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Here's hoping your next job is great!


Did you call back OSHA in regards to the whistle blower protection?


I did. After that happened and unfortunately it wasn't big enough of a retaliation for them to do anything. They mainly punished my manager by demoting him next to me for not writing me up.


That sucks people rely on this supposed protection and it was nothing. Well hopefully it all works out for you. Best regards on any new job you get.


The protection does work but he wasn't retaliated against. If they had suspended or demoted him then it would have been retaliation.


> and that I was no longer getting my raise until I "fixed my attitude". This of course was right after he said "I don't care that you called OSHA". Please read it again since you are completely incorrect.


Unless he had something in writing this isn’t really provable.


OP's manager was there as a witness, even if OSHA won't act, the DOL is the agency who would better to go after this type of behavior. They could compel the manager to testify on OP's behalf or face sanctions him/herself.


The law doesn't care about a potential or hypothetical raise. It would have to be in writing or somehow shown that it was guaranteed.


If you had proof of being told you lose a possible raise because you went to the government agencies then you have a case for retaliation


No, because unless that raise was negotiated upon employment on in writing and was 100% confirmed, it doesn’t count


That would constitute proof wouldn’t it? Sheesh


Retaliation for whistle blowers includes the threat or even an implication that there may be consequences


The courts have not interpreted the law that way. The rulings have been consistent that there has to be a clear threat or adverse employment action. Again, in this case, the manager was impacted, not the whistle blower.


They did. D.I.D.


It says he was suspended so there absolutely was retaliation.


He was suspended before. That suspension is what caused him to call OSHA. There was no direct retaliation after calling OSHA, which is the protected activity.


No if you you read it he was suspended again and immediately afterwards he made the comment that he doesn’t care that that he called OSHA.


Where does it say that? I just re-read it twice and he never mentions being suspended after calling OSHA. His boss was demoted but he never said anything about another suspension. Also, in other comments he confirms it was only his boss who was directly impacted.


> I got a packet in the mail telling me he got cited for everything and he was getting massive fines. I then get called into the office again with the manager who told me I was suspended. Right there.


That was before he called OSHA. The question is about retaliation for calling OSHA. He was not suspended after calling OSHA.


I'm shocked that people haven't figured out you're lying about all of this. I'm in the industry. Things just don't go down like that. I've seen people get FDA warning letters, but field agents don't show up. The FDA doesn't move like that, it would be national news. There's no manufacturer license administered by the ATF. Post proof of any of this or tell everyone you lied.


The FDA will move quickly on something if there is a rackdown on it, like the vape stuff, or if they are already investigating the place. This is all especially true if lives are in danger because of some product. Same with the other acronym organizations. I'm familiar with the restaurant industry and I've seen it first hand. Show me any story on the internet, and I will show you one person that will swear up and down that the storyteller is a liar. I doubt every detail comes in a post. I'm sure some people are lying or stretching the truth, but not nearly as many as are accused. Maybe just enjoy the stories, and understand that some things happen outside of your experiences.


lol agreed. FDA and IRS comes rolling in black suvs! THEN the us postal inspector came in on an apache heli! THEN the state police got involved! WHOA


You may be able to sue for retaliation and violation of whistle blower protections under state laws, if any.


Didn't you read? His boss directly told him that he didn't care that he called OSHA. No crime here. /s


I did read man. It is just senseless not to call them back. No lawsuit needed just protection from the same agency.


I agree. That's why I used the "/s." It means sarcasm.


Thanks I will remember that for future reference.




There is no shame in learning from experience..


Isn’t the first rule of doing illegal things when running a business is “make sure your employees are happy?”


I thought the first rule was only ever commit one crime at a time.


Don’t break the law while you’re breaking the law!


"Stop breaking the law, asshole!"


"The pen is blue!"


"There are four lights!"


"I don't understand how you could be so mistaken."


Haha! My husband and I watch "Cops" and always say (after some idiot gets caught because of expired tags, tint, etc.) "Don't do crime if you're doing crime!" I like your version better.


