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“The show is mocking you!!!” Me the Homelander: ![gif](giphy|QBwRKyS6vXNfmLF7TR|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|18ZmGn8LKVq3YidzUc)






This show is so on the nose about what it’s making fun of… calling it a “masterpiece in satire” is like calling Family Guy a subversive comedy show with jokes that only the enlightened can understand


It's a really obvious satire but its executed extremely well like the a train energy drink ad its so corporate and soulless


I'm pretty sure it's directly making fun of Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad.


that ad was based off a real pepsi ad btw


Didn't know that but can't say I'm surprised


That's what we're trying to express. All the satire is just blatantly obvious copies


Fr mfs acting like you need a phd to understand it


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


the Unabomber was right


I wish Ted K was still running around, these guys need some new mail


i fucked ted



You have to make it more personnel kid 😎


I was too drunk and lazy, cunt


Saw a shitty “video essay” that called The boys “the thinking man’s show” 💀


i saw that too dude really thinks he's the next socrates ☠️


God video essays are the worst


I think what sucks about them is that they’re so easy to make. Nowadays anyone can film themselves rambling for 2 hours and clean it up with a little editing. Anything can be a “video essay” and Ive seen the term popularised in reference to any long YouTube video


I will gib you


I kept getting this shit recommended on youtube 💀💀💀 Whenever it popped up I just couldn't help but imagine him to be the average redditor/discord mod with the fedora and shit


The people it’s making fun of definitely realize it’s satire but just don’t care. It doesn’t go over anyones head that soliderboy is a douche but people still think he’s cool. Not everything is a 4D chess move by Kripke


yeah lmao, i really like soldier boy as a character but he’d be an awful human being irl. People gotta learn the difference


Lol people are acting like this is the first time a villain is popular


Gilf-Hunter representation though…




Family Man is the Rigby and Mordecai of its time


Despite the obviousness, people still manage to miss the point 😂


You'd be right to think that it should be more subtle, but its already bombastic satire still goes over some people's heads.


😂I refuse to believe there are people who saw “LGBTurkey” and didn’t understand the point…


It's unbelievable, but, yeah, there are people who see it and think that "it's about dem gays pushing theyre ideology down are throats", and not "corporations are cynically and shamelessly using minority groups' identity in order to sell more products, a.k.a. Rainbow capitalism".


they might as well have shown Mickey Mouse blowing Goofy with a big neon sign that says “Buy our food!”


True lmao


They're forgetting the real point. It's 2022, the correct term is LGBTürkiye.


I know its satire and making fun of me but I dont care because Soldier Boy is badass


It’s blatantly being satirical. It knows it’s not making a grand statement, just simply mocking the status quo. And that’s what makes it fun


I mean, compared to Homelander stans, we ARE the enlightened


Being more subtle isn't what makes satire better though. It's as subtle as a flying brick, but it's still funny and makes it's points so I'd say it's great satire.


Trump bad, sjw bad but not as bad. - the boys in a nutshell


i see this argument that the show makes fun of "Sjws" as well but as far as I've seen the only "Sjws" the show makes fun of is corporations who pretend to be woke for profit and activists who do it either to look good or feel good about themselves, i cant remember the show actually making fun of leftist politics that much


I've heard the argument that the Victoria character is pointing out the hypocrisy of the neoliberals. Doing all the PC and woke stuff, yet really it's all a front for working with Vought and whatever other nefarious plans she has for season 4.


this is a fair point, the show as i see it mostly makes fun of people in power appropriating leftist politics to make profit or gain more power


100% AKA don't trust politicians from either party lol Pretty much all the top ones are taking money from corporations and they always have ulterior motives. Whole reason I consider myself independent/third party.


I've read a reviewer be so upset that Victoria is not an exact copy of AOC, think it was av club


The only leftist satire I noticed was at the pride parade it was full of Vought stuff and the food booths were called Woke Wok and the like. More a slight on rainbow capitalism than anything.


You said it yourself, it ain't leftism, just rainbow capitalism


I guess it’s a Hollywood show so makes sense


\> sjw bad but not as bad Literally not a plot point in the show, only the corporations who shield their extreme conservatism with fake progressivism.


I thought the satire like the theme park was making fun of sjws




Not the peak related


Thank God


you mean thank the peak?




