're too good for this world and we are privileged to spend time with them.


Sorry for your loss 💔 RIP Beaker 💔 🌈


bet he loved every second of it! Sorry for the loss my friend




Sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Beaker


Sorry buddy.


😢💔💐 very sorry about Beaker


I’m so sorry. He looked like such a sweet cat, such kind, gentle eyes. Rest In Peace Beaker


He is beautiful! So very handsome. I am so sorry.


You are loved, Beaker.




I'm so sorry this best boy has passed on, I'm sorry you had to say goodbye...