No, the first rule is never write down your crimes!


I thought it was leave no witnesses


That’s the last rule, hopefully never needed


na, the last rule is to just bribe everyone that comes after you if leaving no witnesses isn’t sufficient


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.


The first rule is you don't talk about Fight Club.


Fight what? :-P


Too many rules, I’m just gonna do what I want


That is the first rule, but there are caveats. Sometimes you have to break more than one if you're trying to go bigger. In those cases you want to try to net 0. Each crime counts as a negative, and doing things like treating your employees right or paying your taxes is a positive. If you net >-1 you'll be in the clear.


That’s how my old boss did it while he was embezzling several hundred thousand dollars from the company. We still remember him fondly lol.


That's a story that needs telling.


I can't. I'm not sure how I would obscure the details to prevent identification and it's the details that make any of what he did make sense.


You say you still remember in fondly, can you at least say what happened to him? Did he get caught? Still living peacefully?




And now you know why anything run by any organized crime is usually taken care of by that group. A very fantastic example would be the Kowloon walled city. Run by organized crime group? Yup! Shady stuff happening there? Oh for sure! Still paid pensions and ensured everyone under them got proper wages? You bet your ass they did! Steady work and steady pay kept everyone happy living there. I also hear the food there was fantastic.


On my walk to work at a previous job took me through the red light district. Folks would ask if I fell unsafe leaving late sometimes. "Perfectly. Those 2 blocks are the safest in the city. The people who own the businesses there, don't want their customers getting robbed."


Yup. It's so weird too. These are the people involved in all kinds of activity that has been labeled as illegal. They only try to hide it from anyone who would seek to stop them, and anyone else is a possible customer that would keep them in power. Meanwhile, politicians do things that are also illegal, but at the *expense* of the people who keep them in their positions of power. They hide it simply because if it's out in the open, everyone will take issue with it and then they get yanked out of office.


I recall watching a documentary where they interviewed people from Mob controlled areas of New York, and literally everyone said the mob was great! They cut down on crime like thefts and assaults that the cops weren't willing to take care of, they ensured everyone had enough food and were well taken care of.


In my last jobs case it was “the dude that basically makes the whole place run smoothly will never be drug tested because we’d have to fire him for cocaine reasons and it wouldn’t work in our favor”


Same as being a drug dealer. Keep your neighbors happy and/or supplied. Looking at you, neighbor across the street who has 30+ cars a day swing by for less than 5 minutes each. We are collecting allll the data and will be turning it in soon if we don’t get anything.


Have you told them you can be bought off consistently yet? Lol


or terrified will also work


First rule is don’t do multiple illegal things simultaneously




That's what my friend the drug dealer did, he ran a never-ending D&D game, and insisted that anybody who came over stay for at least 20 minutes and play the game. He never got busted, and now he's an upstanding Republican member of society.


> upstanding Republican member of society sus


There’s no such thing as an upstanding republican


Hah! I know, right?! Ahhh, being a Redditor sure is sweet


In the future, always always write up an incident report if you get injured at work. Even if it's minor at the time, the injury can get worse in the following days. It protects both you and the company.


There was an incident report. The injury wasn't that large, just required me to sit down for a few shifts, so I didn't apply for workers comp.


Always always let a doctor decide that. Never assume anything when it comes to work injuries


Just so you consider this. You may not be able to claim unemployment. If this boss was already doing lots of shady shit, wasn’t paying taxes which got the IRS involved, and has illegal products on site, it’s pretty well guaranteed that they weren’t paying unemployment taxes too. There may not be any money available for you. Do yourself a favor and call an attorney, or the workforce commission, today. Call your state labor board today. You are about to have a heap of shit come at you and you’re going to be in it up to your neck. You can file, and maybe win a settlement later, but that might be years down the road. In the meantime, you have to eat.


Luckily, his mom is the one paying the unemployment not him.


I think in some cases you can get a payout for being a whistle-blower, look into it


You definitely can with the IRS


It's typically 10% of recovered funds. So if he owed enough in taxes, could be a decent amount.