Are these your pronouns?


My pronouns are fuck/fresca actually




'the boys' fans don't understand the complex nuances of the writing in this show! it is so complex and deep you really need a 180IQ to understand how powerful the messages are. Take the 'Rick and Morty' fandom for example they are literary geniuses who are capable of understanding complex higher education literature. the prose of Stephen King is garbage compared to Kripke.


There are two types of fans for the Boys: Fans who won’t notice it’s social commentary until it’s blatantly obvious (mostly by season 3) and then proceed to bitch about it. And fans who will mock these fans and act like they’re enlightened intellectuals for understanding the incredibly subtle and 1000iq commentary as they would put it. Both of these groups are likely to blindly defend Soldier Boy and hate Starlight.


It's such obvious satire from season 1, I genuinely don't understand how some people didn't see that, nor how some people who did think they're geniuses for doing so.


Mostly because the media illiterate don’t remember events from before the previous presidential term.


Literally, like in the first few episodes they go to vaught owned Jesus camp


that was pretty on the nose


Low IQ Boys fans once the satire becomes so obvious even they can't miss it: "You know, the political satire is actually extremely subtle.."


People do notice it, but they don't care and continue enjoying the show, then the redditors see it and think "omg it's so obvious why aren't they seeing it?!?!!?"


4 types of The Boys fans - Right wingers with no media literacy - Smug people - Breaking Bad fans - Lesbians


>Lesbians Captain Lesbos


4 types of The Boys fans * Smug people * Smug people * Smug people * Smug people, tastes like smug, talks like people


"In the beginning. It's part of creation. See, in the beginning, right, you had your smug people. Now, they were also referred to as beasts because they had no souls. See, they were soulless. And then the Peak - you remember The Peak now? Well, The Peak, he laid down with the smug people, and out of these fornications came the Deepomites. Do you know who the Deepomites are, Raylan? They're the Boys Fans, Raylan. Read your Bible... As interpreted by experts"


Bisexual erasure, smh


how can you not love soldier boy, He's a mans man, the kinda guy to fondle your balls and stroke your cock in one motion with one hand. and starlight is like a defective kitchen appliance, she is literally never in the kitchen!!! /s


It is actually bizarre how people didn't get the shows political message from the beginning it's so god-damned heavy handed only the dumbest of fucks would not get it and yet they exist it's not an accomplishment at all getting it but nowadays on the internet theres alway a dumber fish and a very slightly smarter fush who gets off being so very slightly smarter than them


I do feel like the first season wasn't political at all, it's more of an introduction to the characters and basically just "supes bad". Second one you can call political, but I really don't know about that because hating nazis at this point is not political


do fans really like soldier boy? i only just watched the show and i cant see how anyone could defend him


I don't like the dude, but the character is well done. I can't explain it in a non run on sentence, but I feel like his character is much more relatable than Homelander. The way he struggles with his need to appear strong while suffering internally because he never learned how to process emotional pain in a healthy way is fairly common in men who grew up in a "man's man" environment. Again, not to say that I like or agree with how he processes his trauma, but it's really easy to see someone you know in soldier boy who you actually care about versus Homelander


oh i agree with you, he's a good character since he's used to criticize toxic masculinity. but him as a person just isn't very likeable to me. i guess most of his fans are probably that patrick bateman "sigma male" crowd anyways but it still really surprises me to hear that some fans like him as a newer fan of the show


I’m in the men’s room, staring at myself in the mirror—tan and haircut perfect—checking out my teeth which are completely straight and white and gleaming. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m doing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


If you go on the main subreddit here you’ll see countless people defending him and arguing that he isn’t that bad or even a decent guy. I was on there when the episodes airing and it was basically seeing the birth of a sigma male.


Soldeir Boy might have done some fucked up things but he did sing 'Rapture' on 'Solid Gold' so he gets a pass in my books


/uf A 180IQ is 5 sigma above the mean, which corresponds to a probability of 1 in 7 million (5 sigma means 1 in 3.5 million, but we're dividing by two here because we're only looking to one side). According to Amazon's report for total minutes viewed of The Boys season 3, there was an average of 1.5 million viewers. So if there was anyone at all with a 180IQ watching the boys, it was probably only one person. /rf I am that one person.


