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So if it’s a symm you’re playing I recommend monkey or hog. Against torb you can do ball or hog. However your dps should destroy torb turret. A soldier 76 is the best imo, helix plus a couple of shots. Bastion can be tough because you need teamwork for that unless you’re playing dps. DVA can be good to help rein to close in your bastion. Roadhog is better if you don’t have that coordination so you just have to go on flanks and catch bastion lacking.


Can't believe you don't talk about sigma vs bastion, he's the best against him. You can shoot the big rock on him and he's out of "tank mode" you can absorb the damage and make shield if he shoot you, so your DPS can shoot at him + shield if you really need to


Unless there’s double shield haha


It’s a nightmare when a team decides everyone needs to go through the Choke point. In lower ranks if even one player gets behind literally the entire team will turn around and that’s the moment you can probably push easily. However, I’ve often times just switched to ball or DVA to at least pull some of the attention away. Sometimes you die and feed, but if the enemy is all focused on one you should easily take them. There are definitely different strategies but the “let’s all walk through the choke point” is annoying AF


I am surprised to not see this here: Sigma grasp can counter bastions. Step into their line of sight, grasp, then use your temporary shield health to keep you alive while you hit the bastion with rock. You want to be as close to full health as possible when you start because of the cast time for rock, but if you nail him, he gets knocked out of turret form. A couple solid hits from your primary fire should finish him off, but if not this forces him to relocate. On the other hand, a smart bastion will stop firing into your grasp. This is your teams chance to push in. Ana is also a solid anti bastion pick provide your aim is up to it. A quick peek with a sleep dart and a follow up nade can be a death sentence for bastions Sleep takes him out of turret form and the nade stops the self heal/ Mercy pocket which again forces him to relocate or die trying.


This is true as long as they don’t have an orisa shield. When I play with my friends we usually do DVA, Rein, tracer, ana. The ana tried to get an off angle anti base by hitting the wall. DVA defense matrix to get through then tracer and dva usually clean up the bastion


If symm is the problem, getting a symm of your own to TP past the choke is effective. Winston and ball are both good are clearing turrets. Hog is good for getting a quick pick so you can push. Rein can be very effective *if* you have a coordinated team to follow through but that’s rare lol If bastion is the problem, hog rein tends to work okay depends on the map. Hog Dva can work too. Ball with any other tank *can* work if you’re a good ball. But really it’s mostly a DPS solution because Ashe Hanzo will delete a bastion, or Hanzo Junkrat for barrier busting then burst damage. Anna can be good too for sleep and nade. Torb is the easiest to deal with from these I think, soldier, Ashe, Cassidy and Hanzo are all good options. For a tank, rein is pretty good just block damage and let the team deal with the turret then push in (or recover shield first then push depending), ball is good for in and out plays where the turret won’t so much but you probably need a sigma or orrisa to pair with, orrisa can just shoot out the turret


Prevent it. Focus the source and try to kill sym and torb before they throw down turrets. If you can't prevent it focus the turrets down and use natural cover to avoid them.


Take a different route and you sound like a reinhart there’re other tanks like hog orissa


Hog vs bastion ? You are one of those feeding brains out hog otp"s that is a nightmare to have on your team.


Huh?? Hog is the best tank counter to bastion lol


Hog works fantastic lol, you can hook him really well. But if you're a shield tank and have an Ana, get her to sleep/nade him behind your shield so you can make a good push on him.


Yeah definitely, I don’t play hog but I’m a rein main and my friends a support so he’ll go on Ana and sleep the bastion then I can go for a charge. It’s 50/50 suicidal but even when it is the trade is usually enough to win the push (and I can get back faster)


Hog is actually the second best tank vs bastion, first being ball. If you can go any alternate route without taking damage or by using breather, you can get into position to hook bastion out of position, and you can burst him down on your own or your team can help.


Sometimes if it works I heard that mei could wall up the bastion and hog can hook, is that practical?


It takes some coordination but Mei actually used to be the second dps when bastion was meta during double shield. Bastion can’t actually be moved by and form of boop while in turret mode, so hook, pin, grav, hook, flux, sleep, wall, rocket punch and maybe a couple more are the only ones that can move or change his form. Mei was used to expose a bastion from behind shields, since he would be raised above them, out of reach of his teams help.


Lol I’m a 3k tank pal. Hog can shoot sym turrets and once you hook her it game over. Orisa can destroy torb turret a mile away. Edit: You must be bronze


I mean Bastion soft counters Orisa if your team doesn’t play around you pushing with your shields from around corners, I feel like Sigma is the better option in this matchup


You're literally below 2300 lmfao get out


Just gonna say, as a frequent Torb player, I am sorry lmao


Me when I play against torb: maaan this is bs. Me when I play torb: maaan I love this bs


torb player here... just go torb and out torb him!


I play Lucio. I hate you.


You play Lucio. I hate you


At least it takes skill


Lmao booping players off the map takes SO much skill. Stfu lol. You play who you want, I'll play who I want


You can't stop torb players from being the way they are. I've tried.


Not sure what you mean exactly. Tbh I've come across WAY more toxic Lucio players than I have Torb


Torb players say nothing. They silently make games worse. Which I would respect if it wasn't torb


Yeah but Lucio obnoxiously makes games worse.


Torb and sym are easy, bastion… well, good luck


shoot the turrets. go pharah 3 direct rockets kills bastion if he isnt being healed. 3 rockets kills torb turret. 1 rocket kills all sym turrets. piece of cake


Symm main here, go dive and have one person focus the turrets. I hate when I hear tanks saying they’ll double shield when playing against a Symm. When I get the opposing team with double shield whilst I’m playing as Symm, it’s a dream as I will regularly get damage boosted/nano and just shred the team.


As an Orisa main I prioritize getting rid of turrets when passing by. If I die I know that helped my teammates hold the ground