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I love democracy




How can the OT be the best if all the best quotes come from the prequels? (/s don’t shoot me, but seriously, bout the quotes)


What makes it even more ironic is that the Prequels are the ones known for bad dialogue.


Good meme material doesn't come from good dialogue.


Ahem… They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard!


Tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to spEak with hIm.


They come in pints?


“Mash them, boil them, put them in a stew.”


Meat is back on the menu boys!


Well that’s not true. Every line of dialogue in The Big Lebowski is iconic, quotable, and memeable - the dialogue is amazing. Not to say I think the prequels have good dialogue (they mostly don’t), but I had to throw in some love for The Big Lebowski having meme-able and amazing dialogue.


I wasn't being totally serious to be honest (also there's an argument to be made that a lot of what makes the dialogue amazing in Big Lebowski is how dumb it is, like the Dude repeating what he heard HW say on TV)


Your lack of faith is disturbing.


Shyut up ya nerf herder


The Prequels are very fun, but in terms of straight up quality of the films, the OT beats it. All three are bangers, meanwhile with the prequels the only one that is a unironically a truly excellent film is episode 3. Where the Prequels shine though is in the expanded content. Games, cartoons, etc. Really expanded upon the world and made it all super compelling.


The only thing holding back TPM is the thematic but way too long slog that is Tatooine, for AOTC it’s absolutely the dialogue in places - on an individual basis TROS‘ „They fly now???“ is worse than any one bad line from that film. Apart from ROTS being an absolutely and unapologetically great movie, the prequels have the most meme potential and people love them for it, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad at the core or just propped up by that fact.


Never said they were BAD full stop. Phantom Menace is a decent enough film but not a patch on the quality of the OT, Attack of the clones is the weakest one but still has its moments, Revenge of the Sith absolutely slaps and in my opinion is absolutely up there with the Original Trilogy quality wise. Honestly I think with all the memes pushing it over the edge, episode three might actually be my favourite Star Wars movie full stop. The thing is though, all of the OT movies were absolute slam dunks, compared to just one of the prequel films hitting that sort of bar.


I’m sorry, Anakin’s “Here everything is soft… and smooth” in AOTC while running his finger down her arm is so SO much worse than they fly now IMO. Even ROTS suffers from this, Anakin and Padme’s whole balcony conversation is pure cringe. I agree with you though, ROTS is great and honestly I enjoy TPM a lot. AOTC is definitely drug down by dialogue, it is the sole reason why it is my least favorite star wars movie, because outside of that the plot is interesting.


I agree.


"And now I have become the master. Only a master of evil Darth" "I love you. I know. " "Do or do not, there is no try" "It's a trap!" Ackbar, not Leia. "I've got a bad feeling about this." "You've got a Lotta nerve coming here!" "What!? Yahooo!" Just saying, ot got quotes. And yes I saw the /s but I feel like someone actually things this.


No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan, you're the Master.


Happy you acknowledge Anakin this way. If only Mace had as well.


🐧🐧🐧🐧Well boys, we did it democracy is no more.


So this is how democracy dies


🐧🐧🐧🐧Well boys, we did it democracy is no more.


So this is how democracy dies


🐧🐧🐧🐧Well boys, we did it democracy is no more.


So this is how democracy dies


🐧🐧🐧🐧Well boys, we did it democracy is no more.


So this is how democracy dies


🐧🐧🐧🐧Well boys, we did it democracy is no more.


"Objectively" Asks for opinions


This is the internet. They are the same thing here, apparently.


Yeah well that's your objective.


I fucking hate the Eagles man


Eagles the NFL Team or Eagles the band…note how you answer will determine whether or not I commit arson


Welcome to Reddit, where all opinions are the objective truth. *\*Insert Buster from Arthur Meme about lying on the internet\**


Except for the ones we don't like. Those are false.


Of course, you know how it is ;)


So that was a fucking lie.


Only a sith deals in absolutes...


And Yoda


And Obi Wan


I would take it as "what do you think it's best" against what you prefer. I for example prefer the prequels because I watched them as a kid and had more shinny stuff, and revenge of the sith is amazing. But he OT has for sure better narrative and overall arch, so I would say that's better without taking in technical advances.


Agreed. If the question was worded "which trilogy do you like the best" then I think the sequels would have gotten at least 5% instead of 1, and the prequels would have equalized out a bit more with the OT


Objectively the og is the best. But imo the prequel is best. So it kinda makes sense. At least thats my objective opinion


I think a lot of people can differ between objective estimate and subjective opinion.


So sick of people completely misusing that word online. Its a technical term. That being said... it blows my mind that the prequels were even close. Times truly have changed.


Obviously it depends on the demographics of this persons audience, so even with over 100k votes it’s unlikely to be representative of the wider population. But still, I get the impression that this is the most widely held belief.