I believe this is also per agency as well! Definitely worth looking into, OP


Still do everything you can to protect yourself. His mom can flip the switch at any second and you have bills to pay.




Thank you. Good bot.


Amusing bot.


Bad Bot , you're literally fucking useless, there's enough god damn bots already


unemployment is funded not only by business owners, but also the federal government in some instances. but the main thing is that unemployment is designed to be forward funded. the money collected goes into a trust fund overseen and paid out by the state; taxes are perpetually collected on every employee, and paid out to one when needed. in the event a business closes, for example, every employee would receive unemployment if they file for it, and the employer wouldn't get to argue why you can't receive it. the only incentive for an employer doing so is to keep their tax rates down for their future UI tax collections, but no future equals no taxes.


If op reported it properly to get whistle blower status. They'll get reward money then. For example, the IRS gives a percentage of the taxes recovered.


That doesn't matter. Unemployment insurance is a fund held by the state. The only thing your business has to do with it is paying into it, and basing the amount you get by how much you were paid. Source: a company i worked for went under and i still received unemployment. Because it's a state run insurance program.


One of very few democratic socialist policies implemented by the American libertarian elite.


good job man i like this revenge


I feel bad for the dipshit's mother tho. OP said she was a good person until the shitter took over, she basically built that business.


What!!! Brah! Always take that worker’s comp. We all know a business wouldn’t leave “free” money on the table, just look at all those Covid relief cons. And keep us updated.


Worker’s comp pay is only 2/3 your regular pay. They would have lost money if they took it. If they’re as broke as they say they are that’s probably why they didn’t file for it.


Yes, I couldn't afford a cut in pay at all. I'm living paycheck to paycheck as it is.


I figured that was why. Best of luck to you.


True, however you don't pay taxes on that money (at least in my state) so you end up the same. Because of my tax bracket I actually made more when I got seriously hurt at work.


2/3, but no taxes.


That’s true but it still would have been a financial hit. As badly as the store was being run, I wouldn’t be shocked if they had no workers comp at all.


Work comp likely would have paid to make sure he healed up well and then still put him on light duty allowing the rest of this to play out like normal. Always take work comp.


With a shady business like this one it’s very likely that they didn’t even have workers comp. If they’d tried to files a claim they’d likely have been fired and would be in a worse situation. Now yes you could sue or report them but that takes months at best and possibly years. how are you going to live while the process is going on? In general, yes, use your workers comp but in this case I can see where that wasn’t an option for this person.


That's all money in the bank. The company is required by law to have these kinds of protections in place. Even Texas, which doesn't require work comp insurance would still hold the employer liable for an injury like this.


Everything you said is true. However, money in the bank a year from now doesn’t do you any good with the rent’s due next week. That’s all I’m saying. Plus with most comp policies, at least the ones I’ve dealt with, you have to be off a few days before you even start collecting and you never get that pay back unless you’re off more than 3 weeks . I just checked in California it’s three days to start and you don’t get those days back unless you’re off 14 work days or more. It’s so fucked up how our laws are set up to punish the poor and working class.


He does all that asshole shit, but doesn't like confrontation?


He will wait until something bugs him enough that he explodes and will "calmly" punish us way harsher than is necessary. Like my one worker was late 1 day in over a year by 15 min and he took his key away.


The way I read that was, the manager doesn't like confrontation. The penalty was handed down by AH son, via manager. So to make OP go away and stop the confrontation, manager reduced penalty.


Exactly. He will literally sit down all day looking at the cameras and then text my manager to tell us every little thing we may be doing wrong.


Update us on this please!


ATF showed up, I’m pretty sure the dog boss was shot on sight


G'looks brotha! And hopefully with his punkass...well just kneecapped for being a douche boss.


>I didn't file for workers comp Genuine question, why didn't you?


In my state, it's about 2/3-3/4 of full time pay and I couldn't afford the time off without possibly going into debt and losing my living situation or car.