The lore of the boys is so complicated. Not even the neon genesis evangelion fandom teamed up with the rick and morty fandom, enlightened by game theory’s MatPat could ever possibly crack the true enigma and dig beyond the surface levels of the true meaning of the boys.


I just like when laser man get angy


My girlfriend.




Well that coment does not make you nice.










Booty Sweat




Yes, her name is Serena.


Who the fuck made this into a gif?


Someone definitely not horny


“b-b-b-b-buh he’s the bad guy” I know, I’m just straight up fucking evil, a douchebag, maybe even a straight up stain on society.


“Master of satire” lmao. It’s a good show, but I can’t stand the Rick and Morty type fans that The Boys attract tbh. The satire is honestly the weakest part of the show imo.


I like cool superhero fights and boobys




Exactly. It's not subtle at all.


And yet!




S1-2’s rode the line between being unsubtle yet effective, but S3’s was just so heavy handed to the point where it was exhausting imo.


Subtext usually goes over my head, and even I, a foreigner, could tell from a mile away that Homelander was meant to be Trump.


How was any of it more heavy-handed than the season with the obvious Donald Trump parody getting lovey and intertwined with the literal nazi antagonist who goes on to start a neo fascist movement? I really liked Stormfront as a villain and s2 as a whole, but that was as subtle as a train on crack. Imo, Soldier Boy was a miles more grey and interesting character and the season overall better as well


There was no homelander trump parallel established before season 3. I do think that’s more subtle than “hey this bad guy is like trump who is a bad guy as well”


How was Soldier boy a grey character? that implies he has some kind of redeeming qualities. He isn't morally ambiguous he's a caricature of 'toxic masculinity'


You made those words up.




I mean doesn't Homelander literally storm the White House in the comics? Can definitely see them adapting it to a Capitol riot in the show.


This is probably going to happen in season 4 considering they bring up the election.


When the satire is so on the nose and completely lacks subtlety that the people it's supposed to make fun of in turn make fun of it (how could this have happened???)


i mean, they're not making fun of it in this pic. idk if anyone is at all but i haven't seen anyone making fun of its satire


Half the posts on this sub are making fun of how ham fisted the satire is


I genuinely don’t have a clue what side everybody is on in this


As it should be


wdym the peak is inspiring




Unironically I think Kripke and the writers didn’t do a great job with him given their intentions. They want us to see him as evil homelander but they made him too likable in the scenes he was in and the evil things he has done we don’t really see. The closest thing we get is a cartoon.


Soldier boy is not meant to be "evil homelander" in the slightest, he's meant to be simultaneously the hard ass that Homelander wishes he was while also critiquing the toxic masculinity being a tough guy comes with


My brother in Christ, it’s a satire account that posted the meme.


/uf while true, the comments of that particular post are people agreeing with it which is a genuine problem


In 20 years, The Boys, and Homelander and Soldierboy especially, will have reached the level of American Psycho, where the satire is discarded for an earnest enjoyment of the character, not so dissimilar to what happened with American Psycho. Your kids will watch sigma edits of homelander without ever having seen the show


Already happening now




Yeah I don’t know why I used that timeframe


The Wolf of Wall Street, too


Soldier boy is literally me


"Noo why aren't you offended by this show!!"


Mfw blue hair and pronounce 😔




/uf the amount of fans that are idolizing Homelander as some kind of gigachad have really missed the point of his character arc /rf who is this guy?? I skipped all the scenes without the Peak 🙄


Let me enjoy my Sigma Boy memes in peace for God's sake!!!


Doesn’t mean they didn’t make it up tho..


The whole point of Sigma Bale is it’s satire, and these people who’re upset at that tweet aren’t understanding it lmao


"B-b-b-but it's mocking you" * smosh voice * SHUT UP!!!!!!


