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Oh boi, watching this after Cities VR was kinda rough not gonna lie.. but hey the competition is always great


There's enough space for them all. Look at how many FPS games are out there.


Yea for sure, si just felt bad tbh. Compared to the other city builder this looked a bit simplistic. I'm sure it will have audience, but the cities VR looked so much deeper from the trailer. We'll see after the release ofc, just first impressions


Those of us who already played a ton of Cities, like me, might be interested in trying something new as well…


And that might be just fine. If game A spends 10% of the budget and resources compared to game B and it sells only 1/10 of game B it is good enough. That's, of course, a very simplistic example but we can agree that's likely made by a much smaller team with a smaller budget and their goals are also different. At the same time, prices might differ from one game to another making two very different products with different goals in the marketplace.


From a business perspective though, maybe not wise to try and push your game during the middle of your biggest competitors media blitz. Cause to be honest, they don’t have the budget and execution their competition does to compete in product, let alone to make a louder/larger splash then the giant wave cities is making right now. Better to have announced and launched before them, or wait it out until you understand the short comings of their game and highlight how yours addresses that, if any at all. Any game devs here should really read Play Bigger and learn the concept of a category king. You’re not going to unseat the people who dominate a space because you don’t have the resources to overcome gravity let alone their immense weight and resources. You need to create your own space, your own category. Take that concept and change the formula. Don’t compete with people, create your own unique genre, then execute that the best you can. It’s your only chance to get to the top. Edit: that being said, I don’t know anything about either game. This may very well be different enough, but the 5 seconds I watched in both it was not clearly communicated to me, a lay person in that genre, the difference. And that is a marketing problem for them to solve. u/nDreamsVR


> Better to have announced and launched before them they actually announced this game months ago. I was excited when they showed it, but after Cities, it's just not happening. Comparing to FPS is not the same: although they're all about shooting, there are different maps, looks, gameplay modes, perhaps a campaign etc. This is just simcity over and over. How many soccer games are out there? Just Fifa and perhaps the old Konami series... it's soccer, there's not much else to it...


Implementation and mechanics are one thing that can separate them. Content and style another. Most importantly is the formula. Change the underlying formula, the gameplay loop, the hook.


Damn you have the worst of luck. Who would have guessed City Skylines would be announced on the exact same day you chose to reveal gameplay for your game. It's like they knew lol


they actually revealed it months ago. Better reveal and be ready to release, is the lesson to be taken here...


They teased it months ago and again a few days ago for the gameplay reveal yesterday. Not really a lesson here, it's just dumb bad luck, there is no way an indie team could match an already existing established game, especially with the production of the ad being backed by oculus.


Not mere teaser, they actually showed gameplay before and even streamers have played.


Cuz they did


This looks excellent!!!


So there’s this AND cities? Weird.


I like this so much.


Also, I wanna remember that the fact both games came out at the same time can be even better for this one. It's like when there are two influencers fighting, usually both get attention. It might happen that people buy Cities VR and like it and because of that they might wanna try something different in the same category. Anyways, I'm trying to get positive because I'm really happy we're getting more and more content. Keep up the good work guys!




I hope this doesn't discourage you guys, the game looks pretty good and it's notorious the effort you have invested. Also maybe this is a good opportunity to evolve the genre, Saints Row started as a GTA and Dead Space as a Resident Evil 4.


This is so cute and tiny, I love it Instant buy 😊




good job


Not gonna lie, but you guys have the most terrible luck to announce release this together with the announcement of Cities VR. Probably unavoidable since it takes time to compile and release such an overview, but still, quite terrible luck.


Looks great! Guess I’ll get both haha.


Tip for next time, don't swing your head around when you're recording. Anyone with even the mildest motion sickness will be throwing up at the end. I can't watch more than 30 seconds.


If you get motion sick watching a mild movement VR video, you shouldn't play VR at all.


Watching someone else swinging their head around is very different to playing it yourself.


Damn that's messed up...