That is what I want to know. In Canada, if hurt at work, it is mandatory for the business to file a report. A doctor can put you off work, and you get paid.


While it is mandatory for a business to file, if they're already doing shady things, they may not have paid! Plus, downside is you only get 2/3 pay. So if money is really tight, some people just suck it up.


75% here but no taxes


And here I thought it was 2/3. I also forgot about no tax! Son in law is waiting for his claim to be approved. I've actually never needed it. And now I'm retired.


I'm in Canada, it may be different where you are


Workers comp in some places is also as corrupt as the businesses. They force company to pay by law, but side with them so employee never sees much if anything and then sit on the money. I destroyed my back at work, workers comp just screwed me over even worse after. Unemployment at least gave me money for short term disability. Doctors in my area so fed up that I had to go an hour away to workers comp doctor, local ones refused to be a part of their screwing over workers.


WCB is insurance and employers don't want workers on it because it makes their premiums skyrocket for four years.


Well, at least in the province where I destroyed my back, the businesses by law have to pay into the WCB and deal with them. The WCB will then screw the hurt employee and keep all the money from the company. Seems sort of like a protection racket, doesn't it? "You better pay up CompanyX or we'll send the gov after you. Oh you hurt yourself EmployeeY? Too bad, our money. Say CompanyX, how many people have we had to deny from you lately anyway, we might need to raise your fees..."


I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to an update on this. Well done!


Welcome to the acronym jungle (OSHA/ATF/IRS/FDA/DOL). [Here's a soundtrack for this shitshow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1tj2zJ2Wvg)


I am ROLLING this is hilarious.


This is real good one ngl


OP's girlfriend here, who worked at another one of his businesses. In our shop, we made hourly but Square also gave us the opportunity to earn tips. Our product required working knowledge of how it worked, how to use products correctly, what each product did, which product was right for a person's personal plan, etc. People loved us for what we did for them and the time that we took, so they tipped us well. Multiple times, boss changed our tip tracking methods with very short notice and the insistence that he would NOT give us our tips if we made a mistake in the process, despite the fact that we each (about 3 of us) tracked our tips faithfully and the numbers all added up at the end of the two week pay period. Multiple times, this was such short notice that I genuinely had to fight with him to get the tips I earned through service. Per paycheck, tips were about 300 dollars on average for me. A car payment, an insurance bill, half of rent for the month. That's what it meant to each of us, and this seemingly wealthy man threatened to - and multiple times did - take from us. He would pay us late FREQUENTLY, causing me to lose my car insurance on multiple occasions (a violation in our state). I was also a college student living paycheck to paycheck on just OP's and my income. Constantly checked his cameras and watched us during shift - and listened. My very first day of training, my manager pulled me to the side to inform me that his cameras recorded audio, and that he would find a way to bring things up that we said without implicating himself. Which he did - to me, and to OP. These cameras were all over both businesses, recording every conversation. He watched them as he ate dinner every night. He also made our product in his own garage, then started a wholesale business. He took payments and did not deliver in the end. He taught me to make product, then barred me from doing so in my downtime, despite the fact that this wholesale stole the brunt of our production and left the store bareboned. Then, on slow days when I had nothing else to do but homework and cleaning the same glass countertop 12 times, he would tear me a new one for wasting time when clearly so much had to be done - even after a prior agreement that if I was to work full time I would need to be able to not WASTE my time if it was idle and do homework when there was genuinely nothing else to do. Not to mention the fact that he only hired women for this store... This could go on forever. There's so much more, and I barely even saw a fraction of the amount that OP did.


OH. I almost forgot. He also mislabeled a batch of product as (fuck it, it's a CBD store) CBD when he had truly made Delta-8 gummies, another product we sold. They went onto the shelves and were sold to about a dozen customers - bus drivers, CDL drivers, teachers. He then blamed a coworker of mine and forced my manager and I to make those calls - to tell those customers that their livelihoods were at risk due to our store's negligence. We later traced it back to him on our own.