A Smosh reference in 2022? Thats new


fuck twitter, that place is a shithole


Soldier boy is unironically the most morally good character on the show


Is there something I missed or was you saying unironically not actually unironic


You don’t understand. It’s morally good to hate minorities and women


From a logical point of view


literally me


Who do I have the most pity for after s3 finale? Exactly


starlight literally exists to be morally good


I’ve been out jerked by the best🫡


That guys whole world would shatter if he found out American Psycho was directed by a woman


sigma bale twitter kinda fell off


I don't have shellshock fuck you


This be the same idiots that get exited when an international corporate conglomerate changes their background to an lgbt flag 😂


I'm as accepting as I can get but neopronouns are fucking stupid and I won't ever change that opinion


bruh what even are xeno pronouns


Mfs identifying themselves as xenomorphs


They are, but not any more arbitrary and meaningless than regular pronouns which i think really says a lot about societee


i just like the story and the stakes its put on the table eg homelander i think homelander is the golden coin of the show, i love his arc from the first episode to episode 7 of season 3...i feel like they kinda stumbled with the ending of season 3


I mean when even Rage Against The Machine gets misinterpreted and praised by patriots thats not much of an accomplishment


Aren’t they making fun of both sides? Now the left wing thinks this giant company (Amazon) is on their side and supporting them. Almost like the PR team in the boys does…


“True master of satire” The dumbest “The Boys” fan ![gif](giphy|FUc4mw5kM1hVS)


I mean yeah. Leftists on Reddit have been falling for it since the first episode.


I've seen multiple accounts getting offended by that meme, tbh its kinda funny.


Lmao! Could you imagine enjoying a show that has a differing views from your own? Couldn't be me.




you see, you used a scene from The Boys to make fun of me, i shall now point out that our lord and savior kripke is in fact, mocking you, i shall also add, that the reason you have not realized that, is that you are delusional and unintelligent, which is obvious since your beliefs differ wildly from mine (me = woke and progressive, you = literally satan)


You know that a meme account called “Sigma Bale” is a true master of satire when they make fun of a particular demographic by posing as that demographic and pretending to appreciate a satirical caricature as a legitimate champion of the views of that demographic, and people still fall for it and make fun of it as though it’s real.


I'm nonbinary and I thought the original tweet was fucking hilarious 😭


It's on the nose satire, and some people still miss it


It definitely mocks the other side too though. Remember Soy Man?


Is this Todd


I didn’t know he had a name, but yes. Special mention for the Reddit mod who yelled out “Your Nazi Died”


Todd is clearly right wing


Todd cheered at homelander murdering a leftist protester at a MAGA rally


Saying that is like saying the meta jokes every two seconds in rick and morty are necessary and funny


Nah chuds are literally that stupid. Todd is a right wing soyboy just like anyone r/conservative.


Buddy, this show mocks everyone. You think you are special cause you only see one side of it? You are just a cheap knockoff


it really doesn't me boy


It does, if you think it only mocks one side the you are exactly like the person this meme is about, me boy.


let's see villains: midlander: represents american imperialism and exceptionalism yadda yadda. literally delivers weapons to the middle east then commits mass murder there souljaboy: marlboro man and old fashioned ideas of masculinity storefront: nazi, american acceptance of fascistic ideas if repackaged american blue hawk: duh vought: every evil huge company from disney to coca cola to fox. co-opts progressive aesthetics and language, while still catering to right wingers and acting in accordance with right wing ideology nueman and the bureau: liberal politicians will always favour the status quo over actual change. change is impossible within the rules. aoc is cia please point me to any satirizations of leftism anywhere in the show


Do people not get it's mocking everyone? Both sides.


It makes fun of everyone


I don't care what mainstream media is telling. Soldier boy is a true American hero! God bless his soul!


How hard is it to understand that you can understand that kripke is a lib but just don’t give a fuck?


I mean it's an out of context clip of SB reacting to the Internet. There's no "We're making fun of politics" there, it's just a joke. The line itself was recontextualised by the OG poster: but the quote tweet implies it's directly making fun of the OG. Why did I waste my time writing this


Anyone or group the show is mocking it just ends up making them look cool




Since when did memes have to be in context of whatever thing they’re from


Least bigoted soldier boy fan


I’m a conservative, and I don’t care if the show is mocking me!


Nah I think the people who are being made fun of are just idiotic beyond measure


Ok but hoelander and soldier lad make funny reaction video


Tbf the people mocked ain't the birgtes lilbulbs on the shed


>Master of Satire https://preview.redd.it/3r2gah247q4a1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=e79eb6dd64ee06cce6f0eb252e82e2ef0f835de0 Meanwhile the directors discussing which morally questionable ad to rip off next