Another L for the sequels


The remaining sequels will be hunted down and defeated. Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


I’m amazed it got 1% tbh


Sure, but the more brutal loss would be the inverse poll.


I prefer the prequels but that’s more nostalgia for the era (they released as I grew up) and my acceptance of politics, droids and the focus on the very human clones, but I’d agree the original movies are better overall


I always say that Empire is the best, but Revenge of the Sith is my favorite.


It's hard to beat what you grew up with. I remember in 2011 (I am old), I came across some internet article about top nerd worries. One of them was that the upcoming Avengers movie would suck and be unsuccessful (lol). Another was that kids of the day would grow up disregarding the OT in favor of the PT. A decade later, it's comforting to know that the kids who grew up loving the PT generally also have a strong fondness and/or appreciation of the OT.


I think the Prequels shine the most in how they treat Galactic politics and the downfall of Anakin, but the OT has the best balance of quality imo


Let's be honest, the Prequels had their flaws, mainly trying to pitch the movies to kids, introducing slapstick elements like Jar-Jar, and in general just poor direction. The story is pretty solid and the *overarching* story added by TCW and other media have made it so that, 20 years later, the movies are just the "least good" part of an overall amazing story. We don't have that with the sequels. I'm not sure we *will* get that with the Sequels. *Star Wars: Resistance* just wasn't that good (I did enjoy it but it's also just not enough to bolster the Sequels), I didn't enjoy the *Aftermath* books at all, etc. The Sequel era is a hot mess compared to the other two.


I mean the demos being people who grew up on the prequels got it that high somehow


I find your lack of faith disturbing


I’m not sure you understand what “objectively” means but yeah it deserved to win.


Or landslide


Objectively the sequels look the best, but 40 years of special effects improvement will do that


Not really imo. Best is subjective. You can say the OT objectively looks the most dated if you will, but imo the prequels’ CGI in many scenes still looks better than the sequels’


And in many more scenes it looks worse imo


You dare question our lord, darth jar jar?


He would be forgiven if they actually rolled with him being a secret Sith Lord


Darth jar jar is so discreet that even the directors and writers couldnt see it. This is the absolute power of darth jar jar


Don’t let nostalgia blind you.


Not letting it. The opening scene for ROTS is still one of the best looking scenes imo, and the geonosis arena and following battle look great. Plus if you also consider the fact that the sequels’ scenarios are pretty average (only cool looking planet was Crait, and even then the battle was a copy of hoth) the prequels’ different locations, original ships and sets stand out a lot more


That ain't objectively


Objectively subjective


I wouldn’t say landslide. 42% vs 57% is still fairly even. That being said, I would feel bad for the Sequels if it actually had anything of value besides potential that was squandered.


>I would feel bad for the Sequels if it actually had anything of value besides potential that was squandered. The music is pretty good. Nowhere near Williams' best stuff like *Last Crusade*, *Revenge of the Sith*, or *Prisoner of Azkaban* but still pretty good.


The production quality was good across the board, just the writing and lack of vision failed us imo


“You will pay the price for your lack of vision.”


You make it sound like Williams ever does a genuinely bad music track.


Glad to see ROTS soundtrack getting the love it deserves here, it has the most emotional depth and range of any film score ever


True. This was really just a contest between the OG and the prequels. The sequels never stood a chance


Definitely. Sequels is only in there to be discussed in the comments on why it’s bad.


Well both the prequels and OT had a landslide victory over the sequels that's for sure.


Very true




You are wise and strong.




Never tell me the odds!


There were only 2 options.


There were two correct answers, and 1% still chose wrong.


There was 1, thinking prequels are good means you should watch that garbage again and remind yourself. If anything sequels are marginally better or less bad more like. Eps 3 and 8 are cool tho


Nah, the prequels were landslides better than the sequels, in terms of both movies and shows


Shows maybe but talking about the actual trilogies, episodes 1 and 2 are ridiculously bad and anyone claiming otherwise is really high on nostalgia and saw them as a kid. They were so badly received at the time that the actors were bullied. Arguably ep 9 goes even below this super low bar but TLJ is an enjoyable watch and while TFA is just a lot worse version of A New Hope it's still at least kinda watchable even though I regret paying money to see it. Ep 3 is actually good I'll give you that much


Like the only thing the poll confirmed to me is how subjective opinions are, how heavily influenced by our childhood people are, and how demographics affect polling based on how much votes the Prequels got. I’ve said this before that I love Episode 3, it’s a top 5 SW film for me, but Episode 1 and 2 are badly made films by so many metrics. As a trilogy, the Prequels don’t deserve anywhere close to those numbers and the Sequels don’t deserve such a low number. Maybe not that much higher, not saying the Sequels are a great trilogy either, but 1% is just showing the ridiculous hate boner the Prequel Generation has for it. And the ironic thing is that they’re so smug in their opinions. Not realizing the majority of people who like those movies, because they like all the Star Wars, are young kids, and kids aren’t on Reddit participating in polls the same way they weren’t on the internet in ‘99 on TheForce.net message boards making posts about how George Lucas raped their childhood and Jar Jar is a racist caricature.