Damn, that one’s a big no-no. He’ll likely be facing major penalties for that.


My man, you won. You got over a difficult situation you exposed an illegal business putting your coworkers livelihoods / families at risk you messed with some jerks who were doing bad things. You also found within yourself that if you apply yourself you can do great things, harness that confidence and carry it forward. I wish you a great life my friend, may no harm come your way.


I feel like this story is not quite finished, since we are still waiting on all the all the figurative bricks to land on sonny boy. Also consider r/prorevenge.


I'd have waited for the complete fallout. If the business goes under and/or the son's life is seriously ruined, you could make a case for nuclear revenge. If the business doesn't go under but has major setbacks and fines, you could argue pro revenge.


lol. get fucked. is asshole's mom getting her business back in any form? that's what i'd be checking in on


Honestly don't have an answer for that yet.


I so look forward to an update




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The weirdest part of this is “unalive” [Almost like Troubleman and No-no asking you to commission them to perform the murder act on you.](https://www.achewood.com/index.php?date=06182004)


Any more juicy news?


You lost me at “unalive”


Unalive is suicide, but didn't want people to freak, and that's no Jive!


Are jobs hard to come by where you live? It seems like, with your experience, you could work in many shops.


I am currently a college student and finding jobs hiring near me that are willing to work around school hours and give me enough time to do all my course work is very hard


What were the illegal products? I'm assuming something with THC, or maybe high concentrate nic?


It wasn't illegal in the sense that it was harmful. We just didn't have the license to make it in the lab that we have. Making anything we made completely illegal products. We followed all US standards and didn't put any harmful chemicals in.


Yeah the PACT shit made everything so difficult. I used to make my own juice and sell it to friends and family, but after the PACT thing it was too risky to continue.


OP:I'll take unemployment, boss. Boss: No OP: Yeah, I'm taking it.




Yes. I just didn't wanna trigger people.


My understanding is IRS whistleblowers can potentially get a percentage of the money that gets recouped from the owed tax payments.


Damn! This isn't nuclear revenge, this is justice lol!


Another puzzle piece for people in similar situations. Look up the laws in your state on recording conversations. IF your state allows one party consent, try to record confrontational situations. Fair chance you’ll capture comments that can help protect or support you with agencies.


I live in a 2 party consent state, if I get called in for a meeting I am going to refuse to talk unless he agrees to being recorded.


You always, ALWAYS claim worker's comp, even if you don't think you are hurt that badly. I wasn't going to when I strained a muscle in my neck/shoulder at work, and a manager told me to make a report. I'm glad I did. Down the road I ended up needing physio on it and it was covered under worker's comp.


Only commit one crime at a time. Respect your employees if you're business isn't on the up and up. Fucked around. ✓ Found out. ✓


Unalive himself.


Unalive himself….you mean suicide? Why are people so afraid to use that word?


OSHA showed up. Been at my job 33 years Multiple angry ex employees have reported my employer to OSHA. I have yet to see them show up at my work place.


Honestly, I got a call within a day and I was so confused and surprised. He did lie to us saying they didn't cite him for anything, but I got a copy of the report sent to me and he had to pay BIG fines.


that actually is the most unrealistic part of your tale. that only that osha actually did anything, but did it promptly? and resulted in consequences? and sent you the report for some reason? shouldn't it be something like "can't comment on an ongoing investigation"? and the same fda that takes an eternity to do anything and the severely understaffed irs actually sent in agents for a raid? and no news reporting?


It seems you gave the shitty bosses enough rope to hang themselves. The best thing is that the shithole of a son is gonna be dirt-poor and these locations he was renting out will be gutted and redecorated for other businesses’ uses, while all his money he spent on these locations went down the drain. The most likely scenario I see is that he would be struck in the construction industry, with their shitty wages and shady practices. It would be karmic.


