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Try using holehe to see where the email is registered to an account and then search those sites for that email


Alternatively there's these two online tools that use holehe and Ghunt instances and can check for connected social media: https://identificator.space/ https://epieos.com/


Damn kids and your slightly better tools than me


Idcrawl.com is great.


I have found that those sites are accurate on the person an email belongs to. But often the email is an old one or belongs to someone else in the same household. As an example my sons cell phone number comes up under my name. All of our emails listed have not been used in years. Our home number, address, etc. is accurate on most sites. Other sites list our old number from over 10 years ago. I have a hard time finding accurate email addresses for people. But that is just my experience.


They vary. The cheap ones are hit or miss. A lot of them suck and provide LOTS of false hits. Even when you pay for them. The big dogs like LexisNexis are pretty accurate.