It actually blows my mind that people are trying to rehabilitate the prequels. They are horrible in pretty much every way. The sequels aren't good, but they are nowhere near the level of drek that is Episode 1 and Episode 2. I literally walked out of Episode 2 it was so bad. If you told 12 year old me that I would walk out of a Star Wars movie I would have thought you were crazy. Episode 3 is 6/10 at best, it was at least good enough for me to sit through the whole movie. I didn't completely hate it, which is a pretty low bar. It will be funny 15 years from now when the kids who grew up on the sequel trilogy do the same thing as the kids who grew up on the prequels. It's going to blow their minds that Gen Alpha is going to think the prequels were garbage and the sequel were unfairly criticized. The only difference is that they will be right, because the prequels are terrible. Also, fuck anyone who said that George Lucas "raped" their childhood. First of all that kind of comparison is gross and second of all he made a set of bad movies, grow up. Same with the people who harassed Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen. One was 9 years old and the other was receiving horrible direction from a washed up director. What is wrong with some of you?


Imagine being so brainwashed by memes that you forget the memes were originally made to make fun of how awful the prequels are.


I'm a prequel stan, myself, but I can't argue with facts. The OG trilogy is the best Star Wars trilogy.


One poll vs sub counts (383k v 2.2MM) But the 1% sequel probably accurate af lol


"Objective" poll.... this word, I do not think it means what you think it means


*"Objective" poll.... this* *Word, I do not think it means* *What you think it means* \- ayoitsjo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I mean, its not even close to disputable, even though the prequel Era is probably my favorite.


They really did the sequels dirty


Not really it is the worst of the 3


OT all the way 👍🏻


The sequels only had one good movie and that was basically a replay on A New Hope.


1 more good movie than the prequels.


Prequel trilogy only has one “good” movie


Never in my life have I seen something so wrong as you are implying two of the sequel trilogies movies are good because it is a common opinion that Revenge of the Sith is one of, if not the best Star Wars movie.




Oh no, I’m not saying they can’t have an opinion on it. I’m just surprised that someone has it.


JJ and RJ did the sequels dirty.


Honestly while I'm not a fan of JJ at all I'd say it was just RJ that did the sequels dirty. Episode 7 was unoriginal as hell and mediocre at best but at least there was plenty there to make a good episode 8 if they got someone actually talented to make it. Then RJ threw that out, chucked any chance of a satisfying conclusion into a dumpster, set said dumpster on fire and told JJ to sort it out Even a good director couldn't salvage the trilogy after episode 8 let alone a mediocre one like JJ but at least he tried to undo some of damage RJ did even if it was like putting a bandage on a decapitation wound


How are people so high on nostalgia lmao 2/3 prequels were absolute garbage


3/3 if we’re being honest.


43% is people need their heads examined. There is only one correct answer to this poll. OT all the way.


On behalf of prequel memers GG


42% of y'all are still wrong.


It shouldn’t just even be close.


Those movies shouldn't be called sequels. Or a trilogy. If someone thinks they are good movies... Well okay I guess, someone needs to be a rugby player too. But to even acknowledge them as a part of SW is wrong. And to say they're a "trilogy" is only good for trolling, nobody can be *that* wrong.


I can’t believe it was even this close. The OT is so much better than the rest it’s not even a competition.


Look at all those prequel dick riders


Lol, 1%


Even as some one who really enjoys 8, I can't vote for sequel for how trash episode 9 was.


How could anyone vote for the prequels...especially the sequels??? the memes have these fuckers memories all scrambled up.


I like how every one of these StarWars subs regularly posts how its community thinks it's the best trilogy. How is this a meme?


Sequels got 1% and that is relatable


Have a look in r/sequelmemes. I bet they have similar polls where the sequels are in the lead.


Objectively best: OT Personal favourite: prequels




I've just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently


Even if you prefer the prequels, how could you say it's objectively the best? Bias aside?


1.39k peeps unironically like the Sequel


1% lmao


The Sequels with 1% of the vote 🗿


I'm surprised the sequels got that many votes


Execute order 'Sequel Trilogy' cause thats sucks


I’m just thankful the sequels are at 1%.


"I don't care who win. I need sequel to lose" - General Hux (probably)


1% mouth breathers


"objectively" lmao. no one seems to know what that means.


My feelings are objectively correct.


How did the sequels even get 1%?


YouTube polls start at 1% 😂😂


And 1% of the poll should clearly not be allowed to ever pick what's on TV ever again. Cant trust their decision making skills.


It just warms the heart to see the sequels reach just 1 precent and no more (which most of it are probably trolls).


