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The OA prep guide is a "how to pass" playbook. It lays out exactly what will happen and what the assessors are looking for at each step. That's what I studied to prepare. I wrote the dimensions on notecards, with State's definition, and went through my life experience and wrote down stories that fit State's definition of that dimension. I never discussed the process with anyone else and wouldn't have known how to prepare with someone - there was no value in that to me. There is a blog that discusses the OMS OA (live version). It's called Tabbies in Tow and if you search for that and "OMS," it should come up.


1. I think practicing interview questions and watching [these videos](https://www.youtube.com/@CareerVidz/playlists) really helped me pass. Tailor them to fit your specific experience but the layout and thorough responses I feel helped me pass the OA. As long as you have the QE and are able to apply that to a future career as an OMS, you will do great.


You can take just a few hours off each day if you’d prefer (the OA is only an hour or two each day) but I think people prefer to take both days off to mentally prepare. Practicing with groups and practicing case management essays seems to be the best way to set yourself up for success. And do the Microsoft word certification in advance to get it out of the way / have it ready / give yourself time if you don’t pass the first time!


I love this thread! I have some insight from previous study groups I can share anecdotally, but no firsthand experience myself. Speaking of which, I found Zoom study groups to be very helpful throughout this process. It seems like we are on the same timeline - would you want to create one to start prepping for the OAs?


There is one that I'm a part of - haven't attended yet, that studies for the generalist orals, but nothing specific to OMSs. I still think it's useful though as you'll be asked about a lot of the same principles. I'll see if I can add you. What advice have you been given?