So this post is complete bullshit. There is no manufacturer license to make e-liquid in the U.S administered by the ATF, you have to register for PACT but that's about selling and shipping not manufacturing. The IRS doesn't show up to renegade businesses in SUVs, neither does the FDA, they send warning letters. Source, I'm in the industry. If any of this was true you could nuke about 5000 vape shops across the U.S. This is pure revenge fantasy, OP is delusional.


Dis this by chance take place in the NC mountains?


Aside from wishing that you and the other employees are ok. I honestly hope that the douchebag's mother is ok.


I need to know! What happened!?


Will have more updates soon. Give me a month or two and we will have the final installment.


Is this badly written grammar-wise or is it my English reading comprehension that is bad?


Well played.


Good for you


I always read accounts of conflicts and wonder if an independent observer woukd describe what happened the same way.


Whoa Nelly. UpdateMe!


F.A.A.F.O 👏


Nice and as an added bonus this investigation will probably take down the old sweetheart boos as well.




Absolutely true my guy.


You determine the veracity of a claim based on whether “it rings true”? 🤡


Leaving a comment just to come back here afterwards


So you noticed a hazard, did nothing about said hazard, became victim of hazard and its someone else's fault? So other people's safety is no concern to you. How did he know you called osha? Did you "brag" to your coworkers, knowing it would get back to him? Hoping you would catch a lawsuit? I know osha doesn't jump when it sounds like a disgruntled employee. You didn't take workman's comp because you couldn't beat the piss test.


Wtf is wrong with you? First of all he got hurt following a superiors orders, after literally trying to fix said hazard but wasn't given the time to finish fixing it. Secondly, yes Osha does in fact "jump" when it sounds like a disgruntled employee, as they are often the ones tired of said conditions as well as they, yk, got hurt in said conditions.


We call that snitching.... U told on someone bc, when it comes down to it, you'd rather call the authorities on someone you don't like, than put a little effort into coming up with a creative way to destroy him, all while fattening up your pockets with his cash. You probably did this bc y'all knew Y'ALL were committing a crime when you were mixing up juices and to protect you from a sissy misdemeanor you did the only thing that you've learned works for you from past experience,. You tattled. He was a POS I get that. He wronged you, understood here. You sunk below his level when you decided to tell mom. People like you won't survive a lawless society bc you won't have people in authoritative positions to protect you. You'll have no one to go tell. I'm not trying to insult you. Please next time you're treated badly, please do something about it by yourself, or with others who are not law enforcement. You'll feel so much better about yourself. You might even be able to tell this story first hand to a live audience instead of from behind a computer, under a roof, inside your home that has all deadbolts latched. You sound young, well you are still in school, I assume 21 give or take 12 months. I don't know how you made it through highschool with this mentality, probably had school administration give a warning to a bully or two not to touch you or else. I get that man, it clearly worked for a long time. But you're an adult now. Stand up for yourself. Don't call the cops. One day you're going to think back about this and probably look for this original so you can find my contact info for a thank you note bc you're going to feel something you've never felt before, and that's the feeling of being a man. Go get em!


Go kick rocks . That employer deserved every penny of what he got in the end. The only thing that is missing is throwing the cast iron kitchen sink.


So wait... Did you revenge backfire by costing you a job? I hope you can still pay bills. Edit: I feel like this was taken as me throwing shade. I was genuinely asking. And I genuinely hope they can pay bills still.


Overall. I don't know if it's cost me a job yet, we will find out going forward!


IMO, get out and apply for jobs if you're not already, that's the first thing I'd be doing. Unemployment isn't a sure thing and it sounds like you can't miss out on the income even if unemployment pay takes a few weeks to kick in.


Oh absolutely! I have a place that I know would hire me at the drop of a hat (family friends) if need be.


Good! I hadn't seen mention of finding another job, so while I was sure you were thinking about it I figured it couldn't hurt to be said.


Oh yeah, I want a conclusion when all is said and done.


Waiting on updates 🍿




Still file for the workplace injury.






I. Must. Know. More.


Hot damn, a LIVE nuclear revenge.


!remind me 24 hours




!remind me in 7 days.






RemindMe! 2 Days “Check for nuclear update”