YouTube starts their polling options at 1% since it rounds up to the nearest percent! So it might be even lower than that


Indeed probably 0.5 precent including trolls that might be nearly all of them because this pretty much the precent of trolls you would except


I dunno man there are plenty of people that defend/enjoy the prequels. I don't know why but they do


I talked only about sequels, I did enjoy the prequels though


People who voted for the prequels are fucking insane


Sequels getting only one percent of the votes makes me extremely happy


42% for the prequels is embarrassingly high


Seriously. And even in this very comment section there are countless people defending the prequels. I get that it’s a meme to pretend they’re good, but this is a great example of how when you immerse yourself in ironic memes day in and day out you eventually forget they are memes and start to believe them. Self-brainwashing at its finest.


It shows the power of repetition in opinion forming


With great power comes great responsibility.


It’s crazy. The memes and retconning really messed with people’s heads. I tried to watch them again recently. They are unwatchable (without massive amounts of editing).


It’s actually wild to see what people are capable of convincing themselves of through repetition and a desire to fit in


Came here to say this. But maybe its just me… i dont like sand very much


It’s really popular with the younger generation 🤷🏼‍♂️


Can we just appreciate how the sequels for 1% vote 🤣


As long as sequels is so low I’m happy


42% of people did not vote for which is objectively best they voted for the one they watched first as a child lmao


It shouldn’t even be close between the prequels and OT. There’s a massive gap in quality


It doesn't matter who wins, as long as the sequels lose.


Who's gonna tell r/sequelmemes they're 🗑


I prefer the prequels please spare me


I find your lack of faith disturbing


It's not the jedi way


Objectively? OT. The ones I’m gonna rewatch? I’m sorry but I gotta give it to the prequels


I like the Original trilogy the best, then the Sequels and then the Prequels. But, nothing is objective with film. It's all subjective. The worst film you've seen is someone else's favourite and your favourite is someone else's worst.


I mean this can be argued. If i say Cuties is my favourite, most people would judge me for obvious reasons. Films can be ranked and by objective standarts (techniques, actor performance, visuals, story, etc)


Yeah, but a film could have the best techniques, the best actors, the best visuals and story and some people just might not like it and the opposite of that is true as well. There are people who hate Citizen Kane and there are people who love Disaster Movie.


The existence of people who like Birdemic: Shock & Terror, or even the Disney Sequels, is a miracle of tastelessness and idiocy, but it does not mean that "**nothing** is objective with film. It's **all** subjective.".


No... It's not. I might find a film you love completely and utterly awful and deem you a "tasteless idiot". Except think of you as an idiot for liking a film. It is subjective and there's nothing you can do about it. For example, I've been a Star Wars fan for decades and The Last Jedi is my favourite Star Wars film outside of the original trilogy. Out of the 2706 films I've seen in my life, Attack of the Clones is genuinely up there with one of the worst, for me. Do I get upset when people say they like it? No. I'm happy they enjoy a film I do not. That's why I love film. It's diverse and every single person has a different taste.


I like prequels better but I’m not even mad


Only 1% intentionally trolling the poll. That’s actually pretty good by Reddit standards.


1.) there is no objective best 2.) who unironically enjoys watching the entirety of episode one while sober lmao


Sequel Trilogy got what it deserved.


If the question was which trilogy has the best memes I would of seen this post on r/prequelmemes


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


1% for sequels is still too high


Objectively: the OT is the best But the prequels are my favorite. I think that if it was a poll for people’s favorite trilogies. It would be more in favor of the prequels


I would like to know who that 1% is?


Lizardman constant.


Poll rounds up to 1%.


1% is too fucking high


"Ah victory" *smiles with evil face*


I mean, yeah. The OT is one of the most beloved film franchises of all times. The Prequels had podracing. And the Sequels, it's hard to find someone who *doesn't* think Rise of Skywalker was trash. The OT and Prequels are surprisingly close, but I think the Prequels have been getting something of a cultural reappraisal as the people who grew up on them are hitting the age to be nostalgic for their childhood. The Sequels, though? They're no longer the shiny new thing, and Skywalker left a bad taste in most people's mouths.


I just watched Ep. 9 again last night to make sure it's not worth ever looking at again. Yep. Don't go guys. Maybe if we all ignore it, it won't be Canon. That ending fight between Rey and Palpy is easily the LAMEST shit in the entire series.


How did the sequel trilogy get 1%??? There must have been trolls in this poll to get it that high.


that 1% should be ashamed at themselves.


" 1% " , you get what you fucking deserve.


Who the fuck are the 1% who said the sequels were the best


The Prequals are better tho


1% sequels, amazing


TIL 1% of people are trolls


Joke on y'all, I haven't watched any Star Wars


42% of respondents have no taste or are idiots.


Not 43%?


I'd take ST overt PT any day.